HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 5tq.
Mr, J. G. Fyfe lead some sheep
worried by dogs on /outlay night
week. This is getting to be a eom-
snon occurrence and all dogs found
prowling around without their owners
should be made short work of.—
Mrs, D. Campbell of Toronto was
visiting at 11rr, J. G. Pyfe's, first
line, last week.
The Council meet at the Council
Room, Morris, July 29, 1895, pur-
suant to adjournment. Members
all present. The Reeve in the chair..
Minutes of last meeting read, and
passed. Moved by Win. Isbister,
seconded by Thos. Code, that the
Reeve and Jas Bowman be instructed
to let a job of filling in approaches to
Clark's bridge --Carried. Mo
by Thos. Code, seconded by G
Kirkby, that Wm. Isbister
instructed to have road opposite
3, on 1st Con. line, put in pro
state of repair. --Carried, Moved
.Jas, Bowman, seconded by W
Isbister, that Thos. Code be instru
ed to have sideline between Lots
and 6, Con. 9, put in a proper sta
of repair—Carried, Moved by
Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirk
that the half -yearly statement p
rented by the Treasurer be accept
as satisfactory --Carried, Moved
Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Th
Code, that W. Isbister be instruct
to have ditch and culvert opposi
Lot 5, Con. 3, put in a proper sta
of repair—Carried. Accounts I've
presented for payment as follow
viz : ,Tno. Ansley, inspecting Clar
and Hogg's bridges, $6.50 ; Duff
Stewart, raising approach and r
pairing pier of Forbes's bridg
$18,53 ; Duff & Stewart, lumber o
north boundary, $2.78 ; Duff
Stewart, cedar, $1.46 ; Jno.
Geddes, repairing sidewalk to Bel
ved ! 17 ; ,LA 1, other, $6,50, for repairing,
and Gregg, that the reeve be em-
powered to borrow $500—Carried,
Moved by Messrs, Gregg and Gra-
hazn, that the sum of $16 be paid
Mr. L. Bolton, engineer, being in full
of his fees on Knox drain and for
survey oin concession 13 --Carried,.
Accounts passed :—Mrs, Muir, $10,
for roadway across her lot ; J.
Hamilton, $7.50 for gravel ; E. Day,
$6.75, for culvert, lots 5 and G, eon,
11; A, TayFo', $.80, culvert for lots
5 and 6, con. 15; J, Murray, $4.30,
for gravel and timber ; Mrs. s. Potter,
$9.85, for gravel and damage'; H.
Cowan, $16.75, for gravel, lot 25,.
eon, 15 ; IS, Caudle, $7,60, for grad-
ing and gravelling ; tJ..I3,inkley, $7
fol culvert, lot 25, eon. 17 ; N, Cook, '
1.50, for cutting brush, lot 25, eon,
°0' hill, lots 20 and 21, con, 9 ; J. Bay
Lot less, $1, for gravel ; N. ICoch, '$50,
(intended for lest 1ss+ae,•r
Mfrs, Kincaide, of Wingbare, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenilings, this
week, ----Mr. Higgins and son, of
Exeter, visited friends , here last
week.—Mrs. Gallaher is visiting
friends in Toronto. ---Rev. Mr. Shaw
preached the reopening services in
the Methodist church here last Sun-
day, The church was filled both
Morning and evening. The choir
rendered some very suitable anthems,
which were greatly appreciated.—
Mr.. John Armstrong visited his
brother, Dr,J, M. Armstrong, Walton,
this week,--liessrs, A, .Hamilton, of
Clifford, and J, Hamilton, of Lakelet,
ay with friends here. --
spent Sund
Mr, Bickerstaff, of Toronto, who has
been visiting friends here for some
time, returned to his home this week.
--Mr. Allan Nicholson left this week
for gravel ; D. Milne, 75; f'or gravel; , for Manitoba. He carries with him
J. McKinney, $19, for gravelling, l the best wishes of his many friends
lot z 2, con, 16 ; O. Rogers, $21, for,his future prosperity.
repairing 3 culverts, Gorrie, lot 6,
con. 6, lot 15, con. 3 ; A. XeClelnent, TURNBERRY.
$20.50, for approach to bridge, lot 15, On Thursday of last week, the
con. 2, and •culvert, lot 14, con. 2 ; residence on the farm of Mr. W. B.
A. Robertson, $5.70, for gradin; s 1 Sutton, on the 6th concession, was
5 and 6, con. 5; J. Ball, $16,80, for destroyed by fire. The house was
gravel ; R. Earl, $5, for'roadway occupied by Mr. Wm, Killip, the
and gravel, approach to bridge, lots tenant of the farm, who had the
5 and 6, con. 3 (for 1894); H. Toner, contents insured in the West Wawa -
$3,50, for shovelling gravel ; P, nosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company
et -
ed Fedkle, $1, for repairing bridge, lot for $200. Mr. Finlay Anderson,
to 15 con. 2 ; E. Spinks, $1,80, for a Director and agent of the Company,
to gravel ; Wm. Leonard, 75c,, for adjasted the loss, the other day, Dir,
re' repairing culvert; lot 22, ,eon.. C ; C, s it lip's claim being $98. , This
s' Taylor, .30, for gravel ; Jas, company is noted for the promptness
It t Gibson, $4.60, for gravel ; J. Patter- with which they pay claims. It is
son, $5..,0, for gravel ; J. Spence, supposed that the fire was caused by
e- $8.90, for gravel ; MleDermicl and a defective chimney, There was
e, Gilkinson $2 for burying two dead $400 insurance on the house in the
n animals ; Hainstock and Sanford; Guardian Insurance Company.—In
`� 839,43, for gravelling and grading giving the results of the Entrance
I'' culverts 1 30, eon, 2; Braden and examinations, Mary Aitkens, of No.
grave Station, $20 ; R. Jewitt, cutt-
ing brush oil centre sideline, $2.50 ;
A. McCall, underbrushing on side-
line, $4.50 ; A. Cantelon, ditch on
sideline, 82 ; N. Thornton, culvert,
$1.25 ; S. Love, roadway whilst
building Clark's bridge, .$4; Geo.
Daly, gravel and damages whilst
hauling gravel, $1 ; Joseph Taman,
gravelling on west boundary, $25.-
20 ; Jas. Gala.pie, inspecting and
spreading gravel, $1.25 ; Geo. Me-
Spadden, gravelling on cast boun-
dary, $50; Arthur Brooks, gravel-
Iing on west boundary, $30 ; Isaac
Wilson, gravelling on west bean
dary, $15 ; Duff & Stewart, paymen
in full for building Clark's bridge,
$865 ; R. Armstrong, expenses in
connection with Fisher's death and
funeral, $5 ; . D. Hogg, undertaker
burial of Fisher, $12 ; Caretaker
Brussels cemetery, for Fisher's grave
$4 ; R. Burns, spreading gravel on
east boundary, 82.50 ; R. Redford
turnpiking on sideline between Lots
5 and 6, Con. 10, $4; Jas. Watt,
gravelling on south boundary, $15.-
82 ; C. A. Howe, inspecting and
spreading gravel on south boundary,
$1 ; Jas. Parish, work on approach
to Forbes's bridge, $13.65 ; J,
Garness, roadway whilst building
Forbes's bridge, $7 ; R. Bloomfield,
repairing Farrow's . bridge, 85.50;
W. Isbister, inspecting Forbes's
briage, $8 ; W. Michie, tile drain
across sideline, $5 ; 13. Money,.
inspecting Clark's bridge, $8 ; P.
Cautelon, work on centre sideline,
$9.50; D. Sommerville, work on
centre sideline, $5.50 ; J. Watson,
equalizing union school sections, 85 ;
Misses Bxford, charity, $6; Jno. L.
Geddes, repairing scraper, $1.25 ;
for gravel 3, Colley, $3.08 ; E.
Bosman, $8.14; J. Thynne, ,6.50;
Geo. Henderson, $2.60 ; Jas. Martin,
$2.80 ; Jas. Barr, 88.64 ; J. H.
'af Sellars, $8.89 ; W. Sholdice, $3.30 ;
R, & R. Wright, $6.30; Geo, Pea-
cock, $6.42 ; .las. Kelly, $9.55 ; W,
Sheddan', $4.25 ; Jas. Watson, $8.50;
R. South, 83.90 ; R. Skelton, $1.95 ;
Walter Innis, $4.20; Geo. Kirkby,
$2.65. On motion of Geo. Kirkby,
seconded by Thos. Code, the council
then adjourned to meet again on the
213th Augrist, at ten o'clock a,. m.,
W. CL.Arrc, Clerk.
Rogers, $44.75, for gravelling s 1 20 2 was credited with 445 marks,
and 21, con. 1 ; T. Nash, $1.30, for which was 100 loss than she should
advertising Court of Revision ; R. have been credited with, namely,
Bennett, $2, J. E. Campion road 545.—Fall wheat is turning out
work to be collected in taxes ; Ham- splendidly for the bulk of straw, this
mond Bros., $10.75, for timber for year. Mr. Richard Porter had in a
Gorrie culvert J. Stewart, $16, for grist to the, mill this week which
gravel ; A Robinson, $1, for plank tested 63 lbs. to the bushel. The
for bridge; J. Walden, $6, for keep threshers, at his place, threshed 119
of J. Saunders, charity up to lst bushels in 117 minutes - There
August ; R. Russell, $4.25, for fixing—passed away, in Detroit, on Sunday
fence and window at' town . hall last, Annie, wife of Dir, E. Bolt, of
(Gorrie) ; R. Ferguson, $7.50S'for
work done on s 1 15 and 16, cons.' 14
and 15. Moved by Messrs. Doig
makin, as a large share of the time
is taken up in sampling the milk and
in Braking the test. To give proper
instruction in cheese leaking, the
person so doing should be in a
position to examine the flavor and
quality of the milk when being put
into the vat, and to take full charge
of the vat from the time the milk is
heated till the curd is ready for the
press. Unless be is able to do this
the intruetor will not be able to show
his pupils how the milk should be
handled at the various stages, and to
point out the important features as
the making process is proceeded with.
Hence, if factorymen, when applying
for the inspector, want instruction ini
cheese snktheh ]d
a ng y sou , no
expect him to da much milk testing'
Applications for the inspector
services have been coming in ver
fast recently. With one or two ex
ceptions they are all for milk inspec
A great many factorymen writ
or telegraph for the inspector as so
BS there is the least suspicion of th
milk being tampered with, an
expect a visit from him the next day
when it may not be possible for hi
to make a visit for a couple of weeks
Where possible, applications sboul
be made at least a week before tb
inspector's services are required, of
if this cannot bo done, there should
not be any disappointment if a wee
or so elapses before the visit is made
The Association is arranging for a
special exhibit of dairy cattle in con-
nection with the Guelph Fat Stock
Show on December 10th, 11th and
12th, 1895. Cash and special prizes
to the amount of $210, will be given.
These prizes will be distributed in
five classes—four pure bred classes
and one grade class, and shall be
awarded according to the following
20 points for constitution and con-
1. point for each pound of milk.
20 points for each pound of fat.
4 points for each pound of solids
not fat.
1 point for each ten days in milk
after the first twenty days (limit, 200
10 points will be deducted from
he total score for each per cent. of
at below three per cent. in the mill;.
It is sincerely lio ed that breeders
f dairy cattle in Western Ontario
t•f11 take an interest in this show,
ud forward numerous exhibits. It
ill be the nucleus for a winter
airy show.
Prize lists and other information
an be obtained from Henry Wade,
the 7th, concession, in her 48th year. f
The deceased was in that city for
medical treatment. The remains •0
and Gregg, that the council' do now were brought home on Tuesday and t
adjourn to meet in Pordwich, at the were interred in the Bluevale ceme-• 'a
Arlington House, on the third Wed-tery on Wednesday. Mr. Bolt ,has w
nesday in August—Carried. the sympathy of the neighborhood d
L. DANE, Tp, Clerk. in his sore loss.—This section • was
visited by a'splendid shower of rain e,
On Friday last, Dir. and Mrs. t
Michael Walker went to Orangeville g
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wm.
' Reid, of Toronto a sister of Mir
n Tuesday evening, which will do
he growing crops a great deal of
The council met in the: township
hall, Gorrie. July 1/th, 1895, pur-
suant to adjournment; members all
present; the reeve in the ehair;
minutes of last meeting read and
approved. Moved by Messrs,
Seawalland Doig, that G. Brown
be paid $1.23.28, being the balance)
in full owing hila on Knot drain as
per certificate of engineer—Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Doig and Graham,
that the sum of $7,50 be paid Robert
Fergusonfor work done on road and dr
an order be awn. for the same
(Tarried, Moved by MOS rs. Doig
Walker. Mrs. Reid had resided in
Toronto only for a few years, previ-
ous to that having resided in Orange-
ville, and her remains were brought
to that town and laid beside those of
her late . husband. Mrs. Reidhad
many friends and relatives in and
around Wingharn, who will regret to
hear of her demise.
(intended for last issue )
Rev. W. T. Hall conducted service
in Calvin church on July 24th, andably led the people to see the many
different ways in which God was
displeased with. their past conduct.
He is a noble speaker and we trust
the congregation may be blessed by
his labors among them.—Mrs. Leish-
man and children have returned to
Toronto, aftera month's visit to her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1*. Reid.—Mrs.
David Robertson and daughter Aggie
are in 13isinark, Dakota, on a visit
with the Governor, he being a
brother-in-law to Mrs. Robertson.
She will return in September. Aggie
will remain for a year, and Miss
Tena has became the possessor of a
valuable property.—Thos. Reid,
teacher, was spending a lbw days
with his brother John, last week,—
Mr, Jas Wacker and family, of
Brussels, were visiting his parents
last Sunday.—Miss Eliza. Williamson
is the guest of Mrs. G. Walkers—Miss
Emma Mason has returned home
after an extended visit to friends in
Clinton.—Owing to the scarcity of
milk, Robert Reid has stopped draw-
ing to the l3elgrave faetol;y.—The.
fregnent showers last week have
helped. the pasture fields and every-
thing. looks fresh again.'—John Reid
has completed a stone pig pen. "No
fear of tiro now, john."--.-Messrs.J.
Pattison and 1). Robertson have done
a great amount of ditelling this
season.—The fall wheat Is all in ill
this neighborhood and the hat/ of t
the machinis to bo heard again.---
Mr. D. Patterson, Reeve, made a _..
visit to I I. Robertson last Friday. t
During the past week our
base ball team have played with the
Unions, of Wroxeter and Gorrie,
Goderich,Teeswater and Guelph,
winning from Goderieh and Tees -
water and losing to the other two.
The playing of Stewart and Hartley,
of the home team, is worthy of
mention, as during the Guelph game
no less than three home runs were
made, two by Stewart and one by
Hartley.—We are pleased to hear
that Mr. .L Wilson, one'of this year's
students of our high school, in the
fourth department, has been ap-
pointed principal of Wroxeter public
school. -•—Rev, Mr. Hamilton, son of
our townsman, Mr. D. Hamilton, is
home for his holidays. We arc very
sorry to say that an all wise Provi-
dence has called his wife to her
eternal rest. They have only- been
married about two years.—Rev, Mr.
Match, of Chalmers ohurch, Toronto,
filled the pulpit of Knox church
last t . � in Sabbath, in the absence of Itev.
Cameron.—Despite the dry
weather, crops in this section are
remarkably good; though short in
the straw It will be a good average
yield. Some fanners say their peas
never were better, while the root
Drop promises well, Fruit is a
total failure ; pasture is wonderfully
refreshed by the recent rains.
Western faaryuien's Association.
(NOTES /IV THE SnC1r,E'rAit'.)
During the past few weeks •1'n
specter Millar bas made visits of
inspection and instrnetion to the
Silvercorners, Kenilworth, l3otliwell,
Victoria, Walsh, Summerville, Lyons,
'pliarnesford, l�thol, Kinkora and
Carthage factories, The larger
number of these visits Have been
made for the purpose of inspecting
he milk.
Where the Inspectoni has very
in testing to do It is not possible
e give much definite instruction inn 1
Toronto, or from the Secretary of the
Western Dairymen's Association,
Thecheese markets last week
were exceedingly dull, very few
sales taking place. Some Junes
were disposed of at figures less than
8 cents. Not many Julys were sold,
factorymen preferring to hold for
awhile, though some Julys were
offered for 8 cents, but were not
taken up by the buyers.
Is a dangorotts disease because It is
liable to result in loss of ]tearing of
smelll, or develop into eonsumption,
Read the following:
"My Wife has been s Sufferer from
Catarrh for the past feet years and the
disease had gone so far that her eyesight
Was afteeted so that for nearly a yea1
She Was unable to read to mora than ;fire
Minutes at a time. Sl suffered severe
pains in the head and at times waft almost
distracted. About Christmas, she cora-
intuited taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
Since that tints leas steadily improved.
She has takers six bottles of food's "Sar•
saparilla and is oh the Todd to a complete
curb. I Cannot speak too highly of Rood's
Sarr tparilia, and 1 cheerfully recommend
it." W. 11. h'tfuskag, Newmarket, Ontario.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
tomituintiy In the publiceye tbdity.
Hood's p nitro baldest nbnsapio
trim lettat>1•pit bast,
Must be reduced before Stock -taking. Therefore, toaeeoln-
plisir our object, we will,
and some very desirable lines will be sold regardless eg of
�vc�•ca,00-ca.� �,•cti.
Have just been passed into stock. We did not intend to
have these New Goods come until after Stocktaking, but
Wholesale Houses are anxious to unload and so they are
in Stock and will go the same as Spring or Summer
We will quote a few eats, so that you may judge of
the sacrifices we are snaking ;
Lace Curtains, now, for, . , 4444 , ,
A11 Wool Dress Goods, were 25c. and 35c., now..
Corsets, all sizes, were $1.00, noiv
Good Factory Cotton, yard wide, per yard
All Wool Flannel, good width per yard
Men's Good Tweed Suits, properly made
Every other Iine goes in the same way.
Beautiful fragrant (Direct Importation) Teas, in Blacks,
Young llysons, and Uncolored Japans, ,
Worth from 35c. to 40c., now at 25c..
Worth from 45e. to 50c., now at.. 35e. and 40e,
Cash, Eggs and Good Butter taken during this. Great
P. S.—Please note that we carry the BEST and
The Anchor House,
C4- 0 S
in many cases
in a great many cases
13 1E 3L4 0C10 AA/
the present purchasing
Frain 44cts. per yard up.
eA Choice Stock of Men's and Boys'
Direct Importation.
AT 25C1s. EACH.
A can Solicited.
Tai Ai MT