HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 7THR METHODIST LEADERS THE WUft I AM TIMES, AUGUST 9, i895. A NOCTURNE. 1 and was passed irons one to another until. The moonlight falls upon thy hair IfAVItl • LI, USED Dolt AGNF, NY'S And turns its gold to meiten silver, . . CA.TARRHAL POWDER, AND PE01.441R- It shines across thy melting eyes ED STRONGLY IN /TS FAVOR. Anti sets their shining orbs aquiver. We hear the Maude front afar, The dancers yet are lightly tripping. The clergy of Canada, ot all de- while fast the boos ea wings of wise. nominations, seldom. hesitate to speak frankly in the interests of a good cause, or on behalf of some 'meri- torious article. Force is given to utterances of this character when the men can speak from, individual experience. This is the case 'with the Rev. A. 13. Chambers, L. L. 13,, Rev. William Galbraith, L. L. 13„ and. Rev, W. H. Withrow, D. D., than whom few ministers of the Methodist church are better known in Toronto or elsewhere throughout the Dominion. As with many others these brethren have been sufferers from cold in the head and its invari- able successor catarrah. A remedy, however, was within their reach. Toward, the morn are swiftly ellinang. We've lett the crush and glaring lights, The hot perfume of withered flowers, And found a cool, secluded spot Antleet the gerden's moonlit howere. hie mother Wes ready to sit down, When be was taken Way." "Well, what happened? Did some one die before the year was "Thet/s the strange part of it It wee not one of the thirteen guests who died, but the little child, who was brought in to Smelt the spell." His voice faltered, azul lte looked thoughtful as he teak his seat in the ton, sorial chair. I sit beside thee, yet 'Per away Within the Law. TM, heart is in tinother's keepingSunclay•sehool Teacher (to Chinese pro I hush the words of love 1 feel Lest thou sliouldst know uiY inward weep. )ii) John it is agaisist the law to sell Lig. . opiam ie this Cliristitta country. T110 =Ude sounds a sobbing welte, Chinese John -.A.11.0 light. Ne etop sella — An echo of Ins heart'e sad. sorrow. opium and etartee gin -mill. . A sermon should be as short as . i I gaze within thine eyes once more, ! the way is narrow it 'preaches of. ! IVADM Thount wecl the ono thou invest best. I Belief in six bours,-.)istressing. gul- Influence in Alleviating Pala and PredUC• BEST FOR VA S.11 For I must leave thee on the morrow. MUSIC AS A MEDICINE. ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six Good night -a elgh, and ail is over. ot till the last two or three Yeas has gat • ney Cure," This great remedy is a great If you want your 1 The lonsisi's hushed, the dance is dime, . ing eieep-A Ctergvikizenoe Experience, hours by the "Great South American Kid- . While I become a hopeless rover. attempt been made to briug music within Surprise and delight to physicians on ac - The moonlightlalls upon thy heir the range of practical. therapenties, and to count of its exceeding promptness birdies,- SP;illie AND SUMMER // Ties shadows tall, to met forever. tigatiou, says Chamber's. Journal. This every part of the urinary passages in male //,/ . / 1,1 He // 4/ And turns its gale to molten sliver, test its effects by systematic clinical - . It shines on thee, but ah, on me in in the bladder, kidneys, back and They used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal THE FUSSY MAN. fact has been taken in hand by the Guild , and female, It relieves retention of water , and pain in passing it almost immediately. "VD' 1=44 Powd.er and, found, as everyone else of St. Cecilia, unils3r the energetic and dis- criminating direction of Callon Hartford . If you want quick relief ard cure this is le / finds, ,that relief was spee y and effective, and desiring to benefit If there is one thing a real woinctulY wee Canon Hartford luts recorded then lama s Does Nero Than Ile Thinks to Spell a of Westminster. Already the society bus your retnetly. Sold at Chisholm's drug others they frankly make this state- man despises more than another it is it -in the medical journals. As a type of these Women cry for the sake. of eind • 1 1 1 Rome, made a considerable number of tale s ant store. teinle in the mitt 14) e, go milt to the world over their- own signatures: One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes and per- manently cures Catai:rh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and. Deafness. Sixty cents. Sample bottle 'and blower sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. ' S. G.' Detchon, 44 Church y . SI can never overlook ef- results we may quote Canon Ilartford's I phasis; men swear.. there are certain little qualities of charm:- tome hospital and the St. Pancras infirm- G. . ter illitke. up not essentially masculine that ary; "Thn choir of the guild -comprising No Other Remedy. , I go SR011 a lung way towitrd. making her lot three vocalists, soprano, contralto and No other remedy mires StIllbrllfli' COM• a ha vier one. The helpful men need not baritone and three instrumentalists, first and seeoud'violins and harp -visited the ' plaint, Di as rh re a, D Fen le ry. et es so I promptly and gullets pain so geittelv its Dr. Fowler'4 .Ex tract of Wild Stra w berry. It is it pocket doetor for ton rtste, travellers, etc. feminate qualities in the other sex; yet account of a visit to the em be a Miss Nancy by any means because he hospital above mentioned. beveia sees to putting, away Itis clothes buitead Mit patients appeared to be suffering much, leaving them strewn about for the wife to notably one whose leg had been crushed in gather up. Ile is not one whit leas mainly the railwaY, another afflicted with dropsy, because lie does not throw cigar ashes 011 id who were shedding tears with great nervous depression. .''''''"` The inusic lasted half Children need 'tingle mere than the floor, but nuts them inthe place allot - ed for st1011 debris. an hom- and when it was over enquiry , .,„„„s, was made of the patients. One and all Sortie lords uf creation, spoiled from said it had. soothed them, the patient who I • _...... ___ . . * ' boyhood by mothers and sisters who euffered from Strops). remarking that the - waited on them hand and foot, do not pain had kept off while the music was , Corner Drug store. the3r eause their wives by hithite ceased*" ; of , negligeuee eo easily conquered At the St. Pancras infirmary there was a patient suffering from melancholia, to mignonette is the national , ver • • • • * whom they played a lullaby. After the if only they would think a little The mi A pretty woman is never quite not understand the genuiiie affectiou wo- ant came to me and said: 'This is the first Just 'tyhat's Needed • real wound to their feelings. . Of cuurse from delirium tremens was brought into the ward. On bearing the first notes of Exclaims thousands of people who have feW help their wives' to ke 1 • 1 *. 1 ep up t lie Lig s the music he became quite calm and at - men appreciate a perfect ensemble, but so taken Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season standard.tentive though hie attendanthad been half out - of the year, and who have noted the Couafort suggests putting up the afraid to bring him on account of uccess of the medicine in giving them feet on the whitlow sill -up they "o; re- breaks of violence." The following, day relief frotn that tired feeling, waning sult, paint spoiled and woodwork marred Canon Hartford returned to the hospital appetite and state of extreme exhaustion -wife naturally vexed. Comfort suggests and found the three worst cases very much after the close confinement of a long leaning back. it: a snindle-legg•ed chair with brighter, and. they spoke with gratitude ,OCEMNSOEM winter season, the busy time attendant bead reeting on delicately -tinted Wall and very warmly of the basefie derived ' Isassnesormanouaw upon a large and pressing business clur- aeer The 0111)7 wtnitler in this case is from soft music. street, Toronto: Sold at Chisholm's realize t ie emu ki i 0t 11111 el. T • work being played, and retnrned when it •••••••••r2st.:) it t y ten men realize what a a ell -kept, performance she told anurse that she liked .flower of Spain. pleasant home means .1 a wife. They can- it very much. "On this the superintend- ' without hope. . scratch on one or a stain ou the other is a men have for chairs and tables, end that a time she has spoken in a fortnight.' Shortly afterward dmitle patient suffering • • • • • O1 ft (311130- 0118re5 need ° EfogiOtIS ETC. MAKES 5KIN SOFT AND Wliffe 25c P _ • Canon Hartford draws a distinction be- ing the spring months and with vacation twecn the dass of music which should be Valuable treatise and bottle of, mecreino sent Free to that the building -up powers of Hood's than it usint113, is, and that the eitee-lovin3 g -g ven to alleviate paha and to produce Sufferor. Give F.xnresa and l'est 011ice address. tb.a7. time yet Borne weeks distant. It is then that the result is not far More disastrous Sarsaparilla are fully appreciated. it - gentleman ..does..nok,get, a. lauelr!.d4 erve.a sleep. In the latter ease the music should iisiziegii.a•=4;taz.41t.dizitgoatiml. seems perfectly adapted- to overcome tumble. In a dezeti ways a man nutvit- be, of course, very soft and monotonous. I that prostration caused by change of tingly. adds to hhi is wife's labers, wle 0, There sheuld be a constant repetition of — similar phrases season, climate or life, and while it tones tiny bit of thonght, -whieli means no dim- , and no striking or unex- , • and sustains the system, it purifies add hintion of his personal comfort, would so peeted effects Should be allowed. To dis- vitalizes the blood. • materially., augment her. . Eitsy.going tract the mind from pain -mental or eient-the music should be of a more at- husbands, who • seldom think, begin ' to tractive order, but still. soft. 'Whether in 'You Don't have to -Swear Off , think now. -Philadelphia Times: ell cases soft music is better as a medicine says the St. Lotus Journal of Agricun an ------------------------------1 than lively and exhilarting airs has not 3 -et editorial about No-To-sao tho famous tobacco habit * JJegs. been clearly determine. Probably it • Bac, ono, a, prominent St. Louis archited, smoked • agent, which is said to be from 200 to 250 erty rate, with soft music one does not run g varies with each partieular case, but at cure. " We knew of many cases cured by No -To- 1 T sacral, - new in and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him I - so that even the amell tobadeo makes him sick." thnes as sWeet as sago, was first. produced the risk a injuriously exciting the patient, nook tree. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., by .T. Berlinerblers Structurally it Must which might possibly be done by music of NoBac sold and guaranteed no cur° no pay. Montreal. be described as parionnenacetol curl:Malta. naively character. The softness must be ! It is an aromatic uric acid derivative eXtrenie. Callen Hartford remarks ou the of g Manyting singers who can sing any a corn may lurk behind a , ed. to phenacetin, It is a white - riewder • • - difficulty et very piano, and proposes to have them polished shoe. which melts at 1711 degrees C. to 174 do - trained with this particular object in A woman's grecs C., 1010. 18 soluble in about soa parts view. tact will buy more of water at 15. degrees C., fifty parts of °utilises. than a man's ' dollar. ; waor, end twenty-five pests of a L Lad3 (ou pavement, to her linsband)- • Suddenly Attacked. . particulars are taken from a contribution A-- and his lady are driving shout in. soo . at e splendid carriage Councillor Children aro often attac ked suddenly by Professor Kobert. of Derpat, to the I only wish we were as luckyl by painful and dangerous Colic Crarnps, Centralblatt fur Innere 'Medici= Pastiest- Privy Councillors Wife (to her sponse)- Diarrhosas Dysentery, Cholera' Morbus, Dal, as to its lAysiologioal effects are also I am getting quite ashamed of this old Cholera Infantum, et. Dr. Fowler's given. Dogs seems comparatively senseless coach. Look how the people stand. still Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt to Detain, deity, with such evidences of :laid look a,t us with contempt. If you 1 and sure cure which should always be bided clestruectio% as laterite, while 1 tibb't don't wish to drive me to despair, yoll kept in the house. , ' 1 8 3nust bus' lb new turn-ont 1 cold. 90 per cent. solution of alcohol. These th I've to chop ence. Professor Koberb relates his own gre:w. 000do( f. or TliPaettrTii2" perty-ruer, Not every WOIllan. is glad she is experience with the drag in the ease of while he sits doing in.ctliir the li.3 e -long eats. These animals reveal no evidence of clay. I'd 'give anything to eliange places wife, albeit the world doesn't know • t blood destruction, but seem to die with with him lot one week. It doesn't look as if I should ever get well born. 1 ed to seboutaneous injections of ankle: 11,ettbiti. The (lector says I ought to work. 1 These ale, of course, the extreme effects teal, 'tile e If 1 had ;i strong constitution , Dr. Fowler's , • poisonous doses. Iii the relatively B111that woocl-crittee outside there I ' doses necessary for sweetening the food of would chop wood from. inorning till nig'ht : txtraet of Wild Strawberry is a reliable : , ; remedy that can always be depended ; biabette patients and the obese, Professor and be as happy afi the day is long, III. I3riefiese Barrister -When I see Ills on to cure Cholera, Cholera Infantum, cousiders the agent harmless, and Excellency overwhelmed With honors and Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, • in ; Kobert tuitions a case .in which eight grammes distinctions on the occasion of his jtibilee, I and all looseness of the bowels. It never were taken daily for three weeks with itn- appear. to be quite impervious to lta infiu- W 1 Ch When a woman is firm in her eon- . syinntoms of cerebral paralysis; this is Property -owner -I am the unhappiest mast fit the world, or I ,in much mistaken death of frogs subjeet- victims it isn't wise to call her stub- also the trimmer of IRVIN opposes.. liens, of lien NV 1 S, •L /often bring coughs while PYNY — PECTORAL brings quick relief. Cures all in- flammation of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No un- beetratitluiliirtoy;iiptiaye.lieveo, soothes, A Large Bottle for 25 Cents. !IVIS & NOME CL: 1111. ruerntemas. . MONTREAL.. i• 't, ik,i074„.NN ,•• If you havo CATAXIIH, and desire to be cured without rt.* of losin5 your money, we will send a aznmicioE INHALER and medicine for that disease without asking a cent of pay I r advance. Aftor a fair trial at yourown h.,me, and you find it o. cenuine remedy, you can send us S3 to pay for same. If not satisfactory in overy way you can return the Inhaler et our expense, and need not pay one cent. Could anything be more fair? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy is not all we claim, we are the losers, not you. Just thlnkof being cured for $3. TESTIMONIALS: REv. J. E. MAvirrv, Methodist Minister, Ot- tawa, Ont., writes :—" Your Germicide lilhaler in two months radically cured my daughter of chronic catarrh." REV. J. S. NoaiuS, late Bond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont. :—"Your Inhaler and Medicine has proven genuine in every respect." Mn. J. A. McNnnt, Schaw, Ont., writes :—"The Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat- arrh. It is worth many times your charge." This Inhaler and Medicine sent on trial without pay In advance. k t • =WOE IMMO. OF ACUTEOD minima caTasila ere t4 =.- `ftlEatrio CA me. Dooms& Conductor, xr Ontario St Toronto :—"Your treatment in a few weeks cured inc of catarrh of long standing." MR. T. MILES, 29 Christopher St., To- ronto :.---"Your Inhaler and :Medicine cured me c.f a case of catarrh of ter, years' stand- ing.. This is a golden opportunity, ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to • your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. Fergus, April 6,183,1 To Robert Phillips. Druggist, Fergus. This is to certify that 1 hays sufferrd from piles lc; a long time mid tried several articles re \\.„ commended for this com- plaint, but none of them benoitted Inc till 1 tried Chase's ointment, which bas completely cured mo. Mtn. JOHN GERRIE. R. Phillips, Jr.. Druggist Witness. I feel as if I could. burst. How miserable , •ptinity. Tlie Lancet says it is quite evi- to pass through life unnoticed aml uncured .. I dent, however, front the physiological ex- ' , -fails. --......---- 1 forl The eye can lie more in a Illi.1111tO periences related that care is necessary in Prime Minster -'I would gliuly forfeit all these distinctions if for 0110 short year than the tongue , can, correct in a , the use of this article. week. ___.---............—_ . It Was the Fourteenth. • yoling lawyer, for instance, who is carry - c...... might be young once niore like that Some people's fine clothes are no "No," said the man. who was waiting big on au intimated conversatien with 'More than the pretty label on the . .for his turn iii the barber shop, "rm not his fair eottpanion at the other and of the •emi:ity can. 1 superstitious but have a kind of horror of the ntunber thirteen, and 'think a good table. IV. Young l‘tan-There goes Lieut. 14-- Avith. his Wife, the loveliest and most This is concentrationlimey other mot have the same kind of amiable creature I ever set eyes on. Aye, these lieutenants always have the pick. One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One sentitnent about it. I had ottly one ex - pill relieves OOnstipation. One box potence, but that was a peculiar one. Mi! poor mei ewes an ordinary case. One pill taken "Did you sloop in No. 13 in a liotel2" Lieutenant N—(to bis wife) -It will \ ' weekly neutralizes formation of tirie acid asked the tnan to whom be was talking. Perhaps be best for us to part. You havo in the blood and prevents 'Bright's ''o.o. I went to Pontiac to attend the made me wretched enough. va rather have wedded the poorest mill plainest girl Itidney disease arid Diabetes. Trueonly funeral of a friend and was invited with in creation than put up with enols a ViNell .of Dr. Chase's I<idney-Liver Pills, others who Were at the services to dine at as you are t-:-Iitinioristiselie Matter. When a titan has intim money hthie house of at relative of the deceeeed--, s nolo, n act, When 'lye eat at table Atte -than he ltneWs Nftla9 to do with, he ------ hstess, who was assisting P1 waiting "My six-year-old daughter, B elliewps afflicted with eczema for 24 months, the principal scat of eruption being behind her ears. I tried almost every remedy I saw advertised, bought Intim- crate medicines and soaps, and took the child to medical specialists in skin diseases, but with-. out result. Finally, a week ace, I purchased o. box of 1)r. Chase's Ointment. and the first appli- cation showed the earative effect of thelionedy. We have used only one-sixth of the bex, but the change is very marked; the eruption has nil dis- appeared, and. I am confidently mes my child is cured, (Signed) MAXWELL JOHN -TON. 112 Anne St., Toronto Sold by all dealers, or on receipt of price, 60e. Address, WANK BATES & GO., TORONTO. "very filoon learnq what., 3 upoti„ remarked that there were iust heedo.,:nson waYe hits the nail " • thumb.atill." It takes ics-i oottrage tO Marry a, thirteen at the table, She had beautirk the ful to her after marriage. Ulm in iny anis, He Was much adinited 401 Usalelri bad 133 ea Oen& h batd Child, two years of age, and to bea ht. the little felloW and put Ir.ven to Zion. worinut than it 'Inns to be us spell she brim KatKMORS • PailifiValORS etotecK1:120FILS • PE &X RcSINFUL HA ITS Ii, YOLIT111 ,,, .... .... LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD Kit MAKE NERVOUS, DISE'ASED MEN at KTH E RESULT etelgg=0.7dexfpololitiirne yaor:the, orivsgrtsciorenc.gnmcciigiultsvderadnya i?ittlot =happiness of thousands of promising young men. filome faile and wither at an early age,.., Datthe blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The Rvictims are found in all stations of life -The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,R the trades and the professions. S RESTORED TO iVIANHOOD BY DRS. K.& K. 5 . War. A. WALKER. Wst. A. WALKER. WIS. CHAS.VERRY, CHAS. FERRY. 0 't'..-". '11:4;':." . 1..!!•St4 Ifr .,, - 4s ,." ,r.. ,, .,, CURES YSPEPSIA, BAB BLOOD, OONSTIPATIONp KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. R.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes till Impurities from the system from a commoe pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. 1.....romooraiu.s* BURDOCK PILLS act gently yet thoreueldy on the Stomach, Liver and Bowel& Divorced but sullied again SBEFORE TREATMENT AFTER TREATMENT est- NO NAMES OR TESTIMONiALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ly Wm. A.. Walker 01 16th Street rys:-"I llama eufferedit & SYPHILIS untold agenies for my "gay life.' I was indiscreet when ming and ignorant. AS "Ono of the Boys" I contracted& EMISSIONS Syphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in theK mouth and throat, bone pains,. hair loose, 'Ameba on. STRICTURE faco, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and... CURED despondent. Seven doctors treated me with illercury,re Potash., etc. They helped me but could not cure malieti Finally afrienclinducedinototry Drs.liennedy &Kers-an:Me RTheir New Method Treatment cured mo in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderitilelli SYou fool yourself gaining every day. nave never heard of their failing to cure in singlece, case." t39 11:7'CUREE• GUARANTEED on MONEY REFUNDED Li Capt. Chas. Ferry saysi7-"1 ow° my life to Dm. K. & X. IMPOTENCY of t3eminal Weakness ansl SperraMorthcce, ElbliSSIORA fiAt 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had till the symptems e vitality 1 married at VARICOUtF.LE EMISSIONS CURED la were draining nn veal• 24 under advice of my fae doctor, but it waa end experience. in eiglitei;n months we were (theme. • I me to mimhood ...then consulted Dm. K. ., ssuu by their Ram Method Treatment. Ifeltanew life thrill through rimynerves. Wo were milted. ugein and are happy. This wet six years ago. Drs, IL & X. aro scientifie specialists and 1 heartily recorammid ttiai."-- tiA ..-----_ aEl" We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Setninatie li' eakness' GI, et, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Disehar,ges, ..S'elf ..4busil Kidney an K17 YEARS IN DtTROIT. 200,060 CU nro. NO IIISK 1\K • et Bladder Diseases. a F,EifwEry Are you a victim? --------Ifave Fon lest lame? ,Axo yen contempleting raar-a• KNlow Method Treatit4lwiNTI_Xe'"13._Inleliirit IiiTilsgg ft"I•avli?t_61; CtIrtlY 7dr Tier ,-(,t-lifs 0130ONSLILTATION FEe..11 No niattorlwhe has tseated ,'ou. (M.li- lin il_lV'el4 01111i(Cilni ''..1 ,of 011age., Chargee reasonable. ROOK° FREti-“Tno (*olden Dionitor4'ullustratecrie,V;1" Iti Diseases of Aim. inclose postage, a cents. Sealed. AVN. °N oNgggrgil9twc risoH. 8rNownl'amiTL'"‘„ (roiq9.8N,j0. g',A1-. ones. uverytning oonndentint. Question i ot rand toot of Treis.;..$ merit, FREE. II NO. 148 SR ELM/ qT ;A, -- iRin KENNEDY & KERGAN, DEIROV, iti:ACcr,i, A 4.„. K.7-7,,,,)Fig°43$M.1"....tlit.„,..40:211S 6 Kai