HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 1YearThAdvatice - ' copy 25 cents. ••••••.: SomeOrthese haye been on hand • at• long, as two years. . Each- application is reviewed and is: subjected to a- minbecof....__ tests when it is received.-Points are awarded to each 'appliCant on- the basis of such things as health, ' income in relation to rent.- they presently pay, the ability- of the applicant to care , for h imself, 'Whether or not they get only the•• old age pension and supplement, thiplained. Housing, - when available, it. alloCated on thebatis of need, Those Who have the greatest need get first consideration. , Points are also awarded .for the, length of time that an application has been on file.- ,-Byt an applisation which has been in the authoritys bands for' a - not necessarily given priority .t over (mcoornetinteuceedntononpeasg. eA 2p0e)rson same "people, but we -felt we should have had• more say in them." Applications for • accommo- dation in the projects -run by the authority are available , in Municipal offices, but information about elegibility", vacancies, and '-g•lie„-J.turnber of-applicatiohs on file is not • generally available, Seaforth clerk Jim ,Crocker said; "If someone were_to ask tneabout a -Walting -liStT' I would havev, ne idea." Completed 'applications 'are forwarded to the authority office in Goderich, and inquiries must be- direeted.to John *Lyndori.The number; of the office is, not •listed in, the telephone • - directory, • although it available-through_ -information. January 3 i , 1977; theiV" were 43 appliCations' on file With - the authority , Mr, Lyndon said. A- WELCOME SIGHT That's vvhat this Strange looking aparatus was to people on Con..6 and 7, McKillop Township last week. Ken Campbell got, four and a half miles of -road blown out by attaching a combine, to give added weight, --to- his tractor arm • Witt* N9e561.1' -.118th Year .._ • SEA-MATH; —ONT-A1319',- THWISDAY, FEB_B__U RY 10, 1977 —204PAGES . • spite ofbunding ans ,•• • of blocked roads. An executive assistant in' the Premier.'s office told the MPP's that the matter would be brought to the Premier's attention, Mr. Riddell told, the ExpoSitor on `Monday. - • ' TuCkersinith r township, plows have. been operationg 20 hOtfes' out of 24tand-t 1i-as- a en quarter of a day toOpetea mile and a' quarter of road:, road superinten- dent Al Nicholson said..A's many • as 23 farmers using spowblower • equipped tractors have taken part in cleanup efforts there. "The farmers-,..,,..have been "Most co-operative,"'NiChOlson said. Meg were being paid he said, but a fevOgnenhave_tiffered their help, free of charge. • Men for the townshipt ,reptrt.-7 Liberal MPP Jac.k,. Riddell:, Murray- dautite404feriis-VOCk and Eddie Sargent have-asked Premier Davis, to extend the • terms.of reference of the area to be censidered: for, government -7-assistance to rn.clude the counties of Grey, ''Bruce, Huron and Middlesex: The NiagaraPenin- „sula has already been designated as an area subject to government f rdets • financial relief. .••• For the,first tiMe in seven days receives permission to amend the for most of them, all area schools .calendar wheif-it requesifit, Mr: Were open Monday, and buses "Shaw said: . • Were Able te gravel their regular John Talbot, principal ' 'of touter' Teriehet's professional :Seaforth Public Scheel, did not development". days, - may- be feresee-Viy ;difficulties arising An army • of ' • snoWblowers,: graders:, halldozers-andfront.end loadert ha 'succeeded' in. op-ening...., • • most Seaforth area roads by- Tuesday, but the .cost of . the assault on the, snow has been' extremely high.: Though statistics will not be, -available...for . some tirne„ it alteady. clear: that budgets have been exhausted... Some municipalities may ,seen_he askingthe-provincial- government .. for, financial assistance, .spOkes- cancelled and other school activi- because of lost time. ''We're. ties .,curtailed in an effort , to,• , going to have to &some catching ', -ensure that students eaten up on up" he said, "Bat that ean-, be,•,,,i Work missed, princiPals *cepa., ,done ' without toe , Pinny Seaforth • District High School preblems," Only four -days were principal ..,_.lirtice, `Shaw said ' lest, and the schoOlintsbeehOpen ' Monday that he • will ask the since last Wednesday, he, said, -'1Eturon County school board to although no-buses were running consider cancelling .the profes• until Monday:- • , . sional, -de,yelopment day Huran-Centennial , ., School • ' . . • • . I , 1 y .scheduled for March, It will also principal Arnold'Mather's, said - ou r e env to :honour- s be necessary to eitt -dOWn on the _ that,. It may be necessary to , ' ' . - U . . „ . n'umb'er of days spent reviewing eh urinate three, professional VOA b0fpre esams,' he said. the, ,.development days between :how school *as closed seven days. Ad. Ithie, The school was open Requests for at change in the' Monday for the first time in seven. , ichobl calertdar, can be. Made by' days, The P.D. days were_ 'individual principal's to the school , 'Cancelled last ear an '.effort.to, hoard, Changes must` heti be ...,eateh up after a storm related % , 'AppreVed.-hy, the ' Ministry et closure,, ;Mr Mathers Said: The Educatidni which 'can' alter • the' Ministry thay give '.1fidiVidtitil , calendar'on a 'county: wide. twit sehOols.the right to ••elinithate P.D. • 60, 'grant. indbildnal schools the, day as it ditt,Ittst s4iirviffi 'said. . eliminated pa., days as Seth a step ra4keS it possible for, n• e'cessary.. Thy hoard gerigraliy •. On "Ottge 10) .4. The MP-P-'s have appealed to- -the •Preinie-r's office to grant subsidies to,. municipalities in 'iliese counties to defray tjie high cost of snow removal. They also called-upon • ihe Minister of Agriculture _to,initiate a program to-compensate farniers who -were foroed_to_elu mp their mill4ecause* ools reopen Wednesday holiday, those • that • r were open were busy. as customers loaded, their cars and trucks with float-, bread and milk. - te be prepared in case of another • storm stayed session. People with big grint on faces climbed , over the snow banks liningAlain_SLanci_gtrtf _ riendtand acquaintances after . - .• , .,1 cc' • ' , • .• • "The budget is shot," he said -and the township_n3ay have, to request. assistance from .the provincial government. It -will be the first time that such .a step pas been considered,, he •said, Roads in Hibbert township Week, Mr. Campbell reported. were • nearly 'all open Tuesday a • .Area farmer Ken Campbell hit spokesnian'there said. four bull- _kept fear and a hilf miles of road dozers 'have been working in the open with the help of neighbours, township, two, rented from a - on his own mutative, Bill Camp- ,.- .construction company, -and two bell said, and like•othersthroUgh- owned by , individnals.. TwO out the ai-ea. he "hat asked' farmers with ,snowblowert have nothing for -efforts. also *worked with townshipplows. In , Hallett township,all All roads in MeKillOp4eiWhiliiii- -tone-estiont are eleOrr rettidSit per- were expected 'to be eleare&by intendent George' Hoggart Tuesday evening, roads super-: reports, though most side roads intendent Bill Campbell said, - are only open where there are proVided that' equipment; farmers. They should all be clear continued io operate.'"lot of in a., day or t\Vc.:,`, he Said.,though,' machinery is breaking dowm,',!,A+re,---ends,of roads which do not have 'several days in_ isolation.' Staff at the Seaforth Post ,Office were especially busy; "Sorting the firSt mail into• town since Fridajr and rural mail customers who made it into town were picking up their, mail at the Post Office's back door. Restaurants 'in Seaforth Were jattirneti, with -whole families at . noon on Wednesday ' and 'Seaforth streets we,recrowded!' last Wednesday afternoon as people took advantage of the first lull in the five day, storm*that +fad,' blocked Most reads in the area;-to get into town and get supplies. Although most stores were closed, for their. usual Others, wfip'd been ..,,..stoinr stayed in Seaforth fora week._ looked forward to seeing' their - ""homes and 'families. en the .... weekend. ' •Tharsday who-'d-mado• it in to: ' town for the first time in nearly week. said. Two bulldozers', two graders, two industrial bloyk..,,,ert,„ and six front end -loaders haVe been cleaning up the .-roads. in McKillop. Ten farmers have alai been on calLthroughout the last • The.whole Community is invited 'to &reception tonight at the T6Wn Hall, honOuring• the new Canadian Figure 'Skating novice PakS"Chlit4i0bI t Lloyd Itisler , Jr. of Seaforth and his partriei,,. flaier. of Mitchell. . . . , The two :Wtin the, award at the Canadian rigure-wtattng Attoeitt. don * On, the weekend in .Calgary, Mayor 'Betty. Cardhh and Reeve OrrnoncrPridharn of FullartOn.Township'cringratulates her paiiner,_1,loyd ..Eisler Jr. a'S9Wforih at a civic reception, in Mitchell Mcnday night. The r.parF had just eaturned..frcp) FigtireiKaiting-bimplopthips ::CalgarY", Where_ they ,won the novice 'pairs event.. Seaforth is honouring the young skatert at a -reCePtion,at the ToWn Hall tenight, `froth' 7:36 to 9.• '(EXpositorPhotO) CANADA'S N DVIOETCHAIVIPS Lori Baler 'of .M1tOFfell,-,oentt* smiles :as • houses on them, may remain d Mr. Dolmage saiall the works *unplowed for some time, employees worked' long hours fo 7-• Costt orthe cleanup may be as keep tile streets plovvecl and snow much as "four or five times" over banks down • to a reasonable' the budget. Mr. Hoggart height. predicted. Reeve John Flannery, chair- As many as 20 farmers have man of 5eaferth's public works been blowing snow along with the' committee, said: one of the big,. two township owned graders. A, costs of the storm was that town third grader rented for the year employees 'weren't _able, to ,get has also been working, asbas a Jether work done because all heavy ,'duty front end loader, time hat , to be spent on snow 'equipped : With a specially 'removal. ;,'constructed vee plow- One bull, "We've had 800, hours of dozer has alsO been'opetatingMr,,. overtime. in the last six weeks," Hoggart 'said.. 0.• • ‘4%tre addied.-Seafarth's: road equip- .Roads 'in Seaforth are nearly all :nicht is taking a beating from its clear of snow, town foreman heavy Workout and that adds A-; HarveyDoirnage said Tuesday. A, hidden...Cost 'because machinery track lent 'by the PUC h'as beeir-'-nray have to be replaced "that use-d tn-aid in the removal of snow much sooner,".•Reeve Flannery piled along town streets. he said, said. le,stock :up A number of : area stores • Market On-Main Street said that !teemed an increaseittsaietas bu-siness,is back to-normal after a c;n rs isunie replenished' food lull during the storm. Customers • snpplies depeted during -:the are buying extra :quantities. of .**stOrrnind stock up on essentials bread and milic along with, their ' as a hedge against; another storm regular orders, hesaid ‘,Sales of predicted for the. weekend. bag milk have been particularly A---takes-n-for-Roths-F.00d--. -(Contintiecl-enge-20). - Seaforth. recreation director Clive Buisi said the reception will be in the fbrm of an open house'," from .7:30 until in the newly renovated council chanibers. Refreshments will bd'served.' Officials from neighbouring townships; as well as t le ")irtf~iie of Seaforth;• Will be inVited ,homitit the Seafatill natiVe and • his partner., 4 ' tloyd and triti, along With het • Friday, opening; up their road for the firSt tirne in a made by •the OntarioHousin (Expositor Photo) Corporation. Municipalities must • snoWbloWer, to plow through the drifts past his farm, • ' (By Len Pizzey) If you are a senior citizen living W ..in the Seaforth area •and are in need of housing, you will not find an easy solution to your problem. You may have heard, that a new senior citizens'-housing project is• - about to be bitilt in Seaforth and _assume ghat -your chances. of getting an apartment in the ,complex 'are good. But the ,application - • :procedure - - is --Complicated and• the results ,cat- 'be-frustratitig--:- Senior citizen housing projects - •are largely funded:by the federal 'and provineial governments, though the ,munieipalities. in _ which they 'are built nulgPilek percentage o any deficit in oleic operation.'The decision as, to where and when such accommodation should,be built i elder sister Sherri; who with her partner will be members of-the Canadian Figure Skating team in, Worldverripetition in Japan. were guests Monday night at • a reception at the Miteheil arena, "hosted' by` Mitchell, sand area tttttnici alines,;:- ' LlOyd's parents', 1.14c1 and Bev iOet'af eaferth-tvere t Weir)? to, see their •son's win and were ex eted home fraiii Alberta on ealheiday,. .3" • • initiate sayeys to determine the , need in their area, and then must. approach the -OHC to -convince them that a neW e;c.omplex shouldr , A survey .--mar ,Soon • be Conducted which, will include the townships-L- of „MeKillop., and- --Tuckerstnith---as:Well as 'Seaforth, A new- building containing 14 units: is already slated to -be constructed ,on John. Street_ in. "Seafeittlitbeginning In the spring • of this year. But this building may not meet the demand which exists among ,seniors 'Tor comfortable, • fsclqrda.ta9brtleil'...itouatyiontg Betty-Y-Ca mine says - that them town is.'"trYing,to get a second heittitig-Prcijeet •-off the grontid"",..!We ..ate getting a .. number' of inquiries about - the • housing from ,seniers", she said. • The' survey whiCh may soon be made . of area needs does _not necessarily !mean that 'a, 'tato:I .' building, 'will be 'approved.' It, would 'depend • on .the need, -But, said .Seaforth clerk Jim 'Crocker, • there is already a feeliIng that, there 'will be more applicationt than there-are apartments; even .ewohm°nplete the , new building is 'All_ aspects of. the.. housing. ,....lorojects are adritinistered.by'.the- Euroin . • County • . Housing, Authority, a , new body. 'in operation since the fall , of 1916, Seven:,people'sit on the' authority,' -..three -appointed by the federal' ..,kovernment,, • three._ .Lby . the previncial government, and one. appointed by the eounty. Mayor 'Cardno • said • that ' the . • authorities' function -iS ficit clearly anderitood by ,the "We sent a • letter Off- last week 'asking John Lyndon '(Honsing -if-"Manager for the .. Authority) to come.-, to a council :Meeting 'le explain the role of. the Authority " to' council.": • the : Authority ' was formed, ,there • .. was Settle ,controversy. ' ".about the apPointment procedure: "I, Was. ,upset A the time" said Mayor- Cartine. "„11.- felt that the munici- .palities should have More .input • into the. appointments:1 There is only one-woman on. the authority, 'she noted, and yet rnoSthouting units are OCcupied by women. "I am not ' questioning the appointments" she said. ."We probably Would haVrthcisert the Well known Canadian - snowmobile rater, Keith Siemon ,of Brodhagen, is in the intensive care unit' n University HoSpital,- London; _following an accident during snowmobile. raegs in ;Montreal last Sunday, January 30. His mother,' Mrs. Albert Siemon, of R.R. 4, Walton, told ,the Expositor that her .son was injured when he Was knocked off his machine during'a race and the ski. from: another machine went '. : into his thigh. He also had broken ribs and 'a chipped elbow. Mrs'.,, Siemon said a Montreal hospital treated her •son, but Wouldn't admit him ,because they- , didn't have room; "They said he , C GETTING .AROUND thOugh his-car was snowed under ,and his 'horse and cutter in•the barn,,- Prank Reynolds of , Harpurhey'coukt travet after last weeks Storm.. Reyhelds with pups Pixie and ':""Frisky',--donned snow Shoes to`traver around thelarm. (Expositor Photo" _ Tuatersmith to replace, a partial by-law passed, in 1972. Council learned that• the Ontario Fire MarShill's office has agreed to- do a Study on fire protection. needs in the teWtithiV: as requested by eatia.-;' Mrs. Betty tardar attended , the meeting, to ask council that the members of the singles elub be permitted tdconlinue"ta hold their'•we'eklY dance rat yanastra Recreation 'Centre.* tattii.day nights during.the 'yetis MI* did laic year.. council, agreed "mid said th rental charge. Would for the main hill p las-42S,00 tat the F'i'che''.. used and Phis (Continued on Page ISi•'• sr and „those- of his neighbours. The unique snow moving vehicle' got td McKercher Farms' laneway on W." ro racer injured snowmobil ontreat iti)..-meetS ire :Snow. .$1pr should go home, but he couldn't, week And in hospital, for a month altogether, his 'mother, said. Just the weekend • before the accident, Mr. Sienion won the Georgian In-Ontario • Snow- - mobile competitions. . Mr. Sip-doll's' • Wife, -Vho is cipeCting, the couple's first :chitty'` in •...the spring" is -staying with • - relatives in London• to be close to her Kusband. Accidents at.nong 'snowmobile racers are quite' ,rare, his mother said, because "they are all competent' drivers." Mr. Siemon runs a plumbing and- farm equipment business and it' active in, „many •sports, including Lr'baseball. because of !the storm here•.' When the injured' racer "" ge'f' back to Stratford last week, with Mr. and Mrt. Jack Switzer• of Stratford who had acconipanied him: to the race,, the Siemon fathil.y was told by the Stratford hospital that infection had set into, his leg following the stitching job that .was done in Montreal. There were, fears that her .28 year old son would lose, the infected leg but Mrs,Siemonsaid that, it now •leeks normal, .and he can move .it, following operations at University - - ;Hospital, Mr. Siernen will -probably be in Intensive Care until the end of the,„ (By Wilma Otte) , •;;• . gather, at the recently- yielded_ Blizzards spell hardshipt*Ith-- --henge-o---Whed7b-Srlits mother, Mrs.. blocked roads. Sam .McCurdy,;right /-•'• in ; But most farmerSwhei- live_ in Brucefteld. - the snoW,belt area can handle The reeve artived on 'his titers., Uese incen4niences, Thus the snowthobile '-with Councillor farmers who from the Tucker Frank Falconer at did Councillor smith Township Council were not Bob Fotheringham and clerk- deterred when they wanted to,. treasurer James McIntosh, hold . regular session last tieptity ree;e Bob Bell . and week. , "'"" ftpunellitit Bob pruenmond After cancelling the meeting arrived by car. .. Tuesday night,Feb, 1 they called Boad'' 'superintendent Allan It.for Wednesday•afternetni. Their •.'ik.lieholson couldn't attend to give usual meeting plate., ...1.111.ren:-..bt§' ,report'-' on snowplowing Centennial School in Star icy township roads he Was busy- ..t wnaiiii•-•• ova's' Writ() behind a •• snowplowing township roads. ' wag, .0C.thow., • • • , ;,• 'COMA 141,1' liek. the-Huron tkeeve trVin Sillery had, the *lititnitig, Beard' to prepare answer. Tie. ltiVited. Connell to tOMPrelletisivezerting by4aw fot 1,