HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-09-06, Page 701
Q. A. C., Guelph, Ont., Aug. 23, '95.
Drt.8.a Sin,,—I have made arrange -
Monts with H. 3. Hill, Manager of
the Toronto industrial Exhibition, to
temporarily move my office from the
'College building to the Fair Grounds,
Toronto. ,
I will occupy from September 2nd
to 14th, inclusive, a large tent situ-
ated east of the Cattle Ring, and
just between and in front of the
Horse and Cattle Sheds.
Mr. J. W. Wheaton, B. A,., Secre-
tary of the Western. Dairymen's As-
sociation, will occupy an office in
this tent during the second week of
the show.
One or more of the staff of the On-
tario Agricultural College will be
present during the greater part of
the time.
Officers and members of all Farm-
ers' Institutes, of Live Stock, Dairy,
Poultry, Fruit Growers', and kin-
dred associations, aro cordially in-
vited to make this Tont their Head-
quarters during the time of the Ex-
I will be in attendance in afore-
said Tent from 8 a. in., to 4 p. m.,
each clay of the Show, and will be
pleased to meet Institute Officers and
Members, also Members of other kin-
dred ...Associations, to discuss with
them the best means to advance the
work of the Farmers' Institute in
their respective Districts. You are
respectfully invited to call on me; I
desire your hearty and active 'co-
operation iu advancing this impor-
tant work.
During the second week of the
Show, the following meetings will be,
held in the aforesaid Tont: •
On Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at 1 p.
m., the Officers and Directors of the
Dominion Sheep Breeders' Associ-
ation will convene to consider the re-
port of the Committee appointed at
the last meeting of the Associations
ing the Dairy Show to be held. at
Gananoque, Ont., on October• 1.st,
2nd and 3rcl. It was felt by the
committee that as the show is being
advertised as Provincial in its char-
acter, an effort should, be made to in-
ane° Western elicese-makers to send
exhibits. Arrangements were ac-
cordingly made to have 200 copies of
the prize list distributed among
Western makers at' once,
This show is held under the
auspices of the Agricultural and Arts
Association, and is the first special
dairy show ever held in Canada, and
it is hoped that some of the best
cheese factories in Western Ontario
will be represented there; $463 are
to be given in prizes for cheese alone,
with four prizes in each section,
ranging in value from $15 to $30
each, Prizes will be given for both
white and colored clieese, made
between July 12th and 30th, and
August 15th and 30th. Entries close
on. September 1.4th,- and should. be
sent to 'Henry Wade, Secretary,
Toronto, who will furnish prize list
and entry forms on application.
Prize lists and other information re-
garding the show can also be had.
from the Secretary of the Western
Dairymen's Association, London, as
well as particulars regarding the
Dairy Cattle Show to be held at
Guelph on December 10th, 11th and
12th, in connection with the Provin-
cial Fat Stock Show.
It was decided to call a meeting
of the Board of Directors to be held
in Toronto during the Industrial
Fair when it is expected that there
will be a joint meeting of the direc-
tors of the Ontario Creameries'
Association, the Dairymen's Associa-
tion of Eastern Ontario and.
the Dairymen's Association of West-
ern Ontario to discuss matters of
mutual interest affecting the welfare
of the dairy industry of the Province.
Entries in the dairy department of
the 'Western Fair, London, close on
September 5th. Cheese -makers who
to consolidate the by-laws and. re- intend exhibiting should make their
draw the constitution of each Associ- entries early. All cheese for exhibi-
ation. At 2.30 p. m., the members
of this Association, will convene to
consider the Report of the Officers
and Directors on said constitution
and. by-laws; and to reconsider their
action at the last meeting in ap-
pointing delegates to meet the Hon-
orable Minister of Agriculture to
consider the Record question. The
Minister informs me, that but two
delegates are required from each
Association. At our last meeting
we elected seven, therefore, a new
election must be held.
tion at the Industrial Hall, Toronto,
should be in the palace not latter
than noon on Wednesday, September
4th. Cheese for the. Western Fair
should be on the grounds on Septem-
ber 12th.
Pick out the Twine.
In view of the fact that binder
twine in the straw fed to stock lia.s
caused the death of numbers of cattle
in different parts of the country, it is
necessary that some plan be thought
of' to obviate the difficulty. After the
twine has held the sheaf till threshing
time its period of usefulness is over,
and its presence in the straw after-
wards becomes only a menace to the
Tho Duty of the State.
Even during tbe hard financial
strain of the past two years the great
majority of those who have suffered
have been those who have never
been taught to do anything, or at
least never been taught with a thor-
oughness that makes instruction con-
vertible into. terms of dollars and
cents, bread and butter.
The generic problem of the race is
to keep soul and body together, and.
the school problem is first of all to
put the rising generation in the way
of making the junction of the two
possible. So long as the State as-
sumes the care of paupers it is the
duty of the State to use its hest
moans to prevent the existence of
paupers, and one of the most direct
means to that end is to see that all
the children in the State are thor-
oughly instructed in reading, writing
and arithmetic, and aro substantially
trained in the practice of some form
of remunerative handiwork, writes
the Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst, D.
D., in a vigorous article on " Com
pulsion in Child Training," in tel
September Ladies' Home Journal.
There is work enough to be done in
this big world by people who are
willing to work and who know how.
The idea of immense wealth secured
by seine process of financial legerde-
main has so pervaded the general at-
mosphere that a sufficiency has
ceased to satisfy, and a young man
resolves either to speculate his way
to fortune, or to steal seine one else's
fortune, or if both these expedients
fail, to turn professional idler and
subsist on charity. . The incentive to
substantial equipment for the
struggle of life is thus withdrawn.
If I. were the State I would compel
every child to acquire the means of
an honest livelihood, even at the risk
of the whip, and then if, having ac-
quired that means, he failed to avail
of it to his own maintenance, I would
commit him to the workhouse and
keep him at hard labor there till he
experienced a change , of heart.
There is no respectable constituency
between State's care of the poor and
State's neglect of. stringent means
for preventing the existence of the
poor. If a government ought to be
" paternal " to the extent of feeding
paupers it ought, to be " paternal "
to the extent of obliging possible or
intending paupers to be able to feed
SWINE BREEDERS CONVENE. themselves. The root difficulty in!
On Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at 7 p.m., all this matter is the indisposition of
the Officers and Directors of the Do -parents and. other constituted author -
minion Swine Breeders' Association ities to make serious business of lay -
will convene to consider a similar re- ing substantial foundations in the
health of the stock, especially if the
port; and at 8 p. m., the meinbers of early years of our young people,
this Association will convene to re- straw is to be cut before being fed. boys and girls. One of the chief
Several ways are stiggested of over -
elect a Record -Committee to meet • sources of misery among the working
the Minister as in the case of the coming the difficulty, but the easiest classes is the wife's ignorance of the
Dominion Sheep Breeders' Association; and. most effective seems to be to duties that belong to her. She is
and to consider the report of the. Of- remove it altogether before the grain ignorant of. them because she has
fivers and Directors regarding the goes into the separator. An extra never been compelled to learn them.
revision of the constitution and itanclness.s at the -w
table, whose whole busi- If e could split half of our pianos
Wednesday, Sept. 11th, at 7 p.m.
the members of the Dominion Cattle , expense and probably save consider -
Breeders' Association will convene to able trouble and lossin feeding stock,
consider the report of the Committee Some think it must be done to pre -
appointed to draft a new constitution vent the twine going -with the straw,
and by-laws. especially this year when feed of all
All interested parties are invited kinds is above par value, andthe
to attend these meetings, whether above hint seems to be the most
members of an Association or not. feasible.
s as tiiC •
into kindling wood and pluek the
grain passes from the bancicutter to
- stringsout of three-quarters of our
the feeder, will not entail much extra harps and banjos, and set our young
girls to the practical task of be,com- I pRADFORD6JITLY 4d3.894.—I consider Dr, °base's
ing proficient in a self-sustaining WeT,IiVitliang saetst,l'rnot°41,3ca,8ur,indlIstrort
! etastigriN (natal:kr. felt from the first appli-
way upon some line or other of re -
F. W. HonsoN,
Superintendent of Farmers, Institutes
. and Secretary of Associations.
Western Dairymen.
You Don't Fla,Ve to Swear Off
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an
editorial about No•To-Ilac the famous tobacco habit
cure. " We know of ninny cases cured by No -To.
13ac, one, a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked,
and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him
so that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick."
No -To -Rae sold and guaranteed no cure no pay.
THE QUALITY OP WESTERN onnEsn Rook free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul St.,
'''''rr • Lr—.."7.--,. c
Pointers About the Devil.
The devil never throws any stones
at a man on the fence.
The devil won't let a stingy man
have any mercy on himself.
The man who has the devil's war
is sure to have God's peace.
The devil's way of reaching the
masses is to begin at the cradle.
If you want your
The devil is still.buying souls very r1-4
cheap for the promise of spot cash.
The best thing to do when we feel made in the latest style, go to
weak is to think how strong Christ
Genuine repentance sheds no tears G
of regret when it says good-bye to •
the devil.
gatnet- ane
The devil can behave himself' as
well as an angel when he has to do
it to gain his point.
In world -building God has no op-
position, but in salvation man and
the devil are both against him. •
If the devil ever rubs his hands
with satisfaction, it is when he gets
a good man to oppose a good cause.
So long as the devil can have the
!first chance at our children, ho
doesn't care hoNv high we build our
church steeples.
Weak and Nervous thousands Describes the condition or of
people at this season. They have no
appetite, cannot sleep, and complain of
the prostrating effect or warmer weather.
This condition may be remedied by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, creates an
appetite and tones up all the organs. It
giros good health by making the blood
Hoop's are the best after -d inner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A„ San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shitoh's Catarrh Remedy is
the drat medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price
50c. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
A BAD COAquick
for An
obsil nacre
8C1. trOcor
unAgochrsb,eCi nof te51 s
Big Bottle 254
Itt,NotvillftNel.-4,....4.,.h• •
ri Honest Offer.
If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured
without risk of losing your money, we will send
a GERMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that
disease without asking a cent of pay Ir advance.
After a fair trial at your own h.,me, and you find
it a genu I ne remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for
same. If not satisfactory In every way you can
return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not
pay one cent. Could anything be more fair?
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the
losers, not you. dust think of beingcured for $3.
Rev. J. E. Maverv, Methodist Minister, Ot-
tawa, Ont.,writes :—" Your Germicide Inhaler
in two moths radically cured my daughter of
chronic catarrh."
Rev. J. S. NORRIS, late Bond St. Church, To-
ronto, Ont. :—"Your Inhaler and Medicine has
proven genuine in every respect."
Ma:. 3. A. McNnirt, aw, Ont., writes :—"The
Tnhaler you sent bas radically cured me of cat-
arrh. It is worth many times your charge.
• This
on trial
in advance.
QATARI*. „-v•-•_,—
ITIRMi0 With
MR. DOUGLAS, Conductor, ex Ontario St.,
Toronto :—"Your treatment in a few weeks
cured me of catarrh of long standing."
MR. T. MILES, ee Christopher St., To-
ronto :—"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured
me of a case of catarrh of tot. years' stand -
Mg. '
This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
• , , ,
itP4.2404.NNVOT 7'01'...• 4 6 le ,
• 'A
H. J. Lisle, representing. Ganong Bros., St. Ste-
phen, N.B., says: " Chase's- Ointment cured me of
a very stubborn case of Itching Eczema. Tried
everything advertised, several physicians' pre-
scriptions without permanent relief. Know of
several cases of Itching Piles it has cured."
rris YON
of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body team-
ed by lust and exposure are constantly wrecitin« the lives and future
''happinessmof thousands of promising young en. Bomo fads and wither at an. early age.im
5,,, the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless andij
melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony hut d no -solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshOp, tho pelpit,R
the trades and. the professions.
I suffered Nrith piles for years
Chase's Ointment
1. icrguc
cured +ne. Mr& J5 Gcrrjr
munerative industry, it would be a
great benison to society in general.
In whatever direction we look and
whatever improvement we seek to
effect, we come back to it again ana
again that the end is determined by ;
the beginning, and that the founda-
tions of all public betterment have to
be laid in the children.
A thrifty keeper in the Pere la
Chaise cemetery Paris, was recently
dismissed for too much enterprise.
A senior C. L. A. match between He added to his income by raising
.—.... the Excelsiors, of Brampton, and the vegetables on the graves.
The Executive Committee of the Seaforth team was played at Sea.
Western Dairymen's Association met fbrth, on the 23rd inst. Seaforth Catarrh relieved in 10 to GO tninutee.—
oil Satur da,y, August 24th,in London, won in four straights. The times ofvlOhnoolgiorot puff oif re. breath through
There were present t —President the games were respectively, 17, Dr. AgeiWndaV
;2 a
;rh.....i 1 ntlewthr, bgititiltei :ores
Pattullo, Woodstock, Hon, . T. 181, 4 and 8 minutes, In the second this Powder over the surface of the nasal
Ballantyne and A. P. MaeLaren, game Bell, of Seaforth, slipped. and 1ttssages. Painless and delightful to use,
Stratford, and John S. Pearce, '
Considerable business was trans.
acted by the committee affecting the
future work of the assoeiation. A
speeial committee was appointed and Neuralgia tadically mares in 1 tO 3 days, It is the courage which shrinks
to consider the whole question of Its action on the system is remarkable and the minority, pro
Milk inspeetioti, and instruction in mysterious. It removes at one° the eause not frons being in
of the theesAteimtnetliutely eistbppeare. The vided it is faithful to the truth that
the factories, with the view to bring- first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. inspires it and the right that it thus
ing about a greater uniformity in Warrantee(' at Clhishom'sdrug store. upholds, which is the secret spring of
-the quality of the cheese made in This is strono.e news that conies all progress, and assures the ultimate
Western Ontario. The report of the from Australia. Heavy frost and two of good over evil.
committee will lir, presented at the inches of ice where frost was never
next meeting clt. the Board of Direc- known before. Verily the grey' old 'Pred wmea 'red tc' havo thoir blood
, PL anti ennehed by ilood's Stin
-1-xel Peril's, It 'will give them strength tincl
tors. earth appears to be doing rib
Solve dietifiEhla t ials place regard. things these days.
it relieves instantly, and permanently
falling heavily, could not continue
oures Catarrh, Hay reVer, Colds, Head -
play, and Hodson, of the Exceisiors, ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deaf -
retired with him to even up. ilea 60 cents. At Chisholni's Drug
Ithrinaatiani Cured in a, day.—South Store'
American Rhein:natio Clure of Rhentnatism
lareansou, Bates & co.
PRIDE 00c.
'0 Lombard St., Toronto
Divorced but united again
Wm. A. Walker of 1311 Street tsays:—"I have sufferedn
untold agonies for my "gay life," I wae indiscreet when
young aud ignorant. As "One of tho Boys" 1 contracted
Syphilis Mad other Private diseases. 1 had ulcers in the
mouth and throat, bone pains, hair looe, pimples on
face, finger nails came off, emissions, hacame thin andlg
despondent, Seven doctors treated Inc with Mercury,in
Potti.h, etc. They helped me bat conld not cure me.fie
Finallv afriendinduced meta try Dra.Kennedy &Kerg,at.
11Their New Method Trsatment cured 2110 in a few weeks. That treatment le nonderful.
Yon feel yourself gaining every dt.y. 1 hexensver heard of their faiiiag to 0re rgoingl,y
Bag. Unklekt till the Secretion! ant retturres
Mi impurities from the system from a ecimmon
pimple t� the worst serofulout sere.
1111/110CK_PriaLs att gently Yek
thoroughly on the stoach, Liver and Bowel,.
-01.ir‘Es ouAnANTE.to On MONEY REN.iid.PEL1
!7 Capt. Chas, Perry case:—"I owe my life to Drs. It. & I.
fliAt 141 learned a bad hbit. At 21 1 had all the flinpteens
esof Seeded Wealoiees and Spermatorrhma, Emissions
tiKwerctailing und Weakening my vitality. 1 Married at
se2,1 under adeice of my family doctor, but it was
;oad napetnnco.In eightan months we wsro divorced. 1
efttlien. eonsulted IC Sr, wto restored Inc to manhood
gmby their Neto Method rfament. Ifolta new life thrill tli rough
Dray nerves We were united again and oro happv. This was
gmPoTmot 1,12,h
nem is : I heartily TOCOMME.Mi them."
tin to - We treat and curt Varicocete, Emission:, Nervous Debility, Scnia14
IYeakttess, Gleet, Stricture, Sphilis, Unnatural Dischargs, Self ilbuse4i0
kidney ante Blade,. Diseases,
17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,600 Cunto. No RtsIC
READER! Are yon a 'victim? Novo you lost hone? Are yon contemplating inar..la
ilNew Method Troutititrwil 14.,, ine mghlii!:irilitetrzg igaT2Irt.1 r„Iiiiageg i?);y,,,,K
mooNsULTATION FREE, rio matter who hits treated YOtttlinito for an honeet opitien `mum
"of Charge. Chttrnearoasonnble, BOOKS FRE --"The tire:Atm Monitor" (iliunttatod),onD
..• reNo NAMES USED virtNour WRITTEI/ foONsENT. Pir -11
mpisent::::: bidosopostage. Scents, Sealed*
VATIL No sent C. 0. D. IsIonattes on boxes or, Sanve1.0%
°Des,. Everythitigdonficienthilk utteetIon list land Cott of Traisttu-S
DRS. KENNEDY 86 KEROAN,t.iVareivilli..