HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 4flIE WIN EEI A.M TIMES, AUGUST 10, t95„ G E. WILLIAMS, cREIVIxsm special ettraetiou ever offered a Canadian i draivatic and pyrotechnic pageant, "The t public, The programme is toe long to. Relief of I.ueknew,” ()emending with is detail, hut the leading feats consist of magnificent fireworks display, will be put. Human • 1, yraznids, Sword Combat(, on each, evening, Cheap tarps aud special excursions on all railways during the — A N D -•., Racing, Wrestling, Bedouin Tumbling and Fair, �•'���tt�•�' �vv 1)anoiug, end the Genuine Whirling, Howl. To the Editor at the Dees. 1)R I,% `►,7f:4' IST. ing, Dervishes and "Turkish $arem. Treereirieelm ; Tile- way of SUecces,and Ajax,the Atver, from a tower Z5 feet ;how 1t seems to tailti its great ui's i`o n« in small teak of water; Alviini, fired from i At the '1'ewperattce Hail, last Sunday r a Rauncu attached to the galloon; Parte110 I ni;ltt, one of the speakers gave He his G. N. ,TELEGRAPH U g opinion that one of the reasons why the .. Comedy Company ; Martell, the Swinging cause of Temperance baa not succeeded Wire Artist; Samson, the strongest man better,—had nut talon deeper root and in the world; Trained .A•vimais,eta.; the acoomaplfshedgreater things in rescuing Musket, Gun and Dagger Exercises, app. Brunswick House. Out most elaborate Display of Fireworks each the fallen, sad r+eutoving temptation ?lrila - out of the way of the innocent and un- evening,buspeoting ones, --- was because the Those who desire Prize Lists orPro.• #xieuds of temperance did not join .,he �"�• f* * r * grammes giving full. information of; the Good Templar Lodge. here in greater �� (11m,r�., attractions, and Renditions of sale of numbers, Now, there may be some should address the Seoretary force in this assertion, but, in nay humble privileges " opinion, the real cause of the apparent Mr. Thos. A. Browne, who will be pleased apathy cowplaiued of, is to be found in to send them free to any address. a different direction, via : in the inpgn- sieteucy of some of the professed cham WestwFLuron Examinations.pions of the Temperance cause. What EDITORIAL NOTES. Webelow the naivete of the gPe ublish reatuiturafoenco for good can, the platform. p pnte advocate—no matter how IN OUR last issue We gave tt successful =abbess at the H. S.Entranoa eloquently and legit ally he may point and P, S. Leaving examinations in a por- out the terrible evils of the liquor traffic synopsis of the address of Mr. B. tion of the Western Division of Haroa, expect to wield in the community if Willson at the Council meeting on h numbers writing and as in at the hi' dally associates and advisers b+ r The h P s d —nils contidentiai friends and boon octan-• the question of granolithic sidewalks. `• various centres are given in the welt- panions are. those who ars daily incl The Connell appointed a Committee' parrying table: openly tippling at the bar rind who bare alma= LEAvi1(= always in the past and are now doing all to make inquiries in reference to the �, v ,c` that they can do to uphold the accused cost, ete., and to report at next meet- ' o o truffle?' Mr. Editor, if t<e s ncololy ing. We hope the committee }vile; a desire to halMi a strong, healthy temper - make inquiries from a number of Goderich 108 6c 17 10 ancesentfinent prevail iu the community, Exeter 61 46 29 22 11 7 _FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1895. we, as temperance workers or temper- ance orators, must show consistency "in our walk and conversation," in ouruom- panionships. in our social, business and other relationships in life, for, if the temperance question is the greatest and most important question before the people of Canada to -day, and I declare most unhesitatingly that it is, then let Ps be honest, let us bo consistent, in this great warfare, and show to the friends of prohibition, as well as to those towns where these walls are in use, Dun ntaaunon .. „ .... 33 21 and that they will be ready with . Kiil 25 14 their report at next meeting of the j Zurich . 27 13 council. From all we can learn, ; St. Helens....... 22 15 8 3 18 9 6 4 Bayfield, .. , ........ x4 6 7 1 the walks are durable ani where Grand Bend.. ,..... 11 7 2 2 they have been put down properly* — _..- — — they have given good. satisfaction, 296 182 98 58 wa&T waixucos33. another column will be found n ; No. 1. Miss E. Watson, principal—En- Le communication from the Secretary of ;trance, M. Bailie, 583; E. Cory, 454 ; A. Grnmmett, 551; A. Ryan, 424, 1?. S. L., who are solid against us, that we have a the Canadian Fire Underwriters'preference for those who aro laboring John Campbell, 702.• with us in this great and noble tight Association to the Mayor, calling at -1 No. 2. Miss Wetherell, teacher—En- against the most terrible and deadly foe tension to what that Association re-, trance, Sarah Mills, 424, • " of the human taco. 'fours, Oss Rvz;R. The above was written for last weeir'a issue, but was mislaid. --Ed. Tikes. quires from the town, in order that it No. 3. Miss M. E. Finlay, teacher— may still be ranked in Class D. in ;Entrance. G. Baneford, 521; D. McAllister, the insurance scale. It seems to us ° 468. that many of the "demands"made i i o. 4. J. B, Weatherhead, teacher—En. are unreasonable, and should not trance, M. I. Clark, 571; C. McDonald, have been made. Others are no 515; A. McDonald, 480; M. Rutherford, doubt in the best interests of the 512 ; A. Sheriff, 521; W. Sheriff, 649 ; 7. ratepayers, and will be complied i T o. 513'2. No. G. Allan, teacher—En- ;With. When the of -tidal IOf i trance, Geo. Webster, 453; B. Wellwood, Inspector Helve, who wass here a i short time ago, is received, eve' 525. No. 14. H. J. Ryan, teacher—Entrance will have more to say on this' subject.M. Addison, 440; E. O'Connor, 557; E. Jarvis, 475. P. S. Leaving, D. Laidlaw, ----- --~ ~ — 672 ; It. Martin, 67'9; J. O'Connor, 677.E TZ 9 W ESTEEM :YAM No. 15. Miss E. Patterson, teach(i•—• i';:NA.IA'S FAVOR/Tr. L1i% Sle_':t exn.:r_'TJ_:. Entrance, Emma Craig. 522. r:.tsr wAWANosrr. The annual advertisement of the Western No. 8, W. J. Scott, teacher ---Entrance, Tai;: has been received, au_ appears iu M. Agnew, 474; :`r I. McBurney, 491; L. M. anotherplace inthi z ssae. Scandrett, 453 ; D. Stewart, 431; W. C. The Directors are determined to, givn , Wufsh, 493. the people of this Province aueh an advanc-' No. 7, Miss P. Densmore, teacher—En ed anti educative exhibition me has not been trance, P. Deacon, 5437. witnessed on thsir grounds. No. 10. Miss P. Densmore, teacher—En- It is their aim to so charge the Fair in trance, R. Quinn, 590 ; S. Wilson, 447; every possible particular that it shall be W. Jenkins, 432;. I. Quinn, 492. P. S. L., devoid of any stale or worn oct repetition L. C. Bradnock, 646, of former years, but on the contrary to No. 11. Miss A. Campbell, teacher A. make it a live, progressive Show, replete J. Shiell, 450. F. S. L., Maggie Currie, with new and interesting exhibits, and 707t. special features that TITO pleasing and en- tertaining because of thief.- immense pro- porrious and rarity. The Prize List has been carefully and thoronehiv reviewed, revised and amended, and ia, now complete a'id exhaustive. The wants of the exhibi- Sall Fairs, Industrial, Toronto,. Sept. 2-14 The 'Western, London " 12-21 Provincial, Montreal, " 12-21 Guelph Central, Sept. 10.19 I,istotve " I 19.20 torsItare•been rareffilly :;tt'.I.ei, and eon- Iiay, at Zurich, 23.24 4nntii Huron, Exeter, " 23.24 cassioes trade wherever the Exhibition South Perth, St. Mary's, " 24-25 could be proporticuately strengthened Mitchell, at ,'Iitchell, liherality being displayed in the Prizes i Clinton, II25.26 East Huron, Brussels, " 2b-27 offered with a view to the o:rpu :sion of the 1., , urazberry, CfiinghA,n, " 25-26 number and quality of the eel.ihits. it is Palmerston 1}Iortieultural, " 23-24 therefore reasonable to expect the Show Teeswater e. 20.27 will be one of unusual high order and ;titflverton, Mornington " 24.25 merit.• .Stratford, North Perth " 26-27 Seaforth, Tuckersmith " 26.27 The accammoclathms provided for bold- East Watvanosh, Belgrayo, Sept. 80, Oct, 1 lug this Fair are second to non -plenty of Godeaiclz Oct. 1 - 3 well arranged stalls awl per.. gncd water Clittcral " 9.10 Walkerton, Northern e 1 , 3• and plenty of straw for c hibiters cf Vac- Steele i.oSteels, spacious buildings £o^ ;ati:ez ells- It Stands Ti irira11ed. !lava and exhibits, and the most beantifal The Toronto Indestrdal Exhibition, grounds,7with the best arrange n is far wliieli begins on the 2nd of September V;,,,.I , ?;..eorefo•:t, chem,. ,.;?,.ny +d nerat;will be the greetestfait ever held in >S:t.si 5 rsbee, electtie (ere tta tl.._e g..;?.al?, w 4;1",(la, .The ll2wb;r of entries of Live live stock. machinery and ge<-ds cl n;i ;tock and Manufactures, and in fact in kir(ts(lelivered by the G. T. L. ears in the all the leading departments, is uniireoe. grounds, the very best live steak market ;szlted. Increased facilities have been available, the ee;,oi;:est auirna%.a fcr vale, provided its the buildings and grounds, and end a large number et 'buyers in attend- the exhibits in addition to being t onsider. tense• ably larger in volume .than those of any T=.a Secretary slates that the Suetial previous year, avid be choicer and better Attrt,etiene have been carefully selected arranged. The general features of the .tinteentracted •for without regetei to cost, :chow need not be recapitulated in detail. It liraca,ring the very best availeb:s, the aim is suffeient to sity that it !presents a coni. of tt. • niana;einent being to t.stisty the plete epitome of the progress and attain. - people and though they nuty ceveld more meets of the Dominion in industry, tree, for the pleasure and vim: tie:: of their ehonide' invention, arb and sciatica. A 1i:ttao:is than may be directly retu::•ed this brilliant programme of special attractions year t'aey know it "wiit result beneficially in baa been provided, a prominent filature of the 'Mare. The Great wild East filtury eonsistiog' Exhibition to be given every afternoon and of ;'0 people, first-class artiste in their evening on a spacious artificial lake in respective liars---Arabiatis, Turks, Syrians, front of the grand stand, with beautiful Bedeiiiae, and Ladies of tee Turkish tebleatnc end a groat variety of ariuetlo Pale..e,, with their Horace, Centel( and perfortn(tnees, arcornpanied by vocal and 77o1aka, e, will be the salient feature of the instrumental nlnsic of the highest order. Ix air, sod is thal•largnt and most expeesive fn addition to this, the splendid military, " 24-25 which is the great Water Fete and Aquatic; ST. HELENS, Mrs. Murray, who was suffering from an attack of inflammation, is improving.—Rev'. Mr, Rutherford and wife are visiting friends in this neighborhood.—Miss Martha Murray, of Wingham, is spending a few days with her mother.—Mr. Will Cam- eron is going to move into his new house ' next Wednesday. The house is a credit to Mr, Gay, the builder.— Our town ball has received a coat of paint -which makes a great improve- ment in its appearance.—Fall wheat threshing has commenced in this 25 vicinity and the yieldis from to 35 bushels to the acre.—A garden ) party under the auspices of the St, j Helens I. 0. G. T. will be held on the manse grounds at 5 o'clock on the evening of Friday, August 16111 1 A fine literary programme will be • provided by the Lucknow, Auburn and St. Helens 1. O. G. T. lodges, also sports and amusements of all 1 kinds. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Hilt.. Al. S. Jerome, 'Dentist, Wing - bum, says; •"Willituus' Little Dandelion. Pills art the best iii. the market," r, Creo.Cruicrnmunit,'1'Nrnberry.. says: "'.t'here is no P1)1 equal to Williams' Little f3aucieliuu ,fills." a.4r, f,'iizlay Anderson, D•s-Deputy- Reeve of East Wttwuuo,,h, eayb: "".fhey ate the meal, satisfactory kill I have ever need." 'Ph otxtus Taylor, Warden for the County of nnron,saye; "I would not use any other Pill." Chas. Praetor, 4th line of MVlorris, sayer "1 wool() not be without Williams' Little Dandelion Pills," ,1110, Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County of Bruce, says: "1 hare found them in- deed a wonderful pit I," - Hundreds of iiice'.l'estdmonialsfurnish. ed on application. Cheese firm ; State large, 61e C 7e; do, fancy, 7e <<' 74e; do, small, Ge t4 8.1e; part skims, 2c C: Cie ; full Skims, 10 a1 1 C« GG Ai, LOT F SALE. Thesubscriber fere is house and lot iu Lower Wi h n. for sale on reasonable terms. lot contains a if an acre, on w c there is 1i !tame dwelling house ,taming five rooms; also rood stnble ; nd poultry .house; good alapply aU,10on fruthe premit trees, iseks;c. For particulars, R, 0, B:ITTSON. r 5 .,...,...,.�+ w.,..,.,_ C are not wanted. • ,A few sold at $4.20 f4' $4,40, Stags and rough hogs sold at 2e nt 2.1e per ih„ and solus for breeding purposes at 4e. Sheep and lambs were firmer, owing to better demand,. Lambs sold at 4e per Ib., or about $3,25 each. Export sheep sold at 3e per lb. for bucks and 3?;e.. «: 4c per ib., for ewes and wethers. Calves were in demand, and sold. at µ2 -'r' $0 each. Stockers and feeders were steady, at 2j -e per lb. Mileh cows and springers were in better demand and griller, at ,` ?5 $35 each.• East Buffalo; Aug. 12..—Cattle closed very doll and weak, with common lots unsold, Bulls very dull ; some sales of sausage lots at ,1.75 6.$2; good fat butchers', $2.25 Q. $2.60, ploys closed dull and slow, with aa. !lumber of loads unsold; grassy and Michigan .Yorkers, $4.90 ® x:5.10 ; do. heavy, $4.60 r4! $4,85, corn -fed, heavy, $4,95 lit $5. Shoop and lambs closed extremely dull with all of thirty-five loads unsold ; � export ewes, $3.25 $3.50; western, $3.65(:43.75 ; few extra, `$r4. All export grades very dull. Montreal, Que., August 12. --The following were the sales and prices at til( Eastern Abattoir this morning: —Cattle -300 at 2.1-c C 31e; export, 4e. Sheep °300 as t 2c i 3',c; lambs, 800 at S2 « „8.50 ; Calves --50 at 81.50' a1 5 . Dairy markets—Aug, 13. Liverpool. -- Cheese, quiet; de- mand, moderate ; finest American white (new), 88s; finest American colored (new), 385. Butter, finest U. S., 70s ; good, nominal. Montreal. —• Cheese, 7e Cs), Sc. Batter, townships, 18c & 15e ; wes- tern, lie Via` Utica, N. Y. --Cheese sales to -day —100 boxes at t;e ; 3,800 boxes at ti• c ; 3,d1.4 boxes at 7e ; 110 boxes small afti•c 3M i , boxes small at 7?:c ; iS`J faeces on private terms 500 boxes on.commission ; 20 pack- ages of creamery butter at 2N.e ; 12 poet:agescrealnery better at 21c. Little lealls.-2,214 boxes at 7c; 1,927 loxes at 71c; 1,092 boxes small at i 7 e, 300 boxes twills at 7sie; 17 packages of creamery butter at 1Se 20e. Nen' York— Mater firmer; State British Cattle Markets, ,,dada t', 1_e, 'r' 18,ye; do. creamery, John Swan ik Sons, limited, Edi.: 'Oe (1'•r0?.c ; tvestcrrl dfill•t`, J 7,e e burgh, in their weekly report safe 16e; clap. er(•; eery, 13e G ?0' c a do. —The number of fat cattle on atr'er factory, 12:c ; Ela•ins, 20e -6 20?;e. this week has been fairly large. A F - good demand was experienced, and 1 r for the best classes higher prices were t !obtained ; secondary were scarcely { ! numbers, and they maintained late enriches and purifies the prices. Fat calves and pigs, a fair blood and assists nature share, and they trade considerably in repairing wasted tissue p g ae Kange1 so dear, Fat sheep in rather smallev A preparation 'which more money. Store cattle were shown in moderato numbers. A fair demand was experienced for l the best, but secondary were difficult . to sell. Store sheep continue to 1 - make fair prices, and all classes of lambs for keeping purposes command satisfactory prices. • Milch cow in • moderate supply, and made rather ` neo- re money. Best beef, 8s 3d to 8s1 ted per stone ; best mutton, 71d to 1 8d por lb. i Live Stool: near ketal. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 13.—There was a better -demand at he Toronto nto 4attle market to -day. Receipts were ' 88 cars, including 2,500sheep and ' lambs. 700 hogs and 8a calves. i Export cattle were wanted, belt no 4't---------------'2-- really -.- - -••-, ..- - ._:..-_:::=• really good stock was offered, The i best offered sold at 4,o per Ib. They • • h averaged 1,250 lbs. each. Others i ,3 r brought 41e, and seine as low as 8xe, but they were poor stook, There ; was some demand for bulls, and ; Tina• nest !Blood Punier, 'Fonio and General health Restorer ever offered to mankind. We do no they sold at 3e C; ale per ib. ' patris(r l You will get more genuine permanent benefit out of OWE BOTTLE of t fear Illitehers' cattle Were in demand, butt wri~r l - • w i — . A ,E 'S IEEE 7E ATE COMPO ' D� must have a wide range of usefulness. Such a preparation is Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypo p hos- pphites of Lime and Soda. 'he uses of Scott's Emul- sion are not confined to 'wastingdiseasess,like con- sumption, scrofula or aiemia. They embrace nearlyyall those minor ail - malts ' associated with ,loss of`flesh. :soft ik oowlrr, Elellevllb. 50e, and $t. oC We have just opene p a large stoat SCHOOL no COPY c ti 1KS, SO • 'BLEBS, CRAYONS, PENCILS, SLATES, 6:c., &e., To be in reaclinese for the opening of the schools after the holidays. Our New 300 Page Scribbler is • a Bandy. MAEI1ET REPORTS. emulate. Winghein, August 15, 18% Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.. Flour per 100 tbs.. 2 25 to 2 50, Fall Wheat,— , , 070 to 0 70' Spring Wheat, ... , 0 70 to 0 70, Oats,... ..,,..,....,.,.t.* 0 80 to 0 80' Karl ,.,, 0 85 to 3.• Barley . , 0 5 Peas.,. ,,.. . ,. ., 0 50 to 0 50' Butter, rolls.,.. , , ,. ,0 13 to 0 14 Eggs per dozen0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord,. .. , , 1 25 to 1 60 Ileyper ton .,,,., •., ,,,13 00 to14 00• Potatoes, per bushel, 0 30 to 0 35 Tallow, per ib . . . . .. . .... . 0 05 to 0 054 Dried Apples, per ib... , . , , 0 4e to 0 05. Wool .,..,..,,.,... .., U 20 to 0 23, MINTON. Fall Wlteat, .. .. , .. 0 75 to 0 800 Spring Wheat., . ... . 0 75 to 0 80.. Barley.. , ...... , , , . , .. 0 45 to 0 60 - Oats 034to035 Peas 0 65 to 0 60 Potatoes, per bushel.. , ... , 0 40 to 0 00' Butter , . 0 11 to 0 12. Eggs, per dozen... .. , 0 00 to 0 la Hay .... ... 0 00 toll 00 Cordwood .. 3 00 to 4 00 Wool .. 0 1$ to 0 18 Arris :s[ naroa�ta as gm r TRUNKS, VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD It bas the map of Huron County cu the book cover and is sold exclusively by GRAIN CHOPPING. tis, Call and see it. %Iaving secured power from the Whigham Electric { Light Compauy> 1 bel o put in Niopph>g stones at jqE!- ,, i, the Electric Light power hnnso, !. Nur rvtnghnm, ��'�O ' and tun prepared teelochoppinga l n l p )t al times. The Popular Bookstore, l.atronage of the public is solicited and satisfaction Ruarantced. Wingham, Aug, 13th, 1805. avir.•_ham,.July 1030, �`'SS t� 1-'t�rti^�•:Lr�;[Ji••,L �"•`1r iJ.; Lq�s••.._^L.'t=':•-�C'� _ SALESMEN `• NTED ,,; Pushing, trustworthy alien t. cpeosont us 1 the aialo e , of our Choice Nurse vSto.., Lpeolulties controlled ,� r r r by us, :Ugliest Sal. ;v o: Commission paid weekly. • know a good watch when rli. Steady mph -mewl tit year round. U11153 free; you see it) Of course y,,, it exclusive terdtoe ; perieuce not necessary; big •,.i pay assured tool "; • ;spoofs! $l,(1u enaeuts to be. do. �i ginnors. 11'rive i nee for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., �� � �.�� • ®g!��+ ROCi"i�ESTECi�9,�pi�•t�gY«.�•�y D1A9 1 �CE i ® C�EiG1U fl.tlrtRSr IM seen our Special Movements r1, -�aJ. in Gold, Silvol' and (.Old i Icr Tru.•• MATTER Or• uAoES W. INome, or To , low, OP' Wneco ear, IA' ane. Comm or �J • Filled Cases? New Styles Burrow, CARRIAGE BaranaR, AN /nor.. !T and Patterns. k v> NT. ifs >J illOaaO think of you call prices. Pnr'] g c,l asln and obtain Notice is hereby given that the above named Jam(is IV, Inglis has made an assignment to me under the provisions of the noised Statutes of Ontario. 188), Chapter 124, and amending acts, of sill his estate and effects in trust for the benefit of his creditors. {,' A meeting of the creditors of the said darnel ., Inglis Is hereby , our nEd all will 12 bu held at my office inV • o e tu,rham on Thursday the 1st dayof August, 1F9S, at two o'clock in the afternoon, for the r appointment of inspectors and the giving of direc. . CLions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. , 311 creditors of the sari James W. Inglis are here. Cf• 0y notified to file their claims with vie, duly verified E'Y'E133IGHT TESTED Free of �,,••�j by atiidavit, and also stating the a,attare and value 03 Charge and suitable lenses riven It' the security (iP env) held by thorn on or Lotozo the At right rices. - 1 este day er August A. lr., MS, g p rtf Dated at i1 icehani this 22nd day of July, 1895. i�MUN-SA�� , it. 1'AIVSTUIVE, 1Finghatn, i Asaiarnee Wingham, Ont. The Optician. r MONEY `i O LOAN g t� � On Perm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terns of five years or over. FOR Principal payable at end of term or �� SALE. annually, if desired, JOHN BURGESS, Bluevale P. 0., Ont. Agent for Huron ton and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont. buildings; large part of it underdrained, the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new land, with a large quantity of timber FOR SALE, still un it, About 150. acres cleared and -- . seeded for pasture. Land will make a Good Dwelling and ono quarter acre, first-class pasture. .Warm situated two situated on the N. W4 Lot 446, East miles from Wiugbatn. On the premises aide Leopold street, Wingham. 31200. is a good saw mill in running order. All Apply to wilt be sold on reasonable . tonna, For • JOHN BRO WIN particulars, apply to Post Office ilex 125, Real Estate Agent, Winghaui Ont. Stratford, blit. . =.. Y..,:" .�..._r"... �.. _,.,._:,.? For sale, about 600 acres of Land; 200 of it nearly all in pasture; with tirst.elaee Yews DO U' purpose attending a Business or Shorthand College this season so, the Forest City Business and Shorthand College,. Condon, Ontario, Is considered head and shouidors above Canadian Schools. -tT aware that we have made a record for practical work and set Outpace for Other sehooit' 2- R CTS "C7' heard anything about our "New 8ystcm'of teachinir Rook•ireeping curl Commercial Vapor/ It le considered the essence of practicability. Drop a Bard tot particulars regarding it. Catalogue also free, College ro•epons September Sed. J. W. tiy.ESTtfi."V +`L't', Principal. , ;�''� CE'LEY1\TERVE WITH MOIL IRON AND WINE. POUND those offering werepoor, Choice were quoted at 4e, aiid most of the : than alit of It whole dozen of any other "Colnpound" on the market. It contains no injurious drugs best offering sold at 81e per lb,, and ' on ( i,vrl i:rl r: instead of AWoIrob., Try ft t You will then know the truth. ONE DOLLAR PER E0 is based poor cattle at 1140b, € 10 w c per I . BOTTLE. Four cars were taken for lMontreal. l IS1-11 SUES Al' 'D atir "A1111:1V3E-43M 95 Hogs were in fair demand and steady at $4.40 $4.60 for best. Stores AT WILLIAMS' ✓ RUG STORE WIN UA ONTARIO CM The Connell In Teeswater, adjoin :motion of adjoin all present. T chair. The mint iyead, Reid• -T ninUt(is of last n1 t • read be adq s d P Eay.•.•-•Kuntz•--T1 that the bridge of on 40, Concessi( pair, that Josep) the same and rep --Carried. Johns ismutt a culvert eq 1 Concession 0, that oAe put in by pti Carried, McKa; the shall bridge Concession 12, is i rebuilding, that - ne what he ., either rebuild or port at next sitti condition of the river on Conces .'thinks repair at that" be have i Reid—;l'teI.ay---r. opposite lot U, c need of repair, have the same d wood--McKay- master on bea inclusive, on 4 returned one d done by Mr. NV that Mr. Wadde day for assistant •o tthetir a on r u team, which ass in saving move and the time 04 than one day— Kuntz as between lots 18, - 1.1, to let the • s the road, that ,T( )►culvert put in by Carried. McK • Mrs. Wolfe, an 'grant of ten ( cheque for th and the money to give to her McKay—That be made to gra lot 30, coucess Reid expend Welwood—Joh has been made the manicip alit By -Law givin one impoundin eouragement t( sheep of farm iwater, and t • with annoyed Into their fle grass and aro requested to p iting cows fr01 the Townshp farmers, that Law prepared sitting of Cote —Johnston -- as just read b issued for ' Carried. R levy this yea purposes, este mill on the d have the By - pared and r sitting of Co Ston---Welw do nor adjo Monday, Sep Teeswater, a Finance B yards gravel - 158 yards gi Itay, balm 16, eoucessi right of way $3 ; Grahan fir .,8.50 ; Grail wheat, $1 25th side r JIIo. Falcon and. 31, 4 Mardi( and road, $5 ; drift wood Thompson, and 48 y air, got for h deducted fi tract, :3.36 balance of lot 11, $24 gravel, $5. Wm, MeGt concession Kee, gray cession 7 aa. dish, repai lot'43 and +6:s; Geo. gravel, 5 gravel, q, planks bo i $7;0t1;.;N