HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 3It) Perry Davis' 9AIN KILLEROPerry PAIN It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam- mation, and prevents blistering. It is the quickest and most effectual remedy for pain that is known. Keep it by you. o m � THE WINGRAM TIMES1,. AUGUST 16, 1895. 3 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. (CONDUCT= DX TIM, 1i'I IOIi.iAf BliAl•Ielf.) *For or Gad and Time and iVatiro Land." well call the atfuntion of the mothers and sisters to the fact, that the Woman's Christian Temper. once Union meets the third Monday ever, month • ,-,, , rt three o'clock sharp, for one hour, at Mrs. Uieirn's residence, Patrick street. All ladies are lnado wel. Conic, AR the Editor has kindly ;riven ns part of his space, for our work, we ask friends of the cense to Send items of interest on all moral questionsof the dakto !fillet our members. AMMOINIMI Iiow to Become Valuable, Why does that young man never receive for his services .above 15" a week ? asks Eli in the commercial Bulletin and Northwest Trade, Be- cause he does not study and drink in knowledge that will make him worth more than that, This young than says he isn't treated fairly; that others succeed while be struggles along with such advancement,. Let us see about that, Where does the complaining young man spend his spare tune ? Perhaps on the street, Two Words About the W. C. +P. u, 'perhaps inhunting in the summer By Frances E, Willard, LL. D. and skating in the winter, perhaps President of the World's Woman's in lounging about the corners in - Christian Temperance Union, ---We cl n inghn idle a gossip. even tthetse e have set at work to dissect out the g place alcohol nerve from the anatomy of gossip on the corner, but when they the body politic, and wherever the make up the sum total of a man's ft scalpel takes us wo will go, The spare time they prove to be his axe - /01 intention has given rise to what is1 eutioner, ' called the "do•overything' polio,*," How about the other young man which involves the salve word of who went from $15 to $20 and then command that became famous at the, on to $30, and $40 and even on to a battle of the Boyne: "When you see higher salary a week. He improved a head bit sit." his spare time in study and develop• special business eoltr'se ib provided The drink habit is intrenched in ing his mind to the point that he was for those not intending to enter any able to command attention became of the professions. This will include he had something to give out. His an extended course in book-keeping policy was to read along a certain and general business forms, usage line every winter, read daily papers and correspondence. A pupil pur- remularly and if possible a foreign suing this course will also be required Revision of Curriculum. It has been known for some time to High School men that the curri, eulum was to be revised at the close of the aeademie years '94-'95, The Department of Education has com- pletecl its work and sent eopies of the changes to all those concerned, The organization is unchanged. There are still to be four forms. At the close of each form's work there is to be an examination, which will en- title a successful candidate to• enter a higher form, or the universities, the teaching profession or the aetive duties of life, 1+'or the primary ex- amination. there will be no longer an option, physics and botany beeomiug compulsory; but any candidate wish- ing to take up any of the languages may doso and this work may count as a bonus on his primary if he ob- tains 33:?r per cent. The standard of the primary is also raised to that of the present Junior Leaving in the subjects of arithmetic, history, gram- mar and physics, In form II a the customs of society ; away we go after it with the teetotal pledge, alike for guest and hostess. It is fortressed in, the ignorance of the people; away after it, then, into the public school, t, the Sunday school, the pulpit, and paper that would keep him in touch to attain a speed of fifty words a in enehed • law • with the world; if he didn't have a minute in shorthand. At the close ess It is•ti the pr . away after it, then, into the mune;- foreign paper handy he subscribed pal council room, the legislature, and for one; he bought a few books congress. It is bulwarked by the every year, not novels, but philos- power of politics ; away after it, I ophy and history; he looked to the then, to the caucus, the hustings, aucl inner history of the bible, and he and history, (except ancient history) the polling -booth. This is the modus :studied it closely, only to find that are dropped and three languages, operandi of the Woman's Christian great minds had done that before one of which must be Latin, substi- Temperance Union. 1 him; there was Bauer and others if toted and greater stress laid on of this course a special commercial diploma is awarded. Por a Junior Leaving certificate the following are the changes: Arithmetic, grammar • the negative side of the German ' English composition and literature. The World's W. C. T. U., recently I Tubingen school on the one side, For a Senior Leaving certificate it is met in London, Eng., was obliged to • honestly searching for the trath recommended that the course be • choose a successor to the treasurer- • about the authenticity of the Scrip- taken in two parts. Part I, the Eng - ship made vacant by the death of , tures, not in Bob Ingersoll fashion lish and mathematics; Part II, the Mrs. Williams, of Montreal. The,but in honest doubt; there was Drum- languages and science. Special choice agoin fell upon a Canadian, mond, and Matheson, and Farrar: regulations are made to apply to who was not able to attend the great , and many others on the other side, • those who have already started on World's • meeting—Mrs. May Thorn- , fully convinced of the great power of , one of the courses of the old curri- ley, of London, President of the On- , spiritual truth in the development I eulum. tario ~W. C. T. U., and one of the of the world. most intelligent,intense and indefatig- I Can we measure what the effect of able i •oi•kers in this . reform. The years of study along these lines DEADLY CANCER CUED BY B. B. B. Royal Templar congratulates the would be on the mind of any person?, -- oy a eI t - 1 •� the Proof. Death of Registrar piol;sola, 111 Y 1 U A �� a 11 �� �� \ f ZETLAND SAW LLL >. TIM WElal',.=xNOWN ItIONEE1 AND COUNTY Ci''11CIAn PASSES .AWAY,. After a bravo struggle with the infirmities of old age, Itegistrar James Dickson received the final summons last Sunday, and passed to the rest which follows a long and ac. tive career, Few men in, the county ,of Huron are more widely known or more highly esteemed, as he had been identified with its early history and took an Honored part in its de- velopment from the forest wilderness of fifty years ago to the proud agri- cultural and commercial position it occupies to -day. The following brief sketch but touches on a notable career: Borah. May 26, 1816, be was a native of Roxb>rgshire, Scotland, his parents both being children of pros- perous farmers. He was educated at Jedburgh grammar school, sup- plemented with a term at Edinburgh university,. In Aug. of 1833 he -and his father came to Canada and JOB PRuiiTiC settled in this country, the other SUE!-R:�,il R.IlRRr!i.� GEORGE THOPft Proprteter, The undersigned in returning thanks for past favcrs,beg leave to say that they bane a very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c,, on baud, which will bo sold at very olive prices to meet the relluirelflents of the hard tholes,. First Class Shingles, $1,70 per Square. Wood 75cts. per Cord, delivered. Lumber of all kinds; r- „ �'ar�,t Glass ,ln;�les axed. Cedar Posts. Oar toad Orders a Specialty.. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be Undersold. - I MoLEAN t1 SON,1 Wingham, June 7th, 18:13. f members of the family, mother and , INOLtroixo Rooke Pamphlets,Volt:re 1311 IIoads, Circulars, Books, SCC., exected in the best seven younger children, joining them style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short the following year. They settled in McKillop, two miles north of Sea - forth, on 300 acres of Canada Com- pany lands, being the first settlers north of the river in that section. All the difficulties and hardships of a pioneer's life were successfully con- tended with, and in 1839 Mr. Dickson left the family roof' and purchased _'00 acres of wild land, since.bceore the beautiful homestead, and one of the most valuable and best arranged farms in Ontario, at present managed by two sons of deceased. For 11 years Mr. Dickson conducted busi- ness as a merchant in Egmondville, and served as reeve from 1855 to. 1860, and in the then county council he took a leading part. He was one of the foremost in developing the gravel road system which has done this country so much credit. After serving many years in the Canadian militia, Mr. Dickson retired with the rank of Lieut. -Colonel, having been in active service on the St. Clair frontier during '3778. In 1861 he entered Parliament as the representative of Huron and notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, TIMM Office, li'ingham.. BOOKBINDING. \Ve are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the Times Office. WOOD delivered to any Tart of Wing. ham, PrOrtlersby mall promptly attendi1 04011C11 TUIOMSON, Pox 125, winghum. Ont CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 1 For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to. 11IUNN d% CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' ex�perfenoeinthe patent buefneM. ommtmica. tionestrletlyconfldential, Al3andbooko Znr formation concerning Patents and bow to tsin them sent free. Also a catalogue of meehan., seal and eetenteno pocks sent free Patents taken through ,loon & Co. receive, special notice inthe Scientific American, and I thus are brought widely before the public with, I out cost to the inventor. This splendid ppanper, Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the. largest circulation of any scientific work In the, world. 83 a year. Sample coppies sent free. Building Edition monthly, 52.50 a year. Single, copies, ,2., Dents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the ' latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN tit CO„ NEW YOnK, 3Gi Bli0ADW.T- s� SCALDS � and Burns are soothed at once with ® a -- O N -- i C P E T S small Investments. Here 1s World's Tinian upon its Choice, and There must be development, of Returning prosperity will make maty rich, but nowhere eon they make so murk within a short time Mrs, Thornley upon receiving this course, and yet we hear young bus;- ! Messes. T. Milburn. ct; Co. a8 byetmeenlnl Speculation in Gioia, many and Stock. additional expression of the confl- i ness men who work in the stores say 1 Sirs,—About four years ago I was Bruce, a constituency then of nearly ® FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED CAN 13E MADEdeuce of her fellow workers. !they never had an opportunity to at !taken sick with stomach trouble. Icon• 00,000. He was a fluent, forcible t d 11 cre What should they do?suited several leading local physicans. all speaker a good reasoner and a tire Make at college at home. Turn their of whom pronounced my disease incur- less worker, The "Polyglot Petition" of the ' bre cancer of the stomach and told me World's Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union has received the indorse- ment of the Christian Endeavor b and hisgenial disposition !bedroom into a college and dig out ' I had not longto live. Two physicians ade him a general favorite. His the great truths of history anti attending e gave me up to die. science. That is what we are here 1 Through reading your advertisement, I f t t that so many 1 and by advice of. friends, I tried your Society for which we are gratef til fol • It till or una e t I Burdock Blood Bitters and I am happy • fail to grasp the great fact that and glad. It has been signed in knowledge can be had for the - seek - fifty languages and in • all parts of , . g The trouble is it is not sought the world, and,. with its signatures 1 after, instead the days are passing in and attestation, numbers not fe• wer drivel. f d and the to say that after using one bottle I was able to leave my bed which I had been confined to for a long time. I am thank- ful uow to state that B, B. B. cured my disease which baffled the doctors, and I the merest o words, ern firmly convinced that B. B. B.. saved than three millions of names.mind dies for want of nourishment. my life. • It asks that the alcohol traffic and If you envy great men be a great 1 Gratefully yours, the opium trade be put under ban of {man yourself. Start out to be sone- ELIZABETH GILRULA, law, and that the standard of per- � thing andyou. will succeed in being South Buhx n, Ont. sonal purity shall involve a whiteN. B.-112re. t Sout a is the wife o� the life for two. ; somebody and the world will respect Post Master at South Boxton, and will This petition is to be conveyed to I you. Light will come hi as you gladly answer inquiries. teed ltnd ou will be able to de- velop until in a few deputation of White Ribbon women y ear by year, ' • all the leading governments by a pro y appointed for the purpose, of whom years you have become an able man. Great'I3ritain, will be one. a man smart is flatlet'. The man i must make himself after he has been vacation Tittle 1through, college. That is a'disci- The idea that a term in college makes Lady Henry Somerset, our leader In I t hand and is gladly welcomed by all, , plinar v school It lays the founda especially those whose u le a caused them to greatly run down their 1 erected. Put in the foundation your- system•to meet the requirements, phy- ;self and begin to build. That is the Ideal and mental. forced upon them. b • With these and others, it is ituportant, 1 way to growth. • whether at home, at the sea -shore or in I If I were a clerk in a store I would Is a au g . is yet to be b duties s in life hove tion bat the buildi:n the country, that some thought be given to diet, aid as further assistance to Nature. a good building -up medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla had best be resorted to. IC the digestion is poor, liver deranged and frequent headaches, a veal•, and read them carefully: seem to be the rule, Hood's will change i This done you will be an educated all this and enable everyone to return to I man in ten ears. I would add as eertheir home and business in a refreshedY state of mind and bodily health.• many standard books to these each I year as I could afford. I was talking • Miss Annie` McKenzie, formerly with a gentleman this week, a writer ;,$ a teacher in the Lucknow Presbyter- on a Minneapolis newspaper, who is ' ian Sabbath school, has been accept- an encyclopedia in himself. He is a ed as : secondary missionary and great student and bas a library of companion to Miss Goforth to China, 14,000 volumes. Ii.ari's Clover Root, the great Blood Ilow many of them . have you purifier,gives freshness and clearness to read ? I asked. the Complexion and cures Constipation, Every one of them was the reply. Cotneone„r D iu¢ Store. etc,. 31 Sold at Chisholm's f Is it any wonder that man is a C A littlo insect called the' "least , genius and draws a salary of more • than . ,15 a week? --- •Canadian mite," or as the entomologist calls it j Grocer . (astrolna grylaria) now appears oil subscribe for the Loudon Quarterly or the Edinburg Review, or both, costing about $11 a year, and for the Popular Science Monthly, costing $5 the scene and threatens to put an Short Journeys on a Long noad end to the grasshoppers' jumping' Is the ohareoteristle title of a profusely hundred Zvi book min 1 wrl en descriptions of summer resorts in the country north and west of Chicago. Tho rending matter is new, the illustrations are new. and the information therein proclivities, over one 1` ties ll]uatrnted coutairiinyt pages et ohne R y itt Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.. 'one short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thisl'owder over the surface of the nasal will be new to almost everyone. ] d delightful to use A copyf "Short Journeys on a Long Don'ts for Swimmers. Don't show off. Don't get drowned. Don't kick a barnacle. Don't annoy the fishes. Don't monopolize the lake. Don't be afraid of the water. Don't hesitate about going in. Don't get boiled by the sun. Don't chew gum in the water. Don't bathe in a bicycle suit. Don't pretend you saw a shark. Don't dive in two feet of water. Don't go in with a full stomach. Don't try to cross the lake. Don't wear a tight bathing suit, Don't stay under water toolong. Don't stay in after you get a chill. Don't fool with a dog in the water. Don't push anybody in the water. Don't stick your legs above the popularity with his constituents was shown by his re-election by acclama- tion in 1863. He was a staunch ad- vocate of Representation by Popula- tion, at that time a burning question and this principle being recognized by the Coalition Government it re -1 ceived his hearty support. In 18661 he was appointed Registrar of the County in succession to the late John Galt. He was twice married, his "first wife being the daughter of one of the early settlers of Tuekersmith. Of eight children the following are now living: Samuel, postmaster of Sea - forth; Robert, of Tuckersmith; John T., deputy registrar, and Mrs. J. P. Tom.—Star. sea. Don't wear'joweler'y. It is bad form, Don't drink too deeply of sea water. • Don't be hasty in climbing into a boat. Don't boast of your powers in the Water. )on'timaginoeverybody is looking at you. Don't drink too much when you conte out. Don't go in swimming more than once a day. A PATHETIC INCIDENT occurred in the London streets the other 'night. It was late, and a poor little girl was trying in vain to sell her violets. purity the blood, Suddenly a boy, a typical London arab, who had just sold his last even- ing paper, and was rattling his ha'pence in his pocket, stopped be- fore her. Taking the situation in at a glance, he said kindly: "I'll buy yor vi'lets. Come on, we'll sell 'em tergether." The boy evidently was a good salesman, for we passed barely an hour later, and the chil- dren were running about together, with only two or three bunches left. We can all ]help one another if we• like. The sick and suffering we can save if we only point out to them the healing virtues of ,Holloway's PiIle and Ointment., , The resignation of Mr. Hooper as Soienee Master of Goderich Collegiate Institute has been filled by the ap- pointment of G. K. ,Mills, B. A., of Toronto University it relies. Painless an e 1 , o it relieves fnstllrltlyi and i aid aanotl lrl Road" will be sent cnt0 oto tpostage who It tares Shiloh's Incipient Onusumpt guarantee.. s cures Cilittrrrla, Hay ;'ever, Gblds, H will enclose ten oe pay postage) r bet Cough h Cllre Dilly anti cent a ore oatr' r r lr ire - By Our Systematic Plan of Speculation. originated by us, All successful speculators operate on a reOn:a systun. It is a well-known fact, that there are thousands of mon in all parts of the United States who, by systematic trading through Chicago brokers, make large rn,ounts every year, ranging from a few thousand dollars for the ulna who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to 550,000 to S100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small investments on this plain are persons who live away from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Ourthe marketlrise et not risk or falls it bringsuule atnount invested cin steady profit that plies Iy n ptenormously in a short timebut eovers bath ; so, that whether WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on.suevessftrl speculation find our Daily Market Report, full of Inoney-lllnklinr pointers. ALL FREE. Our manual explains margin trading fully. Highest references in regard to our standing and success. For further information address THOMAS & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 241-242 RIALTO BUILDING, C!-ilCAGO, ILL. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND DINT ENT These remedies have stood the test or fifty yearserxp experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines for If a merchant will take care of his advertising space, change his copy, keep it fresh, and put interest - Hatter into it it iv111 be read as 1111-1 P=LLS correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND TOWELS and invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages. Til OINTJV&TJTFTT Is the only reliable remedy for bpd ego, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS, °' "E THROATS, COUGHS, fiOLDS, GOUT, RIIEUMATISII, GLADULA1t SWELLINGS AND ALL , ,, .2� DIS I S S IT HASMedicine OEQUAL. odors throughout out the world. at 78, New Oxford. Late 553, Oxford Street, Lo,... s by al R Purchasers should 1 k to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not, 533 Oxford Street, Lond they are spurious. '�• - , .y ` i 11;11.1'. ; r.l �;.Ilrll.l f v WESTER 8z CO. MAKING will continue to reduce the price for MEN'D'S TWEED SUITS TO $4.00 SPOT GASIuI. If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the bine to save a dollar on nig matter , the making of each suit, and get a good fit, First-class Trimmings supplied. assiduously and as regularly as the at wholesale prices for spot cash only. spiciest bit of news. A r gressrveness *.-� anti confidence are essential in ad.- If you want to bay a Suit or Ovoreoat you can save front $3.00 yertising.. Timid ;nen do not suceed. $10.00 on each, by purchasing from us. It's the fellow that goes straight ahead, full of self-confidence, forceful,! bound to make his point; that's the man whose business thrives and Ache Th ,rfodslhtls and Deaf - .,E0. H i1�AFpoltT) lienfdral Passenger the e g fleuri31iC9, IretCveryStatCnlelltiJea1 nese; 60 cents, At Chisholm's Drug ,A chit Cbroligo, Milwaukee &.St, Paul dose 200ts., ,]0cts., and s. Sold t CL ' Opposite the new Macdonald Bleak, Wiilgham, Store. Baflway, Chicago, Ill+ holut'e Corner Drag Store, fact, no more, no less. WEBSTER & 00.1 }fi Merchant TOON; k'1