HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 3world is gout of the
Rd this is ' the case.
'strained business
i to rein. at home
Limiter $eason in Waal -
Y ish-11 as in other cities, and
s their families remain
One element of the
lamely, the government
Ijoy the privilege of a
with pay; and as a rult3,;
jority prefer to spend
)u where they can have
!Minato and food.
Alen the army of gov-
ployees are eliminated
ins a large population.
3 engaged in carrying
ess and manufacturing
now one of the ,features
Net is the capital of the
tamer time is largely the
icason with people all
•e country, the tide
unusually large. The
ough the public buildings
e points of interest in and
ity, and no 'doubt find
ngton is . rather an enjoy -
to visit, even though Con-
; in season.
160,000. Best, $050,000
Vice,President—A. G. RAusAY.
Ono. RoAC1t, wet Gomm, M P, A. T
DOD, A. B. Lits (Toronto).
ashler -0. TURNBULL.
tank-1loure,1Oto 0; Saturdays, 1.6
31 and upwards received and inters„
?aposits also received at current
Great Britain and the United States
B. WILLSON, AGnlax•''4
.INSON, Solicitor.
dice and two bottles or medicine sant Free to
Olvo Express and Post Office address. T A.
ICAl. CO.. Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
CL 044
' '1~•t $YP Til O 11.!
- ND Z H
Tl E.
lGE n
S .
IF.I irS V64.iPt EXON;
cable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
ruggists or sent by Mail. 26c., 600.,
)er package. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath, 25e.
WCT, U. COLUMN. The very road and train his family
is returning by., Where? Twenty
(co:mom BY TH U Wn OIIAAC BRANCH.) miles away. He telegraphs the
For God and Home and Natter) Land,"
Voll call the attention, of the mothers and sisters
to he fact, that the SVo, tu, s Christian Temper.
Once Union meets the third Monday every month
at three o'cloelcsharp, ter one hear, at Mt'e.Ilolnt's
reeidonce, Patriots street. All ladles are made wel.
As the Editor has kindly given us part of his
space, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to
' send items of interest on all moral questions of the
day to guy of our members.
A. Timely Word.
Lady Henry Somerset, in her ain the baggage car found the
recent address before the. World's afnd lifeless remains of wife and one
W. C. T. U., said : "Closely related daughter. In. the nextcar lay the
crashed form of the other daughter,
her life fast ebbing away. A quart
of whisky drunk by a railroad
tion. It is my deliberate conviction employe was the cause of the catas-
41 for the hysteria into which so catas-
trophe. Who dares say of this
that1. tremendous question, It is not my
many men and women novelists have business?" _
fallen, and for the key ed•up public ��
mind that is willing to exploit their Dr. A nevi's Cure for the Heart Feheved me
product, there is 110 remedy so salla of Agonizing Pain in 20 Minutes and
�a and sound as • the education of our Was the Moans of Saving my
superintendent, 'I will give you $500
extra for an extra engine. The
answer comes, ' 'No.' .Again he
telegraphs, 'Will give .$1,000 for an
engine. 11e received this only reply:
'A train with surgeons and nurses
bas already gone forward and we
have no other.'With white face and
awful anxiety he paced the station'to
and fro. That is his• business now.
In ehalf an hour, perhaps which
seemed a half -century to him, the
train arrived. Ile hurried toward it,
to the movements that occupy our
thought is one which in the United
yltates has been worked out to an
assured success, and that is co-educe-
x -
hishoim's Corner Drug Store.
• young people together, from the
kindergarten until they complete
their course in teChnicor profes-
sional schools. If anybody dared to
speak the truth 'about boys' public
schools in England, there world be
a social convulsion compared with
which not even the lamentable dis-
closures of the past winter aro to be
mentioned: When we try to segre-
gate girls and women into school or
harem, boys, anti men into school or
government, we have frustrated
God's grace, and we must pay the
le Street • - Wingham, Ont.
tiBTED, l J. W. 55co'rr,
Mount Foust.1 Listow
its Received and Interest
Sr Advanced to Farmers ant
Business Men,
or Short time, on endorsed notes
teral security. Sale notes bought
r valuation. Money remitted to all
E Canada at reasonable charges.
tI Attention Given to Coll
ting Accounts and Notes.
Canada—'rho Merchants' BaS'
Of Canada
Hours—From 0 a. tn. to 8
klso'd Remedy 'tor Catarrh is 11,6
tee, Easiest to Vie, And Cheapest.
Sold by druggists or Bent by man.
SOC. E. T. nnieitino. warren, Y'a.
Suicide by the Smoke Route.
From the Record of Christian Work.
There are multitudes of young
men smoking themselves to death.
Nervous, cadaverous, narrow chested
and fidgety, they are preparing for
early departure or a half-and-half
existence that will be of little satis-
faction to themselves or little use to
others. Quit it, my young brother.
Before you get through this life you
will want stout nerves and a broad
chest and a brain unclouded with
Lifo, says T!lrs, John
Jamieson, Tara, Ont.
"About three months ago I was
attacked with nervous heart trouble.
Tho pain was so severe I could hard-
ly breathe. I could get no relief
and feared that I could not live. I
saw advertised in The Tara Leader
Dr. Agnew's Cure for tbo Heart and
immediately procured a bottle. I
secured perfect relief inside of 20
minutes and firmly believe it was
the means of saving my life."
If your heart fiutters, palpitates or
tires out easily, it is diseased, and
treatment should not be delayed a
single clay. Dr. Agnew's Cure for
the Heart relieves almost instantly,
and will effect a radical clave. Sold
at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store.
The Wheel a Benefit. •
Gems of Thought.
The only love worthy the name
ever and always uplifts.
Life is not a diamond, but a seed
with possibilites of endless growth:
Man's happiness or misery is, in a
great measure, put into his own
Real happiness is cheap enough,
et. how dearly we pay for its, coun-
terfeit rfeit 1
Tee Made Ho Sale.
The young man was polite but
persistent, lie invaded the office,.
bat in hand, and waited patiently,
until the elderly man looked up from
his work.
Excuse me, sir, he said, when he
saw he had the business man's at-
tention, I am taking orders for
Don't want any, said the business
man shortly.
Pardon me, persisted the young
wiNwArtent, MILLS MILAN])
GEORGE 7NOM50N, Proprietor.
The undersigned in returning thanks
for past favors,beg leave to say bat they
bavo .a very large stock of
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
on hand, whivb will be sold at very close
Prices .to.meet the requirements of the Car Load: Orders a Specialty.
e hard times,
We do not. live in a world in `man, but if you will kindly look, at WOOD delivered to any kart of Siring•
which a man can afford to be die- my samples •mail
coura ed by trifles. It would only be a waste of time, First Class 'Shindies $170 per fordsr
ab) promptly attendee
h b e s man
The wind never blows fair for
interrupted the usin es b1sON,
1 will measure yoa for them right Square, Box 525, Wingham. Ont
the sailor who knows not to . what.ss con- Wood 1 Cts. per Cord, delivered.
port he is bound. here and you need not lose five
minutes from your business,
Heaven's eternal wisdom has de- tinued the young man, paying no at -
creed the man should ever stance in tension to the interruption 'Everything else equally low. Came and
need of man. But 1 don't want any, insisted the see us before buying, as we will not be
If you will do Food whenever you elderly roan. McLL'AN to SON,
Wingham, June 7th, 1803.
have an opportunity you will most
generally be busy.
Never does a man portray bis
character so vividly as in his manner
of portraying others.
A noble act is ono which is
prompted by a good heart, and which
it requires energy to carry out.
Pack your troubles in as little
compass as you can for yourself and
never let them annoy others.
The only true secret of assisting
the poor is to make ..them agents in
bettering their own condition.
The Rev. John L. Scudder of New
York, in a recent sermon said : "The
wheel has bewitched the nation and
is making great Changes in our
customs and economic condition.
People are tired of calling it a craze.
tobacco smoke. To get rid of the , or fad, for it bas become a universal
habit will require a struggle, as II and a permanent factor of our life.
know by bitter experience.. Cigars �
�' I The wheel is producing a much
and midnig°lit study nearly put an needed and physical revolution.
t twenty-five We are gradually becoming an
existence a You • English
In like 1
end leg
Y co
athletic C
at ,
people, years of age.' I got Lt I could across the water. As a rule
kind of study' without a .cigars as friends ens have never been over
slave was 1 as
let0 ato
' mlike to
• iso
of exercise. n e
are. chs
some of you om. About r', the theatres, watch baseball games
Pastoratesolle from one f er d and yacht races and dawddle by the
wholesale dealer offered as an in-
rgoing to Philadel- seaside; but they dislike to sweat as for what it has done for thorn and thea
dneement to my God meant they should, and bence I Mends.. 'Taken in time Hood's Sarsaip-
llfa that he would give me all my dol' familiar with eery- f arida prevents serious illness by keeping
P theyare unduly the blood pure and all the organs in a
cigars, and the best cigars ill the six and insomnia.
countt•y, free of charge, all the rest oustless, :dyspepsia, healthy condition. It is the great blood
I The Enalishtnan rides his horse, the
Very well, sir. I regret— Just
then his eye fell on a smaller desk
in the corner and ho saw an oppor-
tunity to do a little business after all.
Might I ask who oceupies that desk.?
My private secretary, replied the
business man.
Do you suppose—
Why, yes, possibly you might,
The business man was suddenly in-
terested. It's worth while trying,
When can I ---
Come back in an hour.
Thank you, sir. I will.
Then the business man became so
A cultured mind is like a ealtivat interested in some mental pictures
• all
about his work for nearly fifteen
minutes. It was just about an hour
later that the young man carne back.
He entered in a business like way,
them that is an advantage to us. 1 and then stopped, stammered some -
Good breeding is benevolence in thing in a confused sort of way and
trifles or the preference of others to I started to back out.
ourselves in the daily occurrences of i chCome in, called n thel elderly oman
life.y' Anything
ed garden—the result of fine taste, that he conjured up that he forgot
rare skill, and careful training.
' It is not so much the being exempt
from faults, as the having overcome
Patience ornaments the and I You !
proves the man. It is gone.
boy, it is praised in a youth. In ; What a queer acting man, said the
every age it is beautiful. i private secretary, looking after him. ------ '
The difficulty is to know how toI Isn't he, Miss Blank ?returned the
adapt ourselves to the slow step of 1 bushiess man innocently. I think it' fq
time, whose progress can never be must be one of the effects of women -
forced on without danger. I in business.
woman ` N -n -no, thank you. And he was
loved in a i
INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311
Beads, Circulars, &a, &o., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short 1
notice. Apply or address
Timms elite, Wingham.
We are pleased to announce that any Books or
Magazines left with ns for Binding, will hartenv. our
will begivenlonlappliSatiorices u to the r tTimesng t011 s.styla
ppro�m answer and en honest opinion, write to
LUV N&CO.,who have had nearlyfiftyyears'
experience in the patent business. Communlea+
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In.
formation concerning Patents and how to ob-
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median.
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receila
special notice intim Scientific American, and
thus are brought Widely before the publiowitb•_
out cost to the inventor. This splendid PPaaper;
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated,has byyfarthe
largest circulation of any eolentise war in the
world. t$3 at
year. Sample copfes sentfree.
Building Edition monthly, 52.50 a year. Siegle
copies, ea cents. Every number contains beau-
tiful plates, in colors, and pDhotographs of new
houses. with plans, enabling handers to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
Had to "Grin and Bear It" when be
hada pain. You can grin and ban-
ish it at once by using Psltnzt DAVIS'
JAM' Melt
Elotd and used everywhere. A whole medicine chest
by itself. Kills every form of external or internal pain.
Dose—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm if convenient).
How different is the view of past I
life in the man wbo is grown old in
knowledge and wisdom, from that of
isgrownin ignorance
him whor,
and folly.
Everywhere We
We find some one who has been °urea
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and people on all
hands are praising this great mode.
of my life. He was a splendid man, American sits in a cushioned carriage.
and I knew he would keep his pro He lazes to travel fast barn he exer-
cises ; then I reasoned thus : if, now, But a, change is
when my salary is small, and cigars eises by proxy.
are high, I smoke up to my full en- coming over us and the bicycle is
j responsible for it in a Targe measure. Owner—1 want •you to sell these
durance, what would become of Lily
health if I got all the cigars for
Well, I never touched 'the infernal
weed since. From that time I was
revolutioinzed in health and mind,
emancipated by the grace of God.
I ask young mento strike out for the
liberation of their entire nature from
all kinds of bad habits. I see that
now in, our elevated roads they have
introduced the pig pen on wheels,
the smoking car, and it's being made
easier all the time to sacrifice physi-
cal health: All those who break
down their health through indulgence
Hood's Pills become the favorite
cathartic with everyone who tries them
25 o. per bet;.
O ' ® T small Investments.
teturnin: prosperity will snake many rich, but o cl re can they makm
e so uch within a short time
as by stumesefullSpcculetlon in Grain, Provisions a
Gravel and Kidney Disease Quickly Cured
Relief Can Be Obtained Within S r
• S' ROUTS. IAll successful speculators operate on a regular systtm,
Oji 5
-- By Our Systematic Plan of Speculation
o is
Ix t .
ed by b
', 'nut v
•, t States cute
A ed St.
• 4 the L
•n in
arta o
men p
I have been troubled with gravel I It is a pell•knce•n fact that there aro thousands
systamatio tradin_ litho ran whoim'ests utliuudted out two dollars up to u000U tor�iU0,000 or
kidney n few thousand.
on this
mn n
r '
• from c p
• ts4
too understand
have largest
a.ler C thoroughly
time Imakethe p roe
' o• tin rho Y
during which 1;,+„itlt is a'tsn a fact that these who r '
numerous remedies and different 1 i.,tan are persnnq who lire ao•ny from Chicago and invest through brokers who c
make and kid y disease for eight years, i thousand clnllars for
mho invest is
e ttoren
more by ••1 ams
attic v
1 horses for me. Auctioneer—I see
Too 7,QUCH STRESS cannot be laud
on the fact that in the whirl of un-
natural excitement, and in the
struggle for existence in this genera-
tion, no attention whatereer is voueb-
safed to the most ordinary rules of
health. When the muscles became
relaxed., the nerves ,over -sensitive Corner it.
. Sold at Chrs
and dlicately strung, and the blain I hysterically,
wearies at the slightest task, these 'Artemis,' she cried y
n towns are part of Nature's warn- I 'I feel that somethielg has came be-
ing that the delicate (trgoilism of the ' tween us.' `Alicia,' the said, Alt's my
human frame is out of gear. In I tooth brush. It's "forever letting
most eases a gentle stimulant and I down in my vest 'lining. —,Detroit
mild restorative is all that is required downTribune.
and go into graves sooner,tIan they to impart frestl vitality to the jetted' able _
would otherwise have gone are nerves, and it is a well-known fact1 Gilford—Spent
es betweanJii300.�aac1 t?300
' :suicides, and the Day of Judgment Ito
a few doses of Holloway's I'clis in oonsulting Doctors ; tried 'VINon s
'will so reveal it: work wonders and restore the lost and all other treatments tion-
..—._ • + Cm. Cattaslh Cure
their tails are docked, We'll have'
to sell therm at wholesale. Owner—
What? Auctioneer—Well, I can't
retail then.
Shiloh's cure, the great Cough and
Croup Cume, is in great demand. • Docket
size contains twenty-fltve doses, only 25?.
doctors without any permanent bene- systemtM n'u does
in a short time, Out plan Boos not risk the whale amotv,t invested piles up enormously`but covers bath sides, soahat whether
At times the pain in the leftmutat rises or falls It brings a steady profit n and ti our Daily Market
the 1 on successful speculatio
our Manual Highest
Oil ,* oily. fi
C f
I so
not wasw or severe that ,�, It of oney akin PROOFS, al.Our manual explains margin trailing. not lie down remain in one post- I Report, fall 04 monoy.muk(ns: puintms, ALL FREE.
tion any length of thre.. Seeing i reterence4 ft, regard to our standing and SI OCe3s.
your iadvertisetnaent of South Ameri- For further information address
can Kidney Cure in The Enterprise,'
I pastured a mottle from .. S. Good- I
eve,; druggist, ;and asking it accord-
ing to directions got immediate relief I
and feel better now than at any
tilwe since first ndti'i ein'g the diseased
The soreness and weals ss have all
left me. I neeamm�'end :all who are
afflicted with this dangerous trouble
to give Sculth Amienican Kidney
lel d thetest of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for
THS P=�12_05
but got no
elft. One box of Chase's
did me more good thaei all other reme-
dies, in fart 1 consider myself cured, and
with a 25 cent box at that.
The statement that a halydware
It is your Business. tone of the nervous system.
Intempeeance with its train of •Y
oung Totter--b11SS Liars, sap -
horrors, says Bev. J. 0. Peel:, D. D. 1 pose that to -morrow evening I should
will not cease tilt mon stop the 11 and having nerved silo
it of drinking. Social dd lv while we were
social habit
drinkers are the cadets who grade-
• ate *into the ranks of drunkards.
We must keep total abstinence at and deliberately kiss you
the fore -peak. been who are in -1 would deliberately
do? Miss Pink rly--OU;
different must be aroused. Some° Mr. Tetter, don't ask ire to look so
times calamity is needed to awaken far ahead.—Brooklyn Life.
ante A . toa shy mane One short puff of the breath
THOMAS & CO., Bankers and Brokers,,
A Blessing to Every Household.
Cftu'e a trial. Signed, Michael C-4lUbese remedies harnetoo Faintly use.
1►fiullen Clbesley, est. Sold a.t
ca ayaln, ^ i syndicate fres been formed in i`3u
self up to it, suddenly, en , , y
conversing, I should without a word to .rel auf 3t rapiece
o i40c0,000eibieyes les to
throw my arms around your neck ` rete p sro Cycle Com-
hat mation from the $ufi
pany, who have a contract to build.
5,000 of the wheels. The company's
plant was burned recently, but a
plating mill property has been
bought and will be transformed into
a cycle factory" immediately. It is
understood that the contract price
with ` the syndicate. is $16.50 per'
Cihisholm's Comer Drag Store.
i Purify the blood, correct all disorder
Husband. ,df the ziew woman— a e., ,suable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
' d melte j
I1 I
;nen to their sal interest irI tenipet-
` in St Louis I Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.•'
h through
was asked to aid in a series of tete- the $lower, supplied with eaoli Nott e of
potence meetings, but he haughtily Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
refused. Upon being further urged, thisPowdet' over the surface of the nasal
he coolly dismissed theta with the passai#es. Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, and p gond•
remark, Gentlemen, it is not my cures Catarrh,. Hay fever, Colds,
business. A few days later his wife ache, Sbre'1'hrest, Tonsilitls and Deaf.,
I -___.. r.A dents, At Ghisllolln's i)rtiig+
and two daughters were coming
home on the lightning expreee, In
Itis grand carriage, ,with liveried
Coachman, ho rode to,: the depot to
inset tliem. As ho reached
ai;. ;'Edge. It wale
TSE O=NT1v.�.E..1NT
1Ron t SOIL
rtEhil '0f tetnedy for bei a id r11)1• TOR RRONCHIIIS, •SORE
be the Is the only rriisldlo
kedge—How S®o 'She will lose alt Is maneATS Cv'nAs,, �ALDS, OOU , t Tilde m,lv nt 73 Nett U�tord. L
her ambition., not Kadin„ y I Id b lF ilediumet vando
my ,young wife.14
f Cgs, sores, tticCrs, an n
T, RY.EUHATISM, Oew OxfoAB. Safe 6 3IN)a (o d SteetLT. rt m,
, •� o anyone tvtt UllISEASb:S' IT ETAS NA r+�tUA � ihroutrl out world. '
work for: —
Short Journeys on & Long Road 1'•Ti33 Oxford S'tmeet.,London, they _a
lriladelpirr>rl Record. li,and ea 1'
-_, •l �purclitesers s6Aould look to the Label spurious.
the Roses and Pots. If the address is no ,
iractanistic title of a profusely .. ---- _- v -
Is the chiFT R EASTER
idchustrated book coutaarain�* over
writteu l n Q � � � � � �T � A 1 C�'Y■
luandred pages ,of charts�ingiy
descriptions of summer auesorts in the
txtuntry north and west etttChicago. The
d• matteris new, the illustrationst
atter new. and the information therein
well be new to al,fnost everyone. will continue to reduce the price for
A copy, of "Short Journeys on 'a Long
Read" will be sent free to anyone who
will unclose ten cents (to pay postage) to
Goo. H. HiATFORD, General Passenger
Aunt Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul!
Railway, Chicago, 111,
What a sensible fellow Dobbs is.
Yes. he's so full of sorrow for the
sorrow you feel when he tells you he
eannot pay the' alb he borrowed of
Now See that your blood is pare.
Good health follows the use of Hood's
Sarsaparilla which is the one groat blOod
For Over Fifty Years No man can learn to play a comet
$4 00 SPOT GASH.
you have any Tweeds at home, tow is the time to save a dollar on
the reeking of eiteh stilt, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied.
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you witnt to hay a, Stilt or Overcoat you can save from es.00,
Store. As seq Axn Watt -tams nmattlY *Mrs, Witt And tea& Christianity in the same $1.0.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
blood clear your eomplexion regulate:
statiOn he heard the word It is his 'business' liow. Which road.? ,
slow' Ste hint Syrup itas boon tis:efi fdr am- fifty neighborhood.--Adtuns rreeman.
:Mack—My wife fre,attently finds years by minima; of mothers for their Children while
, teething, Ivith perfect stweites. It tonics the Child
ketti the ants allays all MO, Mee cblio. Karl s Clover Itoot will purify your ,
wornen's letters in
Robbins Does she k
Yes, bOoause didn't
Brooklyn Life.
ttyttrtatse b./stIttl. ittit.gtvgattleips yotit Bowels and_ make your ead elear 4
WEBSTER & 00.,
lkterehant Tan"
ne belt 25°'t 5°64 "a SL 86Id OpptiSit0 t110 11CW VIaedonald Block, Winghatn,
Seething Syron, and ht 6 MI Other kind, o s Corner Drug Store.