The Wingham Times, 1895-08-30, Page 3•si if• ia.,..-7-•:_ .----e ,,, --,...e.—..------- 001W301,11ING SUPERLATIVES. Planting Lilies in the Pall. Our riaders who have feasted.on ,,, ORDER YOCIE BOLDS EARLY IN THE IfITR. Ma&WOO'S eharneing booa, am.a., AND WANT TBE at AS $00N As "The Bonn Brier Bush," will THE WIN GBAM TIMES, AUGUST 30 895. Trawe ARRIVE. remember that one marked eharae- teristic ofthe Drumtochty men :wile I would always advise fall. plan - that they never used snioevintwes• ting, writes Eben E. Rexford in the They were strong men and they used September Ladies' Home Journal. stren language. Strong language My experience has been that lilies is always moderate language. Some- kept out of the ground during the body who knew what he was talking winter season, no matter how much about—which, by the way, is more pains has been taken with them, are that a goocl many people know—has sure to be weakly. They may re - said that it is impossible to estimate cover to a certain extent, but seldoni the force of an under statement. make satisfactory plants until new One of the things too many people bulbs have been formed about the never learn is that a scrupulously !old ones, and even these, because of fair statement, or an under state- r lack of vitality in their parent, are anent of a case, besides being the only not likely to give complete eatisfae- kind an honest man should make, is !don. o have good specimens it is ere any times stronger than a state- , imper,a 'vely necessary that you ment that savours of exaggeration ! plant a .Mag and vigorous bulbs, and meat, pour in a gill of cold via ei even though there may not be much these you. will not find Among those and cover the padding exactly as et actual exaggeration. We know of ' that have been long out of the you, would a pie. Some line the . . --------------------------------11 advise ordering bowl and allow the crust to turn Beefsteak and. Kidney Padding AN ECON0110414, SATISVACTORY AND SUBSTANTIAL EMIL • Two pounds of lean, juicy beef, free from gristle (the under side of the round or• Chuck is best). Out it and two lamb kidneys into pieces no larger than the end of your thumb ; roll each piece of meat in flour and season with pepper and salt. For the crust use one pint of sifted flour, three ounces of suet, and water enough to make the dough soft enough to roll out. It should be at least half an inch thick. Grease a quart bowl well, preferably with dripping or suet, and lay the crust in it, bringing it well up on the sides and being careful not to cut it off so close that it may slip, Put in the st • to form the top but it is better of character than by carefuly weigh- bulbs ry early in the Lall. An ing the language a man uses when ' early order is sure of early attention, to eut it off .and put. the top on sopa.- last, and that town was given a and will, be Sure to get yourmajority, but the election was de - he does not know anybody is paying' ' ately, pinching. it.down well..in any particular attention to bis state- 'bulbs as soon. as possible after they the bowl containing the pudding in a clared void because. of bribery. ments. ' A strong, conscientious man reach the dealer. If you take my floured cloth and boil four . hours, Another vote was taken a few days uses moderate language; a man : advice about getting your bed. ready .observing the same peecaution' es ago, when a majority of eight was weak or wicked or both deals large- , as soon as you send off your order with other boiled pu.dclings—that s I ly in superlatives. I there need be no delay about getting not removing the lid. except to put. 1-' ' again won by North Bay over What makes most people think . them into the ground. on their ane. more water into the pot, and. this Mattawa. A recount was then de- manded, which reduced the majority that judges of the Superior Courts aral, and an examination will show added vvater must always .be briskly i , to five. The qualification of a boilino. —September Ladies' Home voter was the same as for elections to the legislative assembly. 1 here were 2700 votes cast. Relief in six hours.—..)istressing Kid. ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on me - i count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- 3 fight? No, naamtna. This Mier mILisiZETLIAND SAW 'MILL INN 1\11 SA We, have you, been in another I out-elassed me, anel I wasn't in it, -- m1 Rh' seeuis rarer than know that for past favore,beg leave to say that they perhaps it is rarer. You .1141.1.9T, it used to be. Tontdik----Well, haTveheauvnerayerlsairegneedstooink r oe :timing thanks a good deal is being used in pneu- matte bieyele tires novv,--Harper's Bazar. Frank 5, Thomas, aged 38, died at the Stanley House, Kingston. lie was WO survivor of the original New Orleans Jubilee Singers, who 20 years ago started out to secure by their singing sufficient money to establish a college for colored people. Their object was attained, Mrs. T„ S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn says, "Shilob's Vitalizer 'saved my lite.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated systeth I even used.' For Dyspepsia, Liver or 'Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts, Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. North Bay is now, the undisputed county town of the Nippising dis- trict. A vote was taken in Mara are exceptionally strong men, though you that your bulbs are p p, 0 some of them may not be particular- juicy, and with a heavy feeling. Journal. ly strong? Mainly because as a rule which indicates a liberal quantity of they speak in moderate, measured, moisture stored up in the thick The Axis of Character. well -considered sentences. If a judge scales. Another reason why early while on the Bench loses his temper, planting is desirable is this: If you "IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO TRAIN A or speaks in exaggerated terms get your bulbs into the ground a CHILD'S WILL THAN IT is TO about anybody or anything, he loses month. before cold weather sets in TRAIN rim MIND." influence at once. The publw they will have time to orm 1 ing pain in the bladder, kideys, back ani conclude that he is as weak as other and become established in their new I The axis of character is moral, not 1 everypartt men because he speaks just like quarters. Late -planted bulbs can- mental, writes the Rev. Charles H. 1 i 1 It lolly -yes retention of water the urinary passages 1T1 ma e ether men. I not do this. If you make any delay Parkhurst, D. D., in an article on and pain in passing it almost ummeaiately. LUMBER SHINGLES ; ; LATH, BARRELS,WOOD &c. ; ; on hand, which will bo sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1.70 per Square. Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. this in If you wo, t quirk 3 elief ea cure is • Most people think that the Presi- t you must not expect very much from "Compulsion in Child Training," your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug dent of a bank is a strong Man, and , them in the shape of flowers next the Sptember Ladies' Honie Journal. ; store. he often is a man of that kind. sprino• When it is a matter of child, training,' How do the public get that impres- 'Wingho. o• The Canadian Pacific officialsdur- therefore, the first question is not on — - • velopment of moral intensity. Thisl , west over 5 000 laborers, who will ferred to Manitaba and the North - intellectual brightness bat on de- ing the past two weeks have trans - McLELN & SON. , June 7th, 1S98. JOB PREITIVIC, TNOLUD1NG Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bil X Heads, Meiners, ao., &c., executed In the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Toms Mee, Wingham. ttt" sion? Mainly by reading his annual Better Than 1887. bank. In that address the President CROP TRIS YEAR IN THE NORTRWEST. of a month ago. I did not at that assist in the harvesting of the greilt address to the shareholders of .his , SPLENDID OUTLOOK von a GREAT ground was canvassed. in my paper , , of the times in the world of finance. I 7____ time disparage the ordinary means grain crops in these localities. From states with scrupulous care the signs • Under date of Aug. 22, the Globe's and methods of mental discipline ; a telegram received it is learned , correspondent writes from Portage but the plenty of the soil will con: I that harvesting is well under way, He reviews the business condition of , the coantry for the past twelve ; la Prairie; Man. : " All that I have dition the character of the products • the weather being fine and warm. months with judicial accuracy, and previous dispatches about the that issue from it, and the sure The cold wave has passed over that h c . has been more than eon- placing of the fotinclation stone will . portion of the country most likely to .balances the prospects for the future I said in in a way that makes you feel that be affected by and no cdsastrous If the bank goes wrong next year the blame cannot be laid upon the presiding officer. The shareholders feel that a num who talks in that way can be trusted. They re-elect his keeping. of the fields and. examined the grain, efforts has first to be laid. out. Hence - . • I find the prple ar.ound hear prefer I him and think their meney is safe in le eY Supposing that President had dur- It is also a fact that those who make the largest pro s r } I and I am assured. that the bulk of it my insistence Rpm obedience. There 1 Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills to any BOOKBINDING. GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor., Lumber o all kinds, First-class Sb,ingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any r art of Wing - haul. rovoraurs by mail promptly (numb) GEORGE TilOMSON, Box 45, Mut:1mM oat vfo NT EN Ts cAVEATS,TRADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fors rVrariftNlillablti tagoal%14227ctifitrilitiZrart; experience in tie patent busine . mmunica- tons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. 1 formation concerning Patents and bow to ob. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken througls Mona & Co. receive MitiaIr7erreltaitthglenteligeireter2171;rfined. • out cost to the inventor. This splendlepaPer. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest ciroulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 3450a year. Single copies, 2$ cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of now se . with vans, enabling builders to show the , illtestsdesignii and secure contracts. .Address MUNN & CO., NEW YORE, 361 BROADwAy. we are pleased to announce that any Rooke or Alagazines left with us for Binding, will ham uur prompt attention. Prices for Binding' In any style will be given on application to the Times Office. idnight a k with a colicy baby or a colicy stomach isn't pleasant. Either can be avoicle by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis' Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrhoea. -4§;e4v...;:.-...1.44.4 PAIN KILLER on the medicine shelf. It is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps, Just as valuable for all external pains. Dose -one reasnoonful In a half gitlPiti Of water or mill; cwarnt If CWITO1110110. BIG PROFITS —0 N-- , Small Investments. Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stock. firmed by my observations to -day. determine both the soliaity and theit,FOR EACH DOLLAR IRIVEST...D CAN I have driven between 30 and 40 permanency of ail the architecture ' results have been noted. Farmers1 are jubilant, and expect the present' 0 111--11 By Our Systenaatic Plan. of Speculation miles over the Portao-e plains. On. imposed upon it. The ultimate . crops both in quantity and quality, I orioinated by us. All successful speculators operate on a rceular system. h t fields as far as vigor of his moral intentions. It is h b • • to eclipse that of any other season. • rak, it Is well.known fact that there are thousands of men mall parts of e IJRICCII I entered. many at this point then that disciplinary 5 Lines On E. and L. tsystematic trading through Chicago brokers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a 'few mote by those who invcst a few thousand. I d 11 • for the man -who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to e,50,000 to 5100,000 or om t' • small Investments on this will 0 -rade No. 1 hard and that the is nothing that generates moral fibre other I have in stoc.k. They are a won- syst ,n t t:radi „,. • piane areei personeso, who live away from Chicago and hp, est through, brokers who thoroughly understand t invested ou any trade, but covers bath sides, so:that whether either hand all day has stretched worth of a man is the keenness and ing the financial depression filled his yield ,will average from 32 to 35 like cordially doing as we are o annual statement with such gems as bushels to the acre. All agree that Children used. to obey their parents. these "Business has gone to the the crop is equal to, if not better, There is as much family croverriment dogs," "The country is financially - than that of 1887, and the acreage is at present as there usedtobe, only rotten,'' "Canada is bankrupt,"f how much influence would he have ? And yet that is about the style in -which a ;good many people, who rate themselves as exceedingly pious, speak about the spiritual condition. of the church. Supposing a bank president be- lieving, as most of them do believe, that we are on the eve of a good. business .era, should say, "Canada is . booming," "There are millions in sight," "A hundred million bushels of grain will be raised in Manitoba next year," "Ten millions of people will settle in the North-west next spring," how long would he hold his office? Just' while the shareholders were turning him out. Sensible peo- ple don't allow men who are afflicted with hysterics and who deal in super- latives to take care of their money. And yet the style of speaking that would make sensible capitalists dis- pense with the service of a bank president is the identical style that some people indulge in when they are reporting a religious movement. The transition from superlatives to inflated statistics is easily made. The man who calls every wart t carbuncle and every cold corisump- tion, soon learns to say hundreds 'whet he should say tens. The matt who said figures do not lie may have been right from his own point of ViOvit but he ought to have known that while figures are too honest to lie willingly they can be made to lie infamcnsly, greater. All days I have not seen a now it has changec an s. toueh of frost, and it is certain that more important to train a, ehild's Kingdom will be reduced to sixteen cents over the fgattfal, Portage . plains the will than it is to train his mind. He for the first pounds and twelve cents for crop has sustainea absolfttely no may alter his • mind as he grows i each additional pound. A. direct parcel damage. 1 wase' accompanied :by older, but he will not probably alter i post will be established between Canada Hon. Robert Watson, M. P. P., and his will. Adult anarchy is nursery , and New South Wales. The rate will be was offered the best opportunity for lawlessness come to the full %corn in 1 twenty cents for the first pound, and sixteen getting the most reliable intorm'ition the ear. , . , 'IOC each subsequent pound. The mail will The weather to-ifight is perfect. The I heave Vancouver Oak sixteenth of taeh derful pill. Sened dozen at once, I am Oinuarrkpeltanr isteos rn foatl irsi sit b r lee gmholc s a steady profit that plies up enormously in a shortme: nearly out. P. S.—Send by post, .1. W. 1 the Ireland, Gourock. I WRITE FOR OONVINOIN.0 PROOFS. ENO our Manual on successful speculation and our Daily Market —From f irst of October postage rates by references in regard to our standing and success. • " \ Report, full of money.making Pointers. ALL FREE. OW manual explains margin trading fully. Highest parcel post between Canada and the United. Por further information address .•••••••*•••• later grain is ripening fast and I Side -Talks With Girls- month. great progress is being made with It is very rude to laugh ata friend They Do Not Despair. the cutting. The phrase one hears THOMAS & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 241-242 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT 'often is: am driving to get through • No • call is neccessary Meter an of Consumptives, though no other form of These remedies have stood the test of fifty yearsrenzeiryieunseee., and are pronounced the best Medicines for • who is clumsy. An utter loss of hope isnot characteristic cutting this week.' This will not le!ordinary afternoon tea. accomplished in every case, but in a Egyptolosists say that Cleopatra's week or eight days at the outside hair was volden red. there will be no grain standing in The naline Marjorie means the 1this district." same as Margaret—a pearl. Don't Neglect the Teeth. April are the garnet arid the dia.- 1 The birth stones for January and --- A dentist whose practice has been The for many years largely among per- If your face is inclined to be oily sons who would commonly be called throw a little borax in the water "of a refined and cultured elass i used for bathing. finds the negleet of cleanliness of the I No matter how friendly yout rmay mouth amongnhildren of such per,' feel towards the young nian, call hjiri sons most astonishing. "These dill- "Mr. Brown." The engagement ring is always worn on the third finger of the left hand. certainly would not marry a man whom I did not love, simply for tbe sake of getting a home. Whipped. cream is Usually served in a low broad-nioathed pitcher and dipped out with a spoon. It is not euStOnlary to have musk Moral you wish to have the respect and cenflclenbe of thoughtful men avoid superlatives except when superlatives are the proper thing to use.---Knoxonian in Canada Presby- terian. dren are being trained in all the arts and seiences," he says, "yet in one school where there were 700 pupils, 500 of them from 10 to 18 years of age, only fifty cleaned their teeth twice a day, 275 used a brush sometimes, and 175 did not use a toothbrush. In the primary depart- ment, where there were 200 children disease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as cream. SALESMEN WANTED Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale of our Choice Nursery Stock, ttpecialties controlled hy us. • Highest Salary or Comenission paid weekly. Steady employment the year round. Outfit ree exclusive territory ; experience mot necessary ; bht pay assured workers ; special indueements to be. pullers. Write et once for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. 01011S EENOS Cheaper than ever. Sold exclusive- ly by T. H. ROSS, from G to 10 years of , age it was , —DEALR IN— folind that not more • than ten'were I recently occurred. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS oi• any kind in a house where death provided with toothbrushes. Furtherlb" Plain cake limy be eaten from the inquiry mad investigation showed or dastard should be eaten with in the matter. Dr. Ritter, of Berlin, ,.,iellY only. forty-one, or a trifle more than :Anierican Itheninatie Cure of Rheuinatism I WIloM IT MAY CODMERN: Guelph, Ont., Jtilyleth, 1893. • $10.00 on each, pur ItheumatisM Ctired in a day.—Sonth SEWING MACHINES that this school 'VMS not an exeeption 1 fingers, hut mite hi 'which there is and FARM IMPLEMENTS and Piano Company explains itself: Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, 'KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of nil ages, OINIT1V1:-.i the only reliable remedy for bad egs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. OR BRONCH 1.2. 116 THROATS, COUGHS, eoees, GOUT, RHEUMATISM; OL1DULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL siGN DISEASES rr HAS NO KCAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London, and said by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. WPoreltasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. f 637 omens 400 of n fork* r' • The follovving from the 13ell Organ 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. • 11 tbe address is not WEBSTER & . CO. will continue to reduce the price for MINN MEN'S TWEED SUIT& TO $4.00 SPOT GASH. anamnoseeesia If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar im the making of each suit, and get a good fit. rirst-class Trimmings supplied, at wholesale peeks for spot cash only, •11111011.1.0.M11.011MM.INNI If you want to bay a Suit or Overcoat you cu save from MOO chasing from us. whom were under 15 years of age, 5 per cent, had perfectly Boland teeth. i analleuralgie radically °ores Lai to 9 clays. I 'This to certify that Mr. T. IL Voss, of Wingham, cation in after veers if the parents1 Weakness is the sympt. 111; impoverish- d . ?'the disease immediately disappears, The .,,,e7:11464,,,onm,fw,44Vrtnotr etnuin.,;, HOW a 011ild will seer fren1 Mortiflat Its action on the system is remarkable arid I is otiratfebt and that lie only la authorised to otter illeteriOns. It removes at (Mee the is:nisei our goods for salo in Wingham land Nleini(v. Aug: too ewe. It inakos the weak strong. 1natter I ' Warranteed Chi's iona'sdrug store. rink Thri,tr 010A1 PLANO Co. ea blood the cause, Itoed's Sareaparilla • iirst aose greatIT bimetitg, /6 cents. :rtiel'e640iil i:,piny to Ite.rito:1 oi ly.g • g hare neg,lecte t Moat inapertent WEBSTER 84. CO. Merchant 'rollout, Opposite the new Macdonald Bloek, Winghaan, r,