The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-03, Page 16HPS9N..'EXPOPITQlk FTEDR.P1A.RY 00977 OM su S • tinning out ere Home fuel supplies in Seaforth antharevwere. running, critically low as the winter's worst, storm refuses to lessen its iriP- All Wei og dealers in Seaforth report that they ' have some ' supplies left but say they won't last long. A convoy of oil trucks was headed for town from Highway 4 • Wednesday morning. - The, Seaford( Farmers Co-Op said that they were rationing their s- Upplies. • "We are -enly-giving 100 galloni a dump instead of filling the whole tank." As of. Tuesday Texace Ltd. in, Seaforth was completely out of stove and furnace oil but still had about 7,000 gallons of diesel fuel left which can be 'tied for furnace' oil. "The, situation is getting pretty , serious," Mrs. Shirley Dinsmore said. "The dealer in Brussels will get thre.e loads and get three and ° that's- it is expO,ting tanner 1qa4..1p, -from, Sarnia - Tuesday (*Ding if the roads ate passable, BP iialso expeCting supplies to Come in from London. They are very low on fuel as well, according to Mrs.. Dorothy Williamson in Seaforth. Ross Scott Fuels, Sunoco:.,... distributer in Brucefield, ' said they had :plenty supplies but were unable to distribute any. - -He saidthatafew pepple in the area were using diesel fuel when they ran out of fuel oil:- "The 'situation is more serious-- than„you anticiPate," he • said. Two fuel, trucks heading south outside of Brucefield have -been< unable' ,to travel since Sunday night. Scott Fuels said that they had to carry 45 gallon drums'op,„ " skidoos to the trucks to •keep them " from running ont Of engine fuel. tgcliV rivi; GOAT TRAIL Looking northliom the corner of #4 snowmobilers watch ablowee arid Vee plow battle to Highway & Miil ROO at BrucefleKt On the horizon " (Expositbr. Photo) 4 The regular meeting -of MrS. May :Habkirk was named Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge was social convener for February ,and held with Noble Grand, Mrs her committee is Mrs. Joe orman Riehl presiding, Mrs. Grummett, Mrs. Arthur yarley, Eldon Kerr reported on recent , Mrs.Albert Baker, Mrs. Harold ▪ visits Made Slint4n - members •Hugill. and Mrs. Lorne Carter. and gifts and cards which had Mrs,' Poo Malcolm ,:Was been sent. • ----serenaded, for her' birthday.,':'" Mrs. Peter Malcolm reported'. fer theC.P.& T. Committee that A donation was made to War donations had been made to the Memorial Children's Hospital. Huron County Children's Aid Societrand to the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home 'for the aged at Barrie, Christmas boxes had also. Obituaries beeii delivered to several shut-in . members of the 'community. Notice was 'received from, District Deputy. Presiaekt, Mrs. Glen Fisher of Exeter that the Assembly Warden, Mrs. Helen -Spicer, will visit in Huron District in March and will attend the meeting held in. Edelweiss Lodge - On March 28th along with members from Goderich Lodge, who will provide the entertain-' ment for, the meeting. Mrs. - Fisher will make herofficial vigitr to Edelweiss on April 25th. The United Nations Pilgrimage - for Youth speakloff will beheld in" Clinton High School onyebruary 25th at-8:00 P.M. This compe- _ iition is, held among two public „speakers from each "Of_ the five nigh schools in Huron County and 'the winner will receive an expense-paid trip to'the United Nations-in•New•York in July. It is hoped'there will be a good attendance. A penny,_sale will be held following the next meeting on Februaryth► with- 6aCN member to contribute several' small items for sale. ' .R040.koh's meet "'Sohn Pethick, a lifelong Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum resident of McKillop Township, with interment to follow at died at Seafoith Community Maitlandbank Cemetery. Hospital, Saturday, January 27, 1977 in his 87th year. . Pallbearers were James and. Mr. pethick had been residing Tim' Rapson, Kenneth Pethick,- inWinthrop until being admitted Mervin and Murray Pepper and, to Kilbarchan Nursing Home East, William Harburn..• fall. His wife, - the former Flowerbearers were William P. Margaret Jane Oldfield, has been Miller, John Oldfield,'A rt and a 'patient at Kilbarchan fPr some Harold Pethick. time. `r- Funeral service was held The couple, who have been Wednesday at 2:30 ,p.rti. married ' 58 years,' formerly larmed in McKillop ToWnship EPHRIAM AA$E. before retiring to Winthrop. Funeral- services for the late • • Winthrop, who died on January daughters, Ruth, Mrg. = Leslie 25 were held the VVitney Ribey Pepper, Egmoddville; and Annie, Funeral-- Home, Seaforth, on Mrs; Harry Itapson-r-Walton; a- Thursday, January -21 coddlicte- son, George , R.R.1,' Seaforth; a by Rev: M.E.Rebuer of sister Annie, Mrs.• J. Bean, Northside •United Church. two great 'grandchild en. London; 'eight grandaTildren add Pallbearers Were: Harry Rapson, Ross McClure, Gordon The body rested at the Murray, Murray'.Haase, Ken Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home _Lamy finrne -an iv-here funeral'-service Wi-i-herd bearers were: Cindy Horne, Wednesday at 2:30- p,m. With Rev. Mervyn Reuber officiating. H JOHN PETHICK Tempeirary' entombment at are'his wife two Ephriam Earl •• _Haase' " of Surviving s e, Donna McCone, M arilyn Horne,.. David Haase. . _ . .NUMB4R 4 HIGHWAY at Bru"cefieldls hortpern - • boundary. What mOre can we say? • .(Expositor. Phota)' The father of five children had -• '- won, a toy at a raffle. He called the - kids together to ask which 'one should'have-the presesnt. ' "Who is the most obedient?" he asked. "Who never t alks back• to Mother? Who does everything she says?"' Five. Antall voices answered' in unison, "Ton- play- •with it, daddy!" Safi! es "Maybe you-`don't like my hOyfilend," said the daughter to her father, '!bat-you notice he calls • for me in' 'a ,S7,000 sports cart" "That's nothing," replied the father, '"I--usekl-to. take• your mother out in a $25,000 ' The worst I've seen A:SNOWBOUND SUNDAY The snow--.has forpad tie cancellation of mariy,activi1ied in'recent days. ."Good grief" was to have been the subject .of -a sermon, but it sums up Many peoples reaction to the weather as well. Services were 'canceiled at First Presbyterian. Church as Wall. as.' others 'faVtin ;16 Sunday. (Continued _front they can to make the snow plow operator's job easier. 'When farm 'people get their. cars: stuck on the roads, they'get thein Out Of, the way of plows, "Farm peopfelte really Conscientious," Mr. Hulley , says. "We're all out to help each other.'' It doesn't get lonely out a plow, even in the middle of the night in a storm, Frank Hulley Says,"hecause there's not time for' it. ,:lrou're always looking. That black spot up ahead 'could be a ,car. It's usually bare gravel, but it could be-a cats: What doeS .O snowplow_ Plow drivers set goals for operator- do in his •spare 'time? themselveS and sre, busy' thinking Well, oddly,ettOugh, Frank Hulley ahead:LTH-thinkLio-mySelf-thati:Thas:-= " -not • time for-- P11 'make--the Dublin "road then sneWmebiling..."i get enough: back around'to.Con Eekert's farm, bucking and, rooting on the by 4 -n ..--We dofirt,alWays•make pioW." • them, but we set theni." But he likes cross country• SnoW blowers, which • most •skiing and he _and:Ills wife are JoWlishipa don't7Own, Will be nature lovers whO like to w at oh needed to blow holes along the the birds that come` to, their two concession roads before the plows feeders. Birds are .scarce though` can open up McKillop, Mr, this winter'. "I think they knew -Hnlley thinks. The 'blowers are • something we didn't nd kept rentee'from -wherever they're right -on flying south'," Mrs. available",.=..and then. '" Hulley says:. . (Continued frorifeiRake•71).... Were able.to-pick-up their patient; who was alone with' his wife and -Children, and take him.to Seaforth• ' hospital. They got back to, town ahoiit 3;30. a.m. D,Oc/er - of ' Nursing. Shirley Ring 7 said TueSday •that Mr. Pe ":Tong , •who is 50, was slightly, improved and. his condition was stable. Mr..'Watson" said a trip by ' ambulance to pick • .up , a car• accident On Highwiy.,"4 near Brucefield Friday :"was the With the help: of seven neighbours who arrived' on their ' snowmobiles with home Are,, thrtingitishers, they were able to -..extinguish the fire. Str=oke was 'first noticed 'by (4gpOsitor Mad) 4-year ord Craig Murray who alerted his parents. As the lioifSer- filled with smoke they called' neighbour, Jim .Maloney, who could, see fire breaking through the wall • of.the :.The Seaforth area Fire ,Brigade was- called 'ar4 Other neighbotiit. ' - Mrs. Murray said; the fire was at filier.level and broke Ofieonly on the outside. With dies the men broke into the .outside ' vinyl covered' wall' and were able to contain it. MrS, Murray said, the . able. to recall the strande firemen when.- the. fire was extinguished. Wilfred -LDrager, 'used, silowbloWer • to make: ti • • path back to the. County road 12 as the' firemen retrated.tht.4...41/2,,. m ile trip. The_ tkragers had , served coffee and sandwiches to the firemen stranded near their' house. Mrs. Murray said the smOke damage was extensive in the house and the daMaged • In 1974; the total number of divorced persons in N.S1 was less' than 1% (.19%) .of total Population of N.Iva Scotia. .Play, in.spiteof storm In *Otte of a very sternly night. Handi, Mrs. Alex p'eriperi ..; last "WecipegOtiy; enough people Mrs. MifY Habkielq'Oents - High, : • turned nut in a joint 1.0:0.V. and , Wilmer Cuthill; lone hands Peter ge:b*.th''6411i* party 1'9 have Malcolm; low.ttack seven OrtY; `..' . charge were Mks. .146itiiitit Mehl and Mtg. •Prik welt.; Keith served MrSi''rhetnas Carteil tone lu nch. hbours-heip-erpergendies worst he's ever experienced.- heavily packed insulation kept: the Bill., had his head out one Are from spreadhig. windoW.and I Was • out the .other The SeafOrth, Firemen were and we were dodging, trucks that stopped by a huge drift two miles"' you just couldn't:See:" However; from. .the Murray home on the trien-got that patieni to Concession `4" - 5. of MCKillop hospital too. - . 1 when the •township road' grader The Steve Murray, family ,of breaking at path for theni ecathe . .. ,.. • 4.12":5,, Seaforth, had _some • stuck.-Fireman Tom 'Fkiliips at, anxious moments Sundayevening the Seaforth Fire Depatinienf ' :*when fire broke out- in a wall In. •office was lit contact by telephene * the home. '1 with the Murray home and he (,t, N Originally •. founded to assist polio victims, the Ontario March of Dimes pares for disabled adults, no matter what the cause of their disabilities; won't You care too? Give to the Ontario .' March Of Dimes, 269 operators can use plow:wings tci „ `.`start' pushing it back.," "People really do need people," Says-the snow plbw operator, , who's certainly - qualified.to"knoW.-His wife Betty; ,who, works aetoss the street, from their home as cook at Kilbatchan Nursing Home, fills in When other staff members are unable get to their jobS "and thinks nothing of it." - 'our Lie,enced13,odyrNtenLio'erve Yoy; COMPLETE COLLISION, • AND * -24."00011 YAW IN~C