HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-27, Page 10HURON HOTEL HWY. s DUBLIN Entertainment Friday & Saturday ' Old Tyme Music by THE HOEDOWNERS • FOOD • FAVOURS NO ADMISSION CHARGE 'T DANCE Seaforth Junior FarMers BROOM BALL, DANCE Friday,'January 28 Brodhagen Community Centre Music-by-Lincoln Green Admission 2.5 ° pet person Tickets distributed by team members Jan. 28 - won. .15 Regular Gomm for $1040 • 'THREE $25.00' GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! — TWO DOOR PRIZES Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 254 or .7 for $1.00' (CHILDREN UNDER "16 ' NOT , PEW/111'1TM —proceeds for Wolforo Auspices Sisforth atonal 156 Royal Collodion Lsision; Sooforth Correspondent Mrs..CarofGeddei Mr.,, and Mrs. John . Wart and family were in Buffalo over, the - weekend'. visiting with fvlr.. and Mrs. David LEWis and fornily. VisitotO,vith Mr. and Mrs. Leo , Teatero over the weekend were Mr. and'Mrs. Jery Flarpwood and . their 'new baby son Aaron. ) ..11•111 , , „ • Admission $2.50 with Student card $,2.'.5 without Studen-t card mow ,orion Mon , own Moo SEM MEI MIS Asse• • " Me, MOM • •••••• lan••• ONO 11111M •11111111. • Daily Lunch Hour SpeCials 440 CONGRATULATIONS TO • , * CLINTON JOANNE & HERMAN RAMAKER'' • AREA r r Jalarrnerniftairntr.2 Now pLAyiNG THURS. SUN. MON. TUES.WED: THURS: Jon. 27 W Feb. 3 ONE SHOWING ONLY 80.M. - • SAT. T:1041.9:i3 ThUrs.: Thurs. 91,000 People. 33 Exitiates, One . CHARLTON HESTO JOHN CASSAVETES TWO-MINUTE WARNING" PARK GobERICH SQUARE,' PHONE ..5g4181 A KONDIfl E ••• • 19,THE' HURON EXPOSITOR 'JANUARY 27, 1977 New ,Huron volunteer ALL' $TAR,. GAMES Jan. 30th At :Seaforth Arena 1' pm L-a-dies' All Stars play Blyth Ladles 2 pm Men's All $tars play B.P. Pumpers 'ADMISSION • P -.00 per person $3.00 per' family Come Join Us and See the 'Best in Brooinhall visimezzureara., AllitMENINAMINAM: -bureau what oes it do?. Py Maryan 1(000Z (Directer) _ you hie to 'have the common interst, whether it be ' 'As you are aware the Huron latest magazines and pagers read ,crafts or a reading group. Volunteer Bureau has„..new been • to you some afternoon. How Are ' you...,',•,an•••-;'elderly ' operating for three weeks. Miring about getting together with a' handicapped person, who, if this time Many -People haVe called wont) of- .people who have • a given a little assistance ourself, ' could go on to help others in some way. For instance you may not be able to drive, but if provided with transportation,, you might be willing to read to a. grouP of blind • people. The Volunteer Bureau will attempt to get you togethO and get you erganizes , and provide transportation. • Do you belong to a group Or' seivice• club that you would like / • f F •,• • 544r4 111.151 a with questions about our function , ,. in the community,. We now hope L ° to give yOu some answers. Here ate-some of the major questions; If. ,what should I do? How can I be of Urns I need personal. assistance sevice in my community? What type of services does ;my aim, : community need?ls the Bureau iii grir interested' in the activities-of my. - • " " .• • k•• ions rt fc; err% gmup or service clubtDO I have Seaforth Lion s____enteaainerl- others to. -know- rriere7ab-dtatAre . • the ability to help in some small_ -their — wives at a Burns . night you looking for peoplewho might . ___:___ ____way-?--- :Perhaps the Huron . dinner and program Monday want to join your group? We can Volunteer Bureau can help you 'evening in. the' Optimist Hall. ' • help you. with...answers to some_of these Arranged by Torn Young' and • People need People! So lets get questions.. . Bob Spittal the program included :together and fulfill these . mutual. People _need people. People .a seleqion.'of ' Scotch songs, • needS. Witte or phone 482-3037. who are willing to give a couple of '' -numbers,.„by daneers Glew and' hours of their time a 'week. Time • • AndiCassi 'and ernes by , Pipers to take a disabled person . Peter' Malcolm and John Stevely. swimming, time to be a big - Mr. Spinal recalled aspects of his btother-to,some young boy, . time native • Scotland that had to be a, special friend to,someone "contributed to the world wide Who doesn't get out and make acceptance Of Burns. . new friends ',because' of a Chaired by Marlen Vincent the handicap or illness. meeting completed plans for the , We need people who are , clubs participation in the Crippled willing to give a bit, of themselves . Childrens snowararnatin Sunday. ' teniake another person happy. It w Mi'...MMAMEMPWINAM . OPEN, • 45th Wedding Anniversary RECE1h10 . , .. for . . MR. 8:MRS: WILLIAM F. Hwy. VS 041,. ' cA '1•,‘ ROLLER SKATING A ' A C ir re. el Stratford ' Fairgrounds 271.-5130 T1JES. 8 to 10:30 P.M. 20 • years of age. and over only! • Come out and skate to .all y our favourite old tunes and Meet some of your old friends. 4% - could make your day a bit brighter to know you've helped someone who genuinely needed 'that help. and appreciated it. To those speical people who need someone, don't hesitate , to make that need known. There are • peOple who want to help, who feel Thuis.-S at.-Sun. 8-10:30 P.M. adults only ,,(grade 7 & up) Sun.Afternoons 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Special Children's Rates - • Skate Rentals all sizes • New & Used Skates '- sold and serviced. -.... ':S,peeial group rates . rental time on_ request" ' BELL i., Jan. 28 they-have ,the time and resources the Volunteer Showarama has 1 Oa m i lo'.route , ' to offer.' We at: Bureau ;are 'here to get you " • • together, lf,Someone would like to, (Continued :from Page'-3)- - spend a couple of llourse • . swimming. how abbut calling. s, , Staffs; Farquhar at Highway.83, we'll get a friend to accompany tontinuing.south to the olds chool-- house at Whalens Corners where --you, Do you feel shut-iii? •Would free food will' be provided -for YOu.litte to have someone to talk ' riders;-Lucan Conservation Area; to, a friendly visit some afternoon. Call us, 'we'll arrange 'west to Cabineer's Log-Cabin one Mile west of Ansa Craig,-'north to it.'Do yOu need help. getting into' town for an afternoorrof shopping Darling's Snowmobile Dealership at Mount Carmel, snowmobile or a doctor's appointment? Call • at • PINERIDGE CHALET Music by - The HaywoUds Dancing - 9 - I Lunch served Best Wishes Only egion News \and Views • . us Passe Muraille' •, shack on Jack Riddell's' farm (Huron M. P.P.); to Pineridge Chalet (three miles west of Henson); and on to H ully Gully. Gas ,will be available at all check points and St. John's Ambulance personnel in attendance. Communication along the trail• will be the responsibility of the returning : t. 4 alentine's •-?f•- Dance 1.,,' Sponsored by ' .,.r'',7 l'i, . ``...A.r SEAFORTH CENTENAIRES ''14 Wilbee ,opened the meeting' Forest City (London) C-Eflra-drg, calling on the Sgt-at-Arms.Jarnes—atib. (BY John D. Baker, Publicity Chairman h Branch 156), Brown to march on, .,the colors. " At Hully Gully the host to Blyt Ladies Attend Legion Dinner After the business had been recreation centre, located. -.40.- . , Meeting ' dealt with and reports heard, miles north of London off Blyth Centre for the Arts has Last Thursday, Branch 1§6 held •COmrade Al Nicholson, Member: Highway 4 On Stanley Township announced that it v. ill be bringing .. 'their monthly general meeting in ship Chairman cdnducted, the siderootr 10 southwest " of Theatre Passe Moraine to the form of a dinner meeting, final Early;43ird draw. The )3rueefield. will offer a Pancake •Memorial Hall on Feb. 17. The Ladies Auxiliary.served a winners were as follows; Mel, and Sausage breOkfaSt as well as The ShOw will .be 18 Wheels.,a buffet dinner to the members and Meriam, Les Dolmage, Helen a plaCe to keep warm for country. and western. musical' play their, wives. The menu consisted Brightral4 Hartinan,Huisser, Art participants ,-and spectatOts. '' about truck e. Tickets will of pork chops, scalloped potatoes, Nicholson, Neil Ball: Dr. Paul ,The Snowarama, one of several goon safe edriverstarthe Huron peas and • carrots; jelly,' carrot-- Brady, Lloyd---Hograrth-,T-'Getrold- :being held in Ontario,-was started Expositor in Seaforth. sticks and Celery, with -pie for Davis, Alex Irvine •and , Jack by Whipper Blly-WatSon and the Theatre pass Muraille has dessert. , ' Moote. " , ',Ontario society for Crippled become a popular part of the local After dinner' president. TOM .Comia4e Nicholson thanked his Children to, raise money with the ' of the !peal participatillg - theatre scene and has made. Blyth „ 'committee members for the fine• :helpone of its steps on its 'tours, The ---joh4hey clid-,•on the' Earty .Bird service club's such as the focal ' only other area performance will campaign, throtigh-fliendilirence---iinns----Einbs,...,.....along, ,,,_,,,„,: the Branch attained 97.5 per cent paid up membership for 1977 Dec. 31,J:06, . _., . -., . • seelt pledges from sponsors from Each snewrnObile.„ rider. will .............a..........."""fir*••n •"""40"". snowmobile. associations. i e itt-tistnwet.---7---- -7;--- ---------" ............ _ ..,:. - • Coming Events ., area 'residents. . •.r t _ SEAFORTH CO UMITY cttsiTRE G.- . 9 - Music by: Star Trex Admission_:- $6 .004coulite-titlyon-61. 5 3 :00,/pe sit.daor •tg? . . • - Tiekeis available from mem' bets of Centen.aire Exectiffve - Seaforth Insarance Agency , Bill O'Shea Men's Wear L.^ - Huron Expositor , (,• CASH ,,' BINGO Legion Hail,Seiciorth` etifoith Sat., Jan. 29 - PeeWee' hockey 'at the Seaforth arena, Thurs., Feb. 10 Executive meeting cOnimencing at 8:00 - • A =meeting is being held for the Seaforth & District SADDLE -CLUB , • Sun.;_jan 30 2 o'clock Seatoitli Public Library you are interested in • joining please plan, to attend or call 482-9125' at. Setifartfr -H1Oh-,---,:$460 ,9 pm to 1.2 pm. Thursday, Friday . • and Saturday al11111111111111111111111011111111111muminumminmws The arkers Mt • Me Friday &.'Saturday WI Mk IMO untry-Cobros • 4• 4* • • ••• 44 • • • o.• • ••• • 4 • • • .• • • 4,4 • • • • . „ LIBERAL MEETING NOTICE • Dublin and District it • LIONS CLUB • • • • • • Local Briefs • • • , Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair have returned'recently from a one • month_ visit in California 'with their daughter and 'son-in-law. MUM ISM , .11 Friday Special - ALL DAY Hot Beef Sandwich A - meeting of the . Huron-Middlesex Peovincia4kberat Association will fie held: THURS.- FEC43rd. at • • .0-, • • • • • • MOB AMMI. • SM. UM • a • • - • 840 040-An Hoy Twp. Hail • in s ;WOO IMOMI Ms • s a ,; a Th at' "The Crystal Palace, Mitchell 4 . •11•••••+...•••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••i:oximim mo*.m. IMMO UMI Nab IMMO M▪ om ... Fridqy 4 Saturday Nite „Scitordoy Feb. • • . • 11111M SIM MOO 011 • o. Chiekoit:Wfuns. 4,t The • meeting. wilt elect delegatet—to the ' annuainieoting Of the Ontario Liberal party Which Will beitaid-Mar:44 .11 6 at the Skyline HOte1- tont() MEM S.' • Music by -, THE REVOLS a TIckela $2.50 per person. $3.00 at door Howard .Aitken Secretary ,, o: •,. :0, , ,, „Available at Dublin Meat Market iv Ole #Vitittiltiketi .Cii i II.* 4 4444.444.440 ii 44 . • 'h. 4 it .". 4 • •