HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 6THE WL GRAN IM• S,, AU lJ S 4,6,..
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ks„KI1.)Ai', AUGiTt T 18, 3,89fl.
The large woolen mill owned and
operated by Mr. William Linger, Was
partly destroyed by tire on the 2net.
instant, The machinery will prove
almost a. total loss from water, and
the dal.ma,go to building is heavy.
The local Tire brigade deserve great
praise for their prompt and effective
work in subduing the #fre fiend,
which bad made a good headway
when discovered, and had. it not been
for their quick work, a large confla.
gation would have ensued, Loss
About $1,000. Insured in the
Western and Waterloo Mutual In -
sur ince Companies, for $2,200.—
While working at a circular saw in
Thompson's mill, on Friday week,
Mr. 11 Mcliay had the misfortune to
have one of his hands badly eat by
the saw.—The following aro the
officers of Court Victoria, C. 0.' F.,
for the current term: C. R,, G. H.
Baker ; V. C. R., D. • Ross; Chap,,
Geo. Moore; R. S., Geo. Fowler;
1?. S., W. J. Howson ; Treas., R. N.
Thurtell ; S. W.,. Alex. Henley ; J.
W., Alex. McDonald; S. B,, WIn.
Snick ; J. B., Win. Sergison.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkius, Chattanooga
Tenn, says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer `saved my
life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for a
•debilitated system I even used.” For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
axcela. Price 75 eta. Sold at Chisholm's
Corner Drug Store.
Mr. Geo. Bell met with a some-
what.painful accident one day last
week. He was removing a large
stone by means of a team ,of horses
and as he was adjusting the chain
that was round the stone, the horses
moved slightly and the chain caught
the thumb of his right hand and
pinched it off at the first joint.
The Directors of the Culross
Mutual Fire Insurance Company met"
in the Town Hall, Tees' tier, July.
27th, as per motion of'h.djournment.
Members present„ ••' Messrs. R E.
Little, Wm. Reit, P. Clark, Thos.
Allison, Jno,. , McKague. Minutes of
previous medting were read and on
motion.* Jno. Mcliague and Thos.
Allistin, were adopted. Reid--1\Ic-
I,rAi,gue—That all applications for In-
surance be now ]aid before this
Board for examination — Carried..
McKague—Allison—That having ex-
amined 40 applications, they are
found satisfactory for which the
President and Secretary are hereby
instructed to prepare and' issue poli-
cies for the same—Carried. Allison
—McKague—That this board do now
adjourn to meet again on the last
Saturday of August at 2 p. m., or at
the call of the President.—Carried.
G. A. PRINGLEJ, See'y; Treas.
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera 1Viorbus,
'Cholera In Pentium, eta.. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which Should always be
fi;ept irethe house.
Mr. Mills, at one time science
master in the High School, has
received the same position in the
Goderich Collegiate Institute. From
our knowledge of Mr. Mills, a better
man could not be obtained for the
position.—Also, Mr. 0. L. Schmidt,
classical master of our High School,
goes to Seaforth to fill the same posi-
tion in that place. Mr. Schmidt has
been here for a long time and has
made many warm friends, both in
the school and out, who sincerely
regret his departure. --Tuesday, Aug.
Oth, was our civic holiday here. It
was decided at a public meeting
some time ago that unless satisfactory
arrangements could be made with
the railways we stay at home and
Fold a monster picnic; as a result
the pienie was held, but whether as
satisfactory as its promoters would
wish, we leave that for them, but on
the whole more satisfaction was ob-
tained by staying at home than going
away and at a great deal less ex-
pense. In the afternoon an exciting
game of baseball was played between
theemployees of.Dowliug & Leighton's
factory and Geo. (;ray's, Dowling &
Leighton's Wien being too much for
Gray's. Also, a very exciting game
between the Alerts, of Guelph, and
the home team, which, lwith the ex-
ception of the first innings of Ewer's -
ton and the fourth innings of the
t'fine of
a exhibition 11 flit,ezr 1 )Ilion ball
given. The visitors won by'
On Saturday evening a large bank
barn owned by Mr. I7. Mo1.innon,
Con, 2, was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground. The build-
ing contained a quanity of hay, a
Iwagon, two buggies, a fanning hill,'
a Narake and ototherarticles none of
Iar which were saved, There was no
(Mooed or lost issue.)
AI1. Jamas Ireland an
at Mr. A. L, Gibson. s.--IiZ.
J. J, Gibson, late of Owen Sound, is
also in town,—The Misses Elliott, of
Wingham, are visiting Mr. J. A.
Barnard.—John McLeod is erecting
a frame stable on bis lot .on Mill street.
—Mr. John Lumsden, 'who has been
visiting here for a time, left on Tues-
day for New Zealand, intending to
visit in New York state and 'til
Olcl Country on- his way, — Geo.
Leckie, of Brussels, is home for a few
days. --Our town was almost deserted
last Thursday, when • most of our
townspeople went to. Palmerston to
witness the gimes there. Oii atrriv-
ing there about nine o'clock we
found the streets lined with people
anxiously waiting for the trades' pro-
cession, which paraded the principal
streets, and was a credit to those
merchants and manufacturers who
took 'part in it. At ten thirty o'clock
a game of base ball was called be-
tween. Palmerston and Goderich, and
resulted in a victory for Goderich,
the score by innings was as follows :
Palmerston. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5
Goderich 1 0 1 f) 2 0 1 8 0-13
The game was well played through-
out, the home team losing four „len
while stealing bases. After dinner,
a game of laerosse was played be-
, tween Wiarton • and Walkerton, re-
sulting ill a victory for. Wiarton by
four straight goals. The passing of
the visitors was good and the play-
ing all round of the liveliest nature.
At four thirty o'clock the famous
Maple Leafs, of Guelph, took the
field against the Unions, in a game
of ball, and although the "Unions"
failed 'to score, they played through-
out a very good game. They were
fairly out -classed and the Leafs had
their very best teal„. The pitching
of McIlardy was good, striking out
5 of the Leaf players. Score:
Guelph 2 5 3 0 0 0 3 3-10
Union 00000,000— 0
A company of fancytdressecl Odd -
fellows from Stratford gave an ex-
hibition of fancy drill, which was well
executed. The 13th battalion band
of fianlilton, and the 82nd battalion
band of - Walkerton gave a band
concert at night in the park, the
i day's sports ending with a grand dis-
1 play of fireworks.
1 Eunnine---Vox Boys. i The Abortive Treatment of Boils,
Every bdy should learn to run. i Many readers. are probably aware
In Greece, in the days when mon ;'thalt a boil is a parasitic disease
and, women took better cafe of their caused by Cha penetration 'into the
bodies than they have ever, since, ;tissue of Cho sl;itl of a wen: known
every boy and girl, too,. was taught inielobe, the staphyloceus pyogenes
to run, just as the American child is: 111u ous, be stalphyloccns usually
taught to read, And so far' as we
penetrates atilong the hairs, with
can judge by the statues they have which all the regions of the body
left behind them, there were very' al a inol•e or less regularly supplied
t few hollow chested, spindle -legged
with the exception of the palms of
boys among the Greeks. The . the bands and soles of the feet, and
Persian boy was taught to speak the i give fisc to either a boll 01' a
truth, run, ride and shoot the bow. • i carbuncle, which are pathological
The Ie3nglisll bey is encouraged to' manifestations of the same 'order,.
run, In fact, at some of the great but of different gravity, Guided by
English public schools, boys of Cllr the idea that the antiseptic treatment
teen and fourteen years of age, like :is the most rational one to use in the
Toni Brown incl East at Rugby,, disease, Id, Antonevitsch has experi-
can cover six and eight miles cross -
with the use of pure carbolic
country in the great bare—and—hound acid, and. with such encouraging
runs. Every boy is turned out results that I feel I shall be render-
twice a week, out of doors, and made Ing a service by giving the process
e' to run, and fill himself full of pure, l in detail,
fresh air and sunshine,and gain I He takes on a little glass •rod a
'more strength _ and life than any I crystalized carbolic acid,
amount of weight pulling or
dumb,' heated to melting point, and touches
;bell work in stuffy gymnasiums with it the boil that is forming, and
would give him. See the result— sees that it is well applied. As a
the English boys as a whole, are a general thing, a single .cauterization
stronger set than we American boys.
, Every English boy is to -some extent
an athlete. And that is what
American boys should be. Not
because football, baseball and tennis
'are valuable in themselves, but the
good they do in strengthening boy's
Ibodies. ,
By playing ball every day for
hours in the open air ; by exercising
i his arias, back, and. leg muscles in
throwing, batting, running,. and
•sliding ; by going to bed early and
giving upall bad habits in prepara-
tion for the games, a boy stores his
strength, which he can draw on all
`his life long—that is why every boy
should be an athlete. But not every
boy plays football or baseball. .IIe
may not bo heavy or strong enough ;
he may never be able to acquire the Our happiness in the world de
Back of catching or batting the ball, pends on the affections we are able
!Every boy can become a runner.— to inspire.
St. Nicholas.
Reed the Warning.
The common and ever-present warning
of kidney trouble, back -ache and weak-
, ness in back. are•quickly relieved by Dr.
• Chase's Pills. The original and only
25 cent Kidney.Liver :fills. When all
other remedies fail, they cure.
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is n r.liablo
remedy that can always be depent eci
on to cure Cholera, Cholera Infantum,
Colin, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
and all looseness of the bowels. It never
Electric Light Inspeetiou.
An Order-in.Council has been
passed under the Electric Light In- '
spection Act making the following
additional regulations:—All electro
light supply meters in use at the
time of the passing of the Electric
Light Inspection Act shall be present- .
ed for verifications as follows : One-
third. before 1st of December, 1895,
one-third before 1st of March, 1890,
one-third before 1st of July, 1890.
For every unverified meter found
in use after the first day of J uly,1890, i
the owner thereof shall incur a
penalty of twenty live dollars. Fr
every failure or neglect to
comply with the provisions of section
22 of the Act, in relation to afforrl-
ing the department testing facilities
the contractors shall incur a penalty
of fifty dollars. For every failure to
procure a certificate of registration'
as required by section 35 and the
payment ofthe fee established there-
for, within thirty days after the first
day y of July, in each year the Con-
tractor shall incur a penalty not ex-
cceding one hundred dollars and not
less than fifty dollars.
is sufficient, and on the following
day the boil is,no longer painful. If
the boil has already reached its
third or fourth day its evolutions can.
no longer be stopped, but, neverthe-
less, this process of cauterization
transforms it into a little purulent
focus, entirely painless, covered by a
mortified surface that is eliminated
with it.
The simplicity of the treatment, on
the one hand, and on the other good
results which III. Antonevitsch claims
to have obtained by it, warrant its
being given a trial,
Gems of Thought.
We put too much faith in systems,
and look too little to men.
. A Detected Swindler.
Indignant customer -Say, look
at this sheet of fly -paper you sold
me the other day!
' Grocer -74 am looking at it. I
see it's covered with flies. That's
what you got it for, wasn't it ?
i You charged me four cents for it,
didn't you ?
1 And. I got two of 'ern ?
Very likely.
The other one is exactly like this
Weil, what are you kicking about?
You see this is covered all over,
don't you ?
I see it is.
There isn't room on it for another
blamed fly ?
I suppose not ?
Well, when I tried to pull 'em off
so I could set it again they wouldn't
•come off. The other one is the same
way. The game, I reckon, is to
make a fellow keep on buying 'em.
I'm not going to do it. and I think
WS a swindle, and you can 'take
your old fly paper back again,and
I'll never buy another cent's worth of
goods in this store, so help me
Nebuchadezza r !
1V'o Other IHem.erly.
No other remedy cures Summer Corn.
pinillt, Diflrrh06a, Dysentery, etas.,. so
promptly and quiets pale so quickly as
Dr. e ,
Extract flet 1'
o wild .>tr.tw••
berry. It is a pocket doctor for tourists,
travellers, etc.
It waft eb tr
a S 11n
vl 1
� le t
11 v
bought herself a pair of bloomers, -
'lad her new costume appro-
by her father, Who tied tile
ends together, and made oat bags
out of then'.
Dint Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
the truthful. startling
t title of a book about No•To-.
Bat;, the harmless, guardntoed tobacco habit „tiro
Mint Ivaco• I p nicotiuized nerves, eliminates the
nicotine poison, makes weak men gale strength,
vigor and manhood. Yoe tun no physicaltor linath
cial ri,k, as No To•Bee Is sold under guarantee to
cure or money refunded. Book free. M. Sterling
nknedy CO., 374 St. Paul St., gontteei. Sold by,
C. E. Williams, Winishaut.
A lady who kept one of those curly
poodle dogs lost her pet, and callea
upon a detective to find it. Tho she? Todd -Yes, but she gave my
next day the officer came with the wife a splendid recommendation.dog, which was very wet and dirty., A licant—1 ` always attend rn
The lady was overjoyed, and asked own pU suns. Merchant—Yon won't
forty silly questions, among others
Where did you find the dear darling? stilt me. I want clerks to attend to
i Why rearm, said the officer, a, fellow 1 lay business,
hea him tied to a pole, and was "Well rTohnie,” said a doting old.
washing windows with him. i uncle to his little nephew, who had
, I been fishing all clay, did you, catch a,
The Rev. G. P. Salton,hX h, J3., I good many fish? "No, uncle, but 1
Stratford, pastor of the Central j drowned a good many worms."
Methodist Chui.ch :has been invited
If w e cannot live so as to be happy
let us at least so live as to desire hap
The greatest happiness which
can flet in this life is that of com-
forting others.
Pride is not a bad thing when it
only urges to hide our own hurts not
to hurt others.
Zllieumatism Cured in a day.-•Sout11 i e Cthe
American Rheum •e 1,heu 7 •t' 110
• (''int Of n a fain
andNcuralgfa radically euros in 1 to 8 days. �G1J111 1,, mmAingijan't
Its action on the system. is remarkable and
mysterious, It removes at once the cause .-Is rUBL1sIII.D
of the iiseaseinimec1h toly disappears. The P 1±1'EILX P
first naso Erectly benefits, 7u cents, i'
\Varranteed at Clitslioin'sclrug store. 8 ^—Ar 11iE -
— _ j�- (: [�i�, WINGHA• I, ONTARIO.
AGENTS WANTED.M.. tt 1 or deal e f Subscriptionprlce,siperydar,i7tadvanoo
8.1 lu at weekli�, t 4 i e done selling QD�>CRTIS3Nf1 I{A7 ZiS:'
our hardy, guaranteed, Cenadiat grown
Nursery Stock, Salary or comni.ssiou
paid weekly. Exclusive. territory. Hand-
some outfit free, Write us at once for
E, O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman,
Toronto, Ont.
Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained. and all patent
business conducted for MODIifi1TE+ BEEN, My
office is in the immedl'a tee vicinity of the Pntent Offic-
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and statement as to advantage; claimed.
.@ra'1V ch.arga .v•uiiulcfor a c„pinion asto
2'atentcrb1t1tif and my fee for prosecuting the
application zut4 440e So Valltd lin* nrt.tfl ileo
patent is allowed. "Inv cos oas' damn;' con-
taining full information sant free. All Command.
cations Conslderott rs lit:'Ictiy Confidential.
FRAME �qaj E 4 ii°UGH
005 D' cattranan "Vat,i-.:Situ:\iii•.raw. s3. a«i.
ntAa Ea
CHOLERA :''�' ®HH�Js
Nurture your mind with great
thoughts, for to believe in the heroic
makes heroes.
True hope is swift, and flies with
swallows' wings ; kings it 'makes
gods and meaner creatures kings.
When a strong brain is weighed
against a true heart it seems like
balancing a bubble. against a wedge
of pure gold. ,
We can see through one pane of
glass easily, but through ten placed
together we cannot see, yet each is
transparent. By living a day at a
time we get along well..
The aggregate happiness of society
which is best promoted by the prac-
tice of a virtuous , policy is or ought
to be the end of all government.
It is no great part of a good man's
lot to enjoy y himself. To be good
and to do good are his ends, and the
glory is to he revealed hereafter.
Over -work, over -excitement, over-
indulgence, irregular living, have
far more to answer for producing
ill -health than any cause which we
cannot control.
Many mean things are done in the
family for which moods are put
forward as the excuse. A man or
woman has no moral right to indulge
in an unpleasant mood.
Unless institutions are souled by
earnest and capable men, they have
no more chance of prosperous and
beneficent activity than the dead
bodies have of climbing mountains.
Nodd-•••-Your cook has gone, hasn't
to the pastorate ofthe First Methodist Itis Reverence—'Well, Pat, I
Church in St. Thomas, at the close of never see you without thinking of
Cho present Conference year. • f your brother, you're se much alike.
your 11v re ce,
The best ie what yon Watt w hen' your alike an' all ; we would have been
aro in need, t f a modialne4 'that its why
you should illsiat upon Hood's Sat'aApar. twins batt we were born lave years
ilia. apart,
and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the
Bowels. It is safe and reliable for
Children or Adults.
For Sale by all Dealers.
The Great English Remedy.
Six Packages Guaranteed to
promptly, and permanently
cure all forms of Nervous
Weakness, Emissions,Sperm-
atorrhea, Impotency and all
effects of Abuse or Excesses,
,lental Worry, excessive use
Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or m-
lants,,vhtcA"soon leadStito In -
Amite, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
Has been prescribed over 88 years in thousands of
cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine
known. Ask druggist for Wood's 1'Itosphodine; if
he offers soma worthless medicine in. place of this,
inclose price in letter, and we will send by return
mail. Price, ono package, $1; six, $5. One will
please, stat urirf cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company,
Y. -incisor, Ont., Canada•
Sold in Whteliant br• C. 1:. williems, Druggist.
Cures Rheumatism, Gout,
Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula,
Sores, and all Eruptions.
BRasErco s
Cures Liver; Stomach and
Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses
the Blood of all Impurities.
BR saner l'S
Sorsa p trill
Cures Old Old Cases where
all other remedies fail.
Be •sure and ask your Druggist for
Sarsapa ilia
For Twenty -lige Years
I Iyi, ii mo 13me. I lotus
Inc Column T $130
0 $408 00 I $20 00 8 00
tali ' • 40 0 12 00 32 00 0 00
NMI 0 00 7 00
I 600
I � oo. 1
'Legal and other castle advertisements, do. per line
r first insertion, and So, per line tor each subsegeent d
tLocal notices 10o.1 br lineptorfiil rst insertion, and .�C+
per lino for each subsequent insertir n,
Advertisements of Lost, found, Strayed, Situations.
id Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines
nparoil, $1 for first month, and 00o. for each
tbsequont month,
House., and Farms for Sale, not .exceeding $ lino* 5+
for first month, SOe. per subsequent month,
rger advertiswnents in proportion.
nese terms will be striotly adhered to
peoial rates for larger advertisements, or for
ger periods,
tdvortiseutonts and Meal notices without speoifo
eetioals, will he inserted till forbid and ohargotll
ordingly. Trau'ory advertisements must be
in advance
haulms for contract advertit�ments must be 1t� fi4/0""'
otIlce by Wednesday noon, /n order to appetti 4y,
t week 1
P,toretnroa AND PDDJ,rnntSlt
B, TI)WLER, M.D.C,tlf.,
'er College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
-Coroner' for County of Huron -
0 Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's ofce, Wing-
in,, Il oaRs.-0 to 12 R. m., 1 to 6 p. m., or at
It wee, DiagenalStreet.
ldENNEDY, M. D., M, C. P.S. 0.
v (Suoces=or to Dr. J. A. Meldrum,)
GrlcOodal,st of Western University. Late House
du sen in London General Hospital. Special atten.
tea Ad to diseases of women and children.
OA—Formerly occupied by Dr. Mehlrum,Corner
of Clef�o and Patric' streets.
M. D'pi•onto, member Collo
Surgeons,_ Q,
hysiciane and
Ilei ipa y funds to loan at lowest rate
Bonin stop charged. Mortgagee tow
"arm }i opert� bourht and sold '
41'eredloot[ Wixo,,&,
f ,i BARRISTER, Sze.,
'Ingham, , Ont.
Private. ul
• L >vKfNSON,
Tiibl'risteir Etc.
Office—ger Block, Wingham,
pE NTIS*,—J. S, J Eit01<IE, L. D. S., V1 tNanAlf.
L '' 1s manufacturing first-class sets of
teeth n be made
in the Domichenion theyth extracted
process absolutely without pain, by his new
OFFICE teed perfe.•tly safe.
Brunswick tfi ,t'o Beaver Block, opposite the
Sae a
ARTHUR�,11 VIN, D. D. n., L.
Doctor of Dhta Surgery of the
Dental College, Pennsylvania
ia N, JR., wtxauA
OB Hf -
Sales attended in any p
Moderate. •
--------- _
All orders left et the Tufts oil
ed to
Terms rcusoitnblo.
Mennen AVCTiexima POR Coe
All sales attended to promptly a
Charges Moderate end Satisfaeti
Ali frncessary arrangotuents ca
Tufts' office
Morley to Loan o otos. •
Notes Disco. .d
:\tonoy advaueed en Mortgages at
prlviletre of paying At the end of any
a onnts collected.
'Deaver loak WifittluoS, Ont,
the Co. Chargee
()NT., �y
mptly attend .,
ftikON AND
he Shortest
Rde at the
At this seasc
--"'' "k. n ny people g
lake shore to
heat that is so
'country, atten
•provision made
government fo
life and prop
business on the
picturesque ha
tered along th(
the homes of 1
visited by thou
year, and a gra
well as of Intel
methods of wol
_, as well as in ti
It may not c
person who, p
to visit only on
extended coast
how extensive
is, and how
• money is expo
the general g
taining it. Wl
ture amounts t
dollars annuall
who is at all fa
of ocean travel
lie money is be
lavish manner
The steady €
Is an evidence
'Lives of the pet
.sembled appre
:and value of ti
"y the hardy n
stations. It ma
-eluded that the
'this service is h
pecially when
the sea and lak
States, exclusi
Alaska, have ai
To givesu
which. may be 1
or' stranded up
extensive coast
226 life-saving
are on the short
on the shores of
8 on the shores
on the shores
There is, bes.
falls of the Ohl(
Ky. The poin-
cation of a. stat
are regarded ai
and where tl
those engaged i
are exposed to
In addition,
erected at diff
temporary shot
need them.
charge of a kee
with a small be
saving stations
tion of a keeper
of $700 per
rule compose
these stations, r
rigorous portiot
ditioual man is
They receive
per month Buri
which on the
t extends 1
coasts e i s
September in
.-first clay of the
those edit the la
opening to the
Some of the sta
coast are kept
Beyond the 1
surfinen, ps the
are known, rec
' cept the quarte
t the station.
In case of
tines for not r
keeper or surf'
wive full pay,
,by reason of
'curred in the
:4 -:"Widow or eh 'tiers of age
oars the pa
ould have if
During the
aintained as
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ach station
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hands .,.
Cors Witl
tyr Inc