The Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 15Grader operator's, Har ry Gillis
and Larry Keiffer be paid at the
rate of $5.30 per hour for the
year 1977.
Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk-
Treasurer and Tax Collector will
be,paid a salary of $7,892.00 plus
;car-'allowance of. $800.00 and
Marilyn Engel, office assistant
will be paid at the rate of '$3.20
per hour.
Ross Engle, Road
No mailer. Me and pumps have no affinity. Since moving
into the country a decade ago we have had three - count
'em: riot one.'not two, but three, 'purrik`is installed in our
drilled well. ' •
In addition, two Q f those three pumps had to be repaired
at least twice a year. One of them had to be lifted out corn-
pleteri toInStall a new foot valve and, new lines. :Nothing is.
so 'frustrating than to go to the tap fend have, it gush air.
Without water, you can't even make a cup of coffee.
Three' sump pumps are needed to k,eeptitings going here:•
One in the dry well casing, one in the sump:hole in the laun-
dry room and the 'third to -lift effluent from the septic tank
into the. weePitigted • - • -
. This was the latest troublemaker '
Seems these sewer pumpg are not designed to last any
more -than a few months past warranty At least. that's the
way I look at it and if the ptiMp manufacturers and designers
.want to. sue me. for libel I m just1ingry enotigh to let them.
We replaced the sewer pump for the fourth time. That's
right, the fourth time. Try living in .a home when you can't
use the sinks, the laundry, room, the dishwasher and,, most
important of all, the toilets, Try it for a few hours.
Then try it fora week.
-Talk about inconvenience. This time, art obliging elec-
trician sump pump to .keep the holding tank down
to respectable levels. Another pump was connected and
for four days, we lived 'a comfortable.. normal life.-Four
days. Then the lower toilet, backed up and we were right
back where we started.
Our Location
bone of all tosait.
hat purchased
Silo Business.
and EquipoOnt
4 'Torn loft 1rd r•o41 'pee thorT-2)-t
.. then ono ma* on riga' •
1110oroy II4 toil -
I thawed
m. C.
RR 2 ,
Whim'', Ontario
Store Hours:
Open daily Monday thin Friday
a.m. to. 9 p.m,; Saturdays
till S pan:
Grey appoints or 77
Usborn~ approves- salary_ in-greases:.
Letters are appreciated by Bob trotter. Male fid . Elmira. Ont N3 B 20
Pay dearly for inferior work
the owner of that lovely home iwa rural setting, think twice.
The next time you-drive down a country road and -envy
.1 was assailed from many sides on the lark of responsibility
L-Many-trmes -in the years I worked as a reporter and-editor
Country living -has many disadvantage Al this time of shown by the press. But I'm here to tell you, if L'fas a work-
year such as blocked ;roads, high fuel bills, frozen water ing _reporter, was as slipshod in my efforts at professional-
lines in the barn, a *zen other vagaries of nature.. And ism as most tradesmen today, I wouldn't have. been able to
pumps. make a comfortable living for 20 years in-the-new-spa-per
For some reason known only to the Almighty, I just profession. \
'seem to get any satisfaction from pumps. Maybe in another Pride' and. professionalism simply do not seem to exist
fife I manufactured faulty pumps and I'm reaping the karma in-most of the trade-areas today as tar as lean see. Get the
job done and get at •another. Go,go. go. Make money. Don't
worry about-customers. There'll be another one along in a
'VOW Can -you -explain a pump, supposedly-,repaired„ that
works fOkexactly four days?
How can you explain. a plumbing job 'where the wrong
grade of wire is-used and. the person paying„for the job is
wposed to dig.a .new treheh whereby a heavier wire can
be insta Iled?
How can you explarn,a paint job on a bashed tender that
last's Three weeks . and then .starts to off like the skin
of an orange? 'How can you explain taking a car in fora tune-
up -and having it run worse:When you •get it back than it did
when you took it in? '
H04 can. you. explain .a „service man who •iS told exactly
What. is wrong with art automatic washer who comes in;
takes one quick look at the Machine. i`fter making you....watt.„
four days before coming, and then says he has to go back
to the city- for the -verc t you-deseriVe-d,--mrme. and-num-
ber, and make you wait another four days before coming
• back again? .••
_Bow can you explain electric wiring in a new home that
almost CaitSeSTTfireln the livingroom? -
Don't try 'to explain. If this,,cOluinn makes me enemies
in the occupations I've mentioned,. so'be it.
I'm fed up with slipshod. arnafeurish, unsafe. nndepend-
able work. I just was mechanically inclined so I could
tell them all to go take a long look at their own standards
and ethies.,
They're charging nie an arm and a-leg for the work now
I might as well pay them another leg.
-AppointmentS were made to
.local boards when Grey Cciuncil
held their inaugural meeting on
January 12th.
The Reeve and Treasurer were
authorized to borrow •$225,00
from.the Canadian imperial Bank'
of Commerce. 'Brussels, Ontario
for the year 1977.
Ronald Cardiff was re-
appointed for a three year term to
the. Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Band, Ethel. AppOintments
made for a two yeas term
included: Ettrel Commdbity
Centre Board - Clifford Bray and
Leona Armstrong,• to .represent
-Grey Tiiwnship Council. From
Ethel Dan Pearson, Stan
Alexander, Ross Stephenson -and .
2 members from.- Ethel W.I.
Cranbrook • „Colmniun ity Centre
Board John Gillis and- Roy
Williamson to ' represent to,
represent • .Grey Township
Council. Moncrieff COmmunity
CentreBoard - John Johnston and.
John Gillis to represent Grey
Township Council.
Leona Armstrong and' Clifford ' •
W. Bra V Were appointed
represenitnives froM Grey
"1:0‘.nship'Council to the Brussels
Recreation Committee • for the
years 1.97 7 and 078:
Recyc' Roy Williamson was'
appointed representative to the
' M li land y alley • Conservation
-71-althorn), forntwo•-year term 1977'
and 19 78 .Md as representative_of._
fire ownship Council to the:
Board of. Trusteesof , Seaforth -
Coinnumity Hospital.
Gerald Blake was appointed as
fence Oewer"for the Township of
t hee-Reeve and Treasurer were
;Mt boriied to make application to
the Ministry of Transportation
-and - cbitinnlifiCalfien*_.,•for -the_ •
balance of H)76 Road Subsidy. •
Reere.wiltbeiraid a .salaty •
he Deputy-Reeve
and Councillors he paid a salary
ot. $850.00 , for the year 1977,
,11114:11 kcide(1,
"22 7:7
• e-.11,1--
Superintendent be given an
increase of $57 6.00 in salary
making, his total salary •for 1977,
The Clerk was instructed to
request additional funds from the
Ontario Ministry of agriculture
and Food for tile drainage.
A 'membership -fee in the
amount of $27.50 'to the Ontario
Good Roads Association will be
Council will buy a plow for the _
truck,*4 model 259SPV with
attacbmentg and half cab shield
for the sum of $8,400.00 plus-
$130.00, to be put on the new 'I
H.0 truck, subject to M.T.C.
Accounts paid included -
General $2,909.17 and Roads and
'Bridges $6354.99 for a total of
GREY TOWNSH I P COUNCI M'embers of the Grey ToNnglp.Councit di e shown
at Thursday's' inaugural meeting. Sleeted, from left are: Councillor Leona
Armstrong, Reeve RoyWilliamson, and Clerk Edith Cardiff. Standing are: Deputy
Reeve Cliff Bray, Councillor John- Gillis, and road superintendent . Ross. Engle,
Missing. when the photo was taken Was councillor John Johnston. .
(Photo by Langlois)
At the first meeting of Usbonne
township' council for 1977
increases were approved in .a
number ':of salaries; wage rates
and allowances. ,
Reeve Bill Morley„ deputy
reeve Murray Dawson and
-councillors Gordon ...TOInis„Mervin
Shute 'and" Dan Traquair
receive, an increase, their
7.• ---annual-salary of $50.
Cletk-trea-sterre-r4ax - -collector
Harry. Strang and road' superin-
"tendent . John Batten 'will each
receive a raise . amounting to
seven percent., -
Employees of the road
department will receive an
increase of 40 Cents per hour; the
• •
waste disposal officer will receive
an addit ional-.S4. per week; the
-dog tax inspector will get five
cents extra for each dog 'and- the
salary of the township.. hall.
custodian Will. rise -by $25,
The car mileage allowance rate
for township• • officials and
employees'was raised to 22 Cents;
per mile. The. hourly . rate for the
road Maintainer and snowplow' to
the- -ttrwnsbip and - County ..was
inereased'to .$14 pet hour and.the'
Me, for the road maintainer to
ratepayers will be 32Q.,..per. hour.
Couireillor-Mervin Shute will
represent Usborne on' the
Kirkton-WoOdhap. Community
--Centre .;Bdard..4and reeve •Bill
Morley • and councillor Daniel
Traquair were narned to' - the
Exeter-and area fire board.
Building . • • . inspeetur-
Triebner made a, conipleie report
fOr 19,76 to council. Triebn,e, r
issued 16 building permit's during
the year with a,,total . value. of
-$278,850 and he" Carried. out .56
inspections. 'One g permit - in
December was valued at $17,000.
The application for a land
severance of a portioirof .land on
Lot ,27;, -Concession -4 for the
Exeter Public Utilities Commis-
sion well- site .was---'approved
without : consideration, being
:required. • •
Council was advised by' the
Foodlands section of the' Ontario
Ministry of , Agriculture ' that
ceilings will again be imposed. on
tile drainage . debenture'
borrowings in 19.77 a nd that
Ilsborne's•Lifnit will he $128,80(I,
At the s outset of inaugural —
meeting.. Rev.lohn Beaton of t he
Centralia United Church led in
opening devotions and praye'rs:-
The next meeting of tf•sborne
council will be. held on Tuesday,
February :A at 1 1.u.
TrevOr smith
Walton '
• .„.52741848 887-6197
offers A complete line of
insurance needs for companies or
single and _married persons.
The. Northern Life- Assurance
Company of Canada
Stanley issues
98 building permits in 76
in theT-township, hall Monday
• January HI. at 1 ,p.m. concerning
the Houstan Heights subdivision.
• .Rev. .Taylor attended the
inaugural meeting of council and
• offered some 'worth of guidance
to the new council. •
has been greatly involved _With
dairymen in. this program.
Previous,i Huron County, Mr.
Broadworth worked as Assistant
and "Assocaite Agricultnial
Representative in Peterborough"
County and the regional
municipality of Ottawa -.Carleton.
In assuming the -Thunder Bay
position, Mr. Broad-worth will be'
responsible for the- co-ordination, :
and administration 'of Ontario.
MinistrY ofAgribulture and Food
policies :and programs in that_
district. 2
Bill and Lynda Broadworth and
their three children will ,be
moving to Thunder Bay where
Bill Will assume his position as
Agricultural .Representative
effective , March 1st.-
ssoc.- ag rep.-goys
to Thunder Bay,
• • •
The -new Stanley township
council learned at its inaugural._
meeting last Tuedaylhat building
permits valued at $1,236,400
were issued in the .townsfiq last ,
year. Ninety -eight permits were
- issued.
Elarence Ran will be-Stanley —
representativ.e an the, Zurich Fire '
• Area-Board for the, coming year
and Donald McGregor will be
Stanley'S representative On the,
_Clinton Fire Area. Board.'
. Stanley's representative to the
Ausable Bayfield COnsprvittion
• AtithOrity is Paul Steckle; tile
drainage % _ inspector is 'Donald
'Brodie; represenatative • fd-The
Huron County Farm Safety .
. Association is Donald McGregor;
poundkeepers are Rick Greer, Bill .
Steckle, Jack -Hamilton, jack_
Coleman;--•- Fred • Gibson' 'and
A.J.Mustard; fence viewers are
Darcy Rathwell, Cliff Henderson;
Charles RanandRobertTurner as
alternative; Livestock
luators are William Caldwell
and7Eliner Turner. •
Mel. Graham, has again been
appointed clerk treasurer and tax
collector with" Betty Graham
appointed * as deputy clerk
treasurer. Dohneily and Murphy
will continue to be the township's
solicitors; DurSt , 'sodden 'and
Bender the auditors and C.P.
Corbett and Co. the engineers for
the township.
The recreation committee will.
be expanded to include 11
persons, if possible. Appointed
from council', are Clarence Rau
and . Donald • Brodie.
members appointed so far are'
Jean Rathwell, Arnold Taylor,
Gerald • Hayter.-- 1-1o0ard
-Armstrong,.:- John. .
Harvey. Hayter; and Mary Erb.
Council-has expressed a, desire to -
find two more interested persons;
preferably female:
Grants "Were approved in the
amount of '$100 tb the Salvation
AM* $35 to- the: Canadian
Mental Health,$'3g''''tO the War,
.1'411.10601 Childiefi's Hospital
and $40 to -fiaitd's."CeitiMry
Board. •,.
The road committee' was
authorized to apply to the
Ministy' of Transportation and
Communications for the balance
of the 1976 road subsidy.
There will be an-OMB,--hearing
-Bill Broadworth, • Huron
Comity Associate Agricultural.
Representative with the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
has been promoted to the position
of Agricultural Representative for
the' district of Thunder Bay.
Since' coming to Hurop County,
three and one half years ago, Mr.
Broadworth has worked elosely
with diarymen in areas of dairy
farm •manageme.nt. More and
more -dairymen -are Becoming
more' concerned 'about`" -proper,
adequate nutrition in their dairy
hefds. The Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food's
computerized dairy feed
formulation program is a valuable
aid to the diaryman in assuring
§ohnd nutrition. Mr. Broadworth
The demand for dee--
rieity-in_Ontario reaches
its--peak early 'in-the evening7-
bn cold winter weekdays.. .
Between 4-and 7, •
everyone's asking forelec- .
--tricity..Many. factories, stores
.arid offices are still Open,..
Streetlights are on,The.jcid8."
are home from school, _parents r •
home from work, evening
meals are being prepared. And
the heating system has -
work harder, It all adds up.
Demands for electric,
ityhaye been-increasing at a •
pace- that can no-longer be
-Met The rate, of growth must
-be reduced. -, • ;
. You tan help by avoid-
ing the big jobs. like baking, •
washing and drying:between, _
4 and 7. Make sure that Unused-.
.lightS, TVs and appliances are
off. Take it easy on the hot.
water. . ..
Please •do _ can
to save electricity.
• 4
• I
Conserve energy.
The future depends on it.