HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-20, Page 5SECOND PRIXE SCULPTURES — Thi$ team from St, ColUmban School won second
prize for, their snow sculpture; a rubber dUcky in a bathtub, at the Oplirnist Winter
Carnival on Saturday. Team members, from left are, Ruth Ann 4ordan, Anne
Cronin, Linda Klaver, Gail O'Rourke, captain, Mary PlaSSens and -Marlene-.
McLean. Another St. Columban team, with Joatihe Albert captain, Won first in the
competition for grades 6 - 8. (Expositor Photo)
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• HPRCSS names committees appoint each trustee to one of
During a short meeting to USE
three petitions-I-Matt Mccreight
was elected Inspecting Trustee EXFOSITOR
and Louis Maloney was appointed
chairman of Dublin Hydro.
ip.te -tistees
hold inaugr-01.. . I• .
Correspondent experience of...14. years ),• his . . . • . Don MacRae • qualifications , as "-a .., licenced
The inaugural meeting ,of :the electrician and: of his thorough
Police Village of Dublin Trustees knowledge of the hydro system.
. was held at the - Township Of--., Trustee. MacRae was nominated
Hibliert. Office in Dublin on .. as secretary. s •
Monday when Trustees Matt Mrs. Miller Evans ...and Mrs.
-'13CTCreight, Louis. Maloney and Helen O'Rourke spent a few days
t. Don MacRae were sworn into in ondon visiting friends ,• and
office by H ibbert Clerk-Treasurer relatives. .,,„. •
. . s . Chas, Friend. ,,;,..,,.,,,.,,,„.1,,,„, _ . .
-Pastor Aahur. 'Horst attended
the funeral of Rey. Marvyn
Dubrkk at KW:het-lei:On Saturday
at MatheW's Lutheran.
Church. He was. killed in a
blinding snow storm last
Wednesday,. He was the4 pastor of
the Mission Congregation in Port
Elgin. He leaves his wife and two
very small children.
Two sisters who celebrated
birthdays, (Louisa) • Mrs: Henry.
Bennewies was 87" Dec. 30th and
Mrs. Henry ' Kleber had . her
birthday on Dec. 31st.',Wisbing
them many more happy
birthdays. '
"-'1 A very pleasant surprise , to
'grandparents- Mr. and
- Laverne .,',--Wolfe, grandfather
Lorne Wolfe and .brother 'Dale
when Marcel Wolfe arid. Miss
---Elaine Creighton motored-in--from'
Nova Scotia where they attend
University in Halifax. Darrell.
Wolfe, Kitchener, and Miss
Wen'dy Harper from Waterloo
also visited.
'Friends, relatives • and
. neighbours Of Mrs.. Louisa
Hoppenrath who was patient in
the Seaforth Hospital fen a' period
of time are glad she 'has returned
to her home with her daughter
and son-in-law. Mr. and--Mrs.
HaroldElligsen • an dfamily ,'where
she is convalescing. ,,.
Sorry to hear that Mrs. Louisa
Wurdell has been hospitalized in-
since July. Also Sorry to report
•L_,' Mrs: Joseph Smith hit' been . a
patient in the same h otpital since
laat Saturday-; Wishing them all a
speedy !recovery.
---"--Mrrand Mrs. Wm. Brown were'
weekend 'guests of their son and.:
'"-daughterin-law Mr. • and, Mrs.
Allan Brown in Melbourne.
.Mrs. (Minnie) John Vock Was
pleasantly 'surprised on her,
. birthday when her brother and
sister-in-law Mr. and •• nt.
Anton Siernon, Seaforth. called;
and took' brother Louis and her
out for dinner. In the evening her
family and a few -friends dropped
..in. They all enjoyed a social
'evening playing cards. Lunch was
• then served including a lovely
birthday cake which centered the.
'table. Wishing • -Minnie nrany
Happy birthdays. ' • ''''' • -
Miss Wanda Vock has taken up
a new position in theRoyal.Bank,
Kitchener. She will live with her
sister and brother-in-law Mi. and
, "Father lead us, day by day", Waterloo ,Lutheran' Seminary
was sung as the opening hymn-for notion was -Made-id tponsor the
the January Meeting of St.Peter's church bulletin in March and
L.C.W. Mrs. Robert Robinson, enclose an 'envelope, the proceeds
Mrs:-....-Mitirrie'Z'Wek 'and Mrs'. of which were, to go to this
Mervin Leonhardt . were the • auxiliary.
deVotional leaders. Mrs. Vock • , • Individual replies were given in
read King George yre New regard to. visiting the aged, and •
Year's message of the war years. the shut-ins during the holiday
"I stood at the' dOor"., • ' season. All .'visits - were :greatly,
They also conducted the topic. appreciated: •
Thetheme was 'Making 'Faithful The ?aft& requested the group
Decisions'.. It proved' • quite to consider being in charge. of the
interesting and small groUps were gcMCe at Riverside Rest Home
formed for discussion periods. A January 16th. The -proposal was
.spoiresinangiem each group gave passed. .The group was very
a siimmary 'of their decisions..- grateful ,for—cohfrihutiOns ' for •
"Dear Lord and Father• of, 'social , service_given by the past
Mankina" . was' sung Mewed by caterers at the Brodhagen,
offering and, payer: 414s. Community Centre. • ' .."
Robinson then todk the stand-as
the new presidentand-had 'charge Birthdays were reported • by
of the business. Roll' call Was Mrs. Ella Rose,'- Mrs. Minnie
answered by naming a New Vock,••Mrs.,,George Rock.
-Year's resolution. ' !'i,virqs m ademadea Christian" was-
The -new =Opt , -sting in. their'thonor.-Mr's. Emma
welcomed. 1 , mutes were read • ' Rock was also remembered witha
and adoPteri and Mrs. • Robgif • card signed by all and a small
.,:ffeiretinartgiVeher fitatztePert-as token Of . flowers On. her 91st
titaarrter.lff regard to an appeal • birthday which was observed
fret" the' Women's atuillituy of . &Witty,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward
celebrated their 33rd Wedding]
Anniversary last week at the
Church Restaurant in Stratford.
They were blesse,d with 7 children
who attended. They, are. Mr. and,'
Mrs. Dwight Ward, (Cheryl), Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Barnaan; St.
Catherines, Mr. and--•-:-Mra,
Sheldon. Ward (Debra) Mr. and
'Mrs. Sheldon, Raycraft, Toronto,
Graham, .Monkton, Shayne .and •
Bryce at 'home. '
• Mrs. Ward was presented with
-seven red sweetheart. roses from
h er two-youngest- grandchildren
who ,Could' not attend.,
They have four grandchildren.
Gillian Stevens,.. London also
attended. The table was centered
with • a beautiful wedding
anniversary cake .especially.
created by the chef.
After the dinner-they enjoyed a
social evening at the home Of
their son and.daughter-in-law•Mr.
and Mrs. ,Dwight Ward,
Mitchell; • ,
We, wish the couple a happy
The Pastor, Several members of
' the congregation And. L.C.W.
from Si. Peter's :Lutheran
Church. conducted. the services
for theRit2 Villa, Riverside, sand
Smith Nursing homes in Mitchell,
Sunday evening.
A school teacher, charged with
going through a:-red light; Wat
brought before the judge. A wild
gleam came into the ju'dge's. eye.
- "You're a . school teacher,
eh?" he, said. "Madan.), I shall
realize y lifelong ambition. I've
waited years to •. have a school
teacher in this court. Sit down at
that table OVeir there and write 'I
will not run red lights'. five
hundred times." ,
A little girl 'kept 'asking her
mother what she was getting for
"Don't ask so many
questions," said the mother.
"Don't ,you know that curiosity
killed the cat?"
"It did?" replied the ch ild.
"what did the cat want to know?"
Mrs. Dennis Westman' 'in.
It is good to see Mr. Carl
Priestap home from the hospital
where keit progressing as well as
can 'be expected.
Mr; Manuel Beuerman has
returned home where he is
convalescing from the hospital 'in
Seaforth. Welcome home to both.
They too will appreciate good
weather.", '
With. Mr. .and ' Mr. Manuel
Beuerman their grandparents and •
With' Mr. Ray, Beuerman over
the weekend were Michelle,
Michael, Scott and Randy
Beuerman, St. marys At the
same home were -71Mi.77--iiikr
Mrs. Wayne Beuerman and. Jill,
London on Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and'
,Mrs. • Ralph '.VVeitersen, • 'David
'Julia on Sunday were and
Mrs. Harold Jordan, Colleen and
friend Is,t itchell and Mr. and
Mrs. Les Weitersen, Brodhageri.
Sorry, to.•_hear that , Mrs. Earl
Bennewies, a ..patient in
Stratford Hospital since Saturday.
The challenges and, demands
which the future may bring can
only be_ niet'ilirough a co-
operative effort on the part of all
of us - everyone connected in 'any
way in the ediratiOn of Children.;
newly elected chairman Vere
told 'trustees of the HUron-Perth
County Roman Catholic. Separate
School Board at a meeting in
Dublin Tuesday night.
"It is only when schools are
places of a Christian conmiunity '-
wheie learning is based on a
creative exchange of experiences
and ideas and where people live.
together in a state of mutual trust
and respect that those whO' come '
froin such school communities
-will have the desire to bring into
action what they . have
experienced during . • their
lormative years?'
Mr. Vere also stressed the
importance of individual'
trusteeship. in his inaugural
addresOoting that each trustee
had unique skills ;and talents.
The main nein on the agenda of:
Tuesday night's meeting was the
announcement of appointments to
.the board's, standing and ad hoc
' Appointed to the standing
committee On Building and
Property was R. Marcy, R.110.....11VAI
act as chairman; ffaid, T.
Geoffrey; K. Montgomery and F..
Vere. The. committee on
Transportation ebnsists of V..
Young, chairman; W. Kinaltan., R.
Fleming and F. Vere.-
The committee on Finance and
Insurance is made up of M.
•Connolly, chairman; J. O'Leary,
O'Drowsky:. A. Haid and r: -
.Crowley. To the _committee on
Personnel were appoionted R.
• Marcy, chairman.; D. Teahen, W.
Kinahan, T. Ge-offrey and tr.
Crawley. ' „ •
Those appointed to the ad hoc
committees for 1977 were, to the
Trustee Clergy liaison
committee, A. Haid, chairman; .F.
Vere, -and-M. Connolly; to the
Assessment committee, G.
Fleming,. 'chairman; D. Tealten,
1-KO'DrOWSk-Y- " and— -
Montgomery; to the Teacher•
negotiating committee, V. Young,
chairman; p. Crowley, J. O'Leary
and R. Murray; to the early
School Leaving committee, D;
Teaben and W. ,Kinahan; to the
Huron-Perth tuberculosis and
respiratory di'seasei * association,
M. Connolly and to the Stratford,
-Public Library Board, D. Devlin
and F. Bergsma.
The board also heard two
reports at ' Tuesday nights
meeting. Mrs. Celeste
McCreight, a teacher • at St.
Patricks' School,'Dnblin, reported
on the Christian ' Cirriculum
Development Conference which
was held November 19, 20 and
21st, and Ron Ferguson,-
chairman of the St. Patrick
Community School Connell for
Dublin and District, informed the
Board that a New 'Community
School Development grant. 'of
$9,080 had been approved by the
Ministry of Education. The board
asked Mr. Ferguson to give a
progress report on the
development program "in six
The board also approved the
lining of 'Karen A. Clark as, a
teacher of Grade . 7 at St.
Michael's Schoot,1' Stratford, for
• the period-of--January 10th, 1977-
solicitor as to what constitutes
conflict -of interesC
was concerned about possible
conflicts arising among those
appointed to serve on the boards
st anding and ad hoc committees,
noting that some trustees had-
wives who were ' teachers or
worked for firms the board
utilized.' , •
The boardkwill meet again on
January 31st, 1977.
Lions hold father ;
daughter eight
Dublin and District Lions Club
' held their annual Father and,
Daughter dinner meeting ate Si.
Patrick's School gym when 14
Lions and 14 clang ;fliers enjoyed
a Smorgasbord dinner catered to
by Mrs. Miller. •
'Constable Beattie'. Of O.P.P.
Sebringville instructed the-girls in
baby sitting 'duties and showed an
instructive film on the Do's and
Don'ts of baby sitting.' Linn Herb ,
BroWn's',"henest draw" went to
Lion Tamer Roger kramp• and the
attendance prize of over $17.00 to
Lion Hank Kramers.
Members were reminded of the
Lions' Valentirie!5„LionOarice at
Crystal Palace on Feb. S.- The
next dinner meeting was set for
Feb. 1 when ticket sellers will
make returns.
Phone 527-0240
trublin Hydro
Rate Schedule effective on all billing,
after Feb, 1 , 1977,, as approved by
Ontario' Hydro and in accordance-,
•with. Anti-Inflation Board guidelmes,
First 50 kwh 5.5c
Next 200 kwh 2,8c
All additional 2.4c
Minimum bill $3.50
▪ General:
Demand: First 50 kw .... 'nq charge
, Balance .. z . $2.80 per Kwh
First 50 kwh 5.5c
Next 200 kwh 3.09
Next 9750 kwh 2.9c
All additional ^ 1.5c
under 50, 'kw $3.50
Chairman Dublin Hydro.•
Don -MatRa,9,
etet's LCW
hold's „„meetirig
a 527.0240
r afitting.
.The Huron Expositoi:
Seaforth, Ontario
V.1.,.1,&11.111'1•.,1•101I' p11,..p•!sttitpt.,„.1.•;.4..,;;;:e4
'4 9 P. 9 • 9
through June 30th, 1977. Objection was raised by previous A motion was tabled by trustee chairman Don MacRae Who D. TEahen that the board request reminded trustees of his previous -
a definition in writing' from their