HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-03, Page 15i!V - • 1 ' .„. , .• • .riE, •11YR9,.N, EXPOSITOR, P.E13,13•14ARY six .aid 23 Boo. Pircetoky . 23 P11!04-. 4(NSTETT-JE-vyELL RS LTD wATpli At Jerivet.LEFor-RepAms__ — WE 8E4 AND SERVICE BuiaVa-AcCutron- Watches 3STaREs- -SEAFORTH — CLINTON_ WALKERT6N 21-'734 Every week More and more people discover what mighty jobs are aecemplished by low .cost ...I, : ..:127',.()Z4q1,,,, :.",, friends who . helped "them celebrate'.44 years of marriage - with a family dinner-on January _'73, Also:Lthanks for- the many-- _____ beautiful-cards--and money:- I wish to thank my family, friends Everything was very much and neighbours who visited ' tile ' appreciated. Thanks again for the and sent giftv cards and flowers wonderful time ',-.-- ,,IVIi. and -While I was a patient in, Seaforth Nrs.Daye Netzke: ' ---t.' 24:82.1 _ ,,,„. Community. Hospital. Special - thanks to Father Laragh, Dr. 25 In Memoriam , -- .. Mattis, 'staff of the2 --=ospital. HOGGART .. In 'riving memory - Your • kindliess! Will alWays be of a dear son LOrne who was killed reniemberedr, -- Nora Maloney Feb. 8, 1975, •>24-8.2x1 'There's never a day that paisZs '' . . 'thinks to those who -sent flOral tributes-and charitable donations during their recent 'bereavement, sincerely thank all the neighhourS birth ," their ' Smiles Home and to those Who-brought 'food t the, " home These kindnesses. are • greatly appreciated and Will -always bp remembered: Mrs Smyth and fainiry. 24-82-1 LET 11S• !Mite YOUR OLD FURNITURE The Ontario Mirth •of Dimes is the only province-wide, organization dedlcatedte helping disabled adults, no matter what ....a.- die cause of disability. Faunded in 1951. the Ontario March Of Dimes is often the only source ,of .,aid for, diSabled adults. Please give generamisly when a March of Dimes' Volunteer Ctinvhser calls on yOu. • ow' or a ST. X 440A. 24 Cards-'of Thaiiks Htfrok,Expositor want AdS Dial We wish to thank their family arid . 24 cards of Thanks r The family of the late Mrs: Ada .But ourby'" thoughts reach out to Smillie Wish to express their you heartfelt, thanks and appreciation Never a joy, that comes to us • to relatives, friends and ButWe_wish- you could share it fof their many acts of .- kin flOral -.tributes, memorial donations messages of sympathy' 4ating their recent bereaveinent. Special thanks to Mrs: Jantze and her staff at the' ' Queensway Nursing Home, ReV, D. Beck and -the Bonthron Funeral Home. -Your kindness Will always be remembered. 24-82-1 E)early, loved and sadly missed by Mum '& pad Hesselwood. 25-82x1 • 26 fersOoet The farnily of; the late Ephriam Haase-Lwisli-4e--express-their and friends for the beatitiful floral daughter Erin Lee on January 25, ;kindness. ..and, • eheerful Pethick.' of Winthrop.... Beloved. husband of Margaret Oldfield and __ - companionship of his roommate Mr. Zack --MeSTadden, br.' dear father of Ruth (Mrs L One teen-age; boy to anotbei: Pepper), Anniellgis'.41,, Rapson) "Hey, you had your long hair cut Whitman, the nurses at Seaforth HosPital, 'the ladies of Unit 6 and George. Also survived by one . off. How much weight did you' sister , and „ 8 grandchildren :arid Main Street United Church,. great-grandchildren. Friends Mitchell: for the - loVely lunch tw° Second boy:_, "About 200 called at 'the Whitney-Ribey. pounds - I got my father off my,' served, Reit. Michael -Boulger ti Funeral 'flome, 87 Goderich and the HeatbAealie '~uncial Street , -West where funeral service' was held: Tuesday, :The inisus, at •3:00 -the February 1st, at 2 p.m. with Rev.': morning:. "Wake up,' I. hear a' service was held Wednesday, -nionet-squeakitig." February 2nd, at 2 p.m. with Rev. . Her spouse: "So what 'do you. M. M. Reuber officiating. Interment want me to do: get out of bed and Maifiandbank Cemetery. .28-82-1 oil it?" BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at, .7 our newest samples' of mat-Mats - CALL 'COOK UPHOLSTERY., Ph., 52X4272- Cook, Prop, "Put Your upholotOring, • Needs In Qv Nandi" Blytli, Ont. WE HAVE FREE,PICK-DP-AND DELIVERY SERVICE r•-= er Hulley assisted by firemen arid Wilt Drager tractor worked ter about an But the machine. was there to 'stay. LoolcCof worry soon replaced determination On all. our faces, 'One by one We ,realized ` our 'chances ofgetting Out were Yslim. Keeping • in touch' with the fi.te* who 'manned their base • radios-- - and telephones relaying messages until we were home. Drager offered to try blowing the way to the north road, his wife and kids'were left alone in the kitchen-in mere seconds. Tlip trek back ;to town ,took hour. At times we doubted about Making it. ,The: wipers 'on fast"- couldn't keep 'up to the blowing snow and the path of the snow blower filled quickly.. The, north . --Troad'was a Might, welcOme sight but the lights o Seaforth were even better, A .huge thankS"'to Wilf Diner and his family is in order from 15 " tired thankful Firemen and One equally - tired thankful' Chesney and the other CBer's 1'1114 it t 1111111111111 11110111 h.. • HAPPY FACE " SOmeorte obviously , thinks the Weather situation, in ,th'darea. is something to smile about. Many however don't. • ' (Expositor Photo) .gin uminuimmilmmusuullimllowild 11,tp SEAFORTH —527-0064 I'l 1 Dtive 'Robb ROFESIONAL. PHOTOGRAPH' Weddings - A niriversaries :'; • Fortraite:',Iildustrial - -Team & Group Picture; • MtKILLO UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, • NOTICE' is hereby given lhet- the /*mike! Meeting Of .the PolitYlititders of pui Company will ,thit held,.at the The best - way to stop the dollar fromshrinking to !et US stretch it. receive and dispose of the Financial and -To elect Directors,-., • -To aperdinL„Miditors transact any.other 'business that they , .property come befdre ,the .mooting the retiring tilrectors are'John McEwing, Stanley McLiwaln- and Notmen irewartha;'' all of wh(5M' are'• eligible for, •, : . ' 'All members are invited:Ja be present.' gEAFORTH , PNTAF,110 Febru aryrid cry I 1' )977' 1:SO.p.m.; . k This newspaper can help you stretch each d011aftn cover more • of the things your family needs. Watth our editorial "eniuMns for advie 'on gond food buys: and money-saving homemaking tips , Our ads careftilly,' for price. w. 'and- h., and:value. •Cotnpare-.--ThttrWhew you visit the fine retailers who advertise.with us you'll rind your money- goeS further. • And.. the Inflationary pinch- will lturta little less. TRUCK STOP rtEimber Of heavy trucks waited to.: stay 5:0 u POnctitions• impalved:71: at out-part-of-the-day-near the main street intersectkr --JrriproVem-efft bas'yet to come, and motorists are still in Seaforth at noon on Friday. Thet2ighway'•wai advised not to risk travel. igxPositor:pnoto)%• impassable and area polide were advising,motorists 27 Birthfi .,_ , ' Pumper and tanker. I remained was stuck in a huge drift just past' sandwiches . to the 15 ' or • so . photograPher., Also_thanks. from- . FISCIAR I-...--Weg And Debbie of behind at the corner to; block.. the the Wilf Drager farm. A drive discouraged men who had tried to, .'the Seaforth -Fire .Area" "Board" . to the staff of Seaforth Corn- Chatfield, Manitoba are pleased sightseers from following the wheel on one side had lost its. keep warm in shifts in truck cabs, ' because two frOzen fire trucks munity Hospital n and ...Stratford 't° aritiPunee::thafe"-nrrival of trucks down the narrow path. It chain and_ the gig machine slid As the road-back tilled fair,-),Ta would, bebice-hell of a mess! Our General Hospital on their efforts; their first.ihild, a son; 7113s.1I oz. seemed like ages-before the lights.- -'sideways into the bank: Frank . had one hope 1eff. When Wilt thanks' also to Marilyn. and Glen to Rev: E.G.NeTson and R.S.Box on Jarinary28 at Thelon Hospital. Funeral •Home. A speeial thank . -Flatilif grandparents are Ralph you to Gary Etettles. 24-82-1 :. and Joyce-Fischer, .,Walton and __ Jim and" Shirley McNair,. of iver----ge.s to - Rosemary i Alberta. • 27=82-1 • - Deb and Len It C - e I I via Exeter, 19 siVrirm The family of the, lat JAMIE SON h • . Harold B. SmYth, Brodhagen, Jamieson,.R.R..2,.Seaferth wish to e patry„,fariners have:aced many--p-robii-s- -77-•" of '1 orVI-F-day7Tvitli;a Tuckersmith plow attempt- ".• , when snow 6locketfrods had prevented milk ' ing to reach area..dairy farms in that township arrangements, donations to the 1977 at St,- 'Joseph's Hospital, trucks reaching-their farms. Their problems but in a trip that ended, at 2 a.m. Tuesday was Heart and Cancer Foundations, London. ' ' .' 27;82x1 Were• shared 'by drivers of area milk tank ' •able to make only three piCkups; United Church missions and the trucks' as. they battled the roads in efforts to After a few'hours sleep he was out again on generous donations 'to the Sudan• 28 - ''''PiCk up m ilk. -Tue'Sday', this time in We •Grand Bend area. Deths • --'' . Interior Mission , PETIBM John R. On January Junior Storey.of Seaforth who drives atank . fo reach Mitchell it was necessary to travel - Leprosariiim West Africa and truck for:'Stacey Bros. in Mitchell spent moNt---- Via Eleter. - ' ' ' 29, 1977 at Seaford) CommunifY' . sympathy. cards. Special thanks:to ' Hospital in his 87th. year. John R. . . the Manor Nursing Home, the Mr. and Mrs: John Janmaat, Simday night, just -before 10:00 R.R.2, Seaforth, are Pleased to F.M. The fire at - Stephen .announee,„ , the forthcoming Murray's of: Beechwood ' was all Marriage of their daughter, Mary_ but impossible te g.:4t to because ,: enough to see over except in, odd scene by phone and CB radio; we - 'Geraldine to Mr. Danny. Edward:: of road conditions, so. Frank spots where trees formed a wind learned neighbors had been- Johnson, son of Mr: and Mrs. Hulrey was sumilioned to assist break. In. these -spots the road,' called. 'De fire was under James Boyce, Bayfield. The with the McKillop Township looked 'like swirling,, cotton.. - - control. The Maio problem then wedding will take place February grader-snoWplow. . ' . it , At the, first sideroad we could was getting the trucks back to 26th at 5 p.m. in St. James' .1 Frank led the way up the north' 59e the flashing lights and soon town before they froze: . Church, Seafoilh7— ,-6--82x1-:-croad to Grieve.'S'' B,ria-te and found` fliere.:were-prohleins•in _ -7Tfie Driger family opened their " headed east ',followed y ..the 'more ways than one: The grader Nine i and served coffee- and . r (By Dave Robb) disappeared over the hill east of A fire is tragic at any time, brit' 'the bridge:, - - in the middle of ' sotnYbelt Half an hour later ,l found out blizzard it often spells disaster. r why as I followed Peter Kling Fifteen of Seaforth's volunteer through the. ''Pass", Fifteen 'foot• firemen •responded to an alarm high banks, hardly truck width had already begun to fill in, in ,spots to bumper depth, The banks were never l'ow ; .. ... -,. '14 . MRS.. MARGARET SHARPy cretorY'-freastkrer