HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-09-06, Page 3THE WING -HAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 6 18 W. 0. T. U. COLUMN. (CONDUCTED IVY Wire WOPMIAS inamea) •.•••••••••• oFor God and Horne and Native Land." Y.V.1•••••••••• Well call the atfention, of the Mothers and sisters tothe fact, that the Woman's Oltristlati Temper - *nee T.Thiciti meets the third Monday every month at three o'clock sharp, tor one hour, at Mrs, Holm's residence, Patrick street. All ladles are made wel- come, A As the Editor has kindly given us part ol his Orme. for our worlf, We ask blonde of the case to send Items of interest on all moral questions of the .floY to ally of Our members. New York Liquor Dealers Resolve to Close Their Saloons on SurittaY• At a =Sting of the excise corn - mite of the Wine, Liquor, and Beer Dealers' .Association, of New York, and other members of the as- sociation, lately held, this resolution was unanimously adopted : That on and after Sunday, Sept. 1, 1895, all members of the Wine, Liquor, and Beet Dealers' Associa ation, of New York, shall close their An Barly Autumn Xagemue "CompUlsion in Child Training" is the subject wnieh the Rev. Charles Purl D. D,, discuses wisely and well ie the September Ladies' lionae Journal. His Article is ably supplemented by Edward W. Bok's exeellent editorial on "Our Schools and Our Teachers," "The Wen= Who Paints Cats" is the striking title of a, full page devoted to. Madame Roulette Ronner, the ace- brated cat paiater ; several copies of her most celebrated. pictures beiug givea, "The Men Who Write Our Comic Operas" are represented by portraits and sketches of "The Composer of 'Wang,'" "The Com- poser of 'Robin Rood"' and "The Composer of 'Princess Bonnie."' Graceful in theme and melodious in construction is Mr. Robert Coverley's song, "Love's Reflections," written exclusively for this issue of the • places of business On Sunday, and. Journal. Grace Greenwood writes any member of the association who of"The Man Who Most Influenced shall thereafter keep his place of Me," Amelia E. Barr of "Converse - business open in violation of this tion at the Dinner -Table," and Frank resolution and in violation of the law R. Stockton's "Love Before Break. shall forfeit all his rights, privileges : fast" eomes to a happy conclusion. and planted at intervals. After geutleman was thoroughly ashamed and benefits. as a member of said : Mrs, Mallon's "The Early Winter potting the bulbs in good garden of his mistake and eager to repair it. assoeiation, I DO:111W and "Silk and WW1= soil they must be placed m the dark to raake roots. the This is of But no importunities would. tempt Sai8ein. 1,,ha. Con-inecliee,a ttre daintily Moto, e bythe intractable junior to taste the Saloon -Keeper verted. i Abby E. Underwood, as are "Party Stimulated by the success of Dresses for Children," by W. Gran - Bishop Fallows in buying out a liquor : ville Smith, and "The Early Autumn saloon in Chicago and changing it Coats," by Prank 0. Small. into a temperance resort with non- Women who love dainty needlework alcohol beer for its attraction, some will be delighted with Helen Mar Bliffalo ministers have undertaken a : Adams' "Greek Embroidery Designs" Similar enterprise—only they have and Mrs. Barnes -Bruce's "A Bridal gone a step further. They have not , Table Set." This anti -Linn% brides only secured the famous "Gold Dollar ' will find much practical advice in Mrs. Saloon" in that city—its floor laid ' Hamilton Mott's up-to-date article on with $20 gold pieces, its bar studded "This AutUtnn's Wedding Etiquette." with •,,50 gold pieces, its walls hung J. Harry: Adams writes of Some with fine pictures, and its interior Artistict Doorways" and several illuminated with 1,200 incandescent bright women give some charming lamps—but- they have also secured ideas for "Beautifying the Home." the proprietor of this gorgeous Eben E. Rexford writes of "Caltivat. establishment, who was glad of the lug the Lily" and Emma M. Hooper opportunity to turn from old associa- ' of "Dressing the Young Girl." Alto - dons and ways, and who will will- gether this attractive issue, which ingly dispense harmless drinks in ' goes out with a cover especially place of the former poisonous bever- designed by Mr. C. D. Gibson, ages. The "temperance saloon" is is worth ten times its price of ten owned by a stock company composed cents. The Ladies' Rome Journal is of ministers and business men.— published by The Curtis Publishing Zion's Herald. i Company, of Philadelphia, for ten . I cents per number and. one dollar per A Temperance Lesson., . : year. A. good instance of proving a point in a fair argument has been put in.: , 'Vacation Time print as follows: ' Is at hand and is gladly welcomed by all, A noted temperance lecturer once , especially those whose duties in life have caused ttohetumeel) geeatrlLparitierntudeoliwtsn, their visited the shop of a hatter and asked hini to give something to the cause. sical and mental, forced upon them. The, shop man coldly replied that he With these and others, it is important, had no interest in,it, and then it was whether at borne, at the sea -shore or in the temperance man began to in- country, and irtas siournrteholthowiti•shttanbeee given to (oll struct him after the Socratic method to Nature, a good building -up medicine of question and answer. like Hood's - Sareaparilla had best be I am sorry to hear that, he said; for it shows me that you are not ac- quainted with your own business. business than I am, said the man state ot mind and bodily health. with some spirit, I shall be very happy to take lessons of you. WINTRR, WINDOW OABDRINTS, BULBS 'MAT uAx 13E GROWN 200, OESSIML147 TiNT1117sIASTIO AMATERRS. No other plants available for win. doW gardens yield so generous a return for the slight care they re. quire, as those with bulbous roots, writes Carroll Watson Rankin in the September Ladies, Home Journal. No other plants are so fascinating' or so easily grown. Most bulbs will thrive and produce an abundant harvest of glorious bloom la a temperature that would, reduce a geranium to a state of cbronie in- validism; yet many people have an idea that it is a difficult matter to grow them without a greenhouse. That le a mistake. All one needs is a little conamon-sense—and the bulbs. Bulbs should be ordered early in the fall. The Bermuda Easter lily and the freesia should be planted in August if they are wanted for the holidays. All other bulbe should be ordered early in September When Spurgeon, was a 'Young Nan. A writer in the Belgravia Maga- zine tells bow On one occasion be was met by a hoary -headed pastor who " despised his youth," and muttered of boys Ong up and down the country preaching before their moth- er's milk was well out of their mouths. The lesson for the day pro- vided him with an apt text for bis reply. " The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be feund. in the way or righteousness." Of this the bold youth made such use as won him the pastor's partieg greeting "the sauciest dog that ever barked in a pulpit." At another village he was received by a gentienaan, who brought his equipage to conduct the guest to his mansion, but seeing a small, slender boy with cherubic cheeks, the family carriage man put tip at his gardner John's, and de- puted the servant- to entertain the lad. This latter accepted the situ- ation, and next day was accompanied by his humble host to the house of prayer. After hearing him the resorted to. E the cligestIon is poor, liver deranged and frequent headaches seem to be the rule, Hood's will change all this and enable everyone to return to If you are more familiar with my their home and business in a refreshed Well, said the lecturer, you deal taking tip estray stock shalt give notice that such animals are on their premises by publishing three tittles in a newspaper published within the Itegarding Animals Astray. The law provides that a person in., hats and intend to make a little money on every hat you sell ? Yes. utmost importance. A dark eeol cellar is the best place, but a darkgreat man's salt, save upon the hard conditions that John should be %- Closet or a cupboard, or even a ,I vitecl to supper too ! bureau. drawer will do alcely. The I _ soil must be watered occasionally— Heart Disease ateheved in 30 the aforesaid common-sense will telliMam 7A:11 oasiesseaosfe orreggvieeciOr isny n310 - remain in the dark for at least four i t h„llettle F.. quickly cured, by Dr. Ag - you how often—and the pots must1.1)0 n and u I new's Cure. Sold at Chishohn's Drug weeks. It will do no harm to have store, Wingbatn. them there for three or four months, provided they are not allowed. to dry out. . There are a number of bulbs that entered a restaurant Saturday even - may be grown successfully by the ing, and took seats at a table where enthusiastic amateur, may be retied sat a telegraph operator and a reporter. upon to impish flowers for Thanks- The old man bowed his head, and giving, Christmas, New Year's, i was about to say grace, when a Easter and for innumerable birth-waiterflew up, singing, "I have beef - days. Isteak, cod -fish leans, and bull -heads." Relief In six hours.—..)istreSsing Kid. ii Father and son gave their orders ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six and the former again bowed hie hours by the "Great South American Kid- ; head. The °young mats turned the ney Ogre." This great remedy is a great ' color of a blood red beet, and touch - surprise and delight to physieians on ao- count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and , low, nervous tone :— every part of the urinary passages in male I "Father, it isn't customary to do He Was 'Ashamed. A clerk and his country father ININNAM SAW MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to m.7 00 they have a very large stock Qf LUIVI.BER, SHINCLES„ .LATH BARRELS, WOOO, 84„ on hand, which will be saki at very close prices to rn.eet the requires of the hard. times. Dna female. It rehoves retention of water and pain in passing ib almost immediately. If you wy, t quick relief Da euro this is your remedy, Sold at Chisholm's drug store. that in restaurants!" "It's customary for inc to return thanks to God wherever I am," said the old mau. . : For the third time he bowed his "Let us Quarrel To-Ntorrow." head, and his son bowed his head, My wife is , one of the sweetest and the telegraph operator paused little women in the whole world, and in the act of carving his beef -steak I arn not peculiarly cranky, but and bowed his head, and the journal - sometimes differences would arise, ist pushed back his fish ball and begining with the most trivial things, bowed his head, and there wasu't a which, however, being duly nursed, man who heard the short, simple became of monumental proportions prayer that didn't feel a profounder and often threatened the peace of respect for the old farmer than if he the family. Of 'course, I was com- had been Governor-General. monly the one to blame ; in. fact, as I look back on,it now, I am sure 1 For Over Fifty Years was always to blame, for I should AN sem) Alm WaLL-Tatke REMY.— Mrs. Win have had the wisdom. to give away ;let 18)",7,=10,TIT,;',?„n;crft,'„utl,eiltr,nollyr:Irliaye on the non.-esse.ntials, and by a little eatatra, with perfect success. It soothes the child First Class Shingles, $1.10 pr Square. Wood Theis. per Cord, delivered. 'Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. lVoLEAN & cOlsf, Wingham, June 7th, 103, JOBPRINTING, TNOLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Ail A Heads, Circulare, Ate., Rte., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on abort notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Timms Office, Whighain. BOODMING. We are pleased to announce that env Books or Magazines lett with ns for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Vrices for Binding in any btsle will be given on application to the Tines Office. restraint and. :gentle talk Will my rtlei7tteznx,,tiaur tvis,'„'411,fesiswiIdaspc2t% little wife over to nay way of think- the taste. Sold by Druggists in IA ery part of the I should sacrifice my dignity ! as spahl"g sYr"P' und --.- Whatever sends customers to your head of the family:by, yielding.. So Belgian workmen train cocks to section where the estray was found, shop and increases their ability to sometimes I went to business without crow against each other, The train - and if the nropertv is not called for buy promotes your interest, doeett't - - - my good-bye kiss and two people ed rooster in Belgium has crowed 337 within three weeks after inserting it ? were miserable all day'. times in an hour. notice the finder shall go to a justice Certainly. But my little wife had an inspira- of the peace and make oath to find- - Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and Whatever makes men content to tion (most women have when it Croup Cure, is in great detnand. Pocket hie, and advertising. If the property comes to the. breaking point), and size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. wear old, worn-out bats does 1, ".°U1* 18 not claimed within a year and should not exceed $50 in value, it then belongs to the party on whose premises it strayed. If worth over $50 it shall be advertised by the jus- tice and sold, and the excess .of all ing. But instead of that, I feared inve=arZ.ntatTe%notss MP.* tlterstaaWNIS ZETLAND SAW IVIILL GEORGE 'THOMSON, Proprietor. 1.4uraber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part of Wing. ham. ifgfOr4ers by mail promptly attend GII4ORPB T.E1031SON, Box 0.0,11ringbare. Ont CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to NUNN (tc CO., who have bad nearlyfifty years. experience intim) patent busines. Communica.. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of au formation concerning Patents and how to ob., tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of raechany teal and scientific books out free. Patents taken through Munn & receivis special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the publicwith- out cost to the inventor. This splendid poor, issued weeklY. elegantly illustrated, has by far thei largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition. monthly, $2.50 a year. Single coples,'25 cents. Everynumber contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN it CO., NEW WEIC1361 BnoAnwAT. uts, Scratcbes, z‘‘ 10yr ce ;tic ad]. ba; C instant - ‘k1 ' " s )1 Sprair)Sy # 1 'X PERRY DAVIS' and all .pains, external PaillKiller This old remedy is known, used and sold everywhere. Get it and keep it by you. craft an injury. Yes. Well, sir, if you and were to walk out along the wharves and through the streets and lanes of this city, we should see scores of men wearing on their heads old, miser- expenses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person tale - able, slouch hats, which 'ought years ing up an estray and neglecting to ago to have been thrown into the cause the same to be advertised and fire. Now, why don't those men appraised shall be liable to a fine of come at once and buy of you? $20. That is not a difficult question to answer, said the shopman. They e are too poor to buy hats. What has more inflame than Short Journeys on a Long Road Is the oharadteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over one liquor in emptying their pockets; and hundred pages ot charmingly written not only that, but injuring their self- descriptions of summer resorts in the Chicago. The respect to saeh an extent that they are willing to wear old clothe'? re°titTitii7r tunrtttherninsdneT.t )13feCillustrations . are new. and the information therein Nothing, said the man, hastily. Will be 130W to almost everyone. 1. am beaten. Rotel° will be sent free to anyone who . --ea.--- will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Orillia's Prominent Vernituto Dealer Gives Gr,p, H. Reoroati, General Passenger Facts. Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. haul Orillia, Feb. 100.0894. Railway, Chicago, Ill, EIntaNS011i nATMEI & Co., weeks ago I had an :Meek et ItObifig f YOII will flud it less easy to ttproot I * 1 b * ' Gentlemen,—About three or four Here is some Money for your cause, A dopy of Short Journeys on a Long • milts t tan to eboke t tem y gaming Piles. I tried two or three i r remedies recommended by droggists fiis virttiee. Do not think of your faults "the best and only cure," etc,, etc., but still less Of others' faults. In every" Neglect cold in the head and you will got no relief. About the tine 1 was , person who look f have catarrh. Neglect nasal beginning to despair of finding comes near you or sirrely relief, with some slight misgivings x what is good. and strong, honor that, catarrh and you will as surely induce bought a box of your pile cure, which I Nolte in it; its yeti Can, try to ie. pulmonary diseases or catarrh of the am pleased to say gave roe almost in- tato it, and your faults will drop or stonnion with its disgasting attendants, stant relief and permanent num I con. like dead leaves when their timo 8te. Stop it all by tieing Dr. Chase's foul breath, hewking, spitting, blowing, ALP. 3. DEAN. ' MO —11,118kin. Catarrh Cum tri cents t box, mires. eitler your Ointment a God-emid. the next titne ou.r argument was Children love it. Sold at 011isholm's drifting near the danger line, sho Corner Drug Store. turned aside the collision by this ' womanly suggestion, "Howard, dear, let's quarrel to -morrow !" This was a proposal for an armistiee. What husband could. refuse? "All right, I saki, "we will put it off untilto- morrow," and we laughed and talked of other things. But to -morrow did not come. Indeed, to -morrow never comes ; it'S always a day ahead ; BIC 11"10 lasteaam.mamacle. ess 0 Small Investments. Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they Make so much within a short tune as by successful Speculation in Grain, ,Provisions and Stook. nil FOR EACH DOLLAR INVEST) CAN ISE NIApE IL== By Our Systematic Plan of Speculation SALESMEN WANTED or ginated by us. All successinl speculators operate on a ocular sstrnu s It ia well.ipiown fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the United States who, by gsothhtdied ci;i3tadvisn 0 thttizithm0C‘hvilc03a shetoskae rfhundreditfltor 550 titntrzi aovietars .1viepiu.,,) • 4.2,t3tTt!,71',10:60OZ more by thine elm Invest few thousa:d. It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small investments on this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and invest through brolters who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers hath sides, so. that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profit thal, piles up enormously in a short time, warm Fort oc,Nywoitio pRoops, also our Manual on successful speculation and our Daily ilarket Report, full of money.mattng pointers. ALL FREE, Our manual explains margin trading fully. Highest references h. regard to our Standing and soceess. For further information address Pus'bing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale of our Choice NursoryStock. Specialties controlled by ue. Highest Salary or Commission paid weekly. Steady employment the your round, Outfit res;. exclusive territory; experience not necessary ; big pay assured workers ; special inducements to he. &tiers. Write et ones for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., ROCHESTER, N V. and if we can only keep our quar- rels till then, there will be no more nu tiar,„. anlila 3 heart broken little wives at home AN a ri and fewer "blue" husbands at the store or office, "Let's quarrel to- Cheaper than -Ver. Sold exclusive - morrow l"—New York Evangelist. ly by Dr. Fowlers Extract of 'Vi1d Straw- berry cures Diarrhcoa Dysentery, Cramps, Colin, Cholera dorbus, Cholera Infantum,and all looseness of the bowels, Never travel without it. Price Mo. The Mexican owl, when enjoying a siesta, puts itself under the guard of a kind rat, that gives the alarm on the approach of danger. 2 Neglects and the Result. 1? T. H ROSS, --DGAtsElt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING MACHINES lad FARM IMPLEMENTS. I 'The following froth the Bell Organ and Piano Company eaplaies Guelph, Ont., JolylOth,1805. To WHOM IT .MAY ewe:leer:1 This late certifytthat Nitre, if. Ite!a, of Winghtm, lo our wont and that he only is natterized to offer Our %reeds tar sale 10 Wingliam fowl vicinity. Any. one elan who may otter to supply our goods cannot get tilieancirra ha and jlattios desiring via gelatine twain sti la apply to Mt. Roto only. Ton Systr. OasAs & PIANO Co, Ltd. THOMAS & CO., Bankers an Brokers, 241-242 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. A Blessing to Every Household. 11011.0 AY'S PILLS AND CIKTMENT Those reinedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the hest Medicines for, Family use. Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII, TODNSYS AND row EIS and; invaluable in ell complaints Incidental to females of all ages. TIIIC 0 IT"TIVITI 1\1- 'I' Is the only rella,blo remedy .for bad cgs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. 1701i BRONCMIIIS, SOAR THROATS, 0013611S, 'OLDS, GOUT, ItPEUMATISN1, GLADULA It SWELLINOS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 73, Now Oxford. Late 533, OXford Street, London, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, r.3'''ruroliasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. BoorowomoMmomiresultierworoperromerralano......m.............m!011 WEBSTER & CO. will continue to reduce the price for MAKING MEN'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT CASK If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar n. the making of each stilt, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied, at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from OM $1.0.00 oi eaeh, by purchasing from us. WEBSTER & 00, Opposite the new Macdonald Illoek, Winghain. Afroliant Tailors