HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-08-09, Page 1VOL. .XIV•. ----NO. 1231.
In the stand lately occupied by J. J.
Eomuth• & Son, and can confidently
Say that he has now the
Most Complete and Well -Ap-
pointed Store this side of
Bing greatly enlarged and refitted
throughout with all the latest im-
provements, with Open Counters and
'Glass Tops, and shall soon have the
Cash Carriers in operation. The
store is magnificently lighted and
QQ11 thH ?tlitor rho
Accommoiation of ous
numerous Ntomors,
You expect him to know all about his business and
part of yours. My long experience in the treatment
of eye troubles o• any kind and nature have earned
me tho r•eput Rion of a tiset•ol,ss Specialist.
If Knowledge, Skill and Science, coupled with Ex•
portenco and limn, Protons count for anything, go to
81 King St. East, Toronto, Ont.
WIll bo at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham, Ont.
NOM Wateir for date.
n1Z!DS12717 1VJIEE
We are making addi-
tions to our stocks
.daily.', and shall be in a
better position to attend
to their wants than ever
Men's Siloes, Children's Shoes
In fact MI lands of Shoes In !!f ark .o' Oolore1, •
It '.Don't fail to sae the prices h,.ourwindows next
For Solid Reliable Shoos 2 doors north of Post
1Yiarriage ' Licenses
Issued by PRANK P.ATERSON, NO 33, Vic-
toria. street, Win ;ham,,Ont. No witnesses
required. •
Give the Bear a call,
end see what we can do
for you.
Canada's Greatest Commercial School.
Largo facility ; Snporior courses ; Students assisted
to positions every week. Write for circulars.
SHAW w ELLIOTT, Principals.
IIOMVfl & sows,
In point of teaching staff. school equip-
ment, courses ot study, and facility in
Securing you employment. Your money
refunded if our statements prove untrue.
This is our offer to you. Write us for
papers and catalogue. Fall term com-
mences Septembor.3rd.
P. MoINTO : , Principal:
FRIDAY, , A V Vf .VTSr1 9, 1895, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE
Melt for butter a ggs at Griffin's
—It is said that the Orange Lodge of
town will run an excursion to Detroit on
Saturday, August lst.
—Mr Ceo Hug es is home again after.:
his second trip to the Old Country this
season, He app ars to en ' his outings
and they seem to 'roe wit hint.
Wine Bisouits, 8 lbs or 25o., Kerr at
—Tho party or 1 sties who took a bridle
from the Tempera e Hall on the evening
of the, eutertainme t will please leave the
same with Mr J W odd, and oblige.
—Mr. J. A. M rton goes to Hamilton
next week to atton the annual meeting of
the Grand Loclg of the Independent
Order of Oddfello He will go en his
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by HALSEY
PARE, opts. Macdonald Block, Wingham.
—Mr. Chas S Fr ser, an old-time comp.
and editor, paid is a visit during our'
holiday. We were sorry we wore not able
to welcome Mark as ho was once Chief
of Paragraphers. N uf. cert.
Sardines, Key rear, Oe.,Kerr its Conery,
‘1)–Air. J. H. Histo ke has taken a posi•
tion as salesman wi Mr. M. H. McIndoo.�
—Quite a numbe of our townspeople
went to Palmerston on the lst of August to
atteod their celebra ion, and report a good
—For the half- ear ending Juno 30th,
there "Nero register d with the registrar, .7•
B. Ferguson, Tow Clerk; 24 births 14
marriages and 14 aths.
Great bargains in summer millinery, at
Mies Wallace's.
—The "Mere, go -round'" closed its
season in Wingha on the 27th .fitly, after
e. stay of about tett clays. It was not
patronized nearly so well as it was last
year, and the of hers claim they made
nothing here.
—The first quart
Conference year was
ehurch, on Sunday
Dr. Gifford, the pi
quant and forcible se
rly meeting of this
held in the Methodist
corning last. Tho Rev.
tor, preached an de-
mon on the occasion.
Private moneys to loan on :mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf •Tonv NIDELANna.
—The Advance, u+
and with a new circ
pearance. The Tr
Comm the new pr
undertaking. ',Vint
and should support
der its new ownership
s, preaents a nice ap•
us wishes Mr. John
priotor, suooess in his
tam and vicinity can
vo good. newspapers.
X X X is going out ot hoots at any price.
—On Thursday f last week, 111r. D.
Stewart shipped a ar load of hogs to the
Collingwood Meat
--The Chief i
allowing their a
contrary to the tolvn
Wood Pails loo
—Regular menti
No. 25, Canadian 0
(Friday)Aevening, a
Gly ---Messra. Home,
have moved into t
dious store, late J.
are busy getting t
new store is one of
west of Toronto.
after t . • se who are
imals o run at large
oh, Kerr & Conery.
of Court Maitland,
—Brigadier Marg is and stlaff, of Lon-
;don,'aud all the dile s of the Palmerston
Dividen, will take art in the holiness
convention to be- I Id in the Salvation
Arnie' Barracks here on' Tuesday night,
the 13th instant. A open air meeting
will also be hold, tom encing at 7.30 p. m.
—Service in the C ngrcgational church
on Sabbath neat %1,1t !net ,sa,t the usual
hours, 114, m. anti p me, The Pastor,
the Bev. 'Henry W. Mote, D. D., will
preach, taking for 1 is morning subject --
!'Young Joshua," a d for his evoning
subject—"Peter as a +isherman," All aro
G. H. Irvin, the tailor, has put iii an
extensive stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc.
Call and see them. Good goods, good
work, good fit guaranteed. Opposite Bank
of Hamilton.
—Mr and Mrs Il
sympathy of our t
of their infant daug
on the 26th of
illness. Mrs Gard
near Stratford, wh
and Mrs Gar'
!riving only Sgew
—On Monday morn
.the stable of Mrs.
Trunk Railway stati
be on fire. The alar
firemen responded pi
had tirade such head
covered that the but
troyed before they
line of hose was laid
guised. The horses,
the contents of the s
considerable was dent
the fire is unknown.
was some insurance 0
not hoar the amount.
f/—The Wingham F
prize at the St. Mary
the 25th of July Ou
of taking the mon
tournaments, and wo
are keeping up their r
' ival home they were
a torchlight procession
and escorted down t
people turned out in lax.
honor to the boys. In vt
proceedings, the Strat
out of their way to 0
1 the Winghatct team. P
easy way to let tho Strat
easy, but t t it is not a ver
The Herald says that the
fessional runnet'S from' Ke
IWingham teani, Asa m
t Winghani team i'sdotnpos
Wingham nett, • and it
, necessary for them to go a itsido for assis-
4 tance. The time made W a 1,062, and the
second prize went to Strut
ng about two o'clock,
dint, near the Grand
n, was discovered to
was given and the
raptly, but the lire
y before being dis-
ing was nearly des -
rived. However, a
and. the fire extin-
wagon, and some of
able were saved, but
oyed. The origin of
e understand there
the stable, but did
der of Foresters, this
8 o'clock.
n & Bowles, of tho Bear,
eir new and commo-
Homuth & Son's, and
rigs into shape. The
the largest and best
Geoill roma to rent near
the Public School. Apply
to Mrs. W. Webster.
—Messrs. Geo. ' hotnsou, of Zetland,
and Wm. Wellwoo of West ,Vatvanosh,
shipped a carload o horses to Manitoba,
on Tuesday last, • or C. P. R. There
were nineteen horse in tho car, and Mr.
\Vellwood and 'Mr. Fred Thomson went
with them to dispos= of them.
—Mr. A. H. Sinai ir, of New York, is
visiting his brother -ii law, Mr. A. G. Mc-
Gregor. i1tr. Sincla• was a resident of
Svingbatn at one ti e, and sees many
changes and impro ments m the town.
He is a member of th "Art Preservative,"
and is engaged in a p nting est blishment
in that city.
Miss Hattie Stuart wisl s to intimate to
the ladies of Wingha nd vicinity that
the Dress and Ma making business,
formerly carried o y Miss Charlotte Mc-
Donald, will be c tinued by her in the
old stand, Gregory Block. Cutting and
fitting a specialty.
—The Gospel
under the auspices
Sunday evening 1s.
The chair was peen
don, aucl addresses'
D. Perrie and Mayc
was furnished by
Park. These rneeti
terest and are no d
.omen took the first
hose reel races on
boys have a fashion
at these firemen's
Temperance meeting,
f the W. C. T. U., on
t, was well attended.
ied_by Mr. D. M. Gor-
•ero delivered by Rev.
Brockensbire. Music
a choir, under Mr. H.
gs aro growing in in-
ibtproductive of much
The latest styles of Ladies' Sailor Bats,
at Diss Wallace's.
—On the 61st o ;Italy, Mr, D. Stewart
shipped a car 1 d of cattle to the Old
—Mr D Stowert shipped two decks of
sheep to the Old wintry 'market, on the
27th July, They core 0onsigned to Mr J
C Coughlin, via G T R,
The balance o our stook of millinery
goods at cost. and under, at Miss Wallace's.
'—While driving
day, in some way,
off his wagon on 1
He was stunned at
time, but is now all
—On Wednesday.
fairly well attend
held in the Tempe
auspices of Anchor
T. A good progre,n
ice cream and of
were. served.
Someting Now.
Wo are opening up a large shipment of
the BEST Boots and Shoes known to the
Canadian trade, which were
before the groat advance in
aro going to sell there, at
is a rare chance to get tl
rices, and wo
prices. This
D. M. GonnoNt.
Brooms lOo. ety t!, Herr c.2 Conery.
Tito Methodist S
was held on'.Gamlyn'
of July, the civic hol
attended by both th
parents, as well as
games, de., gave th
amusement, as well
older people tried to
with zest, at least th
not discussing impel
tions. The refreshi
abundance and whet
returning home all
splendid time.
—There died in
Illinois, on Sunday
of this town, in t
into hue sited, on Mon -
r. John Davidson fell
is hears and shoulders.
3 was unconcious for a
right again.
evening, 30th July, a
cl entertainment was
once Hall, under the
f Hope Lodge, I. 0. G.
me was rendered, and
Etor light refreshments
-For first-olass ' tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
—Considerable n
to town, but most
Carr cC Sons' mill.
Peter Deans hong
Inglis, of Kinloss
bushel for same,
fir. R. 3. B1acl
On Monday, while t•
Tugs from overhead,
fell heavily to the
severely. Medical •
is around again, th
sore. yr
bbath School picnic
prairie, on the 26th
ay, and was well
scholars and their
by others. Swings,
young people great'
s exercise, while the
enter into the sports
se of them who were
it and other ques-
ents were served in
the time came for
voted they had had a
the city of Aurora,.
est, a former resident
e person of Lorenzo
Hettlewell. Small t ox is epidemic in that
city, and the deems cl took it and only
re pleased that they lived nine or ten d ys. He leaves a wife
ord. 0e, their •ar- and three small . hildren, who are at
et at the station by present in Listow a, they having left
nd the town band Aurora about two n onths ago, or previous
to the small pox be oming epidermic. The
we,, The towns- deceased resided in ingham in 1888 and
e numbers day's do 1889, and was an employee of the Union
Ming pO the . He was a nephew of
rd papers go out.
t reflections upon
rhaps this is an
ord firemen down
creditable way.
e were three pro -
1 Veterinary Medic
noardttte in' the y
tier •of feet, the in the town hall on
d exclusively of President' W. G, 01
has neyer been oupying the chair.
of Winghatn's race
of veterinary surgeo
comities being wel
minutes of the last
read aitd confirmed
business of the me>
IDs, 'Gulley, of Wing
4ng anti well preliai
tion fo
ns ec
I ,
animated discussion,
hers present taking
journed to meet in S
Furniture Factor
the proprietor of t se Trams, and ]eaves his
wife nisd family p etty well provided for,
as he carried seve 1 thousand dollars of
insurrtnco on his lh e.
—The Independ
excursion to Sarnia
day last, was well
line from Kineardi
when the two tr
were over 900 on
on Tuesday anorni
out accident or nii
of tho trip.• 164 t'
ham station.
41—Mr. W. T. Y:.
business in town
harson, who is we
to the people of
Mr. Yates has
traveller for lies
of Toronto, the
and glassware e
and w' 1 make hi.
peg. Mr. Yates i.
and no doubt
road. Mrs. Yate:
side in Wingham
quharsou takes po
House to -day, ane
him its best wishe
. --A regular t eting of the Huron
Association was hold
Friday, July 20th, the
rk, of Goderieb, 05 -
It being the last day
doting a large number
s were present, three
represented. Tho
regular meeting were
After the regular
ing was transacted.
ant, read an interdt•
d" paper on "Meat
t and
a lengthy
K �'
nearly all the mom -
art. Meeting ad -
There were five teams no
F Gordon have the
wnepeople in. the loss{ The Best Advertisements.
ter, whose death took ; Many thousands of unsolicited letters
July, after a few days' have reached the mautifaeterers of Soott's
ho �tr'd through, its
IaiOtt from t �* C e tro h•
gnu i;
friends L'
a was visiting , g
s the child was taken use, of Consuntptios and Sorofutous dis-
re, returned home, ars eases 1 None can speak so confidently of
nrs before its death, its merits as diose Who have tested it.
rd, 'time 1.111.
wheat is coming in -
it is going to Messrs•
On Wednesday, Mr•
t a load from 11 Ir. D,
paying 75 cents per
yell, of the foundry,
king down some cast,
was overbalanced and
boor, cutting his head
id was secured and be
ugh his head is pretty
—The Baptist
was. held in the w
to the north of the_
and the children w
veyanees and spen
having swings, ga
amuse thernselve
evening approache
again brought hi
young people rut
Tho scholars tho
selves and will loo
next year's outing.
abbath School picnic
ods of Mr. Geo. Wade,
town, on the 26th July,
re Olsen, out in con
the day in the bush,
es, &o., with which to
As the shades of
the conveyances were
requisition and the
rued to their homes,
uglily enjoygd them -
forward anxiously for
Oar • of Thanks,
On giving up •nsiness ' Wingham, I
wish to extend m,' warme thanks to the
people of Wingh to n• vicinity for the
liberal patronag . e . • ;clad to me during
the many years have parried on business ;
in town, and wo Id ask for my successor,
Mr, Norman Fa quharson, a continua •nee ,
of the same. W. T. YATES,
The China House.
Tho 1f ingham Races.
The first trotti g ' meeting held under
the auspices of t . = Wingham Driving Park
Association, took taco on. the 25th ,and
26th July, and ' ere a decided success is'
every respect. Th: weather was all that,'
could be desired, tl traok in splendid con--.
dition, and the atte science large on both •
clays, but especiall so on the second day, s.
there being upward of 3,000 on the gronndo
on that day. Ever thing went off without
a hitch and the ra. es were pronounced by
,these who should II ow to be the best ever '
held. in Western nto.rio. In the 2.10
class, Capt: Hu ter,owned by Alex.
Milloy, made ono eat in 2-10, equalling
the record for tl o half -mile track in
g the 50 offered by
any horse making 2.17 -
the meeting. The
sociation are to be con -
tanner in which the -
ed, as a more orderly
gathering could not
t following is the sum -
t Order of Foresters' Canada, and winni
and Detroit, on Satur- the Association t
atronized all along the °r better durin
e to Hyde Park, and managers of the A
grstulated for the
ins left London there i races were condnc
oard. They returned `+ and well conductor
g, about, 4 o'clock, with !have been held: T
nip to mar the pleasures ;
mary of the races :
•vets were sold at Wing. 1 2.40 class, trot • r pace, $250.
Prince II.... 1 1 1
es hes disposed. of his Jim Booth..
0 111r. Norman Fargo-' Tartie .... ... 2 5 4
1 and favorably known Josephine.... .. - . 5 3 5
\\'ingliam and vicinity. Be lwstie, jr 12 9 3
+Bellwood.. 8 4 7
ccepted a position as I Lady Alvin . . ..... ..... . 7 10 8
s. Gowano, Hent &L• Co.' :Jimmie Cray.... 13 3 t>
largest wholesale china' Dofeater 4 6 dr
T. B, Tilden....... (i 7 dr
ablisbment in Canada, 'r Wilder Lee.... ........ 1l. ds
headquarters at Winni- ;Rodney , . • • • 9 ds
a pushing business. man 1 Toletto .. ....... 10 ds
ill be successful on the Tune, 2 29i, .29,, `2.25x.
and the family will re- 2.46 class, trot •r pane, 8300..
Logan IC....
or a time: Mr. Far- Thorutonian
s0ssi0n of the China , Duke
the Turas extends to osie D
!Jessie Mitchell..
for success 10 business. ,Beethoven
For a short time, lfliss 142cPherson is Time, 2 25,
making great reductions in the prices of i 2.20 class, trot
millinery. Call and inspect the stock and . Dolce
get prices. Mrs. Herdsman'a old stand. I Prince Nuttingha 1.... ......
1 Pa rock
forenoon , of Last week, ; Belmont Chief... ........... .
iiilespie was taking up'. Miss Garfield
nd-in-Hand" store, he I Time, 2,201 2?2, 2.28!.
ing at the south side of 2."s.0 class, pure 8250•
Staple Leaf, b. by \�hirl-
fng started the team I wind, J. O'Leer, . Brussels....1 1 2 1.
and the corner and 1 Stanton Maid,b. m ,by Gen. Stan -
pretty . lively pace. ton ; A. D. Midd: ugh, Grimsby 6 2 1 2
were thrown off the Beethoven, b. g., odgen & Rep-
and their contents burn, Picton2 8 6 6
€, Matt, b. g.,
W. C: exon, Hamil-
'he team continued in their " ton 4 7 8 3
ey had reached oppositO ''Valray, ch. m., D. L. Raper,Port
pp they ran into Ur, A101:Huron 3 6 8 dr
holishitur it and freeing thAlecto:, C., ch. ' 1., J. Conlon, 5 4 4 4
e canght here, one of the TltorO d . . • • • .•
he ground. A crowd soon Frank 73., g. g., J. Rattonbery,
vas soon released none the Flamflton 7 5 7 7
Kelly's wagon, there was innle Wilson, g. ' :,
ally, Montreal..
Time, 2.262,
3 2 2
.25, 2.26,
r pace, X300.
1 1 1
2 5 2
4 2 5
1 1
3 2
2 3
4 5
5 4
6 d
—On Moeda;
while Mr. Chas.
eggs from the "
left his team stun
the store. Solneti
and they carne at
started north at
Four filled egg case
wagon at the crossi
pretty badly smashed.
wild career, and when t
,11r. 0, A, Newton's ehc
Kelly's milk wagon, de
horse from it. They we
horses having fallen to
gathered and the horse
!worse. Outside of Mr.
bangle damage done,i
3 3 3
5 4 4
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. n. and 11.20 a.
m,, via W. G. (B.; 6.35 S. e,1. and 3.25
p. In., via Clinton end !Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
—A. meeting of Di�trict Lodge No. 25,
I 0 G T, comprising;
was held in Port Eli
There was a very
every Lodge in the
being represented,
nese of the meeting
short addresses tv
Bronkenshite, Gras
Wingham, and F
tary, of Toronto,.
that' the temperan
the County of Bre
wati`�held in the to
" h there
t w
n an
stirring g
Were delivered by
forth, on Sept. 2fit1i. and the Grand Se
D. M. Don -
2,251., 2.23,'3.24.
2.10 class, pur
Cant.Hunter, bt s.. •y Clear Grit ;
A.1Stilloy, Brand +rd. 1 1 1
Robt. Russell, b. s., R. Pttddi-
combo, Now He burg 2 2: 3
Gerrie B., b. m., T. rooks, Hain -
'5 ,0 :0
the county of Bruce, Ilton. , . , . .
'ri on the lst instant. Budd Dehio, b
14 Lentreat....... .
large representation, American Lad, b.
District except one combs, Noty Tly
Iter the general bust- Time, 2.17,,
tad been completed,
re delivered by W F
1 Chief Templar, of
, R Arbour,
.,..... 8 4 9
s., R. Puddi-
4 dr
16, 2.1S:w.
2.23 plass, purse $300.
Wanda, br, m., by Ridgewood ; �+
Beattie Bros., W • ighan .. , , ...1, 1
Saranac, hr. a., J. 1. cC
Spence, Grand Secre- Dulmage, R ingha
The reports showed, ChlItioe,glst0g. ntri" J.
P .,.,.,, ,...., ...
pause is prospering in Thorntoninn,11 s, ort Botiiretli,. d
A public Meeting Tithe, 2.241,
ti ball, in the evening, Starter—A. S. Smith, . St. Thomas.
13is1 o''
WM. t
o f d ruaselrh' W t
ud es , p'
a moat
attendance, J ,
as Is. , 8
interesting addresses Kincardine; Th� s. d:,apslis; Seafoxt
to Grand Chief Templar Timers --P. Scott, : russets; Chas. ICttehli.
tar . tel,Wingham.
Ii 'itetealfo,