HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-13, Page 13• • AN A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL And as long as they kept- warm in the,frigid temperatures, why not? These three obviously enjoyed themselves at the Stanley rec comrkittee's 'wiener roast and tree burning Friday night,. (ExOositor Photo) 5.1 SAFE INVESTMENTS cONSULTANTS. -1-1* °film 5.6 Weber Streetathebener, 1‘04,91 /44,6535 ibtfiee'r 564 PiiiiiirSt4et• Itaikiver. 09)' ti0121-'•• WE Obi' EXISTINO MORTOXOE'S FOR INSTANT' CASH' NOW AVAILABLE ON ,ist and 2.nd Mortgages . anywhere in Ontario on t. * INDUSTRIAL „ FARM PROPERTIES interim financing on new construction dkvelontnent IN YOUR AREA ' PHONE • or. „ RESIDENT COMMERCIAL is REPRESENT LowerInterestRates TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY Brussels, Ontario CHESTERFIELDS &CHAIRS RECOVERED LIKE -NEW . WOOD REFINISHING — WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED -7 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY — FREE ESTIMATES Ph. 887=6013 •Prop. D. Trollope . • , v. a THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 13; 1977 *-,13 oupies celebrate anniversary WARM AS TOAST That's whet these three girls were, inSide their snowmobile, Suits•at the Christmas tree burning and wiener roast in Va rna onFriday night /From -7 'left -pre Ann Rathwell, Jo Anne Grunewald and Becky Aathwell, holding hot dogs over the fire. (EXpotitor Photo). v When Spring roll§ atonnd ;onie- for exa' are *ow 25 tenth signed', at, 4he niyersat- Post of the' readers who have been eac'd are 4ahhied th" e: Union's'' Lausanne' convention in 4P,0114))*:..thk Witxtet ApLiths, -'basic.; 'ter ote;':gxcluded freitti 074. The fictt stage of the resorts ' will`-prphablY * the Ofid e;.:,.0Wevetk, are" the. increase ter .overseas mail look tell its. about t46,"PAPet arriving rata' fees the united., effect January .1', 076; with the Week's after •.the &get, territories and second step tak ing effect January -.••• • -e:..rtiallipa, date. 'Writ .let know possession. - '077. to. Judging by the relatively small number of complaints The Expositor has received in recent we eks, we have reason to believe that moat subscribers are , . receiving reasonably fast delivery of their neirvapaper. However, there may ,he some who are suffering inssilenee. . , If thatis the . bud time fiSi the delegates 'and case we ask that y ou carefully 6 • The Canada.,, most Office' The Post Office advises their wiveS. Besides the usual observe the day on which yotil — reminds' customers that as, of _ customers to check with their hilliness meetings, and elections paper is received •for a week or • January 1, postage rates forlocal post office for the coned there Will' he numerous other two and then Jet Os know. The ', ,, Expositor is mane to the The „.. &t am pOiritt eVery V.; ?:: As of Jartuary 1, peStase, fer,,,,, The jp'etre-as6s.r fleet provisions aelivrties will include the annual weime.sda(i,,, flareel Fost) were inereased. , regulabons. . international main ngs (except postage as well as any changes in , the weekend. Some of these alitivitieS' geing -Oh throughout .- night. ., , ,..... • letters cyclIgh ltigup Or One ounce, of intorputivno agreetrionfs ' banquet, a deride, and •A special Is yo-ur paper. late? 18,19 and 20th. 'in the . new Opportunity re its strength, both Rev. W.D.Jarvis conditcted convention will be held lvfareh --PreSeni the -;'WOAA with the and Mrs. Edgar McClinchey.' Correspondent Mrs'. Rena Caldwell .The centre group of Kippen EaSt W.I. met at the home of the leader Mrs. Robert 'Kinsman to finalize plans for a euchre' to be held on. Jen. 25 in„the Legion Hall, Hensall. • Kippen EaSt W.I. will host the Senior Citizen group of Hensall at their January 19 meeting. There will be kpot luck luncheon at 12 Noon• at :the Legion Hall and a OUTSIDE ON A JANUARY NIGHT — A good crowd braved chancy .weather conditions Friday night to attend-the outdoOr wienerroaSt and OhriVrnastree ,,,,,..'1,,••••••4;•......,-;•"' • •• • " ,, • ••••••, , , — ---T ,- --- --Mrs; __Earl Rowe entertained -speaker on ,Rheumatisin and ! Terri; Mr. and Mrs: Doug - Elzar Mousseau has returned 'residents on, Wednesday with holidays and Nan Years with Mr. . , and Mrs Bert VVray and• family at ' Re Kdale and Cpl. Doug. Weip, „ Mrs. Wein and. David at Whitby. ..,s a Mr. Ernie . Davis Underwent surgery in St. Jeseph*.s.Hospifal, London on Friday, Miss Dorothy Farqnhar. returned to . ,.Toronto after , . holidaying with ,her mother Mrs.,. iw t leic Association is hosting the , thput the great expense that is young in January. Those in • Mrs. .Nick Blom on the occasion of • The 4., ,„ vv , rn Ontario to attend a' provincial cp,nvention Emma Farquhar. attendance were: Mrrand Mrs. their 'tvventy:fifth Wedding Ath Mi. Gerry McCli nchey , , involved.y • - reterned-----to • Brantford after. _. 60tH,. annual Ontario Baseball tormall •-' • John McGregor. Carol, Del.id and Anniversary'. _ AssOciation convention. The ' " It will also holidaying with his parents, Mr. today?'' . - • ARthritis. Mrs. Harold Parsons ' McGregor, Brian and Barbara, from • ,Seaforth Community music, bingo and treats. has the current events and the roll • Mr. and Mrs. Eric Judge of Hospital. • • call is "What did you growl about w. , London; Heather, Jimmie and . . Kathy Jane who was just one • • -.,. -, P,ersonals 'week old. Mr. and Mrs.Alex McGregor • held a dinnerlp the, craft-room at `Mr. and Mrs, Writ Coleman HuratiView botioitiring „Mrs.. John A. McGregor who will be 9.1 yeers . CongratelatiOng.lo-' Mr.'' and „ . -.of Kincardine, and . WOAA .0 ' President, Dave • Neilson of promptly d such delays we will mailing, do everything posSible"to correct, Please let us knew, wherever Gorrie, much-of the advance Paratiorr liasaeen completed. Canadian post, office gives us, fill arriving May. he, ' if your pa per is pre the problem._In this effort'thet you late.' We make. no As thia iS,the largest project ever - co-operation. Frequently the promises but we certainly will try undertaken by the solution is better routing, of the to speed things up. ' several ,conimittee's "fiaVe been. Let us no Postage rates ..up are holicyaying ,Mexico. • burning, recreation n sponsoredmmittpe in . by . the Stanley r Township 9 Yarha,. This group keeps warm around a dig fire .. (Expositor Photo)" hard at-work for many months to ensure the success of the _-_ convention. The weekend will indeed be a Community Centre in Kincardine. as a vital iffiliate of the OBA,ind Service in Carmel Presbyterian- P.- Under the leadership of_ as an' independent sports Church 'on Sunday Speaking Convention ChairMan; Nude Catto organization.. • ' "The point of no return . Miss Kuncardine to host Noble ;GI:and Mrs.. Dorothy Campbell, Vice Grand , reported - returned to his hOme 'Sunday. ,. Parker. presided at. the meeting of 'for- the -Visiting committee. A -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes of •• Amber Rebekah• ' Lodge - on number ef "Thank Yon", and • Grand. Bend visited this week•: Wedpesday evening assisted • by . cards • -were- received • at the with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. , Vice Grand Mys.' Maggie meeting. Following • the meeting . . Geo. Dowson whcehas been' • Campbell. Arrangenients were an exchange of gifts were made a ,patient for Several weeks', in made to hold the 28th anniversary when your "Secret Pal" .-was was South' Huron 'Hospital, Eketer,' Of the .Lodge on. February 23rd revealed. Progressive euchre was returned home on Monday. with members attending. a dinner ...played:with the following prize. ConSt. David Beer, R.C.M.P. previous to the regular meeting.wieners: Lone Hands: Mrs. Ruby and Mrs. Beer returned td their Mrs. Margaret Consitt .L.S•.V.G. Bell; High Prize - Mrs. Elizabeth home' at Pert• Coquitlam, B.C. ,;. reported foil he C.P.T. ceinmittee..Ritej,;' , after visiting during the holiday ,Consolation prize - MrS. stating twenty-one boxes 'of fruit , Hazel COrbett. A delicious' lunch season with the fanner's mother, ,' were clelilvered to shut-iris for '.''•'‘Vas - ' served • - by - the social Mrs. John Beer and brother -and ladies ,preiratnirie This ladies prograthme will teensist,da bus tour of the area, a fashion'show, antt.‘a funeheon, This conYention'‘fglyes the 'spotis,rnirided people oe*estere Orkta!le an excellent' opportunity 0 .. hosts s'e' cret pals underwent surgery in St. Ernie Davis' wire recently Joseph's Hospital, t. London, . - -Harvey Hyde. , -,.. Mr. and. Mrs. -Sid 'Pullman Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. Clemente Miss Linda Bell of Waterloo visited with Mrs. Bernice Levery. Jeffrey visited Pauline jeffrey..... College• is holidaying with her • Howard and Marion Johns Shirley Prouty visited Lynn parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Bel 'I visited Mrs. Mabel. 'Johns. . , . Latiniore, Almeeda Parsons, and Allan. , Chester and Ile Dunn, Iva • Isobel Sproat, Roy McDonald and • Mr. and Mrs. `Edgar. Munn, . Ridley and. Greta Lainmie visited Harold Glanville. ' , -spent Christmas and New Year's" Vera Laramie , '.- .• •>, . Hazel McNaiighton visited her holidays with their son-in-law and ' Mr. and Mrs. Denroach. Camp mother Mrs. Ada St/41We. daughter Mr. and Xrs;-- Den— Borden and Leslie Mitchell ,""Mr.• and • Mrs. Ivan Taylor Gooding at Parkhill. ' , visited their mother Loilise visited Adeli ne Taylor. . Mitchell.. • ' . Rev. Van Essen of Bethel , Mrs. Alice Ferg returned home after spending a few weeks with Edmund Jeffrey , . Madge Reform Church, Exeter to-OliTThe vin,,law and sister, Mr. • r... . Church udder fhe ;direction of Randy and Roddy spent , the Church Hour on Tuesday her brothe and Mrs. "George, Coulter, acc U o n m it pa 4 nioefd t b h y e Ii H is en w s i e l l e ! . United .Listowel. ..,.:‘,. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, The Hensall Ladies' Legion Auxiliary met on ,, . Tuesday evening with the President Mrs. Beatrice Uyl presiding, A donation was made to the Minor Hockey teams. The winners. f the draw' for the-MO-hey Dolls at Christmas were: Lorne. Chambers,, St. Catharines won- to minor Arnber Lodge Personals Christmas. Mrs. Maggie committee, grandmother,- tvi- rs. Fred Beer. ' Miss Mary Thompson of nit '4 eintertains • University of Western Ontario, London, spent the holidays with . , , * , . U her parents Mr. arid Mrs. Bert r, Thinpson.. ,, ueensway ,...,,,. tolier .h ome in „London after - Miss Margaret Hyde returned visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, at egion La les giv asebali convention • Miss Brenda Pepper played the They lived in Watford and piano. Burgessville before coming to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams of R.R.#2, Kippen where they took Exeter were recent visitors with up farming 17 years. ago, They Mr. and Mrs.. Jack corbert. have five daughters: Elizabeth • Correspondence • Mrs. Bertha MacGregor 262-2025 A very enjoyable evening was , spent on Wednesday when Mr. and Mrs; Bert Thompson and family hosted the choir members of Carmel. Presbyterian Church in honour'of Mrs. Malcom -Dougall who is retiring as organist following 25 years of faithful service. Games and • contests were conducted _by Misses Mary 'Thompson and Margaret-Hyde. John Thompson presented Mrs. Dougall with a gift and the onour retiring organrst hockey Consitt were in char e. The Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Parker Moir, Ki en; Will Groothius Ray PPy ladies' high prize was won by 'and Jamie spent the weekend Kitchener; Mary, Reta and "t " ••••4‘ Mrs. Mary BroadfoOt. Ladies' consolation, Mrs. rfobt..Parsons. Men's high prize - Ray Consitt; Men's consolation - Cecil Pepper. Prize for lone •hands• - Mrs: Joe Carter, A draw rev a ham was won by Joseph Gregg and a bag of oranges was wen by Al • Hoggarth. Thecommittee plan another euchre for February 17th *weather permitting.. accompanying address was given by Mrs. Either Wright :',.;: The recipient tirade , Otting reply of thanks an; all touted in singing "Foi-VieV.a. Jolly Good Fellow". A social h our followed and refreshments were served. Euchre party The Cancer. , Polio and Tuberculosis Committee 'of th 1.0.0.F. and Amber Rebekah Lod gei held a most ,successful euchre • party op 'Thursday evening.. Glenn Koehler and Mrs. CPT holds successful Mr. Jim Ro ertson of Lucan,, Nick Blom, . Kippen were . --chtidireca the service Carmel-7' celebrating their 25111. wedding • -Presbyterian church on Sunday in anniversary. They were, married • the absence of Rev; W.D.Jervis. in Holland and left for • Cana Brenda Papper pr6ided• at the piano, Mr. Jim-Aebergon .Ltican will copdtict service' next Stinday.,, ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Christian Jeppson and son Ben of California spent a few days yiship with Mr. and / Mrs. Nic Oud,, Hensall, celebrated their •50th wedding anniversary ' for relatives, friends and neighbours., at a dinner at the .Pine Ridge Chalet on Friday evening. There wa-s-a- reception at 9 o'clock . With dancing to music by the Continentals. Mr, and Mrs. Oud have a family of four: Mrs. Christian Jepperson, California;. Mrs. Nick Blom, Kippen; Ted and Peter Oud, ,sel,repteen grandchildren and: two great- children. They came from Holland 23 years ago and farmed Mrs. . Jeppesorr'S parents, Mr. at R.R.#3, Kippen before moving and Mrs,-Nic Ourd who celebrated ',to Queen St, Hensall, They their 50th wedding anniversary received congratulations from and also Mr. and Mrs. Nick Blom, Rebert " McKinley, .M.P., Joe Kippen who celebrated their 25th Clarke, and Gov. Gen, Leger. wedding . anniversary. At the same time Mr. and Mrs. visiting -with Cpl. Doug. Wein, Annette at home,' and one Mrs. Wein and David at Whitby. grandchild Angie Moir. ..•••••••simm.:0•••••••, the doll and Shawn Lovell yvon the 'Ten dollar prize. Prizes fel-. the evening vvere won as follows; Mystery Prize: Mrs. Mona Campbell, • who also, won the attendance ,prize. The guessing prize was, wee by 'Joan Beierling., Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed by all. )11 Snuili Iii Dit 1111 in ,Haul 1111 • il .1 III " YOU'VE NEVER HAD MEAT LIKE THIS AT PRICES LIKE THESE /tome of the) famous itioe —N4 Oashwood Strus(> GREAT BEEF GREAT PRICES Blade Steaks gc or Roasts LP ILO Lb. Short Rib Roast Sides of Pork Fully Processed Chuck CUSTOM KILLING Butcher Day - Wednesday 'Pickup Service available Choice of Clear see through Film or Brown Freezer Paper OLD FASHIONED REAL SMOKE CURED app. 60 lbs 58C Lb 66