The Huron Expositor, 1977-01-06, Page 8'4,
arena coftimittea lot'', frying • •„to„
include facilities for the handi-
capped in their arena
ReeYe John Flannery said his
Top Quality
Whole Beef .90
Half Beef .91
Price subject to change
Free Delivery
- 10 Mile -
Ph. 262-5839
council o consider
needs of handica
cam •
Custom Building •
(Rec. Rooms, Dens, Additions
and Conversions) .
Free Drawf.pgs;'Fre,e Estimates
Phone 527-1474 Seaforth
Ladies Aid
rnakes plans
Mrs: Ann Agar presided when
the . Ladies Aid of First
Presbyterian Church met January 4
Mrs. Agar opened the meeting
with a prayer and a poem "Happy
Recipe", Mrs. Mabel Crouch
selected the hymns, "I loneto tell.
the Story", was sung. Mrs. Mae
Habkirk read the scripture Psalm
46, 'followed by prayer by Mrs.
Edith McMillark. ... •
•.• The "lidiei made plans for 'the-
'coming year: Mrs. Van Rooijen
read a peom , "The Way" and
hymns were ,sung, "All the. Way
SaViour Leads me".
- Mrs. Ann ,Agar 'thanked all
those who took "part, and the
Lord's. Prayer was repeated in
unison,„and a social time •spent.
Braeckprs vacation
in Florida
and holidays? .
renovations and recommend.
Assess the need •for additional
Senior. Citizen apartments.
Assess if the needs of the
citizens arid community are being
Are meals available on Sundays
Would a motel be an asset?
• •° Weald a' mobile hoMe park be
an asset?
Are we giving enough support'
to our local merchants and
Consider remit!). erati'on of
council as recommended by the
1976 council.
Establish by by-law a special
fund for Industrial land purchase.
• Complete the renovation
Study, the feasibility •of a
community arena.,'board Or •
Ensure the community needs
are answered by adequate
staffing, and utiliiation. '
'Sais a so further
improvements to the arena that
can be planned f4r in the, future.
Protection AO PerSons:'
Endeavour to• keep and even
improve on the excellent police
force we have at• present.
To encourage " the citizens to
co-operate with the police in
.reSpecting the by-laws. of the
town. - .
To suiVei-and establish a plait
for improving street lights so the
P.U.C. can be notified of work
Public Works:
To• endeavour to Maintain the
high standard the'town has at
present of snOwplowing and
maintaining the streets.
To replace and repair the
.• sicleivalks damaged throngh,' the
sewer installations.
To develop an orderly plan of
providing storm, sewers and the
paving Of streets, early. Start
ean be made in letting contracts.
, Re-assesi,the policy, in the use'
of the sanitary land fill site. .
These are some of my 'thoughts
for 'the next two years, some are
already in the process, but
running a town is the same as
living. It is an ongoing process
-and if we do 'not plan., ahead,
nothing gets accomplished.
Mayor Betty .Cardno outlined
variety of issues' that • should
concerti r the new. council in her,„,
inatigural -speech following the'
swearing in of the 1977-78 council
Monday morning: Father
11.J.Laragh, in` his spiritual'
address to .the new council,
reminded members of their
. responsibility to God and, to their
fellow 'men. ' • - ••:
Mayor . Cardno's addresS said:
It is a pleasure for me to
welcome the new members of
4-council and to see the 'veteran"
councillors baCk- again far a two
year term. . •
I intend' to try' and give the
leadership --and endeayour. to
• provide the services -that the
_people who elected me expeCt.
On behalf of the council and
myself I would like to express our
appreciation .of allowing us
manage, your affairs for two,
years '
I know 1, have a capable, council
and if everyone carries out the'
responsibilities, the' task rvp...,bc
easier.. r —
I am grateful, that •most of the
representatives that have, served
b, efOre on Our committees have
-indicated they' will serve again.
This certainly indicated a strong
community support for council to
• rely on for their reconimendations
and viewpoint:
Let us rememher that while
these. committees Can only advise
or recommend to council, they
should be listened to very
carefully by council.
They are appointed by council
for this reason, so .decisions can
be brought to council after careful
consideration. '
Sometimes, as has happened in
the past, council disregards these
decisions. This is certainly
permissible.,, but Council should
be abiejO' provide an-adequate
answer' back to • the committees
when recommendations are not
accepted, •
I would like also -briefly to
outli ne roifitcrffie-'-decisions and
Matters I feel each committee
should consider: • .,:•• •
• Finance, and ' General
Government- ;
. Assess and bring in a budget
for all . services for the town.-
To inspect the town buildings
with regard to m aintenance and
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Heron view 11.171E HURON' expOisrtglip .JANUARY 6; 1977 _"„.7
M ..
41 The Seaforth Lion's Club paid their annual visit to 'the
Home on Saturday afternoon and entert inert with a musical
program provided by the Junior and S nior Omits of the-
Northside United Church'. Dr...Bill Thomp n president of the
Seaforth, Lions brought greetings from the Club and Rev.. R. •
Roberts of the Egmondyi le United Church- gave an.
He„drefe-his wife to town. While she
shopped for grectries,Lhe- attended-to-
business at the agricultural office and at a •
machine shop.
They had agreed to'meet on a certain
corner at, a certain time . She arrived on
schedule, butthe was late. She waited and
waited, peering down the streets, checking
her watch, wondering where he was and
worrying.finally _she noticed the truck •
speeding from the direction of their home.
Where have you been?" she spluttered
as she climbed into the cab.
"Well," he grinned sheepishly, "when
I got home you weren't there."
After hearing those stories, I'm not
worried about,nty memory. I've forgotten
many things,but at least I'haven't
misplaced a person - yet.
This year is not going to be any
easier as far as finances from
senior governments so we will
have to assess carefully all the
requests for extra funds. ' -
!I4t us work together with
deterrnination.'' ".7••;•4°--°"‘
Father Laragh- said: • •
i am happy to be honored_to
• ...addreasthellnaugnralr -meeting of°'
, . • Seaforth•TOWn Conned for 1977.
.. This. is V.a . unique and , really .
important opportunity . to greet
• you I •the. „qualified and elected
.• representativeS 'of the whole
-Lain -address to
you-nothing else than the word Of
the - Church; for it could be .
otherwise. 'And I feel • that I - have
theright, in fad the duty, to say
to. you these. words which .are.
nothing other' than words of
encouragement, light, Wisdom
'and exhortation. .
"fiat Of all, your work, as local
government -• officials V is
responsibility,• • iniSsion."
"Precisely . because you. are
repreaentativesteviardi. y9ti have
the duty and the honour to bear in
your hearts, in your'thoughts and
in Your programmes the interests
of those people who have put
themselves in your hands,' asking
you expressly to look• after their
public' affairs. In carrying out
your, daily service, think of your
Christian values• because. now
you' able. to-put them in
practise - you must not • think of
yoursolVes: or m t you fol1OW the
logic •. PersOn advantage
because you are ,c' led' to • Carry
out a task which goes beyond all.
limited and narrow considerations'
to address. • yourselves to a •
greater, primary and surpassing
good; • care of others • and
especially-the poor and the Weak.
'A mission thereferp." net for •
yOiil-self but 'sinc'er'e andlleeply-
•. felt pursuit 14', the elevation. and•
progress •'• of your •fellowf
man. Here is all your greatness,,
and all your mission. It can make
of Tam
noble persons. • .
obligedlo remind you.
,One • other thOught. That the
'power event() you doesnot come
.' only from the 'electors but from
Him whe created and rules the
..Wtirld- and 'who "'calls all men ,to
•, enjoy a,• 'Sweet life, . the s joys of
family anal sociability, and who
eel! '.,•of • .you .
• exception to aceOutit one day for
.the •Way in whiefi.,eacii • man has
tradad the talents at his disposal
as ', a wise .,"sand fearless--
..administrator. • For every idle
word a man shall speak he .shall
• render an account of it in the day.
of JUdgment. •
In the spirit .of this Sacred •
,Season offer 'to 'all' . of• ,you V,My
• most fervent. 01d sincere wishes -
Which .extend for the NOW"Year '
for prosperity, 0*r* •
recovery ari,d ,rtia lito• 'Of
out town in tieabeiin..freedeni
illy, Elaine Toi'nfn-shend
Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Itegele
spent; New Years with- Mr. and
Mrs. Mervyn *Mudd',
Mrr and -Mrs. • Harold
McCallum spent Sunday• with iciri
and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator at
Credited. Miss Lorna Glanville':
who spent fast Week With Mager
Carl returned to her
home'with them. .
ds re Ends
If it's true that-forgetfulness. is-a -sign of
old age, 1 must be ancient beyond my
years. Lately 1 seldom visit anyone without
leaving something behind - something
personal for my hostess 'to remember me
by, such as my toothbrush, my comb, •a
sweater or a pair of shoes, a . ting pad
filled with notes or a roll of filmiriny watch
or my purse. • I worried about my failing memory atil I
heard that other people forget.things ;too.
For instance, a housewife pin a bag of
`brown Sugar in. the'freezer and a box of ice
cream in the• cupboard. Another lady
popped a-roast into the oven before leaving
for an afternoon meeting.• Her mind was at
ease because she knew the automatic timer
would have the meat cooked by the time
she got home. Unfortunatley; shelergot to
turn it on.
A farmer hung a logging chain, on the
back of a tractor, then wen_t_to-thefieldto
'plow. After ftirrowingivie-and-a'-half acres ,
fro---rerrienthered the chain, which was'
nowhere 'in sight. A second man used a
tractor and 'blade to pack ensilage in a„
bunker silo.' He removed his jacket, flung 'it
over a post andhasn't seen'the coat since.
'Meanwhile two ladies, who shall remain
nameleSs, • went to church on, a Sunday
morning. As usual, one of their daughters
accompanied them to Sunday School. After
the service, the children practiced for a
special choir: The ladieS chatted with the
other members of the \congregation outside
the church: Soon they felt cold and decided
they Might as _ivell ge horde.
Mrs. Ed. Regela ,„.•
Mr; and Mrs. Clarence Regele
ipentIliursday eveging'with Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Itegele,
Mr: and' Mrt.Atuno Etraeaker,'
are. vatationitig Florida. •
Ms. JoyfItypisited on .Sunday
With Mr. and MiS. Intten
• Egmondville• thanked allthose responsible for the fine music
and lovely treats ,on behalf of the residents.
Jim Fallis was welcomed to the Home at Monday's
activities. The . Goderich Township. Women's Institute
volunteers helped with the wheel chairs and the program.
Molly. Cox and Mrs. Driver provided the old tyme music and
accompanied 'for the singing of Christmas Carols.iA-
The Tuesday Family-Night,program was cancelled owing to
weather-conditions and was held onFridaY afternoon. A play
"Housekeeper Wanted" was presented by the Brucefield
Church Choir. The play was directed by Mrs. Stewart Wilson
Dean Wilson' and Jane Alleri Vilson and-Labith
Millerentertained with piano Kilos and a Vocal solo by
Dorothy McGregor accompanied by Elsie Henderson: -Miss
Edith Bowey thanked the entertainers .on behalf of the
The residents Christmas program and party was held on
Thursday afternoon. Administ rator, Chester Archibald was
chairman for the program with most of the talent being
provided by the residents assisted by Wayne,Lester,_ Betty
Rogers and Jack Roorda Of the staff. Residents taking 'part
were. recitations and readings by Bertha Deihl, Jennie :
MeGratton, Pearl Wheeler, Dora Buchanan, Sarah Carter, ,
Mary Van. Camp, • Grace Howe' and 'Elizabeth Black; vocal
solos by Helen Fischer, Morgan Dalton; vocal duet Elsie
.Henderson and Nelson Lear; piano solos Ethel Hill, Myrtle •
, Parker' Josephine Cunningham, Florerice 'Meston; group
singing by a ladies-arid mens chorus; a twenty member rythm
band played several Christmas songs and while playing
• "Here Comes Santa Claus" he and his helper arr ived *with
greetings to everyone and the odd kiss. 'following the,„,;.-
program all of the residents enjoyed a ,Christmas suppefin'
the main dining room and area. with tables set for 250.
Mrs. Ella Wedlock was welcomed to:the Home at Monday
afternoons- variety pregrarn Marie Flynn, Harold Black and
Jerry Collins provided .the old • tyme music; the Hicknell
'sisters Teresa and Margaret et-Or-fah-led with vocal duetS:Lorl
Bell, Debbie and Dawn Flynn step dances; Jane,Bell played
two piano Solos. The Christian Re formed volunteers assisted
With activities. A puppet program "no stringS attached" was
provided by Sheryl Smith -itichard -Keelan from the
Kirkton area who have been entertaining at ,schools and
senior' citizens in Huron and Forth Counties. During •
intermission Timmy Moqre, jacquiline Stephen and Gregory .
Taylor sang a Christmas number' accompanied by Elsie
Henderson. . ••.•
Father Laragh speaks
Are. citizens' met,
mayor asks . new cduncit.
f,j ,1,440XISICrtifSt1.1)..0 JeaTprtll • council :Wilt consider
the needs of the handleappedi, and
try to -ineerriorite ramps for
wheelchairs when sidewalks are
being replaced this year. 'A letter
front Seaforth March.of Dimes
ComMittee chairman
William O'Shea' asked that:
council" "understand the difficul-
ties and needs of persons using
wheelchairs, crutches, • limb
braces, white canes etc."
Mrs. 'O'Shea ,also thanked the
We continue to.Serve the Seaforth
area by providing requirements for
Posters, Letterheads, Envelopes, .,
Booklets, Wedding Stationery and
other printing. Call us when,yOu
- require printing
.• ••• ••.
" God's 'blessings descend Seaforth
• inAhundinee u'p'on 'ail of sidii 'and
As on the individual inhabitants of
Seaforth' WhOte., voice 'and
yourapidiaarativeaare;"' • • •.•
Phone 527-024.6.
encouraging-inesbage to the esidents. Mrs. James-Stewart didn't under arid Why-it had- td --- on the type of rob-ire:home park
accompanied the choirs with s. John Mclhvain leading the be paid an PUC chairman Dr. that would be attractive in.
Junior Choir and Jim Stewart leading the seniors Ruth Cluff .,_Redger Whitman; who was at the. Seaforth at their meeting Von
. , and Ann Wood sang a„duet'and Jim Scott accompanigd at the - -*---- -.January 24 at 7 in the council
piano for the carols. Santa arrived laden with oranges ,and Th . . ,_
Ertic),ys Xttios
. At Monday nights regular
•• _ ••• ." •
meeting, $af2rit council
considered the-following:
Clerk. Jim CrOcker was asked to
- loolcipto a surcharge, in the WO •
range, that is always included on
the arena's PUC bill. _Arena has invited Bob Gibson of IaWyer'x office,
chairman 41111 Bennett said he Listowel to make a presentation
Mrs,.. Frankie Ball and__Mr.§. Eva . ipOini.,,, that--Godorich----St, ----.E.
-McCartneY. . homeowners- have never." beery'
,Seaforth Manor residents were paidfor a sewer easement, for this
saddened to hear of the passing of summer's sewer lines, as well .
Mr. Duncan Aike,nhead who was as earlier ones; that runs' along
our eldest male resident,''. the back of their. .properties in the
e Manor
, or/
• ,5
council ;fleeting, old. he couldn't area of this proposed extension.
explain it but, probahlY the PUC Mayor Cordnosai dthe easements
staff-could. The arena's mtinthly -were .supposed to have been
utility bill was over $90. and. a, flat „Welted after by the Ministry of the.
$100. of it would be for water," ,looked and ►e'uflOerstood
The Seiforth Planning Board that •the money w s tied up in a
01 •
• • ,0
Hwy. 83 across from Acme lon
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During the drive, they discussed an
upcoming bazaar and bake sale. They were
still sitting in the yard when a neighbeur's
truck stopped at the end of the laneway„,,
"I wonder what they're stopping" "
one of. the ladies mused.
— Then she Saw her daughter jump from
the truck. The two:"ladier looked at each
other, at the empty back seat and at the girl
walking in the lane, In spite. of their
° enbarrassment, they laughed, but to thiS
cla'y, the girl canlit see the humour in the
situation. •
Before you men start cracking 'your-
• "sounds just like women" jokes, I'll tell
you about a• farther who pulled a similar and included in the.Veast were Sandy Broadfoot, John Eva McCartney. , will. get involv d. --•••• stunt. Mrs. Ada Reid was, visited by Councillor -Jim Sills raised file Stevens, Jeff Allen, Beth Cooper,,Bob Wilson, Gale Horton,
chambers, Other developers will
. be, asked to make presentations at grapes fdr all the residents. Miss Maritm Gxay a native of . ,
Mrs, Flor a Dalrymple was future board meetings, council
visited by Mrs. Adine. Ferris and heard. - • „,
Mr. Bill Lutz of St. Catherines The Planning Board also said
also Mrs: Reg 'Chappel, Mr. and that an extension of Side St.-,east
Mrs. Arthur Varley and-Mr. -and to meet Alexander 'St. in the
Mrs. George Varley, Silverview 'subdivision - meets 'subdivision
Mr. and MrS. Stanley Hiller) planning objectives and would
• visited with Miss Bessie Davidson provide alternate routing for
on New Year's Day. Also visiting , _ utilities- The_ PUC-• can obtain
with Miss Davidson were Mrs. easements, mayor 'Cardno said,
Larry Hubert, Edith Dunlop -and but if a road is, loned, the town
public works eommittee will instal
some ramps and have decided on
some locations,' but didn't build-
any last year because sewer
Construction was •-urkclerway.
"We can look, at it when
sidewalks are being replaced,',!
commented Mayor Betty Cardno.
•• •