HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-27, Page 1212—THE HURON. 'EX. JANUARY 27, 1977
I '
'fought harder and longer than Walter Miller for Ontario
I Maintained almost 10 years ago that the farmers union
made -a mistake when they decided "to go' national".at a
provincial convention in Kingston. I felt at the time that a
blanket., natimiaLorganizatien would wipe out each proV-
ince's identity. I'm afraid' that is exactly wilat happened
when Walter was ousted as vice-president at the annual:
meeting.in Edmonton. •
'Walter is' at home, putting his feet up, resting after 25
years of farm union activity. Knowing Walter„. I'm sure'
he won'tremain outial the limelightAng. I understand his
voice is•already. being heard ii beef associations. He runs
a beef feedlotliimself. Watch for him to become 'instru-
mental in seeking a better dealer farmers in beef mart
-keting. .
Ancither name which has been widely-acclaimed in fa'm
cir'6IeS for a dozen years is that of George McLaughlin,
the articulate dairy farmer from Beaverton, who stepped
down this month after seeing the Ontario Milk Marketing
".Board through ''a tremendously turbulent - but success-,
ful — dedade. George has also said he plans to retire to
'his farm :and .listen to the milking machines but I -find
that difficalt tO accept, too. , -
And yet another: Gordon Hill, the pastaresident of the.
Meetings -of all kinds are being held -on the farm front
this time of year, so many that it is difficult to keep
abreast of what is going on. • • ...
For instance, a name heard regularly for years in con-
nection with the old Ontario farmers union and now the
National Farmers Union, has been defeated in his bid for
re: election to post of vice-president.
- That ,name?-Why, Walter Miller, of course, thePerson-
ahle beef farmer from-Tara in, southwestern', Ontario.
Walter is an old friend,* I've said many times that he has
always had the family' farm in mind when he, has made
his statements. _No other person in the farmers 'Olen has
Min• • WAN ,
u▪ m.
eafayt 01114
Lattopri appreciated by Bab TriMer, Eldile Rd., Elm's, Ont. N3I3'267
the 'co nton Legion 'last
el'ithectiethanfe;na11 ,.. meeting .of the
the election of •„the new 1977
Wednesday, Jan. featured
Hawn, Cattlemen's Association at
•. All of the 1976 executive was
re-elected with the- exception of
the, only neW face- elegted. Other
...• s Wroxeter; first vice-
president; Art Bolton, R.R.1,
Dublin; \ county direCtor, Archie
Ethelington, R.R.1, Hensall; •
• treasurer, Bob McGregor,
Kippen;. sectetary,.. Sian " -
Paquette, Airicalture Office.
Harry Hayter of DashWoOd and
'Barry Mulvey, 11.11.L Wroxeter
were• named alternate county
The Association's'-'members •
also elected "the following
delegates to the Ontario Cattle-
men's Assciciation's Convention:
Archie Etherington, , George
Adains, Art Bolton, Harry
,Hayter, Bob Henry, Blyth; • Bill
Bennett, Gorrie; Eric Anderson,
Londesboro; Blake Alton, R.R.1,
nd tucknow; Bill Coleman, Kippen
Farm oiganization leaders change
McKillop....rieve Allan Campbell, Federation of Agriculture in preparationS for the International Seaforth; Thomas
• withdrew froth the election hetnre.
a vote was called.
Rising to _.speak after• his name
was placed forward` for the top was, at present chairman ,of the McCutcheon noted that in his
county council post, Mr. Camp ell Board of Directors arAlexandra remarks on office last year
told the crowded council chaMber • Marine and General H ospital in he had *led for the highest level
that he was as surprised by the GOderich. of service-at as economical level
nomination as was everyone else. In his reinarks_ after-- the as possible. "Serviee takes
Thfir he.saddedi-``You don't have - :0-wearing in ceremonies, Mr; Money," he -noted, "and we
to "sweat anymore aM''' McNeil noted that he had never ••• always' -have to stretch ,our
the Huron County "anniversary and with Dale, Deputy Reeve from
the County ToWn's 150th of West Wawariosh,
'I• have heard it ,said that
because the province will'pay 50
per cent 'we should have it', and
thatthe 'tcounty-pays'. But who is
Me comity? We are,,and if we can
'remember that things. will be
"There ii now law saying I can
- not try a-third time," he added,
-alluding to an earlier attempt at
Winning electien ,as warilen when
he ran,, against 'Brussels .Rdeve
John L. McCutcheen, last term:
"If I am re-elected to township
.cotincii, and if my health remains
, good, may try again," he said.
Mr. -Campbell called on all
--itoun,cillors, "especially the new
- Members" to speak their minds
during -7-izuiltilt=1,
"Councillors 'should speak up,",
he said, "good debate is an asset
to the county council,"..
nominated by Goderich Township in the- habit of looking back. We • Huron Middlesex MPPL-Jack
Reeve Gerry` Ginn. • He,described must always go ahead and that is Riddell-said he would Oelo-know"'
Mr: McNeil as 'a, man with the what I 4in asking of The County the • secret .of •Dong McNeies.„
.*Ssots - of "leadership and 'Councirfor 1977." ' success, "If could get my
'0/POien6e." , , „..,. After administeringihe Oath of • opponent • during •:' the next
He pointed' out: that' the ottice.,Tudge P. G4 Cater told the • provincial election io decline 'MS
Colborne Itee4 had served on councillors that the i'irst 'Warden nomination would Mt :pie a
County now for slime six - of Huion was Tiger Dunlop` and . treat deal of grief, and Save ,all eft , -
years,* the past, two as chairman of that:Mr, McNeil represented the - ,aa great deal of nione
Ith6 109 'successor to .'Mr. Or, 1.4 to "ell that he had
just the 110 . Ward,04 4'44,1404 itig job ahem an4•Would-find.hia`
life WY for the next teriti, 0114400,,,,fot another ,tyvo years. County, • '
his background Mr. "This is. fittingr'' Caitei • * Ginn ' piaieed, that- ,Dotig! • noted, "because *NO:WM 'Every week -more and more eNell worked for y..itta S'ept. as .W4 'Tiger -rDunlop.,, people distover What ,mighty jobs On*Gienttakes Tanker. He Warden McNeil ekoildoo, tif tire accomplished " by low. -cost served go* Canadian: Alt 03.,„iborne aS.r. Wilt HUM* bipealtiat ant Ads. Dial"
10Otee,betWeen 1942 and.1946 an • butilOti," ' ,5274410..7”
NEW MORRIS`CatikCit..-- There-were.sorne new faces, When Morris tominship
council.held their Inaugural meeting on Monday. From leffirelhe new diVrk, Mrs.
,Richarci-Badleyi WAlton,-Reeve Bill Elston and retiring clerk'AVIrs: Helens
Martin.. At rear, are new.councIllor Ross Proctor, councillor BotrGrasby, township
treasurer George Michie and.new deputy reeve, Tom Miller. Councillor'Bob Grasby
Was absent when the photo was taken. ( Photo by LangloiS)
POOOlci, A. MeNeir
1-JoughiS A. McNeil, Reeve of
Colborne Township, was
acclaimed Warden-of the County,
'of Huron for the 1977'term on
Monday aft ernoon when the only
other candidate nominated,
withdrawing: my -.name' ficini• the supposed . he Would be .elected
• ..... L,Warden of 'Huron County When.
• ,The MoKillop Reeve explained' he let his name stand for the first
that he had a standing promise time -in., 190. ' for': .a pest on'
'take his wife tofloridathii winter -Colborne 'Township-.Coencil. ••
and'had decidid that his family.. 'He , observed . that -County
Would have to come twat. ..•.COuncil members must work hard
at their job or they would not hold 1?etter."-
seats.`" consider I 'have • "We should expand services,"
worked reasonably hard on this he said, "but only to the limits of
council to stay in office," he said,-, what we can taX, people for."
He explained that the decision tvIcCutetreen also Called on
to seek •thevyardi3n's•chair Itad .the new warden and council to
been • made * fast preserve the autonomy of Huron.,
approached members of council Goderich Mayor Deb Shewfelt
to see if `any other's would be welcomed the new ceuticill back_ •to,
- running," he said, "and 'none Goderich and presented the new '
were 'so here I ant today." , Warden with-a copy of-the pointy
"We Work on the. committee town's new ,flag
system here,." he.•neted, "and He told Mr. McNeil that-118er
,tosether,to.inaprove the, county, „Tarden of the Bush' .but' said he
"When asked ' hy I Wanted, fir ttoped .11116`41iew Warden would'
be Warden," he told the meeting, :::::epme to be knowna s' he Varden.,
The new warden was "I said it was hecauSe I Was, not ' of the People.'
NEW EXEC.. —The -Huron pat-tie/1101s ikoSOclation_eletted±its.netn:eeeutive. for
1477at its-annual meeting and banquet in: the Clinton Legion last ,Wednesday, Jan.
1-9. The new officers for. the .corning..year are front row , left to right:. second vice
president, Glen, Coultes, R.13.5, 'Brussels; president, George . Adams,,
WroAter;."firiti:vice-president; rt Bolton, R.R.1, Dublirf;,, Back row: secretary,--
tan Paquette, -Agriculture office; 'county director; Archie Etherington,R.R:1,.
.Fiensall; treasurer,-Bob McGregor, R.R.2, Kippen. (News-Record Photo)
OMMB elects new chairman
• At a special meeting of ,'e his, dairy Port E farm at lgin.
Ontario Milk
Marketing Board, Mr. Smith represns milk
held in Toronto last- Friday,' Producers 'In the Counties of
Kenneth G. McKinnon was' _
• elected Chairman orthe Board,
,replacing George R. McLaughlin
who has retired from the Board:
Mr. J. Grant Smith was elected
Vice-Chairman of the, Board. ,
Mr. MeKinrion repreSents milk
producers iii the Counties of Ge
Bruce and Huron, and resides on
of Huron
less, aggressive 'or 'about the
same, in representing farmers'
ihterests;-- the survey" /asks, Are
here other issues that the
Federation should be involved in;
the survey Will' ask 'farmers, both
members and non,-members of
the OFA.' • '
- A similar survey which was '
done in Perth County,,xecently
was very successful, •. Mr.
Durst, Deputy Reeve of Colborne =
and- William Morley, Deputy
Reeve of Usbornb were named to .
that body. , ..1•10
Huron County council met in its
first -• buIness..., session of the
1971.76 term on Monday, =
Y, -
• iummilimpiniminiiifitimitHipliminiumniliiiiiiiiimmiiiiminfiliwiimia
Durst. Machine . Shop has been FiUiEhased by •
Luke Ja.nrnaat of Seaforth.
As:"Vrefirrquish control of the businessi,,lwant
to express my.,appr,eciption for the cooperation
and patronage accorded me .while I hdie been -in
business in Seaforth. I bespeak .on behalf of the
new owner:, a contihuation of that same' support.
MAKES'. • =•W ei*M
,P.^. •
Emmerson F. Durs
Oxford, Elgin arid Norfolk, a
i3reursigcleessi.iiefini6.1ris dairy farm
- • Auburn. - •-•-•
at and Neil Stapleton, R.R.2,:
ar?EPA1,112Pf • • • •
=. that h* becoriu;
Sa.17' s y n om O us With...,
in the-past years.
..‘. •
We look forward E
. to serving you, =
our customers'.
friendS in the E
Feb. 1 it ., 1 977
mom -1•••4.'.
-' = vers1.7.—«
E -
Ontario FederatiOn tof Agriculture. Gordon stepped down -
last November as, president after an unprecedented eight
,,/ears as, head of the:MA. He; too; says he-is going to en-
joy some leisure time although he had better he available
- Jan 27 at 'the Royal York Rotel when his many,•.friends'
and. perhaps a few for,mer enemies gather for a roasting.
Again, I dentthinit.Gordoil---will-be able to-sit-still-long.--
I suspect' residents-:of the..Varna area will see„his:,name
on a ballot:one:of thesegiays, „-.
Getting back to Walter Miller, I admire his loyalty.
He has . fOUkht for the farmers union for ,a quarter of a.•
century. He never made it as national president and was •
content to live in the shadow of big Roy Atkinson, the,
Prairie. farmer: All kinds,nifftimers have been circulating
in :farm' circles about considerable unrest and dissension
within the union. Yet, after he was defeated;,. Walter
fused to comment disparagingly about his union Comrades.
He 'could have been bitter and. vindiCative. Instead; he
has played the part of gentleman and statesman' All he
' said was that "there's a lot of soel-searching going on in
. the NFU."
Finally, a comment on th'ese'annual ineetings,,abenchint
during the wintv months in farm circles. •'• •
As a report& for more than 20 years On' various newS-
papers , and a couple of radio' stations,. I stilknainthin that
farmers are' the warmest,..friendlieSt Periple...in_all,ef Can-
ada. The United Co-operativ4 of Ontario meeting in Tor-
onto early in December asked this writer to be a guest
speaker. at the wind-up banquet. They lived up. to their
name. I-have never been treated_ so warmly and hod more
co-operation-than I did -during. my • brief- visit with UCO.
Allen _Macintosh, president, and his friendly', outgoing
wife made my. wife and feel right at home during the
banqUet andafterwards.
As long as? tartri-organizatiens of all kinds'can entice
Men such.-as Al Macintosh-1n accept exeCutive„positions,
then these farm erganizations'are.in good hands: •
The Heron County tarrifS,"-iin supply managenient
Federation of AgriculturP is going Prograins and on border controls,
to do a farm to farm survey of Should the Ontario• Federation of
local• farmers, according to , OFA ..Agriculture be More aggressive;
fieldman Bill Crawford of. the
Clinton office, ••The county
Federation, in co-operation with
the township federations, will be
starting the survey irt February in
Morris, McKillop and Hullett
townships. •
The'FederatiOn is ce-operatitig
with local township councils and
including questions that they
would' 'like answers to on* the
survey..Crawford told the Expositor and
Questions that will be common the Brussels 'Post. Local township
to all the surveys inchide some Federation members will do the
that ask • farmer's • Opinion• on •survey in their own areas.,
Plans farm to
e acclaimedwarden ..„
like so.; manyimarried following Judge Carter,..,alio predicted- The final item of business for
the war and ,bought• a farm." that the new-Warden would have,,,, the inaugural session on Monday-
Mr. McNeil , he told the R....busy year in.,Cinclerich talting-ivas 'the--traming---of , a striking
•councillors, was:an elder of Nile Part in activities connected with committee. Robert LyOns, Reeve
United Church, had been
Deputy Reeve of Staniey, orinan
....1956-57, was "a past president of Plowing Match which is set to be cr - Jsl
the. Huron County Soil and Crop held in Huron-in-1978. ---
IinprOvetnent, Associatkin . and`-'- Retiring` Warden lac
Pinanciatassistartee al Managernent counselfing ,E Man ement training Information on government programs for business ' 17-•
moo som Oneptourt presentatives
• • will beat E.
The Gue,eti's Hotel, Seat) lion 'the „•
-1st ThlifSdaY of each month.I aff.proud to be
(-February73rd) carrying, On the
11 you require financing to start, modernize or
expand your business and are unable to
obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and
conditions or if you are interested in the
FBDB management services of counselling
and training or wish information on
government programs available for your
business, talk to our representative,
• „ • • , FOr. .
information tail411:eobto. , • 'or.Vvrtt • kitMoOnttitio •Street, Stratford;