HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 8UPRISES DRESS. COOK ‹aeqw-cii0^cza., selling4Dress Goods, honesty is the best policy, of cause, aud in ad- vertising it, modesty has some advant. ges. For instance, we much rather Ton %mici be surprised at the variety, beikUty and.reasona,ble prices of what we are selling, than to be led to ex - Peet impossibilities froni what we advertise. We may be wrong. At any rate, come in and be surprised. THERE'S OUT ONE WAY to get a correct idea of the complete - 21%s of Our stook And of the dollar- eaving economies we offer you. But talk won't give you an idea, nor will any one else's, unless you eall and examine the goods, test the values, ?then you'll know, and enjoy. Try It. There's everything to gain. We are selling everything these hard • times a little cheaper than you ever bought them before, at M. IL McINDOO'S. 01.••1101.1..MM ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ' —At the Listowel Summer Meeting, Ang. 13' and 14, $1300 is given in purses. The Devine Park bas been much im- proved and the track is very fast, Two days of keen racing is assured. Ad- mission, 25 cents. --For some time there has been trouble • in Elm Street Methodist ohnrclz, Toronto, between the pastor of the church and the a Trustee Board, as to the engaging and t paying the choir leader and organist. The g TO astor asked for an injunction to restrain t the Trustees from paying out the church , moneys to the present incumbent of that a position. Judge Rose has granted the in. junction and says that in the pastor only A, Iles the power to appoint an organist or re choirdeader. From this deaision, it would H appear that there is great need of having D the church discipline amended, so as to $2 , confer the power of appointment upon the church °facials. NV -TOW* calineil, The regular monthly meeting of I Town Council waa holden Mendel' et' Ilast., Present — Mayor Brocken Councillors. Neelande, Gordon, 1%4 THE WINGRAM TIMES, AUGUST 9 1895, Willem said he hoped the Council would waiting Ur. C. E. Willienestleften Monday the take come action in the matter. A own. for his home, shirk further into the question and reports. Ile visiting be mother, Alm J. 'ironstone, ening mitten might he appointed to look still Mrs. J. W. Millard, of Hamilton, is s and believed the people would benefit largely Shuter street. 'Any by the adoption of this scheme of building Jae. Moltelvie, wbo bas boon quite Reeve Sparliag, Deptity.Reeve Holm Wileeer Deween, GolleY, Hill, Ilea and McKinley. The ininutee of last meeting were and approved. A communication was from, Mr. B. Vanstone, Barrister, a for Messrs. ;las. Henderson end Wil Henderson, of Morris, claiming an for beep destroyed by dogs owned by residents a the tewn. Moved by T. A. Merman, seconded by John Wilson, that the communication of Mr. Vanstone re Messrs. Heedersen's claim for sheep worried by dags, be re- ferred to the Executive Committee, with power to get legal Advice, and report— Carried. The Finance Committee reported re- commending payment of all the accounts fol/owing, except that of IL Elliott and J. Hanna : —Wingham Electric Light, Co., lights for July, 931.20; Jas. Me, Kehl°, hanging baskets and flowers, 92.40 ; P. Fisher, rent of P. 0. Box, 92; Bell Telephone Co., telephoning, 50 cents; A. B. Simmons, priuting, 91.25 ; Wm. Bond, keeping Mrs. Wadby, 930; P. Deans, drawing hose cart, 91; Thos. Drummond, drawing hose cart to fire, 91; Wheel= nailing Co., leather for water. works, 96,45; John Huffman, work on streets, 91; .Tas. Fleuty, printing, $4.50; Jas. Fleuty, Depnty-Retureing officer and rent of room, 65; Wm, Robertson, Deputy. Returning officer and rent of room, 95 ; Geo. Payne,. Depety-Returning officer and rent of room, 95; Wm. Robertson, work on cattki pen, 95; Win. Robertson, work se on streets, ` 919.50; G. N. W. Tel. Co., telegraphing, 50 cents; S. Mitchell, work (in streets 918; Alex. Young, supplies for an streets, rte., 913.69; J. B. Ferguson, an Deputy -Returning officer, 93; Jos. Bill. Co lard, salary, 935.41; L. McLean, lumber t'ilei or streets, &e., 9141.07; R. Elliott,printing rid advertisiug, 950.30 ; W. Patterson, earning, 91.05 ; C. P. R. Tel. Co., tele. rams, 91.26; W. F. Brockenshire, charity o tramp, 50 cents; W. Moore, work at aterworks, 92.25; John F. Gr'roves, 2 days s special constable, 92.50; Neil McGregor, days as special constable, 93.75 ; The avence, printing, 920; 3. H. Stephenson, pairs to waterworks, 92.00 ; John enure eupplies to hall, 50 cents ; Jas. afield & Son, repairs to waterworks, &c,, ding, their sidewalks, ill for a week or so, is able to be around read reed oting liau -tape Moved by J9/111 IsTeelands, seconded by Dawson, that the thanks of the Couneil be tendered. Mr. Willson tor the informa- tion be bas given them on the matter of granolithio 44017,1ancal 4:O.—Cooled. A report was read frons Mt% John Drummond, Secretary ot the Piro Company, giving the again as usual, Xisees Edith and Luella Elliott are spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Gerrie and Wroxeter. Mrs Dr Campbell, Messrs Cline Campbell end Gee Anchel, of Seatorth, ard Miss Stanley, of Imean,are guests of 41r mid 41re II Davis, Mr. John Stevens, of Grand Ferksr number of fires during the year, and the North Dakota, is the pest of hie brother, firemen absent at such fires, Was read. Mr aas 1/IcKelvie. 11$Yed 1/' 0' SParling, seconded by Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald left on Mon. john Neelands, that the report of the Fire clay for a visit to Manitelaa, They went Department be referred to the Witter and by the rail and beet yenta, Light Committee—Carried. Moved by A. Clinton News -Record: Mrs. Hole, of Dawson, seconded by Jos, Golley, that Wingham, was yesterday this Council appoint a Committee to take nem and Mrs. Kennedy, the guest of into consideration the matter of granolithie Mrs. Pilgrim, daughter and son, of sidewalks, as recommended by B. Willson, Brantford, aro visiting at Mr. Richard Esq., the Committee to make WO" lierdscuan's, Shuter Street. guides and report at next regular meeting Mrs. Smith, neothoteitela,w el RON'. R. of Council; the Committee to consist of McCosh, of Chatham, was or guest at Mr. the Reeve, Deprity-Boove and Councillors B. Willson's, a few days last week. , By,Leav No, 293, to fix the rate of taxation Davis, of Sarnia, spent a few days in town Neelands, Gcrclon and the mover—Carried, Master Evans Davis, son of Rev. T. 11 - for the year, was read three times and visiting at unel 0 Mr. H. Davie . passed. The rate was fixed at 21 ectills on Miss Resale Blundell, of Turnberry, was the dollar, the same as last year. By -Law calling on friends in town a short time ago. No. 294, respecting door steps, porolles, Miss Mundell now resides in Luoknow. railings, verandahs, signs or other erections Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robertson will be or obstructions projeoting into or over the guest's of Rev. and Mrs. W. If, Watson, Josephine street, ,was read. Moved by of Hamilton, for a few days next week. • Wm. Holmes seconded b C that the consider ti f B Y C. Soar 21g, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, 1VoIndoo are taking a on o y.Law No. 254 a holiday up around the Lakes. They left be laid over until next regular meeting of Sarnia by beet on Tuesday of last week. COuncil—Carried. .Loved by Wm. Holmes Messrs. Stanley Pelton and Jas. Kelly conded by D. M. Gordon, .that the Chief the Fire Company 01131 a meeting of the re Company on Mouday, 12th of August, d that he notify the members of the Fire d Light Company to attend, to consider tain things in connection with said mpany—Cerried. The question of the rd reading of By.Law regarding the extension of the loan to the Union Furni- ture Company was brought before the Council by the Mayor, when it was moved by D. M. Gordon, seconded by R. C. Sperling, that the By-Lawbe not now pass- ed, but that the following committee be ap- pointed to meet with the Union Furniture Company at its first meeting to arrange a suitable agreement re loan, buildings, rte., to be submitted at an adjourned meeting of this Council, on Thursday evening next, at 8 o'clock ; cotnmittee to consist of the Mayor, Deputy -Reeve, and Councillors Neelands, Daweon, McKinley and Gordon —Carried. The Council then adjourned. Primary Examinations.D Applications for admission to the Model r_e in Schools numb be in the hands of the School tn Inspector on or before August 16th. To be admitted a candidate must, be eighteen in years of age before the close of the model si term. fe • —Wednesday's Toronto Globe contains nbe ,the results of the Primary Examination5. e and the names of those who passed at Wingliani are given herewith. It is a very creditable showing for our school, and much better than is made by many of the Sigh Schools: List No 1—L Bisbee, L 'Cummings, W Farquharson, P B Fraser, B Johnston, J McKay, V Robertson, 11 -gemstone, M Wellwood. List No 2—B Cummings, 0 Vanstone. .55. After an explanation from Mr. Elliott it as moved by D. M. Gordon, seconded by A. awson, that the Finance Committee's port be adopted and all the accounts e report be paid—Carried. Mr. B. Willson addressed the.Council, on vitation, on the question of granolit dewalks. He said that during the pa. w years he had spent • some tittle' saber of the towns of Ontario and he lieved Winghare ,was behind none of them in any respect, 'except in her side- mitie walks. Many of the::sidewalks in other mis towns were the granolithio walks and she h they gave the towns a beautifulappear- Mi ance and were at the same timepermartent. her.. In the town of Simcoe, all the sidewalks are granolithic—on the front, in face, all the streets of the town. In 1889 the town passed a by-law adopting the kcal improve- ment system in reference to building 14'Mt sidesvalks, and since then all the walks pat las down are granolithie. This system makes every property holder pay for the walk in front of his property, and the town puts down all erossings and where a person has a comer lot and the walk is put on both sides the town pays for half of one side. The payments for the walks may be made in cash or they may be extended over a term of years, at the option of the property Mi owner. Before a walk is put down, a from petition containing two-thii'ds of the Mr property owners on the street on which the walk is to be built, must be presented to the Connell, who, with the engineer, apportion the cost to each ratepayer. The sidewalks, Mr. Willson said, will last as long as stone, end are as herd and smooth as stone. Some of the walks in Shims have been down eight years and they seem as good as the day they were put down. Ile had also written Chatham and Guelph, and in the latter city the walks are being put down for twelve cents per square foot, ut t ey are giving out large contracts at figure. He was assured by the Guelph Paving Company •that the walks could be put &two in Wingham for font - teen cents per square foot even for small contracts. At theft figures he believed the walks would cost no More, and perhaps not as much as the Woodcut °nee, and. they would greatly enhance the value of the property as well as beautify- it, an give the town a splendid appearance. In Sitriede, most Of the regidentS havereneeved the feneee from the front§ of their peeper- tid the siciews,lkig on the reeidential to are placed outfit& of the row of along in front of the residences and part of the street' between the side. and the front of the property is y botilevarled, which gives the street a fine appearance, 15 dosing, Mr. „ Pall Pairs. Xrduetrial, Toronto, The Western. London Proyincial, Montreal, Hay, at Zurich, South Huron; Exeter, South Perth, St. Mary's, Mitchell, at Mitchell, Clinton, Ttiriberry, Wingliarn, Sept. 2-14 ss 12-21 ss 12-21 ss 28-24 " 23-24 ss 24-25 s; 24-25 " 25.26 s; 25-26 et urott, Brussel, '1 26.27 East Wavettnosh, Belgrave, Sept. 80, Oct. 1 A. Rare Opportunity. Dr. 3, Y. Egan, of Toronto, the renown- ed specialist it the cure of ruptures, an- munaes that he will visit Clinton, Grand 1.7rtiott Hotel, Wednesday, Anglia 21.st and Brussels, American Hotel, Friday, August 23rd. Be is t Inventor of the Vtlilfl-ktiCtvti 'Eget, mperial Trusses,' manufactured by 7he Egan Imperial Truss Co. of Ann bor, Michigan,being one of his older p tents, and is also the inventor f t1 iplianeete now manufac. tired by the cago Truss Co., Masonic Temple-, Chi 0hi�.1. Thes5 latter instru- meats are used by the 'United States government, in their pension department, having been awarded first plaee at the Worltre Fair, in a oompetition with fifty. eleven others from Frazee, Germany, Zogland and various other parts of the 'world. These instruments, his latest i Preeemants, were declared by a board of ihresuiriers, comprised a the leading at - gaols of Ameriee,to be superior to till other hernial appliances, During his long experience ()toyer 22 years in To- ronto. in the treatment of thonactrals olseg of hernia Ott I3oth you tm.•••••••••••.• Personate. Mrs Jacob Tennant has moved to Goderioli, Ariss Francis McKay,. of Ripley, is visiting friends in town. Mrs John 111cDonogh has returned home from a Visit hi Markham. Bir and Mrs Geo Town aro spentling this week Visiting' hi tVroxeter. s Lilly McLaughlin, of °citric, is the guest of Louise Ferguson. s Iva Carruth has returned from Redid, whore as been for some time. s'Robt Kerr, of Helena, 'Montana, is visiting at ther-in-law's, Mr Matthew «err, Mr. Robe Wilson was in Listewel this Week. Miss Maggie Macdonald is visiting in Clifford. r. Samuel Young was ill for a few days week,‘e Mr. Jos. Risdon is in Detroit ona visit to his famil . Clutr otte McDonald has gone te Detroit to reside.4 Mr. John Neelands is in Toronto on business, this week. Mrs. Field, of Teeswater, is visiting her Sister, Mrs. Smythe. es Maggie McLaughlin has returned Roehester, N. Y. R. Swan, of Chesley, was in town that n old. ties kbasnever failed to give satisfaction, sine tee &filleted withrupture, as also trees i, Istothers having oh ildren aufteticigoahould1 that rt eportsult this gentleman, who has testi. twill,. sOhouirais from rainy of our leading playei. ",'" 7 as also titan patients frorn NOS% 11'6ei to Britieh Columbia. very for a day, last week. Mrs. Sullivan, of Chesley, is visiting her son, lir. John Sullivan. Mr. R. Greharn, of LucknOw, Was in town, one day last week. Mill Mary Bisbee is visiting her sister Lizzie in Detroit, this week. Mr and Mrs Mason, of Chicago, are visiting at Mr. teoj. Mr. J. D. Stewert, of Heisted it Scott's bank, is away for his holidays. Mr. Geo. Herr, of Creemore, was in toll; left on Monday of last week for Carberry, Manitoba, where they intend remaining for a time. Mr Morgan Hardy, of Loudon, representing Forest City Business College, is in town hi the interests of that old -established educational institution, and gaye the Totss a friendlycalI on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Morden, of Hamilton, drove to Wingham on Friday last. They were visiting their son Manly, of the Bank of Hamilton. Dr. and eirs. Towler are enjoying a holiday on one of the lake trips' this week. They took the boat at Orangeville, on Fri- day evening last. Miss Lizzie Hales of Chatham, a grad- uate of the' bnsiness department of the Canada, Business College of that city, Ieft on Monday late to fill a position as book- keeper in Spokane, Washington, worth 960 per month. The pupils of this College seem to be wonderfully successful in securing lucrative positions. • WHITECHURCH. On the 27th July, the Creamery sold and shipped a car load abutter. The price was a fair one and the amount realized was a trifle over $5,000.—Mr. IL D. Henderson was at Brantford a few days last' Week, attendino. a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which he is a member. —Some party or parties unknoWn threw number of stones a,t the night train, on Friday night last, about a mile west of here. One of the stones went through a window and nearly struck a passengese, and another struck the side of We car. This is a serious matter, and the guilty parties can be seriously punish- ed.—Mr. P. Troy's new block is nearly completed. --Work. on the new church is progressing nicely. The flooring and ceiling is pretty nearly completed, and some of the painting has been done.—Mr. McKay's son, who wrote at Wing - ham for -a third class certificate, has passed,—Mr. James Patterson, of West Wawariosh, near here, was united in 'wedlock with Miss Millet, of Lueknow, in that place, on Wed. nesday, Hesnensolf—.1tr Mortis, on July 26t11,- the wife of Osnosml—In Whlkhlun. on July 27th, the Wife of r, Win, Osborne ; a daughter. ntAlett/IsIt. 101.14801t--MAXWIML—At the resIdoiste et the bride's. pafents, Pankshill Farrar, Turnherry, on the 24th July, by the Bev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr. John J., Nicholson, nf Chicago, re ante Agnes .r. MazWell, youngest daughter of Mr. lou, Maxwell. Mr. Tholi. Benderson son, JeioisoN—Gatfivrt—On the 24th July it , It. C. Durtonot t Yethiente of the brldrapaiehtd, en businees, a few day e last week. Kiehm. mov- 0? ...Johuoutb 'of wiltrftub• to. Nisi Rachel Gaunt. as!: ^ ing on friends in town, lad Week. the residened Of the bildesfather,',Donald by the Rev Palrbalrii, Wm Pr ilablcirk, of Fordyce, Ur. D. It Gordoe spent Friday last to Mon:drat . Mr, Wm. Vieloh, of Harriston, was WI- sineeme—ilettevis—/Vialitleld, •Julyslath, utt calling on old friends in Listowel, = v_i„wir- Dflsli. to 1) r Mies, R. Elliott is in Listowel this week ot,9071ir,11,1,, ,okam, Aged is 1,1‘, As, waiting on her mother, who is seriously kviPse$—In3N14tvelle On tho ani instant, Annie 111;c4relcseo Trelaiid And Children have returnedfrOm vort'AriEmotc—Anspuovalelp.)h, 20th ;1111/. nohert • ‘titontifs and 6 dayoso.,e' 01Ive, infant dmilfhttie:' of 311r, John Davidson, aged Palmerston, where they woo "felting friende for a week, 414174VIT-r. got„ winuon McCartney, aged 62 pore V ViSiting her friend, Miss M, Vaaatone, of !groins—in Go4rieb, on 4dy SS& iriatee tOW11, son. Ileulbtrar of the County of Buren- tt isi Miss thiedoriald visiting itt Brussels, anti ItiA9 Carrie Macdonald in Stratford, MOS Maggie Wiiliseet 11/tweeter, is the gneet of her friend, 7:lfies DON nniot, Miss itabel Stuart, of Hamilton, of Iltada t es thut tth C1(1)446/1'11 °ft W it * this week. Dr, 'Williams, ofBost& who yeers and months,. Srawsar-.InParle, on July 13th, Win; atewegt, Sunats—In Merrier, JtilY 10th, George, son of Mr Ross Stubbs, aged 2 years,2 months and 36 days, ditAsAit—M Fresno, California, on the 22nd of Joly. Mary Ann, wilco! MrJas Graham, *god 66 years, 4 triehthir And days, tit end Men Giuliano Witt. re$iderrts of eeputlenn mow Years njettit arnAvonsit—At Dratitford, riss ifsflYdsit le* been Strathdee, formerly of Winghatri, aged *months, formerly of East Waiver:est: Aged 73 years. MargentrIte, Infant daughter of A a 1 ramord Look at ELLIOTT BROS,, of the Winghain Brielryard, have lots oe BRICK and DRAIN TILE on nand, It is fiaicl that other parties are Belling at reduced pricee, but we cannot bo undersold, and our brielt and tile are us good es any made in the province. We van sell by the our load or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as eau be pin'. chased anywhere. We neve also a great quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale, 4; E. ELLIOTT, Winglaare,Tday 10, 1895, IT PAYS TO STJ:P4 S Continues to attend 5ftthates of ilio CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATRA.M, O. Miss Lizzie Bales, a graduate of Business Depart- ment, len Ghethain on monday, to take a position as bookkeeper lit Spokane, Wash.,worth $6Opeeinonth. She was a clover pupil and will undoubtedly MI the place aeeeptable, Miss Bertha•Garrett has aecepted position assteno- gmpher (tomporailly) with Wm. Gray a Seim College reopens Tuesday, Sept. $rd. For Cate - love' address 0 D. MoLAOHLAN, Chatham, Ora. R. A. HUTCHISON ICE CREAM PARLORZ Confectioner Candies, Fruits, Canned Goods, LUNCH AT ALL HOURS. DOWN GOES ' THE Nick wirJeLPAiri.," I be to intimate to the people of Whigham that I have reduced the price of ;neat to the following limes; STEAK, 10 Cents, ROASTS, 8 to 10 Cents, BOILING, Cio to 7 Cents, Lamb and Veal at emote/melte rates. 453 supply no hotels, ail ou8tOnterallaV0 a chance of ;rotting the hest euts, ,sram1.1.7,mg.gu:fe=i),!"gstil: PAZ:4: -which by ;dose attention to their wants I hope to, merit, 'Respectfully yours. .T. 4*. rIELDP NETS TEAVEL. WANTE.0.—Several faithful gentle- men and ladies to travel for establiVheCi house. SAi.ARY $780.00 and EXPENSES Position permanent it suited; also in- °rens°. State reference and enlose self- addressed stomped envelope. THE NA.TIONA.L, ' — 310-317-345 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. BELL ORA and MEN Cheaper than ever. Sold exclusive. • IY bY T. H. ROSS, WiltrGHARI, —DEALER IN— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SEWING MACHINES and FARM IMPLEMENTS The following from the Bel/ Organ and Piano Company explains itself; Guelph, Ont,, July 30th, 1895. To wool rT MAY CONCERN: This Is to certify that U. T. II. Ross, of Whighai& Is our agent and that he only is authorized to offer our goods for sale In Wingham mid vlch,fv, Any, 01100150 Who may offer to supply our goods cannot get them from us and parties desiring thJ genuine emote ;Mold apply to lue. Ross Only. TUB Bur. °aux & PIANO Co. Drn. CIGARS and TOBACCO Pipes and Smokers' Articles. euT THEY NET Go Emit BLOCK, WINGHAM, ONT. 1 WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. I2th to 2Ist '95 SSE9T,31, EXCUSSION leans me Ate lune -Ave. ESTADX,ISIIED 1808. Canada's Favorite Live Stoe' Exitibitiol CANNOT In; $o A ENTR CLOSE: Live Stook, September 12th, All other Departments, September 5th, Pinal Payment in Stakes, August 15th. Auction Salo of Booths and Privileges on Grounds, Aug. 26th. SPEorAr, Ameaurioms—Wild East Show,50 people— Arabs, Turks; Skeiks, Ladies of the Turkish Pelee°, et., with Hors" Camels and Donkeys; aud a host of others. Prize Lists,,Programmes and Conditions of Sale for Booths free. Apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A, BROWNE, President. Secretary. • GEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. On account of the hard times and in order to sell for easla, 1 have cut down the prices of meat, and will sell at the following IOW rates ST.EAK 10e PER LB.1 and other meats proportionately low. The patronage of the publie is soli. cited, and first-clase meat and prompt attention gnaranteed. WOO. SitA.W. winghani, July 1561e 1204, TO. SMOKERS To Make Room for New Goods. I have a number of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, BAMBOO EASELS, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, TABLE COVERS, &c., left from the old stock. A11 will be sold at a bargain for Cash. A. complete stock of FURNITURE •-•-•A .12,TTJ UNDERTAKING kept on hand. • Anyone wanting anything in my line will be convinced by getting my prices before buying elsewhere. See my Emmy Tables in White Maple. Remember the place—Opposite Mac- donald Blook. Residence—Opposite Follndry. ' GEO. IRELAND, Wing/lain. FARMERS They didn't thinkwe'd do it, but we did. j• CLEGG & co., have in stook tar Kingston BINDER TWINE. To meet the wishes of their custom era The Geo, L. Tuokett & Son Co„ Lt,, Hamilton, Ont,, have placed upon the market A Combination Ping of SMO This auppliee a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a lo emit pieta or a 5 centpieee of the faM011ti " Jr& Iro brand of pure Virginia Tobaectli, The tir$,tag "T & B" is on every OleCe. vattie In the market. SIDE is before pureintFilng from pedlars. Land Plaster, Galvanized and Annealed Pence Wire, Barbless, 3 Malt Wire, Wire and Out Nails, Builders' Hardware, HARVBST TOOLS, Window Shades, Pure Paris Green, Bug rinisher, Peerless Machine Oil, Parker's Spray Pumps, Rubber Paint. CL1GG & 00., stone Block, Winghtint,