HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-27, Page 4.4--T `1104ON'EXPQSITOFI! JANVARY 1917 Leo and Lillie Murray titled years Correspondent Mrs. John Templenian 345.2346, Mr. and: Mrs. Duncan McLachlan, MooSejaw, , Sask. celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary •on Jan.. 24. Mr. McLachlan is a former resident of the Cromarty area. , Mrs. Gordon Parsons and Mary returned home on fhe Weekend from-a,holiday :in • Florida: Jim. Gary, and-ju,dy 'N6rris, McK i llop Brodhagen onkton coupl e oupie home a weather in florida Four Licenped Body Men fo Serve You: COMPLETE COLLISION, FRAME AND 'REFINISHING SERVICE RUS AUTO. BCD` 24.1-IOUR TOWING * russeIs 887-9269 • ARNOLD J.STINNISSEN LIFE —' and Mortgage Insurance Plans. Income Tax Dednctable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING.— Sun Life Assurance GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTIL,_ Company Of Canada for 17 years. - Tel. 527-0410 Front of Beef Chuck app. 60 lbs Sides of Pork Fully Processed CUSTOM KILLING Butcher Day - Wednesday Pickup Service available Choice of Clear see through Film or Brown Freezer Paper OLD FASHIONED REAL SMOKE CURED diughter,' Mary','4 Mrs. Gerald -Porter, died in 1953. There are seven grandchildren ! and three great-grandchildren: -Guests weiid. present Naini Windsor, Sarnia, Strathroy, .London, Kitchener. Port Franks.. Stratford, Londesboro and surrounding area. • Bran-put. 'visited Sunday" with Mrs. Sam .-Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and. family. Miss Kimberly. Eaton, left Canada on January 1st -'for Pars, France. Under the auspices. of Tourisme Scholaire, she is living with a French ' family and will study French intensively at the Sorbonne:. She hopes to visit friends in England ,and Scotland, before returning for: University this fall. • • in .Florida Master Carl .Mccallurit with his :.grandpareritg.-Mr. and Mrs.• Ed .Regele. • • Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'McCallum and Mr. and, Mrs. Kelly :Matron and Jamie Itive returned to-their hoineS; after- vacationing in Florida. They • . mrs, Mary Yost and family of Dayton, OhiP. Sympdthy is extended to Mrs. Pearl Smythe and Mrs. Lorna Dickiscin • . and .. Glenda.i Brodhagen in the. passing .of Harold Smythe. who passed away at Seaforth Community Hospital. neighbours joined with the farhily enjoying an evening of dancing to the music of Nelson Howe's orchestra, Following the dance, 'a 'buffet lunch was served. • Members of the family are Mrs. Murray is the former Lillie Staples, daug er of the late Joseph, Stratford; Doreen, Mrs, William Staples. and' Elizabeth Gerard Marchand and Aim. Mrs. Armstrong of Tom Dawe, both of Windsor, A They said, the „„we N'ather S a S • • gorgeous and %Vann and• got a :. • lovely t all and sure didn't.eovFlis _Litre in ' the snow belt: They Kemp ' Crescent. ' Stratford. . • . . . arrived home safely' last week. ' Congratulations to the young couple. . ' • . • ...,• . .• Two pots of ':Yellow Ill I.1 Ill S ., Mr, and WS.. Leo Murray of St •,;tolumban 'celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary, on, Satur- day, January 22 at a reception in the' Legion Hall, Seaforth7 McKillop Township. . Mr. Murray is the son of the late John Murray and Louisa. Eckert of MeKillop Township. They farmed in Hibbert Township for 16 years. Since, that time they have resided in St. Columbian. Relatives, friends and Sta ffa Correspondent Mrs. Ed Regele Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Braecher 'of #4 Walton have returned i6' their home • after vacationing in "Florida. " • Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol, #4 Walton and Mr. and• Mrs. Don-' Dennis, #1-Watton are vacation- ing in FlOilda._ , W-alter Clark has returned to his home after being ill in Seaforth Communify Hospital., Sympathy is extended to Mr.; and Mrs. Dominic Murray in the passing of. Mrs. Murray's father Use this /coupon to subscribe to The Huron Expositor BrosseN,. afackycird Reptitt - , ..lheiriarket at Brussels Stock- •-ydrds:, was steady with steers Meeting a moderate demand and heifers .were active. There were 10713. cattle and 1667 pigs on °fief. Choice Steers - 39,00 to-41.00 'W'ith sales to 4L50. - Good- Steers - 37.00 to -39.00. A steer consigned by Clarence Ritchie of Lucknow weighing 1320 lbs. sold for 41.50.' Thirteen steers consigned by Ron Wolfe of Ddbbinton averag- ing 1161 lbs. sold for 41.20. Five steers consigned by Gerald Ball of 'Ernbro 'averaging 1116 lbs c-sold for 41.20 with his offering of steers averaging 1072 lbs. selling for 40.22:. Fifteen steers cOnsigned 'by . Lorne - Eadie of Holyrood. averaging • 1213, lbs: sold for 40.20.. ,- Seven fancy--Aight steers consigned.by George Underwood of R.R. 1. Wingham averaging 10241bs, sold for 40.90 with his offering 'of • 35 steers averaging 1201 lbs. selling for 39.65. Choice Heifers • 37,00 to 39.00 with sales to 39.30. . • Good Heifers - 35.00 to 37.00. (tontinued on' Page 18) Mrs. L. Wolfe Correspondent' formed a 'beautiful setting at Monkton United Church. Rev. Boulger conducted. , the double,, ring ceremony, and the organist was Mrs. Cad a n Monk t . Prior 'to the cerettninv, 'Knife Davey sister of the bride lit the candelabra. Maid. of 'honor was Miss . Caroline Latiiiin of RR#2, Dublin; Best man was Warren Rcihi of 'RR#2, Monkton and. ushers were. Rands' • Horan of . Mitchcll and Steve Hogarty.of RF05., Mitchell. The couple will live at 22Q , • Friends anti -relative-ts; Earl LientfeW t'eS are filiThsed she kit-recovering favourably since she has ret unicd •home front &Ira t ford General Hospital, where she had surger.. Grandparents ,Mr.. and Mrs. LaVern Wolfe (his dad) Mr. Lorne Wolfe and Miss Elaine Creig,liton, x, Not a Seirtta motort.,...d in. Marcel alai Elaine' attend Smiles In an csamination what-11c would do -to --break • tip- 41- crowd. Hi', answer , indicated ';t deep • kn6wledgc of huinail nature.' He, wrote. "I'd take up a collection:- During his 100th birthday Meer-slew the, Salty centenarian 1pld a rporter, "If I'd known I was going to I iie this long. I'd has e taken better care •of ' After an accitlent, one' x% (intim past the gathering crowd and started to lean over the victim. Slie"Was pushed aside by a man wht.direeted; "Step back. please. 'Eve had a Course.in First Aid.- The woman stood and watched as the man fussed,-around for a couple Minutes...then tapped him on the shoultler and 'said. "Whcn you get to that parrahput calling a d octor. rin already here." with Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Cleary and family in London: :Mrs. Diane 'Mieser an.d Danny. Kinkbra, Mrs. Rosemary Lorentz: and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maloney. Anne Marie and -Pat of Sebring- - Ole, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta , Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Byers, Seafortth aiii3"Mr. 'arid . Mrs. Mike ey Malon; Stratford, visited Mr, , and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. - Mr. 'and Mrs. Mauricc-.Etue of Seaforth Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Maloney, university in' Halifax. At the same home - w ere Darre'll Wolfe. Kitcheiter- .and Miss Wendy. Harper. Waterloo With Mr. and Mrs. la N.:(.411 ; Wolfe antI Dale Wert: their son Mr. Dun. Wolfe, ..lamic 'and his.• Honer fro-m---Lon don and Mrs. . Wolfe visited, with her .mother" Mrs. leo ('ole. • and Rm. Russeldale on Sat Li r 4 • Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Ben,:prin,..ut and Rat, were Mr.-77rd-- 0 M Silverbiren Lrescent. Dublin. Mr. Mike McLaughlin is now driving a new Mercury and iii his own words "the very 10,tes colour scheme". Mr. M ike recalled ,his first car was a 1930 ModelA but he didn't recall the colour. Mr. and Mrs Joe' Cronin, Helen St., Dublin; returned from a • tour of Mexico and the Southern' 11.S.A.- Mrs, Gertie- Kramers has rourned 'from a holiday in NasSau. ,10 Correspondent Vincent Latie • 34.2716 Is our winter over? Although it has not been aboVe freezing, j can notice the,..-snow banks have lowered somewhat and Loan see what a feW mild days would do to all that dry snow that has .been delivered since early December: With- very-col&temperatures, it remains to be se* if we are going to have the vual January thaw . and if so, it will have to best:m:- At one 'time in my writing, 1 mentioned that." had lots of time to dolitis, as I had nothing elSe.to but since- moving here, I ain beginning to wonder, as neWlobs keep. popping up. I have 'had no time as yet to do any visiting but I haven't given up hope.Anyway it- was nice. to stay indoors and have . something 46. Personals -.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. McQuaid have a new grandchild to add to their- long list. Mr. and•Mri. Roy McQuaid. Oshawa 'are the proud parents,.. Mr. and Mrs. :JaS;•••Mailloux, Toronto visited:over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V.J. Lane., SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY. FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 52702,70 USE , EXPOSITOR WANT - ADS Phone 527-024Q, Vacation The Huron Expositor Box-fig.-I-- SEA FaTI-1 • Please enter my I subscription: to..The Hurim. Expositor. Start , with the earliest possible issue. • ,. In Canada '$11 yearly , Elsewhere $20 yearly Payment enclosed $ Send bill • ;There w, R aloo • a basket of floWers at • tR-e-: same church, Sunday Morning from I-he-funeral ot,Mr. Harold "S-myth.' Sincere svMpathy • of the community to 'the bereayed widow Ws. Smyth (Lorna) Mrs. FordDickison and Glenda . Dickison.. Another-- daughter Mrs. :Robert Gibblis visiting at the liorne..here, at present..and granddaughters Sheri- -and; Cheryl .,Gibb from Glencoe. ' ;„.„:, Visitors with Mrs, Norman 'Bennewies on the 'weekend were Mr.•and Mrs. Willard,Bennewies, Terry , and Keith, Mr, Earl Bennewies, Vicky, Bradly and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred • Drager, Brian. Janet and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bosence and David' of Stratford.'Mr. and Mrs. - Ray Bennewies, London, Mr. and. Mrs. ,E a Aock• .RR4-; r- Walton . Mr:,'attd Mrs, itfeVenliennewies. Jacquelin and Jamie. Not-ice Kricipp's' Fu-rn tore has changed ifs name . to Correspondent bon MacRae Mr. George ' Coville has' returned to his home front Visiting relatives and friends in New York and. Brooklyn, U.S.A. When questioned . concerning the weather down there his answer, was ''IoitC1".' • Mr..Jack Frost of St. Thomas is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. ,lean Dill. -'Mrs. Millie Evans haS returned home after spending a few days: The weddihg bells •Tang fPr. Dorothy. JeanDavcy and Lawrence . • • Brant 'son of Mrs. Eleanor .Brant RR3. 'Mitchell and daughter of: . Henry . and' Esther Davey.:.R,R2. • • • • • M onk t on. Wolfe a MI (brother) Dale were SIU.dying •France...c:„h„ii,(e.s,catliidi edlab‘r\ahitcvvi t h(.iair,,t.c.d surpi;kco wk.en Harrel adorned -the • altar of 'Si. .Peter's• policeman was asked Lutheran 'Church Sunday morning --irrhOrtour-of-Mr. and Mrs. ,Ervin - 'Miller who were married 50 years ago Thursday,,, January , 20th. They WC.re laced' there...by their 111'. and . MI's. . Carl \ ock• ,fround E- tondo and etvo‘tsa. sca m. ,_,., BrOffilag.l.'11 accompanied 1.\:y:.:1111.1 -;.-hcmitjkil .,...,ion .., and n nere,.0 n ig • Mrs. Gordon MOgk„ Bornholm tor ,,L'olcrv. I he% \ % ere guQlt.s oh',Mr, -11‘.0. \kcl.',1.2.-t -.-‘‘ tinI' the ‘ : •-•,...iFi'll..L1 Aii, VI rz'::. Mery • H odgert and Mr. • cAl . mid ,11-(s. Bob Dalton in' Florida Mrs. Bill Bettertnan.' Sherri and Marie and • Robbie of - McKillop 'on Sunday. Mr. Ralph' Seherbarth flew _ from 'Detroit to visit his mother ' Mrs. Edward Scherbakh Sr. at • the new Hillside Nursing home and fattier' Mr. • Edward. Scherbarth Sr at the home of his sister•Marlene and b rother in law Mr; and . Mrs, Ross_ Townsend obi's the. weekend,. We're asters ratti .we have a - Januctry thaw? Mr: and. Mrs. Leo Smith, Acton visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin.., Sister Jean Cronin.,, Goderich visited her mother -Mrs: Mary Moylan on the weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne left" last week to spend what remains of the winter in Florida arid -San . Domingo. The Dublin Pee Wee hockey_ - team are-continuing their- Winning • ways.. On Friday 21st, they, held "-Blyth. to a 2 all tie with Melady 'and 13ruxer scoring One each. In Seaforth, Jan. 23, they defeated Zurich 6-3. L. LoobY with-3, M. - 'Kelly .2, J. Hieknell--1- -scored for Dublin. It's the 2nd week for these Great Beef Prices GREAT BEEF Side of Beef Hind of Beef REAT PR10E$H. Ea! C Lb, YOU'VE NEVER HAD MEM' LIKE THIS... AT' PRICES LIKE THESE Home of the famous Oashwood Sausage A1J THORIZEb'D , • G011011141010S'&:Envitiviitigs 382 Main St. (Formerly libii6).60tet 2354281. 'Mff." M : mile south of Dashwood's main intersection Phono 237 331'1 Satisfaction Guaranteed