HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-27, Page 3• ' I've finally figured why, in
the old days, town people liVed in
town and 'worked there, while
, rural people stayed on their farms'
and worked there... Iff two
words...the winter.
There was just no earthly way
that farmers or their wives were
going to brave snow drifts atid
howling winds to take a horse and
cutter into town -16-Work every
day: And no town person could
hope to get or keep a job once hiS
or her bess--found-out he or she
had moved to Con. 7, lot 13,
MeKill'Op township. Farm
employees lived right on the
farm; they couldn't hope to
commute from town. People were.
too sensible: for that malarky.
Perhaps. the only-rural people
who were in town everyday were
the kids who attended Seafor th.
Collegiate' Institute. And pretty
well all of them board ed in town
for the winter, and got home on
weekends only . when the roads
were good and-they were lucky.
School buses hadn't even been
dreamed of. , •
NOW days there's. lot of
the matter.He added that all the
board asked for was a review of
the architect's proposal claiming • . . ,they . c ve that since, it
was • 'buried somewhere 'in
Goderich. •
Director of education -John
Cochrane said that the principal .
,of the school at the. time the
health, unit shut down the faulty
sewage system has been replaced
and that Dr. •Mills' comments
were not valid -as far as staff was
• (Continued from Page I)
consultants; proposed a system
invelving a. holding tank, more
weeping tile .and' constant,
monitoring of the• system .to keep
it operating until the town installs
&sewage systein now slated for
1979.' • _ . .
Mr. Elliott said he felt fir. Mills
had no Tight to judge the
competence of the .staff of the
school nee to make a judgment in
can be regulated, not in the quiet
farm fields of Huron_ County.
What do you think? I'd be really -
interested in hearing both sides of
the question. •
TAKE NOTICE THAT a Special Mee.170$01 The Liquor Licence Board of,Oritano will be held
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The Forge Restaurant
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. Executive Director,
Liquor Lic'ence Board of Ontario,
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. TORONTO, Ontario. M5E 1A4.
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A VERY GOOD-YEAR — Kathleen uthill, right, secretary treasurer of the'
Seaforth Agricultural Society went over the financial staterbent with the crowd that
'packed the :arena hall for the society's annual meeting Thursday night. 4Oan.
Campbell', left, who will serve another: term apresident of the ladies' division and
her husband Ken, who will be president of The society for another year, listen to
Mrs. Cuthill:
THANKS FROM 4 H— Huron County home economist; .Jane Pengilley, left
thanked the Seaforth Agricuitural Society Jar their support for 4-H clubs and on
behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food: Jean Reaney„ district
directorlor agricultdral societys' ladies divisions and her hUsband Ken, right, of
Logan Township, listen to Miss Pengilley.•',Expositor PhotO)
amet100,g, to: Say
by 8JJ san•White
(By Wilma Oke)
. 'A 100 mile Stiowarama will be
held Sunday in Huron County and
„....._parts of Perth-and -Middlesex
The Hully. Gully Sports Centre
- with registration starting at 7
ending point for the circle course
with registration 'starting t 7-
a.m. "Sunday to 10 a.m, at the
From, Hully Gully the well
marked, well groomed and scenic
trail will follow a combination of
existing ,club trails :and new
connecting'..trails , constructed
specifically fof this evenc-----
Mr. Elliott pointed out that Dr.
Mills Was 'also referring to ,the
School's maintenance` Staff and
they are still working there.
The board accepteda rnotionto:
"Write Mr, Kerr a letter voicing
their objection to ,Dr. Mills'
torinnents'arid askinti.• once aeain
for a review of .the architect's
proposal for alleviating the
movement-yt i and out of the
Country every morning and
evening.People like me move out '
WI the country because they love it
nand hope that our area's five
tiionth winters will just go away,
if' we ignore them long enough.
Others have always lived in the'
country and don't want to move,
even though they've taken work
in town. A few other people drive
out from town to work on' area
farms every day.
I don't know whether We're
brave or dumb, but it's a fact that
few businesses in town, this one
included couldn't last
ittuut employees who
come in from the country every
day to work.
Seaforth's Mayor, Betty Cardno
' commented about how much rural
people and agriculture mean to
the town at the Seaford)
'Agricultural • Society's annual -
meeting last week. And I'm sure
everyone in the mostly rural
audience \ would have agreed that-
the town of Seaforth is very
'important to ^ their lives and
livelihood too.
"Coming' back and forth to work
is just one of the ways that we're
intimately connected with each
other: The rttral urban split
doesn't make sense around here.
Let's hOpe •things stay that way.
I've got nothing against
hunting,, whether it's for deer or
Yo Wee
The Happy Citizens of Seaforth
will meet fits Euchre games in the
Seaforth Legion Hall on February
3rd at Z .p.m:' Visitors Welcome.
Ladies please bring sandwiches.
Everyone is invited tcrattend
a meeting on .Febrtiary:. 1st at
Family Paradise ' when a•
'representative of, St. Johns
Ambulance will discuss • winter
safety, especially as it,pertains to
seowmob i g '
The peblic, .15; inyit ed
attend a ' meeting Of the
Architectural Conservancy of
Ontario, HiirmiCounty Branch, at
Seaforth Public • School • on •
-Thursday, January-2.7 at 8' P.M.
• Petc..r• Stokes,, a well known
architect froM • Niagara on the .
Lake who supervised • restorations!
at the Grange, Toronto and
VictOria,,„Hall in Cobourg will be, •
pest ',„speaker. . The .ACO •
__sponsored house tours in several
areas Huron County .,,this
• sunittier-:
partridge, te eat _et. to keep
predators away from farm
livestock. In the first case it's a
sport which many Ontaii ans
_s,eeond case it's on
out and out necessity when a faqi",
er wants to protect' his stock,
Bet, hunting in . the fairly j
populous township( around'
Seaforth seems a little risky to
me. There are too many small,
children, pets and pee* who are.,,,
out for fun on snowmobiles ,and
cross.' country skiis around to
make hunters in cars end trucks
and snowmobiles anything but a
I'm sure they're being: careful
but accidents can hap.pen_when
loaded guns and vehicles and
'innocent bystanders are around
and I'd sure hate to have to-report
• Organizations., like the local
duck-Club which have permission
to shoot in selected areas Are fine.
It's the random hunters in places
where they're not expected, that I
worry .about.
It seems to' ipe . that. hunting
belongs ' in the north woods,
where it is expeCted and whereit
Dave Robb
Weddings - Anniversaries
Portraits - Industrial
Team & Group Pictures
SEAFORTH 5270064
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NEW REPORTER'— Anew face can be seen around
the- Huron 'Eipositor office and covering local
meetings these, days. He is LenPi.zey, a London
native who is now living-in SeafC MI: Len h as an
M:A. in English frorn .U.W:O.. and thie is his first"try
at ,a reporter's job. He's working on a feature about
Seaforth Community Hospital that will. be published,
in the Expositor soon. (Expositor. Photo)
(Expositor Photo)
• ,.,
T rustee i
• 11AOH
Starting at Hully Gully the
following check points are located
at 'Ray 'Potter's -Scorpion
Dealership at ,Clinton,. over to
Vincent's Farm Machinery at
Seaforth's , northern outskirts,
Jack Brintnell's . Farm at Ri?.1,
(Corted on :Page 10)
Are we crazy to commute ?
. ' •
•.• •
ttor:' r
Save the Gingko tree
• Mr. Montgomery has' Said thTt it. Was a - .
good sized tree when he moved 'there 45
years ago.
It is our hope that it can be saved,
because of its rarity and„old age.
• Yours sincerely, '
Frances and Bill Ball
, -We were pleased to read in the Expositor
•of the Horticultural Society's interest in
preserving the Gingko :tree on the formy
Montgomery- property. •
As far as we know,, it is the only one of its
kind in town. The Gingko is a native of
China. tsr
411 About Us and Heritage Canada invite the' '—
people of your. community, and especially the'',.
students, to, join • the "Great Canadian
Heritage Hunt."• ,
Fepruary- 21, 1977 is HeAtage Day across
Canada, a day to appreciate the' silty-Whig
accomplishments Of earlier community,
builtetS; and to talk ivith.oe people who were
young when our country was young:
• Each community has its own heritage
visible in' the buildings, craftsmanship,
values, and ues! of . older, times. These
treasures.can be discdvered, particularly if our'
young people will lend their considerable
energies tc!.40-.-scarch. We imvite school-,age
Ca"nadia"ns'to record their findingg in original
drawings, paintings, stories, poetryndP
interviews, and. send them to AN About Os.
They, will be, published and exhibited across
Canada. •
All About Us and Heritage Canada are both
non-government, 'non.profit. organizations .
workiegloget1;er to. 'encourage the apprecia-
.tion . of Canada's heritage, and the -C-onserVa-
don of the best of, our. built and natural
'Please send materials .about Our -
community's heritage or ,' write . for an
information kit to All About US, Bo's 1985,
OttaWa, 'Canada, KIP 5R5. We. want tip
discover' how . our young people view th.eir
cottntry, for iris they whO will carry the good
things of. the'past and present into the fnture1
Heritage Day 'is a timely/ten people of all
ages can share in appreCiating their own
heritage. Join the celebration'),. ••
.„ .
Betty Nickerson
National Coordiniatitir All Alloii1 Us
•. Pierre Berton
--.--"ActirtgClittirtnan Heritage Canada all win
Join die hunt