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The Wingham Times, 1895-07-26, Page 4
4 THE WING .&M TIMES, JULY '26 1895, C. E. W!LLiAMS CHEMIST .«, ANDM.- DRUGGIST, -DRUGGIST. ACT, , N W. TELECRAPN.00 p , Brunswick House. se. C � WW.. 3.am, - - - Ont J. ing t C4' eats , pc i?1tIDA,Y JULY 20, 1895. EDITORIAL NOTES. Or the pzlisoners committed to •the' Dominos ';Fa liar hist roral-aneed, On Mooday afternoon the proro- gationof Larizatnent took ,plaaee, and the Governor-Geaaeral sleliverecl the followtog speedh from the throne.: Honorable Gentlemen of :the Sen. oto.: Gelatlemen.of the house of Cana,, ir11os ; �' za buinging this sessieneof I?arlita.. mens to a conclusion, I have, to eon- gratatlate you on the industiy and zeal whichlasse marked ;lroatr labors,i The necessary legislation having been passed, the treaty cif .commerce with France, .fuoni avhidll 'favaa:ttble ,comaaacrcial results may betexpeeted, avill,as soon.ats ratified, be put into !force by proelaaxiatiou. "The negotiations with. Newfound-' land, to which refereuee was made at the epening of the session,'have not, I regret to say., esulted in,C•tnv.egrhe- anent Ifor the present. 'The .reply of the Provincial Legislature of liana toba'to the remedial order issued by: .Central last year 215 were anarrio 1,:any Government on the 21st of lurch,: and 529: Vero single ; and 173 were was.eonstdered of suchr.a • character entered as uiporate and 571 as in-. as toijustify;postponenrent of further: temperate. 'T.emperance:and lmaarl-Lotion !until next •session. loony appear to be potent intluences : ` 1 am ,pleased to observe the grants iza niaking•a:man a good.eitizen. t of Parliament In.aid of the fund•con •tributed by the Canadian people for the benefit.of•the family.of the Bight Hon. Sir John Thompson,. ."The :amendments :*n;aseh have rbeeu made tot the lw >{elating to the .eivil service will, it is•believed, result dm increased. efficiency and.. economy, •"The:legislation of the session will IT is remarked by The Philadel Bahia i eoortd ibh tt wages ;began .first; to advance .in•tI ose industries from' which the heaviest burdens had been' removed, rand: ro eerning which the greatest disasters were predicted by .the enemies of the new tariff Ae the &Vattica Rifle .,e„ooiation 1 eresi,,.,eontribute :to an -improved :raoet at Birley, Trrgland, Pon Satnr- eada?etiistrattion of .criminal law, the tii ancement of commerce and the . day, .Private Hay:b,-ei t, of tll,,r;' ;tension of :railways- and telegraphic Battalion, Ham.Itc>;.1 Ont,. 1w r her communication, Majesty the �leoefee pIze. This is ( '"Gentlemen of tthe House of Coln. the highest. Qu' t?1 vhicla British 1 moue: I•thaek-. ou for :the liberal ni#trksmen tan •at air. It has never provision which .you:beve .made for beitore been,vv0n ' t a member of the the -services of ,the,current year. Caltadian wave ..Canada is proud of "Honorable Gentlemn of the P.ravate !stand Hamilton. Senate • In relieving ayou:from your „ass .. on Parliament -was duties, 1 venture .to eepress.the hope pI•orogued on 11on�.lYty, after athree that you .will .find.amoug the i peapie sot_ aeppesent.a,tcontinuanee .of that mouths sessi i. -Ott Satttrd, y the I prosperity :vbieh.lnarl ed the canenin g Government batten/need a bit_ ,dala3-1 of the .veal::' ing with the Hudean. Bay R !way - after•repeatedirorn that such a I ., bill would not :be •3lealt with .and 1 House R;eiise° Notes. • Most of the members had gone home. f The .brief 1ayers, Messrs. ;Hay Thanks to the i:, :eats, the bill was wooden: Pryor, have :completed ,their ez ft 'shorn of its we -;tures before' •be- work of the walling ,of the lite ing allowed to p&. THE Do einien Government it seems, is detern• isa'to make main a l a:ST w AW.A1 OSFL .i''roin the East W'awanosh voters' list for 18;15 we learn that in the township there are altogether 049 Voters. Thoee are di ided as follows: Persens.•entitled. to vete at both muni- cipal elections and elections to Legis. !Wive Assemb"ly, "O7, p sola entitled 'to vote at municipal electi,crn only, SS,; persons entitled to vote at ,elections to the Legislative Assembly Mr. .1'.SJerome, :Dentist, Wing. ham, says: "Williams' Little 1Janclelion. Pills are the best in the market." r. Geer. Crate enanh Tarnberry, says: "'There is tie Pill equal lo Williams Little Deudelion .fills," 1'4r, Finlay Anderson, Ex -Deputy - Reeve lernost stat sf1 oto y !Pill 1 have ue used ri Thomas Taylor, Warden for the County of Hyrou, saps; "I would not use any other Pill." Clots, Proctor, 4th line of Morrie, only, a7, The total number of Lytle"l would not be Without Walllame persons leli;i;�ible to serve as jurors as 1 Dandelion Pills. .3 7,, Jas, Gaunt Essarden for County of Bruce, says:' W"I have round them in- deed a wonderful Pill." BLYTH. Hundreds of like Testimonials .furnish - A baseball match, on Tlrarsdav ed on :application,. last, between Clinton and T3lytli clubs, resulted in favor of the former by one run, the score standing, 19 to 18.—The Blyth ;junior football club defeated the Winghan .;juniors, on Sat>arday Inst, b3r a score of two goals to oro.—T. IV, Scott and J. W. Bell Paid Wingham a' flying visit on Saturday. -Bev. Mr. Buggki'sdriver gotInto the garden on Saturday and was poisoned 'by paris gueen which 'had 'been applied 3to destroy the bugs.. w awanosh, 'is seriously ill ;at his son inllwe s, MIr•. Isaac Cowan's,, GORRIE. Butter -•-12 packages of dairy butter at 100 ni 17c; 2]. packages of cream- ery butter at 17e @ 18e, In eheese everything above 71e was small sized or twins. Peterboro, July 23. --At the ad - joule -led Cheese Board to -day 5,686 boxes June cheese, last half, were boaircled for the third time. The bidding started at 7c, which was lirJoseph 7 i f advanced to 8 1.16e, which was ac- cepted by 33 factories. Seven fae- tortes took 81-e and one sold at 8c. The salesmen then boarded 3,784 boxes of their July make, but buy- The•q,uoit'Clnb of this ,place has era were unprepared to bid to any -been doing •some 'good. •!playing • this extent, only one factory accepting; with the highest offer , :81 e,• Madoe, July 2'3.—Nine hundred boxes boarded; 3600 sold at 8 1-116 and 8ie, Ingersoll, July 23. --Offerings to= day, 4,142 boxes, principally balance June make. No sales; 8_le bid. Bctbert 131ow, of this place, passed Campbellford, July' 23, --..At the away on Tuesday of last week, after, , meeting of the Cheese Board here a'lingering tklness. • She leaves a this evening 900 boxes white were widowed 'father, two sisters -and two boarded. The sales were to War- ringtonbrathers to mourn her lass, who llavo ( of Belleville, - 425 boxes at the -sincere sympathy •of;all in their ! 8e; to Hodgson Bros., Montreal, 140 sad !bereavement. f boxes at 8e. 1Belleville, July 23.—At the Belle - 'WEST WAWANO, ' . ville Cheese Board to -day 29 factories 14Er.7't.. K.Miller, the genial- clerk [offered 2,005 boxes white and •300 of dile 'township,. ,who has !been ill boxes colored. The following sales for some time, is Improving—On were Made eel at 8� boxes white at 8c, Monday week, !tiles Tsabel:]a Camp- bell, of tyhie township, died at Goder- ich. ,She bad 'been in a •poor •state of health :for •sore time. Her disease was dropsy, She'was'aged 47 years. The bereaved mother and relatives have the sympathy ofthe•cornnrnnity year. Their `4irst match. was v i 1 Listawe1, anti they Caine •eff victors. On'the return match, Listowel were dediared the .winners. 'The club then played Teeswater, and after a elose,eontest,aeame out ahead.—Miss Luey Blow, second daughter of Mr. th and it Et, .aadmitted by all who see itextended to mens.—iliErs.thJohn n cCrostibeeave- ,r who that they bane sustained their bas been 1311 for :some Is recweer- was a fair, d d deservedly good reputation as first- ing nicely—1[aster'Charles Girvin, producing animals but there for some of their needy sur orter� class ineehzianes. Contractor S. S. eldest .son of Hugh Girvin, the improvement in the prices of cattle,no 1 p s, Cooper has .erected the roof, which popular Reeve of Ash taeid who' has as the following ;paragraph win is well hued carnes. •strong and f •o been trosibled with piaeris• is grad- r while calves and lambs were rather hipped form ofi'el� the least ually .recovering. 1 y g lower priced than on Thursday. in the . Good cattle sold at about 40 per Ib.,. Etntzsh cattle Markets, and Louis Picard paid 4Gc per lb. John Swan Ss Soris r(ihnited) for a pair of choice beeves. Pretty d good stock sold at from 3,ic « E G' 34C per lb. ; common dry cows from 2,}.c G 3;c, and the leaner beasts at from 2e G 2-t c per- lb. Good 'calves sold at from $5 ri $8 each, and common ones from $2 @ $4.50 each. Shippers are paying from 3e «� neper ib. for common to good ewes, and do per Ib. for good wethers and shearling ewes which never had a lamb. Good lambs sell at from $3 @ $3.75 each,. and common ones at from la 2 25 L Live Stock Markets. Montreal, Jaly22..._There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 300 calves, and 650 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abat- toir to -day. The. butchers were pre- sent in large numbers, and there eman for the best meat } ro m show: nom* of the saflieaals employed ' its hi d .f . .� eHamilton custom. house re- resistance to the force ofthe winds ceived notice froiu Ottawa Tuesday. Which nralst noeeesaiily .be very morning that they are ,to be super- �=str ong at so great .an .elavation. A alinuated. Their names .are A. T. P erery*tine view of the surrounding, Edinburgh, in their weekly report Mackenzie, surveyor and:acting col.. oun..iy is alfgrded' fi;om the roof.! say the trade through the week for lector; R. L. White, ehief ,clerk; w I The slate is uow.on its way and itl home cattle has been good and previ- w se x ected.to have ail :closed • t]cht '©us prices well maintained. • In clerk, al.rrt: Herbert p oodward ` Dixon, chief landing waiter. THE Lindsay Post tbusa eatly puts the matter of our national debt "The net debt of the ,ectvntry is now said to be $246,000,000, but the gross debt is 8351,089,396. There is nothing small about the debts contracting quavlities of the fktaava largo number b5 the first of next month. To � flasSt�tes and Canadian cattle, which ss sfv enquirers as to why the build- met a much hag was carried no higher .a, most quieter market at eon - potent reason is that the Govern- siderable reduction in price, Sheep meet regulations do not How favor ( and Iambs have also met an :active the erection of a third story on this i beendehand and prices generally e have class of .building, a most hnidr►ane firmer in many cases an ..s a read:. Fat rule when it is borne in tnind that cI vesce of from 15 to 2 i the elves of is a fair shoR have met are rine' , a worsed rel ll p � y marl.;iet, and pigs, forward in model- ate supply have made more money. Store sheep scarce- and previous prices ealsily maintained. There was a targe supply of store cattle; pr ce Har on aeeotant of its great length which have !net a quieter trade at of silver it would take nearly 22,300 tons of silver to pay it. Piling silver d'olltars one upon another, five to the inch, to represent ter suns would re- quire a stack over 1,014 mils . Irf I Government. The liinisters titre f the the ci an decrepit and feeble, to whom >• of stairs is a tasku determined to build a lastingd of g r,00nu- pain and, difficulty. The building ment to themselves. Did yon. ever now stands forty-two feet above the stop to think what a stupendous atm I grade line, and onlylooks that debt is? At the current•Iotnewhat Contraetor MeBeth is to be on to the - less money, several lots being left barn in fail force this week. T. unsold. :Bitch cows, a smaller show, Walker has built the foundation in !net a better trade at prices 20s G az most satisfactory way•, the only ; rat a head in advance of last week's the am should have es, Best beef,. 8s 3d @ 8s 9d per stone mutton, 7d G Bid per Ib. Even the counting of such a suni is i ben finished by note,---News-Record. .an: enorrrnous work. And this will I see many millions added to it. What t do the people propose doing about " .it ? ' The Stratford Herald. says: Rev. G. 1. Salton, pastor of the .._.....___.---..,,,,!---_,,-..-'----•.,..-1 Central l,x-3loclei:ator Rev,`3fethodist church, than whom there Dr. Mackay, i is no more enthusiastic '.eyelist in the' the Iforrnosa rnissionary, is making' city, performed a feat the other day :preparations to return to his post in I that demonstrates the sliperiority of Tamsul, Formosa, where he will re-; the bicycle as a meas oflocol sunle his work in company with Iiia 1 over such antiquated paeans of travel locomotion Chinese assistants. "1 an icipao' as railroads ete, and incidentally great changes with the Japanese in 1 showed that 110 is�a scoreli til !.lower," said the doctor to an inter.1 local crack-a;jaeks will have to 'viewer, "but 1 do not anticipate any; figure with where they set out to tell hindrance of the missionary. work it ! of long rides in fast titne. Tho oonsegiteuse. 1 do not expect inuch clerical 'eyelist. left Stratford for from theca, and at the same time do: Underfelt an Monday morning Iast, of expcet to eiperieoce any serious • getting out of the city a few iftleulty. There has been one minutes after the 5.50 train for God. faVorehle irndioation since the war,1 erieb. Travelling at a goodlyace n And that is than the Japanese have he caught up with the tr p Manifested a -deeper interest in evan- ' his own, reaching Clinton the work. This is shown by the time as the train.. Leaving Clinton fact that they Have permitted the Mr. Salton gained on the iron horse distribution of Bibles amongst the and arrived at his destination some Japanese soldiers, end these were minutes ahead read 'without it of the trait interference oni, Mr. lithe.. coovvrinnent:' the part Salton, with becoming modesty, dceloed to give the time of Mon ♦, 1 0 asBdent - in am. —Townships, 13e e 150;western low as 3Me per Ib., but the ruling ° eYg1 W. T Yates grocery, b. No feeders were offered. Milch cows and springers were quiet. Prices wore nominal, $20 Cc' 830 each, Sheep and lambs wore dull. Lambs sold at 81.50 0' $2.50 each,. Export sheep were quiet at 3c C�' +3,c per lb. hogs were a little firmer for all offering, and sold readily, Best bacon hogs sold at $5,15 per cwt., and thick fat bogs at 84.75 ; stores, at $4 25 (a, $$4.50; stags, at `2c �� 210 per lb., anci sows at 31e ® 4e per ib. East Buffalo, N. Y., July 23.—The receipts of cattle since last report were all consigned through, and as a result there was but little doing. The market was remarkably steady. I3'ogs-.-Receipts, ten ears. The Market was dull for all kinds. Yorkers, 85,55 @ 55.00 ; goocl medi- ums, $5.40 :5,45,• common to good heavy ends, $4.85 85 ; rough, $4.50 a $4.70; pigs, 85.60 . �a $5.65 ; stags, $3.75 ,t $4,50. Sheep and lambs— Receipts, 31 ' cars. Only one ear fresh arrivals. The market ruled dull and unchanged, with but little demand from any source. Clipped sheep, export ewes and wethors, 88.50 �l' 54; good to prime handy wethers, 83.25 to 83.50 ; fair to good mixed sheep, 82.75 to 83.25 ; com- mon to fair, 81.50 to $2 ; culls, two to 81 ; clipped yearlings, fair to choice, 82.75 to $3.50; culls and common, 52.25 to $2.75; fair to good, 83.25 to $4.40 ; culls end common, 82.25 to 82.75 ; spring lambs, good to best, 84.50 to e5. 11011110.11, A CHEAT �Ei m Cod-liver: Oil is useful beyond any praise :it has ever won, and yet few are willing or can take it i.1 its nat;.r•4 ? E,tate. Scott';; Ena.ti. ic�r1 of Cod-liver Oil is not offensive; it is al- most palatable. Children like it. It is Cod-1iiv,^. r 011 made more effectual, acv combined with the T -r y pophosphites its streng theninng and fiesl forming powers are largely increased. Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute 1 Scott & Govmc, 8ellevfIIe, 50c. and $i. CRAIN C OPPINC. Havi.,g secured power front the Witi ham Flee Light Coupany, 1 hate put in charpin;r stony the Electric Light power house, Lower wingha arid am prepartd to do chopping at all tithes. T ratrona, o of the public is solicited and satisfae guaranteed. Win_hatn. July 10th, 1895. ROBERT hIAlxrBr7.6 TICE TO CREDITO"• D7:ARRE'r =POUTS. lvlxaluAnz, Winghani July 25, 1895. Cerreetea by 1?, Beans, Produce Dealer. I!`lour per 100 lbs,. ,,,,.,,, 2 40 to 2 05• Pall Wheat 0 75 to 0 76 Spring Wheat ,. 0 75 to 0. 75• Oats, •..,, ,.,.., 0 $2 to 0 34 Barley 0 40 to 04,5 4,,,,,...: Peas.... .... 0°1) 5$ to 0 G0•. Butter, rolls , 0 12 to 0 1S Eggs per dozen ..... 0 09 to 0 09, Wood per cord ... , . , 1 25 to 50 Ha per ton .. 4 00 Hay p �.,,13 00 til Potatoes, per btisuel, , , .. , , , 0 30 to 0 85, Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05' Dried col,kpplos, per lb 0 4 to 0 Dir 0 20 to 0 25• CrzNsox. Pall Wboat, (l 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheat. , , .. , , 0 75 to 0 80' Barley...,,.. ....... 0 45 to 0 50 Oats 0 84 to 0 35• Peas ..., 0 55 to 0 60 Potittoes, per bushel.. ,, ., , , 0 40 to a 50' Butter..... . 0 11 to 0 12; Eggs, per dozen , .... , .... 0 09 to 01.0' 3 Hay .. J 00 toll 00 143 Cordwood,. « 3 00 to 4.00 Wool..,. 0 18 to 0 18 �ntalras�^w-na- >,,.. GEORGE GOOD —1 or— SOLID, RELIABLE BcJOTs 8c r; a] s .. r ONEY FOUN Found in Wawano cu the 6th Concession, on or a• e 15th of June, a sura of money. .e lo g• can have sane by describi, • t, B. H, TAYLO', Marnoch P. O. if i rarmirs! Li at ?hI Brickyard, hIOTT ave lots S.. Defthe BRI01.gham and other DRAIN tiesE a an reand. selling tat said reduced prices, but we cannot be undersold. and our brick and tile are as good as � can any by the!n the car load or province.10,000 or 12,000 file fully as low as can be pur- `chased anywhere. We have also a great 1 quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale. I Wingham, May 16, g 5E' ELLIOTT. LAND FOR SALE For sale, about 600 acres of land; 200• of it nearly aIi in pasture; with first-class I buildings; large part of it underdrained, the balance, about 400 acres, mostly. new W.i, land, with a large quantity of timber still on ' it. About 750 aures cleared and tris, seeded for pasture. Land will make a s at first-class pasture. 'Farm situated two - 'r'' miles from Wingbam: On the premises tion is a good saw mill in running order. All I will bo sold on reasonable terms. Por • particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125,. 1 Wingham, Ont. a IN TRY F. Go' IN r3IL J11a oe TEM 8rAT '.r• I j ?�yy � Hisxar:I iL�T11�4t F1 Or THE Tows .r'Wrxa3ra'z, id�,l WY Or 7 Notice is hereby ads lr. Gordon has made an effects to mn, the under creditotra, nnder 1t, F. mens tercet. tht he above namedi;enry ni u i uent of his estate and ed, for the benefit of his p. 124 and the amend - held at the office of eet Fast, Toronto, 1805, at 3 p. tn., coons as to the claims, duly ore the 30th all proceed niy to the, ee, 6-75 V ,gham. t t! 82.75 each. Pat hogs have been I A meeting of cret ors will advancing in price, 5c per lb. being I on bla•s E3yi t to V fir day not Jut paid for fed hogs and 54e forgood to appoint ins eters and give d. > disposal of t estate. hogs just conte off the. ears. Creditors •e requested to file the Toronto, July 23.—The Toronto proven.as quested by law, on or b live stock market to -day was dull tic' s to dies and easy. Cables were no higher, and demand'from buyers here was not heavy. Receipts were large—GB cars, including•' 900 hogs and 85 calves, Lxport cattle met with slow • sale, and the fact that quality was an Mantle Cuitltlg and -Itti ig 1 y instant, after which date oga eiaitits of ilrhi•lithe I hall have having E. J. CLARK, Ass with snap shot bargains to suit the times. 'ATCHES Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, Warranted for four years, WALNUT MSS - Lau SL= CLOCKS,,. Has returned to town and is prepared to do From 52.50 up. Dress Mantle s d 01, poor kept demand crown and prices in the latest styles, ' ' We have the largest and low. The best sale was tweet HATS .AND BONNETS i most complete stock of Dairy Markets—Jill? 22', head weighing .an average of 1,180 PAJ.�T•ERNb of all kinds cit in the latest styles tr eat—Cheese, 7e a SC. Butter'i tbs. sold at 4e less. Some sold ander short notice, remoueiled and trimmed. tv sh 11e; C% 13c. price was 31e et. Lie per ib Choice- — -----� LiverpooI—Cheese steady; demand butchers' . MONEY TO LOAN cattle lvere scarce The moderate; finest American colored best sold at 6e per Ib. This was the (new), 38s Gd. Butter---liinest H. S. and good, nominal.. New. York—Butter firmer; state dairy, Ile (; 1G?;c; da., creamery, 17c ;r 17a.c; western dairy, Die eft 1: • exception, and the ruling price for picked lots of to -day's offerings was 31c 8c per Ib, Common sold at 21e ©.21e. Stockers and feeders Were quiet, A few light stockers were bought for Antwerp at 2;rc per On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of five years or over. Principal payable at end or term or annually, it desired. JOHN BURGESS, Agent f H Bluevale P. 0., Ont. n, Ont. ` SILVERWARE, _.. suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in the County. E'YESIG•ItT TESTED PRl,"E, LV -watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guaranteed, by MUSITA •, lie Optioran.. 3e; do, dieamery, 12e Cs 171e; do., b 1 3 or Huron and Erre Loan and ,f 1 Savings Co.,condo O t . W inham, Nov. 15th, 1894. f:tetor$T, Sery 12�c- h'lgins 17tt Cheese steady; state large, bee G 7••c do., fancy, Tae @ lie; do., small, • AN�.E'�`�E�.ERY COMPOUND ``+ Q�� r'e " 12e - 81e; pati skims, 26 G 5e; full NERVE R i r C O ai5! slims, l: e« P Oy U N D the Utica, Board of "W Irl'JII. 3iEE;b`, IRON AND W���' [� f a,� Trade Utica—At + • , rade to -clay the following sales of The Best Blood Purifier, 'J' a Per every J. err ! You will get more genuine offered to mankind. We permanent benciit out of ON]J BOTTLE do not fear aom= cheese were made: - 150 boxes at 7c;I. paris chic and General Health B sto 4.730 treses at 7•#e; �,fi�10 boxes al LL of 7t �e 50 boxes at 7„e; 021 boxes on :,_,MANLE '•'S OJLERY-NERVE CO VY'POUND commission; 22 butter. ; paciiages of ereamer�. than out of a whole dozen of` any other "Compound” on the market. It co t 1 on G r vClclrtxla instead of Ar.corror„ Try it ! You will then know the truth. Bn5 no aLI•AR sand is based Little Palls --The following sales/ R+ BC xL . were made: -83 'boxes at le; 3,434, UR AND O"i' �` btite;.s at va ' K, 6t1 bore, rat c, 447 WILLIAMS' A� rr A rr►.,,..i�r•� the 'utt� boxes at 7rt; 20J faeces at tie. YYi.r./�it�V i ��r /�i ONTARIO'.�99