The Wingham Times, 1895-07-26, Page 6. ! the collections will apply on the inn - t C AVtill 11 g 1 atiw prevenient of the ehurell. --- At 8 o'clock Wednesday evening the spirit of Elizabeth 3larshall, beloved wife of George Brydon, was beckoned. ' away, Last Sabbath .morning de- ceased, had a stroke of paralysis BELORAVE. affecting her right side and resulting ' ACCIDI:XT,—Thursdal,yof last tveelc in her death. Airs. Brydon was born. Basil .;finites met with a serious and 111 Stratbnaver, Sutherlandshire, what 111i+rlit have been a fatal Scotland, in April, 1819, and was J±'BIDA,M JITLY 26, 1805, 7 WINGRANM T1MES,, tTLTLY 4*6, IS%, 1er now ti i matrimony t0 1. ,tct.iclellc ilz the 'broomhandle depart - united n ma ment of the mill. Ile had thrown bereft • Brydou partner about 45 years ago, the bets fpally the p ell y which drives ill. ryd ou was shE p . herd to the the butting saw,which contimied Duke of Portland, for 30 years; came f to Canada. 9 years ago and the old stepping runllin;, for some time, and was eo le havresidedwiththeir son - attend. across the loose belt to pl �' t in-law, Walter Innes, since, They other r duties when she I alttend to some 1 e belt suddenly tightened and was have three children living, viz : Mrs. drawn lute the butting machine, Innes ; Airs. W. Lawson, whose draLtj:ing'Mr. Coultes, who became 1 husband is game keeper per to Sir Robt. tangled in it. Had the belt not broken, as it very fortunately dict, he would have been cat to pieces by the saw. :1,s it is he has a badly cut arm and is seriously bruised., but will soon be all right again. Jos. 'Nixon bad the points of a couple of his fingers taken off in the mill a few days ago. Just what's ."seeded Exclaims thousands thousands of people who have taxon Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season of. the year, and who have noted the success of the nedioiue In giving then: relief from that tired feeling, waning appetite and state of extreme exhaustion after the close eoutluement of a long winter season, the busy time attendant upon a large and pressing business dur- ing the spring months and with vacation time yet sorno weeks distant. It is then that the building -tip powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla are fully appreciated. It seems perfently adapted to overcome that prostration caused by change of season, climate or life. and while it tones arid sustains the system, it purifies and vitalizes the blood. BAST WAWANOSH. A special meeting of the East Wa- wariosh council, called by the reeve, was held Monday afternoon; members all present. The principal business laid before the board was to take into consideration an award made lately ou requisition of Janes Hick- ingbottom N. lot 28, con, 3, by Messrs. Alfred. B. Carr, John Mc- Dowell, and George Fothergill, fence - viewers, on road allowance S.} lot 28, eon. 4. After iooiiug into and deliberating over this ulattcr, it was gloved by Mr. Robertson, seconded icy Mr. Brown, that the reeve be authorized to take action and enter an appeal at once against this award, and that the clerk notify all parties interested to that effect.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Sutherland, second- ed by Mr. Scott, that the reeve and any other member of the council tie may Choose to take with him, get legal advice in this matter on behalf of the township.—Carried. Moved by lir. Brown, seconded by Mr. Robertson, that the council now adjourn till Thursday, 15th August next.— Carried. P. PO2.TZRFI1LD, .Clerk. Sinclair, Caithness, Scotland; Wm. Brydon, of Manitoba ; and Miss. Brydon. The subject of this notice was a person of rare intelligence, a true wife, affectionate mother and devoted Christian. Iler aged partner, who is 77 years of age, is deeply sympathized with. The funeral took i'eligion—Revs. Messrs. R. Henderson, i At the Western Fair, a new place from Mr. Innes', lot 24, con. 5,1 Hamilton and Anderson, with their method of distributing the prize later- elders. Temperance—Revs. Me"s'a. money will be adopted in sections 1 celne- Vvesbytexy or Duron. The Presbytery .net in Ooclerieh on the :.tit inst. Dr. McDonald was. appointed, moderator for the ensuing six months, Revs. Messrs. I+'.atelier, J. S. Henderson and Iltunilton; and lratheringham and Baxter, elders, gave a report of their attendance at the Assembly in London. Messrs. Corriere,.Andersonand b'atheringham ware appointed ointed to nominate tht3 standing committees for the year, A Rev. of sympathy with. Mr, Stewart and his family - was ire- f:cletJ, respecting the bereavement t t"y had lately sustained The re- slg'uation of Mr, McKay-, of his pas- toral charge of Le btu'n and Union church, Goderieh township, was ne- copted. The pulpits are to be de- clared vacant on Sabbath, August 4th, by Mr. R. Henderson, and Me. Anderson to be moderator of session. rJ.11e following are the standing Coln- mittees for the year : Home missions —Revs. Messrs. Martin, Musgrave and J. S. Henderson, with their representatives elders, State of DAIRY PRODUCTS AT I IJ1 EXIIIBIT'IONS. I;li J, W. \! IISIATOla, ' SECItnTAR D, A. W, 0, During September the fall Fairs take place, At all these fairs special indueements are given to exhibitors: of dairy products, The two leading exhibitions patronized by the Wes- tern Ontario dairymen aro the In- dustrial, Toronto, and the Western Fair, London. The Western Dairy- men's Association and the Ontario Creameries Association have made special grants towards prizes in the cheese and butter departments of both Toronto and. London, thereby offering special inducements in the way of large prizes to exhibitors in these two classes,' The distribution of the prize money for dairy products at the In- dustrial Fair will be conducted in the same manner as last year, with the exception. that the prizes for white cheese will be as large as those for colored. Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South American Rheum ado Cure of Rheumatism andNeeralgia radically cures in 1 to II days.. Its aoticn on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onto the cause of the disease immediately disappears, The first naso greatly benefits, 75 cents, Warranteed at Chis lom'sdrn'„ store, on Friday afternoon at 3.00. ment was made at Brussels tery. Idands and Ankles new. For years I have been a great suffer from itchy skin trouble and salt rheum. My hands and ankles were 114+14l1y raw. The first application of Dr. Chase's Ointment allayed the burning, it':hint; sensation. One box and a hull entirely cured me. It is almost instaa r relief for chilblains. Henry A. Parmeuter, St. Catharines, Ont. • • Parsimony m Tears, The details of the State funeral bill of the late Sir John Thompson, which were laid on the table of the House a short time ago, included ii bill for $1,925 furnished by W. F. Davidson & Sons, of Montreal, and charged to tiro Dominion Govern- ment. Here are the items:. 2,000 roses at 30c each... .....il 600 0 4,000 carnations at 100 each' 400 0 3,000 ferns at 20 each 75 0 500 Lily Harissi ab 3'4o each.:177 5 3,000 Boman hyacinths at 50 each 150 0 1,000 yards smilax at 250 250 0 125 paper white narcissus Wire designs 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 50' 50 00 Boxes for designs.. ..... :' i- 0 Beams for carrying designs 06 0 Time and .eapenso........... 100 0 Expressage ........ ......... 50.0 0 0 a 0 Total . • .................. X1,026 oa The Halifax Recorder now is calls an fncident•from the long -drawn -oat narrative of the State funeral, the reading of which might cause a Blackfoot Indian to blush for the shame of our Government. It is a quotation from the columns of the Halifax organ of the Government, describing the floral offerings on the solenin occasion, and is in these words: " The chief tribute of them all is on the offside. It is from the Domin- ion Cabinet. The tribute is eight •feet long by six inches wide. It rests obliquely on an inclined stand." The inscription runs: 'Short Jcarneys on a Long Road A tribute of affection from his Is the characteristic title of a profusely voted. colleagues. .illustrated book containing over one Mackenzie Bowel], hundred pages of chnrnringly written John Curran, descriptions of summer resorts in the Frank Smith,. country north and west of Chicago. The C. H. Tupper, reading 'natter is new. the illustrations pp , are new. and: the information tlieroin J. A. Ouinlet, wilt be new to almost everyou0. A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Road" will be sent, free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Geo. H. HPAPFOUD, General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago, I11, MORRIS. Mre;. Campbell, of Detroit, is visit- ing relatives on the lst and 2nd cons.—Wm. Woodrow has gone to spend the summer with his brother in Algoma.—On Saturday, 5th inst, John Gray, half brother to Jas. Duncan, 4th line, died at his homely'. Lindsay, aged 50 years. He had been ill for several years, Bright's diseabe being the trouble. The funeral took place on Sunday, Mr. Duncan attending it. Deceased left and three children to meet a't,Iwifen his demise. He was a faithful mem- 'beberofPresbyterian Rano.. N ttheC Ir. Gray visited in this locality for a time about 3 years ago, seeking health. --The re-openingservices held in Sunshine Methodist church last Sabbath were very enjoyable, large congregations being present bath Morning and evening. Rev. Mr.1 Pair, of Londesboro", preached two excellent discourses which were highly appreciated by the audiences. i Monday evening the garden party at ."hos. Wilkinson's was greatly inter - feted with owing to the heavy larbowers of rain, but even in the face this $17 were gealized, *Melt with McLean,' Stuart and Muir, with their elders. Sabbath schools -- Revs. Messrs. J. S. Henderson, Aitcheson• and Graham, with their elders. Sabbath observance ---Revs. Messrs. Carriere, Fletcher and J. A. Mc- Donald, with their elders. Finauea —Revs. Messrs. Fletcher, Shaw and Musgrave, with. their elders. Syste- matic beneficence—Revs, Dr. Alt:- Donald, ilt:Donald, J. S. Ilenderson and Stewart, with their elders. Superintendents of students—Reps. Messrs. 'Stewart, Dr. McDonald and Fletcher, with their elders. Christian Ende:fvat'--- Revs. Messrs. Shaw, .Anderson and Muir, with their elders. The first named to'be convenor of 03011 calif• makers will give it a fair trial' this luittee. Dr. McDonald and Mr, near, rIt has several advantages McLean were. appointed to represent over the old method. Every exhibi- the Presbytery at the designation of tor's cheese or butter that scores dd- A. P. Caron, John Costigan, G. E. Pioster, J. H. Haggart, J. C. Patterson, T. M. Daly, J. E. Angers, W. B. Ives. This Dominion Government trib- ute is a most beautiful creation of roses, carnations, Easter lilies, calla lilies, smilax, Roman hyacinths and maiden hair fern. The inscription is in the center. There are no epithets in the lan- guage to fittingly describe the little- ness and meanness of Cabinet Minis- ters who would thus parade their af- fection for a death and honored leader —and. charge the cost of it to the country. We are all humiliated by such a contemptible exhibition of parsimpny in tears. AGENTS WANTED—Whoto(earn desire to from 815 to $25 weekly. t u:in bii clone selling our hardy, guaranteed, Canadiar grown Nursery Stock. Salary or oomm.sei on Said weekly. Exclusive territory.. Ian - oto outfit free. Write us :it once for terms. E. 0, GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont, and 2 of the cheese and butter classes. Instead of dividing the looney into a number of stipulated prizes, sneh as. first, second and third, the total money to be distributed in the section will be divided as- follows :— " The number of points scored by each exhibitor of cheese over 94 points and of butter over 98 points shall be added together and divided into the amount offered for prizes, and this product multiplied by the excess number of points itt each case will give the amount of eaeh prize. This is a new venture in awarding prizes for dairy produets and it is hoped that our cheese and butter. Dr. Thompson, of ILirkton, to the Foreign Mission Field. eolntnittee was appointed to prepare a suitable deliverance in reference to Mr. Me - Kay's resignation. The next meet- ing of Presbytery is to be held iu Clinton on the 10th of September. The following are the contributions of the Presbytery of Huron for the year 1895 :—To Home missions,` in= eluding French Evangelization and supplemental aid, $2,745 ; Foreign missions, $2,934 ; total for all pur- poses, gain in member- ship34 557. get a p ,� f '�. ship during the year, about 200. The Presbytery includes all the Presbyterian congregations in the county of Huron, as far north as Smith's Hill, Auburn and Blyth. Eid•iey 10° s. In Jan., 1892, my son was taken t% ith Kidney disease. Though :attended by three physicians, and change of climate be grew worse and by '03 had fallen from 195lbs to 95 lbs. In 10 days from start- ing to use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills we were able to move him home. In 4 months he gained 50 lbs. and was fully restored to health by the use of this medicine. Jno. S. Hastings, 3:3 St. Paul St., Montreal. more than the required number of points will get a share of the prize money and, the differences between the amounts of the prizes will not be out of keeping with the differences in the qualities of the various ex- hibits as frequently happens by the old method. The distribution will be fairer than if aibitrary amounts were fixed for the different prizes and more exhibitors are likely to receive prizes. All goods plaeed upon exhibition should reflect the skill and Intelli- gence of the exhibitor. Every cheese - maker who exhibits •should send such goods as are the direct outcome of his skill and of his knowledgeof the principles of cheese -making: To do this successfully some definite plan should be followed. Get the patrons to take particular care of the milk for a few days while the exhi- bition cheese are being made. Then put your skill •and knowledge to work in making that m lk up as far as you know how into the very best shipping cheese. When the manufacturing process is completed give particular attention to having the cheese .pressed sym- metrical in shape, without bandages pulled down or. edges broken. In other words, do not give the judge an opportunity to deduct three or four points from your total score be- cause your cheese present an untidy or unfinished appearance. A cheese weighing about - 75 pounds and about 11 inches high always presents the best appearance on exhibition. Have the boxes for exhibition cheese to fit snugly, but not too tightly. If they are too tight the surface of the cheese is liable to be disfigured in getting them out of the boxes on the ' Fair grounds. (Some of the suggestions to cheese makers will apply to bntter makers as well. As a rule, exhibits of but- ter from the regular creameries are Usually well finished. Net so with the exhibits made by the home but- ter makers. The . general appear- ance of a large share of the private dairy butter at our exhibitions could be greatly improved upon, Discard the cotton cloth and old white rag, They may bo ever so White and clean yet they will Lumpy Jaw. An authority on such matters de- scribes this disease as of a parasitic nature, and its effect is, in the later stages, to render the animal unfit for food. Cattle affected with the disease are condemned by proper inspectors at all stock yards, and they should not be 'purchased by local butchers. Chapter 216 of the Ontario statute provided that atm a contagious disease is believed to exist amongst stock a statement can be made to any justice of the peace, and lie will have authority to employ a veterinary to examine the animal, which must be destroyed if the disease be found, as alleged. Persons having cattle effected with anything like disease should certainly have them destroyed and not seek to have them sold for human food, • Keep Men Poor. For Worms or all rile a. The clerk .night be ''boss" if lie Stns, —I Rayl need Dr.Low's Worm had the head for it. The brains are Syrup for warms with excellent results. I there, but they don't seem to work. can recommend it to all others who are with worms. troubled 1t1 0 The ;trouble usually begins in theE1iMA II/XON, Glen Oak, stomach. Indigestion keeps menaa poor because they don't know they ft certain doctor in this town i; have it, but imagine something else. n s s mean Ripans Tables insure sound digestion said to have played an awfully and a clear head. They regulato : trick on one of his lady patients re - the entire system. Ask the druggist cently whom he was called in to see. lie asked her, to hold out her tongue, fol' a .sox, t and then proceeded to write ant a "If there was only t . . A High Vatitation . prescription. When be had. finished 'r one battle of �ilig-� he said, 'that will do.' The lady yard's Yellow Oil in Maniteba1 would give said in a Irprise, 'But doctor, you ' ' d dollars for it,"writes Piller , , one hnndre b 9 l'tongue.' No It Brant, of Monteith, Manitoba, atter didn't even look atYlly g hauling mice. it fora, noon wound and for he answered, 'I only wanted you to frozen fingers, with, as he hays, ft astonish. keep quiet while I wrote the pre- ing good results." scription.'-•—St. Marys Journal. Caveats and Tradc•Mark8 obtained, and all patent business conducted for HOEENIIi'fb, FEES. My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Offtee and nay faciaties for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of Invention, with description and statement as to advantages claimed. .08'2Y -to eitrarg;14,•: made for an o_Pinfo» as to Vtitc:itarbl,'it)), and mV fee for prosecuting the application wit/ :roil ha called for mai/ tho 2:a tont -sa11021'ed. "INv:o.r to Gown," con. - - ___ _.__•__. raining full information sent free. All 0000 :Un1• rations Considered as $irlctly Sonfldontlel. D MAODONALD, E 'ANKL %'L r OUGH LJ 925 2E' .ltt'eat a' J."t,SSi... .1iu:.TOBT.?1.61. n10=1(1)1110 ...Is PUBLISHED li'Efl•Y FRIDAY MORNING .•--AT rxls— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE:STREET. WINGuAM, ONTARIO. Subegriptionprioe, $l.por year, In adVanoe ADVERTISING RATES: — Space 1 l yr. 1 (flue. — :l rue, 1 1 mo: one OofittiM 300 00 340 30 1 520' op 6'00 Half " 40.00 20 00 12 00 400, t r er0012 0 tat 207 t�0 00 2 OD One 600 300 n inch 200 i 1 1 CO 'begat and other COMM advortisemetlts, Fe. po •lioo for first insertion,. and 30. per line fo each subsequent insertion. Loo41 notices lee, pe, lice for first insertion, ands Se. per lino for eaoh subsequent insertion. No local notice will bo charged loss than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Changes Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 51 per month houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 (Ines 51 for diet month, 60e. per subsequent month These terns will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements, or fo longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without epecifte directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged nccordingly. Trau4kory advertisements must be, paid in advance Changes for contract advorticsnaonta must be in, the oalicu by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week 11. ELLIOTT Paoi,uieroa AND PUBLipaBA, usually give an appearance of un- tidiness to batter exhibits. It is better to use some kind of Dora- ment taaper for wrapping around the rolls or covering the eroeks.. Butter put up in plain rolls or paekageS as 1 nearly alike as possible, and without any faney figures, will present the who ab lood is p i#e. Stich. people }oJ wGatheGnrVµe depressing to those K%.4 best appearance on exhibition. she id enrich their blood with Food's Tilt COOK'S BEST FRIEND SS" 11<1laril.a. CUES eliCLEallp MAIER 111 0 EA, vH :t LE63A t,.° EttliS9 CHOLERA 9NFA TUNI and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the Bowels. It is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. Fee. Sale by all Ocalors. WOO MPS P$0f31'HOOTitv":. The Great English Remedy. Six I'ackages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently euro all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm• atorncca, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, • Mental Worry,exceesivo usa • ore and After. of Tobacco, Opiutnor Slimu- Be,, ✓ lents, which soon ;cad to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is rho only RCilable and Softest llfedicinie known. Askdrugglstfor Wood's Phoephodine; if he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price In letter, and Ivo will send by return mail. Price, ono package, 51; six, 85. One will please; sia w#i. cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The 'Wood Company,. Windsor. Out.. Canada, . CENTRE STREET, Wnoonnat, • ONTARIO.. 'tAT' B. TOWLER, 51,D.(1,51„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Mice Ilp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing - ham, Ont. Osten Moves. -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. an., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. J.P. KENNEDY, M D., M. 0. P.S. 0, (Succeeror to Dr. J. A. Dfeidrum.) Odd Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London General ldospital. Special Wen.tion paid' to diseases of women: and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Dleldrum,Corner- of Centre and Patrick streets. WO:M M - • OST. Sold in'vim;hanf by U. 1s'. Williams. .brug; ist. BRISTOL'S PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine. " All Druggists keep 1 BRISTOL'S PILLS 3i. B. Toronto, • fiber Collo • Physicians and: Surge. • . arid. I,. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan st lowest rate. interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, tow - and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Bieck \VLNoi0Aat For Twrntyfivo Years DUNN'S' L11ROW SAL( IN CANADA. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, am., Wingham, • Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, • Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF HAMILTON. MONEY TOF LOAN. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEROME, L. D. S.,lvuionsm, Is manufacturing first'class sets of teeth es cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new prooess, guaranteed perfe,tly safe. OFFICE: In the Bea, er Block, opposite tho,° Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 3., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College. OFFICE, MACDONALD'S BLOCK. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1ytN01tA1N, ONTARIO• D DEANS, Ja„ %IN07:AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY Or HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge& Moderate, JOHN CURRIE, WINauAst, Oar., 5101138111) At10'fIONLi:It )OR THE COUNTIES 1101103 ,131) BUMS, Alt orders left et the TIytss elute promptly attend od to. 'iori:: reasonable. JAi111S It3NDR1tSON, Lonufsk11 Aceriol lenit ]I reit OMINT:Bs Hum*Allf RUCAll salol attended to promptly and on the "Shortest NOtieC. Cliorgos Modesto and Sntisfaotion Guaranteed. All neeoeeary arranpontontt can be made M the TIMM' eilice WISOUAlt ONr ,Mone' to Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted E ONARLE RATIOS R AS Wiley Advanced on litortgagos at 5i pet oenttYit'i privilege et paying at the end of tiny year. Nord anti,iood0nts collected3t. 0BT. 101110 0 0 . E ver. Stook Wingham, Ont. 1 The young those s others their bl wrinklt with ti'v always older tl life, a 1 others they In in some the nal being,t] Whethc depend themse about i hair co upon tl were of thing i' at thirt be you very v who w •color a flesh au twenty none nor bel fine aa she ha still ; s off at 2 you ea her ey the lin of the that t that t of bee oertafl notice Sprint anotioi light quick like a and st affecti she w youth goes s and s an at NI-unde for , dress that s frivol to ab still unifc sad a reluc with way, •Ira * 'value she s that frau tory give your not 0 'tilt 1 than liarseta t titre f Men