The Wingham Times, 1895-08-30, Page 7THE WIN GRAM TIMES, AUGUST NI x. riB..ADIT VARIBTTES Off' TER WHEAT, wr IMPORTS h '. SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCT- ED EXPERIMENTS FROM THIRTY COUNTIES IN ?NTARIO, 5, In average' yield of winter wheat per acre, Dawson's Golden Chaff stood highest among eleven varieties tested over Ontario in 1896, nine varieties in 1894, and nine Varieties in 1895, also among fifty- three ftythree varieties grown at the Ontario One hundred and twenty-two Agricultural College for four years varieties of winter wheat have been in .sueession. ,)•ested at the Ontario Agrieulturai 6. In the co-operative experiments' 'College within the past six years. for 1895, Dawson's Golden .Chaff, •Solve of these varieties have produced Jones' Winter Fife, and the Early yields of grain which wore more Genesee Giant gave the best yields than those of other varieties, grown on heavy soils; and Dawson's Golden beside them on plots of the same Chaff, the Early Genesee Giant, and area. Not only has there been a the American Bronze on light soils. great variation in the comparative 7. When the experiments followed yields of grain produced by the peas, grass, or bare -fallow, Dawson's different varieties, but there has also Golden Chaff gave the largest aver - been a. marked difference ia the age yield of grain, and when they Strength of straw, weight of grain followed potatoes, Early Genesee for millingr ed parposes, �alae etc.,of ofrain the GI 8. Ea Early GQ esee t in this Giant respect, f'wdifferent varieties tested. The re- son's Golden Chaff made the best ap- 'sults of these experiments are pub- pearanee in the spring of 1895, and lished annually in bulletin form and Early Ripe looked the poorest. 3n the College report, and are sent 9, American Bronze,Early Genesee free to all members of farmers' in- Giant, and Dawson's Golden Chaff stitlttes in Ontario, by the Department possessed the stiffen t straw in 1895, of Agriculture, Toronto. , ,The bulle- 10. Pride of Genesee and Ameri- tin giving the results of the winter Can Bronze produced the greatest wheat experiments conducted in the length of straw, and the Surprise the Experimental Department, the past shortest length. year, is now in Toronto for publiea- 11. Early Ripe ; and Dawson's tion. Golden Chaff .were the least, and In the fall of 1894, nine leading Early Genesee Giant and Early varieties of winter wheat were selected from the kinds which had been grown from one to five years at the Agricultural College, and were distributed throughout Ontario for co-operative experimental work. '' These were divided into two sets, ' with five varieties in each, the Daw- son's Golden Chaff being used in both set .to form a basis by which the results of all the varieties could be compared with one another. Each person wanting to conduct an ex- AN IDMPRUDENT FRAUD bas been perpetrated upon a well•known Member of Parliament. This gentle - Mian recently entered .a slanall ehem- fist's establishment in Northampton anal asked for a box of Holloway's Pills. A packet was given to him, for which he paid and then left the shop. having to leave for London that evening, it was not until he was in the train, many miles away from Northampton, that he discoveredhe had been swindled. Instead of Holloway's Pills he found that a per- nicious and worthless imitation had been foisted upon him, Of course the rubbish was thrown away, and the M. P. had to wait until he arriy- eel in London before he could get the genuine article. GAINED POUND EVERY DAY. evepSIA AND CATARRH OP TILE STOMAOn CURED IW 13. 13. 13. AIrTER HOPE WAS NI3ARLY GIVEN UP. GENTLEMEN, -For over three months I was very ill from what I believe Was a malignant type of Dyspepsia. 1 at once consulted a physican who treated me for Dyspepsia without success, I then went to a specialist who treated me for Dyspepsia without success. I then went to a specialist who diagnosed the ease as Catarrh of the Stomach, his treatment also failed and I was getting worse every day. I could not rest at night and had to walk the floor to get any ease. failed from 195 pounds down to 135 White Leader were the most affectedounds and about gave up in despair by rust. hen I heard of Burdock Blood Bitters 12. Early Ripe and Early Red as a remedy for despepsia. The tirst Clawson were -the first to mature, bottle made a change for the bettor, and and the Pride of Genesee and Early I bought sig more, being delighted to find myself getting better. Under the White Leader were the last to ma- use of 13. B. B. I gained a pound a day. tore. I took 18 bottles in all and am now nearly back to my old weight. I repro. - and Early Genese Giant and mend dyspeptics to try the old reliable Dawson's Golden Chaff produced the B. B. 13. that always cures, plumpest grain, and Early Ripe and 115 Ma to MPBELL,London,Ont. the American Bronze, the most pSt., shrunken grain. years b y millions of mothers for thdrohilurrnwhile hi ya o .n h n •Syruphas been used for over Afty teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child sotfeus tho gums, allays nil pain, cures wind collo, and is thubest remedy for Diarrheea. Is pleasant to the' taste. Sold by Druggists in et ory part et the Worts. Twenty -flus cunt. a uoIncalculattk', Its tnitto is SoothinglSy Syrup, nsura and takelno�other kik for nk tVius'otV s For Oyer Fifty Years AN sem Axa NEro+•Trian Itumnex.--.Airs. Win 14, Dawson's Golden • Chaff was periment, stated in his application decidedly the most popular variety J1'^ which. set he desired, and the five with the experimenters in. each of varieties in the set selected were sent the past three years ; and during to his address, with full instructions the present season, it was chosen by for conductingthe experiment. The over sixtyper cent of the farmers a. the of 1.�being grain was sown at the rate ,, who sent in full reports, as bushels per acre upon plots 1-160 of an acre in size. Two hundred and forty-seven winter wheat experimenters have reported already this season. Of this number, one hundred favored us with good reports of successful ex- periments, eighty furnished • partial reports, and sixty-seven wrote of failure or unreliable results. The names of the successful experimenters and the detailed results of the tests will be printed in the annual report of the Experimental Union. for 1895, which,will be published as an ap• pendia to the Agricultural College report. . The following table gives the com- parative yields of straw and grain per acre of the winter wheat varie- • ties during the past season on one hundred Ontario farms: Straw per Grain per acre. (tone) acre.(busli 60 lbs.) 1. Dawson's Golden Chaff.. 1.89 32.9 2. Early Genesee Giant.. 1.44 30.8 3. Early Red Clawson.... 12.3 28.9 4. 3•ones' Winter Fife 1.33 28.8 5. Pride of Genesee1.33 28.8 6. American Bronze.... 1.34 28.6 '7. Surprise.., . 1.33 28.1 8. Early Ripe.... 1.36 27.8 9. Early White Leader1.29 27.3 As none except the one hundred good reports of successfully conduct- ed experiments have been used in " the preceding summary of results, they should bo of great value and worthy of the thoughtful attention of wheat growers in Ontario. Much credit is due to the careful experi- menters who sent us the full reports, which have been used in this sum- mary. CONCISE RESULTS OF THESi1I 00- OPERATIVE WINTER WHEAT Er- PERIMENTS. 1. Reports of successful experi- ments with winter wheat have been received this season from thirty counties in Ontario, nineteen of which are east and eleven west of the City of Guelph. 2> The Counties of Lambton, Middlesex, Huron, Grey, Elgin, Sinicoe, and Bruce furnished fifty- one of the ono hundred good reports best among the varieties tested. DISTRIBUTION OF SEED) FOR 'TESTING PURPOSES. In the following table will be found two sets of winter wheat varieties, which will be sent free, by mail, in half -pound lots of every variety, to farmers appilying for them, who will carefully test the five kinds in the set which they choose, and will report the results after harvest next year. The seed will be sent out in the orderin which the applications are received as long as the supply lasts : • SET 1. -Dawson's Golden Chaff, Early Red Clawson, Jones' Winter Fife, Surprise, American Bronze. SET 2. -Dawson's Golden Chaff, Early Genesee Giant, Pride of Genesee, Bulgarian, Jones' Square Head.' Each person wishing one of these sets should write to the Experimen- talist, Agricultural College, Guelph,. mentioning which set he. desires; .and the grain, with instructions for test- ing, and blank form on which to report, will be furnished free of cost to his address, until the supply of grain for distributing becomes ex- hausted. " C. A. ZAVITZ, Experinientalist and Director of co-operative experiments in Agriculture. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, August 22nd, 1895. Know Your Bible. If you want your Sii6iME 1 AND FALL . Don't Dodge a Bike. We take the following from Wheel 4 .1� 1 Talk, the leading wheelman's paper f United. , States and think it may o ni . .fade in the latest style, go to be of some use to some of our citizens :-Here is a bit of advice which should be as widely spread as,,' o I i" iii , possible. Send a copy of it to your �`�T i�.'`�; local paper : 'Don't dodge a bicycle rider, either male or female. Stanch still and the rider will get along all right. Posts; trees,. stones, etc., never dodge, and only beginners ever run into them. If you see a "bike" coming straight at you, don't dodge ; if you do you will confuse the rider. If you stand still "in the middle of the road," or wherever you happen to be, the rider will take care The bible contains 3,566,680 letters, 810,697 words, 31,175 verses, 1. 1,178 chapters and 68 books. The longest chapter is 119th Psalm. The shortest and middle chapter is the 117th Psalm. The longest name is in the 8th chapter of Isaiah. Tim word "and" occurs 46,627 times. The 37th chapter .of Isaiah and the 19th chapter of the second book of Kings are alike. The longest verse is the 9th of the 8th chapter of Esther ; the shortest the 35th of the llth chapter of John. The 21st verse of the 7th chapter of Ezra is the only one of the entire collection whish contains every letter in the alphabet. The word "Lord" or its equivalent, "Jehovah," occurs 7,698 times in the Old Testament, or/to bemore exact, the word "Lord" occurs 1,853 times, and the word "Jehovah" 5,845 tunes. The word "God" does not occur in the 'book of Esther, but there is wisdom, knowledge, holiness and love in every chapter of the entire work. to give you plenty of room ; but if you go dodging to get out of the way, the chances are there will be a collision and you will be the worst hurt of the two. Therefore, don't dodge. Dont Tobacco Spit or SmoIse Your Lire Away. le tho truthful. startling title of a hook abont No To. c Liao, the harmless, guaranteed toba •ceo 1ubit rare that brace.. up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain Etrom;th; vigor and manhood. You run no physical or livan• Mal risk, us No To.nac is sold under guarantee to care or money refunded. Look free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., nlm,tieal. Sold by, 0. E. Williams, Winghanl. Mrs. McBride (entering the kitchen) -Bridget, didn't I see that policeman kiss you ? Bridget -Well, mum, sure an' yez wouldn't hey me lay mcsilf opin to arrist for resistin' an officer, mum. Did Yon Ever Think That you cannot be well unless you have pure, rich blood ? 11 you are weak, tired, laueuid and all run down, it is because year blood is impoverished and lacks vitality. These troubles my be overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla because Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure, rich blood. It is, in truth, the groat blood purifier. Hoon's PILts euro liver ills, constipa- tion, biliousness, janndice,sickheadache, indigestion. A Caution! A Warning! If, on blowing the nose in the morning lumps and flares are discharged colored with blood, especially on one side, lose no time in applying a remedy. Catarrh of the very worst kind has become seated, the walls are sore and full of. small ulcers, and if not soon cured will be hard to cure and eradicate. "A stitch in time saves nine," Use Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. According to Rowell's Newspaper Directory for 1895, there are 45 Ontario, newspapers in Ontall , 1 8 in Quebec, 18 in New Brunswick, 8 in Nova Scotia, 6 in British Columbia, received in 1895. 13 in .Prince Edward Island, 2 in the 3. Of the two hundred and forty -1 IN and 2 in l4lanitoba, or 92 ' seven experimenters who reported dailies in all Canada. There are 3 the results of their tests, only eight tri -weeklies, in the Dominion, 19 speak of wishing t6 discontinue the semi-weeklies, 587 weeklies, 1 tri- •k and •co-operative experimental work, monthl 6 bi-weeklies, 22 semi - yr At a mass meeting at Stratford a resolution asking the council to submit a $30,000 by -lava for sewer purposes was passed. Heart Disease ki,alieved in 30 MlnuteS.-All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm'e. Drug store, \*Tingham. it much interest is manifested through. out. 4. Dawson's Golden Chaff, Early Genesee Giant, Early Red Clawson, and Tones' Winter rife gave the highest yields of grain among nine lnonthlics, 128 monthlies, 1 bi- monthly, and 1 quarterly, snaking •a grand total of 860 newspapers in Canada. Earl's Clover Boot, the great Blood gives freshness and clearness to r' nese. 60 cents. At ' is o utaDrug MARK IT WELL. A Development Peculiar to the Present Ceneriitlort Dangerous and often Fatal. As each generation comes and goes it is marked by changes, developments and discoveries unknown to its predeces- sors. From aphysical standpoint one of the most to be dreaded conditions and peculiar for its rapid increase during the present generation, is when the mind labors under the delusion of persecution, continual restlessness, pain in the back and head, twitching of the muscles of the face and hands, furred tongue, breath foul and heavy. nausea and further indications of stomach trouble. There may be de- lirium, convulsions or sinking spells. Medical authorities apply different names to the conditions that arc unintelligible to the average reader. The actual fact is the demoralized and dangerous state of the system is due to the accumulation of "Body Poison" in the blood that should and would be thrown off by the Kidneys if in a healthy condition. In order to re- store health, strike at the root of the dis- ease with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the only medicine known that will control the changes going on in the Kidneys, enabi- ing them to furnish for the whole system blood free from disease -breeding poison, building up the shattered condition of nerves, and relieving mental depression. Price 2sc., sold by all dealers. Edman - son, Bates & Co., Toronto. with a cough,, cold or sore throat. Use a remedy that relieves from the start, soothes 11L1Xo� and heals the inflamed tissues of th" leryax or • bronchial tubes. PYKY-PECTORAL opposite Batik of 1lntnilton, is a certain remedy based on a clear know. ledge of the diseases it was created to cure. IVII\GH`t M LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. J. r An Honest Offer. If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured without risk of losing your money, we will send a GERMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that disease without asking a cent of pay it advance. After a fair trial at your own Ir -me, and you find it a genuine remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for same. If not satisfactory in every way you can return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not pay one cent. Could anything be more fair? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy Il we claim, we are the Y Is not a losers, not you. Just think of being curadfor $3. TESTIMONIALS Ray. J. E. MAVETY, Methodist Minister, Ot- tawa, Ont., writes :-"Your cured my daughter Inhaler of i t n two months radicallyy chronic catarrh." Ray. J. S. NoaRts, late Bond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont.: -"Your Inhaler and Medicine has proven genuine in every respect." MR. J. A. McNAIR, Schaw, Ont., writes :-"The Inrrh.leIs worth many ou sent has ti ican esyyour c arrcured ge f cat- at tHEMERMIDIDE INHALER kDATHECUl6 • ACU iEAAo yDNi C C HR CATNIEligi= MECtCAUNNAUDo .,. CO CPN' This Inhaler and Medicine sent on trial without pay in advance. MR. DOUGLAS. Conductor, it Ontario St., Toronto :-"Your treatment in a few weeks cured me of catarrh of long standing." MR. T. MILES, 29 Christopher St., To- ronto :- o- ronto:•- "Your Inhaler and Medicine cured me of a case of catarrh of tea years' stand- ing. This Is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to thout price." yoursatisfaction igoodlyou get. out For remedy on oney and abovetliberal termsu only , y for s, address MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE ST., ToaoNTo, ONT. 'yl 1 The church fair, the bazaar, the concert and all those other little devices to stimulate contributions of church hinds are likely to be susper- ceded, says the Montreal Star, if the plan of a New Yorker is adopted. His scheme is to use life insurance as a basis of paying church debts ; the plan being in effect that, say, a score of members of any congrega- tion insure their lives for the benefit of their church, which pays the premiums. " When an:insured mem- ber dies or the time limit of endow. 'tient expires, the money reverts to church. the Catarrh 'relieved in 10 to 60 minutes. - Ono short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each. bottle of Dr.Agnew's: Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently I purifier gl cures Catarrh, ilay''ever, Colds Head - leading varic`'ra of vvintei' vttheat, the Coin lexical and cures Condi sten ache, Sere 'Throat, Tonsilitihs latad Deaf. g t l Ch tested throughout Ontario fol' two 25 etc 5 ors s sold at Chisholm s Store i w► years in sltceessfon, i Corner D'rag Store. CURES DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD CONSTIPATION, N TIPAT , KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. 13.13.B. unlocks all the secretion: and removes all impurities from the 'system from a common pimple scrofulous sore. lm le to the Worst SUBBDOdK PILLS set gently get ;horoughlyr on the Stomach, Liver and Bowel, 200.000 WEAK MEN CUREDl STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. I 'CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ra Nervone and despondent; weak or debilitated• tired mornin e; no am - ARE 1 U u s eyes s -lifeless; membryy pGres; asily fatigued• excitable .maid. nble; eyes sunken, rod. and Marrs • pimples on trace; dreams and night sore throat; v rico a etldep sit haggard urine anti drains aweak tstool; die st ustfnl; want or f contid'ence; lack of va energy and strength WE CAN CURE YOU RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K.& K. JOHN A. MARLIN. TWIN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS, CHAS. POWERS. 1 IBEFORE TREATMENT. AFTER TREATMENT. BEFORE 'TREATMENT. AFTER TREA'TIILLIiT. NO NAMES 011 TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says: -"I was one of the countless vic- VARi COCELEtuns of early ignorance commenced at 15 ,ears of age. I 7 tried seven medical firms and spent $900 without avail. EMISSIONS ATIbIgave up in despair. The drains on my system were -....... weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical 1 M POTENCY fife• Aly brother advised me as a last resort to consult Dr Kennedy Zs Berg an I commenced their Now Method Treatment and in a eery Meeks was a new + life and ambition. This was four years go ri reliable stn married and happy. fellowmen." 'TEED 9R NO FAY.- CONFIUENTAI.,t aid the foundation of y Drs. e ' man with new CURED. j reconunend specialists to all.my afflicted CURES GUARANttiib� ruin. Later ofearly a "gay lantiexposuretoblooddi- Syphilis EmIS$I01I5 seasos completed the wreck. I had all the symptoms of Nervous Debility -sunken eyes, emiesions,drain inurine, Varleocele, Cured nervousness, weak back, etc. 'Syphilis caused my hair to fall out, bong pains, ulcers in month and on tongue, blotches on body, etc. I thank God 2 tried Drs. Kennedy. et;Itergan. They restored me to health, vigor and happiness." CRAB. PQWE118, , Mgr We treat andcure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Deb lzty, ,Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syjhzlis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Eladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. READERrAgHaesleytorl3Hveyuaehs4p$Ag etn C o0b iRn mOa New Method Treatment' ill cure you. What it has done ,for others it will do for ,you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who haw. treated yon, write ter an honest opinion Tree of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKR FREE,- "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. >7neloneeeta ee, 2 center Reeled, rer`NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE.No medicine s$.nt C. O. D NO flumes an boxes Or bevel.. opes. 'Everything confldenttal. l'ltfel t1OYl list and cost of Treat's ment, FREE. N. o148 SHELBY SipRSwKENNEQY 86 KERGA O1M0H.