HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-23, Page 4CANAD: wBr REPORT PIiIA1' WINGIl 1895.. TtiOhis 1 .-..4tla�1l 000, is si of the1VI Trunk ways, 12 city of limit by • forced, pbineracSt bi side fix which t building by-law. lunemy opii alis Alfri on Jos and Vit feet,' stone; tt high.. proport storiesab 66 feelm' graveps] l:elagula powderl striekl; ance FIR: I+ actor was di of abo' was gl the br far ad totehe wd thase all to hit' no pr %oto t fires. dir met stance town Carr yrs theea from for vv provi there of v tlaert watt the Shut Hort wh• don Alb Mi Ill brb and the 111111 sixt Cul dia ea>; liar as dif lac ba on ati1 4 g4 w� va b r'1 A.I.TGLTST 23, 1895, TIE 1?�IN�i'HA1VT TIMES, GEC). SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRiCE MEAT ASAI V. LOWER WINGHA11T, Mr. D. Halstead spent a few days es- .. Hallo. �lli CM E. 'WILLIAMS t limas last reek visiting - AND- , works is doing quite a trade.—• vino --.The chopping mill in con- neetion. with . the Electric Light DRUGGIST. A, '.0, H. W. TELEGRAPH CO • opp. Urunstvlck House. "E1' zD x - .. Ont E a#11110811' (tiMO • School opened. on Mondays last, after the vacation, with a fair attendaueo, and Mr, J. W. Ilogarth in eharge.--- Mr. John Green is slowly improving. KINTAIL. ' Mrs. D. Matheson and family have removed to Thessaloa. They will be very nlucli missed hero, particu- larly Joe, who was a universal favorite. --Some trouble over a horse caused two heavy weights to come together in McKay's blacksmith shop, last week. At the end of the "scrap" both men were considerablyblown,birt otherwise didnot appear much the worse for wear.—Mr, J. L. McDon- ald has given up stage driving, and his place has been taken by Mr, D. NYeville, of Saltford, One of the -pioneers of Ashfield passed away in the person of Mrs. Cornelius Keefe, who died. last .week, at the age of eighty-nine •years. -4- Miss Bate Knechtel has gone to Buffalo to visit relatives. and make arrangements to got this 1,am says:S. Jerome, `e , Dentistunt Wing n - job done as soon as possfls e d andr. i Pols are. the best in the market," art .� 7 nb Y tied.- •Debentures were flossed and . ,� r,. Geq. Qlcuceyhank, signed for payment of the vfollowing . sayer ""Where is uoFiil equal to Williams' ceounts viz. ; `rnsEs office, I Little PandeliQlt PUUs," Ex -Deputy - Concession 'Vin ham, printing voters lists,18e5] Reeve?, e ofi�us Wnwan sh 'says; "-They g a $i 0 * Marls Cassels, are e most satisfactory Pill have ever and advertising, , Concession 14, fixing T culvert, draw -;used,,, gravel,&e., in astern gravel, . County m HTon earstl" would not use ing , Robt. Vint, work done: anyoer Pill." 6.50 h r road, ta, on sideline 39 and 40, concession, o, Chas, Proctolc, 4th line of Morris, and day of man shovelling gravel, leases: e IT andela not be without •Williams' 82M0 ; George Tisdale, West Wa_ Jas. Gadeliou -Warden for County wanosh, 35 yards gravel and darn of Bruce; says; 1 have round them 1n- ages, per John Stein, pathmaster, 53;' deed at we eaYe; ul PIU. " James McGowan, 17 yards gravel. Hundreds of like7`estimonials furnish- W Sloan, p'tthnlaster 85c, ; ; ed on application. k'l ID -Y, AUGUST 23, 1S9it. Mr. T. W. Gibson and family returned. home to Toronto Tuesday morning'. --Mr. James Ireland and family have left here to visit James Ireland,•Sr., in Gourock.--Mr. John R. Gibson is home from Muskoka, where lie has been running a saw ll forMr. P VOune' —Mr M. ml t,. b • • McIntosh his moved into the shop EAST WAWANOSH. lately occupied by John Ilupfer and Tho Manitoba fever has taken will carry on a general blacksmith away several of our young men. business. --A few of our young men aw Among the number who left on the appear on the streets at nights, mak- . tenons were number Fred. Deacon, ing the •place hideous with their ells. They have been *warned byx our Fountain Naylor, Jr., and Albert Constable that a repetition of the Perdue, V. S. These left on the first l •t •e" excursion. Mr Laird A. Paton left per A. oa , . , Daley, concession 10 271 OF On account of the hard times and in order to sell for cash, 1 have out down the prides of meat, and will sell at the following low rates ; George a ey, yards gravel, and damages,) per 4001boxes at 73 ; 3,890'boxes at 7hc: Messrs. Wheeler and Brandon, path -11,840 boxes at The ; 400 boxes small masters, $2; Joseph Brandon, build-. at 7*c; 75 boxes small at The; ; 1,390" ing culvert and material, concession 1 boxes on commission ; 120 packages 10 and 11, $3 ; municipality of of creamery c butter a , t 2;lee e o 22e ; Wingham, 32 yards gravel, per Jas. bulkH 3 20 David firm. hlna stet , _ at I Cochrane, p Scott senr. 59 yards gravel, in con- 17e • 80 boxeLittle s at 7,0001,820 boxes at INTARRET 11E2011TS. wtuo7IAn. Wingham, August 22,1$95. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs . , , • ...2 15 to 2 40 Vail Wheat...,.. , ,.... 0 70 to 0 70 Spring Wheat, ,... ,. 0 70 to 0 70 oats, ,....,.••,.. 0 30 to 0 30 Barley,. ... .....•• 0 36 t 0 35 Peas,,.. .....,, ,. . . 0 10 to 0 14 .y)r i nutter, rolls, ...• • • . , . X0. Eggs per dozen. .. 0 10 to 0 l .0 Wood per cord.. 1 ..13 25 2500 to toll 00 Hay per ton..... Potatoes, per bushel. ...•••' 0 05 to 0 05 Tallow, per lb, to 0. 05 Dried Apples, per lb 0 0U 40 to 0 05 Wool., ., ..... STEAK 10c PER IT., and other meats proportionately low. The patronage of the public is soli - same will bring them o lgrih •— Tuesday morning for Brandon.-- 11Tra Henry Smith and faun; have lTiss Campbell, in School Section• mI 75c. ;municipality of Wes been visiting friends in Chesley. No. 11, has returned from her home nosh,5e; 20 yards gravel, per Charles ojlhos hues of Lime and in Port Elgin, to again resume her1, t'a m P lVHITECHL'RCH. g Martin, concession 1 , pathmaster, l duties, School opened with•a fair 51.40; Edward Worden, 20 yards ;;oma when your friends first The Presbyterian Sabbath Schools attendance.—Miss Lizzie lyfel{enzie, gravel for division No. 70, certified I te_1 you you your friends thin, union icniciWhitechurch and Langside bash, gspent Sundayat her of Wu ham, by pathmaster, jai Arthur Brooks, �o`•i -ell eoncisa- restore your picnic in Mr. Mothers , uncle's, Mr. David Robertson's.— ' on Friday, 16th inst. Every person The monthly meeting of the F. grading � a 5 aGeorge lot ls Coneesstorepairind 1 reseal, iy weight and. may tereby' present seemed to have anenjoyableth1 M. Society was held in Calvin church, bridge on creek,sideline 39 and.40, time. A game of scene of baseball in the 1 e<< eat serious 11: 1CSS. • 1 ea -on Thursdayof last week, only, m concession 8, 420; E. Livingstone, ,4.rson, have been known to afternoon was the scene of much 1b of the members bele 800 f et rock elm plank � 1 cessions 6 and 7, per Messrs.ersNi00 1' and Harrison, p 1 aver or Wm. Carr, 30 yards gravel, per Wm. A. Densmore, p 2 ms of $1.50 ; H. J. ' Wightman,days man shovelling gravel, Division No, 46, $2 ; Mrs. E. Reid, lot 34, conces- sion 9, 131 yards gravel and danl- ages, certified by pathmasters of Divisions Nos. 42, 48, 44, 48, and 49, $7.55 ; Robt. Shiell, 'concession 11,' 73 yards gravel for Div. No. '55,. certified by pathmaster, $3.65 ; Robt. Currie, senr., 32 yards gravel, per John Currie, pathmaster, $1.60; John i Redmond, 15 yards gravel for divi- sion No. 23, certified by pathmaster, cited, and first-class meat and prompt attention guaranteed, GEO. SHAW. Wingham, July 16th, 1805. Tec ; 1,165 boxes small'at 7?;c ; 3501 boxes small at 71e ; 35 packages of creamery butter at 18e to 20c. Guelph, Aug, 16.—At the cheese fair held here today 1,060. boxes were ofiered. No sales. Bids too low for makers, who are holding for higher prices. LOSS OF FLESH is weakening. You cannot af- ford to fall below your healthy weight. if you. will take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber ot!orshis house and lot in Lower Wingham for sale on reasonable terms. The lot contains half an acre, on which' there is a frame dwelling house containing live rooms; also good stable and poultry house, good well, 16 fruit trees, &e. Por particulars, apply on the promises. R. 0. KITTSON. citelnent old and young of basil small number a Belk lave, Ileet 'present. They intend making a $9 Isaac Wilson, building culvert + Hain a teo�tnd a day by taL-ing sexes participating.—Several persons c to be sent to the North ]Vest, at �lot< 39, educes d 11 an ounce a day of Scott's Emul- vant thiso vicinitye harvest have Bions 10 an , Edmond Walsh, planking and spiking bridge, 38, 8 and 9, 75e ; Thos. Edwards, repairing culvert at lot . 35, conces- sions 8 and 9, $1.50 ; Wm. Robinson, tile for drain and work done, &c., at • Peter 8, $ �0 lot 31, concession, Leaver, removing stone on road allowance, sideline 30 and 31, con- cession 11, $1.50 ; Robt, McDowell, repairing bridge, lot, 32, concessions 6 and 7, $11.50 ; Edwin Wightman; services as Inspector for gravelling done on eastern gravel road, 56.87 ; Georgie C. Naylor, lot 28, Concession taken ad- i together with any other useful $9 00 Ed vantage of the excursions to articles that any one sees fit to give. •d lot conces- sion Manitoba and the North West.—Mr. I help outside the members will George Ross, sr., is suffering from a 1 Anybgladlyhelpaccepted. This society severe attackiopof summer complrecover.— has just been organized. and we hope >ver — >. butrecd � 1 soon success.—Calvin n will < .hope heI it ccess. - C we l ap, will meet with su V •. Lizzie miss • d every •c and e�,v •al • • Sh< being filled Sharpe, Mary P church is being well of Tcesrvater, have been � Sahbatil, people coming from , a dis- visitialg friends in Whitechurch. i tanec and they are well repaid for i3LIJEV ALE. 1 corning to hear the earnest discourses Mr. T. J. Dillon formerly cheese -1 that the' pastor, Rev. .W, T. Hall, maker here, who is now Dairy Super ooksforolhisSabbath text last S bbathtthe last clause of the 9th verse of the 90th Psalm; ``We spend our years as a e itvery tale that is told,"and ma intendent in the Province of Prince Edward Island, under the Dominion with et Government, is meeting wi 1 r a d 8 15 yards gravel and damages, success down by the sea, and his lion to his hearers indeed.—The I • 1 Charles Campbell, 95 yards p �. , many friends in this vicinity will be ( pp ',Tavel on concessions 8 and 9,. P. S. C. E. has appointed a commit- per piellsed to hear of his success. At it ; _. I Messrs. Chimney and Robinson, that ;tee of four, lialilely, Mr. Dag^old i 5 picnic lately held at Emerald, in pathmasters, $4.75 ; Arthur Brook S, gravelling on Eastern boundal,5 , $100 ; Alex. Ross, Wingham, day- book Treasurer, 1' T. , book and scribblers for $3. The Council then adjourned till Province; Mr. Dillon delivered a AIarJ' Simpson, and Miss Maggie capital address on the dairy interests 1 Laird, to represent that society at the of the province. The meeting ~vias I county convention, to be held in also addressed 1T�' the Lieutenant Blyth on the 3rd and 4th of Septem- 17 ttoverllol• of the a rovinee, Hon. , . • ; bcr next. bioilday, 23rd September next. Curran Solicitor -General, and other > Aug.15th 189x, ^I,n Clerk. 0 ,r ? i The Council met g 1,895,i P; PORTERFLJ , notables. --Mr. E. li . Bruce, L. ri., l .pursuant to adjournment. Members i _ _ ' (7` Harford Collegiate Institute, ,all present. Minutes of last regular 1 Hive Stools lsiarlceto. Toronto, an old Blnevale team ler, also of s ee.ial meeting held i t, , meeting, p 1 Montreal, Aug. 19.—The receipts. :ir<cr. 1x1•. (s. K. Powell, B.:s., I rind- 15th Julylast were read corrected, .1 i .7t3�111 Street school, Toronto, an I ill,cl missed. AceOunt of "Times" 1 to -day at the East End abattoir, 1 market were 500 head of cattle, 000 close. This seems extraordinary; but it is absolutely true. Don't be persuadett to accept a substitute! Sect: & Bowie, Belleville. 50c. and $1. W higara 1 Su*plie WANTON. . Fall Wheat,. ............... 0 75 to 0130- Spring 84 Spring Wheat 0 75 to 0 80 I3arley .. 0 45 to 050 034t0035 Peas 0 55 to 0. 60 Potseas 40 to 0 50 Potatoes, per bushel... , ... , 0 Butter 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs, per dozen... , , .. 0 09 to 0 10 Hay ........ 9 00 toll 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Wool... .... 0 18 to 0 18 We have just opened up a large stock TRUNKS, VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD CRAIG CHOPPING. of SCHOOL BOOKS, Having secured power from the Witightun Electric Light Company, I halo put in chopping stones at COPY BOOKS, the Electric Light power house, 1.1...7 -vert, Wingham, and am prepared to do chopping at all times. Tho bile is solicited and satisfaction jfl1 Eat 1d'. The greatest of. all '95 e1 Niagara Falls, will take p On Saturday, (good to return o under the aus Musical Society Special Excursion rains will leave Elmira, Our. ham, Ohcsley, So,t,hrmpton and Kincardine. The Waterloo Band will accompany the Esonrsion. For points over 1511 miles distant, tickets will be hood to return until Sept. Std. For full particulars, see e and Pores. pasters and dodgers, givine time tab] This Excursion will give aline opportunity to spend Suntiay st atio at e cm �the 2nd and �ofe iSeptemben the r. nNo trouble or expense will bo spared by the committee to make this the most enjoyable trip of the season. SCRIBBLERS, CRAYONS, PENCILS, SLATES, &c., &c., To be in readinesti for the opening of the schools after the holidays. I IN THE dLATTE1t OF WEsI.I' Joia HrnFER, �,,,_ , OF TILE VILLAGE OV \t'noxE'rsa, IN 7873 Covax7 of IiultoN, 13LAcsSMITII, AN IN- . New 300 Paga Scribbler is I t3oLy1.NT. — EA Rc, y. Notice is hereby given that the above amed andy. I Wesley John Ilupfer has made an assi•• . nent to It has the map of Huron County on mo under the provisions of the itevfsed unites of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 124, and anion 11r acts, of all the bads cover and is sold esolu�i rely by I his estate and effects in trust for tl benefit of his us. Call and see it. Crcdutors. A meeting of the Credit rs the said Wesley �a 9'� I John Flupfer is heteby con em and will be hold at �q - N U 9 g7tthu a rho Ably- • nitwit, on o'clockTuesdn IL.E.,-)c. � a 11 �.d the 37tH day o1 Augu. natant, at two ,its the afternoon, for th• appointment of Inspectors, Popular Bookstore. and the giving of directions with reference to the 1895. disposal of the said estate. V./Ingham, Aug. 13tH, All Creditors of the said Wesley John Fupfer ate ---- hereby notified to file their claims with me or my 1 il ' • ifisd b)' affidavit, and also and value of the scour Y3 1.otronaa guaranteed, ROBERT M AINPRIZE, Windham. July 10tH, 1895. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rsions to 0 gust 3 l st, onday, Sept. 2nd), s ot the Waterloo o;c Turnbei't'y teacher, ach r•, eflme up on office, Wingham, also a number et t::i it wheels last, rvee,. <t1ul :ire visit- I other accounts, principall` gravel for ice relatives and friends in this I d received and ordered to It McKay, In mel pal of cd sheep and lambs, and 100 calves.' , The market was rather slow and in- roa s, e., , t tViIlitur l i i i]c paid Communication received active. Prices, however, were steady i)iT•lli iinston High School, was visit from 1\Tnl. Lane, Esq; County Clerk, I at last Thursday's mark. Best Goderich, stating that the amount 3 �c per lb., and lower grades were in required this year from the township : foboth cattle and sheep on ing Mr. Robert L. Stewart. last week. Both gentlemen returned to their duties iii Williamston on Monday.— Me. ionday.— i i . James Gardiner will continue carrying the mail for the text four Ti'" Gerrond,of Winrrham butchers' stook brought from 3-c r FOR SAL A complete brick cot` of Wingham, on .' in the most desirabl II ted by a fur st soItcltor t t 7 '-��--� � ��•�F^'��, �c-�,:i�✓T�L-4,�1�,. �� 1 stating the n• ot It' (if an H ore 1 4 I hold by them on or before the Nth day of Septem• ham 3805. R. ingba i, W. A. limas, Glorrie P.O„ r i Ise,, 00 Yr A.> 5 jn �j I ],rated ., win, ker. ge in the Town e street, one of ets for a residence. • a large• wood sheet, this 1Gth day of August, A. D.,, C 9 know a good watch when you see. it '? Of course you F 1, do.. ��I 'I ea -+ with hard and - • 't water in wood shec); a stood stable. Tho lot has 55 feet front- age and runs 163 feet back to a lane. T.trtns easy. Apply to • JOHN NEELANDS, Wingham. Solicitor for Assignee, Assignee. OTICE TO CREDITO ,., N TII 1 ATTEI. OF TAMiles W. INGLI. of THE 14 I TOR Or W INo1IAM. IN THE ' OUN1'% Or F61 }Imo. CAItEI tOIT BUILD=== AN INseL- Ir VENT. • t l rt. seen our Special Movements fit Notice is hereby 1vett that the • tJ 5 i Gold, h; W. Inglis has made n essignn in troll, Silver and Gold [(1 provisions of rho Ile ed St' �� Filled Cases? New Styles ep �l and Patterns. it 171 re. 1 �r. " D ti, YOU iii c 11 thunk of purchasing . until �r1 ;S yon call and obtain our C� [e prices. Fr —''` MSTG'•' 'T TNS'I'DD Prole of'il. bove named James• ut toot Hie under the rates Ontario. 1887. Chapter 134, nod amen Ole of all ]els estate and effects in trust for the be a •P his creditors. A meeting of the ere torso to said .Tatees SY, Inglis 10 hereby cons ned and w be held at my oltice in winghan, on Thursday; 1st day of August, 1 95, at tw o'clock in the after, n. Inc th4 appointment of i pectors end the giving direc- tions with ret mice to the disposal of t • said estate. All creditor of the said James W. Inglis are It by notified file their claims with rue, duly vorifi by atflda' , and alio stating the nature and value o the sac ty (it any) held by thele on or betoro the 25th y of August A. 0.,150; 1 ted at Wintihon) this 22nd day el July, 1895. It. vANSPONE, W1Ot.htt111, Assignees Charge acid suitable lenses given 1F SI -1]t triees , I a" right i, I Good Dwelling and ono quarter acre, � r Fs'', ( side Leopold street, Wingham. . R . SALE. MUNSH..A 11 situated on the N. WW Lot 4161o00ast Pl Apply to ,141—'9 -, t97. 1--,.-� —tr ,Stratford, Ont. ;��..-���,rr �':•yam-.,r.::�7r�7��i�:_7r-ir.-�, , The Optician. I l • Ont. 1�1 JOHN BROWN, Wingham, r� Real Estate Agent, and Iaegisiative demand -- _ as w2501.02. It e:rport account. The former sold at i fah C®ES THE PRICE OF pyo i purpose attendings Business or Shorthand College this season ? 11 +. c C ,. • for County' purposes School equivalent ry lb live weight while the i • i Iatter were selling at u•e per lb. was a recd that the sum of $29 0 4 pee ▪ �.1I3.�•-:5 'fin Wine;ham, , r visiting at Mr. R. N. DaPf's last for township purposes and specialLambs and calves were in moderate was.. school rate, along with ' County tax,1 Following is the moderate ▪ e ek.—ATisses mato and silk and 7 ; demand. I g . Masters James and Malcolm. Isbistcr, in. all $54,]1.0:., be rased this year i range of quotations :--Cattle- by taxation, A. rate of 46 tenth ; g M' . Fol are visiting their aunt, mills on the dollar was struck tt i Butchers' choice, per pound,. 31,c ri' :ti'i F. 13. Scott.—Messrs. o rani- raise this amount, and fly -Lave Na. 13�e, live weight; medium to fair, awl Walter Clcghol•n went to ilTanl- �:Ic r% u a' culls, 2e rt Lc . �hcep i a �.—:VIr. Fred. Hartley 8, 1895, confirminrr, the same, was aQou , y�,3 tt :See ;• Laub And veal at proportionate rates. w s all e ss fu y read and passed. fay -Law ;\ o, no the recent money! lambs, a'�'? � rc 53. Calves . ("a -(rod t0 .k;.1 tinl*lttio boot cutg', all cuotaners haven n chnttma was successful in passing for the purpose of borrowing Inonet ,3 n + 7 (II . 10 • e0lutnt)n testate, ', .. 4'hanktng my numerous enstoma:v for pact tarots, is•On Asian, . choice, $ (r $ , I aro i f thoh future patronage,. 'unlet leavinge. ' actor for Win Junior the Bank of , g r Trowbridge, ' ' M from r v ''ltln S era (,ode, of b hate, to pay contractor building , s 1 hoz to intimate to the people ot Windham that • 1 have redline(' the price of moat to the following tigures> • STEAK, 10 Cents, ROASTS, 8 to 10 Ceents, -Cents, BOILING, 11r. Joseph Leech.—Miss Lilly Moss, of this place, was a successful eandi- date for a primary certificate at the :recent departmental examinations. Miss Moss attended Goderich High School, GOI�IIIE. 1Vtr. Mclkenzie, of' Teeswatcr, has purchased the hotel of Mr. J. H. Campbell, in this place. The price paid. was $4,600.—Mr. W. II. Tate will continue the implement busi- ne,—Quite a number left on Tues- day for lftanitoba:---Mr. Alex. Strong has been enlarging his dwelling.— i oeetil. (fillies &. Smith have opened tlrcglr_ Milia oiliac opposite the Al- bit,*, ytel. There should be a i lefldld opetsxng here for a bank t C cessions 8 and' and so y close e t q.},ir•h 17)• rlosn attemtton to their watts 1 hope to merit. Respectfully yours, bridge g e all river, .on I Datil Markets-Mtg. +rl. .'gf G. yours, 9, at Marnock, also read and passed. , Applications for the office of Collector' Montreal. --Cheese, rc C 8c..I f n o the current ' �' ppi - f h e t year were Butter—Townships i8e ,�' ' 1, e 1 ^ " so, the •��r �, _.r,�,, �-� --mrd "' ......--- 1• Ff •,fl l N ,w !{i y y�.1�' v ' '«^•ve r-'="'j%,..."'.n•. =''�✓'}•w�.t�_ -4.1 _ Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ontario,. Is considered head and shoulders above Canadian Schools. • for other schools practical w k and set the iat.o x or record for1 • mode d -C7" award that we ha e t d x�•v'� 'C7" heard anything shalt our "row System.' of teaching Rook -keeping and Commercial paper? It is considered the essence of practicability. Drop a card for particulars legardhtg it. Catalogue also tree. Colirge ro•opcns September 3rd. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Concession o ('O"i (Li) 13C. f o taxes i' received from John i1leClinton, western, i � I E Y 'S CELERY (,oncession 4; Wm. Wi„titlnan, Con. - i�'ew Fork. �°'-' Butter •--- Steady-; 7and Charles C Campbell, State dairy,12e to 18 e ; do. cream- q Concession 8. IS appointment , offered - 1 "d over till next meetinte of to 113e; do. creamery,. i3e 03 20e ;iBest Blood Futit•er, Tonic and General Health RestorerONDMTV 10 fnanlzind, We do not fear comp n. cession , • . "i'h" nt cr r• 191 c to 20e western dairy, 91 c I was ai ,z Council. Edward Worden, Conees• do. factory, 810 C;1 2,ro;, Elgins, 20e.. slat 14, was present, :and made Cheese—Firm; State' large, 51e Cs haveoutlet d 71 j do fancy, i c e Cts 71,e, , do, NERVE CO ' I�li•!l JtL EI', 'BON AND WINE. POUND p fi 1 prison 1 You will get more genuine permanent bone t out o o i�RANLE 5 i S CELERY -NERVE COMPOfi.TNID- et Hellion to an out a made zO , s L anyother "Compound" on the market. It contains no injurious drugs, altd is basetli- across Northern boundary line small, Oe to 8se; past slruns, �. C to; than cut of a whole dozen of between the townships of Kinloss 5e; full scrims, lie to 2e. . ori Gt,wo> uThT1 instead of ALCOITO ., ,Try it 1 You will then know the truth, ONE DOLLAR PER' I30'pTLI . and East 44*avt+anosh, droved by Liverpool ---Cheese quiet , demand E AND GEl` 44]4..[ 5 �y Mr, S Cott, seconded by Mr. Brown, poor•; finest Afncriean white and I � SURE that Messrs. Sutherland and Robert- colored (new), 88s. Butter—Finest' son be authorized to meet the Reeve 11. 5,1 70 s; good, 60e,AT WILLIAMS'DRUG STORE•i WINGHAM ONTARIO Cr any member of Kinloss Council, Thin, N. Y.—Cheese sales to•day, 44,41111 ,.1 1