HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-30, Page 88 TH'E' ,NEW DRESS GOODS, TJIE WIN GUAM TIMES, AUGUST 30 1895. Strongest department in the house. Stronger this season than ever. We never stand still—always improving and developing. The development In aur big Dress Goods stock will please and surprise you, First coal°, the exclusive foreign novelties, high Art and exclusive, no two patterns alike. Need we mention that you should get first pick of them ? The prices are very reasonable, but come and see them and be, your own Judge, We being a little enthusias- tic on this point, might be tempted to ,exaggerate a little, and we would rather have your opinion than our •own, %,,jt matters not, be it an ex- ensie or cheap Dress you are in search of, you can find it here, and In .%eater variety than anywhere else in town,,, at M. H. McINDQO'Se Personals. Miss Emma Beck is visiting friends in London. k, z.,lliiss Louise Ferguson is visiting friends in Belgrave. ';^ Mrs. John Law, of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. R. G. Wilson, of Brussels, • is visit- ing friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Strong, of Gorrie, Were in town on Tuesday. Mr. Richard Arscott, of London, was in town on Friday, on business. Miss Janes, of Walkerton, was calling on friends -in town, on Friday last. aMiss Maggio McKenzie, of Kincardine, is y!lsiting friends in town this week, Mrs. Geo. Scott, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs., S. B. Webb. Mrs. W. A. Cates and daughter, .of De- troit, are visiting friends in town. i^,,,% Mr. R. J. M91lSath was visiting friends in Goderich township, last week." Miss Kelly, of Toronto, is visiting in town, the guest of Miss Allis, Hemuth. Goderich Signal: John an& Miss May Gives left on Monday on a visit to Wing - ham. Mrs. Robt. Hill, of Walkerton, was call- ing on friends in town`rlast and part of this Week. London Free Press: Mrs.' Alf. Merriall, of London, has been visiting her parents in town. i *. „ueknow Sentinel :'+ Miss Birdie MoIn- tosh;tw'a^visiting friends in Wingham last week. V Mr. Alex. Stewart, Reeve of West Wawanosh, was in town on Tuesday on business. Mildmay Gazette: Mrs. J. E. Mulhol- land is visiting with friends in Wingham this week. Miss Lillian Halsted, of Toronto, spent a few days last week visiting her mother and other friends in town, ,r The family of Mr. John Murray return- ed from Hensall, where they were spending the holidays, on Monday, Miss Laura and Master Ralph Hodgson left on Tuesday on a visit to friends in Newmarket and other points. Teeswate: News : Mayor Brookenshii,•e, of Wingham, is in town endeavoring to or- ganize a Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars. iiMessrs. Charles H. Bradwin and George Whitehead, of Walkerton; A. E. Bradwin and Perry Bradwin, of Blyth, spent Sun- day with friends in town.V Brussels Herald ; Mrs. C. Knechtel and family, of Wingham, are visiting at Wm. Knechtel's, . Mrs. Lewis Hembly, of Wing - ham, was 'visiting friends in town last week. —Mr. Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., of Wrox- etor,was in town on Saturday last, and was kept busy for its' hour or two shaking hands. He and Mrs, Gibson were over to meet some old country friends who were here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sparlilig, Blyth Standard : Mr. Fred J. Bradwin, of Wingham, spent a few days in town this week with friends. . Messrs. Alex. Dawson and W, W. Inglis, of Wingham, were in town on Tuesday...Miss Long and Miss Wade, of Wingham, were calling on Blyth friends on Monday, ",Brussels Post ; Miss Cline, of Wingham, was visiting at Mrs. P. Scott's—Miss Hattie Roderous, of Wingham, is visiting Miss ]illian Ainsley.. Miss and Mrs. Duf- field, of Wingham, and Miss Talbot, of London, were the guests of Mrs. Alex. Strachan last Monday»' —Mr. John Leslie, of Winnipeg, Mani- toba,is in town on a visit to his parents,Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leslie. He says the crops in Manitoba aro something immense, and business prospects are correspondingly bright. No doubt large quantities of Wing- hamfurniture will find its way to Winni- peg as a result of Mr. Leslie's visit. i Ripley Express : Mr. W. .T. Chapman and wife, of Wingham, spent Wednesday with Mr. H. P. Chapman ..Mr. A. Sebas- tian, tonsorial artist, of Wingham, was re- newing acquaintances in the village. , Miss Sutherland, of Wingham, is visiting in the village..Mr. Fred McDonald returned on Saturday from Wingham, Bayfield, and Detroit.. He resumed his duties on Mon- day morning as teacher in the public school. V Mr. Alex. Mitchell's Death. The following particulars of the death of Mr. Alexander Mitchell, father of Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of this town, we take from last issue of the Listowel Banner : A sad event was the sudden death early on Monday morning last of Mr. Alexander Mitchell, one of the oldest pioneers of this district. Deceased, who was in the 77th year of his age, has been waiting on his aged wife, who has been lying near the point of death for some weeks, but had recovered some- what the last few days. About one o'clock on Monday morning he rose from his bed upstairs and in coming down stairs by some means fell and sustained injuries from the effect of which he succumbed almost immediately. The deceased, Alexander Mitchell, was born on the 11th gf May, 1829, in the county of Armagh, Ireland. He came to Canada in 1849 and lived for a year in the township of Fuller- ton. In 1850, 45 years ago, he took up land in Elms, of which township be was one of the first pioneers. He owned a fine farm on the corner of the Ord concession and the Mitchell road, on which his son James, at present resides. • klis family consists of William, marble cutter, Wing- ham, inceham, James, on the farm, (George, Detroit, and a widowed daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mit• ohell, living at home. There were also. Alexander, deceased, and Mrs. Benj. Mitchell, Barriston, deceased. Mr. Mit. obeli had enjoyed good health and but fol' this unfortunate accident was apparently good for many years yet, The remains were interred in the oemctery on the town - line west, on Tuesday, 20th, and were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives from the neighborhood, and from Mitchell, Dungannon, Wingham, Detroit, Milverton and Harriston, and by many of his old friends from town and township. Rev. Mr, Gunner, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Willoughby, conducted the obsequies in a very impressive manner. The deceased was highly esteemed as a good citizen and was held in high regard by all who knew him. He was an affec- tionate husband, kind parent, and a con- sistent member of the Methodist church for about 35 years, and a sincere Christian, he will be much missed in the community. The bereaved widow and children and other relatives have the deep sympathy of the entire community in the sudden bereave- ment of a beloved husband and kind father. The pall bearers were: Messrs,. W. Dunn, C. Travis, A. Douglas, W. Clothier, J. W. Boyd and W. Hutchison, His sons William and George were at the funeral from Wingham and Detroit, as also was a brother-in-law, Mr. J. G. Ward, J. P., of Dungannon, Out. The Salvation Army "Harvest Thanksgiving Festival." In 1892 Commandant H. H. Booth hit upon a new idea for raising funds, by in- augurating a plan for clearing poor corps and officers of debt. The plan was an an- nual " Harvest Festival Scheme," to be held all over the Dominion and Newfound- land on certain dates. This year the dates are : Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, August 31st, September lst, 2nd, and 3rd. In this scheme it is possible for all who appreciate the Army's work to assist in some way or other. The ofdders of the various corps are instructed to visit friendsg and collect from them anything they are able to contribute, whether it be in cash or otherwise. Gifts of produce, groceries, fruit, grain, cattle, poultry, 'or anything of any description which is sale- able will be acceptable. After the collec- tion of these various articles a sale of tiie same is arranged for the Monday night, and the proceeds placed into one common fund to help out the debts mentioned4 Commandant Booth hopes by this scheme, also, to replenish the 'storehouses of his various institutions, such as Rescue Homes for fallen women, Men's Shelters, Chil- dren's Institutions, Home for Sick Officers, also his Industrial Farm, so that it will be unnecessary to spend money on these arti' cies during the fall and winter. He con- tends that, though money is scarce, the land is laden with good things, and he calls upon those who have enough and to spare to remember those who are not so favorably circumstanced. Oall on STOP A MINUTE Campbeil THE NEW DRUGGIST, FOR PURE DRUGS. Try his DAVID POWDER, ONLY and read what is taking place at the China Rouse. Marked reductions in a number of lines of beautiful CHINA AND GLASSWARE ...®® to make room for NEW GOODS expected to arrive in the near future. In fact, some lines already passed into Stock. FRESH GGROC arriving daily, th prices of which c satisfaetion. Try Apricots, Peaches, nd Pitted Silver Plums. We are sole agents for SALAIi)A TEA, and have it in Black and Black and Green mixed. Try one package and we'll rest assured of the result. 25 CENTS PER LB. Also, full lines of Japan and Hyson Teas, which cannot fail to please. All orders left to our care will re - H. F. Gordon's Olcl Stand. ca et our most careful and prompt attention. NORMAN A. FAIIQUHARSON no IES ality and fail to give e of our dried It is the best. BORN. TArLoR—In Morris, on August 16th. the wife of Wm. Taylor, of a son (still V v MAR/LIED. FOWLER—GInsoN—At Listowel, on August 19th, by Rev. J. A. Morrison, B. A., of Toronto, Mr. J. Ades Fowler,.of Clinton, to Mrs. M. J. Gibson, of Listowel. Tremain—In Listowel, on the 29th of August, Elizabeth, relict of the late closes Tremain, aged 80 years, 4 months and 29 days. Deceased was mother of Mrs. R. Elliott, of Wingham. J j FALLEN—In Culross, on Aug. ]5th, Daniel Fallen, aged 82 years.4 McKENZIE—In Blyth, on August 17th, Annie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, aged three weeks. NESBIT—In Regina, N. W. T., on August 17th, Joseph S. Nesbit, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Nesbit, Blyth, aged 27 years, 7 weeks. RINGS GOLD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does made rings on the premises. I make and finish all work in the best possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is found, I alw s return the same gold, manufac red order, iti. . .i.•';' v China House, Wingham, lotto :—Good Goods at Honest Prices. AUCTION SALE -or— VALUABLE FAR IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP. The undersigned will offer for sale by auction at SWARTS' HOTEL, WINGHAM, —eN— Wednesday, Sept. 25th, 95 1 • AT 1 o'cLocit ', Ary A good 100 acro farm helei. nth res of Lots 23 and 24 in the lst Domain tortes. ,Tho farm is well cantered and Ne14v ed fpr hathgrazn and grating. Thr a'e,. ;. THEY EY 6/ There , Oli.the fai9u p,:; ,outl.:ttamc SI: O dwelling house 20 x ZS' re Good cellae thenaho1e 'aize of the house ; n good bsah)t'bsvn .30c140;dlvitil, good stTEMIStu,d a and sof sale are : T ... ' O Make Room for New Goods. Tanis—Tho terms of saloare . Tdn pef coot. off,,, Roo for 'Ve G the purchase money to be paid on the day of Sidei --- i the balance when the deed is given, Possession'' to 1 have a number of be given on the 1st of April, ib90. JOHN QALBRITH Our Fall Stook of Dry ods is now Complete and will be fouj Fo'sup to date, It will pay you to buy here. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPT, 58 in. Tweed Suiting° at 65o, 750 and S1 ' a yd., are speoial value, 58 inch Golf Gaping for $1.25, Think of it. OUR RIBBON DEPT, Fancy Ribbons at 15c yd., worth from 25 to 50 ots. We do the R' on Trade of town, Think of it, OU r ST E DEPT, 36 inch Gr • ton at 5o yd. is special, Some sto -: charge 7o for the same quality. Think of it. White and Grey Blankets only 65e pair, regular price $1, Think of it. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPT. Our Wool Underclotbina is complete, and at 50c, 750, $1 and 81.25 canhgt' be beat. Think of it. OUR CLOTHING DEP Men's Tweed Pants, bought to sell?. for 90c. Marked down to 85o. Think of it. OUR GROCERY DEPT. Our direct imported. Japan Tea at 2 0 is a dandy. Think of it. JOHN CALBRAITH, Aug. 28, 3.895. WINGHAiI,,. ATTRACTIVE Should not only be agreeable to the taste and smell, but it should be cut so as to be attractive to the eye. My meats will be found all that is desired in these respects. BEEF, PORK wind BUTTON always on hand, SAUSAGES, HEAD CHEESE and everything in the butchering line, in Season. Our prices will nhvays be found just right and meat will be delivered to any part of the town. T. G. FIELD. Wingham, Aug, 28th, 1805. PETER DEANS, R. A. OItAIHAII, Auctioneer. Proprietor, Wingham, Aug. 20th, 1805. ITO SMOKERS' By leaving your or :r with me, yddj can save from o• to $2, according to style, weight an . quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham, Do you know a man in Canada that repairs' watches any better than Halsey Park,Watohmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? 1` ;To meet the wishes of their customers 'The Geo. E. Tuokett Rs Son Co., Ltd,, `HHamilton, Out,, have placed upon the tnacket A Combination Plug of "T & WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, BAMBOO EASELS, PICTURES, PICTURE ' FRAMES, MIRRORS, TABLE COVERS, &c., left from the old stock. All will be sold at a bargain`'for Cash. A complete stook of FURNITURE —AN'D— UNDERTAKING SMOKING TOBACCO. kept onhand, . This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or. a 5. cent piece of the famous "T' div " brand of pgre Virginia Tobacco „ • The tin'tag `.'T & 6 is on every piece. T1 I E S Ti__. Anyone wanting anythingtip.uiy line will be convinced by getting xny priees before buying elsewhere.. See my Fahey Tables. in White Maple. , Remember the• place—Opposite Mac donald Block. , • c, Residence—Opposite Foundry. GEO. IRELAND, . Wingham. 'T '11 1:Z, _A_ 0 fT 0 INT ZN MploCDOaivrALI9 `, 13LOCg wileT(mg-xr'k1yg. Grand. Opening of Joan Ruettel Sons' OL THINGP,GENTS' FUR ¼ l IS y., .rS 9• rLISHMENT g y. ~ ' r This will be the event of the season. CLOTHING,CLOTHING, is our theme. We will eve no one a chance to contradict this. In fine Cloth- ing, made in up to order, we cannot beein xcelled the Dominion of Canada, We have come here to verify what we say. 4veryone must be pleased, that will favor us with their order, before the goods leave our establishment. Our facilities for getting the nobbiest and best goods in the market are unequalled. Customers can always rely on getting the newest and best in the market. In Workmanship, Style and Fit we defy competition. In READY-MADE CLOTHING we keep superior Goods to what are generally kept where Clothing is only kept as a side line to other' Gents, Clothing is a business by itself, and needs the' whole attention of anyone to do it well,and we are determined to make it a success in the Town Of Winghhani. Any gentleman that wants to be well dressed would do well to get one of our Suits from $1.2.00 up to $35.00, all the best of value. • HATS and CAPS we keep nothing but ihe latest and best in the market. In NECKWEAR we have a grand display and the latest;st market In WEITD and I♦'ANCY SHIRTS, we keep a Large variety, from the best makers, at Popular Prices. In fact we keepeverything Y_.. ever t that in gentleman needs. the t Ia We would kindly ask all to come and inspect our stock and prices. Whether you buy or not you will be courteously treated. We have on Co and$Cash is our Motto. Come one, aone,all,. ant we will be sure to please you. e JOHN RITETTEIL 8& SONS.