HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 17....•...,` AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers - Appraisers Clinton Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 20-80:1 • 22 Legal Notices NOTICE is hereby given that I, the undersigned, 'Fergus Paul McKellar of Seaforth, Ontario, is no longer responsible for any debts incurred by any person Other than himself effective January 5, 1977: .,„ "41°2. Paul McKellar Dated at SeafOrth, Jan.5, 1977 22-79-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY -''gs ,t",4ANE:1111SHA117:-.. All persons having claims against the ESTATE 0°P' MARY JANE UPSHALL, late 'of the-Township of Tuckersmith in the County of • Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 20th day of October, 1976, are hereby notified to send, in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of January, • , after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd 'day of December, 1976. McCONNELL STEWART & .DEVEREAUX Seaforth, Ontario -Solicitors for the Executors 23 Bits: Ilirecpo __FUNE,RALIIOME- 47 Highd Street Setiaith Phone: 527-0885 ' • 23-78;tf Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER of Section 35 of The Planning Act c.349), - and N IN THE MATTER OF an application by The , Corporation of the ToWnship , of Hibbert' for approval of its Re4triated.Area By-law 28-1974 as amended by BylavirS 2.1975 and' 21-1975. Appointment THE ONTARIO •MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby TUESDAY, the 22nd day Of FEBRUARY, 1977 at the hour of ten o'clock (local'. time)'' in the forenoon at:the Main Hail , TOWNSHIP HALL , HAMLET OF STAFFA for the hearing' of .'all parties interest in supporting or oppoiihg this application. ',Ai IF you do not attend and are not re presentedat, Thit"hearing, the Board may. Prodeed in your abse-,nce and you will not.. be entitled., to any further notice of the proceedings; . ' the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing i-nay request ,a •copy of the decision from the presiding ,Board' Member, --. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 20th day of December, 1976. - , • '""'" SECRETARY'' Explanatory •Note Township of Hibbert `'.11Y-EAW 28-1974 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAWS 2-1975 and 21.1975 -° By-law'28-1974 is a Restricted' Area) (ZOning) By-law affecting all of the landS,lithin the Township 'of Hibbert. Zoning 'dategories are established, and'perrnftted 'uses and regulations._ are se t down -tktrie'Luse of,.aIfMnds„,Within4he ' zones so created. Followirrg ^approver of, thiS -- -By-16147tib lands' ilVtipusedien&no.building' structure shall fiedqted);c1r,trtised except in conformity with therrie_gulatiOit•l britairied Inithe Zonihg By-law:•L`ti,j'h ••, By-law- 2-1475 '.a'nd . 21-197.5 . are also:. Restricted Area (Zoning )By-iaiOS‘ thal amend By-law 28-1974 HoWever,"'triese' 'amending by-laws do not change the general .„intent;. or purpose of, By-law 281974. , • , Nbtice -of the PaSsing ofr these By-laws has been preViouSly given •to allpersOnS'affebted by these By-laws"in' accordarice,With the-Rules of Procedure of the Ontario Nifunicip'el Board. ,However, the full texts and map(Ofjhese Byr laWs -ate-ivitabife for inspection-In -'the office of.-:the - clerk of the Township Of, ijibbert,, during regular office hOlii-S;AVIonizia-y--teritlay: MR. CHAFILEVFRIEND CLERK, _._TOWNStilp-OF HIBBERT -. DUBLIN, ONTARIO NOK 1E0 .22-80-2 • "•••, 23 Bus. Directory,: WHITNEY-RIBEY "FUNERAL • HOME " Sincere and courteous service Rosi W. Ribey, Director 87 Goderich St., Seaforth RhonipSeaforth 527-1390 • CEMETERY MONUMENTS '23-78-tf `=-24 Cards of Thanks JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST -,.%• Seaforth Office • 527-1240 Tues.,Thurs., Fri.; 9:00- 5:30 'Wednesday, Saturday 910-12:0 Clinton 482-7010 MOnclaY 9:00 - 5:30 ° BY APPOINTMENT 23-78-tf Eavestroughing Roofing and Chimney „ Repairs Call -.• 482:97O6 For estimates '19-78-tf -1st - 2nd ' MORTGAGE FUNDS For debt consolidation, new - purchases or refinaneing, No hidden charges e!. bonuses; .*e. sPeciallie in the hard to mortgages. Call .collect anytime.; 1-579-0100, HANNAH FINANICIAI: ',SERVICES INC; - - .1 SEPTIC TANKS = CLEANED " Modern 'eciiiipment,, • . We guarantee all.Work. Write ot.call 'Harvey , Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton '482-3320 • or Seaforth 527-0284. • For eXpert CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ''''''''''' and - PROCESSING r o•••• Bring your, animals /km., of MA. .famocts GiLshwooc/ Stnisaye, • ... • I 2 mite4, .4111 of 12410AAA mAAI'• rrN Intmrlion • 21'.1,11.2 19-78-tf F R:EIE r?t SEED AND GARDEN CATAkOGUE . BEAUTIFU4LY , ' ILLUSTRATED Complete List of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, LaWn Seeda, • Garden Supplies, Etc,,.-Etc: Clip Out and Mall Tddayl . ONTARIO SEEb CO. LTD. BOX 144, WATERLOO, ONT, Name .• , Address Prov. A• and ...i1ROCESSING Beef inlelityS, Hogs-Tuesdays -ar g Phone 262-2017' 19-78-tf • HOME RENOVATIONS • . Home renovations. Rec. Rooms, Farm. Buildings repaired, All at below contractor cost., JUST CALL SEAFORTH 527-0494 19-79-2 Notice to • • contractors The Building Committee. for ..the Brussels, -Morris and Grex 'Community Centre will be calling for design/build tenders for the construction: of a new arena complei to be built in: 13ruL4els.in-order to supply the General Contractors ,•with.a.list of local subtrade • Contractors, interested Sutr-edniractots are invited' : to call or write the undersigned to indicate • their trade. mArnAND ENGINEERING SERVICES 'LIMITED 224 Josephine Street, P.O.Box 470; WINGHAM, ONTARIO- - (519)357-1521. 19-80-2 ALUMINUM SALFS For a complete- 4itte of--- ' aluminum' siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough, doors, . windows, railings,, awnings and shutters. Call 1BEARSS ALUMINUM at 52174295 19-78-tf Every week more and more pekple discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low 'cost Hnron Expositor' want Ads. Dial 2,:" 527-0240. „.. v IPA Lobb &-Gethke ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD • Bulova-Accultron. Watahe'S 3 STORES SEAF'ORTH CLINTON WALKERTON • , 23.73-tt WATCH:AND 4EVELLERY ilEPAIRS -- WE SELL• AND SERVI,CE-- ._ 'Caids: of Thanks " The family of the late Mr. Samuel Shinen wish to thank their. neighbours and fri6nds for flowers and ' cards.. _It was-very much' appreciated. 24.80x1 .We would like to thank, all our friends, family and neighbours for their cards, flowers, gifts and visits while we were id the hospital,. Special thank you tour. Malkus and the nurses on the maternity ward. We would also 27 Births • . DARNOCHAN - --Grant and orothy of Bernon B.C. are - -pleased-to-announce-the birth of their daughter on January 12. 27-80-1 SMITH and. Marie, _(ne Sinclair) of Mountain View, California, are happy to announce the safe arrival of their daughter' Shannon Sinclair Smith. A little• sister for -Erin, and a grandda.ughter, for Mr. and ,Mrs. Jelin Sinclair, Seaforth.' 27-80-1 pleased toi,atinounce the safe arrival of their son Craig Thomas on Wednesday, January 12, 1977 1 in Stratford • General Hospital. Proud grandparents_are Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton , -Stratford and Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Phillips, Seaforth. • 27-80-1 •-, IKENNY - to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kenny, Seaforth • on January 15 at Seaforth Conim y Hospital, a• soli, Josep Leslie. 27-80x1 MeLACHLAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Glen McLachlan, R.R.5, Clinton on January 15. at Seaforth • community Hospital,.•a daughter. 27.80x1' TRIEHNER - Don and Brenda Triebner wish to announce 'the arrival-Of their son in Seaforth Community Hospital on January 15, weight 9 lbs. 15 ounces. First grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Triebner and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, xeter., A great grandson" for Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald, Exeter,' Mir. and Mrs. Orville Cooper,-R.31.2, Kippen and Mr, 'and Mrs, William Miller;--R.R.3, Brussels:- - • 2140.1 SINNAMON To acid Murray Sinnamott on January at Soaforth Community Hospit a (1atighter. 27-80k1 • PI yCE - To Mr. and Mrs. Brian. Tryee, R.R.1, Seaforth, on 'January .12 at Seaforth Community Hospital, a son. 27.80x1 • 28 'Deaths ti A•• THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 26:11977 . , ...,,.. ',..t, t.,;, N -- .,:, 27 Legal 'ititievi3 ,, -1,,,,, 4,, ,,, .2,„ „i, , , .., , •, chcmge - meeting date Council may • -----20 • A uelion • 19 Notices .19 Notices HOME'and farm repairs,' cement • Tax and Business ConSultant work, masonry work, specializing R. CARTER •B. A. in fireplaces, chimneys and other odd jobs. ,Free estimates: For Personal business and farm more information please call Stan , income tax prepared. Kirkham, - Mitchell. • -148:8797. Please phone 482-7776 after. 19-78-tf • 6 p.m. 19-794 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING • wild'shoWed interest and -and ..neighbours and every*one, Twish to thank my family, friends visited me and sent \cards and gifts 'While I was''a tient in Seaforth Community Hospita1, Special thanks . to. the. Royal 'Canadian Legion, Father' Latagh, the doctors 'and staff of'. the hospital. Everything wag much appreciated, - Peter PYatik 23-784 Jan'Sen. '24-80-1 • TAYLOR - The family of the late Mra.Taylor wish -to express their thanks' 'and,-.:-appreelation-. to relatives, friends and .neighbors for thefr, kindness dining • our recent bereavement. Also thanks 'forAhe, beautiful floral tributes 'cards, letters, donations to Heart ,. Fuhd;• and Cherch: Special',thanks to . Afternoon Unit an Unit 2 for_ serving lunch, after. . funeral ''' • service: greatly appreciated. . Lorne, Thelma ' gale • t. 24-80x1 . The family of the late Joseph Connolly wish to express sincere - thanks and appreciation to relatives, friendil'and 'neighbours • for their many acts of kindness, inetaages of syrtipathy, ,;beautiful floral. tributesjieart Pnitd"and Caneer PUnd, Thanks' 'rather -Father Larragh, 'Dr, M 'oyo . arid staff, ,R..5.13Ox 'funeral Home and pall bearers. Y our thoughtfulness will,, always :1?e, remembered' and appreciated. - Mrs. Joseph Connolly and faMily,. 200-1 I would like to thank my relatives for visiting nip and anyone who sent calkiS, While I was a patient in S8afOrtb COnantunity Hospital.. A special thanks to Dr:Whitman, nurse's,` and; R.S.Dox. ambulance sdrOice and their staff. Ethel McClure 24,80-1 EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING BARN SIDING ALUMINUM SIDING. CARPENTRY Phone Erwin Ward 527-0502 19-78-4„ TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE. Incoine'TaX Returns Business-Farm-Individual LAWRENCE BEANE. I Bru ce field . Phone 482-9260 Available Year round 19-78-ff CONESTOGA _COLLEGE ' Clinton Campus ---KO,"Bole160 Clinton Ontario , 4824458 • StOrage,BUildingS 1. Sale by Seared'-Tender Storage Buildings - 4 brily, -8 ft. x 10 .ft.. with 6.,foot widedoors suitable for use as snowmobile or garden tool storage.' $200' The above price is Offered as a guide to prospective bidders: Buildings built in sections not exceeding 8',x. 10' for easy take apart and• fast assembly at the fot site. Location The structures are-located at the Clinton Campils andmay,be inspected betWeen 9:09 .in - .a.and 4:00 p.m: Monday to Friday. 11. Terms • Sealed bids will be accepted with, a $10.00 deposit until anuary 28, 1977': The deposit of unsuccessful bidders will 'be returned. 'The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted: Tender font's available from the receptionist. .„ MOIR ELECTRONICS SALES es. SERVICE+TV® RADIO a HI-Fl • STEREO 059.7-1150 17 SPARLING STREET 19484 17 Wanted TO ,,,tent 17 Wanted To Rent 1.9 Notices 22 Legal Notices.% MtKellar barn and commercial paintieg, airless spray,, hydraulic aerial truck, sand blasting, dial: 345-2879 for spring and• summer prices. • LAURIE McKELLAR R. R. 0/ ' ' statfa,"Ont. liketo thank'all the merchants of Seafaorth who gave gifts to ' .___,y/elcome the New. Year's Baby of Seaforth. - Arlene & Steven , • McGowan..' , ' - . 24-804 - .. \.., _., DOWNEY'- The family of the' late Mrs. Joseph Downey wish to express their -sincere thanks and' appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours . for..,. . they thoiigriffiillreIT ' ' 'during, their sorrowful bereaverrient of a beloved. ' mother and, grandmother; also thanks for beautiful floral tributes, cards, letters and-mass cards, A speCial thanks to •Drs. Malkus arid Stapleton and staff at Kilbarchan ,,.. _Nursing_ Home, als9-nursing staff-- te,. • at Seaforth' 'Community Hospital. '•' A„special , thanks ; to -.Rey. H.J.Jaragh and to Sisters Mary ' Si-. Louis and Sister Anne Antaya ; to the Catholic Women'.s. League and to Box Ambulance Service ' and Funeral Home. 24-80-1 ,The family of the • late Joseph Malone wish to ,express their . sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for• Mass cards , donations'to the Ontario HeFoundation and' floral tributes\. A special, thank you to Rev,_., Go n Kennedy, the St. 640 C4lumban C.W'.L. and the R.S.Box• Funeral Herne. Your kindness and thoughtfulness was appreciated. .-, The' Malone Family. ' .., : 24-80x1 _I -wish to-thank each-and everyone -for visiting. me also for cards, -treats and• special thanks. to Dr:, - Rodney, Dr. Malkus and ,nurses and staff, while I was'a patient-in-- Seaforth CoMmunity Hospital. -- •_. Mrs. Verna Brooks. . „. 24-80-1 . The, family, 9f the:late lyfrs• Mary, • Jordan ,wish- :7-to eipress tfur 1 sincere thanks for the many acts. • - of kindness shown them during the recent sad • bereavement of their dear mother, •the mass cards, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and the messages of s3rmpathy were all greatly appreciated. Special thanks to , Father T.G.Dill,' Box Funeral Service, the choir, the C.WL. ladies for the nice luncheon and also to, our welt ,frienda,for all the bakkn g. Your, kindnesS will always be remembered. - 24-80-1 When Huron County Council met gTuesday afterepen in Gederich its rather brief session was concerned primarily with passing the "necessary motieris and by=laws to se'. the new, 1977=78 term of office in motion. Two borrowing by-laws were passed authorizing the Treasurer , to borrow -a total of $3,250.000. 'ThefirSrprovided authorization for the borrowing, on a promiSory note from the Imperial Bank of Commerce, sums up to $2.500.000' 'to meet county ENNIS - Douglas on Jan. 17, 1977 at ,Seaforth ComMunity Hospital in his 68th year. Douglas Ennis of 18' East William St. Beloved husband ...,ofv Gerirude 'Miller and dear fat* of Ruth Ann of Seafoith and Ronald of Whitby. Loved brother of William Cosby of London; MarY, Mrs. Alec Kelly of Nobleton; Anna, Mrs. RoSs ...Cmarringligni . of Brussels., 'Also survived by four grandchildren. PrededeaSed by one sister Edith, MrS: Ken- Ritchie. Friends- may call at the .Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 .. Goderich St:West where funeral service will. be held today at 2 Mausoleum,Piin te rm 28-80-1 nt Pioneer /Memorial Pass borrow 27 Births expenses until current taxes are _ „..BOrrowing by-laW inimber two authorized the treasurer to - borrow up to $750,000 to' meet expenditures connected with Iluronview until such time • as current taxes , are collected. In other business, a motion of the council.t authorized the Warden and the 'County Clerk to make application to the province for subsidy on the 1976 'road expenditUres. ing by-laws When Warden Douglas McNeil asked how members would prefer to meet on the last ThurSday of the month only nine indicated they would . Jupport such a change" chan When asked how many' preferred the Friday meeting -day 13 indicated their support. The matter was sent to the Executiv consideration but a change is not, expected, ed. 'Committee for the' possibility -of changing the traditional meeting date of Huron County Council; from the last Friday of the month to some other .date,,was= discussed briefly by the 'courieilltits on Tuesday afternoon before the issue WAS referred -to the Ex wive Cornmittee. County .Clerk Treasurer Bill ' Hanly reminded, the council that before the' end of the last term it had been suggested that the Friday meetingday, "hindered men in titiSi ess from 'sitting on 'county counci ." 24 Cards of Thanks PHiLIPS - Brian and Linda are 22.