HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-09-06, Page 88 THE WIN GUAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 6 z 1895. TUE NEW DRESS COON. 1 —The Trues and Toronto Weekly Globe will be out to new subscribers from now till the 1st of januarY, 1506,. for 30 cents, Strongest l lepartment in the house, Stronger this season than ever. Wo never stand still --always improving and 'developing. The development in our big Dress Goods stock will please and surprise you.. First conte, the exclusive foreign novelties, high art and exclusive, no two patterns alike. Need we mention that you should get first pick of them.? The prices are very reasonable, but come fund see them and be your own judge. We being a little enthusias- tic on this point, might be tempted to exaggerate a little, and we would gather have your opinion than our •own. It matters not, be it an ex- pensive or cheap Dress you are in search of, you can find it here, and %a greater variety than anywhere else in town, at M. H. V e99 DDD'S. -•-The junior footbal came over on Saturda the return match with Neither side scored for but our boys got down t last half and scored minutes, A/11D11TIhNAL LOCALS. —,11r John Gregory, toba, brother of Mr this town, has been three months, sun the bone in one of month ago he wen Brandon, where t were taken out of h continued to grow was taken off, one stood the operatio strong enough to t has been iniprovie foot was amputate(; and his recovery is confidently expect d. His many friends in Wingham will be pleased to hear of bis speedy recover Wood Pacts 10c. eat, Derr 4 Conery. —The nues and Toronto 7 (3ekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the lst of January, 1800, for 30 cents. —The fall millinery penings commenced in Toronto, on Tuesda , and several of our town milliners aro in t , e city picking up the latest styles. —A. deputation fron Listowel, consist- ing of Mayor Feath rstone, Councillors McGillivray and Foer h and acting Clerk Edgecumb, was in to •n on Saturday last, endeavoring to lndu Co., furniture man their plant to List they offered Me building suitable o and also other in team. of Luoknow last and played e Wiugbani boys he first half time, work during the straights in 15 Neepawa, Mani - hos Gregory, of 11 for upwards of ing from caries of his feet. About a to the hospital at res pieces of bone s foot, but he still worse, and the foot day hist week. He bravely, not being o chloroform. He somewhat since the —A valuable ballet issued by the Provin pertnrent, dealing wi tario. It is the prod Harrison, 13, S. AA., a A., who deserve erodi in which they have s of instraetive and in The bulletin is Mu thirty plates, iilustra which are really per and artistic merit. description of the number of tersely -s qualities, its botanica —A meeting of Turnberry Agrieult at Korman's hotel, The returns were Government, as Judges were app classes, and in mo principle will be was appointed to booths, lighting show, fixing up gr in dispute betw town, as to the ri license fees for in go on to the agric license fees to the and the Preside authorized to get 1 the Directors of the ral Society was held Friday evening last. made to the Ontario equired by statute. inted for the different t oases the ono -judge opted. A committee ook after the letting of f hall on first night of uncle, &o. The question en the society and the it of the latter to colleot •rygo-rounds, &e., that 'tura' grounds and pay society; was discussed, t and Secretary were gal advice on same.. 1 has recently been ial Agricultural De - the grasses in On - lot of Messrs. F. O. d G, E. Day, B. S for the lucid manner breittod a great deal resting information. trated with nearly ing different grasses of in their clearness Opposite eaob is a 'ass shown, ,vitli a ted facts as to its characteristics, the soil best adapted to it, and poiuters as to growing and cutting description of the p is valuable to the far duction by Mr. James the Agricultural Outa the information that one, which was borr Fletcher, eutomologis Experimental farms,. by permission from p of the department Washington, D. 0., v acknowledged. The distributed among province. To the Editor of the IN Dian Srn,—Havi your town two or thr cheese on the C. P. several others, aleo thought struck me: Messrs. McTavish & i pet in your town f lecturers, to remove rounded with ohees el. We understand railway accomtnoda s. McTavish & Co. a in the very heart of a factory rent free, cements. Thain g —On Wednesd'y morning,while riding )Tome for his bre kfast, Angus Kennedy had the misfortuto get his foot pretty badly bruised. H : was turning a corner when the horse sh'ped and fell, falling on Angus' foot, inj ring it considerably, butbreaking no bo es. It will be some time before he wi be able to resume work. -For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. :Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —A meeting of th . shareholders of the 'Union Furniture Co pany was held on Wednesday, when M Thos. Bell made an offer to sell his factor to the Company, at a valuation, and he w uld take a largo in- terest in the Com any, if they would build an addition to he factory and em- ploy 100 hands. The meeting seemed favorably disposed wards the offer, and an adjournment wa made till the 16th in- stant to consider tl a same. had TntFs, occasion to visit e times lately shipping , and meeting with shipping cheese, the Why is there no mar - r cheese ? It is sur - factories, has good on and it is situated large dairying dis 20 PRINGLE—In Tur wife of Mr. John Pr q%AlxrHs—In Turn the wife of Mr. Tho NY WELSH—In Low 30th, the wife of daughter.° f' MrronteL—In M the wife of Mr Rioh �VEBSTER—Tri L 2Sth, the wife of M a son. BARBER—In Wes 23rd ult., the wife o a daughter. NIOCASEx—In Cil 12th of August, th M,oCasoy; a son.mita it. There is a brief es of grasses, which er. A short intro - Mills, president of io College, conveys 1 the cuts, except ed from Do James BAKINGp D of filo Dominion re electrotypes made tes in the possession CALL ON . ell f 9 ; THE NEW DRUGGIST, FOR PURE DRUGS. Try leis of Agriculture at ONLY ose courtesy is duly OEN ASS PER LB ulletin will be wider .46l., L k� L. the farmers of the 1 STOP A MINUTE and read what is taking place at the China House. Marked reductions in a number of lines of beauutiful •CH99NA AND GLASSWARE to make room for tee. berry, Sept. lst, the I H, F, nglo; a daughter. el' 1 erry, on Aug. 80th, . Aikins; a son. se r Wingham, Aug. r. David Welsh; a rris, on Aug 22nd. 1 rd Mitchell; a son. cknow, on August Richard Webster; Wawanosh, on the Mr. Wel. Barber; innati, Ohio, on the wife of Mr. D. J. DEAN—MooRE—At on the 4th Septembe Wood, Mr W Deau, Maggie Moore, secon Thos Moore, of Wing IISD. St Paul's church, by the Rev L G f Toronto, to Miss daughter of Mr am.%) the residence of inabam, on the 4th Rev D Perrie, Mr am, to Miss Maey, r John Hanna. a• the residence of 'en Sound, on Mon - by the Revs Alfred lote, D D, pastor of hurch, Wingham, to Owen Sound. At Chesley, on 2nd, by the Rev D assisted by Rev E amuel H McKay, to Miss Amelia ghter of Robert ley. esjALLeie—Heeres.— the stride's parents, of September, by th Robt Allan, of win nldestdau;hter of I MOTE—ScoTT—A1 Robt Aitken, Esq, day, September 2nd trict. There are thi •ty miles on every side Brown, Rev Henry the Congregational of your town, excep to the east, where Mrs Letitia Scott, there are ten mile , full of cheese and ICKAY—LAMONT butter factories. great many of the I Tuesday, Septembe salesmen for these 1. stories have to .pass i Perris, of Wingham A M K M right through your •wn on their way to a enzle, r g g Barrister, Walkerto the Listowel market, now got so thorough' wieldly (being at lea than any other dices that it is almost imp the business with a Now, Mr. Editor, if y and business men of hold of this thing, I d could not have a larg Wingham every two not be less than 40 cheese and butter fac it, if it was held week market on the same Hoping you will take h it to a successful iss obedient servant, and that market has . congested and un - t three times larger market in Ontario) ssible to get through emi-monthly market. u or the town fathers ingham would take not see why you cheese market in eeks. There would nd probably more ries contributing to bout with Listowel ay of `4the week. f this and carry y , I remain, your Bluevale, Aug. 31st, 1 o. Jerre' BunoEss. Lamont, eldest da T�amont, Esq., of Oh 1� PATTI:RSON — MIL ,AR—At the resi- deuce of the bri:de's arents, Luoknow, on August 7th, by th Rev. T. B. Walwin, B. A., Mr. James 'atterson, to Miss Margaret L., younge-t daughter of Mr. Geo. Millar. ee DIE KAY—At Listowe on the 31st of August, Ann, wife of Mr Jas Kay, of Ripley, aged 79 ye., s. Deceased was aunt of Mrs Walter laylor, of Wingham: to SEMPLE—In Bruc= Township, on Sept 1st, William Semple aged 87 years, 10 months and 20 da s. pert o Deceased father of Mrs Jos "anstone of Wing - ham. ' Leeolr—In Gorri , on August 26th, Margaret Ann, wife of James Leech, aged 67 years. GRIMOLnnY—At ' alton, on August 28th, Mary Burto., wife of Reuben Grimoldby, aged Si years and 9 months. e, It is the best, Gbrdon's 01c1 Stand. NEW GOODS JOHN CALBRAlTH Our Nall Stook of Dry Goods is now Complete and will be found up to date. It will pay you to buy here, OUR DRESS GOODS DEPT. 58 in. Twced.,Suitings at 6oc, 750 and 81. a yd., are special value, 58 inch Golf ()aping for 8125. Think of it, OUR RIIThON DEPT, expected to arrive in the near future. I Fancy Ribbons at 154 yd., worth from 25 In fact, some lines already passed 1 to 50 cts. We do the Ribbon Trade of town. Think of it, OUR STAPLE DEPT, FRESiT GROCERIES 36 heels Grey Cotton a into Stock, t 5o yd. is speoial, arriving daily, the quality and Some stores charge 7o for the sanse. prices of 'which cannot fail to give quality. Think of it. White and Grey51 satisfaction. Try some of our dried Blankets only 65o pair, regular price , Think of it. Apricots, Peaches and Pitted Silver TEES TER. A lodge of the Ii dependent Order of Good Templar s wad organized here on the .27 >. of August, by W. F. Broekensh re, Grand Chief Templar, of Wing am, with a good charter list. Th officers for the present term ar : Lodge Deputy, W. R. Thompso ; P. C. T., L. Hearts ; C. T., A G. Stewart ; V. T., Mrs. Orr ; R. S., /obt, James ; F. S., W. E. R. Orr ; coin ; M., Rall Braden ; S., Jas A. K.. Birks. L 3rd Thursdays Plums. We are sole agents for S&LAD& TEA, and have it in Black and Black and Green mixed. Try one package and we'll rest assured of the result. Also, full lines of Japan and Hyson Teas, which cannot fail to please. All orders left to our care will re- ceive our most careful and prompt attention. NORMAN A. FAR UHARSON, China House, Wingham. ., Rev. Jas. Mal- i Orr ; G., Lizzie Irwin ; Chap., Rev. dge meets 1st and f each month. RINGS GOLI RINGS OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPT, Our Wool Underclothing is complete, and at 50c, 75o, 31. and 31.25 cannot be beat. Think of it. OUR CLOTHING DEPT, Men's Tweed Pants, bought to sell for 90e. Marked down to 85c. Think of 1t, OUR GROCERY DEPT. Our direct imported Japan Tea at 25o is a dandy. Think of it. JOU GALBRAITH, Aug. 2S, 189.5. WINGHAM. Motto ;—Good Goods at Honest Prices. '` ATTRAC�g o �' mm �� AUCTION SALE —- MEAT Should not only he agreeable to the taste anti smell, —or-- but it should be nut so as to be attractive to the eye. My meats will he found all that is desired in these respects. BEEF, FOR NEWTON EWTON always on hand. IN 1NiOFwRIS TOWNSHIP. SAUSAGES, HEAD CHEESE and everything in the butchering line, in season.' m at will be delilvotl t sany ff tie town• and J. G.ll.`IE1i.11D. lvinghain, Aug, 2Sth,1805. VALUABLE FA The undersigned will eller for sale by auction at SWARTS' HOTEL, WINGHAM, 1Werinesday, Sept. 25th, 1895, AT 1 O'OLOCI: P. 31., I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does made rings on the premises. I make ansa finish all work in the best 1 possible manner. and guarantee satisfac- r tion he every instance. NE John Ruettel A good 100 acre farm, being south halves of Lots 23 and 24 in the 1st Concession of Morris. The farm is well watered and well adapted for both grain and •• razing. There are on the farm a good frame dwelling house 20 x 28, a good cellar the whole size of the house ; a wind bans: barn, 60 x 40, with good stabling under, and shed at the end. • MINS—The terms of sale aro i Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid en the day of sale, the balance when the deed is at, Possession to be given on the ist of April, 1t38. PETER DEANS, R. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. }Gingham, Aug. 20th, 1805. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from 25e to 32, according to style, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALSEY PA K, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham, Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watcbmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? SMOKERS OUT THEY MUST GO To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd.,' Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of 66 To Make Room for Now Goods. I have a number of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, BAMBOO EASELS, • PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, TABLE COVERS, &c., left from the old stook. All will be sold at a bargain for Cash.. A complete stock of 1 FURNITURE SMOKING TOOK This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T $ " brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every niece. t; in�,�Ona : onal UNDi AK NG kept on hand. Anyone wanting anything's' my line will be convinced by getting my prices before buying elsewhere. See -nay Fancy .Tables ii2White Maple. Remember the place—Opposite Mac- donald Block. Residence—Opposite Foundry. GEO.IRELA7VD, . Wingham. lock, �4 s ingh OiThQTiII1G- We ` are determined to turn out First -Class Clothing, to do the best of work, give you a good fit, use nothing but tb.e best of Trimmings, as cheap .nothing to equal it in the o as you can buyinferior made Clothing.Come and see our $16 Fine Black Our 3.50 Black Worsted Pants,made u to order, are acknowledged the cheapest ever sold Worsted Suite, made.up to order. There is p Dominion. � g � � which produces the best results to Our Clothing is up to any City made Clothing in. the Dominion. We make Gentlemen's Clothing a study, our Customers, All we ask is a trial, to judge for yourselves. Competition is the life of trade and the best man is sure to win. Na surrender is our motto. -- � ING we supply a long felt want in the Town of Wingham. W e keep nothing but the best and the nobbiest goods, and In GENTS'FURNISHINGS p y you can get from us the latest in. HATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, in fact everything' a gentleman wants.° BIG MEN'S SHIRTS we make a specialty and will always keep a full supply on hand. In. READ-1VIADE CLOTHING we can do better for you than any other house. We get them specially made to our own order,and we examine every Garment before it is put in stock, so that customers can always get a perfect Garment. Our Goods are arriving eversr day and we have the choicest stock in FRENCH,ENGLISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, FRENCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, OVERCOATINGS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS and. READ`St•-1V[ADE CLOTHING ever imported, into the Town of Wingham. COME AND SEE US. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. JOHN R• Gly � i'• + TT �U ''. SONS. 9t'