HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 18• Sugar- and spice • by Bill Smiley Civil War? • 4 • ----•••••:::" • Choose From-Over - 60 Rolls And Roll Ends Vinyl of , Floors 5- nose From Over 100 Rolls And Roll Ends Of Carpet • • • • "1$-..-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY. 20, 1077 WHAT IS IT? -- It's a snow sculpture, -created at the , .... Optimist-Park on 'Saturday for the winter carnival. It's a man rowing La .boat, but it didn't win a prize.'' The sculptures were fudged by Rob Tetu -and Addy McPhee of 6eechwood PotterY.! (Expositor Photo) er ra lly big carnival success -- Teams from St. James Separate School won first and „.., - 5 'in the winter carnival row sculpture contest members are'Steven -M cKellar, Jiff Cook, Cheryl for their sculpture of a snowrnobilel The second priie ;,Obuld. - (Expositor Photo) * FIRST PRIZE SCULPTORS second prizes for grades 1 -Saturday. First prizeJeam. captain and Jeff McKellar, team was captained by John Separate Schoolk: Cheryl Cook's: St. Janies.! team won first in the - grades 1-5 class and John Gould's' team was second. The compett:-. tion for grages 64C-Was won _by- Joanne' Albert's teain,'7 .„ St, Coln in ban an d':Gair"9A1nrke • s team placed second. • The secondary school' 'snow ' schlpfdre 'trophy was won . by. Phoenix House of SDHS with Aurora Borealis House 'coming second. In tug of •ar 'and other- high school cdmocti nis Phoenix House got-the-top o er all, points and won -.a large. trophy. ',They were followed-by Aurora Borealis, Comet and Taurus houses. About 40 SDHS students toOk part' n the .... Saturday activities at the Optimist - Park. — • The Atom -hockey tournament. • Saturday was a great success, aecording • to -organizer Jack' Bedard. Seaforth was defeated' in the- finals by' .Brussels in an exciting 4-3 game and Brussels won, the -B. Championship. Hanover were the A champs: The Optimists hope to make the tournament a two day affair next year. The' course followed for, the snowmobile poker rally Sunday atterpoon.was cut in half because of very cold weather, according to Ken Cardno. 7 who: was co-chairman-of the carnival with Ken Coleman. First prize went to James ,Landsboropgh, who won • $75, Frances Kling placed second to win $50, Ken,Glanville won $25 -ferooming in third and the three `final placers were • Jeff Allan, Brueefiei4 Robert Schenck , and' . Joanne Clark.. DVe, -Robb PROFESSION AL • PHOTOGRAPHY ...... W4ddings - Anniversaries Portraite:"Indusiriar Team & Group Pictures SEAFORTH 527-006'4 , t. • • the new 1977-78 term of office, developer .. - the 'Huron County lleard -of Education took the regular step of A developer who has had his appointing architect and, sollicitor for the next two years on Monday proposal to enlarge a moible . home park 'south of Vanastra to afternoon-, •. , . :-... Brian darratt of the firm Kyles, ,,,about'-70 units turned down twice Kyles and Garrat of Stratford-is to _,12/ ,linron_connty Plannieg . -ere- retained' as the consulting Board was' told -by' planning' -architect to the Board fof 'the aiati..,,,„ ditectory Gary Davidgen that" he ,ealendar -years of 1477 and 1978. Can resubmit his application, and - _.• The ;firm of Donnelly and at the same time file an appeal for. an 0M Murphy, Barristek and Solicitor's enuticil on ' 13 hearing at TuCkerSna t Tuesdayglif7 ni- ith -- of - Goderich- -was-,-----retaified as solicitors for the 1977-78 term. Approval of the enlarged park • requires :a change in the county Founder and cheif driving force behind the school band at . official plan: and a zoning change • because the plan directs growth Homesville Public School, Mrs. ' E to' the north of Vanastra, Mr. Irla D. Stewart, annoiinced her resignation On •Menday, afternoon Davidson told ' deVeloper Doug if: . - -•-• • ...........,......... Morgan,' "It'S :'!; not , .„. just in a letter to the Huron Count, ammending the plan, : it's Board of Education. Hol Having initiated the "band 1 'reorienting groWth from the north program at niesville, Mrs. to the south," Mr. Davidson said, .,P Stewart noted in her letter that He told councillors that they Stewart would get objections -:she---was most anxious, that the ' from land owners to the north of band continue. "For that, reason, We continue to serve the Seafarth- the base if the development was I am giving early notice of my ,resignation in erdersthet.you Svill have time to find a suitable . ' l' The official .plan calls for area by providing requirements for _...: .completing 75 pet' cent growth, the • tnSide Vanastra and then moving e resignation is effective • . north, the planning directory June '30, 1977. 1 $---•• , ' 40 Posters, Lett heads, tnvelopes,. , said. Mr. Morgan 'objected' that The music teacher -explained land north of the former base is that she intends to help in-bet• --- . Booklets,- Wedding Stationery and prime farm land while his land hisband's office in Goderich on a art time bSis and•be available, • ._„„, isn't. Councillor Frank Falconer, Po travel with , him on business who is in the process of selling other prin'ilng.. Call us when: you land to Mr. Morgan, also trips. - . .. _. -, 'Unfortunately," she noted, maintainetLibat the land wasn't • , , . "This 'is flo compatible with the pripie farm landf,,- requite printing !. regular routine of teaching. I i ,.“1141.- . Davidson iold_.the meeting 'know, I' will nilaS working with that 'most mobile home. children and. music,-perhaps even developments in the county want' mire than I know at this time." to eventually have 400 units and. that council would have 'trouble Wig. Stewart did add that if the keeping'" Mr. Morgan from Board " ibquired '-- occassional substitute'music `teaching next expanding to that size, once he got approval for the 70 units. yek., she would like td be considered. .. • If ' the plannilig •board did , ' , She also thanked the hoard for .... .approve Mr. Morgan's - most py . application, there Would have to ' '' . its support during her four years be a public meeting and Mr. on the Huron County Board of )education staff. Davidson advised the 'Council not .. . ' to take a ' position on the Mrs. Stewart founded the developnient before them. Holmesville - School Band, the , , . • - —Mr. ' Morgan .could develop only elementary school batin ' - '1" Swiitdrth . . Phone 50-0240 some additional , mobile . home the county, thret, years ago. Her `''vvork in orgauizitkoperetths and - ',units iultite 4tett, that's shown as . ; :. mobile irtmes..01:the dhoti plan, Autsic nights at the sdheef was ,,,,,AM41.4. r, Min highly tegattlid by the Mr. OaVlds —en agreed, to a total of perhapS IS to 30 units, ' . 7 IkafdVparents andstilideniX. e to sr 7 . 9 4•4•11/1 V 31, • 4 el11.1M, alr! 0 • . Hurry! Get Into RPET THE CARPET SPECIALISTS DO N'T MISS OUT ON THE SUPER SAVINGS ON. ALL 1976 STOCK -IN WAREHOUSE BECAUSE IT'S GOING FAST:- -- -1 accepts„,. resignation of Aminammoimmiamm band leader • If the feds re-enlisted a brigade or two of • • old kriegies (prisoners-of-war) they'd have _ their hands full First of all, the kriegies would steal,-:just 'out of habit; everything that was not nailed or bolted down. Secondly ; kriegies are t rained to escape,,.,:, ' and head west. Stick tivo brigades of.them on the Quebec border and in a couple of weeks, after, stealing a train or,two, they'd- Wind up in Alberta. Ancient naval persons might be better off in a civil war. They don't have'to walk to Work. They couldeharge up.-and down the Ott awa River, firing broadsides of bilingual propaganda into the streets Of Hull. . _ "- not dramatic enough for you, here's my • Ex-airmen wouldn't be of much use-- final offer. " • ' ' Most of them are so portly they wouldn't Muster all the politicians, lawyers and . be able to get through the escape hatch if Women's LiherS in the rest of Canada. Fly their aircraft were hit. Perhaps they could .4hem to a remote section of Newfoundland. . _.,- be reorganizedA s a special low-flying Muster all the-/politicians. lawyers and force; equipped 'th, snowmobiles., and Anglophobes in Quebec. Fly them to the sent out to harass tl . e enemy by driving all same place. No conventional weapons for over his farmers' fields on the snow, thus either side. , . • • ruining his crops for the next season.. ' Then let them beat-each other to death Former paratroopers wouldn't be of. with unveiled innuendoes, deliberate mis-, , much -use, either. Most,,nf them have information, absolute ambiguities, legal grown 'so heavy that they'd plummet like torts, trial balloons, and shrill cries Of bricks, and the screams of arthritic agony _ "French male . chauvinist pigs." and , . when they 'hit the ground would destroy -':'Maudites Auglais abortionisteS." ' ' any element of surprise. It would be lovely and peaceful in the • . Thinking it over, we must conclude that rest of the country. :And the bleeding." - a civil :war in Canada, e-N using nothing but battered winner's could havewfy, where 1 reservists, would certainly be comical,. but ' the locals would hunt them down kir sport. not, too dangerous. Most of the casualties as they did the Beothuk Indians. ' , ' man. "Ya: She said the frogs captured a wit* . - . Most of us Would have trouble ' battalion of the Canadian'Army today an competing the de,shabille of a stripper in •a there wuzzen a man in it below the rank of burlesque show, let alone stripping, a sergeant. Eighty-five colonels, .150 majors machine gun. '' and so on," And I think we might have a little trouble, : , "Right. And 50 percent of -the,• officers completing a route march from, say, was French-Canadian," 'Kingston to Cornwall, to repell an invasion "It figures. But she's ,a good lookin strike from La Belle Province. Personally, 1 ,broad, right?" . • am puffing like a grampus after scraping-e' If it does come to 'civil war, you can bit of ice off my windshiel d) ,have toi lie include me out. And that goes for all my down for five minutes after carrying ofit the • old friends, including, a few Germans who • garbage. I . fought on the-other sidein WW 11 and are , Can 'any of you guys of 'my vintage, now happy Canadians. imagine being sent out on a night patrol, But that doesn't mean iwe'Vvouldn't make probably on skis, to-.take a few prisoners? our contribution, mit sacrifices, if needs '---What we'dprobably-have-todoisdump the must. . I was glad to hear, in his end-of-year news doiiferace, that crime Vfinister Trudeau had no plans for keeping Quebec within the .,,Dominion of Canada by. force, - should separation of that province be. approved by its' people in -a referenduin. Pm sure many another old sweat of my vintage who is still on the reserve list also breathed. sigh of relief. One of the many things we old vets don't need is a civil war: One war in one lifetime is enough for any across, the border,- and bring back a couple of go-go' Might be fun at that, if they'd` et 'us , use some common sense; which, of course, the military will never allow. skis, hail a cab, head for a .bilingUal bar My, contribution would .be to over-all r-a- would be in the Legion halls, each night after the ''-fighting"-was-over., - ' And speaking of the Legion .halls, a civil war would certainly add a little spice to the rather dreary dialogue that is the norm. Instead y monotonous nuitterings about the last bingo game •or the next' shuffleboard tournament, you'd hear stuff like this: "Ja hear what Quebec Cora said on the -TV tonight?" .'strategy, which has always been Thy strong point. You should see me plotting to get , someone else to mew my lawn, put on my storm windows. shovel my walk: Hereby 'some suggestions, First, if the feds want a short, swift victory: Muster every aircraft in the country, load them with every scrap of paper in Ottawa, man them with civil servants under the command of Otto Lang, and bomb. Not the separatists, but the entire prOVince•of Quebec, would be obliterated fOr a generation. • . Ah alternative to this would be to build a fence right around the province, constructed of all the red tape in Ottawa,....lt would take the ,Quebecois 10 years to cut their way out. and they'd have forgotten referendum& and such. If these methods of an easy, solution ,are Plannermeets • Meeting in its first session•Of e w There was lots of sno and.. , pleniy ofaction anti-610th annual Seaforth Optimists-- Winter Carnival on the weekend and organizers say they're' "very pleased" 'with. the results.; Friday eights ca - sinonight the arena and the three••dances Saturday night were all . well „artencle.d. The • best response of the. iveekend came on Sunday when 1.69 people .braved below iero temperatures intake Part in the snowmobile poker rally. . The girls hockey game at thc. arena Friday eight.,Wa,s won . Mitchell "Who :defeated the local girls 'by a score of 5-1. f Winners o the snow sculpture competitions at the Optimist Park • Saturday were teams from St, , .James',and St. Colure ban Boor HIGHWAY 83 WEST - EXETER• - BEHIND ACME NEON SIGNS Phone 2354451 PA We Also The Most Effective CARPET CLEANING PROCESS Eve r,,peveloped OPEN— Mon. Thurs: 8:30 5:30 Friday 8:30 - 9:00 Saturday' 9:00 :5:00' We flake Pride In Our INSTALLATION AND SERVICE • , "Work „, • • . •