The Wingham Times, 1895-08-23, Page 1)), INGiIAt VOL. 1233. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUG -UST 23,1895: $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE The HAS REMOVED —TO HIS— NEW QUARTERS ,•• In the Stand lately occupied by J. J. gorauth & Son, and can confidently say that he has now the Most Complete and Well -lip - pointed Store this side of -Toronto, Being greatly enlarged. and refitted throughout with all the latest im- provements, with Open Counters and Glass Tops, ane Shall soon have the Cash Carriers in operation. The StOrkis magnificently lighted. and affords%• „:".•• 'se All thi raoiliti for tho Accamria,in of ou Emus Castomors. •We are making addi- tions to our stocks daily, and shall be in a, better position to attend to their wants than ever before. Give the Bear a call, and see what we can do for you. WE SELL NEAP. Niagara Falls; Ont., May 7th, 1805. PROP, CIIAMONRIAIN, Dunn Su,—The glasses you fitted me with are all right, can see clear and distinct with them, and all those I have instructed to see you and be fitted with glasses are very much pleased with the glasees you, fitted them with, I have no hesitation in saying to those who require the services of an Eye Specialist to call at once to be fitted properly is Renewal of Life. • Yours ltespecfully, W, E. &MORE, D. PROF. diAMBERLAIN, EYE SPECIALIST, 87 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Will bo at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham, Ont, soon. Watch for date. 1ItYDSIT111191Ent CLEARING SALE,. LADIES' SHOES Men's Shoes, Children's Shoes In fact all kinds of Shoes in Black or Colored. irinton't fail to see the prices in our windows next Saturday. GEORGE ROOD' For Solid Reliable Shoes. 2 doors northof Post Office. marriage Incenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingharn, Ont. No witnesses required. COM YONGE AND GERRARD STS., TORONTO, Canada's Greatest Commercial School, Large faculty ; Superior courses; Students assisted to positions every week. Write for circulars. SHAW & ELLIOTT. Principals. In point of teaching staff, school equip- ment, courses of study, and facility in securing you employment. Your money refunded if our statements prove untrue. This is our offer to you. Write us for papers and catalogue. Fail term coin- MOI3C06 September 3rd. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, address given by the ,,X X X is going out of boot at any price, I 4—There were sli ht frosts on Money and Wednesday nigi te last. —Quito numbs of our townspeople went to the races a Brussels on Monday last. —About twenty assengers loft on the Manitoba harvest =melons, on Tuesday morning last. Cash for butter and eggs at Griffin'sGrooery. Grocery. P _Thd Brussels st was 22 years old last week. The PoJt is a splendid local paper, and a credit the publisher and the town in which it s printed. —"Saranac," Me •rs. , H. & W, F. Dulmage's trotting Milian won the 2.25 race at Port Huron,, iohigan, one day last week. The best tim made was 2.23i. —The longest oats at we have seen this year were left at the 'Ines office, on Wed- nesday. They mea ured five feet five inches, and wero grow on the been of Mr. J. R. Reid, 12th cone ssion of Wawanosh. They were of the Gotl ing variety. For a short time, Miss McPherson is making great reductions in the prices of millinery. Call and inspect the stock and get prices. Mrs. Herdsman's old stand. —Attention is di advertisement of Me Sons, in another plan will open out on S Macdonald Block, clothing, genes' furni • —Mr. J. Munroe Je visiting his parents time, left on Monday ton, Toronto and o wheel, He left Wi and arrivedat Guelp the distance, about 8 which is considered g —Service in the C on Sabbath next, 25 hours, 11 a. in. and the Rev. Henry preach, taking for hi "Waiting upon the evening subject: " All aro welcome. —The talented and Andrew's church, L Johnston, accompani spent some hours i calling on old exquai returning to the city holidays at the old Mr. Johnston made here some years ago, pulpit of the Presby ham. —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and wet leave Wingham at 6.23 a. m. and 11.20 a. m„ via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. in. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. —Capt, Scoble, of tl e Salvation Army, gave large number o lune light yiews of the poverty and slums fLondon, England, in town on Saturday evening last. The views were thrown o the side of the Mason block, and we well done. The Captain explained earlview as it appeared, and the large crowd p '.sent appeared to be greatly interested in he views and the ptain. On Sunday flier of views in the a lecture which he if were in aid of the a, the management of which, both in Cal ado, and England, were explained. ected to the large re. john Ruettel & in this issue. They turdry next, in the ith a large stock of &c. oine, who has been n town for a short or a trip to .EIamil- her points, on his gham at 6.15 m. at 11.30, covering miles, in 5,1 hours, od going. V ngregational church, inst., at the usual p. in. The Pastor, Mote, D. D., will morning subject: ord," and for his he World's choice." opular pastor of St. ndon, Rev. Robert by Mrs. Johnston, town last Friday, lances. They were fter spending their me in Rincatdine. many warm friends while supplying the rian church, Wing- STRATFORD, ONT. evening, he gave a nux P. IVIoINTOSli, Principal. 1:18;11racks• illustrating delivered, The prooe LOCAL NEWS.•Rescue Homes in Can • Brooms 10c, each., Kerr & Conery. —Advertising is lisle a bellows ; it makes the fire of trade bum with greater vigor. —The Orange exc irsion to Detroit, on Saturday, the 31st Listant, promises to be grand success. . 'Wine Biscuits, 3 lbs for 25d., Kerr & Conery. —Mr. Chas. Gi espio received word, on Tuesday last, of th death of his cousin, Miss Mary Gillespi of Hibbert township. —Many towns are Making big prepere- tione to celebrate abor Day, which falls on Monday, Sept 9 d, Labor day is now a public holiday. —Private moneys to kith on mortgages at reasonable rate of ii•itereet. Apply to tf .TORN NEELANDS. V—A meeting of t Union Purnitere Tuesday last, but n rebuilding the facto account of a shareh haling signed a ted refusing to -rental Another Meeting which it Will be faetoryeliall be reb e shareholders of the &many was held on definite action as to y could be taken on Ider in Toronto not tetioti of his etook and ii the new company. 111 be held shortly, at decided whether the ilt 0 110t. —The question of pu drain along Josephin Grand Trunk railwa at Victoria street wit year, will be consid Health, at its next m seen by an extrao of the Medical Towler, in another col that such a sewer be question that interests certain extent, but pa reside on or near th deserving of serious cost Would not be v benefit would be almo Town Commit, on th the Board of Health, ting down a tile street, from the smith to connect the one put in last red by the Board of eting. As will be front a. report alth Officer, Dr, n, he recommends • ub down, It is a he whole town to a icuhttly those who street, and. it is onsideration. The ry great, and the t incalculable. The recommendation of an order that the drain be put down, a d assess the proper. ties benefited for th st of the sante. They Do Not Despair. An utter loss of hope isnot oharacteristie of Consumptives, though to other form of disease ie SO fatal, unless ita pregreas is arrested by use of SoOtt's Emultion, which is Cod raw 011 made as palatable as cream. & —Turnberry Co nail minutes have crowded out of this issue. Sardines, Key OpenereOc.,Kerr Conery. • —Ten tickets w re sold to Grimsby Park, on Saturday 1 at. —Rev, James Hai ilton, of the Baptist chureh, and Mr. Gr ut, of Walkerton, ex- changed pulpits on unday lat. —'Phe Mission 8 nd . of the Baptist 'church shipped a ex of goods to the Indians in the North\ est, on Monday last. VI—The orops in this Won will turn out much better thaw w s expected a few weeks ago. The remit rains have done much good, and root c ops will be good. The hay was a failure, but all grain crops will be pretty nearly u to an average, and the grain of a good sa ple. le/ ...The glass on th large picture of the graduates of the F est City Business College, which was Messrs, Homuth & Bowles' window, was broken into a hun- deed pieces by the n. There is a large mirror at one side f the window, which drew the heat and thus destroyed the gldss. t4"—Master Robert cTavish, of town, is to he congratulated n his success at the recent examination, hen he succeeded in securing a first class certificate. He is only 18 , years of age, and it is no small honor to secure such certificate at that age, and shews that h • has been a diligent student. V —The secretary o our fire company writes to the Stratfo d .Herald denying certain statements m de in that paper regarding the compan when competing in the St. Marys tourn ment. He says: "Any person doubting the ability of the Wingham team can at any time test their ability by matching a y team in Ontario with them for any ante int named." —Rev. Dr. Gifford'ssermon, on Sunday evening last, was an a le effort, and was greatly appreciated by bo large congrega- tion. He pointed out iforcible language the glaring defects of nfidelity and the great good Christianity is and has accom- plished, while infidelit has done nothing but tried to pull down what Christianity hes built up. —For first-olass tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south .of R. A. Graham's grocery storo. —The following p rties who wrote at the recent examtnatio s were successful : For First-class Certifi ate—Mr. Robb. Mc- Tavish, of town, wh. wroteat Goderieh ; for Second-class Certi • cate—Miss Hattie Reid, at Petrolia ; W . Bray, at London ; F. Hartley, at Clinton W. Hartley, at Harriston, and J. 3. W. Simpson, who wrote at Goderich i the Matriculation examinations. —Mr. W. T. Yates 1 ing last for Toronto. little time in the w firm for whom he Gowans, 'Kent & Co.— a trip west, perhaps His departure is very he was an honorabl citizen, and Wingham such. Mrs. Yates a in teem for a time. on Monday morn - e will spend some olesalo house of the ill travel—Messrs. nd will then make s far as the Coast. uoh regretted, as upright, energetic can ill afford to lose 1 family will remain Death of jos The following awe Joseph M. Brisbois, telegraph line repai near Guelph, on W we take from the Gue was walking on the s was looking up at a came along. The dri was a lineman, did n juxtaposition to th engine was within a er dtumbled backward him. When picked tieing, but he'died be Breslau. lie bad hie the time, and it is pee as be was attentptieg when he heard the train was stopped a taken to Berlin. Hi to be broken and ale side,. Which are thou bit heart. Joe Brie of a man. He was h industrious and extr Ire leaves a Wife au ceaaod had 83,000 in $2,0G0 in the A. O. TJ thoG.M.fl,A. Th back from Berlin a held, and a Verdict returned by the ju Ertabeie went to Go last week to attend t1 ecutid teas a brothe M. Iirishois. nt of the death of reat Northwestern er, which occurred nesd ay of lest week, h Herald: "Brisbois e of the track and re, when the express er, knowing Brisbois mind his dangerous rails. When the w feet of him ho loll • and the pilot struck up Brisbois was still re the train roadbed olimbing irons on at ibis hie foot caught to leave the track train coming. The d the injured man left arm was found the bibs of his left it to have penetrated is was a fine stamp neststraightforward, meter good natured. six childrert. De- moted on him life; W., and $1,000 in body was brought d 0. OOrOliat'g of accidental death ." Mr. and Wire. A. 1ph on' Thursday ef funeral. The ae. Brisbois. —The brain was out on Thursday even. ing and played •a r4unxber of piecei music. —Our firemen will 1 kely go to Chatham on the 30th instant to compete in the hose reel rapes, Wood Pails 10e. each, /Kerr & Conery. —Rev. D, Perrie w at the W. C. T. 'U. last (Thursday) even —The Waterloo .advertising a grand Niagara Falls and 13 Aust 31st, in anot Ripley Express : popular travelliug ag marble dealers, Wi village on Tuesday, some monument in the late Kenneth Me one of the speakers elating in Lucknow, ng. tasked Society are cheap excursion to ffalo, on Saturday, er column, Mr. Ed. Lee, the it of Vanstone Bros., ham, was in the He erected a hand- uron cemetery to od.eeef • G. H. Irvin, the tai or, has put in an extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call ancl sea them. Good goods, geed work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. —Rev. R. W. Sc nlon, Ph. D., of the Hamilton Conferen4, preached an im- pressive and eloquent sermon in the Wing - ham Methodist churclh, on Sunday morn- ing last. The revere4d gentleman was at one time stationed n the Belgrave cir- ciit. —The town vot been issued, and following statistics: votes contained 111 tl to vote at municipal to vote at elections t sembly 649; number serve as jurors, 288. $50 I will give fifty dol will bring me a wet make .to run as well 3. Haas Opposite Macdonal award es t any person who annot repair, and or better than ever. Palm, sephine St,, Wingbant, Block, Pa 011aIS. Miss C. Everet, o friends in town. Mrs, Forster of her niece, Mrs. Jol Clinton New Era has been visiting at Mr. W, G, Stro town on V7ednesda Mr, Bobt. Jamie town on business, o Mr. Wm. Arm calling on frieuds i Mrs. Chits, Gilles visiting friend's in IN Miss May Snide her friends, Misse town, Mr. Jos. Vanst couple of days town. Miss Sarah Stewa ing friends in Cliffor week. Miss , Harrison, Sunday in town, the Clinton, is visiting oronto, is the guest of 1 Neelands, IVIrs. W. Harland, jr., Ingham. of Gerrie, was in , on business. on, of Myth, weeg4 !Saturday last. . of Mildmay, was own, on Saturday. o and Mrs, Paul were Forest this week. of Toronto, is visiting 11 Me and Jean Bell, of thi s' list for 1895 have Fessant rom it we gather the Mr. and Mrs. J. B. he total number of ing friends in Brus list is 788; entitled this week. sett lections, 689; entitled 1 Mrs. D. W. Reber Ripley, were calling persons elegible to one day last week. the Legislative As- 4 Mrs. R. Elliott, eks itfriends in Miss Hattie Stuart wishes to intimate to wewith , • the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that home on Monday. the Dress and Mantle making business, , Miss Box has retu formerly carried on by Mies Charlotte Mc- Stratford, after span Donald, will be continued by her in the -tie home of Mrs. Fes old stand, Gregory Block. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Jr. Anson Robin taking his holidays. ill be found the re- Hamilton and other Inspector of the : riters' Association, '1 Mr. D. M. Gordon, the past two weeks, appliances of the • av on the way to r his inspeetion, and s and Mrs. Mo ns. Want of space ; turned on Monday om giving our views spent in Grimsby an Mr. and Mrs. John ell from a two wee —In other columns port of Robt. How Canadian Fire Uncle on the fire preventi town when he made also his recommendat' prevents us this week on several of the rec mendations made. We will refer to the in our next. —Mr, and 11frs. W wero called to Listo death of Mr. Mitch event took place on old gentleman in stairs and receiving died. The deceased 80 years of egemnd for the past.''few y from the township o ship he was one of tl f Hamilton. spent it week with friends in who has been visit. returned home thisr Walkerton, spent uest of Miss Minnie lerguson were visit - els a couple of days s and children, of on friends in town, ter spending a few Listowel, returned ed to her home in ing three weeks at nt. on has been away Ho wheeled it to ho has •been ill fer , we are • pleased to every. OR and Morton, re- 'ght, after a few days vicinity."4 Dickson have return- s' visit to friends at . Mitchell, of town, Sherbet Lake, Fenel n FDA dm. 1 on Monday by the l's father, which sad Rev. Mr. MoDow I, a former pastor of onday morning, the the Methodist chin.' h here, was calling on. I friends in town, a fe days last week. me way falling down, Mr. Robt. MoL od, of the Bank of ijuries from which he Hamilton, has ret rued after spending was between 70 and , ' Mr. G. D. Wrigh ars, removing there some holidays in T d resided in Listowel Elma, of which tout - earliest settlers. 'Island, was in tow turer, of Charlotte ! i de,y. cement. I4Misses Edith and :wore visiting friends tbe grocery and , r, w, m, yeas% I in_ i eter fora couple of stock •in every line home. ell s of goods that have 1 Mr. and Mrs. He pt here; so that in fe—ast . t r so I purpose have spelt a couple the guests of th ore. With regard to week' 'Gillespie. d glassware, you all I his shop has for these ! Mr. J. H. Powell, • son of Mr. John Powe intention to kep, • e on this reputation. been spending some of ohine, already E and friends, o strive in the near : eas, (Dr.) Robinso of B*mpton, wile tare of your trade, r most careful and has been the guest of r. aurd Mrs., John Neelands for abottt ii •e we, teturned Annou Flaying purchase crockery business of tend to replenish th and to add many lin not, as a rule, been the course of a week ing in stook Overythi a first-class grocery the crockery, chine, a know the reputation lines. Well, it is o and if possible impro Some beautiful line ordered and expected future. Soliciting a which will rbeeive o prempt attetion, ane y onto and other points. furniture mention- wn, Prince Edward on business, on Mon - Luella Elliott, who in Gerrie and Wrox eeks, have returned Ch Motto: "Good good ry Paul, of Camden days in town this ir cousin Mrs, Chas. arrister, of Detroit, 1, of Turnberry, has me with hie parents ers truly, home on Thursday. A. F.MORARSON. I Miss Jennie Elder, um House,Wingham. ; ' . , Canada Business Colleg at honest prices. i Wednesdity to take ohn, to announce the ; band Depertment of th Mr. D. R. Calbick, vife of the 'Pablic ; formerly of this town i took plena on Aug, Woodstock, where he rintendent of met Huron, D. Robb, etsleaeblishment. been ailing for some ° Myth Standard: Me ito -unexpected. See and James numb, of h year of her em. She town on Sunday—Mies sition and passion. Winghar, ie spending mut, arid was seldom heterroomt ifict,r iGnatzoettvtno.: pony with her hes- wrue`i".mu.'„ont sethe °es wits borne with 0 ' se • She was a consistent Aarmf°"• •Nwl'71. iglebn'tut terian c.hurch. had been visiting with e from in am o reshyterian Sabbath Nyeek• —We regret to ha death of Annie, the School Inspeotor for Esq, of Clinton, whi 21st. Although ihe li time her dealt was q wash' the thirty -fou was of a retiring dis Moly fond of her own seen out except in do band. Her lest sick Christian fortitude. member of the Pres —The Witighatit Schoel pichie, held Ttiedo.y afternoon 1 ao, was 5 deetaea the weather donside amusea themselves tto., awere en lunch when the ra' Untbtellas were bt Ana many sought 11 trees tbat abound i Shower was over, their homes, WWI when they bola the wroxeter Advocat a Ternlyn's grove, on miss Lan", neegsnn,. at, was well attended, guest of theit aunt, eeeees, die state of preeent..111r. W. W. ti he s,oung people Wag calling on friends day of this week. with wings, games, Gold Medalist of , Methane left on go of the Short - t Institution. of Goderiele and has removed to tekes a position as large undertaking ars. George Fowler Vinghain, were iti • Tnn. MeElroy, of he holidays with tames Beneett, of with Mr. Witt. y Armour retere. Saturday. They friends there for a Master ,Too end f Winghano, are the iso t, O. Lawrie, at Wirighteue. n town, nit Wednee- ged in eating their •Someti gew, commenced to fall.- We are opening up n large shipment of tght into requisition, the Beer Bootand Shoee IMOWO tO the shelter of the large Cateadien trade, which, were 'Imbued the grove, until the before the great advance in prices, and we hen all returned to aro going to sell them tit old prices. This •for better weather is a rare chance to get the best. 810111 plonk. •D. M. Gorme,,..