HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 8U 8 THE WIN GRAM TIMES, AUG -UST 1 G,1895. SHE NEW DRESS CiQQDS, Strongest department in the house. 4tr.onger this season than ever, We ]ever stand still—always improving arut eloping. Tim development in our big Dress Goods stock will please and surprise you. First come, the exclusive foreign novelties, high art and exclusive, no two patterns alike. Need we mention that you shoui,1 get first pick of them ? The prices are very reasonable, but come and see them and be your own 4udge. We being a little enthusias- tic on this point, might be tempted to texaggera..te a little, and we would rather Have your opinion than our town. It matters not, be it an ex- pensive or cheap Dress you are in search of, you can find it here, and in greater variety than anywhere else in town, at M. H. McINDOO'.S. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. they should either be keyless, or have keys under glass along side, and be in comma - tion with the following: Generalalarm bell, twelve inch, gong in the pump house, fifteen inch gong in the fireball, to call the three who should sleep there, gong in the Chief's house, six inch gong in the stables to secure horses immediately at all hours. 8. The mains should be extended as ex- plained ender the heading of "Mains." a, Three firemen should sleep in the lire hall every night, 10. The brigade should number 15 at least, 11. Two standard chemical fire extinguishers, df not less than 5 gallons capacity each, to be carried, properly charged, one on each reel, to all fires, and spare charges always kept.. 12. Two hydrant gates, ore for each reel. 13. Two hose sleeves, for temporarily stopping burst hose, one to be carried on each reel. 14. A. pressure relief valve should be placed at the pumps to blow off at 1.30. 15.'Drills, with test of all appliances, should be held regularly once a month, the year round, and a register containing all particulars required by sections 10 and 13 in standard, should be at all times im- mediately accessible in the fire hall. Personate. Mise Amanda Cline is visiting friends 'in Brussels. Mr Sextns Dent, sr„ learn, is quite ill. Miss Annie Talbot, of ing friends in town. ' ffMr J M Jerome, of . Hanover, is visiting under the parental roof./' Mr D L Taylor, of London, was in town 'on Thursday, on business. • Rev D Gordon, of Toronto, is visiting his son, Mr H F Gordon, this week. Mr Fred McDonald, of Ripley, is visiting at Mr. Jas. Munshaw's, this week. Miss. Birdie McIntosh, of Luoknow, was visiting friends in town this week. Mr and Mrs M J Gotby, of Stratford, were calling on friends in town on Thurs- day. Master James McKinlay has been spend- ing a few weeks with relatie es near Ko- moka. Miss Marian Inglis is visiting friends in Kincardine and Tiverton for a couple of weeks. Mr and Mrs W P Grierson spent last week with friends in Goderich and Dun- gannon. • Mrs .A. Tremain and family, of Listowel, are visiting Mr and Mrs Wm Bond, her parents. Mrs G McIntyre returned on Monday from a visit tofriends in Stratford and Poronto. incl • Mr.John Ritchie - is Luoknow Sent Wxngliain, was it e, village on business this week.' Miss Maggie Murray, of Seaforth, is the guest of Mr and Mrs Jas McLauchlin, Shuter street. Mrs (Dr) Wm Holmes and children, of Walkerton, are visiting at the residence of Mr Thos Holmes. Master Percy Hill, of Walkerton, has been spending a week or so in town, visit- ing his old comrades. Mr and Mrs Wm Robertson are visiting in Hamilton, this week, the guests of Rev W H and Mrs• Watson. Mrs Robt Tennant left on Thursday for an extended visit to friends and relatives in the State of Pennsylvania. Mr and Mrs Wm Mitchell were at Listowel last week, spending a few days with his mother, who is very ill. Mr T A Reid, principal` of the Owen Sound Model School, is spending part of the vacation with friends in town, Mr and Mrs Ouimette, and son Charlie, of Londesboro, were the guests of Mr and Mrs G A Newton, on Jhursday. %Air D M Gordon •laae been confined to his bed for some days by illnesseeee are ,pleesed:toelearn•tliatlie -is improving; Mr H Gummer, publisher of the Guelph Herald, was in town on Wednesday, on business, and gave the TinxEs a friendly call. Miss Ward, an aged lady rodding with Mrs. Hill, on Shuter street, has been very low during the week, and her recovery is doubtful. Clinton News -Record : E L Dickinson, Esq., of Winghatn, called on Clinton friends last Wednesday on his return from a pleasant lake trip. Mr and Mrs R MCIndeo and Dr and Mrs Towler returned from their trip around the northern lakes, en Thursday of last week;, They enjoyed their trip very much. Rev L G and Mrs Wood are spending a few weeks with friends in Toronte. Dar- ing Mr. Weed's absence, Mr. Smith, a student, will take his work. Clifford Express: Miss Nerve Hotel is visiting friends in Wingham.. Mise Stewart, of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs Mo- Taggart..Mr A M Hamilton spent Sunday in Wingham. Brussels Posts Miss Maggie McNattahe tome holidaying at Wiiighann.,d D Stew- art, ofWiiighaar, it visiting in town. -.Miss months. Vote Bnechtel, of Winghatn , is visiting RErrL•_'Tn Ylowiok, July 27, John M. AA Wm, Kuechtel's. 13e11:, aged 63 yeare, we are sorry to London, is visit - —The fourth annual convention of the Huron County Christian Endeavor Union, will be held in Blyth, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 9rd and 4th. In the preparation of the programme no pains have been spared to have the time fully occupied with practical topics, and the Ex- ecutive have, as far as possible, distributed the topios among the various sooieties of the county. The services of Rev. R. N. Burns, B. A„ of Toronto, Have been scour- ed to give two addresses, and assiet in making the Convention interesting and profitable to those attending it, Miss M. S. Washington, of Clinton, will present a report of the great International Conven- tion of Christian Endeavor, held in Boston, July 11th to 15th, where some 56,000 En- deavorers met for consultation, inspiration and mutual benefit. While the Executive have done everything in their power to make the corning Convention a great inspiration to the County Endeavorers and Epworthians, they recognize that the success of the Convention depends upon the interest taken by the individual score. ties. The Local Committee is busy mak- ing arrangements to give the delegates a cordial reception, and from the enthusiastic way in which the members aro doing their work, we can promise them a good time at the hands of the Blyth Young People. A social "at home" is being arranged for, by which tea will be served to the delegates, in one of the churches, on Wednesday even- ing. Town Comic An adjourned meeting . of the Town Council was held on Thur day evening of last week. Present—May r Brockenshire, Reeve Sperling, and Cou illors McKinlay, Reading, Hanna, Wile , Dawson, Mc- Lean, Herdsman. • A co munication was read from Mr. Robt Mc ean, Secretary of the Canadian Fire Und rwriters' Associa- tion, calling attention to the requirements of the town in its fire pr tection appliances, in order for it to re ain its standing in Class D as revised. M ved by R. C. Spar - ling, seconded by C. J. Reading, that the communication be refe •ed to the Fire and Light Committee—Ca ied. • Tho Mayor said that the committee appointed to con- fer with the. Directors othe Union Furni- ture Con?panfiedid not meet, as said. Direc- tors were not rea to,n eet the Committee. The,Mayor reported t1 at'-{ts directed by the Council, the Executiv `Cohnmittee had taken legal advice in egard to Messrs. Hendersons' claim for damages for sheep • jtilled by doss owned by residents of Wing - ham, and had been advised that the claims must be paid. Move by A. 1)awsbn, seconded by J. Wilson, . ie town pay the sum of 552.50, for the sh ep killed by dogs, as,follows : To* James enderson; $36;33 and William Hend:rson, $16.1- - Carried. Councillor Mc . inlay, Chairman of the Street Committee reported that the appropriation made to h• •dommittee was exhausted and there are .till.quite a num- ber of sidewalks that ne d `repairing.—No action. Moved by R. C. Sperling, secon- ded by R. Herdsman, th J. B. Ferguson be appointed Collector o Taxes for this year, at a salary of S50 Carried. Moved by J. A. McLean, seconded by A. Dawson, that $275 be placed to tthe credit of the Public School Board—Ca vied. Councillor McLean asked if nothing ivas to be done in regard to repairing the drain on Edward street. The Mayor sail there was no money at the disposal of the Council for such repairs, and no action was taken. Moved byR. C. Sperling, seconded by J. A. McLean, that the next egular meeting of the Council be held on T esday evening, September 3rd --Carried. The Council then adjourned. e n a A Rare Op Dr. J. Y. Egan, of d specialist in the ounces that he Wil Union Hotel, Wed nd Brussels, Ame August 23rd. He i well-known 'Egan manufactured by Truss Co.' of Ann one of his older pa inventor of the ap tured by the Chic Temple, Chicago. ments are used government,in th having been awar World's Fair, in a seven others fr England and vari world. These ins provemente, were examiners, compo geons of America other hernial ap long experience o ronto, in the trea cases of hernia on be bas never faile Those afflicted mothers having ch . consult this gentl monials from man Mans as also fro Scotia to British Canadian Fire Underwriters' Associa- tion's Demands. The above Association, through their Secretary, Mr. Robt. McLei.i, write Mayor 13rockenshire, setting forth the require- ments of that Association, es follows : DEAD. SIH,—I have before me the report of our Inspector on the fire appliances of your town, a copy of which IC will send you as soon as printed. In life meantime I would call you attention tb the following deficiencies pointed out bl under the revised standard i which I hope you will to steps to have remedied : 1. by-law should be extended a Alfred Street. 2. No hoo truck—One should be provid ped with light extension ladders, and modern appli fire hall is of frame construct patrol should continue until 6. The standard requires an an assistant, one to be in co: once by day and system is b; sure only. 0. Three adds boxes are required, two to locatedin the part East West -of $osephine Street. . All alarm Acmes ehotild be uniform, of, metal, and obn.piouously ?Wed on the sheets poles; Mr. Howe, or Class "D.," e immediate Che fire limit sfar North es and ladder d, and equip- all and roof ices. 3. The rn. 4, Night a. in. always, engineer, and. Stant attend - direct pres- Clonal alarm be suitably end the other rtunity. ronto, the renown - re of ruptures, an - visit Clinton, Grand esday, August 21st ican Hotel, friday, the inventor of the Imperial Trusses,' The Egan Imperial rbor, Itl;ichigan,being ents, and is also the dances now manufac- o Truss Co., Masonic These latter instru- the United States rpension department, ed first place at the ompetition with fifty - France, Germany; us other parts of the ruments, his latest im- leclared by a board of ed of the leading sur - to be superior to all fiances. During his over 22 years in To- ent of thousands of oth young and old, to give satisfaction. th rupture, as also Wren suffering,sbould man, who bas testi- of our leading physi- patients from Nova olumbia. r rree New Druggj JO NR M� � .�.,MRMa. ..n,yM1,MEIM ETTEL & SONS —M E—• - O© 4 Having fully convinced ourselves that the Town of Wingham and surrounding country can support a First -Class TAILORING and G S' i'URNISIIING ESTAB- LISHMENT, we have decided that if Clothing . = e up to order in the latest style, finished in the highest grade of wor Iansl ' :, and every garment made by us, having • an artistie appearance, if this will be an attraction to the gentlemen of Wingham and surrounding country, then we are sure that they will give us their patronage and prove what we promise as a fact. We will open in the MACDONALD BLOCK within two weeks. Believing that it will be an advantage to any business, as well as customers,. to• sell the very best of goods, do the best work, make the best fits, and sell cheap for cash, which we are bound to do, we are corning. We are bound to make our business a success and will leave nothing undone to do so. STRICTLY CASH will be our motto. Our business will be done on strictly business principles. Keep your orders till we open our establishment, of which you will have due notice. Look for our advertisement next week. JOHN RUETTEL & SONS. civ Iteidg Having bong out the Drug Store of H. F. Gordon, I am prepared to sell IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Still holds as great a lead as ever over its contem- poraries. Several of our recent graduates have already made engagements to teach in other Business Colleges in September, and others have similar engagements in prospect. This recognition of our work by our contemporar• hes is the best evidence of its superiority that can be advanced. COLLEGE RE -OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD. It will pay you to come to Chatham. For Catalogue, address D. MCLACnLAN, Chatham, Ont. PURE DRUGS, &c., At Reasonable Prices. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, 1st Class Honor Grad. 0. C. P. PER80N3 TO TROLL. WANTED.—Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for established house. BOILN'. • ;itnv—ln Wingbam, on August 13th, the wife of Mr. dos. Gray; a daugbter.tt teSMITH—ln Lower Wingham, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Mortimore Smith; a daughter." Stirrer --Xn Morris en. July 29th, the wife of Andrew Smith, of a son, SCOTT—In Morris, on August 4th, the wife of W. J. Scott, of a daughter. MARRIED. RIELLY—•W1#iTr;DY--At Godericb, on July Mat, b e Rev. Mr: Edge, Joseph Rielly to Orpha Marion Whitely, both of Londesboro. DIED. Lo1ITTIT---In London, oti the 11th instant, Teazle Louttit, 'daughter of the late John Louttit, of Culross, aged 8 years and 7 months. STnvntrsort — In Howiek, July 23, James Stevenson, aged 44 years and 8 SALARY $180.00 and EXPENSES Position permanent if suited; also in- crease. State reference and enlose self- addressed stamped envelope. .THE NATIONAL, 316-317-318 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. DOWN /COOES TARES PIE OFrigrt LON atThis. R. A. HUTCHISON ICE CREAM PARLOR -- Confectionery, Candies, Fruits, Canned Goods. LUNCH AT ALL HOURS. I beg to intimatd to the people of Wingham that I have reduced the price of meat to the following figures : STEAK, 10 Cents, ROASTS, 8 to 10 Cents, BOILING, 6 to 7 Cents, Lamb and Veal at proportionate rates. As I supply no hotels, all customers have a chance of getting the best cuts. Thanking my numerous customers for past favors, and soliciting a shore of their future patronage, which by close attention to their wants I hopo to merit. • Respectfully yours, I. G. I'LELD. CIGARS and TOBACCO Pipes and Smokers' Articles. MEYER BLOCK, WINGHAM,, ONT. ELL MBE and PINNAS Cheaper than ever. Sold exclusive- ly by T. H. ROSS, WINGHA , —DRAr,,Rtt IN--• MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING MACHINES and FARM IMPLEMENTS. The following from the Bell Organ and Piano Company explains itself: Guelph, Ont., Jtlly ]Oth,1805. To wliOM XT MAY OONORRN: This is to certify that Mr. TA/ , ltose, of Winghani, Is our Agent and that he only ie authorized to offer our goods for sale in Wingham and vicinity. Any- one nyone else who may offer to supply our goods cannot get them front us andpperuse desiring the genuine article ahold apply to Mr, Ross only. rex ]31i11. ORGAN & PIAro Co. Lira. ELLIOTT BROS., of the Wingham Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that other parties are selling at reduced prices, but we cannot be undersold, and our brick and tile are as good as any made in the province. We can sell by the car load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile ful]y as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. J. & E. ELLIOTT. Wingbam,'May 16, 1895. WESTERN FAIR OUT THEY MUSS GO London, Sept. 12th to 2 I st, '95 SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. ESTABLISHED 1S6S. Canada's Favorite live Stock Exhibitioa CANNOT 115 SURPASSED. ENTRIES CLOSE: Live Stock,' September 12th, All other Departments, September 5th, Final Payment in Stakes, August 15th, Auction Sale of Booths and. Privileges on Grounds, Aug. 26th. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS—Wild East5how,50 people— Arabs, Turks, Skeiks, Ladies of the Turkish Palace, etc., with Horses, Camels and Donkeys ; and a host of others. Prize Lists, Programmes and Conditions of Sale for Booths free. Apply to CAPT. A. W, •PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, President. Secretary. GEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. To Make Room toy' New Goods. I have a number of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, BAMBOO EASELS, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, TABLE COVERS, &c., left from the old stock. ; All will be sold at a bargain for Cash. A complete stock of .5 r t FURNITURE IC -AN1)- UNDERTAKING kept on bond. • Anyone wanting anything in my line will be convinced by getting my prices before buying elsewhere. See my• Fancy Tables in White Maple. Remember the place—Opposite Mac- donald Block. Residence—Opposite Foundry. GEO. IRELD, Wingham. • On account of the hard times and in order to sell for , cash, I have cut down ■ .. 1 FAR. i S the prices of meat, and will sell at the following low rates : STEAK 10c PER LB., andother meats proportionately low. The patronage of the public is soli- cited, and first-class meat and prompt attention guaranteed. GEO. SHAW. Wingham, July 16th, 1505. They didn't think we'd do it, but we did. J. CLEGG & CO., ► have in stock car Kingston BINDER TWINE. TO SMOKERS -To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuekett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have .placod upon the market A Combination Plug of -"T B" 910KING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug,or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "vie & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobaobo ii 9 ' BEST value in the market. SEE IIS , before purchasing from pedlars. Land Plaster, Galvanized and Annealed Fence Barbless, 3 Plait .,f4 e Wire and On ' °ails,. Builders' Hardware, HARVEST TOOLS,, , 06 Window Shades, Pure Paris Green, Bug Finigher, Peerless Machine Oil, Parker's Spray Pumps, Rubber Paint. The tin tag T & B is on evoy ,r. CLEGG& CO., nine. Stone Block, ''Wingham.