HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-09-13, Page 66
iteeliugam sitimr,s
FRIDAY, SEPTP1113ER 13, 1890.
leex erioix1. Review (Tory); Hon.
J. O. Patterson
could not have known
until very lately that he would be
appointed to the gubernatorial chair
of Manitobae for, if he knew that he
Would 110' longer need West Huron,
he would surely have put a stop to
the useless spending of public money
at Port .Albert.
Trn results of tariff reform are
lightened taxes, cheaper necessaries
of life, quickened employment and
increased wages for labor, widening
markets and the promise of adequate
revenue. The country bas bid a
last farewell to McKinleyisin. The
day of " mad protection is over.-
CANADA'is, VAV011 .T1s.
'MX 27th ANNUAn ewe, o•.pt:ST ex comm.
On the 12th of this month this great
Live Stoo'1 and Agricultnrel Exhibition,
The Western Fair; London, will be ready
to receive its thousands of visitors who
annually gather to see the choicest sped.
m .at s of every class o; pulse bred animals.
and the best of the old tried varieties and
all the new varieties of Agricultural and
Horticultural products, together with the
latestdevices and inventionsin labor.sav•
ing machinery for farm and manufacturing
purposes. The entries are most encour-
aging,. being far in advance of any former
Fair, and the prospects were never as
bright for a much larger attendance.
Those of our readers who purpose being
exhibitors should not delay in making
their entries, if not already in; as the date
of closing is September 5th; except the
Live Stock which is the 1.2t13. The parade
of the prize winning animals will
eclipse all former efforts, though ad-
mittedly grand heretofore, as the manage-
ment have taken special pains to see that
all will be in the ring and at the advertised
Postmaster -General Wilson, of the time. '.l he Special Features are something
United States. • beyond the usual run of fair attractions
and will be something well worth seeing,
judging from the Official Programme. The
Wild East Arabian Show being the leader.
The railway companies have granted special
low rates on certain days, making it within
the financial reach of every family. There
is no better place to enjoy a holiday than
in London at the Fair as no extra rates are
Charged for anything and the aocommoda-
tion for a large crowd is excellent. The elect-
ric cars will be running all over the city and
will be quite novel, being of a different
pattern from any others now in use in
Canada. Prize Lists and Programmes of
the attractions aro being mailed far and
wide by the Secretary and his largo staff,
who are kept•c_pnstautly employed attend-
ing to the wants of their many patrons. A
copy of either can he had free by making
it known. Remember the elates, loth to
21st September.
If within the business world you
make yourself a beeth; Let printers' ink
the fact unfurl that you are on the earth"
The bloomer girl don't care who knows
That she is lust a biped,
And -so her hose she boldly shows
Of checked, or clocked, or striped.
-The business man's cirealur is the ride
of the sharpshooter, which, if well aimed,
picks off a, straggling soldier occasionally;
but the well -constructed newspaper adver-
tisement is the gatling gun of publicity that
mows all before it,
-The total eclipse of the moon, on the
night of the 4th instant, was witnessed, of
course, by -nearly everybody. The time
occupied between the first end last con-
tact of the moon's edge with tee earth's
shadow was but six. minutes less than four
hours. The moon glided behind the pro-
tecting shadow of her big sister, the earth,
at 5:48:00 o'clock, but only those who
owned telescopes of very great magnifying
power were able to discern the movement
at that hour.
-hiearly every labor-saving invention
which is put on the market is intended to
make the work easier for men. But the
latest is one intended for the opposite sex.
This is neither more nor less than a ma-
chine for washing dishes. It is an ta,meri-
can get up, and is said by those who have NEST WAWANOSH.
seen it work to be all that it is represented Mrs. McKenzie, beloved wife of
to he. It will wash and dry all the dishes Mr. Thomas McKenzie, passedpeaee-
usually required for an ordinary sizer: fully away last Thursday morning.
family at one meal in less than two She had been ailing for some time
minutes. To break the dishes is impos- and all was done that medical skill
sible. It costs ,°p5. could do. She leaves a husband,
two daughters and three sons to
mourn her loss. The funeral, on
Saturday, was largely attended,.
which goes to show the high esteem
that the lady was held. She was a
kind and tender mother and a friend-
ly neighbor. The family have the
sympathy of all in their hour of
sorrow. -We also have to announce
the sad and sudden death of Mrs.
Campbell, which took place on
Friday. On going up stairs on
Tuesday of last week she fell down,
and being a very aged person she
never got over it.
Chesley Enterprise t David Saun
ders was at one time employed in
this printing office. After leaving
here he became foreman of the Rip-
ley paper and lately has been editor
and proprietor of the Wroxeter Ad-
vocate. recently he got an offer to
go to Fordwieh, accepted the same
and moved his plant , there, The
Wroxeter people thing;, David's last
aet Was not a piOUS one..
u � v
The Sonth e is holidaying this week,
--The Lueknow show will be held.
on October 3rd.anci 4th. In addition
to the regular prizes, a number of
prizes will be given for speeding
contests, S,c.--•Another of the old
settlers of this section passed quietly
away on Tuesday, the 3rd inst,, in
the person of Mrs, Many Grundy,
relict of the late Andrew Grundy,
and mother of Messrs, John and
Fred, Grundy, of this village. De-
ceased came into the Township of
Kinloss, with her husband and family
in the fifties, and settled on the
north west corner of the 6th con.,
which up to a few years ago was
Xidney Facts.
In Jan., 130.3, my bon' was taken with
Kidney disease. Though attended by
tbree phyrstcinns, and change of climate
he grew worse and by '90 hart fallen from
195 Ibs to 95 lbs. In 1() days from start-
ing to use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
we were able to move him home. In 4
months he gained 50 lbs. and was fully
restored to health by the use of this
medicine. Jnn. S. Hastings, 23 St.
Paul St., Montreal.
Chicoutimi, Clue„ Sept, 2, ----lion,
Wilfrid Laurier arrived at 11 o'clock
to -day by the steamer Canada, ac-
companied by Senator Pelletier .and
Ur. Choquette, M. P. for Montmagny.
About 800 people were on the wharf
waiting his arrival. As the steamer
came along the pier he was greeted
by hearty cheers s the crowd.
hser _ from m
He was then escorted by the people
to Mr. P. V. Savard's house, where
near -by a stand had been erected,
and about 1,200 people had gathered.
An address was presented to him by
J. V. Bayard, the Liberals' future
candidate, and in response Mr.
Laurier spoke for aboat an hour and
a half, .His special points were the
promise made by the Conservatives
to reduce the expenses made by the
Mackenzie Government, but that
on the contrary they were augment-
ed. The Liberal leader then spoke
on protection, showing the large pro-
fits made by the manufacturers, and
finished his speech by a reference to
known as Gluncly's corner. An open the Manitoba school question. He
house was kept for ehe early settlers condemned the Government for not
and the late Mrs. Mundy was always keeping their promise, and praised
profuse in her hospitality to all new Hon. Mr. Anger for his pluckiness
comers. on resigning, He then stated that
W AI.TON should he be called, as he expects he
Mrs. John Stafford passed away- to' will be, he will certainly settle the
question by appealing to the people.
her long home early on Tuesday'
week aged 40 =ears, He was interrupted- by the applause
morning of last3 of his udience. He was followed
She was a daughter of Thomas l e�by Mr. Pelletier and Mr. Choquette..
Pierce, formerly of Brussels, now of
Gerrie. Consumption was the cause For Over Fifty Years
of death, Mr. Stafford and elgllt Air SCLD AND WELL -Tomb REMEDY. -Mors. Wirt
children survive. ' The funeral fll'1 aiow' St.othinq Syrup has been used for over fifty
ternoon was largely years by millions ri mothers Por their• cinerea while
Wednesday ,tfg Y r•e 1n • w; h rfect succors. It soothes the child
t th +„ t pe
attended. Rev. Mr. Pomeroy eon- , sotfens Che game, allays alt pain, cures wfntt colic,
dueted the service givinga very nod to te.,best remedy for D,arri3tra. Ia pleasant to
i the taste. •Sold by Druggists in et er}• part of the
suitable address from Psalm 90 and I N'erla. Twuttty-ave cents a uottlo. Its talus is
lnoalelablo, Be sure and ash for Mrs. Winslow s
12th verse, "So teach us to number I Soothiung Syrup, and take no other kind.
our days," ,c. The interment was
made at Brussels. --The spirit of
Clary, wife of lir. Reuben Grimold-
by, took its flight on 1\Tednesday
evening of last week. She had been
ailing .for several months with a
tumor and was a great sufferer. Rochester, N. Y.; Sept. 3. -Two
Mrs. Grimoldby was a daughter of tests of' the Cooley air ship were
Mrs. William Mooney, of Brussels, made to -day in this city, the second
and resided -in Seaforth before tom- one being successful. Mr. Cooley,
ing to Walton about eight years ago. after drawing all the ropes tight,
She was united in marriage to• her gave the signal -and the ship shot up
now bereft partner about 35 years with Surprising rapidity. A strong
ago and he and eight children sur- west wind was blowing at the time,
vivo. The deceased was a kind and the pet and pride of the i.nven-
hearted woman who was highly es- tor in a moment sailed across the
teemed. meadow to a tree and entangled one
of its ropes in it. This caused. the
BLYTH. • ship to shift its position so that it no
For the last four years, conveu-
ions have been held re ulariv b
Favors! hook g Tais,
Fall Fairs.
The Western, Loudon
Provincial, Montreal,
Gnelph Central,
Mildmay, Carrick
Palmerston Flnrticultural,
Bay, at Zurich,
South Huron, Exeter,
South Perth, St. Mary's,
Mitchell, at Mitchell,
Turnberry, Wingbain,
Milverton, Mernington
East Huron, Brussels,
Stratford, North Porth
Seaforth, Tuckersmitli
East \'Vawanosh, Belgrave,
Walkerton, Northern
" 12.21
Sept. 10-10
'- 10.20
Sept, 24
" 24-25
" '24-25
" 24.25
" 26.27
" 25-27
" 26.27
" iii -27
Sept. 80, Oct. 1
Oot. 1 - 2
Oet. 1 - 3
" 1 - 3
" 0.10
Oct. 5 - 9
ELLIOTT I3ROS.. of tbe Wingharn
K and
nlhanof 13Itis as d that
other parties are selling at reduced
prices, but we cannot be undersoloa,
and our brick and tile are as good
as any made in the province. We
can sell by the car load or 10,000 or
12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur-
chased anywhere. We have also a great
r for sale
quantityof all kinds of lambs
Wingham, May 16,1895.
Dont Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
is the truthful, startling title eta book about No -To -
Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit num
that braces up iticotinizod nerves, eliminates the
nicotine poison, makes weak. men gain t:trength,
rigor and mauhon,l. You tun no physical or dean•
Bial risk, as No Tn-Bac is sold under ••uarantee to
cure ort»oney refunded. Book free. .Ad. Sterling
Newspaper Duns. Remedy Co.. 374 St. Paul St„ nlontt eat. Sold by,
There can be no more unfortunate state
C. E. Williams, Ivinebaut.
of' affairs imaginable than the necessity
which exists for newspaper dans. The
editor of the Mt. Forest Representative
faces the issue fairly and squarely, hitting
from the shoulder in the following manner:
"We must have money, in order to geb it
without stealing, begging or borrowing, we
intend to collect what is owing us. We
understand perfectly that money is scarce;
no one knows it better than ee, but we
have come to the conclusion that it will be
easier for the 50 or 100 subscribers in arrears
to borrow ee or iia each (if they have not
that torch on hand) than fur us to have to
borrow S'200 or $300 (at interest) with
which to meet payments Inaturittg." The
Ingersoll Chronicle is also after delinquent
subscribers with it sharp reprimand, which
it concludes thus : "Get right down into
On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in-
terest on terms of five years or over.
Principal payable at end of term or
01 re rikaingljam
---AT TUB-
Subscription price. $I per year, in adlvangri
Apace I 1 yr. 1 u ma. j tk mo, j . toot
One Column $00 00 $40 00 $20 00 8 00•
Ralf "' 40 00 20 00. 12 00 000.
Quarter '" ''20 0 . 2
u er 0
1 00 7 00
One inch 00 8
(�n h 500 oo
Legal and other oasua advertise nests 8e. per line
for first insertion, and Sc.. per line for eachsubeequent•
Insertion. iifeasurod by nonparel scale,
Local notices 100, per line for first insertion, and
50. per lino for each subsequent insertion.
Advortisomonts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situattone,
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 ilnee
nonpareil, 81 for first month, and 800, for each.,
subsequent month
annually, if desired. Houses and Farms for Sale, not loxeceding 8 line*
J0RN BURGESS, 81 for first month, 50e, per subsequent month..
I Larger advertisements in proportion.
Bluevale P. 0., Ont. These terms w,11 be strictly adhered to
Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and I Special rates for larger advertisements, or for
Savings Co„ Loudon. Ont. longer periods.
g Advertisements and local notices without specific
directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged/
accordingly. Transitory advertisumeuts meet be
-Who desire ' paid in advance
Changes Yor contract
$15 to$251
our hardy, g
Nursery Stoo
paid weekly.
seine outfit
Mr. Don. McKenzie has gone to
Hamilton, where he will take a. term
tbe Model school, preparatory- to
t g „ y
the Huron County Christian
Endeavor, which union embraces all
societies who have adopted the essen-
tial principles of Young People's
Christian work, viz : The pledge
and consecration meeting. This
year the convention was held in
Blyth Presbyterian church, and ex-
celled all. former ones in numbers
and interest. Too much credit can-
not be given the 1895 local com-
mittee for their untiring efforts in
receiving and welcoming the dele-
gates, and the societies of Blyth for
their excellent decorations, and the
very well arranged sociable and tea
which was given in the basement
of the Methodist church. Alt the
Christian people of Blyth received
the Endeavorcrs very kindly, and
opened their homes to welcome them
during the Convention. The Con-
vention opened on Tuesday, Sept.
3rd and closed Wednesday, Sept. 4th.
It is said that the Presbyterian
church never before held such an
immense crowd as was present on
entering the teaching profession,- Wednesday evening, and the sessions
Pasture fields have been greatly all through were largely attended.
benefitted by the late rains and the Mr. Harry Kelly returned last
large acreage of corn sown for fall
feed will now be allowed to stand
until fully matured, when it will be
eut and used during the' winter
months. --Miss Lizzie Irvine is visit-
ing her brother and sister on the 5th
line at present. - Mr. Lyon Manson,
of Los Angelos, California,. has been
visiting relatives and old friends in
this locality, -Mr. gym. Michie has
four acres of splendid rape, on which
your Wallets as seen as you read this and + ire is feeding a hunch of fine lambs
send us the cash in advance to let January, , for early winter shipment,
esiri. We have a host of friends who don't !
forget ns when their subscriptions expire, I A Commissioner in II, it.
and promptly renew in advance. Let us
1 GANTLxitexte,--.-Ilavin r used Begyard's
count you among thorn, and our gratitude ,Pectoral Balsam In our family for years
will be unbounded, unfathomable and ever. 1 I have no hesitation in saying that it
w, 4 be ,s ever thin els o v
at a w e (ir tr`e
t d for
'n ". Delinquent subsnriherse K
astt to Tan 1 q
coughs and colds in children as w"i11 us
Trete will please make the application that grown uYr people xt relieves that tight.
those extracts call for, and act accordingly. !binding sensation in the chest. We
o ld no be without it f: r
W would t can thin as
to r Ger blood is' the cause of that we have a lege' family. taxin the Standard. Five per Cent.
aired.'languid Malik. Hood's Sareapa" WM. ANnREW,
mo11a maltea, rich .red: blood and g :yeti re- commissioner jail, R„ will be added to all taxes. not pall
wed rigor. r Theeiera1, Alae, before the 1.0th of December.
week from his sit week's trip to the
old country. He says business in
general is looking much better over
there than it has been for some time,
-Master Albert Sellars had the
misfortune to crush the middle fin-
ger of his left hand on Tuesday of
last week while operating the rollers
at the flat mill. He has since been
off duty. ---Last fall Mrr Richard
Sellars purchased one peek of white
seed oats, known as the Farmer's
Friend, from Marblehead, Massa-
chusetts, and sowed thele last spring.
He harvested his crop the other day
and received 17 bushels in return for
the seed sowed last spring. . Al-
two bushels of seed to the
acre this quantity of oats would yield
on an average 120 bushels to the
acre, -The Councilwill publish the
names of all who pay poll and dog
e in
to earn from the onice by weudaay noon, in order sements must
eau be done selling that weak
eed, Canadian grown
Salary or comm.ssion
usive territory. Hand-
Vrite us at once for
0. GRANA: , urserym an,
Toronto, Ont.
longer faced the wind and it made a
dive to the earth amid the laments
of 1,000 spectators. When Mr.
Cooley reached the ship he found it
to all appearances a complete wreck.
In hissecond attempt he was more
successful. It darted into the air at
a height of 200 feet and slowly
settled again to the earth without
The Cure for Diarrhoea.
DEAR Sins, -I was suffering very
much from Diarrhoea and could get
nothing to cure me. A friend told me
of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry, and a few doses completely cured
me. Dios. L. GRAHAM,
Melita, Man.
Caveats and Trade -Marla obtained, and nil patent
business conducted f • 1lIODL'Gt't14 FEES. My
dace is in the immedintc vicinity of tbe Paten tOfticc
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model. sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and statement as to ndvtntnges claimed.
.Ciarlto ch n rf, a iv ,narfc for tzar ep)iitfon no to
pateaatabiilt'' and ntv fee for- prosecuting the
application wit/ rot ho cannel Or until the
patent isnifnwcd. "INvas•rome Gama,' con-
taining full information sent free. All 0olinihiinl.
cations Deusldereel tea $trial, Conli:lentlai.
F far EEKL ll Ki Ha HOUGH
Owl r.C'` (BCrens,, OW_4:1:1:1R",7TON, 1i1. c
Worry and the grave digger get
on well together.
When we go out to meet trouble
we never have a long walk, '
When the devil can't get behind
the preacher in any other way, he
sometimes joins the choir.
Anybody can be pleasant to plea-
sant people, but it takes grace to be
pleasant to unpleasant people.
If you want to get in a crooked
path, just follow the direction of a
corkscrew. -
There are people who hate a thief
who borrow books and never return
He who is hunting a wife without
a fault should remember the spouse
he is seeking may be searching for a
husband of the salve sort,
The man who is only concerned to
speak the exact truth is not apt to be
It is as well to take Warning from
the silly as counsel from the vise."•--••'
Ram's Ilorn.
Hands and Ankles Raw.
For years I have been n great sufferer
from itchy ski t and salt rheum.
In trouble e
My bands land ankles were literally raw.
The firth application of lir. Chase's Oint-
ment allayed the burning, itching ;sen -
sateen. One box and a half entirely
cured mo. It is also instant relief for
chilblain 1. Henry A. Parmenter, St.
Catharines, Ont,
Obi! L E
and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the
Bowels. It is safe and reliable for
Children or Adults. -
For Salo by all Dealers.
Cure iliousness, Sic ` Head-
ache, 1 spepsia, Slugt' sh Liver
and a 1 Stomach T oubles.
Are Pur ly egetable,
elegantly Sug:-Coated, and do
not grip; or sicken.
DRI olds
P,L .
Act gen but pr
thoroug •. ly. "The sa
Inedici r e." All Drug
ptly and
est family
ists keep
w1:N0IIN1=• -'. ONTARIO;
W 13. TOIVLEIt, 11I,D,C.AL,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
-Coroner for County of Ifuron-
OfficeUpstairs, next to lir lifortou:4 cffce, Wing.
ham, Ont.
Oi'pics H orris. -0 to 12 a. in., 1 to 5 p. in., or at.
Residence, Diagonal Street.
Y. rcexeEDY, lii, D., M. C. P.S. 0.
(Successor to Dr. J. 4. Mcldtum.)
Goold Medalist of Western l'niverslty: Late House'
Bu reeou in London General Hospital. lipecial atten•
tion paid to diseases of woman and children.
Office -Formerly occupied by Dr. 31 uldrum,Cornea
of Centre and Patriot streets.
IY i�OtlAat ONT
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, to
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE -Beaver Block 1VsNORACI
W Ingham,
Barrister Etc.
For Twenty-five Years
OW' :R
Office -Meyer Block, Winghatn.
DE'QTISTRY.-J. S. JEttODME, L. D. S„Wneo,Waf.
Is manufacturing first-class sets of
teeth as cheap as they can bo made
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by his new
process, guaranteed perfectly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick house.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D./D. S., L. D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvani9.
Dental College.
Wim* lea,
ONTAtu� 0
D DEANS, Ja., Wtu eiuk,
I. .
Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charges••
31unoN AND B1030E.
All orders left at the TINES olffce promptly attend
90 to, Terms reasonable.
Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All neeessary arrangements cin be made at fit
T1,,.98' ctlico
WINonAat oar
Money to Loan on Notes..
Notes Discounted
Stoney advanced en Mortgages at 51 rot eentwith
privilege of paving tit the oral of any year. Note*
and recounts cellceteItOBT. 1A01147DO0.
helve), Block Vi n
ahanr, Ont.
I CURE ii�wr�srilf
Vahrab16 trnatlea end beth. of meellnin* sent too
to aft
5nfttree. 019. Eaprim' and Were office eddreaw SION
nonT Mit`, tan Went Adet.id.:treiimiesamommoat T4tontn ant.-
,,..,..«.,.. 45.2
ON s1
r •�,
A. largely attended picnic wa
held by the Liberals of Elgin, a
- .Port Stanley, on Friday last, when
addresses were delivered by Hon.
David Mills, Dr. Lallderlcin, Dr
Wilson and others. Below will b
found a synopsis of Mr. Mills' speech:
Mr. Mills was loudly applauded, and
'began his address in a Humorous
strain, in which he depreciated any
•speech he could possibly snake aftet
Dr, Landorkin's remarks. Continu
ing, he said : "Now, Mr. Chairman,
ladies and gentlemen, let me call
your attention to this feet : The.
'tinder our parliamentary system of
• government by parties, and experi
)1' ence has shown that that system of
parliamentary government is never
satisfactorily carried on when yo
have more than two great partici
in the state. And you are nevet
likely to have. Occasionally a
third party grows out of special cir
euinstanees, and it disappears whe
those circumstances disappear. Bu
I will say this: That an oppositio
properly conducted is as essential t
the proper conduct of the government
Of the country as the majority wh
support the administration. Tak
any measures that are brought for-
ward by a government. Who i
there to examine them? Who i
there carefully to scrutinize thein:
Who is there to present to the public
everything that can be said against
them? Who is there, if there be de
fects in those measures, to point out
the defects and to correct them, an
anake thein better than they other
wise would be, except the vigilan
opposition, who are constantly watch
1 ing the footsteps of the Government
•r- and showing what is objeetional ix
the measures brought forward'
(Applause.) Then, again, take th
administration of public affairs. • Dr
Landerkin and Dr. Wilson have tol
you how the Government are con
stantly pressed by those who are be
hind•them, and who sustain them, t
make unnecessary public appoint
ments. A government that is dis
posed to economy is pressed to d(
more than the interests of the stat(
calls for. Every government, how
ever honest it may be, is neve
quite able to reach the ideal which i
sets before itself. It falls short, an(
it fails largely in consequence of th
' importunities of its friends. Thu,
• for this reason, an opposition is mos
useful, because it is constantl,
watching and scrutinizing the acl
• ministration. And when the go
erement is hard pressed to do tha
which it does not think necessary ii
the public interest, can say to it
friends : "If we do what you requir
of us, it will destroy us, because ther
are the opposition ready to take a
vantage of our mistakes, and wh
will point out the objeetional cha
acter of what yon want us to oto; an
'what defence have we to make?'
And so au opposition not only col
rests the measures of the gover
went by the scrutiny, but als
corrects the administrative aets
the governinent, and keeps even t
government which is disposed to
wrong within its limits, within whi
it would not be confined were it n
for the vigilance of the opposition.
"Now, I say in this respect an o
position is necessary, and what
more, it is usually in the publ
interests that governments show.
change. Every government ge
around it accretions, from whit
while it is in opposition, it wou
often escape, and by getting out in
'ir_the air and the light it gets rid
those abuses that have others
become established, and the gover
ment for the bine being passes in
` Other hands. That is the conditi
of affairs in England. Changes a
constantly taking place. Importa
reforms may be delayed, but t
public education is going on • all t
time. It is of first consequence tl
the measures of the governm
should rest upon the cordial symi
thy and sanction of public opink
That it is not likely to do if measul
are hurried forward more rapic
than the public are completely al
to take thein in.
"Now, I have no doubt what*
that 1t
h +n 1.e t the next elections we
have changes. It is not only net
nary in the public interests, but it
nevesserythe interests in i fere of the Ci
hervative party. I am not h(
going to tienotmee the Conservat.
party. I bello,'tl that the stand
of morat rectitude in the column
is very much t,tu $:ufle as betty.