HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-13, Page 14WORTH ELECTRONICS SALES &SERVICE:1,TV* RADIO • HI-F1 • STEREO P4Oge,50.7 -1150 • I/ SPARLING STREET • • • 14,-_.,Iiit,,H.U.RON EXPOSITOR, ;JANUARY 13, 1917 Make a New, Year rule fi .14- -Property; For Sale I9-Notites 1, CptrlirAg_ Events l. -Cording EvAit& lY Articleifrar Sari' MOTO SKI snowmobile and double wide trailer, 527-0876, * 11-79-1 4 Propel For-Sale - 14 .Property "For Salt Itelp-Niranted GOT an event coming up? 9000 What? When& Where& 'What people will read about it in THE Euchre Party,„ When - Jan. 25, EXPOSITOR Coming Events 1977 at' 8:15, Where - St. Thomas classified. Buy two insertions, - Anglican-Church -Parish -Hall; 7 get_-the. third-one- free-TAone Admission 75c. . 1-79-2 527-0240. 1-78xtf KEYBOARD KAPERS qoniing • .• Beechwood Pottery's ,to the Seaforth District High regular show and sale School Wednesday January 26 at Sunday afternoon • ',7:30 featuring young local and p.m. to 6 p,m. keyboard artists.. For 21/2 in,, north of St. Columbati more details call , Pulsifer Music 345-2184 527-0053. 1-79-1 ' 1-78-tf ' MEN & WOMEN SEAFORTH Lions Valentine Trim away those'excess' pounds Dance, - Seaforth Legion, by. participating now in a swim or Saturday, Febrtary, 12. Dincing exercise program, at Vanastra 9:30 to 1 . be, . The Shannon Centre. Orchestra. Admission $7 couple. Phone 482.3544 • • Proceed's for Lions community. programs. 1-78-4 monthlY. 1st draw late January at Or "Keyboard , Kapers" ,prOgram. Tickets and details at PULSIFIE1R MUSIC, SEAFORTH. 'This month's special: new & used , • electrie guitars; amps drums, organs, pianos, etc.-, at up to 50-% saving. Phone 527-0053. 178-tf Call Your Carpenter__ For building kitchen cabinets, steps, additions to homes and renovating. Contact ' JIM COLEMAN R.R.1, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 527.1684 19.78-tf • SECRETARY TO-THE, DIRECTOR We requir-e--4 mature, , experienced, well organized secretary to help establish the new Huron Centre for the Children and Youth in Clinton. Duties, to begin as soon - as possible, will include setting up office procedures, bookkeeping; typing, telephOne and reception. Of' great importance is' a warm friendly manner with our clients on the .telephone and .the office and an ability to work iii strictest ' confidence'. Please reply giving -details -of-your-experience-- and your phone number to D. Keglor, P.O.Boit 100, Clinton, Ontario • .• 4,79-1 HAROLD WORKMAN , 482,7 765i3 LARRY PLUMSTEEL Phone 527-0052 PIERRE RAMMELOO 523-9478 Clinton Office -Phone 482-3821 Member of Huron Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service • • SEAFORTH& AREA HOMES • 3 bedfOOrti home, nicelydecorated, large lot, near school 2 storey home in beautiful condition, centrally located, large lot • 3 bedroom home in excellent location, close to downtown and 1976 Arctic Cat ElTigre excellent condition, 'no reasonable offer ,refused. 527-0566, Between 5 & 7 p.m. 11-79-1 WESTINGHOUSE 30" range, white, good condition. Admiral frig. working condition. Flanagan 527-01.22. 11-79-1 PUPS, mother is a' certified Catahoula LeoPard (type, of stock dog) 527;0329. 11-79:1 , 4 a SEAF,ORTH HOMES GEORGE ST. - .--Mogern-- 3 bedroom bungaloW, rec. room, detached- double garage.' CHALK ST. - 2 floor 3 bedroom newly remodelled home, hot- water heat. • ' JOHN ST. - 2 floor,-3 bedroom remodelled home, gas heat. WEST WILLIAM ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow; gas heat. 2m1 ' MORTGAGE FUNDS:- For debt "• consolidation, new • purchases or refinancing. No hidden charges or-bonuses, We specialize in the hard• to get mortgages. Call collect anytime. - 1-579-0100 .< - HANNAH FINANCIAL • SERVICES INC. Public School. FARMS 50 acres of dash'crop- land -near Holmesville, 120 acres, 100 workable near Blyth, 3 bedroom houke, large barn 100 acre cash crop farm' near Liicknow with buildings - 34 acres, 22 'workable; 12 of bush, gravel bottom,. 80 acre, 70 workable, no buildings, at Holmesville Large Dairy farm, good house in Goderich area. , - 300 acres, 250 workable, beef farm, no• house', near Brussels acres,, 175 workable, good . house, beef & corn drying set-up Brussels ,„„,,L100aere, 65 workable, brick house, 'dairy barn, near Brussels 100 acres, 80 workable, 20 pasture, .beef and sow operation,. • near Brussels • • 90 acres, 55 workable, on Maitland River, 'tear Brussels 150 acres, 135 workable; brick home, modern dairy barn, near Beigrave. • ' 3 bedroom brick • home on- 1% acres east of Seaforth. _ 3 bedroom bungalows - we have 6 to choose from in good locations' in Egmondville & Seaforth -, either. brick, aluminum • or Color Lox siding: . , , „ - Brick dupleX on Goderich St. West in good condition with 2 & 3 bedroom apartments showing good rethent. Brick 2 storey 3 bedroom home in good area priced to self. COMMERCIAL PROPERITES. We have listed a Variety Store, Grocery Store, Peed Mill, and a good selection of apartment's- and income Property. Good selection of homes.. for sale in Clinton. _ ' • • ,1478-1' DUO - THERM oil -space heater with circulating fan. J. Horan, 345-2829. •11-79x1 1-79-1 THE HURON ,COUNTY -HEALTH-UNIT- ------ invites you to attend the EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES being held in the CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 11,.1977 from - '''"'OU115.-OF TOWN TUCKEBSMITH - 50 acres_.part I.y bush. DUBLIN -' Year old 2 bedroom bungaloW, Good 2000 sq. ft. heated workshop. --LOTS - 2 adjacent lots in ' each 132' x 132' $5,000. each. KINBURN 2 year old brick and -:-BOX,4-T,OVE,-excellent-etindition;---- 1 Hiway - Byway F 78-14 snow tire and Chev . Prim. Dan McInnes, Bly th, Phone 523-- 9648. 11 7 790 Chihuahua pups two 'months old, - ready. to go. 482-7509, 11-79x1 ,±COPLES., :4„ "19:784 TRI ,TOWN, BOOKKEEPING ERV.ICE , Icome Tax Returns .13usincsS4arni-Individeal LAWRENCE BEANE Bruce field , Phone 482-9260 Available'year round 19-784f 5-tus !Opportunity BUSINESS -"VPORTUNITY Would you like a business of your -, Copies of your imptirtant papers. aluminumbungalow, 3 own? You don't need an office to documents while you wait. Letter bedrooms, , drilled well, KINBURN - Like new 1400 sq. ft. one floor home, 3 •or 4 bedroom's, aluminum siding. Clinton Office 482.3595 John Thompson 527.0238 John Duddy 482.3652 . MOranne Duddy 482.3652 nONAOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtors GT • zoom. • 1.301744;-. ES cv 7:30 - 9:30 p.m . ' 1-79-1 time. Ideal for husband and wife. THE HURONEXPOSITOR RRODIIAGEN Chamber-- of teams. For interview Phone' - COnninerce Winter Carnival Collect - 271-9300. 5-764 February 5. 1-75-7 7 Situations Wanted !lino AVAILABLE to babysit in my start. Begin at home, full or part size, 25e each. SOX 119 SEAFORD, ONTAntirsio 527,0050 11-78xtf All Star TROPICAL FISH ;BUDGIES CANARIES .SPRING &. SUMMER Brochures NOW AVAILABLE. Some space still available on Winter Tours ******** UP COMING: EVENTS March 25 - Roy Clark-•' Show, London Gardens March 20th - Ice Capades, Kitchener .Auditoritin April 29th Roger Whittaker Show, Lond , Centennial Hall June 11 - 12-Frankeninutch .Bavarian Festival Weekend RESERVE NOW , 1-79-tf . A complete line of pet. supplies PAP PET SHOP EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING BARN SIDING ALUMINUM SIDING CARPENTRY' Phon Erwin 527- home, R.R.2, Seaforth area. 'Phone 482-9208. 7-79-1 WANT to babysit children in my own home. . PleaSe phone_ '527-1893. 7-79-1 • Every MondayNIght at-the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M, 15 regular games of- 2.00 3 Share the Wealth --Jackpot $200.00 must go: - Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years --or over. 1-78-tf 350 Main Street '. Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-78-tf m, BAILEY 8 Farm Stock For Sale . HOLSTEIN Heifer off Einperor on N:I.P. due February 4 to Elmwold Darcy TelStar.- Phone 345-2783, Ed, Melody, R..R.#2, Dublin, 15' Property :For Rent 3. Bedroom farm' house for rent. Referenees required. - Available February 1st. -.Phone 527-0778. 15-78-2 HAPPINESS IS, ,.a new Yamah4 snowmobile from Elder, Enterprises,- R.R.2, • Hensall. Phone 262-5598. , 11-76-4 GEORGE R, • REAL ESTATE LTD. ,482,-937.L • _ ,Clinton JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE. LIMITED BROKER and 02 19-78-4 ONE person's junk is another's, • gold mine. 'Turn your unwonted, articles-into cash-• with an:..,. EXPOSITOR classified. 527-0240. 11-73 xtf 5 acres in McKillop Tivp. drilled Well and hydro-on the property , no buildings. * ** 10 'lied Cars For Sale 19 Notices HOME and farm repairs, cement work, masonry work, specializing in fireplaces, chimneys and other odd - jobs. Free , -estimates. For more information please call Stan Kirkham, Mitchell. •348-8797. • 19-78-if BOX 249 tvv.. • us 768-11.102 NI I 'Lost, Strayed WEST LORNE-ONT • 1974 Dodge Charger with' power BLACK & White part Collie, steering, automatic, 31S , one I floor frame borne in Blyth nearly , new, all' in -excellent cOndltion, 3 bedrooms, fully: finished baseinent. ,Eavestroughing Wyoming' 'dog and rabic tags. or weekends 527-0890. 10-79-2 Phone 527-1179, 2-79-L2 R R #2 Ki en Con '9 • • , pp en., • , , owner, will certify.Callevenings FREE LISTINGS! it costs nothing to'list your property with us arciVe-do all the adyertising. WILIAM M. HART 15 Property For Rent, Would anyone who is -interested• pleose,,„,pre,register_ by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at- 482-3416. Both husband and wives are invited to attend and participate MEN'S Fitness . Instructor in the ..discussions. required, Apply to „Vanastra" 1- /9.1 Recreation Centre, G.M.B., 130, • Vanastra or phone 482-3544.•, SPECIAL SALE: New and used electric, guitars, amp ,s drp mi. organs, pianos,. etc„ at u to 50% "savings. Puisifei Music; Seaforth , 527-0Q53. ° 11.78-tf Roofing • • 4 Help Wanted 11 Articles For Sale • 190 acre dairy fOpn near Seaforth, 178 acres workable, milk house fully equipped. Good I'/2 -storey brick home. SWIMMING Pool 'Sacrifice - Leading Canadian • manufacturer ." and diStributer has . aluminum and Chimney Repairs Call Tax and Business. Consultant _ R. CARTER B. A. Personal business and farm income tax prepared. Please phone 482.7776 after 6 P.m- 19-79-tf CUSTOM. SLAUGHTERING NOTICE and PROCESSING LEADING •swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all: aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand , new, swimming pools jndude: 'filter, walk-around deck, fence and warranty. Size 18 'x'27, $1355.00 cash or terms:• Call Peic pools -1(4 over from 1976 season, VI-price, guaranteed installation and terms.. Call collect days or evenings 1-519-40-2611: 11-784 HONEY for sale, 2 & 4 pound „pails. Apply. to Wilmer Kelly, 101 James Street, Seaforth, 527-1023. . 11 -78-8 482=9706 * * * * Low priced 11/2 storey home in Clinton, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, dining. and living room, "full basement. Excellent location. We have several good farms Salesman - Seaforth Phene 527-0870 4-79-1 CLINTON LEGION BINGO Every Thursday 8:30 p.m. Admissidn $1.00 restricted to sixteen years or over, la regular games of $15.00, $5 least on split; 3 door prizes, $50 consolation--if jackpot now won.. Jackpot $250:00,- For estimates LOCAL dance band requires vocalist or 'a guitar player that can do Acal for weekend work. Phone 887-9278.' 4-78-2 119-784 FOR RENT y-3, - One and half store- bedroom home, good conditiOn.:-... listed in the, area, dairy. hoiS, in" rural village. Setting. Very in 59 calls or less. 1-794 • collect days Or --""evening and general: suitable for gardening. 452-7125_ :MARLBORO truck camper, 111/2 ' 1-519-433-1083. 11..784 ***** * - shi ot evenings. ; 15-79-1 0 W 1, ..USE: :.EXPOSITOR WA-NT-ADS-7". Phone 5274240 BABY sitting seminar will be held in excellent, condition and a 302Q. FOOD FOR THOUGHT in Hullett • School , ganditorium Friday, January 14, 1977 at 9:15 -- 11:30 o:tn. • for the • benefit, of parents and pupils in grades 7 & 8. Parents of pre school, children particularly are mind. 1.79-,1• John Deere diesel,, excellent GOT something •to Sell? .9000 uon't be afraid to think big,- so , 2 bed room, a a rtment in Mitchell • Hibbert Beef-Mondays,' Hogs-Tuesdays Al's Market people read the EXPOSITOR classified'ads every week. Place Your low prited Expositor classified at 527-02.40. 11-78xtf Produce-your own electric power with'a PTO driven long as you don't think, other ,p people 'small.. with private entrance available 14...79.1 , now, 345-2676, i5-78-2 ........ • . - condition. 482-9155. '1.1-78x2 0126ER year crisp juicy applei from Art Bell's Cold Storage. Also 'potatoes, honey and fresh ^' ' - ' Cider: Phone 524:8037. -78-tf Ratepayers and- inhgbitants, of ' the - • Tcvinship of Hibbert, and motorists using ,f• Township Roads are For-expert •CUSTOM SLAUGHTEWIG ,‘,.. and . - Bring your animals to ' , . - IsS7--- 'Pat* of lffiiiiirous • Cie-N.4 Voshivood Sausage' On' Township Road's , MZIZNSRS during the , winter kor ee , months. „in order to' i milk. oath of thr.h% n.r. main slliin 1 ' faCilliate „ sinew • a7.,3 4 14-784 plowing operations.. - • SEPTIC TANKS Council 'Will not be- - CLEANED responsible • ' • 1 for •• ' • damages' to : any . • Modern 1- 'equipment. . We ' vehicles roads; patted on the guarantee all work. Write or call ''. Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Council requests that . Clinton 1R2-3320 or Seaforth -residents -on- the 5_27,0 284. ' -. 19-7.84 - . __. - Township of Hibbert Additi-onai Phone 262-2017 19-78-tf • ~ -Residential -F-arms --Busines's -Resort Properties Alternator- ONE pair of girls skates, sized.. 5/7-03 Tr $10.00. ' 11-78-2 Generator' ONE Massey Ferguson 14 Garden App raisals • -Property Man agement • ,-.1a4testmenfr . .. cliffard Classified Rates •requested by Council . . PROCESSING Not to Park All sizes available now tractor with cab, 4"ft. blower, ,Call collect 1-519-634.8424 - tiller, mower, and- trailer. Ed. - Boyes, 527-0336.., , rIGAM1NT SYSTEMS , i i - 780x2, 1 PETERSBURG, Wanted ONTARIO To 8u- - 11-746.....,.1 Save 10-40 to ., FIVE to six ft. auger snowblower, approic. 5Q sh.p. tractor 527-1197, , 12-79x2 REAL ESTATE BROKER WORD COUNT Charges are based on the nuMber_of words._Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, pifone numbers Cr prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count-as separate words. 'FIRST INSERTION 20 Word.50,--6C per word , thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, ' 4.c per word,'minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $1.54 per column • inch. • (Minimum size in tliT's category' 2 inches. SEAFO1RTH 8 MAIN ST _SOUTH_ _ 'WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR - You can enjoy This beautiful new 3 bedroom bungalow in SEAFORTH which offeTs immediate possession; clean electric-heat, large lot. Features inclride separate dining room, bright " livingrom, ultra modern kitchen and foil basement. Priced right with good financing. WILL PAY ITS WAY-- 2 storeylcluplex - Apt. No. 1, large kitchen with pantry - livingroom new bathroom - • 2 bedrooms - renting for $150.00 per month. Apt. No. 2, Livingroom - bedroom -. dining and kitchen room - • bathroom. Renting for $170:00' pertnont-h-Lot 50'x '148' , garage' workable :garden. new sewers in and connections made and paid for. Bestvalue in town of SEAFORTII. BUILD YOUR CASTLE AND MAKE A BUCK - 94 acres, 90 acres workable Cash crop land, a stone's throw from Hy.#4, LONDESB0110 not rnany like this around, Great future potential. YOUR MONEVS WORTH - 6 room house, 2 or-3 bedroomk, 'kitchen with attached kitchenette, livingroom, good lOof, full dry basement, new furnace. Excellent lot 58' x 148', garage. Close to -' everything HENSALL. 'pgod, buy. FOUR SEASON LIVING - Two building lots, 75' x 200' each, ideal for_suMmer or permanent home, docking facilities - "PORT FRANKS. Beat the spring, rush. MOVABLE- DitlEAr - 5 roe m Mobile home in excellent condition, 4 pp. bathcirpeted-and cushion floors,' 3 bedrooms, loVely livingfoora,large Modern kitchen F.A.Oil heat, porch, patio, outside' skirting, drapes, NEAR VANASTRA a beginner's dream, ' WORTH YOUR WHILEstorey; •bedrooms, 3 pc.• bath, kitchen., livingroom arid diningroorn, utility room. lipvir Vilittig;"00, roof, gas P.A.. heat, • garage. They are.not getting any cheaper dOit,t9. eVe'rytfthig in "HENSALL. JANUARY SEWING MACHINE 'CLEARANCE . Straight Stitch', WhiteS, head only $69.95. Zig Zag, White, head only $99.95; Deluxe Zig Zag • head only, $149.95 fully automatic with 16 ,elastic and 'super stretch stitches. Complete portable to • clear $229.95, . • ' riff ' seviiing notions:-'Used machines, from SEW & SAVE CENTRE LTD. ' 149 Doviihie Street adoors South Of fludsons) Stratford, Ontario„,„, 271-9660 • Closed Mondays. 11.79-3 USED snowmobile with electrie . . . start. Reply in writing to Box . 3257 The Huron Expositor stating make, model, price, etc. 12-79x2 s• WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy clOsSified • ad, 5174240. • 12-78xtf 13 Wattled Accepted in multiples of half inch.) - 130X NUMBERS To THIS. OFFICE 50c per inserti n. - BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter,. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, .20 words $1.50, each' additional word 6c. -1 IN MEMORIAMS $1.50 plus 1.0c per -line- of verse. . COMING EVENTS - 20 words .50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions-for the • Orice of 2. CARD OF .THANKS ' 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. . Do Not P-ush RIDE wanted to Stratford, start at 7. Ride boa to .Seaforth at 4:30. -Call-52:74363. ' 13-79-1' WANTED ' Large or Small CONSIGNMENTS . Of Antiques, Caleetables, -Classified Snow on,, On-Township Roads EDWARD CHAPPEL Page ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TOWNSHIP Hibbert • 19-794 ..-ot Dump 1976 CLEARANCE SALE OF . mop= HOMES Primitives, Furniture, Glass and. All stock "on halal- drastically , china. reduced. „ Will buy for cash• or sell by Two and three bedroom homes of-Auction. all sizes. Ontario hydro approved and free ‘ .4nK ' ECceuntmadiviENC Gs delivery. A Auctioneer No reasonable offer refused '14 Goderich, 524-9064 -OR MARIE SALM Auctioneer Seaforth -527-0494 13.79e2 suit;. one 14:idak agnate shooter ... 250 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT ° TAME OF INSERTION, Vienft - Phone 689:1:4821M011a. •ss.;2'1 ' 11.794 1973 Ariena snowingbile, like tie*, one large size "snowmobile oanCerlatiOn of Multiple insertion • advertisements after NoorivTdesday., Deadline fOr -Olassified ads Is 12 Wort Tuesdays. V .0 . ) Po is • REPRESENTATIVE "RES. *523.95 25 6mm-527.1511 etiinera ?lo, 2 like new: Black & VVANTgli te #Orrow- 32,00016x: Ddeker skill saw; one table saw; of Market "haring It.)tieta. Call One 2 wheel trailer; 2- tires 600 Jr James T. Murray, ,,..., 12, 34$12757. ` ..11-79.1• '345-24b7. , 1349-1 EAFORTH- 19.7841