HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 6SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY. FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 BALL -1BOPP' . Irene Marie-Luise Bopp and Joseph William Ball were married `December 18 in St. John's United Church of "Christ, in Port Huron. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Louise M. gopp, of Port HurOn, the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Ball, Seaforth. Reverend Lowell Zekiel officiated at' the ceremony. The atteridantS were Mrs. Peggy. Brook of Forest and Richaid Fobel of Kitchener. Ushers-were Murray Hulley, Hamilton and Len Lampert, Sarnia. The couple are living in Camlachie; Ontario. ..110 awn INN.= MINNOW OMR IMMAHHOHINIMINHHHHHHIMMIIHNHILE PICKAIF-THE. CROP NNW NMI SIMS .111111•1 sink , MOM MI= 41•1110111 MIN liktm • emir NMI 11MM , • .11•11111 IMO MEM MUM MALONEY -:-• ROBINET - ' Daniel Maloney, of Seaforth, son of Mr. and Mrs.3ohn = Maloney of,$eaforth, and Kim Marie Robinet, daughter of Mr. and Mts:Archie,Robinet of Sutmnerside P.E.I. were married by = Father Henesey In Holy Rosary Church, London on January 8 at = 4:00 p.m-. TheR attendants were Sandra Pumputis, Mary: Margaret • Robinet, Kathie Perreault, Jim Nigh, Marc Robinet --= -and Al Ca_rnochan: The couple •are hying•in Clinton. .... « awn , . ,, air (Photo by Dave Robb) um' 4 MED MUM • 44. Activ._ in clubs, 2- _ Mrs. Brown is 75 IMO NMI MEM MEN 1100111 MOM MEM NNW me 6-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARC20, 1977 Of Ittlaties Area. weddings 6, "147.Tlyom the :Binkley Funeral Horne with interment at the Orkney .Cemetery, • .ARTHUR IfABKIRK Arthur Habldrk of 2390 Mississauga Rd.,., Mississauga died suddenly at MissISSauga . • Hospital on Sa.turday, 1ianuary 15, 1977. He was 73. .-"Tie, Was the son Of the fate Mr. lumberwork throughout his life. The funeral was held on January 13, 1977 from the Binkley Funeral Home. Burial was in the Orkney Cemetery. . and four grandchildren. He was predeceased by a sister Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie (Edith) Seaforth. A former member of Duff's United Church, Walton he has been a member of Northside United Church, Seaforth since retiring to Seaforth. • LLOYD DEAN Lloyd Dennis died in Swift" Current, Saskatchewan on January 1, 1977 after 'a short illness. He was 89..• He is survived by two sOnsr. Harry of Swift . Current and George of Orkney, Saskatchewan. Born in McKillop. Township, July 24, 1887, he was educated at McKillop Township No. 9 school. • hi 1918 Mr. Dennis married the former Jenny Moore, who' predeceased him in 1973. He served in W.W.I, was a steam engineer and later farmed in Saskatchewan. ,Services were .held on January and Mrs. Matthew Habkirk, McKillop. He is survived-by/his wife, Annie B. Hunter and, children Doris, Mrs. William Lawson, Milton:. Betty , Mrs. M. Sine' ef Milton; William of North Bay; Donald of Milton and Ronald and David of Mississauga. Also surviving are 24 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Two brothers, Allan and ,Albert and a sister Annie, predeceased him. Born in McKillop Township, he attended Public School at Roxboro. He left this area in th'e- early 30's to work 'for Oughtred Bros. Farms where he werked.for, many years. . Mr. habkirlt rested at the Skinner arid' Middlebrook. funeral ' home in Port Credit. Service was. held in the chapel on, Monday,' January 17th. Interment was in Spring Creek Cemetery.. .• DOUGLAS gm's Douglas Ennis diecl.at Seaforth , Community Hospital on Monday, January 17, 1977 in his 68th year.. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis of • Brussels, where he received -his education.. He moved to Walton with his parents hi 1926 where was employed with the,late W.G. Neal •and later Bernie McLeod-in a general store. In 1934 he was married to Gertrude Miller' of Walton and started his own business the same year which he and his wife 'carried , on' until retiring to Seaforth in August 1972. Besides his wife,, he leaves one son Ronald of Whitby and: one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Freethy of Seaforth He is also survive-0 by one brother, William Cosby of London• and two 'sisters, Mrs. Alex Kelly Nobleton, Mrs. Ross. Cunningham (Anna); Brussels Every week wire and more people discover what Mighty jobs are accomplished by 'low cost Huron Expositor want Ads. Dial 527-0240; • • usitor WILSON DENNIS The death a Wilson Dennis occurred at Talliser Hospital in Orkney, Saskatchewan , on January 8, 1977 after a king illness. He was 93, He is survived by, several nieces • and .nephews. He was --bOrn in MCKIllop Township on Aprir'14', 1.883 and attended McKillop Township School No. 9. He farmed and did • Lumiiiiiiiiimiiiimmoommilillimmumifilimonommilminiomoimmlimmummunimpumilminspnumummommuniumimiummitui!!ung' - I • a Mr= OMMIB MINN MIMEO OMNI= •••111•1 =NMI MEM MOM. MEM IMMO IMMO Prices effective till Tues. Jan. 25/77 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 11.1•11. *11111/ N4k NOM MOM IMMO IMINS OMNI IIIIMIN 110•01111 • = = = Chiquita --- El• - BANANAS Dem psters MOO = 41% 100°4 - - 4:P MIND OMMI 41mi, a a • • aft Whole•Wheat B :Zit SPAGHETTI Juni am& or- 11.C. - = Grown No.1 1 0 lb bag :6 MACARONI " = _ so. ? lb pkg FE Spanish _ .1.-arge size 6oct z . $••• 59; , IONioN 5 /1.,00i illid , gtok- i ProduceOf USA Can. no. 1 '791111014A EG-RUN , _ - . • so:PEPPERS - IOW . . Ont. • 7111111111111101.1pr 41111r IMMO 1•M', . • NP" mod 11•0•3 IMMEI ••••• MM. IMMO Loaf 2 8-9 24 Oz. Save 23C :1/4S, 4011 I fitkkk‘ 44/ ,M11 WWI OEM MOM MEM MEI OMB 7;5fiHOU01111110111111HHHHHHHHHHHHHH61111114 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M ,441krt ." . .. • •, 1.1.0...rlilli liellar a Oil. 1.41.Pilir ME, . IMON MM. N M▪ ai :40t "mit Silver d -..meWoviarl E• 40.14 w o o s - Auk 2 % --.47iiim" ' --- •- ialM4 . ••••wasr ....- a a MIL AO' ImpeTIal 3 lb pkg 7`.1 ' 11 MARGARINE Aft Cloverleaf Pink OEM WOW WNWa NNW 49 • ,, ars AUL • = Lucky Whip. Dessert a allio , ILK. 3 qt Bag OnNIMO a = m=i 1- • 1 9-4 *Ar ' 3 cl:t )Pg....1;...1. 09 • :••!=. IV/ t'SSt. • 4006 OMR IMINI MO° M":MMI ONOIN • "Os •%., A.B.C. Powdered = 7 1/2 oz. tin 5 Lb. T Box. 03' IOW . - • a .6 oZ, 59c. MOW • INIMM NOM • = Florient Air FRESHENER MINN Crown "t1 - 1RCOR N SYR U 2 lb -Sehneiders * *"111-""Ill..11151.1.1111rr No 1 .4.0•1411111r:_ Kellogg's ZCORN ;FLAKE S 70. 24 oz. Pkg t3 8 cP 14474401iii° 11111*fr SIDE ----wiz' E d BACON McCain Froien E FRENCH FRIES 2115* F.-- McCain 671 Those absent were: Mr. add-- = Mrs. Almer James and• family, Mr..and Mrs. Roland Vanstone, = Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ranstone,' Bill Brown Jr., Bill and Barbra ' = Chambers. Although 75 candles were missing on Elizabeth Brown's cake .she did receive best wishes from her family when she marked her birthday on Thursday, January 13. 1110•01 IMMO • •• • . 1461 11.14P.,4 • ''..-g1P---1-ZZA \ Deluxe 15 oz'l. 39= Reg •1•1.;,. NMI MOW 141/10. Wow 1141•• 1 .29 MOM 4k04‘4 -711101411kkr She has 'a family of seven A good time was had by all. children, -35 grandchildren, 25 OMR, • 11.1111 NUM • MINI 11.11111 !WM • great grandchildren, and also St J h INNS - SEIM Schneiders • 12 oz. bowls o n s HEDCHEESE 741- received best wi'shes• from her, . sister :Arlie" Oldfield and her family Mr. and Mrs. John . starts ho Oldfield, Brian and Dianne and also Bill and Shirley O'Shea and faitiily. Elizabeth has another care Mai • Mai MIN OEM • . MOM The new' y'ear1S-here an (By Betty frlanville). d the OMNI Seaforth St. John • Brigade is = gctiting back in action. The. 14 ineinbers --have been-taking a = Home Care course at Seaforth Community Hospital, under the, direction of a registered nurse, • •=. • 710. . Mrs: Emma Vriend of Dublin. = OP, There is going lb be a regular Meeting for'brigade members on • :New from .Schneiders - • co urse sister:Mrs.-Ed-(Mabel)-Neubourn of Ranseoville, N.Y. ' • Elizabeth is secretary-treasurer Of Senior Citizens, Worthy Mistress of the L.O.B.A„ a life - "4 Member 6f LegiOn ' Ladies Auxiliary and was the Queen • of the Senior Citizens for . the' Seaforth centennial in 197k The party started with a Valet' 'supper at .the Orange Hall and [klieg were given to: Kimberly Elliott and Tim Brown for a • NMI 01M11 • 14 farmers Market • 19= • MOO OMB 411k Lolonial ISAUSAGE Aft. OC),KIE5' Banquet 4 v-arieties 1 lb 404, Schneiders. -..4440 sur" = lama, Crispyflake . ,..4•111r.r_ ., .oir ' -.lir- ammo 3 ow -*or ore Nom , nsomp sow . arm « . . . MUM iA • , AIM • 00,SHORTENING::-. 1.0 1 lb • •Asst flavours • -;67.. ;ITV. DIN NE R$ '69. 1 1 lb pkg birthday closest to grandma's. ' Thursday, January 27----at-- 8:00 E The person with the most letters the, Town Hall. There, is = their: name'. was Peggy also a Plitt Aid course' starting at = ,- .Restemayer, man and wife with . Seaforth High School and it's not 7E; largest family present was-tied tog, late to sign up on between JIM, anti:EU Brown and January 19 at 7:30. Everyone ' is = Earl and Helenl'Aline Epiotf,••••A welcome., •• man and wife with both birthdays Anyone may join the brigade • := closest to Elizabetli'a 'Were John •.0ther with first aid certificate or memo and Letitia Olcifield, A social hour - 'May join and get the certificate E was spent 'presenting .glitabeth through the, • brigade.; Contact-••••= 'With het; gifts,' taking piditre.a7 betty Glanville of .eliiieEftliSt at game or bingo ifia,a good family .the reereation• office for more mows " 'friteititatioil. • oe‘'it 49; 11114totto = STOR,,..,HOURS "Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-6 0 E • Secifotti-it' Ontario • . - theirs; and Fri. 9-9 "11 • PoOD roFtE