HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 13... NEW TUCKERSMITH. COUNCIL Tuciorsmith Township council was. Inaugurated ai Its first meeting in the new year on Tuesday night, January 4.. 'Council members for the next two years are, frobt row, I tor.: Allan. Nicholson, road superintendent; Bob Bell, Deputy Reeve; 'ErvinSillery, Reeve; Clerk Jim McIntosh. ' Back Row: Councillors Frank Falconer, Bob kitheringham and Robert Drummond. Rev. E.S.Stephens of Brucefleid United Church blessed the .new council prior to, the meeting. (NeWs-Record Photo) Correspenent, Bertha MacGregor 262-2025 presided and welcomed all membersund guests. The topic of the program was Public Relations The Hensall Women'S Institute- and Mrs. Corbett gave a poem met on Wednesday evening with the President , Mrs. Cecil Pepper presiding, and• opened the meeting with a poem and "0 Canada" followed by the Institute Ode. Mrs. John •Seka gave the financial report. Mrs. Jack Corbett, program convener "There are ten commandments of human relations". A sing song was led by Mrs: •Sherritt at the piano. M isses Doreen Van, Wieren and . Annette Branderhorst fayoured with guitar ,duet selections. Paul Van. '-Esbroeck, who won the trip to the United Nations last year, which was 'sponsored by Ili-e-Oddiellow —and Rebekah Lodges; -spoke on his trip. He gave his spedh which cionaires.-to ission In London Correspondent Mrs, Mary.Cbessell "Opportunity" was, the theme of the worship for the New Year's. Meeting of Villa' U.C.W. 'The hymn 'Standing :at- the -Portal' was, sung, 'and Mona Stephenson read a- poem and commentary. Margaret _Meclymortt. lettinfro prayer. Mary Chessell presided for business.. , • r „ Reports were read by„,,„the secretary, Mona Steiihenson,,an& treasurer, Margaret HaYter. The' year-end financial rep* showed a buSy and successful year: ' A $50-donation:ts to be sent to, Mission Serviees' in London in response to their request for 'assistance. Members arefisked to bring 'inagazines and other light seaciing ,ntaterial, bed linens,. baby clothes, etc. to the next' meeting, and they will betaken to: the Mission. 'The annual meeting •of Huron- Perth Presbyterial will be held in Northside ,.United Church, Seaforth, on Tues., Jan. 25. Guest speakers are Miss Elaine Townshend Of Clinton, arid :Miss Ann' Keuber of Stratford. Mrs., Alex Taylor showed slides of atrip she took in Europe when her son wasstationed at • Lahr, ;.Germany, • • • She- found .quite a contrast the modern. farming methods of .Germany fit was seeding-time), ,and the backward methods in eastern France. .The most striking feature of Many homes in Austria were the large- -• paintings' on, the 'front depicting historical or biblical . scenes, etc. They saw the site of tire Play in ' in Oberainmeru, ga • where scinVenirs_were of reaionhle price_ comparep • with those in Italian towns.near.the_border:clhey also- visited the infamous prison canip . at Dachau where so many Jews were so horribly tprtured and executed (hiring the war. ' It was springthne in the Alps, and the scenery was beautiful and the weather mild, with 'no need. -ler a coat most of the time,. Mrs. Taylor's pictures were excellent, and it was' very interesting. After only a few days' reprieve in winter_ storms, -old- Mother Nature is back in action again, ,Friday's storm subsided in time for a successful. tree-burning patty at Stanldy Ball Park,, with a —good crowd in attendance, The Recreation Committee has done a good job during the two years since it was organized. -Joyce powson has completed her term and Shirley Hill will, now' be one of the representatives for thp Varna area. 1 • The 'annual migration of residents to a warmer climate for a holiday from, all this cold and snoviiii beginning. Let's h ope for better weather by the time they return. • (Intended for last week) ' Former reeve dies Fornier Hay township reeve' Joseph Hoffman died, shortly after 6 p.tn.. Saturday, Jan. 8 as the•result of a fall down a stairway of his home, south of Zurich. His brother. Anthony Jerome Hoffman died shortly after 8:30 'p.m. at Htironview in Clinton. He , had been in poor health for some time. • 'Joseph Hoffman, aged--60, was; defeated in the December 6 election by incumbent reeve Jack, Tinney :`by about 50 'votes. He . failed to regain the, top post in Hay township-by• about-the same number Of votes in 1974. -Ramis for both men were held Tuesda_yinorning, Jan. 11th • W give's- thoughts or trie new year WISEWA JANUARY CARPET CLEARANCE Seaforth firemen were-- calledAo- fire-at-the horneF;of;--Mrs-.--,leart-:-/Baketz- osborp fter 1 a.m. Friday morning , When a srnoldering .mattress filled' the 11 OuSe- w tii" smoke.-Firemen oke . -F i re en opened an unused front door to let the smoke escape the hduse. Seaforth fire chief-Don -.. Hulley_estimated damage to the house, owned by Bill Dolmage at $500. - (EXpositor Photo) GET 'THE DOOR OPEN — Lu. Ail .5, Pirul,n iNk; CI N PE 0. toirtmi,t4Nilir • HOME & THE HURON EX MOTO& JANUARY 20, 197t 13 Bruce field- 100F holds•OuChre. -backwarailook'' written by Key.. M. Boyd. Life is lived forward but understopd backwards. We Correspondent • Mrs. Hugh Berry Brucefleld I'.O.O.F. held a euchre party on Friday evening re when the following •visitors we winners: Mrs. 'Anna Aldwiiikle; • Ladies High= Mrs.. Clifford Henderson - Ladies Low; Mrs. Norman Kiehl .- Lone Hands; Mr. f:- Clif Henderson, - Sam Tbomsati, Men's Low;'Sandy --Pepper --Menis Lone--Hands; Gregor McGregor - Lucky Draw: Person* DELBERT GEIGER, Delbert Laird Geiger of Zurich died South Huron Hospital, Exeter on January 5, 1977. He .was in his ,64th year. • A well' known Hay township rodent, Mr. Geiger served for many years on the township council and was a fernier deputy " reeve. He was a member of the' Zurich Lions Club and of the' • Hurettia Choir. ` He is survived by his widow, the former Beatrice Hess. His' first wife; the former Gladys Pearl Correspondent Rena Caldwell Mrs: Vivan cooper IS undergoing tests in clinton Public Hospital, Mrs. Wm. returned , from Elder, predeceased him in 1972. .4" He is also survived by childrenf Donald and Ralph, R.R. 2, Zurich ; Mrs. Donald, .(Mary) Scafe, R.R. 4, Parkhill, Mrs. Kenneth (Nonni) Gemmell, R.R. 2, Kippen, Mrs. James (Ruth) Rowe, W.K. '3,' Ailsa Craig, Mrs. David (IvIargaxet)'Steerg-London; by his mother, MrS4 Melizza Geiger, Clinton;• brothers, Clair; R.R. 2, 'Zurich, sister, Mrs. John (Romayne) tacCliticheys, Clinton and `ten' grandchildren. The remains,• rested at, the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Friday, January 7, where a - funeral service was held atip:pi. prate ' Guy offiCiated: Intern-4W was made in. Emmanuel United __Ct_mrch.,-. Cemetery. -Pallbearers- Were Charles Erb, Keith Horner, Wayne Homer, Larry McClincheY, Elgin Hendrick, Herb Klopp. was the trip for him entitled "A Satire on Joining the U.S.A.", which was much enjoyed.,He also showed pictures taken on the trip.,. , Mrs Corbett gave courtesy remarks expressing thanks to all. Mrs. Pepper presided for., the business meeting • and arrangements were completed for the Euchre Party on February 9th. It was announced Kippen East Women's Institute will hold a euchre party in the Legion hall, January 25th. Following the Meeting refreshments were served. • finalized to a liter date. Unit I is 'the tables the making.of tea and coffee -.for the- annual meeting. • * -TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY Brussels,'Ontario CHESEWELDS DOMES. RECOVERED LIKE IEW - WOOD REFINISHING - WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED - PICK-Up AND-AEUEVERY 7 - FREE4gT1rVIATES - • „ 68:-7Z60,73 ProP. D. Trollope At Henson WI Winner of UN trip spea McGregor has •South Huron Hospital.O Newstead, visited On Sunday with the severe snow storm. his parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pepper. , -We- are. pleased to, know that Mr. Fred Burdge is home from' Exeter HOspital and feeling,. better. Mrs. Barry Lyndon is confined - to her hone With a, severe attack. of flu. Mrs. M. Sholdice-had surgery in Clinton Hospital on Friday and We are pleased to •report she- is improving. The - U.C.W, GrOup Penny Contest, meeting: and dinner waste Mrt-and- Mrs. Bert Peppyistrioned oh Monday owing to 1 Obituary Unit I of Hensall United Church read a letter and Christmas met Thursday afternoon with Greetings from her. Mrs. Joint MrS. Ken Elder , presiding and had a very interesting• study"On who read a poem "What will you 'The Nature of Missions:To-day" do with this year that's so new." written•by 'Katharine Hockin. She This was followed by a hymn with eXplained how the patterns , of Mrs: W. Fuss at the piano. M rs. • Missions have changed the Elder read the Scripture Trent Wentieth Century. In many' Romans Chapter 8 Verses 26 to cases it has helped people to 31. Her Devotional, 'thoughts for .become-- more self sufficient. the new Year were-taken from an Business was- discussed but not article "Strength from the responsible for putting food on should-expect the backward look to disclose God's promise: God's loving actions will be best seen• in retreipeCt. Christian experience tasty lu nch. confirms this: God ii -not at our • * * disposal, we are at His, His grasp Of Us is strong even when our hold Rev. W.D.Jarvis• conducted en Him is Feeble. Mrs.-Elder •led - serviee-ie _CarmelP-resbyterian prayer.followed by a hyMn and Church on _Sunday. Mrs. Robert closing. poem "A sure way to a Taylor led in the service of song 'Happy Day". the roll pall was playing.the _piano. The annual answered by the payment of meeting will be:held on Januar: dues. Gifts for our Sponsored 28th beginning with a potluck Girl were given. Mrs. Don Joynt supper. Mrs: Eider thanked, all for taking, part. Mrs. Robert' Drysdale and . Mrs. Walter Spencer served a Good attendance 'at Sontors-meeting January ' 19th hosted: by .,the one. _table played, crokinole. • V. Iland4L-Lucicy- Tourist.guide: "And this, is where they signed, the _Magna tart." Tourist: "When did they do that?'" ' Cu ide: "1215.'.1.L • . Tourist, glancing at his watch: "Well, „how do you like that, Emily; : We _missed it "by twenty .I minutes." Canadians swallow thousands of' doses of medi- cine each year. •Many of these are over-die-counter- 'items, such at cough reme- dies :a-ill-kids, laxatives and headache. tablets. Play it sate with these ,readilyavailable tnedieines: - Always read, the label and •• follow directions carefully • frequent use and see-- y6tit doctor if sYmptoms persist ` Keep all medicines safely out of reach of childrere.- Mrs. Ant Bengough;. Crokinole Prize - Mrs, Gertrude Moir; Nearest Anniversary - Mr. and •Mrs. Clarence Volland. Refreshments were served '-by - the hostessft Mrs. •Dorothy and Vera .13rintnell: NOM Mil um BANK i.RAIL-914,s4;NCING on all models --new and used Come To Brussels Motors SeelDur•Selection 2 -''76 Chevell Malibu Classic 4 door - 2 dooi `4 '76 Chev. Impala door H.T. '75 Chevelle Classic 4 doo? ' '75 Monte Carlo 2 door H.T. '75 Ford Custoni suv 4 door sedan ' '75 Chet, Impala 4' door '75, Cutlass 4 door H.T. A.C. '74 Catalina with AG 1 '74 Pontiac Le Mons 4 doer sedan '74. Gran Torino 4 door A c. 74 Ford Galaxie 500 2 d r 4-1,T7.•A c 2 -- '74. Poccl-• 'custom 500, 2 r HT '73 Oldsmobile Delta Royale a e 4 door hit. 2- 73 Pontiac 4 dr. • H.T. ' 72 Pontiac rand Prix 2 door H.T. '71 Ca V8- Auto, PS' PB 2 - '71. Pont's eS '72 CutlakirVirith AC rom ' ‘4111101Vie. olE" B• it'll/St!) CAES" BROsszts, momtko OPEN IEVERY EVENiNG 1111111 101,111 gismo 'ispilio The Hensall Senior Citizens met in the local hall On Tuesday evening with a good attendance in spite of`weather conditions: Percy Campbell -presided' over the• business meeting and Mrs. Irene Finlayson- read the minutes in the absence'of the ,,e,crplar.5r, Mrs. Grace Peck., An invitation was accepted to attend a 'dinner'in the Legion Hall, Hensall on Wednesday , e* , Smile K n ippe East Women's Institute. A "thanit,,you" was read from the -Hensall United' 'Church for the part the Seniors took in . the Christmas program at the.church. Following' the meeting' four tables played, progreSSive euchre. and Winners •fdr the euchre were Ladies' high - Mrs, Percy Campbell; •• Ladies' Consolation - Mrs. Irene Finlayson; Men's High : Alf Ross Men's Consolation - Clarence volland; Lone • Hands; Mrs, , MIN NM NW NM- STATION "WAGONS '74 Ford .custom 500 73 Gran Torino Ac • H4T.A.C. • TRUCKS • 2.- '75 Chev. 1/2 ton 4 -'74 Ford Louisville,„750; 5 speed, 2.speed axel, 18' vad'Or cabin chassis. '74 Chev 3/4 toil '74 Nord 3/4 ton pick up.V8 auto p.s. p,b. '73 Chev. 0 series with 12' van. 2.73: Chet, 6500 series, 366 eng. 900 x 20 5 spd,•18' vans or c & c . 1 , 00 e0 PHONE 487,61:73 Number of 71-74 Chev & Ford vans' - Number of Ford Econoline V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes. Rug Doug has juit returned from the Canadian Floor Covering Show, and must make room for, all the carpeting Thetis now arriving, Come in and check out this terrific selection of ... -carpeting for every room inLihe house, now at Clearance Sale Prices. 171 1 h‘i 12. f -41 CELANESE I WHILE MORNING GLOW GOLD i1tcom:8 • IN BACKING ONLY I RUBBER BACK CELANESE GOLD TORERO ORANGE . QUALITY ARMSTRONG PLAZA FOUR . .SHAG GREEN Plus these other fine carpeiings- , COLOUR i REG. l SALE PRICE • ‘00 GREEN REG. $11.95 SO. YD, • BROWN OR ORANGE RUBBER BACK REG. $10.95 SQ.•YD 'STONEY ► °KITCHEN t :95 - • POINT CARPET *rill PRINT NYLON KITCHEN CARPET tio REG. SaM SO, Yd — . •oinn .1, nuotELlivote Boyfiehl Rd., Clinton 482-3441. OPEN, Monday tpictiv Saturday a cm.. 4t0 OA. Mr0 4A\Iti Select Group of Choice REMNANTS ' et up to 5 0 % OFF ....,. PR EE ESTIMATES •,GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Pritai AN per Niuliia yard and for In • mkt qua Mkt only.