HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 6THE WI-NO.11AM TIMES, AUGUST(' 9. 1895. anee 'must be supported at th& e &to lit VS RCM b n. deplorable qr Ir.), • ,t" ,s . ss v ,a4t tit the ;matey by aa iesurable laterest1situatiou t intu who netaire b .0 )1* fhe and the amonot of the so bountiful the citizen folds his polka* must not exceed the amount nrms, and the enterprising foreigner a that insurable interest. For in- la invited to step in to, win avid carry FItIDAN, \UGI ST 0, 180•I stanee‘ ewea you, say, $3,000, awes. the treasure. When the gas you could insure IU\ life for $3,000, ileids of Essex and Welland were PvenibiritY of the law la that al- opened, pipe lines wen laid down to that would not void the policy. The !Buffalo. But this, thrtuttately, is an rjit INSURANCE FRAUDS . though might discharge the d eatteonvey c neap • fuel k Detroit and ' eatreme instance of how mineral — debt inthit be inVell at the niceptiou An interesting interview With of the pulley, but need not continue a Provincial Inspector. . to roo with the ',Hey- -- One great :source of trouble in the 'Fr ecautiona Taken Aa,ainst Synod- united Stetes. where insurance lima ling in Ontario. ; ders have lately been so frequent, is .-- ;the mut of observing this doctrine LIVES OF CHIL.DREN CAREFLILLY ! of insurable intereat. The act of OCARDED — THE, ""AVEYARD" .. George III, chapter 48, is not recog- , V .1,RIETY OF FliA170. 1 nixed in the States. The aet was — passed just abut the date of the In conyeraation with Dr. floweret . American revolution, anti it is held Hunter, the Provincial Government I by the American courts that the act Inspector of Insurance, regardiug was never valid. dune. The want of the large number of insurance insarable interest, of course, leads murders which have lately taken to direet gambling in lives. Then place in the United States and I the next CRUD is theexcessive amount taken before the mineral wealth of Canada, the law in regard to the ;placed upon lives. Eveu where there our country ean be utilized. There taking out of policies was clearly I is some insurable interest the amount is no other way. The real estete and accurately outlined, and will he linsared is frequentiv fitr in excess of miner, who burs and sells mineral and mill in Galbraith Township were operated only daring. a portion of the yea'r, owing, it is said, to an insuilicioner of capital ; but the engineer in cbarge elaims. that the work done in the mine has proved it to be a good propert;;, The death of one o1 the principal bhareholders, which pcourred recently, will doubt. less for a time leave the affairs of the company in unsettled state. The Creighton mine in the township of that name Was idle the whole year, hat towards the close of it fresh ex- ploratory work was commenced with a diamond drill and it is reported that a strike of considerable promises has been made ; operations to more satisfactorily. prove the extent and quality. of the ore body are now, in progress. In the Lake Wahnapa tae district a legation taken up by Mr. Rinaldo McConnell, of Aiattawa, has attraeted much attention by the exceedingly rich samples of' ore taken from it. A company has been organ - ed, to work the property, and. a shaft is in course of being sank upon rhe vein. In the Marmora :district. little has been done. Onls on D DE V` - -e ro. - potent is allowe4. Neves.; pas' Guinn, con. fortune may he given away, To be inspired with confidence in the re- sources of the country is laudable if this facts warrant it; yet more impor- tent is tbo enterprise whieh under- tekes to develop resources when they are discovered and can be utilized. In the matter of mineral possessaons pecially what we require is, first, the enterprise to prove by sabstan- dal prospecting work that location has Mineral value, and, secondly, a stifficiencrof capital to develop and operate it in a business -like way foe profit. There aro risks that Must be Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South Amerlean ltheinnatie Cure of Mourn atiom andNeuralglo. radieally mires in]. to 13 days, Its action on the syetein is remeritablo and mysterious. it removes at once the cense of the dieease immediately disuppoars. The first toe greatly benefits. ?1 gents. Warranteea at Cliishom'sdrug store. AGENTS WANTED.—who desire In sant from ma•wevimint.,•,•• read with some interest at the I that insurable intstrest. It is from lands without expending a dollar in present time. Dr. Hunter said: In I one or both of these causes that much labor to show whet they are worth, of the criminal insurance has origi- may have his uses, but he does this eountry what is known as the I Wager Policy Act, or the Gambling nated. ' nothing to convert natural resources Act, forbid the insuring of one .1NOTHER, VARIETY' OF FRAUD. into tangible wealth. Unemployed I -then there is another varietV nf money' in the ba,nk or the safe, man's life by another, except under , ,„ certain wen -defined conditions,. A, . fraudulent insurance known as grave - for example, cannot insure B'S life vard insurance, also of late years unless A has an insurable interest in very frequently in the United States. Fs life. The meaning of that is. The person to be insured in sub a the death or 13, or at least would b: lease is generally selected as having that A must be a pecuniary loser s been struck with some fatal disease have been so at the date at which or as being otherwise of short dura - the policy was issued. If A is a 'creditor of 13, then he is entitled t ) insure the life Lof B for his (A's) own benefit, as a direct or collateral security for the payment of the debt. agent is generally an element in such TIIE ENGLISH (WIELING ACT. • cases. Death usually conies in these There was a period in the history cases without any active intervention of England when the people began ion the part of the beneficiary, and to gamble in insurance, not unlike I the proceeds of the fraudulent insur- the manuer now prevalent in the I ante are not infrequently divided with United States and this country, and I the conniving agent.—Toronto Globe. it was suspected to have led to some ,criminal acts. • Then the act, 14 • George III., cb. 48, was passed, which is known as- the Gambling Act, er the Wager Policy Act, forbidding insurance on lives where the policy IS not supported by an insurable interest. This act is still law in Ontario. It came in. with the Con- stitutional act of 1791, and the legis - $15 to U125 Zu*Mfrit.;767; done selling our hardy, anaranteed. Canadint grown Nursery Stook. Salary or eounmesiou paid weekly. Exelnsive territory. tfand- soma outfit tree. Write us at oneo for terms. E. O. GRAIIAM, Nurserymen, Tempt°, Ont. Caveats and Tratic.Mares' obMinee, -rid n11 patent business conducted flir MODER VIIC FEES,r1y office in the vicini ty of the Patent Office, and my fachlties for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or phutograph Inventio a, with description and statement :In tOm1.-Intage• clahned. SiTi-No MO r7( .0 It4,70 :Or ft:: r.ptit It»: Its to potentobility, anti my fee for prosecuting the a ) Holden mitt not Zta elated tor ventlt the the Ledyard mine in Belmout, was iniilosLfsgoil,:sircrell,lissf,y1Attf,rely ,Cuslaeetztrin.l. worked during the year. Seine good FRANKLIN M. HOUGH ore was raised, and a secondhand naa„,,,,a,,,Isiathsszardm tt. (1. Huntington mill was set up, which, however, gave little or no resnit. A new Huntington mill has been pur- ores of gold, nickel, copper and iron chased and will be running in the in the earth, are in that form alike course of a few weeks. Tbe „gold. useless to the service or mans The mill built -at Marmora to treate money must go into circulation, and arsenical ores by the Walker -Carole the ores must be wou and their process has .been closed down - fur want0)'0 to metals made ready for the purposes Mr. Blue gives some very interest-. of commerce and. the arts.' ing statistics• as to the ratio of wages tion of life, and the person effecting MINING STMOISTICS. to•valub of product in some of the the insurance has -usually no instir-1 The number of locations sold dur- leading branches of mining, and able interest in the life. The fraudia I jag. lent counivanee a an insurance I to 2,271 acres, the price being the past year was 40, extending devotes a considoritble :meant of space to a demonstration of the $7,75(3. The "'amber leased- ,was • growth of the cement and clay indus- 60, of 7,050 acres in eatent, the re-ltrie. aTelpiettiFtrueisesiell;ssi Itsiraeckateinvecli(T)irlii.ag eeipts from rents of locations being! cotta $10,290. The total value of the rixpidly. Six veers only have passed Product in 1891 was $6,086,758, and since the i tarot! uction of t Ills induatry • the number of persons employed in producing it was 6,095, who receiv- "Ind last \Till' 2011 Workmen wese en- gaged turning out product to the ed $1,810,289 in wages-. There value of $986,a30. There has been seems to be aavery considerable say- steady improvement in the a talliteca ing* of labor to the mine -owners in 1893, when the ture of our cities as a result of the comparison with introduction of these materials. product was valued at but $46,000 PAVING BRICK. The director hopes for ' much from the new paving -brick industry, and says :—"The importance of the clay industry has been so well recognized by the Legislature of Ohio that n course of practical. and scientilic in- struetion iii the art of clayonakitig and ceramic.; has been added to. the educational work of the State Univeia sity, and the first term of this depart- ment opened in September of last value produced. The remaining year. Work of that kind is as much seven -eights go to the owners of' the needed in Ontario as in Ohio, and oil fields and the captains of corn- the professors of our seientific schools mem. On the other hand, in .the cannot too semi prepare to enter upon making of common brick and drain Ito tile, the value of which is set down Not a little space is cloiefted to eon - at $970,000, there are 2,375 em- sideration of the effort of - the Moore- ployees, earning 089,000. - In house syndicate to introduce iron bricksmaking 40 per cent. of the ward Canada. Mr. Blue, discussing smelting in Ontario. 'Phe last attempt total value of' the product goes to the t , the often asked question why Cana- .1.011 was made in 1851, o moducc 1 worker,. the raw notterial beings of' diens themselves do not invest in and 'many subsequent projects have mining enterprises, says come te nothifi Ir. Ari account is very little value. In the quarrying. ONTARIO'S NINES. • ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF • -- - lesi than in 1804, while 1,087 more men were employed in 1893 than in 1891., and $95,301 more was paid in wages. . Some curious results are reached laden in Upper Canada in 1192, In & Rutter, and gives evidence of care- by an analysis of the figures. In . which is a special provision makin.r 1, fat compilation, by Mr. Archibald the petroleum industry, for example, the law of England the law of Upper 1Blue, Director of the Bureau. Mr. 486 employees turn out products to Canada. I Blue has the faculty of imparting the value of $2,146,937 and get I and his reports are valuable to the or. roughly ONTARIO LEGISLATION. I Much information in a readable form, $979,930 in wages, In 1892 it was found that an itie speakine. aboat an eighth of the so !general reader as well as to the min- mense number of policies were afloat , ling expert. The report for 1891 's in Ontario on the lives of young 1 prefaced by a few remarks on the children, effected somethnes by their . , difficulty of securing capital for th ; parents, sometimes by friends, al' ' development of mines during a sometimes by others not connected period. ot depression. The American with them at all. These policies are and English capital heretofore pu. a breach of the English gambling into the work has for the time as a. 'act, and the question arose, What result of depression ceased to flow to. was to be done about them? There were from 20,000 to 25,000 of them in force in the Province. It seemed a very strong step to declare the n illegalriaut it was deemed right in theafirStPlace to regulate the amount, which could be placed on a young Child's li(e, and in the next place to limit the taking out of a policy on such a life to the parents. Thea. seemed two safeguards, namely : (1) the ihniting of the amount to be placed to about the expenses of the last illness and the cost of burial, and (2) making it legal for the parents only to take out the policy. Legis- lation to this effect was accomplished by the Insurance Corporations Act of 1892. There was at adjustment last session of the amount which it was permissible to place on a youug ehihre life. The adjustment of last session was for the purpose of making the law work conveniently with the titeaie which had been adopted by several companies, and so avoid the DecesSify of the printing of new forms by them. Some of the newspapers criticised us for sanctioning* child int:ay:ince at all, but we found very many policies of the kind Waging' not hair as inneh 04 Wil4 allowed in ! loeatiorts are being actively develop. Taylor, Dmoist, et, Owen send. and SO WC have thrown the substan: I 18st. tial shfeguards mentioned about it, I cal/n(111m banks la t',., 01,04 it.. „r. Yet, with ail Mint men()); la !ed, and one ;;old mill is nearly ready for operation. In the Lake of he At the time I was suffering lipid*, 8160111118 Willeh did 11(4 exist he- I ( an ti if :IAA) oj.) tn. .!,; to ),0 ),) ti i Woods district the mine and miit ton 1116. pain, but inside of 11VOIVO it0i1V8 fore. This is the state of things now ". ',, ' 1 , ' requireg .0) i eve,op a p.imil-ing 111111. .. 'ul ,ATIA, 1, t, . is Ina have been worked after'l took the ili.st dose the pain ,., . , .„,_ _ with l'egord to tbild inSitralle0, / Wt MC, 1 continued until I took There is no 'knit in law, however, we el est, ti p)Ic p i .1. I i i. 1: e i t.,(41 Seal tug I i 1. 0111 1110 entire et,ent of thc worl,tings, _ Ateteect on pletely ehreti, Signecl,,. 3. 1, jor iiwen.ty-five_ Years i erat Irollui,-rw --mot illoitstleasit , 4- eoutarmetvo, told 'it la claimed that ' xo Ltiirr, V.1 AMOUNT, I which would he, of erairse, o viiIt — , free -milling' ol'e ii obtained through. i e 1 , three bottles, rind I consider I am as to the arnount winds any min Great livh4lin tor it ; Tin. 1,11),,,, „I, now about 20' fi,e undet giound. ' Leith. P. 0„ Ont. Sold at are Chishohn's Col'IW Drug Store, %nay mit on his own life. The la w 1 the miner alone mav ilovel,);, the suppoes him to have an illbill'ithlti 111111131111 wealth or Ontario, a4 it has Three other proud:4111g taroperties in eourse of development with British, . mild in insuring his own life Ite May but Oa l)roVe4i i'r itonidild litboi* ill 1.' 18 1w°Pa3(it t° tillt rain °rt e`ttehl This is now quite onoocessaryl Lilo mike either his estate or any desig. this til P01 or linbl4try unlit bo 11f 1110111 4110 Yo4r. Xt Om Pmsolic many /stiles, you may have your baby , Wed 17(178011 b Is benefit far y. 'When, i slow and p..mirion4, With this het:: Votlilipiasnot.4411:1 ols: ill oolos* Gf. °14001,01 at fat, laulAblog mal totTspv, 11 you give it 4tkr, he is effecting an instran 1 of capital, the &mute or steeeminl rAtotto ArSer Inge" StAllit'it Iltottlisim Wool Witt lit Rho IN ,KsBEsTFRIEND Dia of MI yetua slot, that ins 4 ofittsrt mil be I The annual report of the Ontario Bureau of Mines has been issuedfrom the printing house of Warwick Bros. 'Money in large quantities is known to be lying in the banks. The statement for the month °tidily; 28th February ultimo shows th there was deppsited in the banks if Canada by the publics. payable on demand, 861,555,403, and payable after notice $115,083,710, making :i total of $1,70,639,1.13. The state- ment for the corresponding date in of stone even a greater proportion of the product goes to the laborer. The value of stone quarried by -854 persons was $551,000, and the speaks with commendation of the amount paid in wages was 5330,000.1 'strengthening of the staff by the STILT, DEVELOPING, appointment of Dr. Coleman of the As.Mr. Blue explains, much of .the School of Practical Science • as work done in the gold fields of the geologist and enineralist. Words of' Province is in development and praise are also given to Mr. T. W. preparing for the ertetien of mills. Gibson, Secretary, for a valuable paper on thnHinterland of Ontario. given of the works of the syndicate now in process. of construction. Mr. Blue in his message of transmission 114 nigiyon Ciantft —15 FUBL1SIIED n'VERY 1%11)AT mOBNING --ier Tut-- TIIVIES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGI1AM, ONTARIO, Subsorlptiou prig% $t Per year, inniavanoe ADVERTISING RATES; apace 1 1 yr. 1 0 OW, —• 3 um. 111103 One* colUrnii Stffi 00 *40 UO 1 4.4.'20 00 6 O� aim " 40 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 00 Ole bleb 5 00 it 00 2 00 1 00 bagel awl other casual advertisements, So. por line for drat insertion, and 30. per line to 08011 subsequent insi,e0rotair 1.40tioes 100, pc. line for first Insertion, and 50, por lino for ouch subsequent inserticii. No Iowa notice will be charged less than 2.5c. Advertisements of Lest, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business 011RIIM Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 51 Per Month Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 line* 51 for Stilt month, 600. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, er to I e ifuelreprteirsielso.n ts and local notices without specifle directions, will ho inserted till forbid and chargeed accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance . Changes for contract ativertiv.inents must be in 1 the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appeas that week It, ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND ?WILMER CUES GCMG, CRAMPS, cmoLowt, BY,SEFfirEillIfy siuDLEilit filiOnv'tiSp CHOLER/1 INFANTWITI and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the Bowels. It is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. For Salo by all Boaters. • • 1 - • - n DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. WIEGUAlt, • • •ONTARIO. • ook'sCottodloot statistics S1L)W that the harvest 1881 showed that there was ftt that ! ifile tittle deposited and payable on de- of the stockholder is not yet. Dur- mand $10,174,518, and payable after ; ing 1891 the amount of gold produe- notice $38,515a106, being a, tots., 1 ur ed in Ontario was 2,0221. ounces, $70,019,924. This was a period „r I valued at $32,776. To the 02 men in gold -mining $88,032 high-water mirk In commercial and ; engaged industrial activity in C:inada, alai I were paid in wages. Of the pros- I have been a victim of rheumatism men with money were eneouraged , lx ets of gold -mining generally Mr. to invest in business enterprisesiBlue says :— for seven years being confined to , . bed for months At a time, unable rather than deposit 10 the brinks at al "The gold fields of the I. rovince A to turn myself. I have been treated low rate of interest or at sta 'rine itt I are attracting greater notice, 4131" by many physicians in this part of alb After fourteen yetu.s the do- (laving the past year the Rainy Lake the eortntry, none of hon benefited posits at.e seen to hnve been. inerettsed ; region especially drew many explor- me. I had no faith in rheutnatie by over is100,00),000, one-tlinq of 1018 and eapitalists toward it. ein'es advertised, but my wife indite - the whole mount being at call aaa1Namerous discovePles of g'old.bearing . 44., ed me to get a bottle of South Athol - I ) *) t * t a 1" to of loteresr pPH iibl V lore are reported there, f(all. of "ve.' can Rheumatic,. Cure from Mr, X),T TOW.LEIt. V • Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Enron— Office Up.stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, OnL Orytos II mins. —9 to 12 a. 1 to 5 p. in., or 9.t. Residence, Diagonal Street. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Sueeessfutty used monthly by thousands of Ladica. 1g the only perfectly' safe andreliable medicine dis. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Mk for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no Nadi. We, or inclose 51 nude cents in postage In letter andwe willsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles 'only, a stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. Ont.. Canada. "Within Twelve Roars After 7irtt Doso the Pain Left Mo"—Itheumatiem of Seven 'feats' Mending. Sold in Wingbam by G. E. Williams, Druggist. Ask your Druggist foi Murray & Lanmares T P. KENNEDY, M. Di4.1.1, C. Pg (1; .l MedaltiVoletV°esrttoorn CJIi.vel:sityt1 1..'rtno.) House Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special atm. tion paid to diseases of wonum and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Moldrum,Corner of (lenzeseniiimd..11,atri.ol streets. ()sr FLORIDA WATER A IDAINTY FLOP(At, EXTRACT For Handkerchief. Toilet and Bath: D11. J. ticASII, Al. IL Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. BELOItAVIS ONTARIO t) VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Et0” Private tmtl Company funds to loan st lowestrate. Interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, tow and farm property bought and sold- OFFICE—Beaver Block WiNonAn J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &e„ )1/bighorn, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO BANN OF HAMILTON. 'MONEY Te, LOAN. Office—Moyer Block, Wingliam. DENTISTRY.—J. S. J &SOME, L. D. S., W moues. 5Sztr— Is manufacturing first.class sets of teeth us cheap es they can be made In the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perte. sato. 0.F.VIOE In the Seaver Block, opposite the Brunswick 'House. yob et *mai interest in his own life to anY itinoililtf dolw. elsewhere u- Is Ili re re open -.ion 4; A,III MOM( A Ild. Callittdift.11 0$1.Pital $ MA, ' A Pim:, sad Zrathil Baby, I AKINC • !t1,00.:V••-•'" 101N-11 a 'IAN 121)11- ;30,coi? C3I' okso;004 ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 0., L. D. S., Dootorcntai coofneDpental Surgery of the Pennsylvania OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Witquit An, ONTARIO. je DEANS. JR,. WIEORMI. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR TIIE 'COUNTY OF imam Sales attended 11 any part ot the Co. Charges. Moderate, JOHN CURRIE, WINonait, LisE•sfolo AUcTIONSER FOR Vitt COUNTIES 11014(31 ,!,SP mamas All orders lett at the Tinge office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. j AMES IIENDilliSON, LION:dial) AtierleaRtIR reit COUNTIlle trUlteN Aii BIttler, All solos attended to promptly and on the Shortest. Notice. Charges Moderate end Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Tains' office WixoliAn ONg Money to tont on Notes. Notes Discounted AT xtElt.SON,ABLE RAPES Money advarterd on Mortgages o ti• pet Oentalt privilege at paying at the end of any year. Note 811114.48551118 e°116ettorr. itazsbge. vivo 131.111c MMUS. Ott. TH no fro 08 tot ntl Um' th- 124 an th in til al la( el oi 81 ti t.