HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-01-13, Page 10• , Grandparents of Mrs. Mervin ' Smith, R.R.#1; Walton have celebrated 65 years of marriage together. Mdie than 100 friends and relatives called on Mr., and Mrs, 'William Wilson,e .of Guelph, on January 2nd and 3rd , to congratulate then on 'the occasion.. Among the gifts they received was a wait hanging made by 'Mrs, Smith, and prese nted to them by their great grandchildren Cheryl 'Smith and Tammy Wilson on behalf of the children of Mri. Smith and Mrs. Aubrey • Wilson. They also received ' several flowers and gifts, one of which 'Was a OIL clock inscribed with their names and date of marriage' along with a happy home recipe, which their son Harold brought hoMe from Florida. ,A cake specially decorated for the occasion was a table centre piece and lunch was ,served to all who called. Guelph city council sent flowers to the couple and the Mayor of Guelph-brought them a Guelplt plaque and said - official congratulations were on the way from Abe Provincial -and Federal Governments. Mr: and Mrs. WilsOn have three children , all of whom were at the special occasion. They are Azehrs . fine markets...of fine foods It'S OUTSIDE It was, cold inside .tob on Tuesday at Bob and Betty's Variety during the snow Storm. High winds kept blowing the door open. Probably about half the stoies'oh M 'closed. • during the blizzard. (Expositor Photo) FRESH MEATY PORK COUNTRY STYLE RIBS lb .08 iiiiiiKEND ROAST' lb $1 118 FRESH TASTY SCHNEIDERS ENGLISH SAUSAGE lb SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK $LOS BEEF PATTIES 21b I30X 1.89 BY 'THE PIECE CORNMEALED BURNS BACK BACON lb 1.69 BURNS SAUSAGE Ib '1.09 FLORIDA NO. 1 FIRM VINE-RIPE ,TOMATOES__:Lb._ 49c FLORIDA SWEET ZIPPER-SKHYNED ' TANGERINES. P.B•I. FOUR FLAVOUR CHOICES FRUIT DRINKS. 64 oz 69c 150's DOZ. 69c REGULAR OR ALL BEEF MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1 lb. PKG . SHOPSYS OLD VIENNA 18c SALAMI CHUB 18o=.$1.79 FINE QUALITY 'PURE VEGETABLE CRISCO OIL 4 VARIETIES DE SHAMPOO PLUS' CREME RINSE LADY PATRICIA 550 'rn1 77, 10',—THE HURON gxpositoR JAN VARY 1:3, 1977 iisons mar 1976 ' anniversary 111 plc s. • , MK.11.1.9P- MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CQMPANY • _HEAD OFFICAr• 10 MAIN' $T.; 4tAFORT14,LoNT 31.irs -Mergaret Sharp;-Sec. Trgllgp. 527.04 1:' FULL COVER A GE Farm and Urban Properties Fire,,Windstornit, Liability, Theft • , Various Floater Coverages • Mrs. W,E. (Melrose) BurcoMbe, of Kirkland, P,Q, Harold of Goderich and Florida during the whiter months and Benjamin of Winthrop. They have eigbf grandchildren-and sixteen great grandchildren. ' Mrs';Wilson, the former-Mabel Florence Spinks Spinks of Caledon East, inpt Williant Wilson of Nassagaweyaat a dance and were married at Rockwood, January 3, 1912. For nearly fifty years Mr. and Mrs. Wilson farmed in Na§sagaiveya township and after 35 years with the township road departments he retired on their fiftieth wedding anniversary: They moved from the farm to 'Guelph in 1969 but continue as members of Eden Mills Presbyterian Church., M amt -Mrs; Wilson •are both in good health and enjoy- Visitors who call on them. They continue to work- their flower , and vegetable garden: Visitors for the occasion .came from Montreal, Florida, Winthrop, Walton, Orillia, Fergus, Milton,. Brampton and Toronto. Mr: and Mrs. Wm, Wilsoli left, for Florida on Friday after spending_a couple of days with Mr. andiVIrs.. Mervin Smith of Walton and, have arrived safely. ,Corresponclent, - Mrs. Allan McCall 887.6677 The annual public meeting of the Walton Area Sport Clint was ;held in the . Community- Flail recently, Three °member§ Were cliwbylyallotr-Rick--McDonaldr-- -*k Nglemans, and Dave Collins to replace Joe-Stefflerliowar Flackwell and Bill Humphries who are retiring: • Don Nolan. was elected to act as trustee to the W.A.S.C, to replace the late Don Achilles, A special vote of thanks was given to the Recreation Board, especially those ,retiring. At a meeting following 'the annual m eeting,,,Laverne Godkin was chosen chairman; Jack Nelematis; vice-chairman; Marie McGavin, Secretary; Carol Collins, treasurer;,. 'Anne Ryan, Press Reporter and Rick McDonald co-signer at the bank. The Sanitary m eeting of the ,w.A.S.C. wa.as held at the home of Mr.- and MeG avin Estimates are to be obtained for the cost of a fence along the base lines- of the ball park. The meeting ;et rental to outside tea* at _eight dollars with the use of e 11 ghts •and five' dollars wit ut lights. The W.A.S.C. will onsor all 'IntilLteama and be reponsible for collections taken at the games and payment of umpires. A snowmobile poker rally will be held Sunday, February 6, with regisfration three dollars from 12 . 2 rt.itt. at the Hall. A lunch booth will operate and. prizes are: 1st - $50.00; 2nd. - $30.00; 3rd $10.00 plus other donated 'prizes. , Discussion followed on details Ofnext summer's ball program. Advertising • a showcase for intelligent • shopping. Homeowner's , Teriant's Package,Composite Dwelling 'Directors and Adju Robt.Arehlbald,R.R.4,Seaforth Kentarnochan, R,R.4, Seaford] Laverntotaln, R.R.#1, Walton Ross Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm John MeEwing, Blyth Stanley Mellwain, R.R.2, Goderich Donald MeKereher, R.R.1, Dublin Wm, Pepper, Brumfield J.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton AGENTS James Keys, R.R.1, Seaford] Wm. Lelper, R.R.1, Londesboro Steve.). Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth CALLAN,AGENT OR stem R)7-1817 527-1545 527.1877 345.2234 523-9390 524.7051 527-1837 482-7534 482-7593 • • . 527-0467 523-4257 345-2172 MR. & MRS. WILLIAM WILSON THE OFFICE CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVIS,DRY'I1GARD • super special B DELICIOUS FLAVOURS ZEHRS g 1E-iL°Y ICE CREAM super special ZEHRS • 3 VARIETIES FRESH BREAD 2 ' LITRE 24 OZ. LOAVES , super special FRESH CUT PORK CHOPS super special FIT NUTRITIOUS LOIN PORK CHOPS Special,Prices In Effect Till Closing Sat, Jen. 15 super specia • PRODUCE OF ONTARIO FANCY QUALITY MACINTOSH APPLES 5 lb -BAG super special NUTRITIOUS PORK FRESH SIDE SPARERIBS super Special BURNS SMOKED PICNIC PORK • FCUOLO-ZED ,SHOULOER su • er s ecia PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FRESH, SLICING super special SCHNEIDERS REGULAR OR MAPLE super special MEATS KING SIZE CUCUMBERS EA C oz PKG.. PKG . SPECIAL! ONTARIO NO .,l CLEAN WASHED WHITE POTATOES super special PirijoBE N BEEF -LIVER "lb super special BLUE RI,B.BO.N - BY THE PIECE. BOLOGNA lb WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS iEHRS REG. • 41' PKG. super special KRAFT READY IN A JIFFY MAC & CHEESE super. special ZEHR$ REG. 30' EA. 'ZEHRS REG. 89' super special FROZEN CHOPPED BROCCOLI ' FRENCH CUT GREEN BEAN$_ McCAINS VEGETABLES C WITTICHS FRESH BAKED -APPLE PIE DINNER 71,40z 24 oz. (;;ECIAL1 RUPERT FROZEN...... • • FAMILY PACK COOKED "KELLOGG FROZEN INDIVIDUAL CHEESE-PIZZAS 15 oz, • ZEHRS REG. S2.15 super special $1.69 1.11 1.29 HELCOGG FROZEN INDIVIDUAL "'"• DELUXE-PIZZAS .7_16 SCHNEIDERS MILD, IVIEDIUM'OR OLD FISHMICKS SPECIAL! ' 'SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTINI • OR REfsBY CUT MACARONI • CHEDDAR CHEESE 12 oz. McKillop employees get $80.0 raise 48 oz. CATELLI PASTA2b_ LADY SCOTT-5 COLOURS BATHROOM' TISSU.E_ 413Q si sog SKIM OR 2%*PARTO SKIMMED 8 FRESH MILK SPECIAL! , WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! ROOT BEER, GRAPEFRUIT:. COLA,,soidErfAll orronsuc, " m. 3 QT. BAG OR JUG ZEHRS FANCY 1.09 FRUIT _COCKTAIL , 19 oz Dunytt OF INDIVIDUAL PKGS SUNMAID RAISINS 311(/'17.•,!"$_Gi iiii;i1) LIGHT TUNA „oz 000[VTIME POP_,... McKillop tettneil employees teteive 'a raise hi salaries when the council held its ' first 1977 meeting on' January 4. All employees will receive an $800 'increase per annunt,, the road superintendent, road brews and clerk 'treasurer. Council members will receive an increase of $50 each and the reeve an increase_ 'of' $100. Council members now earn $750 and the reeve $900 per year. 20c per mile is the new mileage rate. Appointed to various boards and committees were: Harvey • • Cralig .-,Blytb-Distriet Fire Area Board; Allan Campbell - Bill SLeemingz,Seaforth FirerArea Board; Art Anderson,- Seaforth community Hospital Board; "Allan Campbell - Maitland Valley Conservation Authority '& the Ausable Bayfield Authority.- Recreation Committee.-• - members appointee were: Ron Ryan, ,'Laverne Godkin, Bill Siemon, Gordon, 1:ryce, Don Dodds and' -reps. Ralph McNichol and Harvey Craig. MeXillop drainage loan allocation from the province IS $118,100 for 1977: Council has agreed .to pay for tile loans as work is completed, so that everyone gets equal chance for tile loan. . , A borrowing bylaw of.$140;406 for current expenditutes was aiiprovid. NON-AEROSOL SCENTED DR UNSCENTED V05 HAIRSPRAY - 200 ml• 1129 loo. $1;49 super !pedal 1 1:7b.w pIt o_tLTi 1 oNs J .$ 1ERIAL 3 lb: AR1NE r SPECIAL! • •ZEHRS ASSORTED OR CH000LATE CHIP COOKIES. • 216:BAG ZEHRS REG.. • 51,89 SPECIAL! DISPOSABLE TODDLER Sig DIAPERS FLUSHABYES 60's CULVER/LOUSE CHOICE _ 7. SOCED BEETS 14oz. 319! 'aka •S' OUP. mit 2's 2,0,79! ..0 LIVES OAT Fimit.145 .2E011S-niG, •62w PKG. — -• itEd. • • )9.0)(0.,..--. .-er-'.•:pecial • cm§67prot-,..- 14iftt.VEGOAttE SCHNEIDE SHORTENIN uper special per special FROZEN BEEF, CHICT4N OR STEAK CHNEIDERS EAT PIES Logio at your finger tips. Thflee models to choose from: VictOr Electronic Calculator, Vittor 106 Slide Rule Electronic Calculator, Victor 107 Scientific Electronic Calculator, the loOeal ositor FRESH' " RGER P.KGS. OF 12 , W E 61A RrE C 0 NsV : N I E NIT L Y IL,r0aC A: E 0 I Ne....vv-H > > amburg, Hanover, Kincardine, ii,Goderich,,and ,Orange ,ville. 14*