HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-09-06, Page 4THE WIN GRAM TINES, SEPTEMBER G, 1895. all the others increased their allow- l -In the September number of the De - Os Es @ antes. t,?tiebee is at the bottom! of a 111teatOr� wlliC l is lied the Autnmla A�- �'�t et the list, but in the interval between'. fash ons for the oiningtseasondisplay is; zcep- O EISi11 .18SS and 1895 she has increased 6 tionally large, and the styles are handsome cents or from Si to 87 cents per head. i enough to suit the most exaoting taste. •-^ AN R The averages of all the provinces I Tho issue le also notable for the variety p and quality of the reading matter. Mrs. -� p^�-� T y GIST. 7 show that the people of Canada are' Pryor's articles on the Social Code con. ,Ll1Z. lU l71' \ 7fI .L . flow paying at the rate of $1.56 per bane, and this mouth the I.lebrtante is --•.....- , head of population for the purpose of . considered iu a most interesting way; .Any ��99'�•' �nt N W public schools, which is an increase ' lege, r tesa of u Graduate x girl's life there anton d atl ACT .iA., . , TELE RA• PH CO i'i pet• capita expenditure since 1888 Newubaln, the two best known English of ti Cents. Colleges for women; Edith U. Thomas, in. connection with Dr. S. R. Elliott, talks of Opp. Brunswick House. TOWn council. Woman as R Writer, and Mary Seuenok The regular monthly meeting of the Woolman praotically treats of Plain , - - - Ont Needlework as an Employment. Mrs. W'ingham Town Council was l;e1d on Tuesday even- Sara Miller Hirby continues her valuable ing last, Members present, illayorBrocken. series ou Kindergarten Work, and Harriet �"� ' j.� it, • shire,ReeveSparling,Deputy-1leeveHolmes Keith Forbes gives further instructions in ,, fl j .nt V ,tuttb and Councillors Herdsman Gordon, Nee- Burnt Decoration. The Household Dee t r , pnrtments are well represented in the lands, Wilson, Dawson, Reading,51oKinlay. Choosing and Preparation of Meats, The minutes of last meeting were read and Seasonable Cookery, the Housekeeper, and 1?.itIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1695. p d from Robt..ucLean, S y f Canadian The Ten Tett-,•-ab �rr approved. A communication was read Preservation and Renovation, Instruotio and entertainment are rovided in Aroun eeretar o T e, and Some NoVel Amuse- r Fire Underwriters' Association, euciosiug meats, and The Newest Books are re. light t(1 good, $4 to $6.50. Hogs- .Q. CHEESE FAIR F01i, 13 ars througb and 90 on sale ; .lc hi her Yorke $2 ®w4. Calves, good to choice, $7 C' $10; common to fair, '$2 (!i; $6, East Buffalo, Sept. 2.--Cattle-72 cars through and 150 on sale market 15e to 25c higher for good light fat 950 to 1,200 lb steers and fat cows and. heifers slow and weak for heavy steers, and iae to 25e lower for common to . fair grades ; extra prime heavy steers, $5,35 4 $5.50; good.1,250{,; 1,325 lb, $5 (4) $5.25 ; light 950 to good. 1,200 lbs, $4 ® $4.90 ; coarse fat, 1,225 lbs, $3.80 a. $3.85 ; fat cows and heifers, $2.75 rr $3.50 ; light to prime fat heifers, $3 CI: $4.25 ; old cows, $1.75 ® $2.25 ; oxen, $3 to $4.50 bulls, $2.50 to $3 ; prime, $3.25 to 3.75 ; sausage lots, $2 to $2.25 ; feeders, $3.25 to $3,75 ; fresh cows and springers steady at $18 'to $55, as to quality ; veals firm at x$',6,75 to $7.50. WINOEU.AM. We draw the attention• of our readers to the communication, in another column, Trom lilt. J onu lint- gess, Secretary of the Bluevale Cheese and 13ntter Company, in reference to the establishment of a cheese fair in 'i'4ringham. As be points out, there should be no diffi- culty in establishing• a large market here, and our townspeople should not let the opportunity pass of having one started here next spring. The Town Council should appoint a com- mittee to make all the necessary in- quiries and arrangements, so that when the season opens there need be no delay. Wingham is centrally lo- cated, has splendid railway accom- modation and would command the business of a large section of country on all sides. And, as pointed out by ;itr. Burgess, the is one market has become anwieldly and congested and the business cannot be trans- acted at two markets a month, a market here every two weeks would meet all the requirements of the, ease. Who will make a move in the iL'atter ? report of Inspector re waterworks of the viewed, In. Knitting,. Netting, Tatting and c Crocheting new designs. are illustrated market 10c to1'' town Deputy Reeve Hciroes sttited thatg i'S the Fire and Water Committee had a re- tion price of the Delineator, ,51 per year o port on same. A communication was read 15 cents per single copy. Address al Pub - from the Wilson Fire Extinguisher Co., re communications to The Delineator Pub Piro Extinguishers, offering same for 52o lishing Co. of Toronto, Limited, 33 Rich each -Filed. The Finance Committee re- iuond St, West, 7_orento, Ont. commended payment of the following LOWER WINGHAM. with descriptions for making. Subseri - corn -fed, -$4.45 d� $4,50 ; grassy and i Michigan lots, 134.25 to $4.40 ; mixed packers, $4.45 to $4.50 ; good heavy, - $4.50 to $4M0 ; pigs, $4.15 to $$4.30 ; roughs, $3.50 to $$3.85 ; good enols, $4 to $4.25 ; stags, $3 tQ $3.50. accounts : Wingham Electric Light Co., Mr. and Mrs. Jas Carr arrived Sheep and lambs -11 cars through lights for August, 530.90: W. T. Yates, home from their visit to Scotland, on and 110 on sale ; market steady for good fat lambs and slow for others ; prime -lambs $4.50 to $4.75; fair to good, $3.75 to $4.25 ; light, $3.25 to $3.65 ; culls,' $2.50 to $3 ; mixed sheep, good to choice, $2.25 to $2.75; culls and • common, $1 to $2 ; export 53.90 ; A. E. Simmons, printing, 883 ; B. L. pump is being put in at the Electric' sheep, $3.25 to $3,75. Cattle offer- SCHOOL BOOKS, supplies for hall, 35 ets; L. McLean, lum- ber for streets, 848.77 ; S. Mitchell, work on streets, 517.88 ; W. Robertson, work on streets, 5510.31; John Gillespie, streets and Canadian climate better than that waterworks, 513.455; W. Pattison, teaming, of the old laud. -Mr. John Green 51.55 ; W. Holmes, repairs to waterworks, does not improve very fast. - A new Monday. They enjoyed their trip very much, but the weather was very wet and cold. Mr. Carr likes the Sctt's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil emulsified,' or made easy oI digestion and as- similation. To this is added the I-Iypophosphites of Lime alt Soda, which aid in the digestion of the Oil and. increase materially the potency of both. It is a re- markable flesh -producer. Erna - elated, au 21uic and consumptive persons gain flesh iipo:i it very rapidly. The combination. is a most happy one. Physicians recognize its sa perior merit in all conditions of wasting. It has had the en- dorsement n-dorsement of the medical pro- fession for 20 years. font be persuaded to take a subeatutel Scott i•t Bowne, Belleville. 50c. and $1, Soh 1 pL •' IVIo.•7A,� of We have just opened up a large stock: Doyle, costs re Bell Telephone appeal, Light works. -Inspector Robb paid ing, 3,300 bead ; all sold higher ; 56.95; Smith ce Pethick, supplies, 55.08; an official visit to the school here on extra heavy steers sold up to $5.6Q Wm. Bond, keep of Mrs. Wadby, 5211 ; Monday last, and found, everything at close. Hogs -14,400 head on sale; John Cornyn, printing, 36 ; R. Elliott,. in proper shape. lair. J. W. Hogarth, closed dull and weak for light grades, printing order book, 54 ; Dr. Tamlyn, the teacher, is doing good work, and with' a number unsold. Sheep and medical attendance, Mrs. Wadby, 355 ; Jos. is well liked. lambs -Total offerings, 22,000 head ; Bullard, salary, 535.41. Mr. R. Z'austone BEZGRAY E. closed better for choice sheep and' school° after the holid ays. addressed the Council, asking if the town lambs • others dull ; Canadas' $4.45 would assume the payment of electric light 2 he East Wawanosh fall show will to $4.65 ; a few prime at $4.75 ; on for the band hall, Moved by Wm. Holmes, he held here on the 30th September the whole trade, is bad ; prospects seconded by A. Dawson, that the Council and 1st of October, and promises to for the week are not encouraain for par for the eleotliclight inthe bandroomand be a grand he Bl3. t lilt. A. E. Canadas; thele are too many eoln- Bradwin, of the Blyth Standard is fire hall for the balance of C d ' mon lambs co min BOOKS, SCRIBBLERS, CRAYONS, PENCILS, SLATES, &c., &c., To be in readiness for the opening of the year- attic ining In. offering his paper for one year as a, Moved by R. C. Sperling, seconded by John prize for the best looking pair of Neelands, that the report of the Finance twins. It looks strange for unmar- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. e , EDITORIAL NOTES. Committee be adopted and accounts paid- ried men to take an interest in Arlt 1mEs from Manitoba. are -to the effect, that more help is needed. there `to harvest and thresh the splendid crap of grain. s"s'ox. J. C. PATTERSON was sworn in as Lieutenant -Governor of Mani- toba, on Monday last, at Ottawa, and immediately left for Winnipeg to Av.:nine the duties of his office. THE Soo canal, it is said, is to be opened on the Oth of September. The contractor was granted a bonus of $00,000 to have it ready for traffic on the first of July, 1894. He did not have it finished ; but he got the money all the same. Why has he not been asked to refund the bonus HON. J. C. PATTERSON having been sworn in as Lieutenant -Governor of Manitoba, West Huron is now vacant in the Dominion Parliament. The Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto World (Conservative) says "that there will not likely be any bye -election in West Huron." Does that mean that there will not be an extra session of the House, or is the constituency to be left unrepresented in Parliament ? JLnGE LYNCH CH is just as active as ever in the States. Already this week he has despatched five victims, one colored plan taken out of a gaol at Springfield, Iiy ,, and four men taken from gaol in a Californianw tnn, and hung in a row on a rail placed between two trees. Whether these men were guilty or not of the crimes charged against them, will probably never be known, for a crowd bent on dealing out summary justice does not bother itself about sues] a shall detail as any evidence. These eonsant incidents of unruly mobs taking the law in their own hand, and of the authorities proving totally unable to hold and guard tlieir prisoners, constitutes a great blot en civilization in the neighbor- ing republic. THE Dominion Statistician has i been investigating the cost of eduea-, fi Carried. The Fire and Water Committee matters. -Mrs. Tufts has gone to or. THE VILLAGE OF v�TnoxETER, IN THE l�I imleo to reside with her daughter. Su ell IN THE TUTTED OF WESLEY JOHN HUrriIi reported as follows on the different clauses COUNTY of HuroN, ISLAcxsTnT12, AN 1Z: - of the Inspector's report: (1) Recommend -The first nine defeated the second SOLVENT. that the Fire Limits be extended to Alfred nine at baseball, last Saturday. even- Notice is hereby given thet the above named Ing.-llr E ` Livingston 1,n sold a• , e}d nil upfer has made an assignment tc his estate and effects in trust for the benefit of his to get prices. (3) Recommend that no Armour, of Mildmay. -The annual ereaiters. r� �v harvest thanksgiving service in con - John meeting of the Creditors of the said Wesley action be taken in the matter -Adopted. John Hupfer is hewbv convened and will be betel at street -Adopted. (2) Recommend that a Hook and Ladder Truck be purchased - Referred back to Fire and Water Committee Our New 300 Page Scribbler is a Dandy. It has the map of Huron County on the back cover and is sold exclusively by us. Call and see it. ALEX. ROSS. Popular Bookstore. W ingbam, Aug. 13th, 1895. neuu er r.Chaper124 and esed Statutes nice • span Of greys t0 11lr. Wm. Ontario, 1.43i, Chapter 1°4 and amending acts of all "•] (4) Recommend that night patrol continue till 6 o'clock a. m. -Adopted. (5) Recom- mend that no action be taken, as the en- gineer is only a short distance from wheel house, and is alarmed by gong in bed -room -Adopted. (6) Recommend that three more metal alarm boxes be purchased and placed in the most central places -Adopted. (7) Recommend that gong be put in some stable where Igen are up all night, and that keys be piaced in more conspicuous places -Referred back to Committee. (8) Re- commend that no action be taken in extend- ing mains -Adopted. (9) Recommend that two young men sleep in Fire Hall -Adopted. (10) Recommend that two more young men be added to the Fire Company -Adopted. (11) Recommend that the question of pur- chasing two standard chemical fire extin- guishers be laid over for further considera- tion -Adopted. (12) Recommend that two hydrant gates be purchased -Adopted. (13) Recommend that two hose sleeves be pur- nection with Trinity church, will be my office in the Village of Gerrie, on Tuesday, IT the 27th day of August. instant, at two o'clock n, know a o' d W C 1 J good watch when (! held on Sunday next. the, afternoon, for the appointment of Inspectors, you. see ]t ? Of course you In and the {;icing of directions with reference to the �' I, a dr osal f the said DairyMar P o estate. Rets Set 2. r 1 P . ill C 0. r_ All Creditors of the said Wesley John Irupfer are erebynotiaed to file their claims with me 1,1 h - solic,tor. duly ,erraed by afhda�rt and els August ; 7.1e was bid ; no sales ; two is95 [il' r Guelph, Ont., Aug. 30. -At the h or my gi CT 0 (' r c eese arthis a t fi f ernoon Ne facto).- stating the nature and value of the security (if any)) tt' r oro eptee (� C H OUSE OF REFUGE r, A. D., iS95. L � , Dated at Wingham this 16th day of August, A. D., two buyers present. R. vA\STmiE, li'inghom, W. A. Iaw, Gerrie P.O., rt]' seen our SpecialMovements fi in Gold, Silver and Gold ies offered 1,405 boxes of July and hheld by them on orbefore the10th dayof s MARKET REPORTS, =COWL Wngliain, Sept. 5, 1895, Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 2 15 to 2 40' Fall Wheat 0 55 to 0 60' Spring Wheat . . .... . ... . . 0 55 to 0 60' Oats, ..,,,. 0 25 to 0 30 13arley............ 0 30 to 0 3fi ,{ Peas ,.. 0 45 to. 0 5Qr``'' Butter, rolls.. ..... .... .... 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs per dozen.. , , .. , . , . 0 11 to 0 11 Wood per cord ... ......... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton .. , . , , ....18 00 to14 00 Potatoes, per bushel,,,...„ 0 25 to 0 25• Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb Q 4 to 0 05 Wool 0 20 to 0 23: OLIitr0N, Fall 'Wheat 0 60 to 0 62 Spring Wheat 0 60 to 0 62 Barley0 45 to 0 50. Oats ,......... .. Q 34 to 0 35 Peas ..,..., 0 55 to 0 60 ;r• Potatoes, per bushel........ 0 40 to 0 50- 41 Rutter 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs, per dozen .... 0 09 to 0 10 Hay ........ 9 00 toll. 00" Cordwood 8 00 to 4 00 Wool .... Q 18 to Q 1s , „ f Asa -r ...sen iV.ML, TRUNKS, VALISES, LEATHER SACS' Special Bargai�is all Month, GEORGE GOOD! C1DAIN CHOPPING. G. Having secured poser from the Wiugham Electrio Light Company, 1 have put in chopping stones at the Eleetrie light power hanse, Leaver Wingham, unci aur prepared to do chopping of all times. Tho l.atronnge of the public is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. ROBERT f<1A1NPR:ZE, wineham. Juh• 10th, 1895. IT PAYS TO CANADA DIMNESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Still holds as great a lead as ever over its contem. poraries. Several of our recent graduates have already made engagements to teach in other Business Colleges in September, and others have similar• engagements in prospect. This recognition of our work by our contemporar• ies is the best evidence of its superiority that caa be advanced. COLLEGE RE -OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTE2H.IDER 3RD. It will pay you to co- me to Chatham. For Catalogue, address ' D. 31cLACIILAN, Chatham, Ont. r rrJ Ir - COUNTY OF HURON''. Utica, N. Y. Sept. 2-CheeSe Solicitor for Assignee. Assignee. al tr. sales -480 boxes at 7e, 2,530 boxes at Thc, 1,600 boxes at Tie, 74 boxes at 7 e, 300 boxes at 71e, 60 boxes at 8c, 757 boxes on commission. 49 packages of creamery butter at 206 81 packages of creamery butter at 21c. At Little Falls -150 boxes' at 7c in 435 boxes at 74e, 500 boxes at lie 1,000 boxes at 74e, 1,600- boxes a G EO. SH AW � Filled Cases? New Styles CUTS DOWN THE PRICE CFL • and Patterns. MEAT AGAIN. DON'T YOU �� On account of the hard times and �, think of purchasing until • order to sell for cash, I have cut down g , the prices of meat, ail(' will sell at the you call and obtain our t following low rates : 8e. 20 packages of creamery butter at 20e to 21c. British Grain Trade, chased -Adopted. (14) Recommend that' London, Sept. 2. -The Mark Lane no action ba taken, as there is a blow off Express, in its weekly review of the valve at the pumps -Adopted. (15) The British grain trade, says -Old Wingham Firemen have been notified to English -wheats have declined slowly to is '6d below new wheats, the average price of which has been 26s. Foreign wheat dropped 6d under large supplies. Corn has been weak; American cargoes on passage have been offered at 17s 9d ; October shipments at 17s. . Oats, barley, beans and peas have been quiet. Linseed has fallen 6d. To -day new English wheat sold at 26s to 30s ; foreign wheat were rather firmer. Flat corn declined 6d and round corn was steady. - Flour was firm with a fair demand. Live Stock Markets. • Montreal, Que., September 2. - At the eastern abattoir the receipts to -day were 500 head of cattle, 25 calves, 500 sheep and 500 lambs. Trade was fairly active all round, and prices about steady at last Thursday's figures. Butchers' beeves money to meet urrent expensee until ,the brought from 34e L 8le per 1b., live WITH BEEP, IKON AND NINE. • taxes are collected, was read three times•r• follow out instructions -Adopted. Moved by John Neelands, seconded by D. M. Gordon, that the report of the Fire and Water Committee be adopted, as amended -Carried. The Committee appointed to make inquiries re granolithic sidewalks re- ported recommending that the Council send a deputation to Stratford to enquire into cost of sidewalks, etc. Moved by John :Neelands, seconded by A. Dawson, that the report of Committee ole granolio sidewalks be adopted -Carried. Moved by R. 0. Sperling, seconded by John Wilson, that Jessrs. Benj. Willson and Geo. McKenzie be appointed a deputation to go to Strat. ford to look into sidewalk question -Lost, Moved by John Neelands, seconded by A. Dawson, in amendment, that the Mayor and Reeve •be sent to Stratford to enquire nto granolithi sidewalks --Carried. The Treasurer's monthly report was read and led. By-law o. 154, a by-law to borrow c n N a and passed. Tho dMayor, was reported that to weight,. for choice, and front 216 �r 3e for secondary stock. A few The Best Blood purifier, Tonic and General Health Restorer 'ever -offered to mankind. r do, clam -- tion .. `'i a not Peal cola• - tion in the several provinces of the Dominion on and has discovered that 1,fanitoba spends more looney pro- portionately than any of the other provinces. People of the Prairie Province pay at the rate of $2.02 per head of population, while British Colombians and residents of Ontario extend $1.87 per capita. Since 1888- Nowt 885 Ni'owt Scotia's expenditure has de - (reamed frons. $t,51 per head to $1.45. - ario remained stationary while 1� prices. �r STEAK lOc PER LB. ill and other meats proportionately low. 1� EYESIGHT TESTED Free of 1 rt Charge and suitable lenses given The patronage of the public•is soli- + at right prices. cited, and first -glass meat and prompt 1 attention guaranteed, 'I l GEO. SHAW.. wingham, July 15th, 1895. ONE: GIVES RELIEF. R•F•P`A•N•S The moder stand- ard F - • Medi- cine : ures the commoeveryday ills of humanity. It Tenders for Fnruishingsand Supplies for thnHouse- la of Refmrev at Clinton, in the County of Huron. win. IJ Go received in sealed envelopes addressed to H, ll Hither, hsq., Crediton P. 0., narked Tender House• of Refuge, not Inter than Saturday, September 2lst, 1895.. n The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (L A list of supplies aim furnishings in detail and also - le -farms of tender may be had on application to any iu of the following poisons : R. C. SrARLIxo, Wingllam, Ci- DAVID KENNEDY, Clinton, i T. B. SAUNDERS, Wroxeter, tr B. B. GUNN, Seafort), Cr JAMES Bunus, Bayfield, N. H. YOUNG, Blyth, W. H. Kenn, Brussels, Cr' Tiros.OABLixG, Exeter, �� PHILIP HOLT, Goderioh, r'' H. EILnER, Crediton, MIJNSIAW rr GEo. McEivAN, Hensen, lJ 1J r Wnc. LANE, Godericll, B. S. Com, Fordwicli, inc Optician Wingham, Ont. H. EILBER, C Chairman.. a 75i • �'� r'. Dated, 2415i August, 1895. A. T. McDoN&L», Auburn, W E HAVE A CONTRACT. with ourselves to give the beat Business aua�� Shorthand Course that can be had, and as we have completed the contract, the., Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario,:. Xs enjoying a liberal patronage. We have something new aloug educational lines« - Enquire about it. Catalogue free. J. W. W ''STERVELT, Principal. MANLEY'S CELERY -NERVE C011i1POUND ad issued distress warrant and seized goods of party who owned one of the dogs that Trilled Messrs. Henderson's sheep, but. could not eel' any of the goods, and the ,.--� - . -- - - .- _------- .. --.� - . �. COMPOUND, town Would have to pay two-thirds of the d rded f the genet l rangef tat' I out of a dole dozen f any other"Compound" the1 It export cattle were sold at 4e per ib. parison ! You will get more genuine permanent benefit out of ONE BOTTLE of Small meats were in request at h /1 A 1►Ti T ITT![ i / Y { 1T S 7T T7 w r rr, r . figures given below. Following is l • In t , ul o OIL Gl,rcE>xtiv>; Instead of Arcoxor,. Try It Yost trill then, knotty the truth. .1 us lugs, arid Is base O"V °triages aware or the sheep, and casts.. a o clue tons len 0 w 0 en o on market. contains 110 Mr. Neelands thought Counle'I should not (( Cattle• Butchers' choice, per lb., I . 1 E bOLI,AIi pER BoTT 1'.,1 . pity costs re sheep to the Mayor and town i 31c G 81e 'live weight to 1n view. Afters co onnsiderable dlsensecen the mon to ood officials. The g c .�5� �� i�.i.5' y took the opposite t0 fair do.,, -31e L 2'c• 411. do.,; `+ y matter was allowed to droll. The Conlon culls, do,, 2e >.e, Sheep --;Corny then adjourned. ,50. Lambs,r► �IVILIAM DRUG STORE �iV`IGHi►IUy, ON`A�.