HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-16, Page 1VOL, XXIV,-M-NO. 1232.. WING -HAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1895, $l A YEAR IN ADVANCE, The HAS RE OVER --TO HIS— NEW QUARTERS In the stand. lately occupied by J. J. Homuth St Son, and can ciinfidently say that he has now the Most Complete and Well -Ap- pointed Store this side .of -Toronto, being greatly enlarged and refitted throughout with all the latest im- provements, with Open Counters and Glass Tops, and shall soon have the Cash Carriers in operation. The Store is magnificently lighted and affords All theforth�?�'�p �� �� l000mriationof ou lutnion ti1 We are making addi- tions to our stocks, daily, and shall be in, a better position to attend to their *ants than ever before. Give the Bear a call, and see what we can do for you, Sting BOWLE WE t CHEAP BEING BORN BLIND IS BAD ENOU', But some people neglect their oyes until DARKNESS COMBS. Better consult an "Eye Speoialist" at the first indication ot trouble. ,See PROF, CHAMIBERLAE , EYE SPECIALIST, 8.1 ]ting; St. East, Toronto, Ont. Will be at Williams' Druz, Store, Wui,•liao,, Ont. soon, Watch fcr date. 1. IDS1lJllIlD1U1 °LEVIN SALE. LADIES' SHOES Men's Shoes. Children's •Shoes In fact all lands of Shoes in Black or Colorr.;t. 1,.1'Dou't fail to see the prices in ourwindows next Saturday. GEORGE GOOD, Icor Solid Reliable .Shoes 2 doors north of Bost O:ilce. —••••' Lt�al'rlag0 Licenses Issued by FRANIK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria Rtreet, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses reg a tred. COR. YONOE ANO GERRARD STS., TORONTO, Canada's Greatest Commercial School. Lame tt c idty ; Superior courses ; Stridents assisted to positions every week. Write for circulars. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Principals. In point of teaching stair, school equip-. anent, courses cot study, and €agility in seour}ng you etnploymeut. Your money refunded if our R Latements provo sae This is our offer to you. Write us for papers and catalogue. Fall term com- mences Sep tem her 3rd. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. P. VIoINTOSH, Principal. LOCAL NEWS. Don't throw bane a peelings on the side- walks, —Correspondent will please send their communications re ularly every week. Brooms 10e. each. Kerr to Conary, --The pa'ettres ttr in good sh tpo again and the frequent eh rers insure good fall feed. —A large pietu e has been occupying one of the window of Messrs. Ilornuth a Bowles' store for tl past few days. It is a. very good ,picture of the graduating date of 1505 of the Fore City Business College, London. —Watches, elooks and jewelry promptly repaired and dully warranted by 2letence i'Axut, opp, Macdonald Block, gingham. •'-•'•The following, lee of ridding the kitchen Arid dieingten of flies is said to be a good. onesTA .arlrna11 stave shovel, heat it red-hot as urea it few drops of carbolic acid, havitt', lsrevionsly closed all doorsart .d w f ndo . Irl a f' sv aw minutes open the room arra ;t flies will bo found to have entirely dis eared. Only a faint odor of the fareo of oat'hoiie acid will re- ntable X X X is going out of boots at any price. '--Miss Nellie Ora , of town, hoe been engaged to teach i the Clinton Public School (tering the odel terms, --Bev. .foe. .ii ilton, of the Baptist church, txohangec pulpits last Sunday, with Rev. err. Co . i, of Clinton. Wine 13isceits, ' Ibs for 25o., Iierr Conery, —Mitchell ]acro se club aro the einem, pions of the Huron District, having won that honor without astaining a single de- feat, —Miss liitclten, lately choir leader in the Presbyterian el troll in this place, has been appointed coir leader in Knox church, Listowel. Cash for butter a d eggs at Griff'in's Grooery, --Chemists say th t more than twice no much sugar is neede to sweeten preserves, sauces and such like, if put in when they begin to cook, resit es to add it after the process is accomplisl ec1. —Mrs.Saint has s tied her claim, against the Stun Fire Insura co Company for the loss of her stable, w jell was burned on Monday morning of not week. The settle- ment was made by ' , Youhill, the local agent of the Cornea y. —Service in the ongregational church on Sabbath next, 1 th inst., at the usual "lours, 11 a. m. an 7 p. tn. The Pastor, the Rev, Henry 1 . Mote, D. D., will preach, taking for his morning snhject : "The windows of Leaven," and for his evening subject : " le divine power." All are welcome. Great bargains in summer millinery, at Miss 1yallace's. —The WValkerto Telescope appeared last week enlarged nd greatly improved. It is now a nd•colu: n paper, and shows signs of prosperity Week before last it had a splendid wri up of Walkerton; and a number of its bus ass men, and gave a number of cuts of tl e business men of the town. 4111r. Tbos. Bell las returned from his trip to Grand Rapid Michigan. He says that is the greatest f rnitere menufectur- ing centro in the Thai ed States. There are a great number of fa tortes, and some of them employ more th n 600 men. Each factory makes but a f w lines, and bas the most approved mach nery for turning it out expeditiously and 'heaply. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocer y store, —The rural Public will open after vac August. Tho Provin will open on the High schools, and 1 schools in cities, ton villages, will open oe The County Model so 2nd of September, 'of Pedagogy will o October. td Separate schools tion on the 19th of ial Normal schools th of August. The ublic and Separate is and incorporated he 20th of August. ools will open on the he Provincial School en on the 1st of . T.: R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. se 13.;; 0.85 a. m. and 8.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good cm - motions by all trains. mi l—The Grand Lo sof the Independent Order of Oddfellows nd the Grand Lodge of tho Daughters o Rebekah held their annual meetings in amiltou, this week. Bros..). A.,11torton a d Wn':. Robertson, of Maitland Lodge, I. O. F., were itt at- tendance. The fon; er is a member of the Committee on Law a position he has held for a number o years, and the latter represents Maitlen Lodgeseel Mrs. Jobe ;Elder was the velar entative from Olivetto Lodge to the Gr 'nd Lodge of the Il.e- bekahs. Miss Mattie Stuart wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and vicinity that1 the Dress and Mantle malting business, I formerly carried on by Miss Cbarlotte Are- Deneld, wine continued by leer in the old stand, Gregory Block. Cutting and fitting a specialty. —Rev. 1t. A.11fit family and Miss Toronto on Monday 'Mission field at Honi ]cartel° is att aunt of town, who was at T see her take her arm Tuesday contains lea..takin et the e f3 large number had a moved off those on the familiar hymn, of /nano ]tame." ISardines, Key Opener, ae„Iferi' &Octuery, —Mr, D. Stewart s ipped a oar load of bogs to the Colliugwo4d Meat Company, on Thursday. The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Hats, at 'Miss Wallace's. —Subject ie 1I hodist churoh, next Sabbath evening, w 1 bee "Christianity or Infidelity, Which?' —Ur. Jas. Head mon, of the Bluevale road, left at our o ce, on Wednesday, a very fine sample o Blade Tartar oats in the straw. The raw is five feet three inches long, which is considered something unusual this dry sea on. The balance of our stook of millinery goods at cost and under, at Miss Wallace's, e, —Mr. Alex. Rite ie, Who has been en- gaged with Mr. i1:t:. . lnd instore �' MO Oe bis st e for some time, on count of illness, was compelled to go to his home, near Tees - water, last week, t is said that his illness has developed into pretty severe case of typhoid fever.V --Kincardine eporter : On Tuesday evening, Bev. Dr. ifford, of Wingham, de- livered an instruct e and higbly interest- ing address before he Epworth League of the Kincardine M 'hodist church on the subject of the qual' les of sncoorsfel Ep- worth League wort —The Walkerton Council have let the contract for the c sewer in that town sewer will be 3191 f be nine inch pipe for inch for the balanot ooutract price is $2, /be done by a Bollevi. ell, Mrs. Goforth and nnie Mackenzie, left 1 for the Presbyterian l n, China. ]friss Mao- i re. G. Melutyre, of i cont* on Monday to dare. The Globe on an account of their 1 ion Station, where a+ enabled, As the train he platform struck up 1 " 411 Hail the Power nstruetion of a large The length of the et and the piping is to 1,000 feet and eighteen of the drain. The 17, and the work will e snag.. For a short time, Miss MOPhers0n is malting great reductions' in the prices of millinery. Call and inspect the stock and get prices. Mrs. Her sman's old stand. —In another cola: n, Mr. Alex. Ross, bookseller, announc that he bas full supplies of school re dsites, such.as books, copy books, scribbler , &o, His 300 -page 5 ceut scribbler is a m st desirable ono, as It has a map of the Co my of Iluron on the back cover page, an is splendid value for the money. --Mr. H. h'. Gord n has disposed of his drug business to Mr Colin A. Campbell, of Toronto, who has t on possession of same. Mr. Campbell is an honor graduate of the Ontario College of ' harmacy, and comes here highly recd: ended as a pushing business man. Hi found in another c announcement will be umu.ktg Someting New. We are opening up a large shipment of the Buse Boots and Shoes knr,wn to the Canadian trade, which were pnrcbased before the great advance in prices, and we aro going to sell them at old prices. This is a rare chance to get the best. D. M. GooDox. —The bicycle is :teaclily working its way into popularitywi 1 the farmers, At .first looked upon with contempt as a useless toy, affected by du , and execrated for its proclivities of fr htening horses, it is beginning to be re sized as a handy y n a - chine to have about 'or running to town or carrying messages. , .'ecting tnnch saving in time and wear an' tear of the horses and vehicles. A hie; de will be considered as necessary upoti a farut in the near future as a churn. —A meeting of e Directors of the Turnberry Agrieulttir Society was held in Swarts' hotel, on S urday lest. There was a full attendance, and the main busi- ness nets the revision f the prize list for the fall fair, to be 11 Id in Wingham, on Tuesday and Wedges ay, September 24th and 25th. Quite t few chandos were made,and some prise; vera aided to the list. The Directors to hay charge of the differ- ent departments of t e exhibition wore ap- pointed, as also a m nagement committee. It was decided that hs show shall remain open utttit 4.80 p. n , tho last Clay, instead of 4 o'clock, as itt tl . past. The Secretary Was instructed to -rite the Zion. ,Tobe Dryden, the Minis or of Agaiciilture, viting him to ette d. the show and deliver an address, the first night, if possible, Posters arid psi' _ lists will be out soon. The meeting ndjot ned till i3'eidayr Atienst 800, at 0 p. , to meet at Kimball's hotel. The Best Ad-ertieomente. Many thousands of tutsotieited letters have reached the manufacturers ot Scott's 1':tnulsion from those cured through its nee, of Consumption and Sorofulous dis. Weal stone net speak so confidently of its merits en those who have tested it. Weed Palle 10e, each, Leen Conry. —There will be n . meeting of Anchor of Hoge Lodge, I. 0. T., on Tuesday even- ing next, as the hal will be occupied that evening. —This section As been visited by copious showers f rain during the past week, and the cm s have been greatly benefited, as well s the pastures. VI—Messrs. P. G. and John MGDon base, on Tuesday t of them were who lbs. 10 ozs. and 311 —Messrs. John new engine runnin mill's, They had parling, Wm, McAsh id caught some fire d Wednesday. Two pers and wei ;heti 3 3 ozs. earshot/ rr & Sorts have their all right in their foe trouble at first, but that has all en overcome, and they are now runnin day and night. ---Read the new advertisements of ; Messrs. John Ruet 1 & Sons, M. H. Molndoo, Jas. Muns w, Cohn A. Camp-! bell, D. McLachlan, '.lex. Ross, R. C. Kittson, Allen Nurse y Co. and Prof.! Chamberlain, in other olumus, --Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply W tf ,Toms NE:ELAA'ns. 1 —There has been great deal of re -1 pairing done to ti sidewalks in town this year, and the money spent on the work has heen ws and economically expended under tbsuperintendence of Street Commissione McKinlay. —Between sixt; Wingham for Ma taking advantage otbirdd by the rear oountry:The next take place on Ti ins tflnt. —In other Colum announcementot Sone, who will open nt a gents furnish- ings.and tailoring tnblishtneht in the Macdonald Block, i the course of a couple of weeks. t essrs. Ruettel & Sans have been in b 8iness in Kincar- dine for upwards of weuty 'years. and are known as pushing, energetic honor- able business mon. —Ask some men for a advertisement or a few locals and they w' 1 say they don't i believe in advertising-- paper is never rear.. .tetono of them is caught kissing ; his neighbor's wife, or t ying to hold up the side of a building s tetime, and it the • printing office is in the "trret, of a seven- ; toot' story building be s ill climb up to the top and be the editor . keep quiet—not to publish it in the pal r. The paper is not read —oh t,o ! G. H. Irvin, the tailor, bas put in an extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc. Call and see them. Good goods, good work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite ]lank of Ilamilton. • —A meeting of th': Fire Company was held in the Counoii Chamber, on Mon- day evening last, w en matters affecting; the Company wer discussed, and ar- rangements made to comply with the requirements of tbo Canadian Piro Underwriters' Ass elation, as far as the Company is center .d. Mr. Welts K I:nee the Chairman of e Piro.'and 'Water Committee, was resent, along with other members of that OtiOittee, to give information to matters alteetine the interests of th Company and town. and seventy left itobtt, on Tuesday, tf the rheap rates «ls to reach that heap excursion will sday next, 20th will bo found the era. John Ruettel& —IV.Lessrs. The: 131uevOle road, Iu E'ist \Vawaeosh several lambs kill day night,thedo.g. son's flock, and tt went across throu attacked Mr. Coo a couple of lambs them at the shoe getting a shot at thinks, without 1 that these erowli could not be dest Henderson, of the Jas. Cochrane, of have recently bad d by dogs. On Sun- attaoked Mr, 'Metier - ten driven away, they h the Brant farm and rune's sheep, killing Mr. Cochrane heard and drove then] off, its of the nags, but, he ttiug it. it is too bnd g, Shoop killing dogs oyed, rreobyt: ry of Maitland, A. special steed g of the Presbytery will he held in the Pr•_byteriatl Chaach, Luck - now, on'pnesday, 20th lust., at 12,80 p.111., to conaidor rive a lis. Ono front Baron congregation and tate other from St. Helene' and East Aahfiei• . By authority of the Moderator. JeIY itIA 1An , Clerk. Lueknow, Aug st t1.Oth,1$8i. The Rev. A. X • MacLennan, 13.1 ., of Glengarry i?resb tory, le called to Heron congregation, -A holiness Qonveution tviln trait) ii:, the Salvation Arny barracks, 011 `1'ites- • day nt;;ht last. There were a .goodly. number of the of isoes of the Pal'enerston division present, ;Is well as ofllicors inane other pointe. Tete open air meeting on the corner of Jobe] and Josephine streets., in the evening, wksof 11 most enthusla. stip oharaoter. AnrtonnQDtnent. Having purchasacl the grocery and erookery business of 142r. W. T. Yi tes, Z in- tenrt to replenish the stook and to add many lines of not, as a rale. been k¢p1 the coarse of a wee] ing in stock evoryt)sf every line ods that have acre; so that in �plr 80 11 purpose hays ng generally found in a first -claws grocery etoro. With regard to tho erookery, china attd glassware, you all know the reputation this shop hasfor these Iinee. Well, it le our iutention to keep, and if possible improve on this reputation. Some beautiful linos of chips already ordered and expected to arrive in file near future. Soliciting a silage of your trade, which will receive our most eareful and: prompt attention, I am, yours truly, N. A..L AILQ:MAltsox. China Eonse,Wingham, Mottos " Good goods at honest prices" Publ:c wc. al Board, '1'1'e regular meetin of the School Board was held on Thureda. evening,. in the Town Clerk's office. Tit < mbers present Were Messrs. Morton, But: n, Crinin, Galbraith and Abraham. Mini res of last meeting read ttncl adopted. cued by C. N. Griffin, seconded by Wrn. ilt tion, that the follow-., ing accounts be paid: Thos. Moore, work, 510 ; John Welsb, wo k, 52; W. 11obertson, draying, 51.25 ; W. Y .tee, supplies, 51;05 ;. A. Young, supplies, 55.79; . W. Dore, supplies, 65 centr• ; D. 1... Gordon, shingles, 7e cents; R. Elliott, e io'ting, 51.50; Office. Specialty Co, seats, j 9.05. Moved by T. Abraham, seconded b A. Galbraith, that. 599.20 be paid S. You till, for insurance. Moved by 0. N. ifirifii , eeoondecl by Win. Button, that the actiot of the Chairman and Secretary in iss ng order for the payment of freight o seats be ratified by this board—Carded. Moved by C. N. Griffin, seeoncled„ty A. Galbraith, that the • Secreteryy and Chair n be instructed to issue orders for the 1' Tricot of tea0hars and officers salaries fo the month of July —Carried. Meeting ti ' n adjourued. A Large Zan • lisiztnent. A reporter of the Tat :s had the pleasure of a look through the gat a and commodious store of Messrs. Homut & Bowles, one day this week, and vac bot] pleased and sur- prised to see such a pa trial store in our town, which reileots the greatest credit .on• its enterprising has been greatly refitted in the ales it the most nipped, sic e to bes s. 1't {vi11 sbortly :. niers. We went ' the pluck and energy proprietors. The store eplarged and thorough' Iatest city style, which commodious and best e found ontside of the oiti be supplied with cash c from cellar to garret and found every available spaee occuli= with all o€ merchandise in wh cit the firm intend to deal, the space in all .ccupyingupwards of twelve hundred son. re feet. On enter- ing the store,to the left ve found the ladies' dres?goods and trim • tinge department, which fairly astonishe us for style and- variety. To the right, directly opposite, will ho found the gents' urnishiogs, tweeds and suitings, in the gre test abundance and variety. Back of tba cerins the grocery • department, supplied ith the freshest to be found in that line. 0 the Wt again, next to the dress goods is the staple goods department, in endless ariety. Extending again backwards wo co ti fo°the boots and shoes, which for style, variety and-ftrice, cannot be excelled • r duplicated. Still going ou we come to t e millinery depart- ment, and here our p. vers of description fairly fail us. It must e sail to bo thorough.• ly- appreciated. In + ct, the shelves and counters of this vast establishment, frons, cellar to garret, wore fairly groaningundeg'. the weight of morel • ndiise with which it intends to supply ' s already numerous eustotners and tllop •lie generally. I,tadiea, be sure and giro t house it goad took through before mak ng your purchases; itt fact, everyone steed ng anything in their line will find it to i fr advantage to give them A call. —See pages 8 a d 4 for additional local neere.