HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 5THE W'1 1 G•H.AM TINES, :AUGUST 16
The Council met at the Town hall,
Teeswater, Aug, 5th, 1835, as per
contract on bridge, lot 11, coneessian
10, $30•; David Melntosh, gravel and
repairs, (2 bills), $3.74 ; Walter
Richardson, repairing bridge, lot 25,
•auotion of adjournment. Diembers concession 7, $1 ; Henry Haldenlby,
all present, The Reeve in the 6 yards gravel, 1l,%6.02 ; Weiler and
chair, The minutes of last meeting on, plank and stringers, 81,53; Geo.
read. Reid----Kuntz--That the ins, 75 yards gravel ; 85.25 ;
ninutes of last meeting of Couueil as Wallace Bradford, ,contract, comes-
-last read be adopted—Carried, Mc- akin 12, lot 22, 811,64; Mrs, Jos.
IC y,....Kuntz—That as it is reported A tell, 51 yards gravel, 3,?8; Jno,
that the bridge opposite Lots 1 and 2, `t'eaechter, gravel on 3,78; Jim.
on 4th Concessiou, is requiring re- I ra�airs, .l e., $3,06 ; Jno, Weighter,
pair, that Joseph Welwood inspect Lana 81,12; Jos, Waddell, one
the same and repair it if necessary I yon road, 81 ; Jas. McGregor,
—Carried. Johnson—McKay—That rk on BOth side road, concession 4.
a culvert is required opposite lots 31, 25 ; Michael s, gravel, (3
Concession 6, that Wm. Reid, have 11s), 87.07 ; henry Opperman,
ofie put in by pttblic competition-- ork on concession A, lots 27 and 28,
Carried. McKay—Reid—That as 0 ; Geo, McKay, balance of con -
the small bridge opposite Lot 21, -act on lot 10, concession 7, $230,90;
Concession 12, is in need of repair or
rebuilding, that Jos, Johnston have
ne what he thiuks necessary,
either rebuild or repair, and also re-
port at next sitting of Council on the
condition of the bridge uncross the
river on Concession 10, but if be
,.'thinks repair at present necessary
that' be have it done—Carried.--
Reid—McKay--That as the culvert
opposite lot 9, concession 14, is in
need of repair, that Peter Kuntz
have the same done—Carried. Wel-
wood—McKay--That as the Path -
master on beat from 31 to 35
inclusive, on 4 and 5 concession
returned one day of road work un
done by Mr. Waddell in said beat
that Mr. Waddell be allowed the on
day for assistance given in puttin
• out the fire on road by his boys an
team, which assistance is benefiei
in saving money to the Townshi
and the time occupied being mot
than one day—Carried. McKay
Kuntz --That as a culvert is neede
between lots 18, concession 10 a
• 11, to let the. surface water aer
the road, that Jos. Johnston have
The eighth annual convention of
the Bruce County W. 0, T. U. will
(D. V,) be held with the union at
Lueknow on the 21st and 22nd of
August, in the Odd Fellows'' hall,.
commencing at 9.30 a. in. with devo-
tional exercises by Mrs. G. W Berry,
president of the Lucknow union.
Convention will be called to order
at 10 o'clock by the county president,
Miss K. M. ]fisher. .A meeting of
the children will bo held at 9 a, ma
on the 22nd, which will be addressed
by Mrs, Reed of Teeswater and Mrs.
Stauffer of Paisley. Sehool of
Methods will open at 10 o'clock.
sharp when papers will be read on
Parlor Meeting, Woman's Suffrage,
Selentitlo Temperance in Schools,
McKenzie Narcotics, "Y" Work, Gospel Tem
, gravel, 84,95 ; Peter perance, Mothers' Meetings Band of
nut; for Mrs, Wolfe, X10, Hope Work, Our Literature, discus-
CfTAS. Btfixbx, Tp, Clerk. sions to, follow each of the subjects.
The publie platform meetings will
be held in the town hall, commenc-
ing at 8 p. m, on the 21st and 22nd,
which will be addressed by the
delegates and others. Good music
will be provided by delegates from
Teeswater, Chesley and the sisters
at Lucknow.—The marriage is an-
nounced, at the home of the groom's
parents, Algeo, North Dakota, of Miss
Margaret Murray (Pidge Murray),
youngest daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Murray, Luck-
now, to Francis Jefferson, Algeo.
Miss Murray was one of Lucknow's
popular young ladies.
Miss Lizzie Kew, of this place, has
ken a situation as telegraph
perator in Kincardine, made,vaeant
y the removal of Miss Kew, who
as had charge of the office for the
ast four years, removing to Toronto.
The recent rains have been very
oneficial to the root crops and some
f the late grain crops, and will assist
he pasture very much.
We are sorry to hear that air.
braham Proctor is on the sick list.
—The next meeting of Morris Coun-
cil will take place on Monday, 26th
inst.—We regret to hear of the
serious illness of Wm. McGill, 4th
line, from dropsy of the, heart.—The
voters' lists for 1895 are out and
were first posted up August lst. In
the 6 divisions there are 883 names,
429 of whom are qualified to serve as
lac:avert put in by public competition' BELGRAVE.
Carried. McKay--Jolzstou—Thl The following officers were elected
• Mrs. Wolfe, an indigent, be made 1 at the last Lodge meeting of the I. 0.
grant of ten dollars and that 1G. T.:—C. T., J. 11. Stevens; V. T.,
cheque for that amount be isst I Minnie Russel; P. C. T., 0. W.
and the money paid to Peter Ku Scott; Clap., Rev. Mr. Shaw; Sec.,
to give to her—Carried. —Kant Catharine Wightman ; M., W. Wil-
McKav—That a grant of six dol son ; G., Nellie McRae; S., E. Nichol -
be made to gravel the road opp' son; Treas., T. H. Edwards; 1?. S.,
lot 30, concession 6, and that H. B. Scott.—W. Rath, Sr., of Bel -
Reid expend the same --Car grave, has disposed of his 50 acre
Welwood—Johnson—As comp farm to Dr: Johnston at a good figure.
• has been made to this Council Mr. Rath intends moving to•Melanc-
the municipality of Teeswater 1 thoi township, where he has pur-
13y-Law giving a premium to chased a farm of 100 acres.
one impounding sheep, givin GO R,IE.
eouragement to villagers to im d Messrs. Gillies & Smith, Waite
sheep of farmers living near s- bankers, of Teeswater and Brussels,
water, and the said farmer e are opening a branch office in • this
annoyed with village cows ju l; place. Capt. Laine, who has • con-
' into their fields doing dam- to ducted business here for a number of
grass and crops, and we hav b years, is retiring. --Mr. W. G. Swag,
requested to pass a By -Law of this place, has been appointed
iting cows from running at la in general travelling agent and. inspec-
the Townshps, so as to prote
farmers, that the clerk have
Law prepared for passing
sitting of Council --Carried.
--Johnston—That the financ
as just read be adopted and
issued for the various a
Carried. Reid—McKay—
levy this year for general
purposes, exclusive of school
mill on the dollar and that t
have the By -Laws for levy
pared and ready to pass
sitting of Council—Carrie olmma-
ston---Welwood—That thi mil
do now adjourn to meet on
Monday, Sept. 2nd, in the ' Hall,
A Teeswater, at 10 a. mn.
tor for the Canadian Order of, For-
esters, and aviUd commence his duties
on the 1st of September next. Mr.
Stroug has bad considerable ex-
perience in Forester work, and no
doubt will be successful.
hip The smoke stack blew down at
lone the Enterprise • Salt Works and
manufacturing is temporarily closed
pre" down.—George Colvin was struck on
/Ala 44
Geo. Mc-
is 15 and
Finance Report—W
yards gravel, 55.88 ;
158 yards gravel, 51
Kay, balance of cont'os. Straus,
16, concession A, 56 bridge,
right of way whileg
$3 ; Graham Scott, ads gravel,
air x` 3.50 ; Graham
1 wheat, $1 ; Jno.
25t1t side road,
Jno. Falconer, fix
and . 31, concese
Hardie and others
• road, $5 ; Dan,
drift wood from
Thompson, for
oad through
g, ditch, &Le..
sion 11, 55 ;
ad, lots 30
57 ; Jno.
on 25th side
lo, keeping
81 ; Thos.
el, $8.26,
the beaa by a falling scaffold pole,
at the new sehool house, 'and a nasty Mr. Russell Harris, of 15th con-
nesday .of" last. week Wm. Memel,
- stone foundation under his barn,
was thrown off a load .of headini which is.very eonvienent, and great -
while returning from Seaforth and lY improlves the appearance of the
had one of his arms and his back itt- same.
aired. He does not know whether
the wheel ran over his arm or a TURNBERRY.
violence of the fall rendered him un-
bundle of beading fellon it, as the ivr Mr. ,1/17111. Hari -is has purchased a
1 assea-Harri.s. binder, and brought it
mme from la Ingham on Wednesday.
—The fine brick residence of Mr.
Peter Deans, Sr., will soon be finish -
e . It will be one of the finest resi-
d ke in the township when coMplet-
ed.—Mr. Wm. Wheelens' brick resi-
dence is nearing completion,.
Mrs. Jos. Cowan and daughter,
Miss Josie, were visiting friends in
Harriston, last week.--aalr, and. Mrs.
Jas. Ballantyne were visiting friends
in Blyth, last week. Mr. Thos. rived, at Bluevale in the evening.
Ramshaw was visiting friends in The rode a distance of 161 miles
Acton, last week.—A• number of our during the day.
young men left for Manitoba on
Tuesday niorning, on ahe cheap ex-
cursion offered by the C. P. R.—
John W. Sanderson and family are
visiting in Goderich this week.—
Miss Prater, of Erie, Pa., is visiting
Smith is in Chesley visiting the
Misses Elliott,of that place.—Malcolm
Allen, who has been living in Color-
ado, for the last eight years, is home
for few weeks. He speaks higbly dayS this week with friends in Blyth.
of that part of Uncle Sam's domains. —Mr. Allen Frail& left for Manitoba
last week where he intends to re-
main.—On Monday evening last, a
largely attended Literary was held
in the Congregatioaal .church under
the auspices of the Christian En-
deavor Society, a good programme of
singing, recitations readings, in-
strumental music, and addresses by
Hartley occupied the chair. — Mr.
McDougall, of Chatham Business
Mrs. Curtis, who resided .a short
distance to the east of this place, was
united in wedlock with Mr. Alex.
Morrow, of Listowel, a abort time
ago, and bas gong to Listowel to re-
Mr. William Frederick King, who
has been visiting his father and
brother,. returned to his borne in
Concord, New iiampsbire, accom-
panied • by his two nieces,. Misses
Elizabeth and Susan Ling, oi' this
village.—.51r. Will Bailey, who is
eheesemaking at Rothsay, Ont.,
spent Sunday at home.—Mr. Robert
McMillan, of McKillop, was the guest
of Mr. John King, on Sunday.—Mrs.
Wm. Diamond, of Wingham, was
visiting in Bluevalc this week,—Miss
Bell Burgess has returned home from
Ethel.—Messrs. Will and John
Gardiner,, jr., of Tecswater, were
visiting their father, last week.—
eek:Owing to ill -health, Mr. Jennings, of
the post office store, has been com-
pelled to give up business and he
and his family have gone to Palmer-
ston to reside.—Mr. Joseph Pugh has
moved his stock into the store va-
cated by Mr. Jennings. --Seven or
eight people from here have gone to
Manitoba this week.—Mr, James
Robertson spent Sunday in Wroxeter.
—Mrs. Walter Patterson and Edna
have returned home after a visit to
relatives in Blackstock.—Mr. Harry
Stowe, of Goderieb, spent a few days
at home this week. — Will
Harvey , is visiting his uncle, Mr.
Fell, of Auburn.—Mr. Will Gardiner
and Ed. Coultis started off on their
bicycles Tuesday morning. They
went through Brussels, Seaforth,
Clinton, Goderieh,, Kincardine, Port.
Elgin, Teeswater, Wingham and ar-
(Intended for Iftsb Issue.)
Mrs. Srigley and daughter, of
Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser, this week.—Mr. and
Mrs. Gaunt, of Kinloss, visited Mrs.
A. Gemmill one day last awaek.--
Mr. and Mrs. McKersie spent a'few
holding a concert here in the near
futare.—Mr. R. Blow started the
brkkwork of Mr. T. Hemphill's
stores Tuesday. He intends putting
on six*or seven hands, and will soon
eomplete th'e brick work.—Mr. John
Davidson, who has been on the sick
list for some. days, we are pleased to
aee, is around again.—The Rev. R.
S. G. Anderson, who has been away
for the last four weeks, has returned 'College, is bome visiting his parents.
home.—Several of our townspeople —Mr. -Stewart, of Brussels, spent a
went to, Brussels, ou Moaday, to see few days this week with friends here.
.a game of base 'ball between Brus- —Mr. and Mrs. Orr and daughter, of
sels and Pahnerston, brat the game Baden, visited at Mr. MeKersie's this
was a little one-sided. Score : week.
Brussels, 19 ; Palmerston, 0.—The
Unions go to Blyth on the lath, to
play Goderich, the above date being
Blyth's civic holiday.
interesting match of base ball was
played here on Monday between the
Palmerston and Brussels clubs.
Score :—Palmerston, 0 ; Brussels., 19.
ton and Boyd.—The Brussels Daly-
ina Park Association have made ar-
rangements for races on Monday and
Tuesday, August 19th and 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. Hall are
and 48 yards gray 81,000 is offered in purses, The fol- visiting friends in Harriston, Dray -
am for his eonawluall. was lowing is the prograin :—First day— ton and. GrancaValley, this week.—
deducted from the
balance of contract
aa. Wm, McGee, Work
tip concession 6 and 7,
• Kee, gravelling 5t
eession 7 and 8, $1
dish, repairing big
104,3 ana a, canoe
$tiaa Geo. Resit
gravel, 82.45 ;
plank4 boundary
nt of con- a.40 trot or pace, pulse ; open r ,
M.cTavish, trot or pace, purse $25Q; half ladle Mrs. McPherson, of Winnipeg, are
essinn 10, run, purse 51.00: Seeond day -2.29 visiting Mrs. MeElrey's brother, Mr.
, 80 yards trot or pace, purse 5200 ; 2.24 trot Mulvey. Miss McElroy is a teacher
0, 56.60 ; or pace, purse $200 ; local mulled in the Winnipeg Public Sehool.-
11, lat 80; race, purse 875.—A very sad death We are sorry to have to report the
antes Mc- of an esteemed young lady, Miss illriess of Mrs. Mulvey, this week. --
road, eon- , Addle Best, occurred hero last Pri- We are pleased to see the name of
leis Stan- day. She WAS taken ill with fever Mary E. Xeill among those who
approach, aboat the 12th of July. Mise Best , succeeded in securing a Third Class
and 11, I was aged bin 27 years; and her • Certificate.—alr. and Mrs. Gotby, of
81 yards demise is all the more sad from the ' Stratford, are the guests of Mr. and
35 yards fact that she was said to have been Mrs, It. Anderson, this week. --The
eedar engaged to be married in the near last bidet' Jank and the first half of
XittiOsS, future. The deeeaseI was a loved July eheese of' our factory will be
mice of member of the Methodist ehureh. shipped this week.
Purified Blood
Saved an operation in the following
ease. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when
all others fail. It wakes pure blood.
,d A yeat ago my father, William Thomp-
son, was taken suddenly with inflam-
mation of the bladder. He suffered a great
deal and was very low for some time. At
last the doctor said he would not get well
unless an operation was performed. At
this time we read about Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla and decided to try it. Before he urted
half a bottle his appetite had come back
to him, whereas before he could eat but
little. When he had taken three bottler
of the medicine he Was well as ever."
Ontitrio. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prolnineutly i.tr the publics eye today.
Must be reduced, before Stock -taking. Tberefore, to accom-
plish our object, we will,
and some very desirable lines will be sold regardless of
ABOUT $2,000
Have just been passed into stook.
have these New Goods come until
Wholesale Houses are anxious to
in Stock and will go the same
We will quote a few cute, so
the sacrifices we are making ;
Lace Curtains, now, for 25e.
All Wool Dress Goods, were 26e. and 35c., now.. 15c.
Corsets, all sizes, were 81,00, now 80e.
Good Factory Cotton, yard wide, ner yard 3e.
_all Wool Flannel, good width per yard 12ae.
Men's Good Tweed Suits, properly made 84.67.
Every other line goes in the same way.
'We did not intend to
.after Stock -taking, but
unload and so they are
as Spring pr Summer
that you may judge of
Beautiful fragrant (Direct importation) Teas, in Blacks,
Young Bysons, and Uncolored Japans,
Worth from 35c. to 40c., now at 25c.
Cash, Eggs and Good Butter taken during this Great
P. S.—Please note that we carry the BEST and
attAPEsz BOOTS and SHOES in Wingham.
The Anchor Ilause,
in many cases
in a great many cases
the present purchasing
From z4cts. per yard up.
A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys'
Direct Importation.
A 019B LOT AT 25Cts. EACH.
A Call Solicited.