HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-30, Page 51 1i, R.r THE WING'k1AM TIMES, .A.UG'UST 30 1895, t: MORRIS. Mr. Jak Harrison, who was a resident ot, this township for over thirty years, has taken up land in Muskoka and -=11 remove his family there shortly,trs. Patterson, of Florida, is at present on a visit to her father, Mr. John Roe, GORRIE, The Teeswater and Gorrie quoit clubs played a friendly game in Teeswater, last week, which resulted in favor of the Teeswater club by a score of 226 to 209.—Mrs. Jas. Leech is quite seriously i11.—Division Court was held here on Tuesday last, Judge Doyle presiding.—Mr. W. G. Strong starts out as an inspector for the Canadian Order of Foresters, on Monday next. He will travel all over Ontario. EAST WAWANOSIL Mr. John Anderson returned on Friday from a trip to Sarnia, Park- hill and other points.—Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, of London, are visiting at passed to members of Lueknow Union for their hospitality, and to the Oddrellows for the use of their 1ia11, Diocese of Enron, Rev. Rural Dean Ridley, of Galt, has been • appointed to visit the different deaneries Of Perth, Oxford and Waterloo, to lay before them BELGIi,AV1. certain facts brought before the Another base ball match between special diocesan committee, recently the lst and 2nd nines was played on i held in London, coneerning the Saturday evening, resulting in a mission fund deficit. These meetings victory for the former teamoby a I will be held respectively at Stmt. score of 26 runs to 9. Batteries— ford, Sept. 3 ; at Princeton, Sept. 4, let 9, P. W. Scott and Wat. Scott; and Hespeler, Sept. 10. Rev, Canon for 2nd 9, Bell and Haslam ; umpire, Young has also been appointed, in Geo. David.—Mr, Sowler, of East connection with the same work, to Wawanosh, died suddenly on Wed- visit the deaneries of Huron, Norfolk, nesday morning last. The funeral Grey and Bruce ; Rev. Alfred took place on Friday to St. Helens. Browne to visit the deaneries of --The farmers are sowing fall Brant, Middlesex and Elgin ; and wheat this week; harvesting is about Rev. Rural Dean Davis, the deaner- completed,—Mr. and Miss Littlefair ies of Lambton, Kent and Essex. A were visiting on the 6th concession strong effort is being made through - last week.—An agent for a loan and out the' whole diocese to wipe out savings company was doing the town the mission fund deficit and See last Friday. He promises investors House debt, amounting in all to better than 6% on investments, in $30,000. Rev. Canon Young has terest compounded monthly ; the been appointed as special agent to last looks very tempting and some canvass the diocese for this purpose are taking hold Crop Statistics. the residence of the latter's mother,1 Mrs, 3, Bone,—Mr, J, R, Bone, son of .Mrs. John hone, of this township, at the recent examinations at the University of Toronto, took scholar- ships, entitling him to four years free tuition, and distinguished him- self in the several subjects. in which he was examined. He was a pupil of the London Collegiate Institute, where he succeeded in taking a medal last year. He is a young man of great promise, and East Wa- wanosh is proud of him. convicted and fined $25 and $10 costs eaeh for sending deteriorated Milk to the Carthage cheese factory. Mrs, Ann Brown and George Tow- ers, patrons of the Grand Valley cheese factory, pleaded guilty before Squire Osborne, of Grand Valley, to the charge of sending deteriorated milk, and were eaeh fined $5 and costs. At Linwood, Ont., before A. Boomer, J. P., John Haid pleaded guilty to the charge of sending de- teriorated milk to the Crystal Springs cheese factory, and was fined $10 and costs, John Miller pleaded guilty before Police Magistrate Field, of Wood- stock, to the charge of supplying de- teriorated milk to the Burgessville cheese factory, and was fined $20 and $2.85 costs. LONDESBORO. rhe Rev. Mr. Fair took the service ESTIbtATEs OF THE Ett$oPEAN AND AMERICAN YI1;LD—DECREASES IN in the Methodist church, on Sunday Eutao>?E morning last. . Mr. Milston took it in the evening. Mr. Milston will take Vieiina, Aug.. 77•—The Interna- Fair nterna it Faire n. the devenin morning milston l tional Seed Fair was opened here g' today in the presence of the Imperial representatives. The estimates pre- sented represent the American wheat crop at 390,000,000 bushels : rye, 21,500,000 bushels ; maize, 2,427,- 000,000 bushels ; Canadian wheat, 62,000,000 bushels ; and India wheat 6,278,000 tons, against 6,- 923,000 tons in 1894. America's maize crop is roughly estimated at 1,000,000,000 bushels larger than • BRUSSELS. Rev. Mr. Griffin will preach an anniversary sermon to the members of Court Princess Alexandria No. 24, C. 0. 1?., at 11 a. m., September 1st, in St. John's church, Brussels.—The Public School Board met on Tuesday evening of last week and looked over the five plans received for a new Public school, but. deferred making a selection until latter on.—R. N. Barrett, tonsorial artist, has pur- chased the noted English Setter dog, "Drake," from R. Beattie of Wing- hom. He is a handsome dog and also .I a good fowler, which will add much to Mr. Barrett's amusement and success in his hunting expeditions.— Monday, Sept. 2nd, is Labor Day and arrangements are being made to have a grand baseball tournament in Brussels. The negotiations are not yet concluded with the visiting teams, but the following is the1 pro- gram'expected : In the fo • noon a match between the Uniof,, of Gerrie I enjoyed the .trip immense;—On and Wroxeter and the/Clippers of enjoyed Saturday week, Mr. n Brussels; in•tllie afterjbon Goderich I this place, receivedk, Jas.eNesbit, from vs. Harriston, after wfhich the wenn- Regina, Northwest territory, tom ing teams williplay for a purse. veying the sad intelligence that his The sports will be held on Victoria second son, Joseph Samuel Nesbit, Park, to which a small admission fee had died that morning of typhoid will be char/6d. %i In Advanced Years fever An answ took the subject in the League on Monday night last and gave a grand address. --Mrs. Ansley has gone on a trip up the lakes.—The Rev. E. Medd and wife are here visiting friends.—Miss Addie Crisp, who has been sick with the typhoid fever, is again able to • be up.—The dredge, which has been cleaning out the river here, has moved to Manchester, where it will dredge out the mi in ll 1894. Compared with dam.—Masters Ephraim and Bert the decreases in Grea> Britain Grey leave for Uncle Sam's domains t he :—WWa, 37 per cent. ; on Saturday. --Mr. R. Bowcock, who are are :—Wheat, bar- has been on the sick list this week, is per30 ,cent. ; and oats, 5 per cent. The decreases in France we are glad to state, improving. p are estimated at: --Wheat, 22 per cent.; ry,e, 20 per cent.; oats 20 BLYTH. per cent. The decreases in Ba - On Sunday afternoon the remains varia are estimated at:—Wheat, of Miss Love were taken from her 35 per mit.; rye, 40 per cent.; mother's residence in town to Clinton barley, 50 per cent; and oats, certnetery for interment, followed by 45 per cent. The Austro-Hungarian' a large number of vehicles• and percentages for wheat and oats are sorrowing friends. — The annual ..better, but rye is decidely lower. harvest thanksgiving services are to In the south-east countries of Europe be held in Trinity church on Sun- the percentages are mostly better, day, Sept. Sth. ' Rev. Rural,Dean Wallachia and Bessarabia averaging Hodgins, of Seaforth, will reach. GO per cent. increase. These are A special offertory will be taken up the most: remarkable changes, and at the close of the service.—Mr. J. similar comparative tables have been S. McKinnon returned on Saturday prepared for the whole of Europe. from a three weeks' holiday tour In the Muskoka regions. J. S. says he TAMPERING WITH MILK. er was immediately LUCKNOW. ''.. sent back asking that his body. be sent home for burial, but this brought The , annual convention ;of the I another message stating that this Bruce County W. C. T. U. was., held. 1Gquest could not be complied with here last week in the I. 0. 4)1 F• owing to the nature of the disease ; Hal>/ There were 56 delegates pre- this message also brought the in - "sent from Kincardine, Walkertol, formation that he -would be buried Paisley, Wingham, Teeswater, Mild- in Regina on Sunday under the may, Chesley, Purple Valley and , auspices of the Independent. Order of Lueknow. After devotional exercises, Oddfellows, Canadian Order of conducted by the president, nl_rg. G. Foresters, and Regina Firemen, W. Berry, the convention was of which societies deceased was a brought to order at •1.1 ,a: m. Wednes- prominent member. Mr. and Mrs. day. Reports/from superintendents Nesbit and other members of the of various departments were handed family feel their bereavement very in and rolyefne business transacted. keenly, as they had no knowledge of A mass' meeting was held in the his illness;' previous to receiving the opera house in the evening, at which sad message. an excellent programme of a temper- ance nature was successfully carried Provincial Dairy Show. through. Addresses were delivered Gananoque, Aug: 23.—At a meet • by Mesdames Berry, Stauffer, Reed, and Miss Fisher. Music by Lucknow ing of the Pr'ovincial dairy show Orchestra Choir, Glee Club and the committee, in this town, Mr. Robert Misses Smalley, Smith and Arm- McEwen, of Byron, Middlesex county, read a Armstrong, a antian by Mrs.J Mrs. letter from thewas in nce. Mr. Agricultural Depa t and a reading by Tolmie, Kincardine, concluded the meet of the Dominion Governmhey ent programme. On Thursday morning stating that they we ry ere sorry they the election of officers was proceeded could not with, resulting as follows : Presided, - financial Banc al pinned a this arwoMr. Miss K. M. Fisher , Paisley; president, Mrs. J. Ashcroft, Purple be stalls for 160 cattle when re - Valley ; corresponding secretary; Miss Smellie, Chesley ; treasurer, Mrs. Williams, Walkerton. Superin- tendents of departments were also appointed. In the afternoon ex- cellent papers were read on various Subjects pertaining to the objects of the union, which gave rise to eon- siderablc discussion. Among other; I . shire + Murphy appointed to questions "Woman at deal of talk, It as rrangefor uthe erection of a re- in for a great j fries Harr to hold the butter. It was The strength and pule blood neces- sary to resist the effects of cold seasons are given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I have for the last 25 years of nay life been complaining of a weakness of the lungs and colds in the head, especially in the winter. Last fall I was again attacked. Reading of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was led to try it. I ani now taking the fifth bot- tle with good results, I can positively say that I have not spent a winter as free from coughs or pains and difficult breathing spells for the last 25 years as was last win- ter. I can lie down and sleep all night without any annoyance from cough or pain in the lungs or asthmatic difficulty." . M. CHADIBERs, J. P., Cornhill, N. B. CHEESE FACTORY PATRONS FINED FOR SKIMMING AND WATERING MILK. During the past few weeks, T. B. 'Millar, Inspector and Instructor for the Western Dairymen's Association, has visited the Summerville, Car- thage Evelyn Grand Valley, South Hood's Sarsaparilla rin c�i5�v�fu-1'`u�J CHEAP MONEY. Money is cheap or dear aceord- ing to what you pay for it, or what you receive in return for it. Now, to illustrate our point: We take it for granted that you require DRESS GOODS, MANTLE GOODS, MANTLES, SHAWLS, ULSTF RS, FINE UNDERWEAR, HOSE, GLOVES, FLANNELS,. FLANNELETTS, SHIRTINGS, GREY and WHITE COTTONS, PRINTS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUB- BERS, HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, SHIRTS, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, SUITS, (ordered or ready-made), OVERCOATS, WATERPROOFS, UMBRELLAS, TI+SAS, SUGARS, SPICES, and all kinds of pure GROCERIES, besides scores of other articles that we cannot find space to unumerate, and we need MONEY, MONEY, I ONEY, And in order to get it we will give you better and bigger value for your money than others do. Why? Because we bay only the best goods, in the best markets, and we sell on smaller profits than others can do, for we have no great ex- penses to keep up. Mark this important fact,namely, that large salaries and other large expenses must be added to the profits put upon goods ; so, with our small expenses, we can, until times get better, give our custom- ers the big end of the profits. Come and see the ANCHOR, at the old stand. It is one of the permanent fixtures of the town. It will afford us pleasure to see you and wait upon you. D. M. GORDON Direct Importer. THE ANCHOR HOUSE, Wingham. Is the Only True Mood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. mss:. tzt Iii r eN: Com; CLEARING SALE Hood's Pli()l5 cure habitual constipa- i sono tion. Fries 250. per box. I . WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. 12th to 21st, '95 SPECIAL EXCURSION BATES ON ALL RAIL\Y:Al'S. ESTABLISHED isas. Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ENTRIES CLOSE : Dumfries, Bennington, Burgessville, + Live Stock, other SepteDeparmber 12t,'Septomber 5th, Belmont factories.I Au Hawkesville and Final Payment Ia Stakes, Aggnat 16th. Besides giving instruction in cheese- snaking, he also inspected the milk Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges on supplied at all these places. Grounds, Aug. 6th. There seems to be more tampering s,.,;cca:n ATrsmrrioss—wild EastShom,50 people— With milk this season than usual. Arabs, Turks, Skoilcs, Ladies of the "'furl, ish Palace, eta, with liorsas, Camels and Donkeys ; and a host This may be due to the severe drouth { of Alters. early in the season in many places 1 Prize Lists, Programmes milk supply, thus making it very CAPT. A. W. PORTE, TRH, A. BROWNE, President. Secretary. tempting for the unscrupulous patron to add water to the milk can in order ' to keep up the usual supply. It may also be due to the fact that the price of cheese this seasonmilk is to low, the I when those who supply factories are sorely tempted to take off the cream or to add water, so as to make up in this way, if possible, for the shrinkage in price. The law, however, does not re- cognize these excuses in dealing with dishonest patrons. If they are found guilty of watering or skimming milk supplied to any cheese factory—and they always are when the Inspector .Silverware, must submit to . umes and Conditions of Sale for which caused a shrinkage in the I Booths free. Apply to SPORTING GOODS GUNS, GUN POWDERS, SHOT AND SHELLS, DOG COLLARS. gets after them—they the punishment attached to the of -1 Builders' Hardware, fence. _ Paints and Glass, The following are some of the re , paired. The following judges were appointed . For cheese and butter, I cent convictions effected by Inspector lllllar 1 Wire and Iron, Prof. Robertson, dairy commissioner, I a ' Goal Cil, and COAL. and Prof.teutensils, Johln Ottawa, Mont- patrons sO'Brien and of the Summerville chase dairy utensils, John 1L Croil, hfactory, were summoned to appear' OF C4- 0 Co S in many cases rir IV NT 13 in a great many cases �10i c w the present purchasing COST— GIVE -US A CALL AND OUR PRICES. real For dairy cattle-Ayrs nes, before A. McFarlane, J. r., Otter- LARGE STOCK. J. E. Douglas, W Edmonton -,H ; tns, Jerseys, $5 J. E. Snell, +'dlnonton ; Holsteins, J, vine, and were each fined and; LOW PRICES. '4I Cools Aultsville. Messrs. Derby- costs, the former pleading guilty to Otter - the charge of sending mills from I which cream had been taken, and ... the latter being convicted of sending , Sole Agents for the Celebrated adulterated mills. ' Lehigh Valley Coal Co's. Coal. MACDONALD BLOCK. urged to keep it before the peep o until it was carried. Another resolved to invite Licutenant•Gover-I E. Terlluiie Pollee ' Magistrate, Listowel, James O'Grady JOHN CLEGG & CO., held la tanight mass l inter was nor to open and Hon. John' Before John O'Grady, were Stone EGG Wingham. held last; night with lin interesting OeDryden1, at 8 P circle show m on Tuesday, i and his son, progran me. Votes of thank CET G. M c I NTY R, EGHA>`T. 1,000 PIECES OF CHOICE PRINTS FROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. FLANNELETS From 4 cts. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys' SHARD AND SOFT" HATS.'.. Direct Importation. A JOB LOT AT 2 5 Cts. EACH. A Call Solicited. T. A. MILLS, 'WINGI