The Huron Expositor, 1977-01-06, Page 14THE HURON tXPOPjTOR, JANUARY 1977 tot, volg-andco• chartereeAc countant, -Rosidoilt.Partner, ARTHUR" W. REAP *Mali St., Exeter Bus. 265-0120 ReS. 238-8475* Pastor D. Buctel of First .Dystrophy,- Assn..; Cancer VOCUMI• 501.111(.1 20, • Logan Township will receive $109,000 for Tile. Drain loans in,. 1977, *tOwnship council learned at their last meeting in 1976. Council passed : a bylaw requiring ratepayers to pay their assessment by January 15 1977, for the Reidy Drain, No app6als were received on "' the revised assessment of the Centre Branch of the Northwest Drain so the Court of Revision was diipensed with and the bylaw finally passed. An ancient narrow bridge over the Thames River. on ConcesSion 4 and 5 of Logan-township will be' replaced by a new bridge in 1977 if township council can work out financial details, reeve-elect , Carl Nock said. The Stovel-Sietrion bridge is 'about one-half mile west of • Highway 23 i n the southwestern -ortion of, the township. Mr.,' Vock couldn't be precise about the age of the bridge but Logan Township has been aware of •the need -for a replacement for a long time, he said. The new bridge may be built by summer. "It's gettiag ill bad shape and it'll have to be replaced. It's been • On the go forthrde yeais and we're hoping to' do it this year." Only one car- can •cross the bridge at'a time, and even then it's with difficulty. "It's narrow., steel' bridge, about 121/2 feet wide." Logan to receive 909,000 'for drains would be paid by -the ministry of transportation and communica- tions. He said the ministry has as much say as the township. "We just don't know what they're-.• going to come up Farmers are differept • The flu went through our house a few weeks back leaving all of us gasping and weak as an hour-old colt. Throughouts the" two days when I was down and unable to do anything but sweat and shiver, I couldn't help but think of what happens on the farms of this nation when farm- ers get sick. • I was forced to get out of. bed and stagger out to the barn to .feed the horses. It 'didn't matter, that...I was-heaving and retching at every step. It didn't matter that I could split a shingle at 40 paces or that carrying those buckets of water to those two beasts took• every ounce of strength I I. could muster. Those horSes had to be fed- twice a day wheth- • er I was Sick or net. It's far worse on a modern farm. The fartnerlhas chores to do and 'animals to feed',,and bed even if' he is next' to death's door: If he .is incapable of getting up, other members' of the' fainily are. forced to pitch° in. Which is why, I ,fOr one, was happy to see legisiOtion making it man- ' datory that the cOntrihntion to the family farm made by • wives is recognized by the courts. , You: just can't announce, to a herd of Holsteins that the boss is sick and.they.have to producing. You can't tell p feedlot full of beef steers to quit eating. You can't ask . a barn full of hogs to'quit gaining. ' The entire situation pointed Out clearly a fact that a. great many people fail.to realize: that farmers are a breed apart and that the family farm will 'survive, It will survive because of the great responsibilities accepted •*by farmers ' when they enter the occupation of raising.food. No matter hciw many corporations take, over 'farms and farming, no matter how huge those farms get, they will simply not be abie. to replacethe family farm. I don't care how automated they,_become, the family farm is an in- stititAon in this and will survive. It is almost impossible these days to hire competent help on a farm. G.00d managers are few and far between. It's Understandable, top.. They- jUst do not have as, much at - Lutheran Church opened the 19.77 inaugur6I nieeting of ____:Logan Township Council on Monday with- a talk on leadership and closed his Remarks with prayer. Bill Jarvis, M.P. for Perth also attended the opening and wished the Council wisdom in their deliberations ,and hoped they _ ____would_enjoy their term of office. The Oath of Office and the Oath of Allegiance were subscribed 'to by all members of Council. Regular Council mejtings will be held the first Moliday in, each month, starting at 1:00-p.m. With the exception. of May,,to-NOvern- ber inclusiVe when -they will be held in the evening at 8:00 p.m. Appointments wqre made as follows: Laverne Gordner - Vpper --Thames Conservation Authority; Edwin Milan - Maitland Anther- Gordon- Mogk Ausable Hayfield Conservation Authority; Ivfitcheil & •-District Planning Beard Robt. Davey 2 yrs; 'Dan Connolly 1 yr; Perth Safety Council - Jos. Waits; Monkten Fire Area- 7,74os. Varidenberk; Mitchell Fire Area - Laverne Gordnei; Mitchell -Agricultural Society - Carl Vock; Monkton Community Centre Board.- EdWin filman, Hy DeBlock, Alvin Ritz; Committee of Adjustment - Tim Nicholson to replace Jos. Vandenberk who became a member of Council. Recreation Committee-„ Warren • McDougall,i, David Linton; Ken Smith,, John' VanHerk, Edwin • • filman, Joe Vandenberk,• Carl' Bock; Library : Carl Vock, Mrs. Keith-•. I • McLigan, Mrs. Earl Oppen- IDRILLIN hauser, Mrs. Edwin Illman, Mrs. • Ken Reartey. -I W.D . Hopper I. Twelve.copies of the Municipal eincl Sons- World are to be ordered for the - MODERN ROTARY Township Officials. I ” RIGS ' • Grants were made to: - Sick I Children's 'Hospital, Toronto; a PHONE 'Neil S27.1737 War Metriorial Hospital, London; , • bud 52740828 Mental 'Health Assn.; St. iofin I . Jim 527-0775 I. Ambulance, -Mitchell; Muscular FOR FREE SHOP AT HOME CONVENIENCE CALL RAE KNOIAILES • Letteie are vomited by Rob Trotter, Eldale Rd.. Elmer Ont. N38 2G7 'Research; Heart Fund, Research, arid' the Salvation Army. The Treasurer was authorized and instructed to continue=--the collection of the outstanding taxes. The reeve and clerk were instructed and authorized to-sign and submit the rePort to the Kmistry of •Transportation and Communications that $166,125..04 had been spent on Twp. roads in 1976 and request grant for-that amount. A Borrowing By Law for $204,000 ,R was passed empowering the • -Treasurer to borrow up to that , amount if required. A Tile Drainage By-law for $14,300. was passed. Dawson & Johnson are to be notified regarding the request for a new culvert on the Logan Road- drain on lot 15, Conc. 11 and report' back to council.. Council have received an inquiry regarding cutting down trees on Township, property. They decided that the Road:Superin- tendent should-be- -contacted- before any trees were removed. Salaries -W7ere negotiated,witE- 1079 increases given, subject to approval. • Logan has been alloted Smile Wife' complaining to marriage counselor: "It all started with him wanting to..,obe in the wedding khotOgraphs." . • , ••••••••••• Mokrs .Water Weill hoW much can be allowed, General Accounts totalling- considering the amounts of the $6,978.10. and Road Accounts of - • $27,72.28 were ordered paid. Mr. Vock wouldn't speculate on -the coSt of the Project 'for fear of tipping' off, .contractors who'll eventually bid on the job.' The Project would be debentured over the next two years, but Logan is still uncertain how much subsidy p.m., due to the Rural Ivltiriicipa lities Convention 'in Toronto Feb. 6-9. iThiye,signation of Clerk-Treas. RePtley:fic-id-Zeputy Clerk- Treas. • Jeak.•/!12.ea,ney were accepted, effective 'May 7, 1977, Applications for the, pesition. of Clerk7Treas. are to be, ,submitted by Feb. 14. The next regular meeting will be January 31 at 1:00 • - eeting L MARKET HENSALL --ONTARIO iii ly 10 lb. bag of SIDE OF'BEEF lb. 5 ¢ PATTIES sic/I:AC sfit- CHEESE' LOAF Maple• Leaf sweet- pickled COTTAGE ROLLS Store sit ced SIDE BACON Our own by the piec e SUMMER SAUSAGE. lb. 1.49 POLISH SAUSAGE WIENERS Schneldbrs , AL'S ND BEEF [formerly' Hainburg].. ---FREEZER SPECIALS--- PIGS FEET lb. man 011.111F •••••• lb. lb 1 09 lb 1 09 lb. 89 1 X 6 .59 89' .90 stake as the fariner himself. Many years ago,' almost every person had some con- nection with the. farm. 'Help was relatively easy to get.• But how' many people are ,conversant with the modern, teehnical-oriented farm of today? How many do you know who could take over if a farmer is ill? Not many. 1• read not long ago where a county agricultural office- was it in Bruce?' - has Organized a registry of farm help. The • farmer makes' arrangements for the help and .can gee a few days off now and again. It's a terrific idea but I'll wager the organization is having trouble getting a roster of names able to do the jobs properly. A year ago..4 talked to, a group pf •faritfers•pf a. marketing seminar sponsored •by the Rural Learning Association. I suggested that farmers have to be a little bit of everything: , geneticists, crop specialists, soil analysts, mechanics,• • ,welders, bookkeepers„-businessmen, even acconntants.,....., .1 said that•they also have to be their own public relations managers, too. Gordon' Hill, the immediate past-president of the 'Ontario Federation of Agriculture - he was presi- dent then said that I.misSed_the_point. Farmers .are'all. • of thOse, things They are, he said, 'different. They have to be, treated differently, too, because what ap- plies to other businesses cannot be applied in the same way to farmers. •"We're,different, that's all," he maintained. He is'right. HORT much different depends on where you're sitting.' It certainly, struck hOrne to me when I was staggering out to the' barn between shivers and sweats with the snow blowing, down my back, plowing through three:foot snow- drifts just, to feed two healthy hopSes•••• . I sure s heck wouldn't have •heeit.'•C!apphltiot:;,$Periding,,:!,, two..or three hours out thgre doing the necessary chores Ord large, modern farm. • ' • • ' '• : , Farmers are different and God bless them foi-A. 7 Oat-Ks-taken at Logan Council inati $109-,-000. fur Tile Drainage for—Whieh time-Council will-decide—applications. 1977. Applications will be' accepted -until'' March 31,• after • Without leaving the qiireind comfort of your home, you can now be fully informed about any gas appli. once, its Matching electrical appliance, or Other equipment you may be considering to-- purchase. It's .now called -the TRCI 52'; You get all of the features of the '52' plus .digital loop synthesizer, for precisei c requeny accuracy, with 1/3. the 'error of ordinary `ceystalynthesizers. Full 23.channels, de;iuke inobile CB features, including F'A.capability. 21-242 We Also, Offer The Most Effective CARPET CLEANING PROCESSt Ever ,Developed -