HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-03, Page 6THE HUR-014-POSET011,—FEBRUAFIN3 1977 • Seaforth Manor Happenings .."1•, ‘1111 01 /de E Schneiders Frozen T. :,--=-: N - -C$U•AKER... * • "5 MINI S1ZZI.ERS 7, 4.....r.......... a Sc Family .:. • 2 Lb. •-•8 .......-- , am _▪ isaiL BEEF PATTIES--;. -Box - . au. ,... 1I:silhailliL . , — am ..:-.... Sch-heiderS Froien — = 41.:-: , esW. Pne Minute 440z, ,...... joret, Quick: , - .....-,,... =,.... siv 4'8 oz., „*".6' aliiiiiiii11110011111MilliiiitililiiiIIIIMillffilliiiliffillijni ,Z", ' , E-,MEAT ,PiE %„:. 'Pr' , alliamir.03.0 :titt. 8,3 au: 0#° !, - - • ..".• • Jr $ THE mtilviryPt MONtiyhet.--,, Th!a fflgOt0.111ng. y = 0 , ,,.. i It s . ,......\.,.. .,,dteatufe-Wes_64,e of the ,tiirritit'l-ii764100ajw-hloh "tiatt ' = filitt411 :li1 /4 ' fill( ,..„, them screaming in the hof0fidflollsa:Of Spook at SPS , :E. FOQO si-OrlEg . „: Sto.REHOUR -.--Fun,Day Wednesday at.noon'. There was a 100 ".' . ,Allkiik , = - 7- • k444.\ it 11110A \ • ‘1111#1111 7. .40 .00:B1N HOOD HAT AM I BID? = Auctioneer Neil Mitchell 11111111. '44411t „ IOW exhortg a group of bidders not to pass•up a chance to = own this be-e-e-autifu1 book at S.P.S.last week. E They needed -a lot of convincing. . • . E awe ( Expbsitor Photo) —: Oa. __ • 411061 ' IBMs O. = " JO° 20 Lb. Bag • UMW mo▪ m E t 'yaccuum • halfway down your throat, 'prod your teeth with-his -miniature ice''pfek 'and then start- .asking • questions, .Such 'as "HoW's your. ear running?" "How do you' 'like :this weather?" or ".1 Xrayed this molar* the last time you.'were - here, didn't , Why does -a•••- doctor , ask ''you" where it '.hurtS,- press the area with cold' fingers, note your flinch and query, "Feel that?'' • What does a doCtor's "Uh-huhl" really ---:-mean?' • -. - • -` Why does a nurse use:the plural pronoun "we"? "How are we_ feeling this- •Morning?' •"Now,' we'll have our bath?" • • "It's time we took our thedicine.",„, Why do' the creators of TV commercials think all viewers are dummies? They must--think - we-'re -dammies. --b-therWiseT -why would they air such 'stupid . promotion's? ',Do they honestly believe the highlight ofa housewife's day is throwing a new cling-free sheet into her 'dryer? Do they, think women swoon -over the: man 'dressed.. in--white, w,l'ao's „peddling .garbage bags? Why are the best • shows • on, teleAvision reruns of reruns? ,When a woman drivei'cpasSes. a' Male motorist, why does he feel compelled 'ft) overtake and pass •her`?. • •• 'if we -couldn't ask "How are .you?" how would we greet. people? If we couldn't remark . abOurthe weather, how would We' break an. awkward silence?' One fellow, who •recently returned front-- 'Florida, noted:: "The people down' there 'doiVt •know,,ho-w..to ,begin . conversation;_ • the weather always.stays. the same:" Why-do we complain aboul the weather?. • It doesn't clo';us any goodrOecall",t„change the fOrecast...A :green. Cnristn4 s .doesn't 'seem right;- but a. tobt7of snow niakes travelling tlifficult.Wli are we never satisfied?' • --- Why -do we always eat too &oral, at. special meals,' such as New ...Years., ChiiStmas' and Thanksgiving? Why don't, we learn our lesson 'from . one 'hlo,ated ,`holiday to the-Titext?„, Why '•• do • 'ive -" make New ' Years' resolutions, when'. we know. we'll . break them? • ,-".- Why do • we '.glorify the warmth and MING line-u'p. of akOactahf-.0000. In tha hal*aSt:Oufgida'. .= P • 9-6 .this atitiotioO.wattfogfo: balrightboad half to deaTh. :Ai.' 'V? ' 1.1;"•”: I?(Y.,T4ny Nielsen dr$6aaef.aa,, rt; Seaf'th 'Ontarso . . Phi? 'iliiiiillinirniiinifii,i1B00101.110111#01111000411110finifidinilip"iiiiii0101,11ll.li:0"10010011001100.11100101110.000.01011.010pliMillitalliffiiiiirt • A few -4ttestions' puzzle me.- -friendliness of Cbristrnastime and then. For example, why "does -a- dentist pry , forget 'the feeling for the next twelve your mouth open, wedge two rolls of batten- •_ • months? between your -gums, SluiVe his tiny Why do the years pass faster as we grow .elder? Why. does twenty-lour hdurs . seem likc only a mordent to some' Of us and like, . an etettity to others? -•: Why do, we think .we have, to keep up with the ones'?" • Why are we busier than anyone else? Why are our problem's the most-, difficult to solve? Why is our sorrow,deeper than anyone else's? Why is our .pin worse-than that felt !by others? Why. do we take so much for granted, including health,. freedom and lov0 Odds rt Ends Elakte Townshend ,Questi onS Sr 01141* = , LIQUID. = BLEACH = Alm - 41.6 - Mal 00. "." 'OP Prices effective till Tues. Feb. 8' /77 .1. • - I • P , - - • - • • 0. YQU'RE ALL WET.— Three heads are thrarget for water soaked sponges in one • of events at th.e Seaforth Public Schoo fun day•held during .the•lunch hour lait - Wednescl.ay. Shown" reacting to a near miss 'are, from '1, K . evin Youn, Neil 0 John8bn, and Mark Flanagan. •(pxpositor g Photo) .„ . . • . _ • IIIIIIIIII.1111111111111111111111111111111 1/11111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111 /1 1/11//1/111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111101111111111111/1i111111111111111E1 moo =L.e I 243 Am. sok 000' E Robin Hood Frozen ...... SO* $0',„, ;, .... g--: BREAD DOUGH iliPak jpir io L Lb. BA ox ..... ••• 1. . e \. \. .-. i."---. Mr. Muscle S S I • Roe; Yielding and tnentb.ers.ef the -Retitet Church.. - • • .1.:letket Bible Church. visited .N1001000 , —:77—Searortlylvitctior on Wedneiday afternoon and provided:a 3.erviee by-her dattetters Mrs. Neale Reid - of inspiration -and- song,: TwO and Mrs: David Andrews of 1. lovely .duets were sung-..by Mrs. Toronto. J.Rapson • and Mrs. Virginia Mr, Erie Dow was visited bybis Balton, a readi.4 by44z6. Rot„.. daughter Mrs: Clark of Gardiner-, and also- ' Mrs, • 14.06 • Mrs. Frankle Ball visife"d"with • Kipfer of Stratford SpOke, :Pastor Mrs. Ada • Reid. Yielding gave his ineSSage,,and • Bingo was enjoyed by everyone 4.? prayer and II4 Gardner and Doris i .on Friday afternoon. • Wills .,sang 'a dtiet. Lunch_ . • Mr. Rost Krueger. of, Excipr served prpvicted by the° ladies of was visited by WS. Krueger. "1111•111111.111011111.1111..r. -•1011111111/' ,UNIOPINV. U I I F_Prod Mexico Can. I) N k4\ g PINEAPPI_ES 79Pai .... = Prod of Honduras „S:- •ff-BA NANAS A . 144,1771110ii.k t7,' ,OVEN .CLEANER "Z. 79,1:i -; GEM !RICE • i41, _5.901 )----, 401Wilifor itiimmilliiiiimimiiiiimilimiumwolliiiiiiiiimilloa, .. ,,°40sc KNEID,,Rsti. • , . - 41103.. KENT ' aiimujolliimpommomimmiii0iffimmimmimill:g. , 41Z, ci E Gaines,.„„ — -aft - 40 I Fi* GRAVEY .TRAIN 4080,:luuE • =" . oz 0.• 6"--,Miracle Whir; Arn E SALAD -:DRESSINP, -:4911111311111111111111111111i10111111111MMIIIIMillinill11110 1:=17 Green Giant' • FROZEN PEAS 89' • VALLEY 'FARM FROZEN FRENCH 'PRIES Carnation 12-1 0_.--Pkg. E HOTCHOCOLA .0 1 Lb.. 99' Nor MEM Nam ler Imo Imo • !W. swim MINN MINIM "NMI WNW 1,1=1•10 41111%, FROZEN as ars. "avisap.- .1111i .00 101 DS 0111.1k 011101/40 .dik! SCH NEID ER S --"ItAtE•RWO .2% MILK Dep 1 • 19 • IMMO Mom • moo • SUM S OM. IMO NEM NOM NMI nom IMO MEM 01.1•0 IWO IMO Mae n ieni EMIR • NNW 1 liena • lima loam . MiliniiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiMUMMIMMIIIIIIMMiiiiiiMS F..4 PICK•OF•THE•CROP .... _ . NI MR I . . . _ ...., 39' In 1 N a Prod. of Mexico Can No •,1 A n == :dt, SMALL TOMATOES LIZ nor NMI , =EIS `AVE RESERVE THE. RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • . • &WM ...it 1. ammo Ica*, *44' NMI 4IMM Min 11.111 110▪ .▪ =▪ 1 Prock.0§A can LETTUCE .