HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-23, Page 7THF WIN GELAM TIMES, AUGUST 23, 1 95.
a committee to represent their in.
terosts here, This method has been
found to be expensive, and in many
respects unsatisfactory, As, is well
known, the headquarters of the
Knights of Labor have recently been
removed ficin Philadelphia to this
city, and a building has been erected
here for the use of the national of
fieers. The national organization
of stonecutters is also. here, and it is
said that other. bodies of organized
labor contemplate making- .this city
their central point. The significance
of this movement call be readily ap-
preciated, and it is construed by
nt a -
more intelligent p
many to moan ag
preciation of the methods by which
the condition of the laboring islasses
are to be improved. ' •
A rather striking demonstration of
which might be termed a more
liberal if not. a more intelligent
policy on the part of"labor organiza-
tions was afforded in the recent
action which placed the government
printing office under the civil service
rules. This change was advocated
with a single exception by all the
labor unions represented in that
great ° establishment. The single
exception was that of the - book-
binders, and it is understood that
they subsequently agreed to the
change. The matter was fully de-
bated by the various unions, and the
effect of it was fully understood.
The belief was then entertained
and is still held by many of the labor
Brockville, Aug. 14.--A. remark-
able event, one which has never
been duplicated in Ameriea, occurred
this afternoon just at the conclusion
of the main performance of the circus
here. In the menagerie tent, in the
presence of several thousand people,.
a hippo, was born. The advent of
the pup was unexpeeted, and the
greatest excitement was caused by
its arrival. The first r intimation of
the extraordinaryeventwas a great
commotion in the huge combination
cage and tank that has been the
abiding place of the old hippopotami
for thirteen years. Usually quiet
animals, the monsters were snorting,
and roaring as if mad, Washing the
water in their tanks on all sides.
The action excited the attention of
the animal men in the menagerie
and when they reached the den the
parents of the new born "infant"
were endeavoring to kill their off-
ffspring. The pup was being tossed
from one end of the den to the other.
The huge mouths of the ponderous
animals were open, and in another
moment their jaws would have closed
on the babe. Animal men seized
quarter -poles, crowbars, rakes, and
in fact everything hands could be
laid upon, and drove the now wild
animals to retreat, rescuing the young
beast from what would have been
,certain death.
The pup was taken frons the den,
.and the many people in the mena-
gerie looked upon the first hippopo-
tamus ever born in America, and
probably the only one ever horn in
A Remarkable Trolley Line.
Among all the new railways made
possible by the use of the trolley
none is quite so wonderful as that
now building close to the water's
edge along the American bank of
the Niagara gorge. TION? the
electric current is about to make
travel possible and easy between
points never before covered by man's
footsteps.. This road, now in course
of construetion, is expected to be
open for travel in August,. for the
portion of the distance it covers.
Now the roar of the dynamite blasts
echoes and re-echoes- between the
cliffs as the road bed is dug
out along the debris slope. Bowl -
tiers which have remained for
centuries undisturbed have been
blown to pieces to make way for the
trolley's march, aed trees on the
beautiful bankhave also unfortunate-
ly fallen victims of man's invasion.
This ha been done in order that
curious humanity may the better
view Niagara at its wildest and best
scenic points as it.' rapidly flows
between the high cliffs toward Lake
Ontario.' When the road is first
operated its upper enol will be at the
Battery elevator, where the whirl-
pool rapids toss highest. Its lower
end will be on the dock in Lewiston.
The road bed is about twenty feet
up from the water's edge, and wide
enough to accommodate a double track.
The centrepole system will be used.
The rails will be of extra. heavy
people that this move would result weight, and the line will be rock -
in the destruction of the 'various
unions. It is of course understood
that under the civil service rules ap-
pointments to positions in the govern -
ballasted from end to end.
Starting where the waters of the
rapids run wildest, the sight seers
will be carried along in full view
Mont printing office are open to all of the rapids, and pa$t,tthe whirlpool,
who demonstrate their fitness by ' across the broad and dangerous ex -
passing the required examinations. panse, of which they will have the
A'Wo.nrr Warning
to Smokers.
For some time past certain dealers
have been selling inferior brands of
tobacco when "T & B" is asked for,
thus not only trading on the reputa-
tion of the manufacturers but also
injuring the sale of the article.
The Geo. E. Trickett & Son Co.,
of Hamilton, have taken the matter
in hand and intend prosecuting the
Smokers should be careful to see
the "T &13" stamp on each plug as,
to gain extra profit, unscrupulous
dealers tear the tag off other brands
and say it is "T & 13" and "just as
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A,, San Diego,
Cab, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is.
the tirst medicine 1, have over found
that would do me any good." Price
50e. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug
Prince- Nnttiegham', a trotting
horse owned by Jos. Black, of Shel-
burne., was seized while at Orange-
ville races. The animal was sold to
satisfy too executions for $1,200.
Walter Davis, of Schomberg, was the
purchaser. "
Captivity in the world. The infant I The law does not recognize the best view ever afforded visitors to •
looked fat and healthy and weighed existence of unions, and applicants, the Falls. They will pass through
one hundred The of course' will not be required to be portions of the gorge where for I
members of any of the organizations. centuries the eaw of the crow and
Then, too, the permanency of the the. occasional 'flight of the eagle
positions is more assured than under . have been undisturbed. The thick
the old system, and the Amami ly wooded banks of the gorge will
offer of X50,000 for the pair has been , need of organization for mutual pro -. have added attractiveness from. the
refused many times. The advent of tection will,'it is claimed, not be so delightful point of view. and _ at the
the pup will enhance the value two- I apparent. It is thought by some Lewiston end of the road they will
fold if the youngster can be reared. ;that a large number of the members , look upon peaceful' waters which
Hardly an hour had passed after 1 of the union will from motives of ,form a markedcontrast with the
parents of the pup are huge monsters,
aggregating in weight 6,800 pounds.
They are the only pair ever placed
on exhibition in this country. An
the birth, however, until the pup economy and other considerations
had another close call for his life. i abandon their membership in these
The male had been removed from I organizations and depend upon the
the cage and the baby again. placed I civil service law, rather than on the
with the mother, believing the parent
would nurse its offspring, but calcula-
tions were wrong in this respect, for
no sooner hack the youngster been
fury dislayed at the starting point --
From Harper's Weekly.
• roc over Fifty Years
Unions, to keep their places., On the Ax SCLD AND WELL -TRIED en used r'MrS. Win
over fifty
other hand, it is asserted,that while sioTv' Saothhie•.Syrup
,years by n,i11io5is of ruothors Por their eliiluron white
the interests of the individual will tncthing, with perfactaucccss. It soothes the ohne
+' sotfens the l;ums, a11aI•s ail pain, cures wind collo,
be benefitted, the organizations will and is thebest remedy for Drain, cu Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold uy Druggists in in ory part of the
laced in the cage than the parent not be injured. incalc ble. .five cents a uottle. Its value is
opened its massive jaws and lunged The situation, however. Ors an in- incalculable. lie sure and ask for iris. alt o the
Soothing tiyriip, and take no other kind.
for the pup. One of the monster's teresting one, and will no doubt be
giant teeth pierced the flesh of the regarded as making h epoch in tile.
little one, and the tight hold was history of organize labor in this
only loosened after the mother had country. A large number of the
voilns, of 011e 1 Ileo ism
acid )IIu8cular
Pains agaig e[i?
1 at LVejf%�.Q..ut fl!
fvenlliol Pla8 er.
my wiPe-goi me
one, 'toured
like made.
or a long time suffered with Rheumatism in
hook so severely that I could not even sit
,night. 51l, wife advised a D. & L. Menthol
,”•1':er. 1. tried it and was soon going about.nU
rh;r,t. S. 0. TiawTEa, Sweet's Corners.
Price 260,.
If you want' your
v D
made in the latest style, go to
G. H.
Borne Down by a Ilelettless roe.
The great army of sufferers from vari-
ous rheumatic 'conditions joyfully wet-
come Chase's K. & L. Pills because the
Changes in the Game Laws. foster parents of their aches and pains
The approaching game season , are the Kidneys, which, on account of a
i diseased condition, are unable to relieve
'been beaten with clubs and crowbars. skilled workers /in - the Bureau of draws attention to the changes made 1 the blood of uric acid poison, which is
producing ' The pup was again rescued, this Engraaing any' Printing are under at the last session of the Legislature deposited in the joints, p a on the
time quite seriously wounded. He is the civil service rules, and now it is in the game law, which sportsmen fait ro h a boon irr i atingnac es and
now thriving on milk, sucked likely that an effort will be'made to will do well to note. The open i 'fhe reason that Chase's Pills relieve and
through a bag, with every prospect bring the machinists, and iron- season for deer hunting has been i cure is their wonderful power in resto
of being successfully reared. He workers, and other employes in the. altered from the dates October 2Oth' no. ural degenerate
condition, Heys to
a perfect h the and
very!Hoch resembles a pig, except gun foundry in this city under the to November 15th, to the dates' tem is supplied with blood teeming with
s -
for the shortness of the legs and the protection of the civil service law. November 1st to 15th, so that the poison that adds fuel to the fire of rhea -
but don't try to patch up a lingering
cough or cold by trying experimental
remedies. Take
opposite Bank of Hamilton,
and relief is certain to follow. Cures
the most obstinate coughs, colds, fore
throats, in fact every form of throat,
lung or bronchial inflammation In-
duced by cold.
Large Suttle. 25 Cents.
.Honest fifer. .
If you have CATARRH, and desire to be cured
without risk of losing your money, we will send
a GERMICIDE INHALER and medicine for that
disease without asking a cent of pay Ir advance.
After a fair trial at your own h•,me, and you find
it a genuine remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for
same. If not satisfactory in every way you can
return the Inhaler at our expense, and need not
pay one cent. Could anything be more fair?
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the
losers, not you. dust think of being cured for $3.
REv. J. E. MAvirrv, Methodist Minister, Ot-
tawa, Ont., writes :-"Your Germicide Inhaler
in two months radically cured my daughter of
chronic catarrh."
REV. J. S. NORRIS, late Bond St. Church, To-
ronto, Ont. :-"Your Inhaler and Medicine has
proven genuine in every respect."
Ma. J. A. MCN.uR, Schaw, Ont., writes :-"The
Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat-
arrh. It is worth many times your charge."
iL:1yYl;F#6.,a v yiu,1
k Lrt7r.c Y
INi,aI r
on trial
in advance.
MA. DOUGLAS, Conductor, sr Ontario St.,
Toronto: -"Your treatment in a few weeks
cured me of catarrh of long standing."
Ma. T. MILES, s Christopher St., To-
ronto :-"Your Inhaler and Medicine cured
me of a case of catarrh of tea years' stand-
This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to
your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for
the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address
Tc : Nt iN11.
great width of the mouth. A few years ago a proposition of this
kind would have been looked upon
A JERRY-BUILT HOUSE, in quite an as ridiculous, as it was supposed that
artistocratie part of London, the a civil service examination meant' a
other day literally fell down about , test of the scholastic requirements of
hunting season for deer lasts only for { uratic complaints, demoralizing the en -
the first 15 days in November. The ` tire system and rendering it liable to a
close season for moose, elk, reindeer! complication of diseases terminating in
and carriboo is extended from Octo- I dropsy, diabetes, or Bright's disease. A
her 25th, 1895, till October 25th, Pli le most Kidney lep.sant feature fremediesthese tlencouragls is e
its occupier's ears. Outwardly there applicants. 1900. Another change allows for constipation, Chase's relieve and cure it.
h v generally
eigners who have obtained a license In nearly all rheumatic attacks there
Was nothing Wiens exists constipation of the bowels, which
very last, and when the catastrophe understood, that these examinations to hunt deer to export the deer he is is easily over -come by hase's Ki$11ch
occurred it spread consternation are adapted to ascertain the fitness of allowed to kill. Game wardens are Liver Pills; iii fact, they are a perfect
throughout the neighborhood. Many persons for specific places, and have also constituted constables for the cure for constipation. this is endorsed
'poo le suffering from ill health keep nothing to do with the book learning purpose of the act. The limit under of Edward Garrett,
cOntditor androprietor
•almost to the It is now, owe er, g
p of the persons examined except so
up a brave appearance, and no ono 'fair. as the duties of the position
knows the truth until it is too late.
They go about deceiving themselves demand qualifications of that charac-
as well as others. Why, oh why are ter: While' the civil service law
they so foolish? Their blood is im- does not confer upon the appointee
pure, their nerves are shatterd, a fixed tenure upon the office, yet it
disease is eating away their life. does away with the principal reason
Well-advised indeed are they if, even which, under the old system, lay at
at the eleventh hour, they turn to the bottom of most removals, namely,
Holloway's Pills and Ointment— the desire to give the place 'to some
' remedies which give new life and particular individual. It is impos-
vigour to all who avail themselves of sible to do that under the civil
. them. service law, and so removals from
office, as a rule, are because of the
inefficiency of the employe, or for
other reasons of like nature.
In Your Blood
Is the cause of that tired, languid feel-
ing which afflicts you at this season.
The 'blood to impure tend has become
`Washington is assuming inlpor- thin and poor. That is why you have
tante as a center of labor interests no. strength, no appetite, cannot sleep,
ich seems to be Purify your blood with Hood's Sarsapa-
towing to the belief wh rills° which will give you an appetite,.
quite general among the labor tone your stomach, and invigorate your
jeaders that as the more important t,erves,
objects of organized labor are to be •
Securedbylegislation, they should be .I% o 's rose aire
a y to take, easy in
present in person. at the Nations action
and c.
Capital where the National i.egisla
tore ,fleets. lies e o of
the Caston. 1''t'Dii anymatters of Manitoba has paid another dividend1 St, Vincent de Paul Penitentiary,
t),terest Was pending' before Congress, , of 13 per cent., making °a total of Montreal, has fallen heir to a fortune
for the various organi;t;ttions to send 50 poi` Belt, so far on original elaiins. i of $25,000,
anyperson can shoot not more
than 400 ducks in one season is re-
pealed. These are the principal
changes in the law, the more im-
portant ones being the limiting of
the deer season to . the first 15 days
in November, and the extension of
the close season for moose for five
years longer. The open season for
game then will be as follows: Deer,
November lst to 15th ; partridge,
woodcock, snipe, quail, plover, or
other game birds, including black
and grey squirrels and dares, from
the 15th of September to the 15th of
December ; duck of all kinds from.
September lst to December 15th.
1b Years of itching.
Won. Golding, commercial traveller,
130 Esther et.,'.2orouto, says ; :For 15
years 1 suffered untold misery , from
Itching Piles, sometimes called pin
worms. Many and many weeks have 1
had to lay off the road frotn'this trouble.
1 tried eight other pile ointments and so
called retned.ies with no pertbanent
relief to the intense itching andstinging,
which irritated by scratching would
'bleed and ulcerate. One half a box at
Chase's Ointment cured me completely.
it hue been The defunct Commercial Bank of
Damara Lafralnboise, a convict in
Weekly 'Witness
and thousands of others. One pill a dose.
25 cents a iox. The cheapest medicine
on earth. Sold by all dealers, Edman -
son, Bates & Co., Toronto.
BAB. unlocks *tithe secretions andreniovcs
e11 impurities from the System from a Common
pimple to the Worst scrofulous sore.
BY''RDOCK..PILLS act gently yet
thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
—? Faiv .Vg a Kr. 114 FES . i4,, ,,,,,,,,.
T of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind noel- body mdse -
1 1 E 1 ES IJ LT ed by lust and exposure are constantly wireckssnu the lives and fntnrc•l
e.uhappiness of thousands of promising young men. Homo fano and -wither at home y egg,
""'at the blossom of manhood] while others aro forced to drag out a weary, ulhid,
'melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The
victims are found in all stations of life: -Tho farm, the office, the workshop, theP
rho trades and the professions. _- — rph
&,, .a , psi:
Dab . A .*. f' ,,,,{{rr �. � t ynl
i~ v �>• E" te' .I , 9 �9
s kRt"
S gEFOnr: TBETREATMENT •AETCE T BEATM&NT Divorced but united again
xl1Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street rays: --"I have sracredill
SYPHILIS untold agonies for my 'go. life.' 1 waainaiscreet wi en
Y young and ignorant. Ae ` Ono of the Boyo.' 1 contracted -
Em,iSSi0NS Syphilis and other Privatediseoses. Ihad ulnanlni sthe
mouth and throat, bone pains,, hair loose, - , ,
ST R CTL E face, finger nails came oft, ennssioiis, became thin endi.o
despondent. Seven doctors treated me with S;iercury,�
ti �e I RED Pntn.h, oto; They helped me but could not euro me.
Finally. afriendinducedmetotry Drs.Kennedy issxergan•
- heir New Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Thsir treatment is Wonderfnl.,t
iAQYon feel yours`;,CI�;C'� CsUAiiANslf `r 'iris? Oil ii40N Y PiE'r°Piw w'J
gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to caro in aeinglr'
'▪ casn.'' e
Capt. Chita, Vary says:-
ays ;- "I owe til, life to D:S. Ii, d$ i • IMPOTENCY
�,�At 14I learned a bail Habit. At 21 I had till the ssmotions /� {7,p9 �•p;�, ' ifl�:i
<•f Sermons Nnasness and Spermaality. en, Emissions
�y�p�pl.l'l� ��
were drainingFind weakonnig niy vitality. 1 married at C�oIJ% G• .
�r avice of my family doctor, but it was a p,yq ;�
24 Cod.,EMI 14SSS D ORM �snd exrerirncn. In eighte4.n months we worn divorced. 1 �y.
�thon consulted Drs. U. St K., who restored Mo to manhood � �® ,�
mbythoir NewMethod 'i'reotment. Ifeltanew life thrill throngh
tin; y nerves. We were united again anal aro happy,. This was
1,gsrs years ago. Drs. Ii. ds K. aro scientific apeoiahsts and I heartily recommend them."gi
, gr We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Glees', Stricture, Sy,Ohilis, Unnatural Discha-gas, Self Abusceo®
e ICicl� ey and I3ladtter Diseases. Qts
�Jpp (fQ� n pp�� re en n victim?. !love. volt lost hope? . Aro son rontctnploting Mar
K(7EADER! liege? Has your Blood been diseased?fllavoor yourrs on 'tve
wllutinItnefer 0 X
nNew Metliod'treatment will cure von. what it has done
,,,.CONSULTATION FREE. No matter Who
tns tOlaidieri
""of Charge. Charges BOORSFREE�Tle t et
0 Diseases of $ion. Incloeo twostaao, 2 cents, plod.
DVs., No Medicine sent C. 0.D.NnmsiooCONBs
EverythingednfidentiAl, Question list and cost of 'Treat -5
menta FRES.