The Wingham Times, 1895-09-20, Page 44
• AND -
on. Brunswick House.
Witigh.Z.IM, Ont
Ike adiattam ilms
FRIDAY, Fa311T11,11BER 20,1895.
AT THE trial of the petition
against the return of Hon. Wm.
Harty, Commeksioner of Publie
Works for Ontario, at Kingston, on
riluoday, he admitted bribery by
agents aud his election was voided.
The personal charges Were then
Tan Patronsorgan, the Farmers'
Sun, F.ays the Patrons in East Huron
are ready to contest the riding for
the seat in the Local Legislature, if
Mr nos Gibson resins to accept
the Registrarship. The Sun may
speak for the Potrees but it is wide
of the mark when it says there are
hundreds of Btaray Reformers who
will vote against their party if Mr.
Gibson is appointed Registrar of the
cOanty. We don't . believe there
are any, and Nve think we know the
feeling in the Riding as well and
better than the editor of the rar met's'
Sun. and ending abruptly to the north of
eir.....2***Ncens*detreileW us in Thunder C.,, or, as it is some,.
WEsTW.A.11D IO! times called, the "Sleeping Giant."
This promontory is said to be 1800.
feet above, the level of the lake. Its
bare perpendicular rocks resemble games, William, John, Maiv,Iret
rade masonry. To the west or us I (wife of Riehard Leishman) and
was Pie Island. This island is of 'Sarah (wife of Robert Leishman).,
considerable size and its 'summit She leaves 48 grandchildren, nine
1400 feet above the lake below. -great-grancl,children and three great -
There is a lake upon the top of this .great -grand -children. She, with her
}island, whieh abounds in several "husband and family., came to0anada
tikinds of fish. It has apparently no 1 i 1852 and settled in Cartwright.
The balance of the evening was fine
and balmy, but it LittIO load', The
sun was hid behind the fleeey
clouds whteh were floating towards
the east. The rays of the sun ant.
:ng through the rifts of the clouds
gave to the moving waters the ap-
pearance of millions of diamonds.
glittering it the light. The shades
of night gathered around us a little
earlier time the night before, owing
to a fog which brooded. over the 611.r.
rare of the waters. The eloutis
wrapt the moon in It mantle of
gloom and she was unable to mile
upon us with her silvery light.
Owing to fogs below and clouds
atiOre, preeautions had to be taken
to avoid collisions, A large lantern
wars hung at mast head to take the
place of the moon,fog horns screeched
out their 'unearthly roars, watchmen
were placed upon the Captain's
bridge to penetrate as far as possible
the l',)gs which menaced our safety.
In every direction ibg horns were
Mr, Robert MeLaughlin, of Brown
City, illebigati, here on.
friends, Mr. McLaughlin left here
eixteen. years ago, When a mere boy,
ile Is engaged in Mercantile business.
—L. 0. L. No. 676 will hold a
deelostration en the evening of the
5th of November. ---Rev. W. E. Xere,
of Wroxeter, preached in the Metho-
dist ehureh, Sunday
Robert Stinson, while riding a 'horse
to past4re, on Wednesday, was
thrown to the ground and severely
Thurtiday night a cow
belonging to Me, Robert Stinson had
its leg broken by a C. P. R, train.
The cow had to be Itillett—b. 0, L.
No. 767 passed a resolution of
sympathy with Mr. Jas, Leech, Oil
the loss of his wife.—The financial
distriet meeting of Listowel District
of the Methodist church was held
here on the 5th inst. There was a
QUIte a few were bought ; the price
paid. Was 3c, per pound. Sheep and
lambs wore dull, but steady. Export
Sheep SOK at ilbe (q` por pound;
lambs at Ef 31e per pound.
Calves in small supply, and voals
wero wanted at $t $6 each,
Mach cows and springers in small
supply. They sold at $25 to $35
each, Hogs in light supply; demand
good and market steady ; for best,
$1.50 to $4.G0 per cwt. was paid.
Thick fat sold at 4ie per pound expeeted to arrive in the near future.
sows at $3,50 to $3,75 per cwt. In fact, some lines already passed
Stores not wanted. Stags sold at into Stock
I ;
and read what is taking place at the
China House.
Marked reduetions in a number
of lines of beautiful
--0AIawRMI IWTOOMBIO. 11•10yommiammasuummow.
to make room for
2c to 2ic per pound.
East Buffalo, N, Y., Sept. J.U. -IR -%
cars, against 150 ears last week.. arriving daily, the quality and
The market opened with a fairly prices of which cannot fail to give
good enquiry for good fat cattle, but satisfaetion. Try some of our dried
the supply of these kind was exceed. Apricots, Peaches and Pitted Silver
ingly light, and buyers of the better Plums. We are sole agents for
class had to pick and sort from fall
Cattle—Receipts of cattle were 1)0 Lbli 9-ROCERIES
good representation of both clergy loads in order to obtain their usual and have it in Black and Black and
and laymen, and 8, good deal of Wig- quota, and a amber then had to take Green mixed. Try one package
answering each other and the light ness was traniaeted. what they could get Hogs— and we'll rest assured of the result.
of the lanterns were seee. on every
Receipts,. 100 cars, against 72 ears Also, full lines of Japan and Hyson
side, At 10.45 p. m. we retired to EAST WAWANOSH, . last week, The market opened with Teas, which cannot fail to please.
rest and had another night in the Xe Finlay Anderson has been ap- ,a good. demand, and ruled active to AR orders left to our care will re-
ceive our most careful and prompt
'Obina House, Wingbam.
Motto :-Good Goods at Honest Prices.
kindly arms of Morpheus. At 3.30 pointed agent of the North British
a, m. 1I1 7th August :we were o11 our and Mercantile Piro- Insurance Coni
feet again, feeling bale and hearty, pany for Belgrave and distriet. Mr,
after the restorative influence of Anderson is also agent for the West
natares balmy sleep. A t onstitu- Wawanosh Partners' Mutual Fire In-
tional walk ofseveral times arotaid sumo Company, which carries a
the •deck of the vessel was taken in great many risks in this section, The
Ithe cool, invigorating breeze of Lake rate in the latter company is very
Superior, after which, breakfast was leW. It is expected that the aver,.
the close. Yorkers, fair to choice,
$4,65 fti. • medium weights,
$4.65 e $1.70 ; heavy grassy ends,
$1.15 @ $4,40; roughs, $3.40 @
8.S0 ; stags, $3 ® $340; pigs,
*clod to choice, $4.50 € 4430. Sheep
and lambs—Receipts, 110 ears,
against 90 tars, or 20;000 head, last
week. The market paled. slow as a
taken with the relish of Ma epienre.- age for the past four * years will net , rule, and lambs to bring last week's
T i • d 11 itf 1 morale • d• 1 75 $1000 .0,r — -closing prices had to be of good to
The air was ,C00l and fedi of oxygen. Mr. James °algal:to has been seri-
'chasing the mists of thbowels and bladder,
e --
Tbe sky Was dear and the sun shone ously ill for some time with Milani.
out in all his glory,
away and. revealing to our view the I Mrs, Alexander Xethery died at the
northern coast line of the lake. To „residence of her son, Lancelot,itt
our right, in the ,distance, could be this township, on Tuesday of last
seen covered with the morning haze, week at the ripe age of 01 years.
the north shore of Lake SnPerlor, The late Irs. Nethery was born in
ISOI in Fermanagh county, Ireland,
To th Editor 02 t].t, Arm411..m
DE:u SIB,—At your reC1ttet I
furnish you with a few notes of our
visit to the West. On the morning
of the 5th day of August, 180,5, we
turned our faces toward the great
" Northwest Land." At 5.30 a. rri.
of that beaatifal morning we said
good-bye to our family and boarded
the train for Owen Sound. A
,ratigeviIIO we were.
hours, during which we Visited the ithe Cape npon oar right and the
points of interest of that thriving island on oar left in Thunder Bay.
town. At 10.30 a. m., we continued1In the clistaneo we see the town of
our journey to Owen Sound. On our 1Port Arthur nestling on the side hill
. r. , • I on the north coast line of the Bay.
prime order, Choice to prime, $4.60
$4.85 ;.good to :choice lambs, $4.25
(f.0 :$4,50; fair to good, $2.G0 $4;
culls and .eotranon lambs, $2.75 @
$'8,40 ; Canada Iambs, fair to priine,
-$4.50•-E.4 4.90. Sheep—Choice to
selected export wethers, -0-75 @$4.;
export ewes and we -them $3.50
fkk3,75 good to choice weight sheep,
and was married to the late Alex, . $3,25 .@ $3.50; fair to good mixed
Nrethery in 1822. The result of this - sheep, $1.25 fl•k, $2.25,
union was 12 ,thildren, six of whom.. Montreal, Que., Sept. 16.—The
are still living, viz 4 --Lancelot, receipts to -day at the eastern abat-
toir were 550 head or. cattle, 600
'sheep 'and. lambs, :and 250 calves.
The demand for cattle was fairly
active, at 2e sit per pound. Best
butehers' stock brought 3-1c, and
shipping -animals about le more.
Calves and lambs were in active
Clelnancl. Sheep 'sold moderately
well,,and a number were taken over
on report account at 31e @ 3c per
pound, live weight. The quotations
were as follows .,:---Oattle—Butebers'
,choiee, ; medium to fair,
:21e @ 8c cttlls, 2e 21-e per pound,
live weight. . Sheep, $3 $5.
Lambs, $2 $3.50. Oalv,es, $2 @
or V b D h -
. . inletoatlet. e pass etween towns 1
rrca ,
by kind friends, who invited us to I Looking through the field glass, a 1 since then she has lived with ber son
rtakof the ospitality of their httle to the left We can distinctly SeelLanceIot, She was a consim
Stent em-
pae h . . .
lip, ur am county, wbere
she 'resided. until 1856 when the
family removed to I-Inron county,
.settling in East Wawanosh, where
deceased resided until removed by
death. Hr husband. died in 1 877.;
home for the few hours we would ale magm cen Maul e
have to wait for the sailing. of thelthe `Carlada PaeL66 Railway at 144611
beautiful steamer " Manitoba," upon 1Williart. As the " Manitoba " doe
which we intended to take passage to s
I not intend ealling at Port Attlaur,
she Changes her coarse a little to the
]?ort William. Their kind invitation
left and enters the InoUth Of the
was accepted 'with thanks and their
hospitality duly appreciated and en- I ,Kallillitstkiaig, riva gbaes
joyed. At 2.50 p. m. we repaired. to 11Y up the river for about one mile
the steamer. We were atcompaniedlaila ``"littlfand.draws up at the
wharf in e
to the wharf by our entertainers and
the littlseattere,c1. town of
other kind friends who wished to seo 'Fort William.
us safely on board. At 345 p. ni. Eaving to remain hero for about
we waved adieu to our friends on ten hours for the arrival of the west
the wharf and sailed off inajesti- bound train„ we repaire,c1 to the
cally up the Sound. The afternoon Canada Pacific Railway Rotel. After
was a delightfal one and was passed dinner and a short rest, WO boarded
yleasantly in watching the points of the electric car and went to Pbrt
land as they passed in panoramie ArthUr to see its 'points of interest.
'view before us. At length the It is a scattered town of about 8,000
shadows of evening closed itt upeninhabitants. It tOntaint a few 'very
us, and we 'retired to the drawing
mein to read Max ()'lhell's opinions
of Untie Sara and Sae Bral. At
6.80 o'eloek of the following teornitig
we were astir to witness the beauti-
ber of the Methodist church and was
a devout and sincere ,ehristitra. She
Was loved and respected by all WhO
were acquainted with her.
batty tharacts-acipt. 1.
Montreal—CheeSe, 8e. But-
ter, ToWnships, 13e e1.50 ; Western,
12c e 14e.
New York—Butter firm ; State
dairy, 12e ® .19c ; do. creamery,
2-0:.1;e @, 21e; western dairy, 91t
138; do. creamery, 18e @ 21c; do.
factory, 8c ; 21e.
Cheese steady ; large, 5 e ;
do. faney, 7e ci 7k; o. small, 6e
Sj; part skin, e@ 6e; 'full
Liverpool—Cheese quiet.; demand
poor ; finest American 'White (VOW),
fine Everything givog 37s ; finest American colored (new),
inatoomoo or itshain.8oett utter 137s 9d. Thitter—Finest E. S., 70s1
days and more pre,/pet.ate tithes. good, 60s.
The faet that the Canada Nome1 ttica—At the Thiea Board bf
Railway cenapktly tlees the meet 4:4-IT!ttde to -tiny, the following sale ,of
ful scenery Of the Sault Ste. Marie its business at Fort William tells eneege b°/les *white
River, as we were just entering it at heavily against the future prosperity at 6ae; 188 boxes do. .64,e; 1,405
that thaw, The, river is several of Port Arttrat. The Cerapany have boxes of colored, 4'6; 1,450 136/465
Miles Wide at its Mouth, and about three very large -.eleVaters at Poet G.te; 150 'boxes small, 71e ;
forty miles loing. The river Is williain, halting a combined eapaeity 100 boxes do., 72e; 1,,067 boxes on
`studded by reeving island of different of nearly four million bushels. The emnblission ; 190 packages ofjereani-
rites, and some of great fertility.
The largest one is St. Joseph's
Island. It possesses villages of cot-
siderable ittipertattet and large agri-
cultural settlements. On the 6th of
August, at 10.45 s. ffi., ive arrived.
At the Alfferiettfi SOO. We bled to re.
Main, here about live honis. This
delay Was eitused lay the greet titan-
ber of *vessels that had to pass
through the tang before "Mani-
toba's" that Meat. This is 'the
point at wider the great tominerelal
trade of the upper lakes Meet. It is
here that at idea can be forited
anthistiquin tiVer Mina k
ftil and safe harhor itt any kind of
weather. Its waters are never
ruffled by sty Writ upon the lake.
This quieseent state of the treaters
try 'butter at 20e 6' 214c; bulk at
21e. Cheese steady.
Little 1'al1s-410 boxes art 61.e;
805 boxes at 7e1 270 boxes at 7c.;
$60 boxes at 71e; 45 packages of.
the barbel' fabilitatet the loading treamery butter at 19e t 20.; 28
Ittia *Wilding. of *dot htid patkages of dairy Initter
'treat the VeallelS. These 'futilities 190.
ate wanting et Nit Arthat on t-
e,Onttt of the agitated ekilditien Of the I litre *Wit Plitiluits.
times ttpot the lake. Thunder Bay Offerings at the Toronto live Stork ,PCI. fi
ofthe harbor' &ring stermy ' Toreeto, Ont,, •Septembtr 17.— 1R
Carrie on 'to the 'premises o the under-
signed, Lot 9, Concession 3 orris, on or
about the -first of Jo 1 t, seven yearl-
ing calves, mostly e, in color. The
owner can have th,•,, by 'proving 1)111 -
Tarty and nayinn charges.
,701111 GEDDES.
Mtgris,Seiot.ltth, 1895.
'Being N. 'E. part ot „bot 33 and>rik.
'part of Lot14, Concession 2,Ea t"Wawa-
'nosh, containing 13 acres; 4'" ores clear -
sed. Parra in good i3tate cultivation;
good barn und st ble . Well fenced;
good beating ore r , good water, both
well and ;sprit' uitable Tor .either
Stock ortorap. ill be sold :reasonable.
Apply to
St. Helens P. 0., Ont.
The undersigns
AT 3./&C,
A good 10E).am° Som, bon..
and '24 in the 1.4 OonceSS,CM
w offer for s e by auction at
Our Staple Department.
t. 25th, 1895,
CS P. 4,
Special for this week: Co inch Heavy
Dennis Table Linen for 32e a yard.
(Regular Price 40o.) A4K-
haiyes of Lots:if;
dadahtthe .011.ic1.17t, Ign'orno(1
Nion to
cent.• of
of sale.
Another shipment to hand of our
5c. 41;t1130BY COTTON'. Have a
look at it.
The undereigned ri ers se farm, being
Lots 10 und • -sions 4 and 5,
Turnherry, to re he farm consists
of 240 acres,D11 w are good buildings,
good 'fences, good orchards, Am. It is
well watered. For narticulars imply to
'JAS. ELT:d0T.
Bluevale P. 0.
Our Glove Deparment.
Now shipments just arrived in Oasb,.
mere Gloves, in Black, Cream and Tan.
Also, the new Mirror and Purse Gloves.
LADIES VESTS AT 20e., 25e4
50c,, 75c.,. and $1,00 ARE SPECIAL
Samples of any of above sent on ap-
Wingham, Sept. 37, '95.
Wingham, Sept, 19, 1895.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 25
Fall Wheat. 0 55 to 0 60
Spring Wheat 0 55 to 0 60 -
Oats, 0 22 to 0 25
Barley 0 30 to 0 35
Pea 0 45 to 0 50
Butter,..„ . . 0 13 to 0 14
Eggs per dozen 0 11 to 0 11
Wood per cord.... .... 1 25 to 1 50
Hay per ton...... 13 00 to14 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 20 to 0 25
Tallovv, per lb 0 05 to 0 05
Dried Apples, per Ib 0 41. to 05
aro„ en the to o grain '
thic I ho x4:8, a ,,00d ” a 4°11 Ira!'"
°sUtte 'ity;ri,g00(1 bC•71k lina:',00r t'h°
The terms of sale are : Tan
the pur . ARE money to ho paid on the de
the Mt nee when the deed is elven. Toss
be given on the ist of April, 1b9G.
Auctioneer. Vropric
gham, Ang. tiOth, 1895.
Special Bargains all Month.
Having averred power from the Winxhaul Eleatic.
Lilt:Company-. e pdt rhoppinseitonesAt
the rttrie tight powe home, Lotter wanramo,
and Am prepared to do:homes; at MI thaea, Tho
pitrommeo,a the reelle ie sOlielted 11.4141 Hatigilethea
Wharhana.Jutv letth, 1893.
illinery ®. Opening
Wishes to intimate to tbe ladies of Wingham and vicinity that her -
will take place on
When all are cordially invited to call d. take a look through.
We have all the latest iovelties in
This department Is under Th a ersonal supervision of MISS HUTT, &
lady of experience in catering to the wants of the public.
THE 1VEA....L•TTILM 3:)=1
Whieh is under the supervision of MISS FRASER, as usual, contains &
splendid and varied assortment of
To ehoese from.
MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY and everything made up in tier
latest styles and perfect lit guaranteed.
REMEMBER THE PLAog—Mrs. Herdsman's old stand, Josephine St.,,
WE HAVE A CONTRACT with ourselves to give the best Business al&
Shorthand Course that can be had, and as we have completed thecontract, tho'
Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario'
Is enjoying a liberal patronage. We have something new along educational Hum,
Enquire about it. Catalogue tree.
W. WESTERVELT, Pritteipal.
tdO hate a 'body of 'water and -hot trtarkevivive light to,,day—only 40
StIffitiently Sheltered from. •the open ears, ineltided 1,B50aheep raid
lake ever to be a first -elm harbor. %VAS and begs. Export rattle
the inn/lenge echnneree of the lakes, The month of the KarniniStiqtlia Were ale*, olving'po4 to the ratt
The average -&1y number of vessels river Is at to beetme aand-barred that only three'loadt Ofreally choice
passing throtigh this eartal Is froth by the Reeds doting and Will ,e,titit Olt% "Mt twelve& They mid at
80 to 100. At lengtb our tithe ,damt the Obiterbfilent etialsklerable Inetley 4 eeht perpound, 'Lett desirable
alitt the "Manitoba" tailed into the for dmiging paiipotes. Wesaw the 144 told nt 81,e C. 4e per pound.
Itlek and was raised to the level of dredges at 'Work aral they Wert Mitehers' Cattle were quiet. 'Beat
lake Superior and off We tailed into doing a. good ibb, told at. ON) per cwt. One ld
oasold BE SIM AND ,G3ET TVICASLATLOeilir9,1S,5
the cool, elear *Wets of Haat Medi- lionoaAtio. ifOr *entreat. Steekera and leadelta ...N.+ *oak 411 ONTARIO
(to at mkt-oiinto,) ivete antive detna0 fotdintiliariet. 6 _
Wm' itzErl ntos AND WINE.
he TkAt 'Blood Purifier, Tonle and. General Health Restorer ever offered to mankind. We do not tear 'com-
ixtrison t You will get more gentine permanent benefit out Of ONE BOTTLE of
Than mit of a 'yvhole irlozen of any other "Compound" on the market. It contains no injutions clriigs and is batiaa
nn GeyeLMIRE intt.teati of Atcortor„ Try it'. Yott will then know the truth. ONE DOLLAR PER' BOTTLE..
, , , „
*Truman Sea ofVast proportions.
A.. Geo. Fortune,
anent a few days
lends in Chesley
On the 20th of Augus
McIntyre, wife ' of Mr
lienzie, passed away,
t --.4.. fered from disease of
several years. Deceas
quiet and retiring dis
and affectionate to all
and consistent member
byterian church Thr
daughters and her p
survive her.
The Oddfellows' Blc
by 3. C. Brewn, stoves
C. Johnston, spring 14
tory, „and Weltio's rei
this place, was destroye
Friday last, The 13
valued at $2,500 and
81,500. Brown's stool
about $2,500; insura
partially saved. Tho c
factory and repair shop
all removed. Loss,
of fire unknown.
A harvest home testi
in the Methodist church
day evening last, Sep
• splendid programme of
ings, recitations, &c., 3,1
—Mr. Geo. Abraham, c
visiting relatives aroun
Minnie Fessant, of W
the guest of Misses L. a',
son, last week.—Mr.
of Drayton, is visiting i
—Miss Eliza Clegg, of
the guest of Miss Magg
week.—Mrs. and Miss -
Winnipeg, who for
weeks were visitino.b
brother, Mr. Mulvey,
back to their home.
reached our burgh of
of Mr. G. A. 13rernn,
teacher of our school,
teaching in .Manitoba. -
Hall is quite sick at
fever. We hope nothit
result.—Mr. Jas. Herm
has been suffering
inflammatory rheum
are glad to say, reeove
Miss Maggie Abraham,
• is also suffering with ;
and Mrs. J. S. Hall gi
'this week. Mr. Hall
attend his second year
Dental College.—On N
6 p. m., Mrs. Lane, sr.,
at a good old age.
were interred on Fri(
in 'McIntosh's cemett
niversary services of
church were conducted
niorning and evening
Mr.,Fischer, of Gerrie.-
Cheese Factory this yea
the best in the provinc
quality and price of
factory will continue t
end of October. Tho
have cheese made fi
should send in their mil
. at once. It tVill be
into first-elass cheese
will be the same as the
pleasant, informal all
every right feeling r
hearty interest, took
residence of Mr. Wi
six o'clock on the even
when his second dau
was married to Mr. J.
of our most promising,
in the presence' of a
Of invited guests, pr
tives of the contractin,
Rev. A. McLean, of B1
the Ceremony, assisted
Perrie, of Wingbam.
tional beauty of the g
• enhanced by elaborate
laces and dainty ribly
.• the effect. Her sister
maid of honor, and lo
in her cream robes.
tor supported the
rtotas were beautiful]
the occasion. Flow
beauties of the earth
.banked up everywl
and vases. The tab!
arranged. with fruit s
• simply groaned Mich
feast of good things.
were many and well
the esteem in which
'held by her many
evening was spent in
all left 'wishing the
Many returns of the,
Paliterston'S tax r