HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 4•
She also called on, her husband, r i January 26 at 2 p,,m. The president, Mrs. Charles who, is a patient in Stratford
Douglas- presided and after General Hospital. We are glad. to
opening with the Institute, Ode hear that he is. ,progresSing
and. Mary Stewart Collect read a• favourably.
poem: "The Women's institute Friends and relatives of Mr
Din Fisher, who was also a has come 'a,. long way". The resume prepared by the, patient in the same hospital for
District Secretary was' read. The some time, will be glad to know
pooling fee for the Officers he 145- with his . been . moved' to make his
Conference' •-"at ort _home with his son-in-law and
University in May is to be sent in. " da4-iter,'" My. and Mrs. Herb- . • .
Mrs. Bill Mahon, Mrs. -Cheri& Fink, in ,Stratford.' Douglas . and . Mrs. Russell , Pete Perry from Kitchener was
. Wordeti, volunteered to help with a guest of Dale , Wolfe over the weekend. He. also called on some _the-Disitict-. Exeoutive planning
Meeting 'in the township-hall - other _friends. - -- -
March 22: TWelve - members Sorry to hear Mrs. Louise
answered the_____roll call :, by Wurdell_b_as_be.en_failin8_ in dui
:when thew' wilily gathered at their son -and daughter-in-law, Don't forget to feed the birds,-'-
our little-fine- feathered friends . their home Thursday - evening. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Beuerman,
They were blessed with two Jeffrey, Dennis- and Jill from : ,
":- - - - daughters (Shirley) Mrs. -Roy London. , ,-„.
- , Sienton, Bornholm (Glenda) Mrs. ' . •
Gerry Walter, Goderich and tive L
grandchildren, - Sheila, Mrs.
Benny Peluso, Toronto; Robert
They were reasently surprised ^ Mrs. Manuel Beuerman ..were
• . , ,, •
revealing experiences with people Seaforth Community Hospital,
of other cultures. where she has been confined - A STANDING OVATION - Three local skaters who
---.21r-s -15aynard prepared since-July. - - won awards at the Canadian Figiire, Skating-
and _presented an interesting .Mrs. Michael Connolly,
paper on the motto - Education is Wartburg, accompanied Mr. A rt Championships in dalgary'on the big weekend got a P.
but a key to 'open the , doors of • Brunk and• Mrs. Harry Tait from- _hand 'from the crowd who welcomed--ttierri, at the.
knowledge for learning is never Stratford-to attend the funer'al of Kin h. IIarena on Monday. Lori ;Baler, reft, Of
done. - • • the 1 ate Mr. Harold Bruce Smyth Mitcheil l:her partner 1,..19yd EislerJr Jr:`of Seaforfh
.Mrs . Bill M anon and Mrs. at the-Heath-Leslie Funeral Home :.... ;her sister Sheri were all
Russell Worden presented an last Saturday, '
interesting demon'stration on ' We are sorry tohear that Mr, ..c hoiciitifed - by the town
scarf tieing. - ' Norman Bode is a patient in the t. and the Mitchell Figure
Hostesses for the afternoon Stratford Hospital, Wherelie will -Skating Club.
. were Mrs. Ross McPhail, Miss have surgery this Week. W ishi ng - - , -(Exposit&Photo) ci)
Vera Hambly, and Mrs. Norman him a speedy recovery:,
Harburn. , (Intended for last week)
The, table wia centered With a- studies n Roger, Gary and-Gayle at home.
beautiful anniversary cake baked ,
daughter Gayle who celebrated Engi_and and decorated by'their' grand-
her 12th birtday on Wednesday,
Jan. 26th. • Correspondent Mrs. James Smyth. He farmed at
Mr. and Mrs...George Seirnon Tvirs.Laverne Wolfe . Teeswater in 1950. He leaves to
_were____ also -guests-• at ----the • Suaan-Scherbarth, rstuderirat --mourn his Wife., the fornie..f[Pearl
anniversary. the` University of ' Guelph, Huffman. and.-..--two daughters
Congraufations to Thelma and (Family and Corisurner) -flew to Lorna, Mrs. • Ford Dickison,
Irvin Miller. • London, England, January, 4 to Brodhagen , -'and . Twyla,Mrs.
Mrs. . Edward " -Scherbaith study at the University. of London. Robert Gibb, Glencoe, Three
visited with .-her Claugahler and=She willbe visiting museums and' granddaughters, and -one brother
son-in-law Mr; and Mrs. Perry art„,...gallerieS. and attending John Teeswater also survive .
McCall and Tara in Stratford last 'Theatrical Productions and - -"He was predeceased . one
' week,.She also called on hef concerts-in accordance with her brother, Everett. The funeral and
studieS. Upon completion of the -committal - services were
semester, she will return home in conducted `at the Heath. Leslie .-Mr. and Mrs. Alec Miller and
lite April: Susan is the- datighter Funeral Heine last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, left
of Mr. and Mrs: Edward Rev...j.gichael Boulger, Monkton, Tuesday ,for a holiday in' the,
Seli-e-rbarth Jr. officiating. sunny south.
Sincere sympathy is extended. Interment'. was in VVoodlawn
Mr. andth.
Mrs. John Templeman
meeting on. fr9P1
bereaYed parents, Mr. and Mrs. • sympathy were shown in floral Alvin Cole.,Visiting with them on
the com munity , to the • Cemetery.„ Expressions of --visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Nater, Bill and Heidi in the tributes and donations to •heart; Sunday eve ping" were Mr. and
education , sudden unfortunate death of mission! and Cancer funds. .
Hans Natero Who was killed in'
Mrs. Lloyd Miller.
Alberta. His assistant driver was torrespondent also killed in the accident. Hans Mrs. John Templeman made his home--with his 345-2346 '
and, attended the First Lutheran- An, afternoon with Dr. Murray the" Church, Logan. Banks via a recording- was the
highlight of the 'Education and' Mrs. Edward.. Scherbarth, . Jr.
Cultural Activities meeting of the visited with her son-in-Jaw. and
StaffaWomen's Institute held' ,in daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Terry
the township hall on Wedneaday, McCann. and Tara in Stratford.
CdrrespOndent husband Mr. Edward Scherbarth
Mrs. L. Wolfe Jr. who is .a patient )n Stratford
• Genera l-7 Hospital and :is
Two pots of yellow mums progressing favourably.
graced the altar of St.Petets 'I._Mr. and Mrs. Pat Markin -and
Lutheran Church Sunday morning •family, ' Windsor, spent the
They were placed there by their weekend with Mr. andMrs. Ken
family to mar k Mr. and Mrs. Elligson, . Terry and Warren,
Ervin Miller'S 50th Anniversary
Sunday guests with Mr. and on Thursday January 20th.
Millers ark 50th
oca Bocce Smyth •
Steve Goettler, 'Fullarton, and •
Jim Tubb, Mitchell, accompanied
Warren Wolfe when they motored
to Florida fora couple of weeks
holidays. They had a wonderful
trip and enjoyed' seeing Disney
World and -had a lot of fun and
laughs at the dog races,,, So glad
they returned home sated);
last week..
Hatoid Bruce Smyth • of
Brodhagen passed away last
Thursday night, at Seaforth
Community Hospital-after several
month's, illness. Born' in Culross
Township on Sept. 24th, 1892, he
was the son of the late Mr. and
. Obituary
The January Meeting of the
Dublin Women's 'Institute was
held at -the home • Of' Mrs. R,
Burchill. the meetings are being •
held in the afternoon during the
winter. riinglits. Mrs. 1 Harold
Pethick; president, opened the
meeting and 'reada poem, "The
'New Year." Roll call vvis
answered by bringin something
from another co ntry. Many
Mr. and MrSi Duncan Scott;.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Fitilaysbit -and
Mr. and, Mrs, John h
holidayed this "Pak week id
Mrs, R, Laing
Following the regular Sunday
aften199 911,!1c9. in „Ct'ontarty.
Presbyterian Church, the
congregation tnet in the basement
for • their annual meting. The
Rev..Wilfred Jarvis presided and
Mrs: Robert Laing wan appointed
Reports kern the following
organizations were read and
approved: - Session, Managers,
Women's Missionary SoeletY,
Marian , Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary,,, 4id, Sunday
-School, - Trustees, Cemetery
.Board and . Cromhenex Board.:
The Managers financial report
shoWed that a total of $7,169.70
was raised for current expenses
and $1,275,44 was sent to Toronto
fer_theBudgeitT-k i19:1-727,1judget
allocation of $1,200. was
accepted, Through Pete' banks,
the S.S.sent $41:00 to the.
Leprosy Mission.
The congregatien,deeided to try
to raise their share of Money for
the DockprOjeer(DeVelopment of
Camp. Xintail)
Followng discussion regar ding
t4e enforcing of regulations for
CemeteryBoird funds,. a • •
committee of ,Carter Kerslake,
$ordnon2,Laing,,John.. Stott. Ivan ,,.._„•-
-Merris,Larry Kerslake, Gordon
Laing, John Scott, Ivan Norris,
Larry Oaxcliner, and John.
Templeman was ,:eleOted
cemetery board,
Other officer elected for 1977
are: Auditors . Eldon Allen, John
Wallace; Sunday school
superintendents. - Mrs. Thomas
Scott, Mrs: J: Carey.
Library Comm, - Mrs. T. scat,
Mrs. John Templeman,. Mrs.
Gordon eLaign.
:These days Sc. - Mrs. C.
McKaig; Record Sec. -'Mrs. E. -
TruStees -„Qordrin Scott, Robert
Garinder, Otto Walker.-
; Craig- Kerslaire,Roliert
Templemen, and Paul Miller
„.were elected to serve a threelear
te,rm on the Board of Managers.
Completinglthe beard are. Mrs.
Glenn. Elliott, Robert Laing, Alec
Scott,,Philip James, Otto Walker
and ordon Scott
• Following the meeting.'
supper• was served.
things were shown and their Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontarid.
histories :told. The meeting was then turned
The minutes were read by Mrs. 'ever to Mrs. 3. Burehill fon the
Charles Friend and the treasurers topic of World Affairs She spoke
report was given by -Mrs. R. of a renaissance' of the village. Bur hill. Correspondence pond. in• Britain-. By clearing the
incliided thank-You cards and a
letter from •the
pond 'of junk and garbage;it-wa's
'Ontario Ministry restored to a beauty spot. The"'
for Agriculture and Food pertain- lucky prize was won by Mrs. C.
ing to the training school in• ,Friend and Mrs. J. Dorsey gave-
Stratford on Needlepoint for the courtesy, remarks to • the
Beginners. A memorandum was hostess,
received from the; subdivision Mr. and. Mrs. Jim -Kelly,
:,---meeting',_ Federated -L-Women's z Stratford -visited Mr. and Mrs.
Institute, of Ontario Branch Jim Barnes on -the Weekend.
requesting applications for an 'Mr. and Mrs. • Frank, Kistner
officer's conference to take place spentlast Week in. London on
May 3 at the. University Of business.
rodhogen •
Good Citizenship
deserves a medal
• •
:Do you know nyorie here in Ontario' who= through
selflessness, humanity ancikindnesS WithOut'expect-
ing anything, in return-has made this a better • •
,provi•ncein which to live? '
That's..the.kind of perSon for.vihom the Ontario
Medafor"Good CitizeriShip.Was'established.,„..:
Recipients are-Selected-by anindependent .1 •
Advisory Council of. Ontario citizens whose honorary %."
chairrnan,is the LieUtenantrGoverndrofthe'Province.
Anyone'maynominatea...person for the Ontario
. Medal,. and nomination Fonts are available by
, . .
ExecutivaSeCretary- •
AdviSory Cbuncil. . •
Ontario MedalforGoba.Citizeriship
• 'Queen's Park .• • - •
•- Toronto: Ontario K./A lAl
Making -a-nomination is itself an act.of•appreck
ation. for good citizenship. /V. nominations should,
be received by April 15, 1.971. .• • • •
St. Columban
Busy in spite of storm
old neighbours called in to see us WS,- Marie Melady, - who
yesterday (Monday);- the ''Iirst underwent serious surgery _in
time they were off the place for` 10 University Hospital,: London has
days. recovered nicely and has now ' ,
I said to him how could_ you stay returned home We hope to -see,
10 daysin aTiouse With a woman? her out and around again Soon.
She was quick to speak first = We hear a lot of snow "stories
• ., never heard of the place before, - Fr. Oostveen left Sunday p.m, 1 'Four area men were among
Spent a • few days ,here at for a well earned "vacation in the those aWarded trophies when the
Steinman's Store where they sunny south, butonly got as far-as • Western. Ontario Tractor Pullers
found s.plice to get off:the,rtiad. Fr: Dill's in, Dublin. On Tuesday, Association .held its annual:
They were, in their own words, a.• good Samaritan drove him hack _banquet in Palmerston : on
happy.to get, out of it all. FrOm our tonSt. Columban in his big truck. January 22. The award banqUet
house close to the highway, it was • , On Wednesday after the Plow capped a 1976 -season, which saw .
like living in •the Mountains, and . made, a track, he took another run..,,,,eight tractor . pulls held "
for 3; days aothing, was Moving at it and we haveti`t heard from thronghoin Western Ontario. .
except , a few snowmbbiles who himr since':• , * • HarVey.Holl.and of -Clinton won,
had nerve enough Ur, be out, and -' Mr, add Mrs, Ken Murray and first flat
in th e 7600 open class
Some young "lads Who were Mr. aurl Mrs. Dan Murray were .and firSt in'the4000 stock class.
, . ,walking the,banki to the store fder'vacatibriing' in , Ph:it-Ida" • and, Bill Betiernaan ,ef .R.R. 1, Dublin
provisions and having fun• being couldn't get home 'tide to bloCked 'was first in the 6000 stook class.
`Helpful. -- • • s toads, Their, fathers, Stev ,;'and He alSo placed, fifth in the 8,,000
One cottld;Write pages of:snow, Frank,. were' stuck with ailthe stock' class. Paid', Murray' of ,
,.... storieS and, 'iltifoittniately, My , chords beettuselhe help that they SCaf°01' tied 10 . first place
camera !"‘'', Ojai Of film or ' I° WetOirtOptiSed te receive Couldnft . honours in the 16,000 stock class
. could'gay •pictitras, btit..I-suppose buelo the roads either. Oh Weill and was the winha i11,:th 6 18,0° ,.
• if we hr.daeontestforall thWthe :: look at all the povertimephi- stock elaSgkUedite KretItiW
Townships would top"tit all - Our.., cheeittvii understand they11Ok`e et SentO41i tgaddd third in t
- Correspondent
Vincent Lane
Owing' to weather and road
conditions, I did not _write for.the
Feb: .4 issue„ In fact I was
surprised that they had personnel
'mob enough to-get a paper together. "Because .1 couldn't get out." the past few day's from milk
.The very interesting ' issue is 'I 'keep thinking of that famous trucks taken through the ,,fields
certainly- worthy of. our 'choeriimercial , 25 years with your because plows were unable to
• comments. , air inma Oven. "Mr. bliek-the-rciad,--to some walking 5
4:v 'We reeeived '-oue'L jan. 27 Snowplow, you're a nice man to miles ,throUgh the storm for
ExpOsitor on Feb. 3 due to and in- wake up to." ' 'tobacco, etc.; hut hauling feed for •
the midst of all the storm and Oh well. Its history now. I 200 pigs on a snowmobile has got
when I read my headlines (will we - hope! Personally I rather enjoyed to be tops.• -
• have January thaw?), it looked it. I had made smile previous
' so ridiculous that f felt like going remarki in my 6016irin about
• out and shoving my head in the wife's food bank,I, had.to take it
-.snow banks and believe me, we , all' back: I also noticed whkyd
had• lo ts of Theiii. • were only three days fenced
St. Colurnban was one of the she followed the snow plow to the ...it
big bottle necks between Mitchell neighbours. ,
tr. • and SeafOrth and several "who' • Personals
* • 0,."14,4..„.„,!.. -,,,,,, , . 4.
' , ,, tt navy. tettitifed, ,;„ S true k 30§§."
r • Sallgame-CollettienS
,Dante Receipts,-
Park -Rental ,----•:--••,;,-••••
Booth Rental
Grant -'Hibbort Township„.
';Grant 7 Community & t.Scrdial • SerVices.
- Grant - Culture &' Recreation, „ ",
Grant 1tn olio . •
Bar-.4.;que Receipts •
Carried from 1975
Building & Fiundation
• Plumping- -
Donated Labour •
Total Receipts
Total Cost
' 507:00
General 'Park
Entry Fees
Tournament Players -
Ball--Equipinent „• Interest Paid- on Bank ,Loan`
Seryice Charges & 'Stamps
;-, TorranCe pinnrining
Bar,b,nue Expenses
,Payment Againsf•Bank
Dance Expenses
Grass. Cutting
Electrician Service
.Total Expenses,
• "07-7:41
120/17 . •
• Bank Loanfas.ef .inn, 19i6:
Banktoin as of Dec. 31;1976
" • . I ndividua preSent at the nnua I meeting in. January,..A076 fayonired
'he further I or prolacts undertaken at th‘ Pa rk..
-Wintario Want to oec,11, 1916 „ 140,15
FuliiherWintario. Grant Expected approx. 3'00,00' to 500.00
0 3,000. (on building)'
Balance -bet. 31
Treasureeof South Hilbert Athletic Association
Rit 2, STA'PPA
' 124.80