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The Wingham Times, 1895-08-30, Page 6
Y it TUE WIN -GRAM TIMES, AUGUST 30, 1$05, 'an. 1 ine net 1eiiI1)A3-, AI7t11UST 20, 1895. EDITORIAL NOTES. L')sn 1 or.,Ert:l; is to succeed the Duke of Cambridge as eonimander- in -chief of the British army. 1i' is announced that the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier purposes holding '. meetingseettn„o,5 in Western Ontario during September and October. Tim judgment in the appeal to the Privy Council to ere tide whether the power to pass prohibitory liquor legislation belongs to the Federal or the Provincial authorities of Canada willgiven not be leen until Navernber, Minn part V. of the annual report of the Ontario Bureau of Statistics it is Iearned that the number of chattel mortgages in Ontario inereas. ed from 19,342 to 21.276, and the amount from $8,963,118 to 510,GG3,- 2 893, during the past year. T Oxr of the changes which the new el management of the Grand Trunk h purposes making, it is said, is the R cutting off of all commissions for the i sale of tickets. Henceforth tickets can only be bought from regular employes of the railway and these employes will be allowed only to handle Grand Trunk tickets. Ix the Imperial House of Commons on Thursday last, the President of MORRIS. After an extended illness of nearly* a year,Frank,7.Bainessuceuouibed on Monday of this week from that fatal disease, consumption, Deceased was born in this township and was united. sn marriage about 11 years ago to Miss Rogerson, whoasurvivcs Mtn, He was highly esteemed by all who knew Min and his demise is sincerely regretted. The funeral took play0 on Tuesday afternoon, the A. 0. U. W. or Belgrave, of which. Mr. Baines was a member, took charge of it. There T azo .e• t were about G e u Oar 70 Work men in the procession. Rev. ;ttr Fisher, of Corrie, preached a ver, appropriate discourse at the Sun shine church, the building being crowded to the doors, The patstu also assisted. Mr, Baines was 1 Member r fuel 0 the Methodist hares C 1, a m u• Oblgenial obliging neighbor and cL ,,culls wine panion. His widow has the sincere sympathy of a large ei� est: of friends. TURNIIERit , Minutes of Township Couneil Meet ing held in IticDonald's IIr.Lil, Blue - vale, on. Monday, August 19th, 1895. Members of eouneilWall present, The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting. were read, approved and signed, Cotnmunieations were read from Fred Thompson, re braneh drain, and from P. Powell, re Tax Collector ---R• Filed. Reports-..- The. Reeve reported that he had employ- ed Peter ' d Z Hastings s n to draw1 I lumber bei and repair Jobb's bridge. Mr, Di- v ment reported that be had examined the concession line in the 4 � conces- sion and recommended that 21 rods be i• gravelled. Also, examined 1st side - road in con. 1, and reported that the whole ,.v o swamp, about G I 1 b t 0 rods, e t o needs -p, , s repairs, Also, that a surface culvert is required on B Line, opposite let 2, con, 2. Also, that John McEwen has completed culvert let before last meeting and recommend payment. 11Ir. Musgrove reported that a cul- vert is required in Mills' swamp, and recommended that work be done. Mr. Gemmill reported that the Bridge Committee had examined timber for Bolt's bridge andcrejected what they thought unfit for use and kept strict watch on construction, so far as they were able, and caused some timbers to be taken out after being put in. The committee also stated that they have kept back $20 from contraot price on account of cedar beam not being put in approach and bolted to bent timbers. ',This beam'. the Com- mittee think unnecessary and recom- mend that the contractor be paid full contract price on account of the excellent work clone by the contrite- tot•. Also, that they let job of fl;iling north approach to D. W. GemmiIl, at $21; job completed and recom- mend payment. Also, let job of filling south approach to Alex. Fraser, at $2.1.0; job completed and recommend payment. Also let a job of cutting hill on 10th con., op- posite lot 5, to Thomas Anderson, at $7. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded, by 11r. Diment, that as the Bridge Committee has reported that the bridge contraetor has completed the Bolt bridge, in a first-class Manner, that he be paid full contract price— Carried. The Clerk laid the Treas- urer's bond before the council for inspection, Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that the Treasurer's securities be accepted as satisfactory to this council—Carried. Moved by 11r. Diment, seeonded by Mr. Cruickshank, that a By -Law be passed for the opening of sideroad be- tween lots 30 and 31, con. 11, on or before the 1st day of October, 1895, and that the Clerk ,be instructed to send John Nichol, r., a copy of this resolution i to n by mail—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that a By -Law be passed evying a rate of eight -tenths ofa mill on the dollar on the last revised as- essment of this municipality for urrent expenditure—Carried. By - Law read three times and passed. loved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that the Tax °ollee- or's salary for the current year be 55 — Carried. Moved by Mr. sment, seconded by Mr. Cruick- hank, that a By -Law be passed ap- ointing John Black, Esq., Tax Col- ector for the current year, provided furnishes satisfactory security to his council—Carried, Moved by r. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. emmill that a 13y -Law be passed vying a rate of .. of a mill on the altar on all assessments liable for pecial school rate in this municipal- for the payment o`t`rspecial public hool grant—Carried. By -Law read three times and passed. Movedbv Diment, seconded by Mr. Cruick- shank, that Drainage By -Law N. 11, 1895, be printed for four eon- seeutive weeks in one of the Wing - ham papers, and that a copy of the two first issues of the said paper be mailed from office of publication to each of the parties interested in the said drain Carried, Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr, Gemtnill, that the Court of Revision on Drain- age By -Law be held in Met onald's hall, Ijltievale, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 3rd, 1895, at 10 `o'clock, a. m.— Carried, Carried, Moved by Mr. Craiek- shank seconded by Illi. Gemmill,tltat the Clerk be instrueted to notify the Township En p glneer to etialnine and make award on branch drain, on lobi, - /� . W f�V con. o 31,f1.' 32, 12, urnbelly-�.- Carried, Moved by Mr. Diment, seeonded by Mr. Musgrove, that the , file beik instructed to notify John 'Moir to return to the Treasurer of ria the Township of Purnberry, on or b WIIOXET.DR. The village council met on August Oth, AU the members were present he Reeve in the chair. Minutes ot ast meeting were read and confirm - d. The following accounts were ended in and on motion by Thos. ae, seconded by W. A. Rutherford, were passed and debentures ordered or the same: John Davidson,bammer, 5e.; W. Montgomery, work ou dewalks, $5,62;'e W. Lawrie, salary, alf year as Treastirer$20; Fred Orr, �rork on sidewalk, $2. F. V. Dick - n appeared before the Council in eference to gravel said to have been a ken off his mother's land. On otion by Wm. Wilson, seconded by . A. Barnard, the consideration of tie claim made by F. V. Dickson, re ravel, was adjourned for further nsideration until next meeting of Ccurled. On motion of T. Rae, couded by J. A. Barnard, the rate taxation for the current year was aced at 111 mills, and a by-law as introduced, read three times and atssect, Ievyiug the rate for the Urrent year. On motion of Wm. Woo, seconded by W. A. Ruther- ford, T. Smith was ordered a deben- ture for $1.50, for gravel put on the street. On motion by T. Rae, second- ed by Wm. Wilson, the Council ad- journed till next regular meeting or at the call of the Reeve. J. Cowax, Clerk. LISTOWEL. During the electric; torm on Satur- day afternoon last the barn on Mr. D. D. Campbell's farm ou Wallace street, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The contents, which were owned by Mr. Henry Smith, who has the farm rented, were also destroyed. Mr. Smith's Toss is heavy one, including a separa- tor and other her machine • - I j and im- plements, all his fall wheat, 23 tons of hay and some oats. Mr. Joseph Adams lost his binder, which he hard s driven under the shed to escape the storm, and whielt he was unable to s save owing to the rapidity with c which the flames spread. Two of Mr. Smith's nten,- who had taken �' refuge in the barn from the Storm had a narrow escape from being t D s he t C e S it y SC f 7 si h SO r t the Board of Agriculture, in reply m to a question, said he could not see -3 the necessity of sending an expert t to Canada to enquire into the exis- g tence of pleuro -pneumonia, as the c0 disease had actually been detected in some Canadian cattle landed at ae Deptford.of pl Ttm,, report of the commission w app�intecl by the Ontario Minister of 1) Education, at the request of the et Separate Scholl Board of Ottawa, to inquire into the condition of the . separate schools of that city, was • handed in on Friday night. The commissioners commend the work of the sisters who have nharge of the girls' classes, and of the Iay teachers of St. Joseph's schools, but they arraign the Christian Brothers and their methods. The commissioners also commended the methods and praised the scholarship of the sisters. TILE Ottawa Journal has four objections to the public subsidizing of the Hudson Bay idea: First, that the money is liable to give specula- tors an opportunity for a big steal. Seconds that Canada a n da Secondly, has run ttn into debt as far as is desirable in the bonusing of private enterpises. Thirdly, that any Hudson Bay port eannot have a navigation season of more than four months. Fourthly, that the embarkation of Canada upon a Hudson Bay Railway construction would be followed by an assault on her treasury for a subsidized line of steamships to "develop the trade." bur TILE last revised Dominion voters' $50 lists contain the names of 1,853,735 Cam persons eligible to vote at Federal elections. This is an increase of 221,498 over the nurnber of names ned to death. Mr. Smith had 0 insurance on contents, and Mr. pbell :1,000 on the barn and 0 on the shed, which was also de- yed.—Mr. John Philip, son of Philip of this town, met with a ful accident an Saturday motel - last. He had just finished eat - with his binder, to whioh three es had been attached, and white itching the third horse, the team ted off. In his efforts to stop he fell in front of the binder, est fortunately had been thrown of gear. One of the guards cls him in the calf of the leg, Icing a terrible gash and severing ain artery. Realizing the danger t- rout loss of blood he grasped the cted leg with his hands and ted for help, Which soon eatne, after the wound had been bound e g 'iVa s br ou t h to esent at his father sn residence is doing well, though it will take time for the wound to heal. rt Journeys btt a Long. ,toad e characteristio title of a profusely rated 'book containing over one option osCsummerrlresorti wzlttbn try north anti wo s . r dt of G'hsosr o, g 1'h8 ' matter is neW ew, and the informatinlns there n 0 ne t .. w earl mOd t eV" 01. Otis e, Jy opy of a Short Journeyri on a Long ' will be sent free to anyone who tyclose ten cents (to pay postage) tit 1I, Y ,. H Arw onrir (1ez7ernl l�asssedgar r Agent 'Chicago, Milwaukee J; "St, Paul ay, Cbieagot III. $40 stro Dr. on the list of 1891. The increase of na&n voters in Ontario is 81,000. But a ting` large number of those whose names hors were put on the list will not vote, null except by proxy - they are dead Many thousands o£ voters have also star them gone to foreign countries, They will whi be entitled• to come back and vote at put the ensuing election, while many stru thousands of Inen who have come of ma age, or otherwise acquired the right In to vote since the list was liillde u will be prevented from going to thpi rvoun polls. 'ht's is the unfairness of the present Franchise Act exemplified. and —= -----� up h BRUSSELS. at pr Brussels' race meet was held here and on Monday of last week. The track same Wtts heavy, owing to rain, The weather was fine and cool, and Slto attendance large. Half mite run---- re tb Mr. Sass, 1 ; Arab, 2; Colonist, 3 ; haun t Tenny B., dis, s Capt. O'Shen. Ms. dos T"i'ne 53seconds. �L10' race—Walter O01113 eout3 Fedi m n 1•B Bellwood, oats 2 ' r0asdt , Topsy y D, .3.; Lady Mitchell, dis. Bet `tither am n b 2.32.1. 2.29 trot---Tartie, 1 ; l:u• evil c tier, y,. ; Maggie Darroch. _, Best Road' time 2.32. Free-for-all—Dr. M.,' will e 1 . I�dwoalChief, 'Gro .. Gold � . G d Ening, ; Pay«, dis. Best time 2.22. R.aliw before the first day ot Septembers next,. the money got from. xuunielpal council at meeting held in McDon• aid's hall, Bluevale, on the 22nd day of July last, after which date, if motley is not refunded, proceedings will be taken to prosecute for false statements—Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued ; Wm. Mundell, $5, repairs to culverts; Mrs. Johnston, 15e, gravel; Thos. Pope, $5,50, gravel and dam- ages; Henry Wheeler, +t;, grrLvel and n damages; George Henderson, ia1.85 gravel; Joseph Leech, $5,. gravel; John Caselnore, $2.75, gravel; John S. McTavish, $11,20, gravel and damages; Ira Etcher, 1, damages; Geo, Bremner, $8.70, gravel; A. Longley, $1.80, gravel; Joseph Neil, 55e., gravel nand damages; John emmi 1 G 1 $2,82, lumber, P e sive , , 1 s. and p a ' repairs; Ben. Ringler, $1,20, gravel; Geo, Valentine, $2.78; charity;; R. Kinsman, $5, rent for indigent; Elliott Bros., $17.46, tile; D, .W. G emmill, 75c,, repairing culvert; D. e 11 , $21, approach to Bolt's bridge; Alex. Fraser, x;24.50, ap- proach to Bolt's bridge; John Me - Ewen, $2.50, culvert; Robt. Jamie- son, $20, balance on. Bolt's bridge; D. Sanders, $10, voters' list and ad- vertisement; Robt. Lowry, $1, charity; Wm. McPherson, $4, inspec- tion Bolt's bridge; Wm. Gemmill. $3, inspection Bolt's bridge;. John Mus- grove,,$2.50, inspection Bolt's bridge; John Burgess, $50, part salary. The Council adjourned to meet Monday, Sept. 23, at 10 o'elock a. in., in same place. Jonx BURGESS, Clerk. House of Refuge Notes. On Tuesday last the committee of the House of Refuge met in Clinton, and among other business wade an official visit to the House with a view to satisfying themselves as to the truthfulness of the complaints as to the work. It was deemed best to have the services of two independent and unprejudiced experts to Iook over the building, and also advise with the architect on the question of the strain and strength of roof, and the services of Messrs. Rynas, of Goderich, and Hardy, of Exeter, were secured. After thorough inves- tigation they reported that a great number of the complaints were un- founded,: in a couple of instances some improvement might be made, and stated that few buildings of the size were erected with fewer faults, and that the plans and appearance of the building were first-class. To put the roof in the strongest possible state the experts and the architect devised some additional work on the trusses, which will give a power of resistance to practically four times any weight ever likely to come on it, or about ten tons to the square. With the barn and stone work .the committee were thoroughly well satisfied, the latter work being the more minutely inspected on account of the slurs cast on it. The general opinion was that Contractor Mc - Beth and his men have made one of the nicest little barns in the county. The Committee let the job of mak- ing the approach to Mr. McCuaig. Mr. A. S. Crystal has completed the steel tank at the House, and has it in its place. --Mr. Croll has nearly one coat of plaster put on. COUNTY OFFICERS PEES. ttnOsS ANT) NET =COMES FOR 1894, AS PER A GOVERNMENT REPORT. The report of the inspector of legal offices for Ontario for 1891 has just been issued by the department at Toronto. The return of fees and emoluments of the county judicial officers of Huron shows the follow- , g, amounts received t ' Gross Net Income. Income. Sheriff $2,769.26 $968,18 Surrogate Judge. 793,00 7t93.o Masterin Obaneery 1200,00 1200,00 Co. Atty. and Clerk of Peace, ....'1673,$5 1311.80 Clerk of Crown, Co. D'rt Cl'k &Sur.11eg,3199.70 2494.40 In his report, Inspector Fleming points out that during 1894 there was a general f&tlling of in the busi.- noss' done in the sheriff's' offiees, part. ly clue, he thinks, to rceent legisla- tion, and partly to the growing prac- tice g a1 non o s licit ' also! giving vrn atnd g aeeeptfng services of papers which formerly were generally served by the sheriffs. Shiloh r 4 Cure IS Sega its a guarantee. I� 00. t ore Incipient Oonstfasption, It is the bast Cough Cure Only one cent a use 250te, Mets., ane'# $1. Sold at Chis• olrn's Corner Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of five year's or over. Prinoipel payable at end of term or amittailv if deeired, JOHN BURGESS, illuevale P. 0., (Int. Agent for Unroll and. Erie Loan and Savings Co„ London. Ont. AGENTS WANTED -12a° desire to earn from $15to .) weekly. .Lt eau be done selling Our hardy. y guaranteed. L sedr Ca nNursAalt af mgrown ery Stock. Salary or comssi paid weakly. Exclusive territory. Hand - Wale outfit free, 'Write us at once for terms, E. 0.. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. PERSONS TO TRkGEt, WA TED.—Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for established house. SALARY $180,00 and EXPENSES Position permanent it suited; also in- crease. State reference and enlose self- addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, :ill3-317-518 Omaha Bldg,, CHICAGO. Caveats and Trade-Dfarks obtained, and all paten business conducted for MODEf Vii FEES. MYly office iglu the immediate: cin sty of the Patent mice nod my facia ties cur securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement as to advantages claimed, mai" ZPo rho ma ir, yrairtle for an opht fon as to putt:Ric: U , and rev fee for prosecuting the application wild :los L•o coi!e Z foe until Ma parent le a/totted. "ltave�ti'ons' Ggtaa, r con- taining fall information sent free, +sal 210mmnnl• Ca11oluS COD:adored a:ti titridti7 t)ounclerltlal. F;,M KLE N Vit. HONG li 0211 re' Mttracmh 1 ° ? i'1Z.i17btf}Terl. 3A. al. CURES COLIC, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, I YSENTERY CHOLERA MORRU$v CHOLERA INFANTUM atld alt Summer Complaints and Pluxes of the Bowels. It Is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. For Sale by all "Sealers, Ask your Druggist for • 1 t it nna� t rear 1s1 ltt) EVERY 'IillIM ORNING A r 'x7114 -m- TIMES OFFICE, JOS€PHiNE STREET' lv1NGII.I M, ONTARIO, sobeeriptIonprioe. $1 per voar, to advance• . ADVSaT1SZN0 RATl S: 8paan l x yr.. 1. O.int, j . n;o, j z moa 810 00 840 00 j 820 Do 8-00 4000 200 0 l I 12 00 tl Oq 40 00 b 00 12 00 �o 0 0 S 0 x100 2 o D ..- 00 Legal Lbat and other Casual advertisements, Se. per line for first Insertion, and So. porno° foreeeh subsequent insertion, Measured by nonpareil scale. Loo'( notices too. per line for first insertion, and 60, per line far each subset uent iuserticr.. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chancey wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, e1 for first month, and hoc. for each. subsequent month, Houses and Farms ns fo1•.SRIa, not .ex000din ir1 for L f:tilimn tis month, nr 1 ,tor SO11 per suo,t. nt month. i Larger ad, ertianmonts rale, Special terms for latg;ert advertisements, or o1+'` longer periods. Advertisements and Meal notices without %%Ole diruct(o,ts, will ho inserted till forbid and chary d accordingly. Transttury advertisements must ,e maid in advar,oa Changes for contract advertisements must be in thb adieu by Wednesday noon, as order to appear • that week On e n a011 iui. Ralf uarter tr one inch • t f 1t e b e R. ELLIOTT Pa0LRfNTOa AND ERBL)B113$ DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STIIEE,., . wiNeuhr 1, ONTARIO.. D. TOWLEr,, 1til,D,C.ti., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario• --Coroner for County ofIlnron— Office l:p•stairs, next to 111 Morton's office, Wing.. Enron— ham, Ont, °rides 1 amts. --O to 12 a, m„ 1 to S p. m„ or at Residence, Diagonal Street, e1' . '. KENNEDY, M. D., 11. C. P.S. 0. Geld Medalist of rsgorWestern University! Lte H Surgeon in London General Plesnital. Special atteu tion paid to diseases of women Ind children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr, Aleldr'um,Corner of Centro and Patrici streets. %1!Nouall ONT vANsxoNE, —�—' a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat interest. Z;ocommission charged. Mortgages, tow' and farm proper11 bought and sold OFFICE—Seaver Mock Iti•t:coltAM - - -•_--- ..-._._-----•------,. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, ,ice., Wingham, . L. DICKrxsa', Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO RAMC OF IIAarILTON. EXONET TOa LOAN.. Office—Meyer Block, Wingluan. DENTISTRY.. -J. S. JEROME, L. 1). S., WINOIIAN. Is n lanuf.•wturmg first•Class sets or teeth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, OFFICk guaranteed the pBeavrll Beaver Block, o Brunswick House,pgooite the If II IISega ARTHUR J. IRwI;•T, D. D. s., L. D. 5,, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania, Dental College, OFFIOE-.-MAODONALD ©LOOK. 5 Jain ZuToulE, GENERAL INSUitANCE AGENT WINOIIAM, Oxte&I -.1.• • TIP:ANS, JR., WINDHIAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY' OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Chargee. Moderate. • JOHN GUxt1tIL, NINOsenl, ()NT., LXOI:NBEp AUCTIONEER l'02 T11E CouNTIRS Nt0Iios AND IlIl110E. AU orders tett at tlic Tulsa office promptly attend ed to. Tarots reasonable. `l'AHNS MENnERSoN, IVI iiia & LICRNs5D AUCTIONNRR OR CNtjZB tfURO BRII1rCB,CON uta` • y Lanma.11 •s n 5 1 LORibA, WATER A fA!N'i'k' X'LO1tAL EXTRACT Fot Itandketablef, Toilet and Bath.. ror Twenty -Ave Years DUNN*S AKIN Alt sales attended t n,ied to promptly and on the Shbrteair Notice. All noes racy arranngen a ntsr cnno bee Guaranteed. ' 15 TIMMS' etOle te'1NOtIA1C Oxs Money to Loan ou Notes.. Notes Discounted A.T RE AS.Q A , � EIJ BATES Es looney sal/antra tr ptivilette of paying on tleend otaayea . Notes and aeeouhte collected, any year. NOttg nowt', reeoam:ton. Dewey Meek Wihitha,n, Ont. , TH ".tgpoi SBES'T imEEND 'Valu abletraaLlaeatndbathe aL�mUdtdnisaI. irtilieYtiy 1` f\ Tapers. a{ws xzprae, led ru,t ore.e AaO est. G Litt Gatgti' Rl. tlY OdtJAD/C. 100t:010 oon M.C. t0 we+t tabldawlto,t eteal+r rant'• 4 cn Ox 'vari4 este oil Born yield Chau besi area, grea yield Liffe: 7°een alien 'x $or dif 'e sults Tishe in. th free stilt ofA thi. whe Txp yea' tion II vari selef beer the distt co -o The Tit Son' Roti the be per par wl var to 1 fol; gr u an wi rel thi wi pen rel fai na an wi of wi pe re pa pe ti ht 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 0 7 8 9 e ' 1 Ill c