HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-27, Page 1Whole No. '5681 118th Year / SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,' THUFISDAY,JANUART 27s 1977 -20 •PAGES, $11.00 a Year in Advance 'Single copy 25 cents Seaforth police have been getting an average of, ten ' complaints a day of dogs running 1pose around town and are warning dog owners that the dogs • will be picked up and if they are not tagged and their owners can't be found, the: dogs will be destroyed. . Police chief John Cairns said • parents and • local schoolt have .called him to complain about dogs bothering small children and hanging around the school yards.- Sister Mary St:- Louis, principal of St. James Separate School,-said there were 11 dogs in the school yard on Friday and they were fighting among among •themselves. "one child was. too -terrified to go out of the school door way,' ' When children go outside with a cookie or 'a sandwich, A dog ciiniifrrg.loose takes it from them. Wednesday morning there were still half a dozen dogs outside the school, Sister Mary said. • She said many People seem to be under the impression that it's legal to let their dogs-run at large in the winter -time. Seaforth has no animal control officer and although .a town bylaw makes it illegal. for the animals to run at large,' the police depart ment-liasnO place to keep dogs. who aren't immediately 'claimed by their owners. All dogs in;town are supposed' to be tied up or Customers will find:the increase on their February 1 .bill. The iSeaforth P.U.C.. customers on a monthly basis, the bill ing_."period '.upcoming being from December 15, 1916 -to January 15; 197.7; This means that the' increase wilt effect only the final 'two Weeks., of the-billing period;..i The P.U.C.,_ spokesman ttresse4that customers .would not be charged the higherrate- for-the period. of The, Huron' County Board of • .betWeen ,teachers —holding peri l •vi4pect as long term'December 15 to December -31. tiiiication adopted 'a pay scale for degrees and th ose not. Group A tutiiity*. aces theteacher on ` The.,, o increase .occatienal. supply-teachers the,.., teaebert are those the same 'Salary time •-• . represents an additional $5 to $7 en the average county, basing their decision On a teach - 'secondary • school and teachers. Only'..four- teachers , users' bill, 'he . taid. report .submitted . by superin, ...elementary school teiehers with taught long term supply ..„, the P.U.C. .'.reports that. the tendent educationRalph . an approved university degree 1975-76.-• „ demand . • • • • for electricity 'has The•salary-7scile was riegOtiated and they will be-paid $52 per day,.. Theagrecinent is'retreactive.tp • .,remained at a cOnsistantly' high this year for the--,first • time ' a decrease, -daily • of 80 cents.. .,•JanuarY 1 ,".)97,7,:„and will be in level• during the' last few weekt• as ,separating incomes for full time., Group ..B,„..teachers, unqualified • effect for the'. entire year. • a• result of the. cold-Wean*. •-•"' • teachers and supply-teacher,s, secondary schoolo . teachers and ,Smith told the board that elementary school ..teachers with :normally the .twO salaries are no degree will be paid $45.91 negotiated by the federation . of .,daily, an increase of $3.91. :teachers ae-the same time but tit is year they were separated .since salrie will' be chaiiged if supply-teachers' are not federation members. • The, incomes . are - divided "'Seaforth ligur`e skater Lloyd Eisler ,Tris and, his partner, Lori Baler Mitchell *On first place "in 'the Central. Ontario diVisiotial eharnplorishrps lit Ottelph ittt Calgaryi Alberta. I. recreation Course.. , Toll, who is/leadcfot the SeatOrth salaries. Wtekend, ' the hoVice.,,,pitjts THANKS; MADAME PRESIDENT.— Florence Elford, right, "of Egmondville, the ' nQw , president of the Seafoith- Horticultural Society, presented a plant to 'retiring presidehtlgabel--:-Sebtrortirucefield at the Sobibly's meeting on We-dries-day.• . Atibther phOtti'aica ifory"are on the Expositor'S family page. (Photo byOke) They totrideted a4alifit skaters Hey Eisler of assist borolo especially ' A teacher, Seaforth Jamaica Star,,ts a 'tat' and P"s47,i500: ' Monday, the Expositor. eafort skater • •,• 'confined and they Are all supposed • to have dog tags, .available at the town clerles office for $t for a female and $2• for a male or Spayed female. There is no increase for a tag• for a second . dog , in one household. . But the town hasn't had anyone, going door to door, selling the tags, for a ' number of years and Many dogs don't have up to date • tags. `‘'` Mayor Betty Carclno said council investigated uslngthe_dog patrol services 'of the, Humane Higher heating costs reflected in the increased gas bills which, Seaforth area homeowners' received last, week have provided keen competition for the weather as a topic for conversation in many stores , and• homes around town., ,, • , , Most of the accounts,are paid in local banks and bank tellers particularly were faced with a barrage of complaints. It was here cust2mers realized the full impact of the increase as they handed. over a cheque or counted out cash to meet the account. r *OM, Manitoba, 14rthertt Ontario been eitiPlqed "sai . recreation and Iviri.Tge'll viosirtieddit atOwbhireirsetmhase and Western Ontario.. The pair director since centre Was built in .time. , leave Urinary 30 f' Or the Callahan January PM. Awls a graduate Although is Cold in Florida, • • '', ' By Wilma Oke the supply teacher works in the Diane Durnin. 27; of Vanastra weekend dances. . Day Care Centre. . the. county ' county systeni'"-more than 15 has been named the new manager. As well Mrs, Tomking will work ' In other business conducted at , CouncPri consecutive days. • The 15 day ' of the Vanastra 'Recreation .figure skating thaamionsittps ill4of Panshawe College 2 -yea itPs" 80 degfik ip Jamaica, Dr. as bills higher with '` • JutieThmkins of Vanistra ' Dashwbod *Community tlatid;' competition.;, • •Lloydsis the son Of Lloyd• and *ark part at recreation te' Wrote. r ' ' ther rise to corn --Centre. , Cl,e has been acting "Mine.-is nearly double"! was a common complaint. -While _there is no, doubt that there have been substantial increases the end is by no Means in sight and "aceerding to a Union Gas spokesman a further price hike is coming this spring.. '. Union Gas• • ,ctittorners can expect a--further increase 'Of .10c per thousand .Cubit. feet, or 4 per cent, in the spring of 1977, -Onion Gas spokesman Bud. Keens, told .the •Expositdr Monday. The increase follows earlier increases totalling 56per.cent Since May of Society in London last, year; but that they seemed too expensive. If a dog it picked up and confined at Society kennels in London, the town has -to pay the , post' if the owner can't/be located, the mayor said. The mayorconfirmed that the police were given the authority to dispose •ef unclaimed dogs found running at large. "If they don't have tags, I don't feel we have td keep ,the dogs•ai all," she said. Chief Cairns said he had 'had five complaints from Victoria St. There were 12 applications for , 'the position: - ---"" - ,,,Seaforth dentist, Dr, E.C. Toll Durnin, her husband is working in Kingtton, Ja ica kin* and two children, . this ' winter' under 0 ion Stephanie 6, and ,Dutine, ..3, live Friendthip. Dr. toll sent the at 2 Halifax Street. a V,anastra,_.: Expositor a copy oPthe. Kingston Formerly she Was the recreation resigned at the end of December. ''' , • t. ,would" be, AnvOlved . with " • , director at the centre allii now will t ... combine these ••',,After:1):reak411 - The touple moved to .V4eastri Star, as well. as a1? `a from 3t: while some at the Ministry play at Newly elected Jamaican rime , • ' • •• • • N4'1. ' • \'• three years ago.Mrs, Durnin has Petersbu Fl I • Nams e new manager at Va nas ra Ittite.4 • entre.. duties. round house •0 exhibit building . LOIS HODGERT feet. of- gas in 1976 according to amounting to $5,350 were carried, out during the year and of this possible a successful fait and in members and directors. in making figures supplied by Mr. Keens. In December of. 1975 a consumer paid $28.40 for the 17,600 cubic amount- $3,Q00 is outstanding by providing for ue way of a bank loan. • . improvements i -the co n tinued . feet of gas he used. In .December of 1976 .those• same 17,60Q cubicExhibitors showed keen interst and • .facilitics. He expressed • feet of gas cost $43.90. Increases in every department and:received particular Mrs,.. ,'prizes totalling $0,235.75. • in the prices of• energy are -a fact In their report the directors contribution Kathlee C_osthhe ill made for the - of-life -Mr: Keens, stressed,;, and - the consumer has' no choice but to commented on the favourable secretary-treathrer and for the get used topaying•eVer more fdr reaCtiOp -16.• :beginning ,fair co-operatiOn, and assistance of the his' energy -needs. activities with a morning parade. Women's Division. The price of electricity too has . While London fair Conflicts with Mayor Betty Cardno of • increased, Effective. January 1, Seaforth this proved a mixed Seaforth, Warden.:,'. Douglas electricity will cost blessing ihedireetors said, in. that McNeil of Huron, Reeve' Irwin spokesman • for 2tw4e.2%stotoreet, ha it resulted in the entry of a herd of. Sillery, Tuckersmith Reeve Toni ' s • Public Utilities Gommissionsaid. beef cattle from saskatchewan Consitt, ,Stanley, Deputy Reeve coming to_ Seafoith iron London. Ralph McNichol, McKillop and Entries in beef and dairy cattle Deputy Reeve Henry Harburn were up, and there was, a.tecord Hibbert, brought greetings from.. • entry in the saddle horse division 'their municipalities. The report of Other activities' continued to the •Women's • Division was contribute to the success of the presented by • Mrs. Joan ' fair and included-dancel, draws , 'Campbell. - ,and a penny.saleo the•report noted:, - Describing fairs as. the-!lakpf Improvements , to the round the simple thine"- Mrs. Jean house amounting to $928 were , Rea ney of Mitchell, district covered bY agrant -from the ladies representatiVe of the. Ladies' • division. Exhibits were in keen ._ Division,-. congratulated Seaforth Competition 4nd—reflected—high- on the, job it ,:linron , County Board of at the Blyth school remarks made quality a report presented by the continuing to keep the fair aS•the Education trustee R.J.Elliott of, by Dr. Mills alluding to the, ladies division , indicated. during Showcase of the Community". On • •Blyth took exception to remarks competence of the staff there t he, year the roundhouse was fair day everyone is important" made by :county, medical officer rankled Mr. Elliott. designated as an historical the said. Dr. Frank M,ills about pertonnel• The remarks were made • in., building recognizing fits unique. SPeaking on behalf. of Huren at the Blytli' Public SChool. In a conjunction with a suggestion octagonal. 4sign. Ag, Rep: Don Pullen, Jane letter at Monday's board meeting tom the board that ati alarm • In opening the meeting. Perigilley, Huron, -Home from George Kerr, minister of the system be Installed at the school, president Ken CaMpbell Economist . the •large concerning raw and school staff monitor the recognized the contribution of the participation of •junior exhibitors„ sewage-7ereaping from the system situation pericidically. , Dr. Mills '• 1975. The federal government has temporarily frozen the price of a ..barrel of crude oil, but when the freeze is lifted some time this spring, the extra 10c per 1000 cubic.-- mill- appear on gas customers' bills. • • In May of 1975, according to figures supplied by Mr. Keefis, the price of natural gas to, the •- residential consumer was ,7$1 .66 " per 1000 •cubic feet: Today those same 1000 cubic feet cost. $.2:56.. The Union Gas office-in London n - has • been ' kept very btisy „With,the added attraction of ,a `. answering what Mi. Keens dinner • and dance the annual termed' "customer enquiries". meeting of the , Seaforth The customer is asking "what A`:;•tiltural Society at the Makes my bill so high?" be said. COrtiniunity -Centre • Thursday. According to, Mr Keens two evening • atracted the, largest factors are contributing to attendance in many years:- customer frustration and RePorts indicated that• the confusion, The increased prices _ ,,tpeietypow in its-132nd year is in - have made bills higher and the a healthy condition: • abn'ormally "-c'old weather 7,traVI' While--a rain—on—fai canted an increase in reduced attendance' the , gOcie consuniption, Together ' thete ended, the year with A surplut o things have spelled painfully high Operations and at the same time gas bills for most consumers._ were able to'4P•iake a donation of The . 1,000. to the arena fund. "• Capital average residentiai • customer needed 134,000 cubic improvements to the grounds and One morning last 'week about pack of nine dogs running after a • dog in heat, Tuesday morning he told the Expositor• that the police had received 20 complaints about dogt 'since- the weekend. ./ Apypne whose dog is •missing can call the police chief and report ' it. All dog .owners are asked to keep their animal's tied 'up, the chief says. • The dog problem will be on the, agenda at- the next Seaforth council meeting, Monday, February 14. • involved prior to, taking the with the bingo nights and' any part time as cook at the Vanastra reviewed its). allocation of funds it was learned that the Ministry of disc action he did. He 1500 ith Township Agriculture' abd :. Fetid' ""h ad suggested- that there would be no mg held Wednesday work has been ,completed. improvement 'realized through -.:, • . . This second allotment • brings 'the board's pr posal. for 1976 and had re-allocatedThe board is' now having the the total ,forr ,ther--.1oans, for 1976 , $24,200 Ici tTuckertinith for three,, systeinpumped out twice the drainage loans" for Which the a sewageto prevent the raw sewage from overflowing ilin.system „aid compares h elf- sdlaries ours almost to $70,000. are concerned with the costs of repotted the tile" drain allocation the pumpings. At „the request of James McIntosh; clerk, I d Manager since Rene Brochu Loca entistin Jamarta —HU-RiDN-P ERT H PRESBYTER1AI —iii1EETS — Approximately 400-women -fromj'all Perth Counties attended a•day long meeting '.of Huron-Perth Presbyterial on Tuesday.. ,the • Nortfiside United ChurCh in Seaforth. Some,,of those in attendance were officers from le,ft; NoreneHayter, the board. Kyles, ' Kyles and Secondary School in .1ra-ill la is of the "salar'i'es"salar'i'es members of '651'1977 available after February Garrett,' the'board's architectural Pictured on the front govertinient make; "Compare 1st will be479 t000. " (Continued on Fage'3) protesting outside the Ministry of s, these with Ontariq's;" Or. Toji Education office with signs that saYs. sa?'"Teaeltters werk at starving ataitiipaqing story safa that a finance .,$16,000; ministera o c a rge t.yvo workitings.' and "'Months of minister, Michael Manley, makes teaching without pay - help," -$22,000 a year; his, minister of . inutevrtnogf tirtebrodiii i"e collecting gi island :114:000,502;; state $eaforth'poliee hob charged Ten cartons of cigarettes were the speaker „ 1200; ,ftvolocat youths with a break at stolen after a back window •was • .padiatnentary,-- see Aries, ,Archie'S &tribe° Tres ttSf; broken to allow entry to the les ' $11,000`; opposition '', leader Janday 18, The two, will appear 'station. Seven cartons have 'been A6 front page 4iews in the $11,1004); doputy, Speaker $8,500: ,m provincial court in Ooderich on reeovered, Seaforth pohte *".told Agriculturecrowd at OetyHanhv01.......meotin ALF ROSS homemaking 'clubs encouraged support of parents and the community, gbanget'. exhibition facilitiet had resulted in it being'easier for 4-H exhibitors.the ssaid as she thanked the board for its co-operation. , Gordon PhIlman told the 'fleeting of improvements which the Turf Club bad made to its facilities at agricultural Park. _The meeting recognized long years of service byrdst president Alf Ross and Women's- Division - secretary treasurer Lois Hodgert when each was presented with at; Agriehltural Service Diploma. For the first time, the presi- ' , 7 V arrta;febottling secretary; Helen Wilbee, Seafoith,. -president, Seaforth UCW; Doris Zurbrigg, 1st-- V.P.;- Huron-Perth; Mabel" Strong, Seaforth, President, H •P; Margery Kernick, Goderich, Treasurer, H-P. -" -,(EXpoSitor arid ustee criticizes uTon MOH dent of the- la-dies -divison was named a -director of the society and other directors elected were new • _ones; Joan Campbell and Francis Hicknell and returning directors , Robert .Broadfoot, Kenneth Campbell; Kenneth Carnochan, Kenneth Coleman; Lewis. Coyne, Robert Dalton, Joseph Devereaux, Donald Dodds, Ittch•btr -Fdflieritighati, James Henderson, . Harry Johnston, Kenneth Moore; Eric McIntosh, Gordan Papple, Toni Papple, . Alfred Ross and • W. D. Wilson and atta subsequent meeting of the boai,i1 Mr. Campbell was' returned as president. The vice president is W.D,. Wilson, Ken Moore • „ is' second past p vi erecsei dapnndt .J oD A u de ivt eo rr eka u xa ri J 12 Spinal and• Jas., •Murray'. Helen Thompson was named to fill 'the new office of vice president of the ladies' diyision of the Agricultural ' society. Mrs.- Campbell will be ladies pr esident again , and Lois, Hodgert will return as. secretary •treasurer. ' Art Bolton presided over "election ""of directors when members adopted a : report presented • by a nominating committee including himself, Ken Campbell and Alf Ross, said that the, same individtialt ..„ • .9 of E se for su Inc c)r)s11,1 once stra 7., Monitoring the situation at were •