HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 3•
snow blower. The picture, was sho just after Lunch
Friday at the,Oorner 'of-County road 12 and McKillop
township toilbes§iOn 6 and 7.
Tuesday; -February ,15
F'AULlisit'S- HAIR
(Formeriy,sett x's Beauty,Salon)
. Open Tuesday and Wednesday 9" - 6
_,„. Thursday 9._.- 2 _ _
Friday - 9 - 6
Saturday 9 = 3 •
Phone fora Ppointment 527-0470
Pauline Coyne
•••-••••• •
t'f.• • , •
' t
by SUsdn White
ifyen:donTbeieng to a 'church
-.'greMp or the Nfomen's Institute,
and you have small, children who
keep you at ..home durin? the-day,
65NA:riot a wholelot Of chances
to get out and learn and tale:WI°
others like you in Seafoith.
That was the gist of a conversa-
tion I had with a few women. at a,
party recently and I'm wenderit1g.
if there are many others Who
share their cOncerit.'Others have,.
commented to me about the need
for a nursery school "or some
,organized„. perhaps, half day
activity for `pre-schoolers in town
' and 1 ra _also._ wondering, -1103,11 - ,program called Women's Day Out
many parents are bugged by this whicli ist we'll reported in' their
lack. • - - - • local newspaper and which runs a
Every other town in Huron .program of speakers; discussions,
County has a •nursery school. trips ,tointeresting places, ahvays
some of thermfeekhaf-that
an organized program, and the
chance to 'play and learn-with
other little kids for at least pafrOf`.
trj If. you have
pre-schoolers midiare interested
in starting a' ,nursery'chool for •
them in Seaforth; -please, get in
,touch *with Me and Ml try10 get
you in touch with•others who feel,'
the same •way:
As for women's groups, 'they'
too seem to be more common in
other towns in the county than
they are in Seaforth. For' several
yearS Gpderich .has had a .
Ex t • -.A.• reader wants to. Pos' 1or , 4A.t. Yvv -
. .ernphit'size that the water trough . marvelli rig. over. A reader in
attached to a snowmobile that Vancouver, got her FeSitrary 3-
' was in, a photo on the trent Page Expositor on Friday., February 4,
of last week's storm issue of The ..I.ynda Rinnendyk' ,Called her
Huron -BXpositOr waSn't beinc motheNOpar Dobson, in Seaforth
-used to carry home a hoard of Friday 'after she got the paper and • , •
groceries. For . the record,- ths read about SeaforthSidg storm,
rien s andrelatives tn. s store btilk milk until trucks contd.:. many
rmeaakdes.their pick ups over Wee-iced ' '
. Apparently, she couldn't
believe the storm and, she also
If you are'one of those readers couldn't believe , thatr the
* * * *
who didn't get your Expositor for Expositor had arrived.• the day
more than a, week, because of
-blocked • roads and no 'mail
delivery, v,,fe d to say Welcome
back, Our hard working mail crew
really tried to get tile• papers out
newly purchased, water treirgii'Mtitia*eieNit:I.Sband PO are.:
both graduates O LSD HS 4.na• have was being hauled outto a farm to
after puPlieation..nottquets-are
certainly due to the,Post Office on
that one. .
Here's .a word of caution I
heard-when talking to Reeve John
Flannery about the costs ofsnow
removal in Seaforth. Reeve
Flannery suggested that peciple
should- be warned; -if they have-•
basement re.crooros„or important
things stored in their basements,
of the likelihood of some flooding
if there's a sudden thaw.
"Maybe people should move
stuff out of the way, just in case,"
the reeve said. "The going away
of this snow might be worse. ,,than
the coming.!: - "'•
•• • .
If you didn't look” too carefully houSe, at.69 Market St. and have
at the neWs.pap,ec tacked up on the kept it for a souvenir.
wall at Hildebrand -Paint 'and There Was a Queen's Jubilee in parks, but the Gendron, bicycle pair.
Paper in Seaforth,.„: your first ' 1897 too. Torontd was-celebrating • shall never cease to be the most . According to another small ad,
reaction Would be -that they are'' 'the .60111-aliniVegid-y of-Q1Teen• popular • bicycle in :Canada," • $1000 could buy-you a choice gold
having a pretty good sale. Victoria's reign, and.soine stores.. reads an ad' from, the Gendron • •mining location and. Suckling and
A pair• of lace curtains for $1, offered Jubilee Specials. - • L Mfg. Co. which, should give the Co. were having an auction sale of
Various carpets' at $1 a ,yard, ' Bicycles Were a big., item makers . of , overly oPtimistie •• dry gpods, clothes, tweeds, boots
• pictures in three. inch oak frarhes Toronto in the Spring of 1897, • advertising claims soniething to • And shoes.. •
thi nk. about-. . • _ • ` According. -to the Toronto
,RiderS of Gendron Iron. Wheels Harhoin• report 'a fresh wind was
were likeV'pleased to know that. . blowing from the southwest; and
they could "buy from us Gcndriin the weather, was warm and
racing suits ' and sweaters v..at''. '"'showery.
'reasonable ' The Bank of Montrears.prollts
At .W'.A.Murray and., CO. on for the year endin.g_Apri1.30: were
King St., ladies new straw sailor •reported., at $.1,230,561,79, a
with the loss- of its old fashioned .hats .were advertised at 5 cents' decrease of $1 0,634.3Q over 1876,
Sundays, /he Sunday., cats„,„„lhe, .. each, "'prints and gingham-at 5 due to more , "had and detibitu-1
Devirs-Vehieles (when used on cents. a•yard,''men's unlaundered debts." .
.'town. . . - lifter or jest before the paper was
spite of storms eitherrignt ,with babysitting available, in that ,; in
paper that a small group of They ve;driven oVer' some pretty
cornp.leted.Nthe last, two weeks. ' Fnoticed recentkin the Exeter
women had forthed a club thereVI'bgd roads-tttet-the Eippsitors to
week, '
. programs and to talk to each
out to interesting stor4s.
other. Most towns also ,
have .thePost Office in Stratford and to.
mothers get in many areas around '
• Seaforth 7
if We're sorry you didn't get
'wit.h , the aim 'Of- letting' young'
sororities' which! provide a place to
A small group of Mitchell and . meet people and get invelved in
- area parents started their nursery , -things for this group. Seaforth
school last fall', , in an empty seems to have concentrated a
classroom at the Upper Thames
Elementary School which was
loaned• to thein by the Perth
-County Board of - Education:" It
was worked out well, 30 children
attend' and it is open five
mornings a week.
I. know '.that '.a stery hour which
the Seaforth Public Library ran on _ -aren't- being met, by what the
Saturdays' was' well appreciated town
by_parents. It helped take„, up • get 'touch
innoW has'to 'offer, w
with recreation
some ” of ' the slack , -for director Clive Buist? He's bound
pre-schoolers who were delightedighted
with the chance to attend Snoopy
School , last summer but were a
little lost and Woe begotten when'
it ended. • •
There. are many things for'
pre-schoolers to..do, and creative
mothers know must of them,-but ,
Queen Victoria's
!tee -eple
eyeryone this year. The' new MaKi 'lob township plow
needed help Jack Storey's tracior and
the Sabbath), -May 'be Allowed to shirts at 35 cents each and four
carry the, poor man's family to the button kid 'gloves at 25 cents a
4or".$1- each, an ad in the paper.
offers, 'But inSpe.ction
shows that it S. an' ad from the T.
Eaton Company- LTd.TaTid the
Paper is a May. 15, 1897 copy of
the :Toronto Globe.
George and Barney Hildebrand
came 'across the old, newspaper
behind some wallpaper when they
were redecorating 'at the: A.- Van.
• Poucke h'ouseJOItmerly-theSeip
with a whole• page• of ads
promoting the Antelope bicycle',
the Comet wood framebicycle, the
Alpine bicycle for $45 and the
Massey. Harris wheel.. - •
"Toronto, the Good.• The only
• .
moral-:city on earth is threatened
Some have two, some have both
nuroery and day care facilities.
'Most of them were parent
organized and nor now with the
help of patents who contribute „
of Seaforth parents drive their
pre-schoolers to a nuitery. school
'.in Clinton a couple of times a
special, interest groups - for the'
curlers, the yoga f' iends and- the
gardeners', for •example,
"There's no point in starting
groupsjust for the-sake of havirig.
another club in••tciwn. But if you
feel the' needs" of many' young
women in Seaforili and ••• area
'your".: paper at •the regular time,
but,, it wasn't for lack of trying..
Anyway, welcome. back. •
We've heard '60, story .,aboUt
prompt mail delivery of the
to bave-lots.of ideas on what you
could get' going and who' else
!might be interested,
.Caine out . and learn to do '
Senior Citiz,en'sincome tax return .
fer "yourself hnd Seniors 'with
incomes less than $5,000.00. Mrs.
,•itchy Craigman, Publie-Relations
..Officee; tevenue Canada,
• Taxation Offieb7kitelionerwi1lbe.
at the Seaforth Lihrarybasenient..
Friday. February 11th 10
Sponsored - by Huron -Volunteer
• Bureau;,. 'For -information call
482-3037. .
meeting of the. Van
• Egmorid Foundation will' beheld
on Wednesday Fehrttar!,•-.1.6th at
Town Hall at '8 o'clock.
• • We'. 'will try • again! Seaforth
HoSpital Auxiliary meeting' in the,.
boardroom February IS a,t 7:30 -
p.m, Candy stripers & Mothers
th-F-hes Home
ssume Duties a..s
• • .
• King Peorge , VI tited_lieacefolly:--Cn—the—r.lrirly hour:, or Wednesday',
'mu! •Tt."—lit - His elilest daughter -has . been proclaimed
Queen, With the title of Elizabeth 11.'
. Queen'Elivaboth was East Africa "enroute to Australia. when
the word oi her father's death reached her, and immediately conmierieed
:he 5 000-mile trip to. England. Sho and Prinee.11h1lip•arriveil imn-
don Thursday, morning, at 11:30, E.s.T. . •
• The-.h'ag's body .will be tagen to Wostminsti r• in London,
where' it will Fie 'iii tit Friday 'and ,Saturday, '1 lie hall. one of the
eldest titill'Ittegs in London, adjoin.a..the:Ilolitle of Parliament,
funeral will be held In St. detirge's Chapel at Windsor (latttla,
about 20 miles outside London. It is" expected, it will' take place. at-the
end of ncxt.,week, probably Friday, ''.•
.Th e. King's 'death 'with startling Suddenifes's,' 14b 'had been
•thougirt to be well on the road to recovery, after the lying operation'
he underwent last September 23. . • "
""tHut,shortly before 11 a,m, (6 a.M.•
) Buck inghnin
this. announcement-4—
'It' was announced, from ,„ kand-
'ringham at 10:0 a.m.-today, Feb,.
6,.1952;4hat the King,''who retired
to rest'. last night in 'Ills usual
health, passed peacefully away in
his .sleep early 'this' morning." •
The King was found. dead in his
bed. by his Valet attabout..7:31)
same royal house in which he had
been.torn DeCember 11, 1E95.
Death came to, the 'the
GeOrge • VI .had-Teigned". as King
for -1.5 years and one month: He
succeeded to :the thrOne on the
abdication of his brother,' Edward
1,5111, 'now the Duke 'of „Windsor, e Huron on December 11, 1936. • .'
Queen Elizabeth, the King's
wife,. and .Princess_ Margaret, his
younger- daughter, were at Sand,
Higham, bUt did not !erten pf the xpositor -King's. death ,until some time- after
he bad 'passed ,away, . • •
. The King. had :be'en out, the
countryelde. Tuesday, in the morn-
tont purge frig And Afternoon,- and had appear-.
ed • in good _health.
,:titituttla, the news the'
death of King, George was l'ecolv•
ed by, Prime. Minister St. Laurent
5 years .,' and convoyed to members of- the
Privy Council.— A .d0. Of rational
mourning. will be declared for the
day.: of. the, funeral.
4o this • Fp* word .,of • the Royal death
wag reeelVa —locally, • from • early'
morning broadcasta"..' radi9
continued to bring further details '
throughout Wednesday. • week on,..-tubtic• buildings in
Seaforth were flOwlilft; halt Mast.
All snorts events schedided at..the
Seartirth 'and litietrict , Memorial
Were. tatteelled,,L Aombers- Arek
0,Order Of the Eastern 81.10 of
poStpiitati :euchre, which had _
been planned. for Thitraday, .eVen•
r r
"Attlinketnents for a community
memorial tibrVICe Will be Preteaded
with tin 'soon •1is it knOWii_the
day ott which -the. funeral will be
helth. MOO E.. A. 'MolVIttater• stated.. .„„..
5" 4
As a result of the accession
of QUeen Elizabeth II to 'the
Throne, all membeis of ,cotin,:.
cils, or any others holding 'com—
l. mlaitioner-will' be required 'to
take new oath* "of allegiance
to the Queen. The oath of al-
leglince-to the new Queen Oil
be administed to members of
Seaforth council prior to the
regular meeting ' council
day evening.,
7 ;
- Proclamation
The Penny' • Pots 'are'.-cOming
back to Seaforth -stores.: • ,
• When the _Campaign'. raise
.1,000,000 pennies for the, arena
fun d..,.wlitch
Club sponsored iiii,Mtiernber' and
over the • Christmas" •• 'Season
• wain •up in "mid January. just •
tinde..r 500.000 PennieS- had been
conthbufed. ;•., • • -• •• •
Postiblity]; Of . the campaign
being reopened_ was raised" when
not only:area people but .others
across : this Tart of the province"
who became interested as a result
of jhe-wide 'publicity ,the unique
event'llact. received; contined to'
.. send in pennies. Others. in• the ••
area asked where the Penny ;POIS ..
. had gone. ' • '
Mayor. Betty Cardno reflected
the continuing interest when on
behalf ' or' the council. and the,.,
.,• .arena fundraisiUg committee she,
wrote the .Lions Club' asking that
the penny project remain. Opt-W.' '"
Lion Club Presidnet • W.J.
ThOmPSoti . said Wednesday that ..
While • there. •• would 'be no
solicitatioktheql6b 'fitift, agreed
ttr ireturii the "Pen ny, Pots to
business.. placet and •
to 'make- 'collections, at' regular
• intervals. He said the 'Penny' rots
.had produced abotte500 pennies'
each , week' and With • ;'increased
• activity as' spring. and, Stint nier
arrives this- 'rate'. 'should he
matatataed. • .
Gordon 10:niftier Whojteads the
LiOns„.' committee . said. ,it Was
hoped the penny pets wottiti be ..
aontidt otichtaht e isht6t..eesot-abbylioti.i
poSithioi Gotiltl agaih he$111..7to.--,
make teat for the atetw
•Cattitrin and see 9ur Heartwarming
Old •
10 Kt and 14 Kt GOLD
• some
Give A: Gift That SayS
It Best . .
e King Passes in Sleep
Canada's proclamation, of • Qtroen Ellattbeth the, new thou- arch, sighed §y Chief .ttiatide thibetideau.itintre , -Administrator tlf the Oov.eritre nit t
fie ail whom these presents 'shall tome,
Ontario Street,
nn y
ots or
1,, •